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NAEYC Statement of Commitment

As an individual who works with young children, I, Rosa Smith, commit

myself to furthering the values of early childhood education as they are
reflected in the ideals and principles of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.
To the best of my ability I will:
- Never harm children
- Ensure that programs for young children are based on current
knowledge and research of child development and early childhood
- Respect and support families in their task of nurturing children
- Respect colleagues in early childhood care and education and
support them in maintaining the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct
- Serve as an advocate for children, their families, and their teachers
in community and society
- Stay informed of and maintain high standards of professional
- Engage in an ongoing process of self-reflection, realizing that
personal characteristics, biases, and beliefs have an impact on
children and families
- Be open to new ideas and be willing to learn from the suggestions
of others
- Continue to learn, grow, and contribute as a professional

Ethical Responsibilities to Children I-1.3To recognize and respect the

unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.
Through, my years and experiences working with young children my
passion and commitment to supporting the whole child has become one of
my purposes in life. The Head Program has adapted The Developmental Screening (ESIR) tool and The Devereux Early Assessment (DECA) to help identify possible delays. The ESI-R
screening identifies potential developmental delays while The DECA assessment helps identify
children behavioral concerns. This is important because in some cases children are not being
identified as early as possible with a developmental delay. As a result children have to wait to get
the help they need to meet their developmental/social needs. Because, of my personal

experiences working with young children with behavioral challenges it is my responsibility to

each child and family I serve to reflect on the unique abilities, abilities and potential each child
has to be a successful individual in life.

Ethical Responsibilities to Families

I strongly believe it is important for me to create relationships of mutual respect and trust with
the families I serve. Part of the Head Start Philosophy is based on the fact that: The family is
believed to be the principal influence on the childs development. Head Start believes that the
whole family should be involved with the child in the Head Start Program. Families in the Head
Start Program are provided with the program philosophy as part of the enrollment process,
before their child enters the classroom. I believe this is important, because it provides parents
with a better understanding of what our program stands for and why we teach as we do. Once,
the child is enrolled in The Head Start Program we the teachers complete a first home visit with
the family. This allows for families and teachers to meet in their environment making the H.S.
classroom transition a little easier for both the families and teachers. Having the chance to
complete home visits allows us to answer any questions or concerns the parent may have
regarding their childs education. Having the opportunity to inform and partner with families
allows us to provide them with the resources needed to support their needs.
Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues
I believe every person should be treated with mutual respect, trust, collaboration and
cooperation with co-workers and colleagues. Through, my faith I have instilled the above
characteristics. I believe it is my responsibility as a professional to uphold these characteristics to
have effective relationships with my colleagues and co-workers. The Head Start program has

provides me with Professional Development Training, Code of Conduct Training, Program

Evaluations and Program Surveys to help identifies areas of concern. The Head Start program
has also, linked the teacher with a mentor to support our needs. This year I have had the privilege
to work at the Glendale Community College along, side with their instructors. This has been a
learning and reflective experience for me. Because, through communication and the respect I
have for the GCC staff I was able to reflect on areas I can improve in. Through communication
and collaboration we were able to identify areas of concerns with our Head Start Program. Some
of the areas we were able to address as a team were on behavioral issues, self- reflections, safety,
childrens learning, and ideas to support parents with trainings. Having the respect to listen to my
co-workers and colleagues has given me the opportunity to grow as an individual and support the
NAYEC Code of Conduct.
Responsibilities to co-workers
It is my responsibility to support my co-workers in meeting their professional needs and
professional development. This year I have the opportunity to work with a new teacher.
Although, she comes from another Head Start Program she had not had the opportunity to work
in a double session classroom before. I understand it is also, my responsibility to help support her
teaching style. I
Describe specific examples of how you implement the ideals and
principles for this section of the Code of Conduct
Responsibilities to employers
Describe specific examples of how you implement the ideals and
principles for this section of the Code of Conduct
Responsibilities to employees
Describe specific examples of how you implement the ideals and
principles for this section of the Code of Conduct

Ethical Responsibilities to Community and Society

Describe specific examples of how you implement the ideals and principles
for this section of the Code of Conduct
Describe specific examples of how you implement the ideals and
principles for this section of the Code of Conduct
Describe specific examples of how you implement the ideals and
principles for this section of the Code of Conduct

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