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Pecha Kucha: Privacy 2

By Josh Cumins and Dani Rucker

Wearing Away Privacy in the Era of Internet

Technology has evolved into
such a large necessity in our world
that it is virtually everywhere. We use
technology for just about everything
concerning the well-being of humans
and for many other commodities. Our
world is scarily beginning to look like
George Orwells 1984, where the
government has the power to record
anything and everything. With the
positive benefits that the evolution of
technology, the internet, and
multitasking has brought, there has
been a manifestation of negative
detriments to many aspects of our
lives. One of these detriments has
been the erosion of our privacy.

Wearing Away Privacy in the Era of Internet

Technology has enabled
people to find out information in a
much faster and more reliable way.
Take Google Earth as an example.
This application enables its user to
see practically every building, house,
or national monument in every city of
every region of every country of
every continent of the world. This
can be very useful and helpful, but
there is a serious issue to this
technology. People can use this
technology to try to spy on people or
to try to see how to break into
peoples homes. This can be a
serious infiltration of peoples

Wearing Away Privacy in the Era of Internet

Just two years ago, Edward Snowden exposed more
intriguing and scary information regarding technology and human
privacy. The NSA (National Security Agency) can monitor anything
we do by way of the largest technological organizations in the world.
This, again, is scarily related to the novel 1984. The large debate on
whether the state of the NSA is positive or negative has shown that
we cannot have full privacy and security without any inconvenience.
Unfortunately, nobody can promise that the problem of privacy and
technology will not get better with the evolution of technology.
Another way our privacy is intruded is through, as we learned
earlier, data brokers. In order to provide online services for free,
many technology providing organizations have created models for
business where their most costly forte is the information that they
collect from their consumers. Some prime examples of these types of
businesses are Google and Facebook. Through cookies, surveys,
and simply browsing, third parties can access multiple pieces of
information concerning peoples personal lives. This includes
religion, sexual orientation, income, contact information, and many
other things. The companies sell that information to advertisers,
businesses, and the government as commodities.

No More Privacy
Technology has evolved and grown over the years
and we use it every day. It has become the center of
our lives and we rely on technology so often.
Because of this growth in technology it has become
so easy to access peoples personal information. In
this time we are so connected to the internet and we
put all of our information on our social media. With
just a few simple pieces of information like name,
address, and birthday people can figure out your
social security number. This is a danger that most
people are unaware of. In this day of technology
people put so much information about themselves on
the internet to show their friends and family but they
don't know who all can see. Personal information is
the first step to identity theft and many more online


No More Privacy
Many people are not aware of the dangers on the
internet and how easily their information can be stolen.
Privacy has become and issue because of our
openness on the internet and and the growth of
technology. Technology is very helpful but it can also
hurt us and we need to be aware of what we put
online. what needs to be understood is that nothing is
private on the internet. But it is not just the people
posting that is causing the issue it is also the people
gathering the information. There are opposing views on
whose fault it is but i think it is a mixture of both. The
people who are collecting the information should not do
use the information because it is violating that persons
privacy but the people who are posting information
should not post so much and be aware of who can see
it and what the consequences are.

No More Privacy
In the article from Harvard Magazine a 2007 New York Magazine
article where a quote by Emily Nussbaum is mentioned. Younger
people.are the only ones for whom it seems to have sunk in that
the idea of a truly private life is already an illusion. Every street in
New York has a surveillance camera. Each time you swipe your
debit card at Duane Reed or use your MetroCard, that transaction
is tracked. Your employer owns your e-mails. The NSA owns your
phone calls. Your life is being lived in public whether you choose
to acknowledge it or not. So it may be time to consider the
possibility that young people who behave as if privacy doesnt
exist are actually the sane people, not the insane ones. I agree
with this quote because this generation is being education on the
privacy issues and we know what is going on with data brokers
and tracking websites and we know what to do in these and how to
avoid identity theft and other online crimes. This generation is
prepared for a world with no privacy.

Works Cited
Penn State. "Social network analysis privacy tackled." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 February 2015. <www.sciencedaily.

"Internet Privacy Prank." YouTube. YouTube, 3 Apr. 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2015.

Stavreas, Kosta. "Privacy Erosion Is Technology Pollution." N.p., 08 Jan. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.

Kroft, Steve. "The Data Brokers: Selling Your Personal Information."CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.

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