Title/purpose: Hypothesis: C. Abstract (Background)

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Name: Curo, Norharim S.


Date: August 1,

Section: Grade 7-Forbearance

Science project
Paper for investigatory



Title/purpose: Formation of sedimentary rocks

Hypothesis: If some chemicals are combined whether chemically or physically
then it can form substances.

Abstract (Background)
Igneous rocks is one of the three main rock types, the others being
sedimentary and metamorphic rock. Igneous rock is formed through the cooling
and solidification of magma or lava.
Metamorphic rocks are from the transformation of rock types, in a process
called metamorphism which means "change in form". The original rock is subjected to heat
causing a physical or chemical change.
Sedimentary rocks are formed from the sediments of igneous, metamorphic and other
sedimentary rocks.


Materials or equipments
-2 empty cups
-1 cup of water
-Tawas powder
-1 cup of sand
-permanent marker


-2 rubber bands
-2 cellophane (transparent, small, for the cover of the cups)


Label the empty cups with A and B.

Put sand into the cups, make sure that you put sand onto it just half of every empty cups.
Pour water in each cup, make sure also that you pour just half of every cup.
On cup B, put 1 tbsp. of Tawas powder. Let it stay for 30 seconds.
Shake the two cups slowly for 5 seconds.
Put the two cups in a place where the sun can see it.
*Wait for 1 week being heated by the sun. Do not let it be under the rain*

Part 1: Variables and Set-up

A. a. Independent
-presence of the Tawas

b. Dependent
-formation of sedimentary rocks
c. Constant

-same amount of sand


-same location

-same amount of water

B. Figure of the cups

Part 2: How to test the hypothesis

=Through making an experiment or by following the scientific method.
=Doing a fair test.

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