Rules of Bump

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Rules of Bump

Teams of 2 (4 player game) plays on the inside square track. 3 (6 player

game) plays on outside track. Team players sit in alternating positions

4 Player Game
The starter holes are parallel to the square on the outside. Each player picks
1 color and places their pegs in the corresponding holes (1 in the 1, 2 in the
2, and so on)
With jokers removed from the deck deal 4 cards to each player. Second hand
is 4 cards to each player. The third hand is 5 cards to each player. The order
in which the hand with 5 cards is dealt can be switched depending on a
individuals preferences.
6 Player Game
The starter holes are at the edge of board in the middle of the pyramid track.
Each player picks 1 color and places their pegs in the corresponding holes (1
in the 1, 2 in the 2, and so on)
With jokers removed from the deck deal 4 cards to each player. Second hand
is 5 cards to the left of the dealer, the dealer and player to the right of the
dealer will only get 4 cards for that hand.

After all hands have being dealt and played player to the left of deal shuffles
and deals next round.
Aces and kings are start cards. When played the player can choose to start
any players lowest peg in to that players start hole 0. All start cards must
be played even if only the opposition has the only pegs available to start.
Jacks are 11 spaces
Queens are 12 spaces
Aces along with starting can be used to move 1 space
4s and 7s are kill cards. Any peg that you end your turn on is killed and
returned to their home holes. With a 4 or 7 any peg including your own or
team that is passed is killed. The 4 card moves backwards 4 spaces. This

includes from your start hole. The only place it cannot be played is in the
home holes.
You can play a pair together or separately. If you play them together you can
switch any two pegs on the board that arent in their start holes or home
If on any of your turns you do not have a peg on the board that can be
played, a start card, or a pair you discard your remaining cards into the pile.
The pegs are moved around the board in the clockwise directions starting
with the player left of the dealer 1 card per person at a time. All other players
start holes count as normal (1 space).
The pegs must go in the home holes in order. For example, you move your 1
peg into the 3 hole. You can put your 2 peg into the 4 hole but it cannot jump
the 1 to go directly into the 2 hole.
The goal is to have each player on the team to have all their pegs in their
home holes.

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