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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 4

Key: SW = Students will | TW = Teachers will | SWBAT = Students will be able to | HOTS = Higher Order Thinking Skills
SIOP Lesson Title: Burros Tortillas Realia Walk
Content Standard(s):
Language Standard:
S1-B-1, 2
S2-B-1, 2, 3
Common Core Standard:
Type of ELL student: Basic
Key Vocabulary:
metate- grinding stone
masa- dough
tortillera- a tortilla press
comal- griddle
tortillas- flat bread
burro- donkey
vengan aqu- come here!
Realia- real objects or photos
Implement, Interpret, Recognize,
Describe, Identify

Visuals/Resources/Supplementary Materials:
Realia objects/photos
KWL Chart
Burros Tortillas (handout)
YouTube video-

Grade: 7

Connections to Prior Knowledge/Building Background: Before students enter the room, teacher displays realia (real objects or
photos) throughout the classroom. TW instruct students that they will walk around the room and talk with other students in their
groups as to what they think each image or object is used for and their experience with the object. TW place students into groups of
three. (TW place at least one student in the group with previous experience with making tortillas or observing tortillas being made).
SW walk around the classroom and talk about their experience with the realia. SW make predictions for how it is used. TW show
students a YouTube video of how traditional tortillas are made using the comal. TW ask the students what kinds of things they eat with
a tortilla. (TW explain that tacos at Taco Bell can be eaten with either a hard shell or a soft shell. The soft shell option is a tortilla.)

Content Objective(s):
SW use illustrations to describe the storys
characters, setting, or events.
SW participate in collaborative
conversations with diverse partners.
SW ask and answer questions about key
details in a text.
SWBAT retell the story, using key details.
SW determine or clarify the meaning of
unknown words.
SW write narratives in which they will
recount at least two events from the text.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 4

Meaningful Activities:
TW use pre-reading strategies by share the
cover of Burros Tortillas book with
students and ask them to describe it and
make predictions about the story. SW
discuss their predictions with their group
TW provide students with the KWL Chart.
As students learn new words, SW use this
reading strategy to draw a picture of the
nouns in their chart and write a sentence
using that word.
While teacher is reading, students learn the
Spanish vocabulary words that appear in
the book. (Native Spanish speakers will be
encouraged to describe the words.)
TW act out the words or point to the
realia images located around the
classroom for identification. TW sound out
the words slowly and clearly.

TW assess student answers and knowledge
to the vocabulary on the KWL chart (Spot
TW ask what does vengan aqu mean?
TW will cold call and ask students
questions during the reading.
TW engage students in conversations and
discussions about the words.
(TW encourage Spanish-speaking students
to share their knowledge about the words.)

Language Objective(s):
SWBAT identifying the meaning or usage
of sight words and applying in context.

Meaningful Activities:

TW have each student write two
vocabulary words that they
underlined/highlighted from the text on a
mini-whiteboard. TW ask students to share
them with the class and their definition.
TW also walk around the classroom to see
their work. TW have students discuss the
words, phrases, and sentences they chose to
summarize the main idea of the text.
TW ask students which were some of their
favorite no responses and discuss it with
the class (HOTS). TW analyze and ask
students to locate where in the story they
could locate the answer.

TW conclude the lesson by instructing students to write a letter to their future children/friend about their family. SW will write a letter
about their family members in complete sentences including at least two adjectives. SW also draw a picture of their own family tree
and label their family members using the Spanish vocabulary that they learned. This will allow students to work on their writing skills
as well as make connections to real world practices.

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