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by Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakur

1. advaita-prakati-krto narahari-presthah svarupa-priyo
nityananda-sakhah sanatana-gatih sri-rupa-hrt-ketanah
laksmi-prana-patir gadadhara-rasollasi jagannatha-bhuh
sangopanga-sa-parsadah sa dayatam devah saci-nandanah
May Saci's son, whom Advaita Acarya brought to this world, who is most dear to Narahari Thakura,
who is dear to Svarupa Damodara, who is Lord Nityananda's friend, who is ther goal of Sanatana
Gosvami's life, who makes His home in Rupa Gosvami's heart, who is the goal of Laksmipriya's
every breath, who is the nectar that delights Gadadhara Pandita, who was born from Jagannatha
Misra, who is surrounded by His many associates, and who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
be merciful to us.
2. ajanu-lambita-bhujau kanakavadatau
sankirtanaika-pitarau kamalayataksau
visvambharau dvija-varau yuga-dharma-palau
vande jagat-priyakarau karunavatarau
I offer my respectful obeisances to the two fathers of the sankirtana movement, whose long arms
reach to Their knees, who are splendid like gold, whose large eyes are lotus flowers, who are the
maintainers of the worlds, the best of the brahmanas, and the protectors of the yuga-dharma (the
religion of the age), and who bring happiness to the people of the world, and who have come to this
place because They are very merciful.
3. heloddhulita-khedaya visadaya pronmila-damodaya
samyac-chastra-vivadaya rasadaya cittarpitonmadaya
sasvad-bhakti-vinodaya samadaya madhurya-maryadaya
sri-caitanya daya-nidhe tava daya bhuyad amandodaya
O ocean of mercy, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! Let there be an awakening of Your auspicious mercy,
which easily drives away all kinds of material lamentation. By Your mercy, everything is madepure
and blissful. It awakens transcendental bliss and covers all gross material pleasures. By Your
auspicious mercy, quarrels and disagreements arising from different scriptures are vanquished.
Your auspicious mercy causes the heart to jubilate by pouring forth transcendental mellows. Your
mercy always stimulates devotional service, which is full of joy. You are always glorifying the
conjugal love of God. May transcendental bliss be awakened in my heart by Your causeless mercy.

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