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Campus Bible

Jessey Leigh
Conner Day


Bible study
Meet once a week
Around 60 people on average attend each week
Speaking ran by two off-campus affiliates
5 officers (meet twice a week)
Season trips

Jeff Abernethy - Teacher


Whats your proudest moment with this group?

- My proudest moment is when I see the connection they are making
with what I am saying. I love getting the feed back from everyone, it
makes me feel so good.

What is your ultimate goal for this group?

- My goal for the group is if you are not yet a Christian, I want you to
understand that it is a free gift and everyone is welcome. If you are a
Christian, I want to see you grow and live by the bible.

Casey Whiteside - President


What is your ultimate goal?

-For the group I want everyone to be impacted by the word of
- For myself I want to help everyone start a relationship with
What do you admire most about this group?
- I admire how close these people are. Everyone give a lot of
support for one another. Its like a family.

Common Goals
- Spread the word of God
- Grow as a Christian
- Become close as a group

The group relies heavily on the 5 officer to relay information about
meetings and group events.
The group members intercommunicate outside of meetings using text
messages and group emails.
The largest form of communication comes from the weekly meetings on
During the meetings, the group will receive information on upcoming
events and happenings of the group as well as general conversation
between members.

Info & Feedback

Information and feedback is given by:
- Weekly Meetings
- Conversation
- Social Media

The group is a student lead with
weekly meetings with the goal
of expanding their Christian
The group can be characterized
by the strong friendships they
make through this organization.
The group is a religious.
organization that has a goal to
grow closer to God through
The group shares the word of
God by preaching.


- The Lords word

- Mission trip
- The Bible
- Salvation
- Relationship
- Jesus Christ
- Scripture

The CBF has 5 student officers in charge of scheduling meetings,
events, and communicating with the members
To become an officer one must have knowledge of the ins and outs of
the group and show a great commitment to the advancement of this
There are 2 off campus affiliates who lead the Wednesday bible study.
There job is to insure that the word is spread to the students in a
correct manner in order for them to grow as Christians.

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