Oral Skills Development

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TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

Observation Report
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Name of Observer__Ye Ran__ Observation # _oral skills


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07/25/2014 R441
Oral skills
Focus on relevant areas from the What Can Be Observed handout. Notice how the
teacher handles these areas during the class.
1. SS Will list the phrases and the sentences which are used to state and solve problems
2. Ss will utilize these phrases and the sentences in group discussions to solve specific
3. Ss will examine the expression mistakes of group members.

Notes while observing:


Warm-up (5 minutes)
1. T starts the class by reviewing simple phrases and the sentences which are used to
state problems, give suggestions and tell reasons. T passes out handout 1 to every
student. They are supposed to individually list phrases and sentences for introducing
problems, giving suggestions, and giving reasons.

Presentation (10 minutes)

2. After five minutes, T arranges a whole-class activity. Everyone should contribute to
list relevant phrases or sentences for problem-solving situation. T writes students
ideas on board such as I have a problem, My problem is , and I suggest

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
that etc. T praises them and illustrates how to use these phrases and sentences
correctly as examples.

Practice (35 minutes)

3. After T presents how to use those phrases, T goes to encourage Ss talk to their
partners and name what academic problems, personal problems and global problems
are. While students having discussions, T walks around, answers students questions.
4. Five minutes later, T divides Ss into four groups, and each group has 3-5 Ss. T gives
30 problem cards to each group and lets Ss do the group discussions. One of the Ss in
the group will introduce the problem and others will provide solutions to the problem
as well as give reasons.
5. Ss begin to talk and try to solve these problems. At this point, T monitor students
discussion process and provides helps if necessary. For instance, some students do not
understand what the problem is such as typhoon. T will give a short explanation to
them for keeping their conversation going.
6. Around 20 minutes passed, T interrupts the discussion and points out that most of the
students forget to give reasons of their suggestions. Then, students restart their
conversation and try to give suggestions and reasons.
7. The group discussion lasted about 30 minutes. T will give student an exam next class
to judge if Ss could use what they had learnt correctly and finished the discussion

Hand out1:
Review phrases and sentences:

Introduce a problem:
Give suggestions:
Give reasons:

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
1, academic problems: the homework is too much; the tuition is too expensive; freshmen
cannot find the dormitory; ways to connect professor; plagiarism in the exam; cannot see
the blackboard; tutor opportunity;
2, global problems: earthquake; floods; typhoon, poverty; lack of water; air pollution;
global warming; war; economical crisis; sea level rising; homelessness.
3, personal problems: how to travel outside; how to make friends in new school;
homesick; culture shock; English learning; housing; buying a car; life security; cooking at

What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson? Discuss your
observation focus, and the theory you have studied in your TESOL classes. Consider
the three levels of teacher reflection (surface, pedagogical, critical). (100-200 words)
T mainly arranged Ss do practice in this class because there would be a mid-term exam
next week. But I still learnt a lot from the Ts teaching strategies. T started the class by
asking questions to help Ss recall what they had already learnt before. For example, T
askedDear Ss, when we want to raise a problem, we will say. Ss answered: I have
a problem. Good. T then asked: how many ways can we use to give suggestions? Ss
said: Three: Maybe you can; I suggest and Why dont you . At this point, T
purposely made wrong sentences on board. Ss found the error and shouted no, you are
wrong. Ss gave a right answer. This way not only can test if Ss have already used these
sentences correctly but also can draw Ss attention quickly. After presentation, Ss do
group discussions independently. In the whole process, I think T used one teaching
method called Vygotsky's scaffolding which refers to providing supports and resources
to help students learn new knowledge, and then the supports are gradually removed so the
students can accomplish a task with no assistance. According to Ann Raimes (1983),
Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky developed the concept known as the zone of
proximal development (ZPD) (p142). Ts teaching method is effective because Ss
finally can finish a conversation about solving problems independently.

Raimes, Ann. (1983). Techniques in Teaching Writing. New York, Oxford University

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
What activities/techniques from this class do you want to remember for your own
teaching practice? Discuss specific ways in which you could apply the techniques and
methods you saw. Discuss your future teaching environment and your students needs
and goals. (100-200 words)
One technique I really appreciate is that after Ss answer questions, I will not immediately
give them feedback but keep silent for a while. At this time, some of the Ss may be not
very sure about the answer so they will consider the question again or discuss it with
classmates. Then I will ask the question one more time. Hopefully, Ss will give a more
confident answer. From my perspective, I would like use this technique in my class
because it can provide more room for Ss to think and to corporate with each other.
Especially, when students in my class are inactive and quiet, I need give them more
opportunities to express their ideas or even correct teachers mistakes. Sometimes its
good for teachers to keep silent in classroom.

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