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2nd Official Observation

Observer: N. Martinez

Date: 1/31/14
Time/Pd: 9:30-9:55

Observed: SSR, Reading Strategies, Novel Projects

Areas of Growth:
Work on maximizing instructional time. For example, even though it is SSR Friday, a warm-up covering a tested
objective would maximum that time. They then could get started with SSR. Today you gave them options to read
or do. Make sure they everyone has a reading check or exit ticket or some product to turn in that period to ensure
skills are being met.
Areas of Strength: Clearly, some students are trained well for SSR as some started before class and during
announcements. I like that you are consistently bringing to your students outside opportunities to share with them.
I have seen you do this every time I have observed you. Also, your involvement with creating clubs has been
noticed. This is commendable for sure.
Reflection: Since you are doing SSR every Friday until the end of the year it is crucial to create activities that link
up to specific objectives to ensure rigor. For example, vocabulary within text. STAAR obj. (1) (A-E). Look at those
objectives to devise exit tickets or even large assignments to couple with SSR. Also, have them write out a question
about what they just reading using those EOC stems. Or have them create a SAR question and answer it with
evidence from the text.
Also, next unit. Have them to read informational/expository texts instead of novels so they can practice those skills.
Magazines, etc. Would you be interested in me modeling anything in the lesson cycle for your class or what part of
the cycle would you like more guidance in? Just let me know whatever you need and I will assist you.

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