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Introduction to the

Document-Based Question

From AP Central:
The primary purpose of the document-based essay question is
not to test students prior knowledge of subject matter but
rather to evaluate their ability to formulate and support an
answer from documentary evidence.
Documents are chosen on the basis of both the
information they convey about the topic and the perspective
that they offer.
In other words, each of the documents connects to the
prompt; each document is there for a reason.

From AP Central (cont.):

There is no single correct answer; instead various
approaches and responses are possible, depending on:
(1) the students ability to understand the documents,
(2) the students ability to communicate the significance of
the documents, and
(3) the students ability construct an argument about the
The document-based question is an exercise in crafting
historical arguments from historical evidence and synthesis.
It is expected that students will use all or almost all (all but
one) of the documents in their analysis.

From AP Central (cont.):

The DBQ requires that students first read and analyze the
documents individually, contextualize them based on their
informed analysis of the documentary evidence, and then plan
and construct an appropriate and synthetic essay in response
to the question. A clear analytical thesis statement and an
analysis of the documents that fully address the question are

From AP Central (cont.):

The students answer must group documents in such a way
that it demonstrates analysis of their different contents and
contexts (e.g., chronologically, culturally, thematically, etc.) .
Specific mention of individual documents should always
occur, serving to substantiate and illustrate points made in
the essay. Students should cite documents by naming the
author, title, and/or document number.
Documents MUST NOT simply be cited and summarized in a
list; reference to the documentary material (evidence for your
thesis) must be used to respond to the prompt.

From AP Central (cont.):

Analysis of the documents must include consideration of their
context, point of view, and frame of reference. Students
should pay attention to both internal evidence (the content,
format, and tone of each document in relation to the others)
and external evidence (identification of author, purpose, or
intended audience, and the date on which each document was
written). This analysis of context may serve as a way for
students to group documents, as they highlight similarities or
differences in perspective among the documents.

From AP Central (cont.):

As part of the document-based question exercise, students
will be asked to explain the need for an additional type of
document(s) to answer the question more completely, and
this may involve discussing what relevant points of view are
missing from the set of documents. The explanation of
at least one additional source must show the students
recognition of the limitation of the given documents and the
reality of the types of sources available from the past. Please
note that its best to identify and explain the need for
additional documents in context, in the body of the essay.

DBQ Basic Core Requirements (7 points)



Acceptable, analytical thesis

- fully responds to the prompt

Analyzes documents by
grouping them into at least 3
groups of 2 docs each.

Correctly interprets all

documents in the packet
- may misinterpret no more
than 1 document

Analyzes bias/point of view in

at least three documents

Supports the thesis with

evidence from all documents

Identifies and explains the need

for an appropriate additional

Supports thesis with evidence

from all but one document



DBQ Extended Core Points

(maximum 2 points; must be a combination of these elements in order to earn
full additional points)

Addt. Points


Addl Points

Clear, analytical,
comprehensive thesis


Analyzes docs in addl

ways (e.g. # groups, etc.)


Careful and insightful

analysis of documents


Brings in relevant
outside knowledge


Uses docs persuasively

as evidence


Explains why several

addl docs are needed


Analyzes bias/POV in
all or almost all docs


Planning the DBQ:

1. Understand the prompt.
2. Read & understand the documents.
- annotate the docs, write possible bias/POV
3. Group the docs.
- How might they fit together?
4. Compose your analytical thesis.
- make sure your both answer the thesis AND explain
why thats your answer

5. Outline your essay

- remember your thesis MUST appear in either the intro
or conclusion (its better if its in the intro!)
- each body paragraph should discuss one of your groups
* compose topic sentences for each body paragraph that explains
why the documents in that group fit together
* jot down which docs will be discussed in that body paragraph
* remember that you have to discuss bias/POV in at least 3 docs;
if you do this once per paragraph, then youll have your three
* identify what type of additional document might help you
analyze each group better, and explain why it might do so as
you discuss the groupings of documents

6. Compose your essay

Now, lets look at an example:

Using the documents, analyze Han and Roman
attitudes toward technology. Identify one additional
type of document and explain briefly how it would
help your analysis.

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