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15 Invaluable

Laws of Growth

1. The Law Of Intentionality Growth doesnt Just Happen
2. The Law Of Awareness You Must Know Yourself To Grow Yourself
3. The Law Of The Mirror You Must See Value In Yourself To Add
Value To Yourself
4. The Law Of Reflection Learning To Pause Allows Growth To
Catch Up With You
5. The Law Of Consistency Motivation Gets Your going Discipline
Keeps You Growing
6. The Law Of Environment Growth Thrives In Conducive
7. The Law Of Design To Maximize Growth, Develop Strategies
8. The Law Of Pain Good Management of Bad Experiences Leads
to Great Growth
9. The Law Of The Ladder Character Growth Determines The
Height Of Your Personal Growth
10. The Law Of The Rubber Band Growth Stops When You Lose
The Tension Between Where You Are And Where You Could B e
11. The Law Of Tradeoffs You Have To Give Up To Grow Up
12. The Law Of Curiosity Growth Is Stimulated By Asking Why?
13. The Law Of Modeling Its Hard To Improve When You Have No
One Else But Yourself To Follow
14. The Law Of Expansion Growth Always Increases Your Capacity
15. The Law Of Contribution Growing Yourself Enables You To Grow

To discover your own purpose and potential,
you need to grow in the following areas:

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