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Adrian Gerrese
Mr. Nelson
English 1 Pre-AP
18 May 2015
Let the Measles Be Gone
In the 1950s, before a measles vaccine became available, nearly all children in the world
got sick with the measles by the time they turned 15 years old. In 2000, the measles virus was
declared eradicated in the United States because there had been no transmission for a period of
12 months or more. Since then, the measles virus has returned, mostly affecting children. In
2014, 122,000 people worldwide died of the measles. In order to eliminate this dangerous and
potentially deadly measles virus once again and do it permanently this time, the measles
vaccination (MMR) should be required by law, in all towns, states, and countries.
Measles is an extremely contagious and dangerous virus that can cause serious
complications, including damage to the immune system, brain swelling, blindness, and even
death. But it is easily preventable by simply getting vaccinated, and if required by law, the
measles could already be extinct. Measles was already eradicated once, but has come back
because many people have decided not to vaccinate themselves or their children. The reason for
this is they believe, especially high socio-economic parents, that the measles vaccine will cause
their children to be autistic. A father in a blog for anti-vaccinators says, the MMR Vaccine can
cause brain encephalitis, even though that is what happens from the measles disease itself, and
he goes on to say that the vaccine causes autism (Lazarus T. Jones). This is a complete fallacy.
The sole article written by a doctor who had conducted a small study that said there was a link
between autism and the MMR vaccine, was fully retracted and the doctor got his license to

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practice medicine revoked. According to a professional article, the MMR vaccine does not
cause autism; the article goes on to say that More than 20 articles refute a connection between
MMR vaccine and the development of autism (MMR Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism). Who
would you rather believe on a medical matter, a dad writing a blog and a doctor whose license
was revoked, or medical professionals who have researched the topic thoroughly and have clear
evidence that there is no link between the MMR vaccine and autism?
Thus, there is nothing to fear if the vaccine were to be required by law. If you want to
protect yourself or your child, there is a simple solution: get the MMR vaccination! There is
plenty of evidence that the vaccine does not cause autism, plenty of evidence that the measles is
deadly, and plenty of evidence that doctors all over the world recommend the vaccine to
everybody. We need a law that says that the MMR vaccination is required at an early age.
Together, if everyone is vaccinated, we can stop the measles from spreading and killing.
Vaccinate today for a better tomorrow.

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