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Lesson Plan

1. Title/Topic/Grade level: Pleasant Photosynthesis, Process of Photosynthesis, 4th grade

2. Lesson Essential Questions:
Where do plants get their energy from?
3. Standards:
4-LS1-1 Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external
structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.
4. A: Learning objectives and assessments
Students will understand how the process of photosynthesis works
B: Assessments:



SWBAT write out the

process of photosynthesis

Students will write out the ingredients of photosynthesis. how

they work together in the process of photosynthesis, and what
the product is.

5. Materials:
Unit Folders
All About Photosynthesis Worksheet (15)
White board
Dry Erase Markers
Photosynthesis Recipe Worksheet (15)
Photosynthesis Recipe Worksheet Rubric (15)
Post-It Notes (15)
6. Pre-Lesson Assignments and/or Prior Knowledge:
Students have learned about plant cells and parts of the plant the day before.
Students know that plants are living and require water.
7. Lesson Beginning:
Unit folders will be distributed at the beginning of the lesson and include all worksheets
for the day.
Review parts of a plant. Draw a flower on the board and have four people come to the
board to label the picture. Use sticks to pick students.
8. Instructional Plan:
Do the Plant Parts review.
Ask the class what they had for breakfast.

o Why do we eat? We eat because food gives us energy to get through the day and
perform daily activities.
Write the word PHOTOSYNTHESIS on the top of the white board. Explain how
photosynthesis is the process plants use to get their energy.
o Photosynthesis- The process of a plant taking energy from the sun and making
Photosynthesis requires three things:
o Carbon dioxide- Plants breathe in carbon dioxide. Leaves absorb the carbon
dioxide from the air.
o Water- Rain provides water for plants. The plants then absorb water through their
o Sunlight- Unlike animal cells, plant cells have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is
necessary for photosynthesis because it is how plants capture sunlight.
Write the formula for photosynthesis on the board. Make sure students are filling in their
worksheet as you do this.
o H2O (Water) + CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) + Sunlight = O2 (oxygen) + Sugar
Explain the process of photosynthesis and how it creates food for the plant (glucose).
Have students draw a diagram of a flower. Explain how the leaves absorb carbon dioxide
and sunlight. The water from rain is taken up by the roots. After it takes in all these
things, it releases oxygen into the air. It also creates sugar, which is food for the plants.
Label where each part of photosynthesis is absorbed or released from.
Activity: Has anyone in this room ever baked a cake or cookies? What do we need to
make a cake or cookies (a recipe)? Explain how photosynthesis can be like baking
because we need ingredients, we have a procedure, and a new outcome in created. Were
going to write the recipe for photosynthesis. Hand out Photosynthesis Recipe Worksheets.
Have students work on the worksheet independently. Give them a time frame about how
long each section will take. Set a timer. If it is not completed in class have students finish
for homework. Once students are finished, they can take out a book and silently read.

Differentiation: Examples will first be done as a class so no one feels discouraged if they
dont know the answer. Students that know the answers will most likely be the ones to
answer. There will be models for visual learners, via equation and diagram that will be drawn
on the board. We will be walking around the room to give students extra help who need it.

Class Management: Students will be at their desks for the beginning of the lesson. Teacher
will give instructions to the students on when to take notes. Teacher will direct students
attention from the board and their papers. Teacher will hand out the Photosynthesis Recipe
Worksheet and explain directions. The teacher will set a timer for each part of the worksheet.
Once the timer goes off, that part of the worksheet needs to be completed. Explain to students
that they need to put their hands on their head when they are finished.When a student is
needed to answer a question, the teacher will pick a name from the popsicle sticks. If students
are finished early, they can take out their silent reading book and read.
Transitions: The lesson will begin with the students attention directed on the board.
Throughout the lesson the teacher will instruct students to take notes on their worksheets. As
a class, we will go through the worksheet. Students will have to independently complete each

section before the timer goes off. When they are finished, the teacher will collect the
worksheets, and hand out Post-It Note for Exit Slip.

9. Closure: On a Post-It Note, have students list the three things that are needed for
Photosynthesis. Have them stick their Post-It Notes on the whiteboard when they are finished.
Choose three sticks to have students give one of the things that they wrote down.

Name: ________________________________

Date: ___________________

All About Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is: ______________________________________________________________

Equation for photosynthesis:

____________ +____________ + ____________

Photosynthesis Recipe

-----> ____________ + ____________


All ingredients
are listed.

Most ingredients
are listed.

ingredient is

No ingredients
are listed.


Procedures are
listed in clear
steps. Each step
is numbered and
is a complete
Information of
the procedures
makes sense.

Procedures are
listed and are
sentences are
written out. A
few errors are

are listed but
are not
numbered. A
few errors are

Procedures do
not relate to
the material
learned in


Makes a
complete and
description of
the subject
matter and
elements seen in
their work.

Makes a detailed
description of
most of the
subject matter
and elements
seen in a work.

Makes a
description of
some of the
subject matter
and elements
seen in a

are not
detailed or

Total: _____ / 12

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