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Digital Media Marketing Final Project

In this final project, you will use all of the skills you have developed in this course to
produce an original video. The video must run between three and five minutes. You
may work alone or with a partner. I will expect a video that is well-planned and
well-executedvisual, audio, lighting, editing, and viewer interest. If you work with
a partner, you must identify who did each task in your work log. You will brainstorm
a concept, type a script (in proper format), create storyboards, film, edit, create a
final video, and export the video.
Since you have an iPad (Anderson 1 students) or have access to an iPad (BHP
students), all filming should be done outside of class
Your final product must include video you have directed and shot
You may incorporate the visual work of others (pictures from the internet or short
video clips from the internet) as long as this makes up no more than 15% of your
total project. For example, in a 4 minute video, you could include 36 seconds of
video or images you obtained from others. This is your project and the majority
of it should be your work.
If you include actors, those actors must play within the range they actually look
Use real locations for your videomultiple locations if you need to
Choose a genre. This is a film type based on subject matter, theme, or tone.
Your genre may be a business profile, a PSA, a tribute video, a music video,
action, drama, etc. Research that genre, watch examples, and become familiar
with that genre. The finished project should not feel like a skit. Do not pretend
that a location matches a place it does not resemble.
Grading Criteria
Concept (10 possible points)
Three paragraphs discussing what will happen in the beginning, middle, and end
List the genre you selected
Discuss the role each of you is playing (if doing with a partner)
List any props you will need
List the location(s) where you will shoot it
Submit to Edmodo. Make sure to identify both names if working with a partner
Script (10 possible points)
Script is creative and entertaining
Page length is 2-6 pages long
Story is primarily visual, with a lot of visual description
Story follows an arc with a beginning, middle, and end
Script is typed in proper format with names of all writes at top (see on created
for PSA)
Storyboard (15 possible points)
Review script to decide on each required shot
Create a storyboard for each video segment/clip that demonstrates detailed
planning on the video shot sequence, scene descriptions, audio effects and
notes, and dialogue for every scene
include a drawing, shot number, shot style, shot angle, stage direction, and all
audio (spoken words, music, sound effects, narration, etc.)

Drawings should reflect good composition, following the rule of thirds, and have
appropriate eye room and head room
Choose a storyboard template that allow for you to include the information listed
Each board should be observed in your final video

Work Log (10 points)

Create a work log like the one below. Make sure you include all specific tasks
associated with pre-production, production, and post production (from brainstorming
through exporting final project). Update the work log with descriptive details as you
work on the project. You will be graded on thoroughness (includes all components)
and level of detail.
To-Do List



Narrative description of

Describe the
evidence you have
of this work

Final Video (55 points)

Proper use of camera techniques: all shots are clearly focused and well-framed;
video is steady with few pans and zooms; close-ups are used to focus attention;
video shows evidence of good composition (20 points)
Lighting: subject is lit and clearly visible, shadows and glares are eliminated, all
scenes have sufficient lighting (5 points)
Audio: sound is clear and understandable, shows good audio editing,
enthusiasm in delivery, background audio is kept in balance and doesnt
overpower primary audio (5 points)
Video is edited effectively, flows well (25 points)
o Titles and graphics are used effectively to enhance overall quality of video
o Effective sequences have been created
o Transitions are used effectively
o Video is organized well
o Video moves smoothly from shot to shot
o Varieties of transitions are used to assist in communicating the main idea
and smooth the flow from one scene to the next
o Shots and scenes flow seamlessly
o Digital effects are used appropriately for emphasis.
o Exported and saved to P: drive

Work on Project
Work on Project
Work on Project
Project Due by 10:00 AM
Watch Final Projects/Previous Projects
Did someone ask about finishing Napoleon Dynamite?
Extended Break
Last Day of Class!

Note: Given the time frame to complete this project and the project
requirements, you will need to spend time outside of class to submit a
good project. Plan accordingly!

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