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Course: MBA

Specialization: Marketing

Subject: Principals of

Assignment: SWOT

Submitted By: Farhan Abid

Submitted To: Sir Amjad


Introduction of PTCL
PTCL is the largest telecommunications provider in Pakistan. PTCL
also continues to be the largest CDMA operator in the country with
0.8 million V-fone customers. The company maintains a leading
position in Pakistan as an infrastructure provider to other telecom
operators and corporate customers of the country. It has the
potential to be an instrumental agent in Pakistan’s economic
growth. PTCL has laid an Optical Fiber Access Network in the major
metropolitan centers of Pakistan and local loop services have
started to be modernized and upgraded from copper to an optical
network. On the Long Distance and International infrastructure side,
the capacity of two SEA-ME-WE submarine cable is being expanded
to meet the increasing demand of International traffic. With the
promulgation of Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act 1996, the
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority was established as the
Telecom Regulatory body. Following the open licensing policy in BUY
@ PKR 45.40 accordance with the instructions of Government of
Pakistan and in exercise of powers conferred by Pakistan
Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act 1996, the basic telephony
was put under exclusivity and PTCL was given a seven years
monopoly over basic telephony which ended by December 31, 2002.
The year 2006-07 in the telecom sector witnessed a phenomenal
growth in the mobile phone sector in Pakistan, which doubled its
subscriber base to 60 million. The Teledensity increased from 26%
to 40%, helping to spread the benefits of communication technology
across the country. PTCL's mobile phone subsidiary Ufone's
subscriber base grew by more than 87%, from 7.49 million to 14
million. The year also witnessed the entry of major telecom
companies, most notably China Telecom and SingTel, into the
market. Restructuring and re-engineering are in their final stages
along with the implementation of ERP system. From the end
customer's perspective, a major initiative was put in place in the
shape of 'Broadband Pakistan' service launch as a first step towards
providing its customer with more value added service and
convenience. With this offering, the PTCL not only bringing the
benefit of high speed Internet access to subscribers in major cities
but will also generate new revenue streams for future growth. The
company also continued to invest in infrastructure development and
addition of network capacity with a view to enhance services and to
expand its reach across the country.



• Largest operational network and infrastructure within ICT

(Information & Communication Technologies) segment.
• An integrated Monopoly.
• Market leadership in Local loop, Wireless local loop (WLL) and
fixed telephony.
• PTCL (Ufone) is market challenger in GSM segment.
• Ufone is performing well though Warid and Telenor are tough
competitors. PTCL, Ufone’s profitability increased by 49.2
percent to Rs 977 million in 1H/FY07 as compared to Rs 655
million in the corresponding period last.
• Competitors still depend on PTCL network either directly or
• Experienced Telecom Resources.


• Not been able to nurture its growth around customer

services oriented strategy.
• Not been able to nurture its growth around customer
services oriented strategy.
• Monopolistic culture has further added to its complexities.
• Paknet, the internet service provider arm of PTCL continues
to incur losses due to poor management and lack of
network optimization.
• PTCL-V, the fixed wireless phone service is poor.
• Over employment & low productivity.
• Slow decision making including external interferences.
• Corporate culture akin to government departments .

• Low teledensity of Pakistan.

• Have vast infrastructure and real estate assets which can be
leveraged further.
• Global connectivity reliability has been improved. PTCL is
expanding the long distance and infrastructure side through
spreading out two sea-me-we submarine cables.
• Partnership with new entrants in a deregulated environment.
• Scope for efficient/cost effective operations.


• Increased competition in long distance continues to exert

• VOIP use is increasing despite ambiguous and discriminatory
• Exposure to market competition.
• Migration to Cellular Networks.
• Ability to Attract & Retain Quality Professionals.
• Reduction in International Settlement Rates.

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