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Lesson Plan Form

CSUDH Teacher Education Department

Candidate: Alex
Subject: English
Grade Level: 7
Teaching Date: 4/20/15
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research.
Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their own views.
I. Description of Content & Content Type (Fact, Procedure, Concept, Principle ): Students will
develop an understanding of the main character in Red Scarf Girl by reading Ch. 1, using a thinking
map, and writing a short description of the character Ji Li with textual evidence.
II. Learning Outcome: Given a chapter reading with information about the main character, students
will be able to write 4 sentences or more describing the character Ji Li from Red Scarf Girl using 1-2
quotes from the text as evidence.
III. Curriculum Connection (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
Previous lesson: Students explored key vocabulary & key concepts presented in Red Scarf Girl
Next lesson: Summarizing key events as presented in Chapters 1 & 2 in Red Scarf Girl
IV. Instruction
A. Engagement (Motivational Activity): 1. Students will view a map of China and other
countries in the continent of Asia. Students will silently and independently list 5 other
countries surrounding China. After 3 minutes students will be cold called to share 1 answer
2. Before proceeding to Step 1, teacher will explain importance of having a broad
understanding of geography as it will help students contextualize the story while reading.
Teacher will say, Many students think all people in Asia are Chinese or that China is Asia,
and as we can see here, China is a huge country in the continent of Asia, but there are many
other countries surrounding China. Our book takes placed particularly in Shanghai.
Teacher will point to the region where Shanghai lies to build awareness in where the location
of the story is. Teacher will remind class, We are thinking of when and where the story
took place as were reading. We will also look at a few key vocabulary words that will show
up in the text and define those words to make understanding of the story easier. Teacher
will then move onto Step 1.

B. Instructional Sequence (Teaching Methodology):

Step #1 Pre-teaching Vocabulary
a. Teacher will write key vocabulary (contemplate, da-dui-zhang, class status) on
board. Teacher will instruct students to copy key vocabulary and definitions on
handouts. Teacher will explain the meaning of each word while students are
copying definitions (ex: If I want to go to both USC and UCLA, I will contemplate
or think hard about which would be better for me.)
b. Students will copy definitions onto their worksheets while listening to explanations

Step #2: Independent Reading

c. Teacher will instruct students to read page 1 of their books. Guiding question will
be written on board: What type of person is Ji Li? Teacher will set timer for 3
minutes and circulate the room
d. Students will read page 1 of Red Scarf Girl silently.
Step #3: Bubble Map (in pairs)
a. Teacher will refer to bubble map on handouts. Teacher will instruct students to complete
the bubble map (character traits of Ji Li) with an elbow partner.
b. Students will discuss findings with elbow partners and use pg 1 of their book to fill in
bubble map
Step #4: Class Read Along
a. Teacher will play audio recording of Red Scarf Girl chapter 1. Teacher will pause and
cold call for questioning to check understanding throughout the reading. Each time a new
character is revealed, teacher will also pause and cold call to have students share out
information discovered about each character. Teacher will write new character information
on board as a model and instruct students to copy notes down.
b. Students will read along and fill in notes about characters in handout.
Step #5: Independent Practice - Questions
a. Teacher will instruct students to independently answer 6 questions on handout. Teacher
will circulate the room and use proximity to promote on task behavior. Teacher will assist
struggling learners as necessary.
b. Students will answer 4 questions about the chapter reading.
Step #6: Independent Practice Questions Review (Share Out)
a. Teacher will cold call students to share out answers. For questions 1-3 teacher will ask,
Where did you find your information (what pg #)? What did the text say? Teacher
will remind class of behavior expectations in the event of a difference of opinion or
response. For questions 4-6, teacher will cold call additional students and ask Do you
agree or disagree with what was previously said? Explain and please share what you
wrote. If no students have disagreed for any shared responses than teacher will ask
Does anyone disagree?
b. Students will share answers aloud. For questions 1-3 they will share answers with
textual evidence to support responses. For questions 4-6 students will respond and
include an explanation for their responses. Other students will agree or disagree and
explain why. This will allow students an opportunity to modify thinking in the topic.
C. Application Task: 4 Sentence Description of Main Character
Students will use bubble map (with character traits) and information learned in Chapter 1 of
Red Scarf Girl to write 4 or more sentences describing the main character (Ji Li).
D. Materials & Resources: Pencils, handouts, journals, Red Scarf Girl novels
V. Assessment Strategies: Teacher will use visual checks while walking the room to check for student
progress and understanding. Teacher will use questioning frequently through the class as a device to
check levels of understanding.
VI. Accommodations for Individual Learners: Teacher will post key vocabulary on board with
definitions to provide clarity in understanding when reading. One instructional strategy I will use to
address struggling learners is intentional grouping. Struggling learners will be paired with advanced
learners and seated near the front of class to receive 1 on 1 support from teacher at various points
during class. Instruction will be presented orally and visually. Extended time will be given for
students who need. Others may receive the opportunity to retake assessments.

Key Vocabulary:
1. Contemplate 2. da-dui-zhang 3. class status -

Character Traits
Character: Ji Li - Instructions: Read pg 1 . Fill in the bubble map below with character
traits that are both implied and explicitly stated in the text.

Book Characters
Instructions: While reading, list facts learned about the following characters:
Ji Yong
Ji Yun
An Yi
Song Po-po

Independent Practice
What did Ji Lis name mean? Include pg number.

What did Ji Li audition for? Include pg number.


Why did Ji Li cry after speaking with her father? Include pg number.

Infer - What might the government find out if conducting a background check on
Ji Lis family?

Explain how Ji Lis dreams started to fade so early on in this book?


If you were Ji Lis mother, would you have sided with her or her father? Explain


20 pts 5 sentence description with 2 quotes from page 1
15/20 less than 5 sentences with 1 or 2 quotes provided
15/20 5 sentence description with 1 quote from page 1
10/20 5 sentence description with no quotes provided
10/20 less than 5 sentences with no quotes provided

Exit Slip
Instructions: Use the bubble map and page 1 of your book. Describe the character Ji Li in
at least 5 sentences. Be sure to copy 2 different quotes from page 1 that support your
description of Ji Li.

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