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Our Branches report







(a) International Banking Department, Mumbai

(b) Treasury, Mumbai
(c) International Banking Division, LHO
(d) RBI

The foreign currency account maintained by our Foreign Department with

our foreign branches/correspondents in different countries is known as
(a) Special account
(b) Vostro account
(c) Nostro account
(d) FCNR account


Transactions having international financial implications are regulated in our

country by
(a) External Affairs Ministry, New Delhi
(b) The Foreign Exchange Dept., RBI, Mumbai
(c) Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi
(d) International Division, SBI, Bombay


All the forex transactions are reported to Treasury through

(a) Special account
(b) Branch Clearing General Account Schedules 3 and 7
(c) Foreign Currency General Account
(d) FCNR account






The account maintained by an our Foreign Branches / Correspondents with

our domestic branch (in India) is known as _________________
(a) Loro a/c

(b) Vostro a/c

(c) Special a/c

(d) Nostro a/c

Rate applied for a foreign exchange transaction which involves immediate

conversion of currency is known as _________________
(a) ready rate

(b) forward rate

(c) merchant rate

(d) long rate

A quotation in which the home currency unit is the standard unit and the rate
is expressed in variable units of foreign currency is called
(a) direct rate

(b) spot rate

(c) indirect rate

(d) forward rate

When conversion/exchange of currencies takes place at some future date at

a rate of exchange agreed upon now, such a transaction is known as
(a) spot transaction

(b) cover transaction

(c) cash transaction

(d) forward transaction

The maxim applied in respect of Direct Quotation is

(a) buy low, sell low

(b) buy low, sell high

(c) buy high, sell low

(d) buy high, sell high

10. A rate of exchange established between any two currencies on the basis of
the respective quotation of each currency in terms of a third currency is
known as
(a) cross rate

(b) merchant rate

(c) wash rate

(d) composite rate

11. When branches pass forex transactions at provisional rates, the entries are
passed by debit to
(a) Forex Clearing gen. a/c

(b) Br. Cl. Gen. a/c 3 and 7

(c) IBIT

(d) None of the above

12. The rate quoted for issue of Drafts/TTs is _________________

(a) Bill Selling rate

(b) Inter-Office rate

(c) Forward rate

(d) TT Selling rate

13. The rate applicable for an export bill tendered for negotiation is
(a) bill buying rate

(b) bill selling rate

(c) composite rate

(d) TT buying rate

14. The rate quoted for inward remittances by TT/DD, where the cover fund has
already been credited to our Nostro a/c is
(a) TT buying rate

(b) DD buying rate

(c) Inter-Office rate

(d) Cross rate

15. How many types of rates are quoted in respect of foreign exchange sales
(a) 5

(b) 4

(c) 3

(d) 2

16. How many types of rates are quoted in respect of foreign exchange
purchase transactions?
(a) 6

(b) 5

(c) 4

(d) 3

17. When foreign currency notes are purchased by branches not designated to
retain foreign currencies, the rate applied while debiting the Designated
Branch through Branch Clearing General Account is ____________
(a) TT buying rate

(b) Foreign currency note buying

(c) Inter-Office rate

(d) DD buying rate

18. A swap transaction involves _____________________

(a) purchase of currency

(b) sale of currency

(c) purchase of currency against sale or forward sale of the currency.

(d) simultaneous purchase and sale of one currency against another for
different settlement dates.

19. The transactions of the Bank undertaken to sell the surplus and buy the
required foreign currencies in order to keep its position square are known
(a) cover operations
(b) merchant transactions
(c) exchange transactions
(d) forward transactions
20. A foreign currency travellers cheque is valid for
(a) 3 months
(c) 1 month

(b) 6 months

no time limit unless otherwise mentioned

21. The rate quoted for clean instruments returned unpaid is

(a) TT selling rate

(b) DD buying rate

(c) Inter-Office rate

(d) TT buying rate

22. A traveller returning from abroad should surrender his unused foreign
exchange in excess of USD 2000 to an authorised dealer within:
(a) 90 days of his return to India, if he is holding foreign currency notes, and
180 days if he is holding travellers cheques
(b) 60 days of his return to India
(c) 30 days of his return to India

(d) None of these

23. Maximum foreign exchange that can be released by an Authorised Dealer

for medical treatment abroad is
(a) USD 50,000.
(b) USD 1,00,000
(c) as per estimate from the Doctor in India / Hospital / Doctor abroad.
(d) any amount sought by the applicant.

24. All the outward remittances such as DDs/TTs/Debit Authorisations issued by

branches on our foreign offices should be issued under Double Signature
System if:(a) The amount of such remittance is greater than USD/GBP 3000 or
equivalent of Rs.10000 in other currencies
(b) The amount of such remittance is of the equivalent of Rs.50,000/- and
(c) The amount of such remittance is over the equivalent of Rs.1 lac.
25. For outward remittance other than imports, the applicant should submit
(a) Form A2

(b) Form A1

(c) Form A4

(d) Form A3

26. R returns are submitted to RBI as on every

(a) month
(b) 10th, 20th & 30th
(c) 15th & last working day of the month
(d) every week
27. How many types of R return are required to be submitted at present?
(a) 5

(b) 6

(c) 7

(d) 2

28. Name the different types of R returns.

(a) Nostro & Vostro

(b) Nostro

(c) Vostro

(d) Nostro & Vostro, Loro a/c

29. In documentary credit transactions

(a) all parties deal with documents and not goods
(b) all parties deal in documents and goods as well
(c) buyer and seller deal in goods and banks in documents
(d) all parties deal in goods only

30. A documentary letter of credit has normally

(a) two parties

(b) one party

(c) four parties

(d) no one

31. The buyer or importer who procures a letter of credit from his banker is
(a) opener of the credit

(b) beneficiary of the credit

(c) negotiator of the credit

(d) none of these

32. The bank through whom the credit is advised and who confirms the letter of
credit when required and negotiates the documents tendered is called
(a) Opening Bank

(b) Foreign Bank

(c) Advising Bank

(d) None of these

33. An L/C which can be amended or cancelled by the Issuing Bank at any time
prior to its expiry without notice to the Beneficiary is called a / an
(a) Confirmed L/C

(b) Irrevocable L/C

(c) Revolving L/C

(d) Revocable L/C

34. A L/C that cannot be cancelled or amended without the consent of the
parties concerned is known as a / an
(a) Confirmed L/C

(b) Irrevocable L/C

(c) Transferable L/C

(d) Back to back L/C

35. When the Advising Bank, at the request of the issuing Bank, adds its
confirmation which would constitute a definite undertaking by the former the
L/C is known as a / an
(a) Irrevocable L/C

(b) Transferable L/C

(c) Confirmed L/C

(d) Revolving L/C

36. An irrevocable LC which authorises the advising bank to extend

preshipment/packing credit upto a certain amount to the beneficiary to
enable him to meet preshipment expenses is known as a / an
(a) Irrevocable LC

(b) Transferable LC

(c) Revolving LC

(d) Red Clause LC

37. An LC which authorises the Advising Bank, to transfer, at the request of the
Beneficiary ( First Beneficiary) the credit available in whole or in part to one
or more other beneficiaries ( Second Beneficiaries) is known as
(a) Anticipatory LC

(b) Revolving LC

(c) Transferable LC

(d) Back to back credit

38. An ancillary LC which arises when the seller(beneficiary) uses the LC

opened in his favour to support another LC opened by the Sellers Bank,
favouring his supplier is called
(a) Transferable LC

(b) Back to Back LC

(c) Revolving LC

(d) none of these

39. Non-resident Indian is defined for banking purpose in

(a) FEMA

(b) Income Tax Act 1961

(c) Wealth Tax Act 1957

(d) None of the above

40. Import licenses are valid for shipment

(a) 12 months from the date of issuance of licence
(b) 1 week after the arrival of goods into the country
(c) upto last day of the month in which they expire
(d) 18 months from the date of arrival of goods.
41. The face value of an Import Licence should take care of:
(a) Cost of goods only
(b) Cost, Insurance and Freight (i.e) CIF
(c) CIF plus interest
(d) CIF, Interest and Agency Commission, if any.
42. A customer wants to know the provisions for importing a motor vehicle.
Which book should he refer to?
(a) Exchange Control Manual
(b) Codified Foreign Dept. Circulars
(c) Handbook of Import-Export Procedures
(d) Customs Manual

43. An import licence is valid for

(a) 12 months from the date of issue
(b) 18 months
(c) upto the validity of import licence and if no period is specified until 31st
March of the licensing year.
(d) no time limit
44. The exchange control copy of import licence submitted by the importer for
opening LC/making remittance should, after full utilisation, be
(a) forwarded to RBI along with `R Return
(b) retained by AD for scrutiny by inspecting officials
(c) handed over to the importer
(d) forwarded to the Trade Control authorities
45. Importers should retire the demand bills drawn under LC on
(a) the day on which the bill is received at the branch
(b) before the expiry date of license
(c) within 10 days from the date of receipt of the bill.
(d) no specific period
46. Usance bills drawn under Import LC should be retired
(a) 10 days from the date of receipt of the bill
(b) on due date
(c) last day of the month in which the licence expires
47. Recovery of commission and transit period interest, on import bills is
required to be done even when 100% cash margin is retained on the LCs. Is
this statement true or false?
(a) True

(b) False

48. For making payment towards imports into India, application from importers is
obtained on
(a) Form A1

(b) Form A4

(c) Stat 4

(d) R 6

49. Branches should submit return of overdue import bills

(a) monthly

(b) quarterly

(c) half yearly

(d) fortnightly as on 15th & last working day of each month
50. GR forms are submitted in respect of
(a) Import transactions

(b) FOCNA transactions

(c) Export transactions

(d) NRE transactions

51. Packing credit limits are granted

(a) to cover specifically packing charges incurred for goods meant for
(b) against LC or firm orders
(c) against duly packed goods stored in warehouse
(d) to an importer in a foreign country in respect of goods exported from
52. The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits are drawn by
(a) RBI


(c) International Chamber of Commerce

(d) IBA

(e) GOI
53. Agencies involved in export finance are controlled by
(a) RBI

(b) IDBI

(c) ECGC

(d) EXIM Bank

54. Balance of Trade of a country is :

(a) The difference between the Inward and Outward remittances made in
foreign exchange
(b) The surplus generated shown in a Trading Account
(c) The difference between exports and imports

55. A registered exporter is one who is registered with

(a) Export Trade Control Authorities
(b) Reserve Bank of India
(c) Export Promotion Council/Commodity Board
(e) Customs authorities
56. Certificate of Origin is necessarily called for in import transactions
(a) to arrive at the countrys trade figures
(b) to determine method of payment
(c) for Customs to determine the duty payable
(d) None of the above
57. Remuneration of foreign exchange transaction is credited to
(a) Exchange a/c

(b) Interest a/c

(c) Commission a/c

(d) Discount a/c

58. Certificate for Encashment of Foreign Currency Travellers Cheques is

issued on
(a) FD 119

(b) FD 125

(c) FD 123

(d) FD 124

59. Minimum maturity period for FCNB deposits is __________________

(a) 3

(b) 6

(c) 12

(d) none of the above

60. Under the revised categorisation of branches, C1 category branches are

authorised to handle
(a) only service related transactions in both foreign currencies and Indian
(b) only service related transactions in Indian rupees
(c) both trade and service related transactions in foreign currencies and
Indian rupees through another designated branch.
(d) all types of transactions

61. FCNB a/c can be in

(a) all foreign currencies

(b) DM, Japanese Yen

(c) Pound Sterling, US $, & Euro

(d) (d) Pound Sterling, US $, Euro, Yen, Canadian $, Australian $
62. Interest Rates on FCNB Deposit, withdrawn prematurely will be as follows :
(a) At the contracted rate, without levy of penalty
(b) Two percent below the rate applicable to the period the deposit
remained with the Bank
(c) One percent below the rate applicable for the period the deposit
remained with the Bank.
(d) USD, British Pounds Sterling, Euro, Yen, Canadian Dollar and
Australian Dollar
63. Interest rates on FCNB deposits are subject to change from time to time and
is advised by __________
(a) International Banking Group, Corp. Centre, Mumbai
(b) FOCNA Link Office
(c) FD, Kolkata
64. Form FCNB-1 is used to report the following transactions to FD Kolkata
(a) Payment of the FCNB TDR on maturity
(b) Premature payment of FCNB TDR/STDR
(c) Issuance / Renewal of FCNB TDR/STDR.
65. Form FCNB 2/2A is used for reporting :
(a) Repayment of Principal amount of the FOCNA TDR/STDR
(b) Repayment of Interest only
(c) Repayment of FCNB deposit principal and interest.
66. In case of loans/overdrafts against FCNB deposit the margin requirement
should be calculated on the rupee equivalent at ___________ rate.
(a) TT selling rate

(b) Bill selling rate

(c) Others

(d) Notional rate

67. All accounting entries in respect of transactions in respect of C1 category

branch will originate
(a) at Link Office

(b) at Linked Branch

(c) at FD, Kolkata

(d) at Overseas Branch

68. Commission in respect of LC business will be shared between LO & LB at....

(a) 50:50 basis

(b) 30:70 basis

(c) 70:30 basis

(d) 20:80 basis

69. Exchange remuneration will be shared between LO & LB at

(a) 70:30

(b) 30:70

(c) 50:50

(d) 20:80

70. Loans against NRE TDRs can be granted upto Rs. ____ to the NRI
(a) Rs.25,000

(b) Rs.50000

(c) Rs.1,00,000

(d) Rs. 20 lakhs

71. The ceiling for repatriation of funds from NRE/FCNR accounts is :

(a) Rs.2 lacs

(b) Rs.5 lacs

(c) Rs.10 lacs

(d) No ceiling

72. An Ordinary Non-Resident Account (NRO) can be opened with:

(a) Proceeds of foreign inward remittance
(b) Conversion of existing resident account
(c) All the above
(d) None of the above.
73. What are the tax concessions that are available to NRIs?
(a) Wealth tax, Income tax

(b) Income tax, Gift Tax

(c) Gift tax, Wealth Tax

(d) Wealth tax, Gift tax and Income tax

74. Interest for the transit period has to be recovered in the case of
(a) all purchases

(b) all bills negotiated/purchased

(c) only usance bill purchases

(d) only demand bill purchases

75. Nomination facility is available for NRO/ FCNB deposits

76. RBI will sell (spot) only the following currency
(a) Pound Sterling

(b) US Dollar

(c) Deutsche Mark

(d) Japanese Yen

77. RBI will buy (spot and forward) the following currency(ies)
(a) Pound Sterling(b)

US Dollar

(c) Deutsche Mark

(d) Japanese Yen

(e) All the above currencies

78. Gift can be sent without RBIs approval upto a ceiling of
(a) $1,000/-

(b) $2,000/

(c) $4,000/-

(d) $5,000/ (per remitter / donor per annum)

79. Under FCNB Deposit scheme who absorbs the exchange risk involved
(a) The bank that accepts such deposits
(c) GOI

(b) RBI

(d) The Depositor

80. Monthly interest can be paid on NRE term deposits

True / False
81. Investment by NRIs in units of UTI should be done only through an
Authorised Dealer
Yes / No
82. Loans/OD granted against FCNR/NRE TDRs/STDRs may be liquidated
(a) by Indian rupee remittance

(b) by Foreign inward remittance

(c) by adjustment against TDR/STDR proceeds

(d) by any method mentioned above
83. What is an OCB ?
(a) It is a trust

(b) It is a foreign company

(c) Overseas Commercial Bank

(d) Overseas Corporate Body

84. How much silver can be brought in by NRI to India ?

(a) 50 Kg

(b) 75 Kg

(c) 200 Kg

(d) 100 Kg

85. Persons of Indian Origin but with foreign citizenship are freely permitted to
purchase immovable property in India
True / False
86. Commercial Paper issued by an Indian Company in favour of NRIs will be on
_______ and _______ basis.
(a) non-repatriable, transferable

(b) repatriable, non-transferable

(c) non-repatriable, non-transferable

(d) repatriable, transferable

87. E.E.F.C account is

(a) Exchange Earners Foreign Currency Account
(b) Exchange Entitlement for Civil servants
(c) Export Earnings and Foreign Currency Account
(d) None of the above
88. Before establishment of letter of credit, in the absence of sale contract,
Authorised Dealer can accept
(a) order together with confirmation of overseas suppliers
(b) proforma invoice of supplier, duly counter-signed by the importer
(c) Indent/offer from Overseas supplier
(d) Any one among a, b, c
89. Applications for opening letter of credit providing for payment against
documents other than shipping documents
(a) should be referred to RBI for prior approval
(b) should be referred to ITC authorities
(c) can be entertained directly by Authorised Dealers

90. The negotiating bank, while claiming reimbursement from another bank
should certify that the terms and conditions of the letter of credit have been
complied with
True / False
91. Unless otherwise specified in the credit, Bank can accept as originals, the
documents produced by reprographic systems, computerised systems or as
carbon copies, if marked as originals.
True / False
92. Compounding of interest on FCNB deposit is done
(a) monthly

(b) quarterly

(c) half-yearly

(d) yearly

93. Granting of loans to third parties against NRI deposits by ADs require
sanction from
(a) RBI

(b) IBA


(d) None of these

94. A foreign citizen of Indian origin who is having NRE STDR for Rs.20.00 lacs
with you asks for a loan of Rs.12.00 lacs against STDR to buy a house
(a) the loan can be granted.
(b) the loan cannot be granted as the loan amount exceeds the limit of
Rs.5.00 lacs
(c) prior permission from controllers necessary
(d) none of the above
95. ADs may grant loans and overdrafts to a foreign national without reference
to RBI
(a) without any limit as long as the loan is collaterally secured.
(b) within a ceiling of Rs.5.00 lacs
(c) only to the extent of Rs.1 lac for personal purposes.
96. What is the validity period for a foreign draft?
(a) 3 months

(b) 6 months if not mentioned otherwise

(c) 6 months

(d) 30 days

97. An NRI is eligible for wealth tax exemption for _______ years after his/her
return to India
(a) 5 years

(b) 3 years

(c) 1 year

(d) 7 years

98. How much foreign currency Mr. Ramamoorthy residing in T. Nagar, Chennai
can keep with him?
(a) US $ 500 or its equivalent
(b) US$ 1000 or its equivalent
(c) US $ 2000 or its equivalent
(d) US $ 5000 or its equivalent
99. Export Credit should reach_____% of the net bank credit.
(a) 5%

(b) 10%

(c) 12%

(d) 17%

100. In India, foreign exchange rates are quoted as under :

(a) Direct Quote

(b) Indirect Quote

(c) Cross Rate

(d) None of the above

101. Deposits under FCNB scheme can be opened for a maturity period of

cannot open

(b) One year only

(c) 1-3 years
(d) 1 5 years
102. All demand bills in foreign currency drawn under and import LC will be
crystalised into Rupee liability on ________th day from the date of receipt of
(a) 10

(b) 7

(c) 15

(d) 30

103. Branches are to recover interest on EBR loans upfront and on PCFC loans
at quarterly intervals or on closure thereof and credit to
(a) Branch Interest A/c.
(b) F.D. Kolkata
(c) Branch Discount A.c.
(d) Exchange Account
104. Inward Remittance Certificate can be issued only on security paper, if the
amount of remittance exceeds
(a) Rs.10,000/-

(b) Rs.15,000/-

(c) Rs.25,000/-

(d) Rs.50,000/-

105. Exchange Bureaux, and ADs in airports/seaports may, at their discretion

convert unspent Indian currency of non-resident travellers who are leaving
after a visit to India, if for bonafide reasons the person is unable to produce
Encashment Certificate provided the value of amount to be reconverted
doesnt exceed Rs. ____________
(a) Rs.1,000/-

(b) Rs.5,000/-

(c) Rs.10,000/- and Rs.25,000/106. Periodicity of XOS statement is

(a) Monthly

(b) Quarterly

(c) Half yearly

(d) Annual

107. A person bringing in foreign exchange in the form of foreign currency notes
and travellers cheques have to declare in form CDF in the following cases
(a) amount exceeds US $2,000 or its equivalent
(b) amount exceeds US $10,000 or its equivalent
(c) if the amount of foreign currency notes exceeds US $ 5,000 and the
amount of foreign currency notes plus travellers cheque exceeds US $
10,000/(d) Need not declare
108. Margin that is to be retained on loans granted to the depositor against
FCNRB deposits is
(a) 10%

(b) 15%

(c) 25%


No margin

109. Margin that is to be retained on loans to third parties against FCNB

deposits is
(a) 15%

(b) 10%

(c) 25%

(d) No margin

110. Standard Transaction Reference Number (STRN) on export bill covering

schedules consists of _______ digits
(a) 8

(b) 10

(c) 12

(d) 16

111. Under FCNB scheme, Fixed Notional Rate (FNR) for the US $ for the
purpose of accounting in branch books is
(a) Rs.40/-

(b) Rs.44/-

(c) Rs.45/-

(d) Prevailing TT buying rate

112. How much gold can be brought in by NRIs

(a) 5 kg

(b) 20 kg

(c) 10 kg

(d) 30 kg

113. NRIs are permitted to invest on non-repatriation basis with the prior
permission of RBI/SEBI in Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs) floated by
(a) Domestic public/private sector companies
(b) Commercial banks and Public/Private sector, financial institutions
(c) Both by (a) and (b).
(c) Not permitted to invest in MMMFs
114. Import bills may be received by the banker of the buyer directly from
overseas sellers, if the bank is satisfied and if the value of such import bill
does not exceed _______________
(a) Rs.10,000/(d) Rs.2 lacs
(c) US $ 10,000/(d) US $ 25,000/-

115. Facilities such as PCFC, EEFC, and discounting of bills abroad are available
for exporters for transactions in ACU dollar
Yes / No
116. Transactions between India and Nepal will be routed through revised ACU
117. Request for cash payment against FTC/FCN may be accepted upto the
extent of US$ _______________ or its equivalent per transaction at non
metro centres
(a) US $ 2,000

(b) US $ 1,000

(c) US $ 500

(d) Only against RBI's approval

118. Under revised procedure, FCNB transactions should be reported to

(a) FOCNALO, Mumbai

(b) IB Division, Chennai

(c) Foreign Department, Kolkata


(d) International


119. BEF (Bill of Entry Form) statement should be submitted to RBI

(a) Fortnightly

(b) Monthly

(c) Half yearly

(d) Yearly

120. Export of computer software in non-physical form should be declared in

(a) GR Form

(b) PP Form

(c) SOFTEX Form

(d) ENC Form

121. Interest/income earned on investments made by NRIs in India on nonrepatriation basis

(a) cannot be repatriated at all

(b) cannot be repatriated in full

(c) only net Interest/income (after tax) can be repatriated

(d) Can be repatriated after a lock in period of 5 years

122. ADs may allow advance remittance for import of goods upto a ceiling of
(a) US $ 5,000

(b) US $ 10,000

(c) US $ 20,000

(d) If advance remittance exceeds US @ 100000 an unconditional

irrevocable standby letter of credit or guarantee from an International
123. What is the rate of customs duty payable by NRI on gold brought in by them
(a) Rs.250 per 10gm

(b) Rs.1000 per 10gm

(c) Rs.500 per 10gm

(d) None

124. What is the approved method of sending remittance into India

(a) Through normal banking channel

(b) Through foreign banks

(c) Through authorised money changers

125. Requests for cash payments against Foreign Currency Travellers Cheques
and Foreign Currency Notes may be accepted up to the extent of USD
_______________ or its equivalent per transaction in the Metro centres
(a) 10000

(b) 5000

(c) 1000

(d) 500

126. Forex transactions






(a) FOREX 3






127. We offer Resident Foreign Currency Account (RFC) in ________designated

currency (ies)
(a) 4

(b) 3

(c) 2

(d) 1

128. Maximum quantum of Foreign exchange that can be released to Residents

for business visits abroad
(a) $25000/-

(b) $15000/-

(c) $5000/-

(d) $1000/-

129. On return from abroad, a traveller should surrender his unspent travellers
cheques, within ________ days from date of return
(a) 90

(b) 180

(c) 30

(d) 60

130. International Gateway for SWIFT is situated in

(a) London

(b) Frankfurt

(c) Brussels

(d) New York

131. A transferable letter of credit can be transferred

(a) Twice

(b) Once

(c) any number of times

(d) five times

132. Export usance bills should be crystallised on ____________ day from due
(a) 15th

(b) 30th

(c) 45th

(d) 60th

133. Rate to be applied when an export bill is cyrstallised

(a) Bill buying

(b) Bill selling

(c) TT buying

(d) TT selling

134. Rate to be applied when a crystallised export bill is realised

(a) Bill buying

(b) TT buying

(c) Bill selling

(d) Bill selling

135. Normal Transit Period allowed for export sight bills

(a) 20 days

(b) 25 days

(c) 30 days

(d) 35 days.

136. Import / Export Trade in India is regulated by

(a) RBI

(b) EXIM Bank

(c) DGFT

(d) ECGC

137. FEMA 1999 came into force with effect from

(a) 01 Jan 1999

(b) 01 June 1999

(c) 01 June 2000

(d) 01 June 2001

138. What is the periodicity of submitting `R Returns?

(a) Weekly

(b) Fortnightly

(c) Monthly

(d) Quarterly

139. Which of the following is correct about transactions above Rs.2.5 lacs but
lessthan Rs.5 lacs?

upto 5 paise improvement over Card Rate allowed


To be reported to FD for online rate


Only Card Rate - No improvement


Competitive (Fine/Very Fine) Rate to be quoted liberally

140. Which of the following documents evidences import of goods into India?

Bill of Entry form


Commercial invoice


Bill of Lading


Courier Receipt

141. An importer should furnish to the AD document evidencing import within


6 months from the date of remittance


3 months from the date of shipment


3 months from the date of remittance


No period restriction.

142. A customer of your branch requests for release of foreign exchange for
travel to Kathmandu, Nepal,. How much will you release?

USD 500


USD 1000


USD 5000


USD 10000



143. An NRI sells gold brought by him to residents against rupees. What can he
do with the rupee proceeds?

can be freely repatriated


can be credited to his NRE a/c


FCNB can be opened by converting the proceeds to USD


can be credited to his NRO account only

144. Documents pertaining to exports are to be submitted to A.D within

days from the date of export.








145. The duplicate copy of GR/PP/SDF Forms is returned to the exporter under
the following circumstances.

Bill sent on collection returned unpaid


Crystallized FCSB/BE is paid by the exporter from his local resources


When the unrealized export bill is written off


Should not be returned to exporter except for rectification of errors and


146. Who is authorized to write off unrealized export bills?








Authorized Dealer subject to

certain conditions.

147. Authorised Dealer may normally allow advance remittance for import of
goods without guarantee from an international bank of repute upto

USD 5000


USD 10000


USD 25000


USD 100000

148. What is the normal period within which physical import of goods into India
should be made when advance payment is effected?

149. Despatch of encashed foreign currency notes through post, (viz. Registered
Insured Post) should be restricted to
a) Rupee value of foreign currency notes per packet not to exceed Rs.25
b) Rupee value of foreign currency notes per packet not to exceed Rs.1
c) Rupee value of foreign currency notes per packet not to exceed

No restriction.

150. ________ has introduced Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary
Credits (UCPDC)





Government of India d) International Chamber of Commerce, Paris.

151. INCOTERMS refer to

a) Incorporated Terms





None of the above.

Indian Commercial Terms


152. As per RBI guidelines, banks are to provide export finance to the extent of

10% of net bank credit


12% of net bank credit


18% of net bank credit


No stipulation.

153. Documents evidencing import into India received by an Authorised dealer


should be sent to RBI along with R return


should be sent to RBI along with BEF return


to be returned to importer for submission to Customs Authorities

d) should be preserved by A.D for a period of 1 year from the date of its
verification by internal Inspectors/Auditors
154. Importer Exporter code number is allotted by








155. A returning non-resident Indian


can continue to hold his foreign currency assets abroad

b) can hold a Resident Foreign Currency a/c to keep his foreign currency

both a) & b)


None of the above. Such assets should be converted into Indian


156. In regard to balances in NRE/FCNB accounts of Returning Non-Resident

a) ADs would redesignate such accounts as resident accounts
immediately on their return to India but continue to pay the interest at the
rate originally fixed for the full term.
b) eligible persons can transfer the balance to RFC a/c without penalty for
premature payment

Has to be closed before maturity and converted into Indian rupees


a) & b)

157. An Indian citizen going abroad on a private visit to countries other than
Nepal & Bhutan is eligible for foreign exchange

Upto USD 5000 in any calendar year


Upto USD 10000 in any calendar year


Upto USD 25000 in any calendar year


Upto USD 30000 in any calendar year

158. An Indian citizen going abroad on a private visit to Nepal & Bhutan is eligible
for foreign exchange

Upto USD 5000 in any calendar year


Upto USD 10000 in any calendar year


Upto USD 25000 in any calendar year


No foreign exchange

159. An Indian citizen going abroad for higher studies is eligible for foreign

Upto USD 5000 or upto the estimate of the institution abroad, whichever

b) Upto USD 10000 or upto the estimate of the institution abroad,

whichever is
c) Upto USD 25000 or upto the estimate of the institution abroad,
whichever is
d) Upto USD 100000 or upto the estimate of the institution abroad,
whichever is higher.
160. An Indian citizen going abroad for employment

is eligible for foreign


Upto USD100000 on production of letter of employment


Upto USD 100000 on self declaration basis


Upto USD 25000 on production of letter of employment


No foreign exchange

161. An Indian citizen going abroad on emigration is eligible for foreign exchange
a) Upto USD100000 or amount prescribed by the country of immigration
on the basis of visa

Upto USD 100,000 on self declaration basis

c) Upto USD 25000 or amount prescribed by the country of immigration on

the basis of visa

No foreign exchange.

162. An Indian citizen going abroad for medical treatment is eligible for foreign
a) Upto USD 10000 on self declaration basis and in excess thereof as per
the estimate from a doctor or hospital in India or overseas
b) Upto USD 20000 and in excess thereof as per the estimate from a
doctor or hospital in India or overseas

c) Upto USD 30000 and in excess thereof as per the estimate from a
doctor or hospital in India or overseas
d) Upto USD 100000 and in excess thereof as per the estimate from a
doctor or hospital in India or overseas.
163. An Indian citizen is eligible for foreign exchange for miscellaneous purpose
without production of any document upto

USD 500


USD 1000


USD 2000


USD 5000

164. An Indian citizen is eligible for foreign exchange for gift / donation
annum upto



USD 10000 per remitter / donor


USD 5000 per remitter / donor


USD 25000 per remitter / donor


US 1000 per remitter / donor

165. An Indian citizen going abroad for medical treatment is eligible for foreign
exchange in addition to the medical expenses as per estimate
a) upto USD 10000 per person for meeting boarding, lodging & travel
expenses of the patient and the attender
b) upto USD 25000 per person for meeting boarding, lodging & travel
expenses of the patient and the attender
c) upto USD 50000 per person for meeting boarding, lodging & travel
expenses of the patient and the attender
d) upto USD 100000 per person for meeting boarding, lodging & travel
expenses of the patient and the attender.
166. Sale proceeds of immovable property acquired in India by an NRI out of
repatriable funds

can be repatriated without any lock in period


cannot be repatriated


can be repatriated after 10 years from the date of purchase


NRI is not permitted to buy immovable property in India.

167. What is the time limit within which the bank has to sanction a fresh /
enhancement export credit proposal ?
a) 30 days

b) 45 days

c) 15 days
d) 10 days
168. Export Packing Credit is normally sanctioned for a period of
a) 90 days

b) 180 days

c) 270 days

d) 365 days

169. For travellers proceeding to Iraq and Libya, exchange in the form of foreign
currency notes and coins may be sold up to
a) US $ 2000 or its equivalent
b) US $ 5000 or its equivalent
c) Unlimited
d) No foreign currency notes/coins to be sold
170. Exchange Earners Foreign Currency (EEFC)Account can be maintained
a) Only in the form of non-interest bearing current account
b) Only in the form TDR/STDR
c) Only in the form of SB A/c
d) Any one of above
171. The cost of premium in respect of Whole Turnover Post-Shipment
Guarantee is
a) Recovered from the exporter
b) Borne by the Central Government
c) Absorbed by the bank
d) Shared by the exporter and the bank at 50:50 basis
172. Refinance for PCFC is available to the banks from
a) No refinance is available

b) RBI

c) EXIM Bank

173. Amount from NRO account that can be repatriated


No repatriation is allowed from NRO account for any bonafide purpose

US $ 1million per calendar year subject to payment of applicable taxes
Upto US$ 1,00,000
Up to US $ 10,000

174. Foreign Trade Policy is framed by

a) RBI

b) EXIM bank


d) Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India

175. Opinion Report on foreign buyers can be obtained from
a) Reserve Bank of India
c) Dun & Bradstreet

b) EXIM bank
d) Ministry of Commerce, Govt of India

176. The following risk is not covered under Specific Shipment Policy-Short Term

Insolvency of the buyer

Buyers failure to accept the goods(subject to certain conditions)
Insolvency of the L/C opening Bank
Exchange rate fluctuation.

177. Exporters are permitted to open EEFC accounts in

a) US $ only

b) Euro only

c) Any one of the four currencies viz US$, GBP, EURO, YEN
d) Both a and b.

178.A Student going abroad for studies is eligible for all facilities available to NRI.
a) he has to close educational loan if any already availed by him
b) he has to close other loans, if any, availed by him
c) need not close educational loan
d) he may continue all the loans


20. d

40. c

60. c

79. a

98. c

117. c


21. a

41. d

61. d

80. True

99. c

118. c


22. a

42. c

62. c

81. Yes

100. b

119. c

82. d

101. d

120. c


23. b & c

43. b

63. a

83. d

102. a

121. c


24. b

44. b

64. c

84. d

103. a

122. d


25. a

45. c

65. c

85. True

104. d

123. a


26. c

46. b

66. d

86. Fals

105. a

124. a


27. d

47. True

67. a

106. c

125. c

87. a

107. c

126. c


28. a

48. a

68. a

88. d

108. a

127. d

69. b

89. a

109. c

128. a

70. d

90. True

110. d

129. b

71. d

91. True

111. b

130. c

72. c

92. c

112. c

131. b

73. d

93. d

113. c

132. b

74. b

94. a

114. d

133. d

75. Yes

95. c

115. Yes

134. b

76. b

96. b

116. No

135. b

77. b

97. d

10. a
11. c

29. a
30. c

49. d
50. c

12. d

31. a

51. b

13. a

32. b

52. c

14. a

33. d

53. d

15. b
16. a

34. b
35. c

54. c
55. c

17. c

36. d

56. b

18. d

37. c

57. a

19. a

38. b

58. c

39. a

59. c

78. d

136. c
137. c
138. b

139. a
140. a
141. c
142. e
143. d
144. d
145. d
146. d
147. d
148. Within 6 months from the date of remittance (36 months for capital goods).
149. c
150. d
151. b
152. b
153. d
154. b
155. c
156. d
157. b
158. d
159. d
160. b
161. b
162. d
163. a
164. b
165. b
166. a
167. b
168. b
169. b

170. a
171. c
172. a
173. b
174. d
175. c
176. d
177. c
178. d

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