Seoul Survivor 2015-16

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ce s S p ou


Fo r





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Orthodontics, General dentistry, Pedodontics

Image by Lisa Bond

Seoul Survivor | i


It is indeed an honor for me and Oriental Press to
present this latest edition of the Seoul Survivor, the
ever-popular yearly orientation guide prepared by the
American Forces Spouses Club. This years edition
for 2015-2016 marks the 29th consecutive year of its
publication, and we at Oriental Press have been ever so
proud to have been partnered to its existence for 21 of
those years.
But there are more things about the new Seoul
Survivor that are special than just its history; this years edition will not only
provide a complete update of all pertinent details of the USFK community, but
will reflect the upcoming changes the US military is undergoing and how it will
affect military members and their families here in Korea.
This years edition is a special one for us at Oriental Press. The AFSC
dedicated this issue to a member of our staff, who worked tirelessly for 20 years
on the Seoul Survivor project Mr. Ken Bringer, who passed on in March of this
Since our humble beginnings in 1987, Oriental Press has seen many changes.
We are so proud to be a part of this all-important community publication,
which we know will remain an invaluable resource that will continuously grow
and expand in the years to come.
And of course, no project of this type can be created alone and the Seoul
Survivor is no exception. As such, we would like to express our sincerest
gratitude to Mrs. Jackie McKenna and her tireless staff of volunteers for an
exceptional job, and to the out-going president of the AFSC Mrs. Erin Gonzalez,
and all the wonderful members of the American Forces Spouses Club for
entrusting Oriental Press with this timeless labor of love.

Charles Chong
President, Oriental Press

ii | Seoul Survivor



A publication of the

American Forces Spouses Club

Twenty-ninth Edition 2015-2016

May not be reprinted without the permission of:

American Forces Spouses Club
PSC 450, Box 9, APO, AP 96206-0009

In Memory of Ken Bringer (1948-2015)

This edition of the Seoul Survivor is dedicated to the memory
of Ken Bringer. Longtime member of the Oriental Press team,
Kens insight into how past issues were published, as well
as his knowledge of USAG Yongsan, were invaluable to
countless editorial teams. A steadfast friend to AFSC, his
presence lives on in these pages.

Seoul Survivor | iii

Table of Contents
Permanent Change of Station....................................................................47
Transformation and Relocation..................................................................81
Force Protection and NEO.........................................................................85
Army Community Service (ACS) and Child, Youth and
School Services........................................................................................93


Senior Honorary President
Cindy Scaparrotti
Honorary President
Mary Sue Champoux
Honorary President Sandra Troxell

AFSC Advisor Lisa Yenter
American Welfare Projects Advisor
Terry Drushal
Korean Welfare Projects Advisor
Michelle Ballard
Scholarship Advisor Rita Owens




Erin Gonzalez

AFSC [email protected]

Medical, Dental and Optical.....................................................................141

1st Vice President

Susan Minnich

Julie Hinchcliff


[email protected]

[email protected]

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation...............................................................195

Welfare Treasurer

Operations Treasurer

Rochelle Roberson

Emily Daniels

Religious and Social Life.........................................................................221

[email protected]

[email protected]



Kimchi Pot Lists.......................................................................................233
Travel and Tourism...................................................................................239

2nd Vice President

Wanda Frye

Judy Orrick

[email protected]

[email protected]

Seoul, Korea: A Primer on History and Culture........................................351

iv | Seoul Survivor

Seoul Survivor | v



American Welfare Projects

Christine Williams

Carla Chancellor

[email protected]

[email protected]


Chosun Chatter

Stephanie Talley

Elaine Harman

[email protected]

[email protected]



Mary Hinchcliff

Pamela McIntyre

[email protected]

[email protected]



Shelley Goscha

Sunny Brown

[email protected]

[email protected]

Korean Welfare Projects


Haing Jah Choi

Jackie Li

[email protected]

[email protected]

Public Affairs


Cynthia Lynam

Alexia Russey

[email protected]

[email protected]

Reservations Co-Chair


Kerry Slojkowski

Shelby Cooper

[email protected]

[email protected]

Seoul Survivor

Volunteer Coordinator

Jackie McKenna

Alexia Russey

[email protected]

[email protected]

Ways & Means


Charlene Wilde

LeeAnna Smith

[email protected]

[email protected]

Jackie McKenna
Graphic Designer
Sara Mitchell
Smartphone Application Developers
Sara Mitchell
Carolina Rodriguez
Heather Bisson
Christine Bruns
Christina Cho
Tauni Einer
Jessica Hentze
Elizabeth Machado
Samantha Parker
Stephanie Pretlow
Carolina Rodriquez
Rosa Soto
Kirsten Starkey
Laura Turner
DawnLee Walton
Christine Williams
Student Research Assistant
Jordan Tollett
Heather Bisson
Carrie Barcia
Lisa Bond
Cynthia Lynam
Jerome Ferrin
John Nowell
Cesar Soriano

On the Cover:
Palace Garden, by Sherry Wirth
Sherrys photo was selected from over a dozen entries
in the 2015 Seoul Survivor Cover Art Contest.

vi | Seoul Survivor

Seoul Survivor | vii

More than just a spouses club we are a support network of friends!

The American Forces Spouses Club (AFSC) is a community-focused
military spouses organization that operates at United States Army
Garrison (USAG) Yongsan, South Korea. We are Army, Air Force, Navy
and Marine spouses, both active duty and retired. We are Department
of Defense (DoD) civilian employees and spouses; Department of
Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) teachers and their spouses;
directors and spouses for the American Red Cross, United Service
Organizations (USO), and Special Services; adult family members of
US Department of State and US Diplomatic Mission personnel; and
United Nations Command Officers spouses.
To find out more about AFSC, our clubs and activities, and our
charitable giving, please visit our website at
or on Facebook at

viii | Seoul Survivor

Chapter 1

Our mission is twofold: to enhance the lives of and provide support

for spouses and families stationed at USAG Yongsan and nearby
locations through planned activities to help build friendships, and to
provide support through charitable giving to our American and Korean
communities throughout the peninsula.

Introduction and Welcome

About AFSC

Welcome to the Republic of Korea!

I have the unique privilege to be the commander for US Army Garrison
(USAG) Yongsanthe best, the most unique, and the assignment of choice on
the peninsula! Whether this is your first time in Korea, or a return assignment,
there is no better place to be assigned than in Seoul.
The Seoul Survivor describes the lifestyle we live in Korea as we balance
the demands of our military mission with family, careers, education, and our
community requirements. It is intended to be a quick reference guide to help
you navigate through this exciting, modern, and cultural city. It includes a
wealth of information on how to prepare for your permanent change of station
(PCS), what to do upon arrival, where to shop, where to eat, what community
services are available, where travel opportunities lie, maps, and much more.
And, best of all, it is a product of our spouses whose firsthand experiences and
insights make this publication so relevant.
I would like to thank all our spouses, particularly the members of the
American Forces Spouses Club, for all that they do for our community. They
are a dedicated, multi-talented, diversified, and energetic group of volunteers
whose tenacity and effort made this reference guide a much sought-out
publication. More importantly, I want to thank them for reinforcing the strong
friendship and alliance we have established with our Korean partners through
their volunteer and charitable efforts.
Thank you to the Oriental Press for publishing this book. Their continued
generosity cannot be overlooked.
Your assignment to Seoul will be an adventure of discovery and I trust
you will develop an appreciation of the Korean people, their generosity, and
Yongsan Strong

Maria P. Eoff
Colonel, United States Army
Commander, US Army Garrison Yongsan

Introduction | 3

Image by: Lisa Bond

A Letter from the Editor

Welcome to Seoul, Korea! It is difficult to put into a few words what
an exciting and interesting world awaits you. From tongue-tantalizing
cuisine, to world-class mass transit, to shopping that will satisfy the
most discerning shopaholic, your new home has so much to offer. If I
can give you one piece of advice, it is to embrace the adventure, and
get out and explore: the city, the country, and the region. Your time
here will go by so quickly, and there is so much to see, do, and taste.
Plan a tripor just walk out of a gate and see what awaits you!
This publication is meant to be an aid, vs. a guide book to the
city. Its contents are geared toward directing you to the resources
and information you need to get started. Use the information in it as a
catalyst. It is roughly organized to provide you the information you need
to navigate PCSing to and from Korea, suggestions on what to do/eat/
see once you are here, and concludes with some helpful information
on the history and culture of Korea to help you acclimate. On behalf
of the editorial committee, the AFSC Board and membership, we hope
you will find it helpful.
A personal note: Thank you to the AFSC Board for entrusting
this edition to my care. From day one, I knew that I had your
support, encouragement, and confidence. Thank you for being my
cheerleaders. Many hours were dedicated to reorganizing, refreshing,
and supplementing the content. I cannot begin to thank the members
of the editorial committee enough for their hard work, perseverance,
and commitment to producing a quality product (and for putting up with
my obsessiveness!). This was truly a team endeavor, and I treasured
the opportunity to work with all of you. Finally, thank you to our longtime
partners at Oriental Press, without whom this publication would not be

About The Seoul Survivor

This publication was originally conceived, written, and compiled by
Judy Bridenbaugh in an attempt to ease the frustration experienced
by military members and their families when moving to a location,
especially one in a foreign country. Each subsequent year, information
is added and updated, and today, this book is downloadable as a
searchable PDF from our website, and can also be found on www. as an eBook for Kindle. For the most current edition,
you can also access the information found in this book via a new
smartphone application.
Input for this edition has been gathered from the best available
sources at the time of publication. Every effort has been made to
ensure the accuracy and relevancy of the information and maps at the
time of printing. The American Forces Spouses Club (AFSC) would
be grateful to receive any information from readers concerning errors
or omissions. Please contact us at [email protected].
Inclusion of a business, website, etc. in this publication does not
indicate official affiliation with or endorsement by USAG Yongsan,
USFK, or Eighth US Army.

Jackie McKenna, Editor-in-Chief

The Seoul Survivor, 2015-2016 edition

4 | Introduction

Introduction | 5

US Forces at Yongsan
In 1910, after five years of occupation, the Japanese Empire annexed
Korea and immediately began a major building program to consolidate
its political and military control over the country. It established the
headquarters for the Imperial Japanese Army in Korea at Yongsan
(Dragon Mountain) shortly after annexation. The Japanese compound
included the areas known today as Yongsan Main and South Posts,
Camps Coiner and Kim, Hannam Village (now closed), TMP and
Seobinggo Compounds, the National Museum of Korea, the Republic
of Korea (ROK) Ministry of National Defense, and the War Memorial
of Korea. During its occupation from 1905 to 1945, the Japanese
garrisoned the post with an infantry division headquarters, at least two
infantry regiments, and a cavalry unit. In addition, they located the
colonial administrative and governmental headquarters on South Post.
When World War II ended in 1945, the US government sent Lt.
Gen. John R. Hodges XXIV Corps to Korea to accept the surrender
of Japanese forces south of the 38th Parallel. Meanwhile, Soviet
forces moved into the area north of the Parallel. In September 1945,
the US 7th Infantry Division established its headquarters at Yongsan.
It helped provide administration, order, and security of the southern
zone, pending establishment of a single government for the entire
peninsula; however, a unified Korea proved impossible as the Soviets
sealed the border at the 38th Parallel and created a communist North
Korean state.
All US forces, with the exception of the Korean Military Advisory
Group (KMAG), departed Korea in mid-1949. At the request of the
ROK government, the US military formed the KMAG at Yongsan to
develop and train ROK security forces. These security forces were first
organized into police constabularies and later became the foundation
of the ROK Army.
The North Korean invasion that began on June 25, 1950 turned
Korea into a battlefield. Seoul changed hands between the Communist
and the United Nations forces four times. The opposing armies
inflicted substantial damage on the city and garrison. In 1952, US
forces reestablished headquarters at Yongsan and began restoring the
post. The Eighth US Army moved its headquarters from Seoul National

6 | Introduction

University (present day Seoul National University Medical School) to

Yongsan on September 15, 1953.
On July 1, 1957, the United Nations Command (UNC) headquarters
moved from Tokyo to Seoul in conjunction with an overall reorganization
of US military forces and command structures in the Pacific. The US
Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and
the ROK Minister of National Defense created the Combined Forces
Command (CFC) in 1977; CFC was formally activated on November
7, 1978. This two-nation command, headed by a US four-star general
who also serves as the Commander of United Nations Command,
USFK and is the senior US Army officer in Korea, serves as the war
fighting headquarters in the event of any future hostilities between the
two Koreas.
As the state of no war; no peace, embodied in the Armistice
Agreement of 1953, stretched through the ensuing years, USAG
Yongsan expanded its support facilities. Over the years, the post went
through three major building phases. From 1952 to 1955, the US Army
constructed many Quonset huts on Camp Coiner and other parts of
the post for soldier billeting and offices. From the 1960s to about 1972,
the Army started replacing the Quonset huts with multi-story, concrete
and steel barracks, concrete mess halls, and gymnasiums to improve
soldier living conditions. The third period of construction started about
1977 and went on into the 1990s. Construction included new troop
facilities, family units, schools, the White House (Building 2310), and
the Dragon Hill Lodge. Slowly, Yongsan changed from rows of olivedrab Quonset huts to a modern installation.
USAG Yongsan and the city of Seoul have come a long way since
1965, when the USS General J.C. Breckenridge (T-AP-176), one of
many US military troop ships crossing the Pacific Ocean, first made
landfall at Incheon. Although todays military families arrive at Incheon
Airport via high tech jetliners, those early soldiers came by ship and
were transported north by bus or train to Camp Casey or Camp Howze.
Other camps were spread from Busan (then Pusan), throughout South
Korea, as well as Seoul, and all the way north to the DMZ. Some lucky
soldiers were even assigned to USAG Yongsan.
In the 1960s, very few civilians were assigned to Korea, but those
who came here often reported to USAG Yongsan. Military families
lived on the South Post, while civilians found homes out in town. Most

Introduction | 7

single soldiers were living in Quonset huts on post.

Many aspects of family life on post have changed since those
early days. Hannam Village, Itaewon Acres, and other housing areas
didnt exist, nor did the various restaurants on South Post. The Seoul
American High School was a small, single-story building located where
Army Community Services stands today. Although families could use
the Seoul Military Hospital on South Post, the 121st Evacuation Hospital
was located at Army Service Command/Camp Market in Bupyung until
June 1971.
Recreational and shopping facilities have evolved over the years.
The Dragon Hill Lodge wasnt built until 1990 tennis courts and
officer billets previously occupied that space. The Commissary, which
was once located near the current fire station (now the Walker Center),
was open only to military families with command-sponsored status and
civilians above level GS12, until 1972. The National Museum of Korea
didnt exist in those days; instead, USAG Yongsan boasted an 18-hole
golf course.
Official buildings on post have also migrated through the decades.
The UN Command, USFK, and the Eighth US Army were combined
into the current Eighth US Army headquarters building. The library,
Post Exchange (PX), and Post Office were all in different locations.
Where enlisted barracks once stood, the AAFES Four Seasons and
Community Bank are present today. Two theaters occupied land next
to the current USFK headquarters and predated Main Post Club, now
the R&R Grill.
Though many of the gates on USAG Yongsan are now locked shut,
in the early years these gates provided access to pedestrians and
vehicles. Parking wasnt a problem, because very few military and
civilian personnel had personal vehicles. In fact, few Koreans owned
motorized vehicles of any kind! Its hard to imagine in the crowded
traffic of todays Seoul.
The changes on USAG Yongsan only begin to hint at the dramatic
differences that have reshaped the city of Seoul in the past fifty years.
For example, the first tunnels through Namsan Mountain appeared in
1969. There were once only four bridges crossing the Han River a
landscape now teeming with dozens of bridges, parks, and buildings.
Seouls massive subway began in 1974 with the opening of the Jungno
Line #1; before that, people used streetcars, buses, taxis, or hopsungs

8 | Introduction

(microbuses made from several 55 gallon metal barrels placed on a

truck frame). Transportation was not nearly as comfortable or safe as it
is today! Concerned that detailed maps would find their way into enemy
hands, the Korean government only made tourist maps available to the
public beginning in 1980.
Today, USAG Yongsan consists of 630 acres, housing the following
major tenant organizations: the UNC/CFC/USFK Headquarters, Eighth
US Army Headquarters, US Navy Forces Korea, US Marine Forces
Korea, 501st Military Intelligence Brigade Headquarters, 1st Signal
Brigade Headquarters, the 65th Medical Brigade, the Brian Allgood
Army Community Hospital, and the Joint US Military Advisory Group
Korea (JUSMAGK). Approximately 1,200 US and 6,000 Korean civilian
employees augment the US military, and more than 1,000 KATUSA
(Korean Augmentation to the US Army) soldiers serve on post.
Some 7,000 military and civilian employee family members reside
on South Post or in neighborhoods adjacent to the garrison. Although
the headquarters for the 2nd Infantry Division (2ID) is north of Seoul,
many 2ID family members live in Seoul or on USAG Yongsan. The
2ID Combat Aviation Brigade resides at USAG Humphreys, but has an
aviation battalion assigned to K-16.
Information in this section was provided with the help of Mr. John
Nowell, former USAG Yongsan Area II Public Affairs Officer and
Historian; the USFK Command History Office; and the Yongsan Public
Affairs Office. For more information or to obtain a guidebook for a
walking tour of USAG Yongsan, please visit the Heritage Center located
on South Post, Building 4260, at 050.3323.5213, DSN 723.5213.

Introduction | 9

Chapter 2

10 | Introduction



My friends and I have joked that we expect anyone who has been here five minutes
longer than we have to know their way around. Try to find someone who can show
you how to get to places the first time, and take advantage of the many informative
resources available to you. Soon, you will be the one who has been here five minutes
longer and you will be escorting new friends to favorite shops, restaurants, and sights.
~Rita Owens

This section provides helpful references, information about utilities,

and other items to help you as you transition to life at US Army Garrison
(USAG) Yongsan.

Phone Numbers

Offices and some housing areas at USAG Yongsan have Defense

Switching Network (DSN) phones. The phone numbers have seven
digits. USAG Yongsan is divided into six areas with six different
prefixes: 723, 724, 725, 736, 737 and 738. The K-16 prefix is 741.
Cell phones prefixes are 010, 011, 016, 017, and 018. We have
made every effort to include both commercial and DSN numbers where
applicable in this publication; however, there may be times when you
need to know how to convert a DSN to dial it from a commercial phone.
This section will provide guidance on how to do that.


From a Military Phone
To call a DSN phone number in Korea, dial the seven-digit number
To call a commercial phone or cell phone number, dial 99+ the
From a Commercial or Cell Phone
To call a DSN phone number, dial 05033+ the last six digits of
the phone number.
To call a commercial phone from a cell phone, dial 02+ the
phone number.


To call a commercial phone in Seoul, dial 1+011+822+XXX+XXXX

To call a cell phone in Seoul, dial 1+011+ last two prefix digits +
rest of phone number.
To call a DSN phone in Seoul, dial 1+011+822+791X+XXXX.

Resources | 13

Image by: Heather Bisson

DSN (all bases): 911
K-16: 050.3341.6001
Yongsan: 050.3338.0117
Police (Off Post)
DSN: 112
Sexual Assault Prevention (SHARP) 24/7 Assistance
DSN: 158 or 763.5700
Commercial: 050.3363.5700
From US:
DoD Sexual Assault Support (SAFE) Helpline
877.995.5247 (US toll free)
Suicide Prevention Hotline (Korea-Wide)
DSN: 118
Commercial: 0808.555.118

1st Replacement Company
19th Personnel Company
AAFES Army Air Force Exchange Service
Army Community Service
Army Family Action Plan
AFN-K American Forces Network-Korea
AFSC American Forces Spouses Club
Army Family Team Building
BAACH Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital
BOSS Better
Unaccompanied Soldiers
Package/Liquor Store
Combined Forces Command

14 | Resources

COLA Cost of Living Allowance

CYSS Child Youth and School Services
Demilitarized Zone
Directorate of Public Works
Defense Switching Network
DEROS Date Estimated Return from Overseas
DoDEA Department of Defense Education Activity
DoDDS Department of Defense Dependent School
Environmental Morale Leave
EUSA Eighth US Army
Far East District, US Corps of Engineers
FMWR Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation
Joint US Military Affairs Group, Korea
KATUSA Korean Augmentee to the US Army
Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation
Overseas Housing Allowance
Privately Owned Vehicle
Republic of Korea (Army)
SAES Seoul American Elementary School
SAMS Seoul American Middle School
SAHS Seoul American High School
Status of Forces Agreement
SUSLAK Special US Liaison Advisor, Korea
US Army Garrison
USFK US Forces Korea
United Services Organization
Warrior Readiness Center

Resources | 15

Eighth US Army Pacific Victors
Home page for the Eighth US Army.
Home page for The Exchange.
Air Mobility Command
Comprehensive information on Space Available (Space A) travel.
American Forces Spouses Club of Korea
Learn more about how you can connect with American Forces spouses
in Korea.
American Red Cross Military Services
Emergency messages, financial assistance, resources, and referrals.
Americas Promise
Partnership of national organizations dedicated to improving the lives
of young people.
Animal Quarantine Inspection Service
Animal quarantine inspection service for bringing pets into Korea.
Army Civilian Personnel
Home page for US Army civilian personnel.

16 | Resources

Army Family Readiness Groups
Resources for and about Family Readiness Groups.
Home page for the US Army.
Army OneSource
Information on volunteering, family team building, and Army life.
AUSA Family
Non-profit advocating and providing resources for Army families.
Boy Scouts
Join or start a troop; volunteer as a leader.
Camp Humphreys
Home page for Camp Humphreys.
Career One Stop for Spouses
Career resources for military spouses.
Commander, US Naval Forces Korea
Home page for the US Navy in Korea.
Commissary information including hours, special sales, and digital
Central location for sponsors, spouses, and their children (18 years
and older) to access personal information, health care eligibility,
personnel records, etc.

Resources | 17

Defense Finance/Pay
Access pay tables, myPay login, etc.

Military Youth on the Move
Resources to help parents and youth prepare for a military move.

Exchange Food Court
Order delivery or take-out from Exchange restaurants.

MWR, Army
Home page for US Army morale, wellness, and recreation services.

Girl Scouts
Join or start a troop; volunteer as a leader.

MWR, Yongsan
Home page for morale, wellness, and recreation services specific to

Korea Housing Management
Home page for KOHOM, on-post leased housing management in
Information on employment, schooling, and internships.
Military Health System
Official website of the military health system and the Defense Health
Military Impacted Schools Association
MISA works on funding, legislation, partnerships and programs for
military families on the move.
Military OneSource
Provides confidential, comprehensive information on military life at no
Military Space Available Travel
Information about Space A travel (unofficial site).

18 | Resources

National Military Family Association
Non-profit advocacy and resources for military families, including
camps and scholarships.
National Guard Bureau (NGB) Family Programs
Support, education, and readiness programs for National Guard
Provides news, content, a directory of merchants who can ship to
APO/FPO/DPO addresses.
Osan Air Base Passenger Terminal
Information on Space A flights to and from Korea.
Patriot Express
Schedule for Space A military flights to and from Korea.
Points of Light Foundation
Post and search volunteer opportunities.

Resources | 19

View benefit information including tips for obtaining care while traveling.
Yongsan Library
Home page for the garrison library.
US Government Web Portal
Links to all US government agencies.
USAG Yongsan Installation
Yongsan Garrison online event calendar, telephone book, welcome
guide, daily weather, etc.
USA Jobs
Apply for US government and civil service jobs.
US DODEA Pacific
Home page for DoD schools in the Pacific. Download student
handbooks and enrollment forms.
United Service Organizations (USO)
Home page for the USO; connect with local centers and activities,
including tours.
United States Forces Korea (USFK)
Home page for USFK; provides links to military websites and other
helpful resources.
Veterans Affairs
Access information on health care, education, training, and other
veterans benefits.

20 | Resources

Adventure Korea
Organizes group excursions and short trips within Korea.
American Womens Club Korea
Social and philanthropic group.
Animal Rescue Korea
Dogs and cats available for adoption; volunteer pet courier opportunities;
Camarata Music Company
Non-profit organization that provides an opportunity for people, both
Korean and foreigners, to perform classical music together.
Cine In Korea
Online movie ticketing in English for local theaters including CGV
Yongsan (iPark Mall).
City of Seoul-Official Website
Information for visiting, living, or doing business in Seoul, including
municipal events calendars.
Information to make living in Korea easier, especially for multicultural
Daves ESL Caf
Information and jobs board for teaching English abroad.

Resources | 21

Fight Tonight CrossFit
Official website for the military CrossFit affiliate at Yongsan.

Korea on the Rocks
Information on rock and ice climbing in Korea.

The First Class Pet
Pet travel arrangements.

Articles and photos to help demystify Korea.

GMarket, an eBay brand, is an online global marketplace, similar to

Official Korea Tourism Organization
Information on tourist spots and other recreational activities.

Interpark Ticket
Purchase tickets for musicals, plays, and concerts in English.
Itaewon Global Village Center
Offers free language classes and other activities for foreigners.
Korea Animal Transport
Korean animal transport site.
Resources, reviews, and event calendars from expatriates in Korea.
The Korea Guide
Information about Korean employment, housing, and relocation.
Korean Class 101
Free online Korean language lessons.
Korean National Police Agency
Crime prevention guide for foreigners and police department

22 | Resources

Official Tour Guide to Everything Seoul
The official website for Seoul tourism information.
Seoul City Improv
Improvisational comedy group with English performances.
Seoul International Womens Association
Social and philanthropic womens organization.
Lists and tips about living and traveling in Korea.
Seoul Metro
Seoul mass transit system maps, directions, and trip planner.
Seoul Players
Theater performances in English.
Tales From a Small Planet
City reports, school reviews and essays from volunteer contributors.

Resources | 23

Talk to Me in Korean
Free online Korean language lessons and podcasts.
Waygook: Teach, Travel, Learn
Jobs board and a forum about Korean life; especially helpful for English

The following is a sampling of blogs, both government-sponsored
and individually authored, that provide insight into life in Korea.
Korean recipes in an easy-to-follow format.
English languare blog run by the official webpage of the
Republic of Korea, operated by the Korean Culture and Information
Service (KOCIS).
Korean cooking ideas.
Fun and unique diversions in Korea.
What to do with your kids in Seoul.
Oddities, pointers, and guides for multiple Asian locales.
Guide to exploring Seoul from the perspective of individual subway
Information for before and during a PCS to Korea.

24 | Resources


Inclusion in this list does not indicate official affiliation with or endorsement by USAG
Yongsan, USFK, or Eighth Army. This list is not all-inclusive.
You can search Facebook to locate these pages; many are closed
groups you may have to request to join.
Yongsan Adult Babysitter Page
Yongsan Certified Teen Babysitters List

Flea Markets/Home Businesses/Money Savers

Couponing In Korea
Seoul Military Community Buy and Sell Page (open to people
with post access only)
Yongsan Buy and Sell Page
The Yongsan Flea Market
Yongsan Home Business Support
Yongsan Savers


Yongsan Vegan & Plant-Strong Eaters

Kimchi Fried Rice and More
Seoul Eats: Restaurant reviews
Where to Eat in South Korea: Restaurant recommendations

Hobbies and Sports

US Ski Patrol Asia

USAG Yongsan Zumba
YG Hikers
Yongsan Craftaholics
Yongsan CWOC
Yongsan Pilates
Yongsan PWOC

Military Life

ACS Yongsan
AFSC Book Club
AFSC Bunko
AFSC Photography
AFSC Walkers & Runners
AFSC Shopping and Tours Club
American Forces Spouses Club (Korea)
Blackhawk Village Residents
Burke Tower 7170/7171
Dragon Hill Lodge
Eagle Grove Residents

Resources | 25

Eighth Army-Korea
Itaewon Acres Resident Association (IARA)
Marine Spouses in Korea
Navy Family Readiness Group Seoul
Navy Fun
Second Hand Rose Thrift Shop
Seoul Military Community
US Army Garrison Yongsan
US Forces Korea (Official Page)
USAG Yongsan
USAG Yongsan Army Community Service
USAG-Yongsan Veterinary Treatment Facility
USO Korea
Yongsan Military Spouses


Paws Across the Pen

Pet Sitting Network
Yongsan Dogs Playgroup
Yongsan Pet Care Center

Pregnancy, Children

Adopting in Korea
Breastfeeding Support Group of Pyeontaek
Children with Special Needs in DoDEA Korea
Cloth Diapering Army Wives in South Korea
Kids Fun in Seoul
KISS Korea Infertility Support System
LLLSeoul (La Leche League of Seoul)
Milky Mamas in Korea
Monday Baby Story Time Yongsan Library
Natural Minded Pregnant Moms in South Korea
PAKT Playgroup
Pregnant Army Wives in South Korea
Pregnant in Osan
Seoul American Elementary School
Seoul American Elementary School PTO
Seoul American High School PTSO
Seoul American Middle School
Seoul American Middle School PTO
Seoul Girl Scouts
US Military Parents Stationed in Seoul
Yongsan Homeschool Group
Yongsan Korea Mommy Meet Up

26 | Resources

Travel and Tourism

Jeju Tourism Organization

Korea Tourism Organization
National Parks of Korea
Osan Passenger Terminal
SeaTac Passenger AMC Terminal
Seoul Korea
Traveling Throughout South Korea and neighboring countries
USO Korea
Visit Seoul
When in Korea
Wilderness Adventures Korea


Americans in Korea
Festivals and Events in Korea
Free Share in Seoul
Giving Back Q&A Forum
Latinos en Korea Humphreys, Osan, Yongsan
Latinos in Korea
Seoul USEA (US Embassy Association)
Sites in Seoul
Things Uncle Sam Never Told You About Korea
US Embassy Association Seoul
US Embassy Seoul

Resources | 27

Smartphone Applications
HeyWire by MediaFriends, Inc. Provides a US phone
number for texting only. Good if you have friends who do
not have smartphones.

KaKao Talk by KaKao Talk. Chat, text, call, and picture

message people in the US or Korea who have this free
MangoPlate by MangoPlate. The up-and-coming Yelp!
of Seoul.

American Red Cross

The primary mission of the American Red Cross in Korea is to serve
military personnel and their families, improve the quality of human
life, enhance self-reliance and concern for others, and help people
avoid, prepare for, and cope with emergencies. The Brian Allgood
Army Community Hospital and its clinics host a wide spectrum of Red
Cross volunteer opportunities including leadership, administrative, and
casework positions.
American Red Cross services include health and safety classes such
as CPR, First Aid and AED classes, Life Guarding and Water Safety,
Babysitter Training, Instructor Training, Pet First Aid and Disaster
Services. Available classes vary by community. Please contact your
local area Red Cross station for class availability and cost.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 2259, Moyer Recreation Center, Room
215 Phone: 02.7918.3670 DSN: 738.3670 Fax: 02.7918.9012 Fax DSN: 738.9012

Naver Map by Naver Corp. iPhone and Google maps

do not work well in Korea. Although the interface is in
Korean, Naver Map can help you find where you are
relative to the subway or buses, even if you dont read
MilSpaceA by Take-a-Hop. Helps you schedule a
Space-A military flight.

Seoul Bus 3 Metropolitan Bus by Juwan Yoo. Helps

you navigate the Seoul bus system. The interface is in
English, but most of the bus stop names are in Korean.

Subway Korea (Jihachul) by Broong, Inc. The most

critical app for finding your way around Seoul. Use this
to navigate the subway system, plan a route, find train
times, etc.
AAFES Taxi by Kang KwonYoung. This application is
indispensable when you need a taxi with base access.

28 | Resources


The Red Cross provides rapid communications between military
members, DoD civilians and their families regarding death, serious
illness, childcare breakdowns, birth, health and welfare reports, and
other personal or family problems. Family members back home should
call their local Red Cross to request emergency message service. Your
family will need your current rank, social security number, and military
address for the request. Answers to frequently asked questions are
listed below.
How do I send a message?
For requests between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, call your installation
Red Cross Office. After hours, contact the USAG Yongsan Office. A
caseworker will process your message. To expedite service, please
provide as much pertinent information related to the situation as
possible (e.g., local point of contact, name and phone numbers,
doctors name and phone number, location of patient, your 1SGs or
Company Commanders name and phone numbers).

Resources | 29

What do I do if I get a message?

For emergency messages, your 1SG will be called to copy its contents
and deliver them to you. If a non-emergency message arrives, every
effort will be made to locate you in order to deliver its contents to you
directly. Once you have received your message, discuss the situation
with your chain of command.
Will the service pay my way home?
If you have been placed on Emergency Leave with Funded Travel
Orders, the military will pay for your plane ticket to a port of entry on
the west coast. Any follow-on travel will be your responsibility. Ordinary
Leave under Emergency Conditions requires that you pay for the
entire plane ticket. Contact your chain of command regarding travel
regulations for your family.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: To locate a local chapter, visit and enter the zip code in the space provided. Phone: 050.3338.3670
(USAG Yongsan), 877.272.7337 (toll free) Hours: 8:00 am-4:00 pm

Most countries maintain an embassy or consulate in Seoul. They can
be very helpful in providing you with travel information for their country
and will assist in any visa arrangements if you are not traveling with
a group that is handling details for you. The embassies can also tell
you of any necessary vaccinations/immunizations required for travel in
their country. Do not expect foreign embassies to warn you of potential
difficulties/dangers of travel in their country; most try to encourage
tourism. Please visit the Department of States Bureau of Consular
Affairs website at to find travel warnings, travel
advisories and entry requirements for specific countries. The Yongsan
library is a good source for current telephone numbers or addresses
you may need.

30 | Resources

US Ambassador Mark Lippert and the US Embassy in Seoul welcome
you to Korea. Assisting Americans overseas is their highest priority,
and they look forward to serving you.

American Citizen Services (ACS)

The American Citizen Services (ACS) section accepts applicants
for US passports, adjudicates Consular Reports of Birth Abroad
(CRBA) for children born to US citizen parent(s) abroad, notarizes
documents, offers voting assistance, transmits benefits applications to
Social Security, Veterans Affairs and other federal agencies for action,
repatriates destitute US citizens, conducts welfare and whereabouts
searches, assists the family members of US citizens who die in Korea,
and visits US citizens who are arrested for violating the law. For details
on ACS services and to download application forms, visit the ACS
website, below.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.397.4114 (In an Emergency) Email:
[email protected] Website:

US Embassy Seoul
ACS services at the Embassy are provided by appointment only.
Payment for services can be made in cash (US dollars or Korean won)
or credit cards.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 188 Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu Subway:
Gwanghwamun Station (Subway Line 5, Exit 2) Website:
acs_appt_contacts.html (for appointments) Hours: 8:45-11:15 am and 1:00-3:00 pm
(closed Wednesday afternoons, weekends, and American and Korean holidays)

Yongsan, Daegu, and Other Off-site Services

Consular officers provide routine services at USAG Yongsan every

Wednesday on a first-come, first-served basis. Off-site services are
also offered occasionally in Daegu (including Camp Henry) and Busan.
Customers based at Camp Humphreys can apply for passports and
Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBAs) directly through the Post
Passport Acceptance Agent located in the Transportation Building.
USAG Yongsan and off-site locations only accept money orders for

Resources | 31

payment. Times, dates, and locations for off-site services are subject
to change. For latest off-site service schedules, see the website, below.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Daegu and Busan, locations vary.
Phone: 02.397.4114 (In an emergency, 24/7) DSN: 721.4114 Website: Hours: Wednesday, 9:00 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm4:00 pm

ACS encourages all US citizens, including military and dependents,
to maintain a valid US passport at all times. Tourist passports are
required for personal travel; official or no-fee passports should only
be used for official travel such as PCS or TDY travel. Always handcarry your passport when traveling. When youre out and about, keep
your passport in a secure location such as a hotel safe.

While stationed in Korea, you may wish to take advantage of the
wonderful travel opportunities in Asia. Before traveling, be sure to
check the entry requirements for each country you plan to visit. In
addition to a valid passport, many nearby countries require US citizens
to obtain a visa for entry. Some visas may be obtained at the airport
upon arrival; others must be obtained at the Embassy of the country
you are visiting prior to travel. In addition, many countries require a
traveler to hold a passport with at least six months remaining validity
and/or two blank pages. For entry requirements of your destination,
visit the website below.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: US Department of States Bureau of Consular
Affairs Website:

SOFA Stamps
The US Embassy does not issue Status of Forces Agreement
(SOFA) stamps. Please contact your post/base legal office. (See the
PCS section of this publication for more information.)

32 | Resources

Getting Married in Korea

While consular officers at the Embassy are not authorized to perform

marriages, they can assist US citizens with the paperwork necessary
for a legal marriage in Korea. There are specific marriage requirements
for USFK members. For details visit the website, below.


Registering a Baby in Korea

The Embassy strongly encourages all US citizens who have children
born in Korea to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA)
and passport as soon as possible after the birth of the child. A CRBA
is an official record confirming that the child acquired US citizenship at
birth. It can be issued only at a US Embassy or Consulate overseas,
and only before the child reaches 18 years of age. For details, visit the
website below.

Naturalization and Immigration

The Department of Homeland Security, US Citizenship and
Immigration Service (USCIS), maintains an office at US Embassy Seoul.
USCIS can assist with issues such as US citizenship, naturalization,
and immigration applications for non-US citizen spouses and other
family members. USCIS provides services at USAG Yongsan every
Wednesday at the same time and location as ACS services (see page
31). For details, visit the website below.

Staying Safe in Korea

Crime rates in Korea are low compared to the US, but you should
never let your guard down. The Embassy has received reports of US
citizens who have been victims of crime from petty theft to sexual
assault and rape. Conversely, Americans are arrested in Korea every
year for violating the laws of the Republic of Korea. Alcohol abuse is
often a contributing factor. If you are a victim of crime, first call the
police by dialing 112. If you need further assistance, contact the Special

Resources | 33

Citizen Services (SCS) Unit at the US Embassy. For more information

on crime and staying safe in Korea, please visit the website below.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Special Citizen Services (SCS) Unit at the US
Embassy Website:

Staying Connected
The Embassy encourages all American citizens overseas to register
their whereabouts through the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program
(STEP) to receive our monthly newsletter and email alerts. The
Embassy also invites you to follow us on Facebook or Twitter (see
below). Our goal is to reach all US citizens in the Republic of Korea
with current security information and other important updates.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: State Departments Smart Traveler
Enrollment Program (STEP) Facebook:
Twitter: @SeoulCons Website:

The US Embassy Association (USEA) exists not only for the American
Embassy community but also for military members and civilians
assigned to or visiting USAG Yongsan. The USEA can accommodate
many of your needs such as a comfortable and quiet TDY suite at
a low rate on USAG Yongsan. The TDY suite guestrooms contain a
queen size bed, sitting room, kitchenette, full bath, cable TV, a DSN
telephone and internet service.
The USEA also offers Event Hall rentals for official functions or
private parties for either formal or informal functions. Several options
are available which are guaranteed to meet the needs of your meetings
and special events. USEA logo items are available for sale in the Main
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 8105 (next to
Starbucks) Phone: 011.822.7918.6124 (CONUS), 02.397.4487 DSN: 738.6124
Website: Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-5:00 pm (Closed
on US and Korean holidays)

Legal Assistance Office

The Yongsan Legal Assistance Office offers a wide variety of legal
services in the following areas. Services in a particular listed area may
be limited.
Family law: Includes marriage, annulment, legal separation,
divorce, financial nonsupport, child custody/visitation, paternity
and adoption.
Estates: Wills, living wills, health care powers of attorney, and
the designation of beneficiaries under life insurance policies.
Real and personal property: Purchase, sale, or rental of
Economic issues: Includes debt, banking, credit and non-
government claims.
Civilian administrative issues: Includes immigration and
Military administrative issues: Line of duty investigations,
reports of survey, evaluation, report appeals and security
clearance revocation.
Other Services: Notarization services.
The following people are eligible to receive legal assistance at the
Yongsan Legal Assistance Office: Active Component (AC) members of
the US military and their family members; Reserve Component (RC)
service members serving on active duty pursuant to orders and their
family members; surviving family members of AC, RC, and retired
service members who would be eligible for legal assistance if the
service member or retired member were alive; DoD civilian employees
and their family members and civilian contractors if the Department
of Defense is contractually obligated to provide such assistance.
Contractors must provide a copy of their contract or accreditation letter
to verify this obligation (not all services are available to contractors).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4106, Room 229 Phone:
0505.738.8111 DSN: 738.8111 Website:
Hours: Monday-Wednesday, Friday 9:00 am-4:30 pm, Thursday 1:00-4:00 pm

34 | Resources

Resources | 35

Veterans Affairs


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) office at Yongsan is identified

as a Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) Center. The focus of the
Yongsan BDD operation is to provide separating and retiring military
members of all services the opportunity to start VA claims for serviceconnected disability compensation before they retire. The VA office
offers a wealth of information on health care, disability compensation,
vocational rehabilitation, employment, home loan guaranty, survivors
benefits and insurance. Veterans residing on the Korean peninsula
will be served by the regional office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The
correspondence address is Department of Veterans Affairs, Pittsburgh
Regional Offices, 1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. If you
are already a veteran arriving to Korea, you will be directed to contact
the Pittsburgh office.

There are over 50 places in Korea where service members are stationed.
Listed below are the main installations. Click on the provided links (where
available) to learn more.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4037 Phone: 050.3338.5121,

800.827.1000 (toll free) DSN: 738.5121 Website(s):,, Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00-11:00 am and 12:30-4:30 pm

Osan Air Base

This Air Force base is approximately 35 miles south of Seoul.
The base is located adjacent to Songtan not the town of Osan.

United Services Organization

The USO provides a lounge, Cross-cultural School, Good Neighbor
Program, language classes, information, referral, outreach services,
and is an excellent place to book tours in Seoul and throughout Korea.
You can also book many overseas vacations at reasonable prices.
The USO also generally has a comprehensive selection of helpful
guidebooks and maps. This is a go-to place for information on how to
get around town and travel in general.
Location: Camp Kim, Building 1224 Phone:
050.3324.7003/3301 DSN: 724.7033/3301 Hours: Monday-Saturday, 8:00 am-5:00
pm Location: South Post, Building 4034 Phone: 050.3323.5364 DSN: 723.5364
Website: Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-7:00 pm, Saturday
9:00 am-7:00 pm

36 | Resources

Chinhae Navy Base

Chinhae (Jinhae) is on the southern tip of the Korean peninsula and is the
site of the only US Navy base in Korea as well as the headquarters for the
Korean Navy. Website:
USAG Daegu
Daegu is one of the largest cities in Korea and home to Camps Carroll,
Henry, George, and Walker. Website:
Also known as Seoul Air Base, this small post is located near the city of
Songnam across the Han River just outside of Seoul.

Suwon Air Base

This small air base is located 17 miles north of Osan Air Base and serves
primarily as a Republic of Korea Air Base.
USAG Humphreys/Camps Long and Hovey
The facilities are undergoing vast changes to improve accommodations and
services for US military members and their families. Website:
USAG Red Cloud/Camp Casey/Area 1
The area north of Seoul up to the demilitarized zone (DMZ) is categorized as
Area 1. There are over 40 Army posts in this area including Camps Jackson
and Stanley. USAG Red Cloud is located in Uijeongbu. Website:
USAG Yongsan
USAG Yongsan is located in the heart of Seoul just north of the Han River
and adjacent to Itaewon. Camp Coiner is located adjacent to Main Post
USAG Yongsan. Camp Kim is located across from the Main Post through
Gate 17 (USO). Website:

Resources | 37

Utilities and Banking

LG Telecom
LG Telecom provides internet and telephone service for Governmentowned and Government-operated housing.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Moyer Recreation Center, Building 2259,
Room 104 Point of Contact: Mr. Kim Phone: 050.3323.7023 DSN: 723.7023
Email: [email protected]

KT Telecom
KT Telecom provides internet and telephone service for leased
housing on post. You can make bill payments on post at the Business
One Stop Center which is located above Starbucks in the Embassy
Association building or at the following locations for a small service
fee: 7 Eleven, CU, or any Post Office.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Exit Gate 14, walk to the main road, and turn right.
The office is a short distance up the road on the right. Point of Contact: Mr. Kim, Dong
Wan (Mike) Phone: 02.797.4227, 010.2776.0905

DSN Lines
LG Dacom, located on the first floor of Moyer CAC, offers several
different plans as well as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phone
numbers. This is a US phone number that friends and family can use
to call you at US local or long distance rates instead of international
rates. You can even request the area code where your family lives,
so all calls to you will be local calls. If your current telephone/internet
provider is KT, you are not required to switch to LG Dacom. However,
the VOIP is only available through LG Dacom. Providers and options
continue to change, so check the plans and fees carefully.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: LG Dacom, Telephone Control Desk, Building
2320 Phone: 050.3338.6900 DSN: 738.6900


Your telephone/internet provider will vary. It is often included in your
rent or utilities fees. Discuss choices with your rental company or
contact one of the above numbers to see if they service your area.

38 | Resources

Public Telephones
If you do not have a telephone in your quarters, there are overseas
telephone lines available for use at Moyer CAC and at the USO. You
can use the phones and pay for calls in dollars, won, or by using prepaid telephone cards. The USO also has Call-for-Free phones at Camp
Kim. Contact them at 050.3324.7003/3301, DSN 724.7003/3301. You
can use pre-paid phone cards at all local pay telephones and with
Korean cell phones.

Cell Phones
Korea is the most wired country in the world. Only unlocked American
cell phones will work in Korea, and vice versa, but you will need to
purchase a Korean SIM card and calling plan. Also, an unlocked
iPhone from the US will only get 3G service in Korea.
Some Korean cell phone plans also include calls to and from the
US at reasonable prices, so check your options before you buy. Some
carriers offer a phone number you can call that will connect you to the
US without any additional fees.
Unlike in the US, military orders will not allow you to cancel your
cell phone contract. If you leave before your contract is complete, you
will need to either pay off the remaining months of the plan or sell
your plan to someone else. If you take over a contract, you will need
to take the phone to the place of purchase and change the payment
information associated with the phone.
The US Military and the Korean government require drivers to use a
hands free device, no headsets, so if you must take a call while driving,
find a safe place to pull over and take the call.

Where to Buy a Phone

Concession stand in the PX: New and used phones are available,
ranging in price from $50 to $500. Plans vary with the service and
minutes you require. A basic plan starts for as little as $10 per
month plus the cost of the phone. Read all service agreements
carefully; some plans charge for all calls made to cell phones
operated by other service providers.
The Second Hand Rose Thrift Store: They sell used phones, with
pre-programmed number and charger, for around $25.

Resources | 39

The Business Center in the Dragon Hill Lodge: New and used
phones with various plans are available.
One Stop Center: US Embassy Association building S8105,
above Starbucks, 050.3392.6655, DSN 792.6655, sells new
and used cell phones and plans. Prices begin around $50, with
different options. Also, One Stop services and repairs computers
and laptops, offers fax and photocopying, wireless internet, and
designing services, and making military coins.

Prepaid Phone Cards

Pre-paid phone cards to program into the phone are another
convenient option. More time can be purchased and added, or have
several months programmed in at a time, at approximately $10
minimum per month. Several businesses on post sell phone minutes,
including the PX concession and the DHL Business Center, and they
will program your phone for you. Ask for details about programming
cards and expiration dates when purchasing your phone.

Your internet provider is determined based on where you are
assigned quarters. Once the housing office informs you of where you
will be living, you can contact the appropriate provider to schedule new
service. These numbers may also be used to report service issues/
request a service call.
LG Telecom
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Moyer Recreation Center, Building 2259,
Room 104 Point of Contact: Mr. Kim Phone: 050.3323.7023 DSN: 723.7023
Email: [email protected] (for government-owned and government-operated housing)

KT Telecom
CONTACT INFORMATION. Point of Contact: Mr. Kim Dong Wan (Mike)
Phone: 02.797.4227, 010.2776.0905 (for leased housing Eagle Grove, Black Hawk,
and Itaewon Acres)


If you live off post, your internet provider will vary. You can discuss
choices with your rental company. If your internet provider may be
Korea Telecom (KT) 02.797.0060. To get to the KT office, exit Gate 14,
walk to the main road, and turn right. The office is a short distance up
this road on the right side.

MWR Cable Television is available to those living on post. A variety
of American Forces Network (AFN), US, and Asian channels, along
with command channels which provide community information and
force protection advisories are available. Projected weekly schedules
are given in area publications, such as the Stars and Stripes, Korea
Herald, and Korea Times. Also visit for the latest
TV and radio schedule. Pamphlets listing channels offered and fees
are available at the CATV business office.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: MWR Cable Television (MWR CATV), South Post,
Building 4891 Phone: 050.3338.2288/4310 DSN: 738.2288/4310


Personnel living off post will need to lease a decoder box and
purchase a Direct to Home (DTH) cable TV satellite dish at the PX
to receive AFN programming. Fees include an installation charge
(usually between $100-200) and monthly decoder fees (about $15).
Installation service in the Seoul area is available through NASA, an
off-post Korean company (02.717.2256/2257).
NOTE: Many apartment complexes and rental properties do not
permit installation of AFN DTH equipment. Refer to the list provided
by the housing office. Review AFN availability carefully before entering
into a lease agreement since AFN is the source of many service force
protection advisories. (Military websites also carry many of the same
advisories.) Service members and DoD civilians who rent a property
where DTH equipment installation is not available must sign a housing
office statement of acknowledgment. If the landlord does allow
installation of AFN DTH equipment on his or her property, you must
obtain written permission beforehand.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.3489 DSN: 738.3489

40 | Resources

Resources | 41

Internet Television
Another television viewing option available to both on and off post
residents in Korea is via the computer. Apple TV sells and rents current
season TV shows and movies (in both high definition and regular
format) via the iTunes website. An Apple computer is not required for
this service, but you must buy an Apple TV box (available at the PX).
Additional internet options continue to become available.


ATM Access
You may obtain cash or make account inquiries with your credit card
or any other ATM card which displays the AFFN or CIRRUS Network
logo. Ask your bank about service fees that may apply. Many banks will
not charge ATM or currency conversion fees for members on activeduty overseas orders.

Cashing Checks
Many people elect to keep their checking account at a US bank or
credit union. The Community Bank will only cash checks if you have an
account with them. You may cash checks for up to $200 at the PX in
the Customer Service section. The 175th Finance office will cash only
the first months rent and security deposit checks.

Currency Exchanges

Community Bank
Community Bank operates the banking facilities on all posts and
bases in Korea with full service banking (direct deposit, won conversion,
auto loans (new and used), and ATM access). The Community Bank
ATM card offers 24/7 banking with no fees for withdrawing US dollars,
Korean won, or balance inquiries. Community Bank offers 13 fulltime branches, two part-time offices and a network of 51 ATMs on the
ATM Locations
Dragon Hill Lodge
PX Community Bank
Camp Coiner
Moyer Recreation Center (back entrance)
Between the Furniture Store and the Movie Theater
Commissary (outside)
The Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital
MAIN POST CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Four Seasons Mini-Mall
Phone: 050.3324.4724/4725 DSN: 724.4724/4725 Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9:30 am-5:00
pm, Saturday 9:30 am-3:30 pm
SOUTH POST CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Dragon Hill Lodge Phone:
050.3338.3520/5540 DSN: 738.3520/5540 Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm

On post banks and ATMs will dispense both US dollars and Korean
won. Pay close attention to the current conversion rates to get the
best value for your money. There are a number currency exchange
centers off-post that will exchange large amounts at varying rates. This
service is especially important for those living off post who must pay
their monthly rent to their realtor in cash.

Navy Federal Credit Union

Navy Federal Credit Union offers online banking, credit and debit
cards, auto loan, lines of credit, signature loans, CDs and IRAs. There
are no ATM machines serviced by Navy Federal Credit Union.


Call USAA and set up a system for local withdrawals at ATMs
depending on your needs. The ATM restrictions usually allow only
$500 withdrawals at one time, so you would need to make multiple
withdrawals depending on your needs.

The following financial institutions provide banking services in the

USAG Yongsan area. Note: The banks on post observe both US and
Korean holidays.

42 | Resources

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 1479 DSN: 725.4056/3282

Hours: Monday-Friday, 10:00 am-4:00 pm

Resources | 43


The Army Post Office (APO) processes all mail coming from and
going to the Armed Forces Pacific, AP, Region. Sending mail to and
from this region costs the same as continental US postal rates. FedEx
and UPS deliver to Korea at international rates. Several USPS mail
drop boxes are located throughout USAG Yongsan.
General delivery is available for those not serviced by a unit
mailroom. Applications and specific details are available from the
South Post Annex. Limited individual postal boxes are available for
select South Post family residents and retirees, and are located at the
Postal Service Center (PSC).

MAIN POST OFFICE CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, between the
Library and Gallery Phone: 050.3323.3460/4659/9019 DSN: 723.3460/4659/9019
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Saturday and Training Holidays, 9:00
Location: Adjacent to the South Post Postal Service Center Phone: 050.3338.4412
DSN: 738.4412 FEDEX CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Inside the Gallery

Suggested Reading

Kim, Hyung-Geun. Ask a Korean Dude: An Authoritative and Irreverent

Guide to the Korea Experience. Seoul, South Korea: Seoul Selection;
Kim, Minkyoung and Hilts-Park, Jonathan. Lonely Planet Korean
Phrasebook. 5th Edition. Lonely Plant; 2012.
King, Ross and Yeon, Jaehoon. Elementary Korean. 2nd Edition. North
Clarendon, Vermont: Tuttle Co.; 2009.
Koehler, Robert. Seoul Selection Guides: KOREA. Seoul, South Korea:
Seoul Selection; 2012.
Koehler, Robert. Seoul Selection Guides: SEOUL. Seoul, South Korea:
Seoul Selection; 2012.
Lee, O-Young and Holstein, John. Things Korean. North Clarendon,
Vermont: Tuttle Publishing USA; 1999.
Nilsen, Robert. Moon: South Korea. 4th Edition. Avalon Travel
Publishing; 2009.

There are countless books available on Korea, its culture, language,

and tourist sites. The following is just a small listing of the sources
available. Most of these titles are available on line, at the PX, or in the
Barnet, Beverlee. Camping in Korean National Parks (Seoul Selection
Guide). Seoul, South Korea: Seoul Selection; 2012.
Bartlett, Ray. South Korea (Insight Guides). 10th Edition. Insight
Guides; 2013.
Breen, Michael. The Koreans: Who They Are, What They Want, Where
Their Future Lies. 2nd Edition. New York, New York: St. Martins
Press; 2004.

Crane, Paul. S. Korean Patterns (Korean Culture). 4 Edition. Seoul,

South Korea: The Royal Asiatic Society: 1978.
Fehrenbach, T.R. This Kind of War: The Classic Korean War History.
50th Anniversary Edition. Dulles, Virginia: Brasseys; 1994.

44 | Resources

Hoare, James. Korea Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Culture

and Customs. 2nd Edition. London, Great Britain: Kuperard; 2012.

Richmond, Simon, Hornyak, Timothy, and Low, Shawn. Lonely Planet

Korea. 9th Edition. Lonely Planet; 2013.
Richmond, Simon. Lonely Planet Guide to Seoul. 7th Edition. Lonely
Plant; 2013.
Saccone, Richard. Having a Great Tour: the G.I. Guide to Korea.
Weatherhill; 1998.
Shim, Elizabeth and Yoo, Allie. Seoul Sweet Seoul 2nd Edition (The
Definitive Guide to Seoul, South Korea). Small Planet Publishing;
Vegdahl, Sonja and Hur, Ben. Culture Shock! Korea. 7th Edition.
Marshall Cavendish Publishing; 2012.
Whyte, Robert and Kim, Kyoung-Mi. Living in South Korea. Pro Lingua
Associates; 2006.

Resources | 45

Chapter 3

46 | Resources

We had received a copy of the Seoul Survivor while we were still in Bahrain. I had a lot of
concerns and questions because we had never done an overseas-to-overseas PCS before.
And, as a Navy family PCSing to an Army post, we had a lot of basic who, what, where
questions. The book was a great resource to help us. We arrived on a Friday between
Christmas and the new year, and our sponsor, command ombudsman and many other
staff personnel were on leave so there werent a lot of people to help us with that smooth
sailing into this foreign port. One of the very first questions we had was about the
ration cardafter 20+ years of military service, wed never had to have a ration card so
that was very strange to us and a source of confusion between my husband and me! The
Seoul Survivor gave me the 411 on what a ration card was and how to get one. Problem
averted. I was glad that I had a copy of the Seoul Survivor prior to arriving and the time
to read it on the airplane over! It helped fill in the gaps.
~Marian Leverette

Permanent Change of Station


Planning Your PCS

Congratulations on your assignment to Korea! This section will help
you prepare for departure, inform you about what to expect upon arrival
and to guide you when you plan to move to your next assignment.
Take a trip to your Army Community Service (ACS), Air Force Family
Service Center or Navy, and Marine Family Service Center to sign up
for an Overseas Move Class for Korea. If you and your family belong
to a service branch other than the Army, remember to tell the person
helping you that Yongsan Garrison (known as USAG Yongsan) is in
Seoul, South Korea, and is an Army installation. In addition, be sure to
look in your local bookstore or library and on the Internet for assistance.
A sponsor (not to be confused with the military sponsor usually a
spouse or parent of dependents) here in Korea should be assigned
automatically, but sometimes this is unintentionally overlooked. Korea
is an assignment where a sponsor can be a relocating familys biggest
asset. Your sponsor can get your email and/or mailing address, assist
with kennel reservations, check availability of quarters, provide you
with internet sites for learning more about relocation. If you have not
heard from a sponsor as your move draws near, take the initiative and
contact your gaining unit, either by email or telephone, and ask for any
sponsorship information they can provide.

PCS TO KOREA: A CHECKLIST has checklists to help prepare for a PCS. Below are
some Korea-specific suggestions. Though it is hard to anticipate
everything you will need to care for prior to departing your current duty
station, this checklist will give you some place to start.
If you plan to take extended leave prior to heading to Korea, be sure to
care for time-sensitive items at your last duty station before departing.
Once you leave that duty station, it can be difficult to address issues if
you are not physically located there any longer.

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 49

Image by: Heather Bisson


90 Days Before Departure from Current Duty Station
Attend an overseas move class for Korea
Start a PCS binder to hold all of your PCS-related documents to hand

carry with you. At a minimum, you will want to include:
Copies of orders and all amendments (10)
Wills (originals)
Birth certificates (originals)
Marriage certificate (original)
Shipping documents, including for your vehicle
ID cards
Drivers licenses
Immunization/medical/dental/vision records (including from civilian
Pet documents
School records
Photo inventory of shipped goods
Sort your possessions into categories: household goods shipment,

unaccompanied baggage, baggage for the plane, storage or purge
(see Housing, Baggage, and Unaccompanied Baggage sections

below for recommendations).
Obtain Power(s) of Attorney (see Documents below).
Update wills.
Contact personnel to obtain a no-fee passport (see Passports
Schedule medical and dental appointments to be completed before

your move, including immunization appointments, and request

records (see Medical below).
Determine your preferred timeframes for your household goods and

unaccompanied baggage shipments and contact your transportation

office for scheduling.
Complete required maintenance on any vehicle to be shipped and

start arranging for shipping (see Vehicles below).
If you plan to bring your pet(s), determine transport plans. If not

bringing your pets, begin to plan for their care while you are away.

50 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

60 Days Before Departure from Current Duty Station

Contact your insurance provider(s) and determine what insurance

changes are needed (see Insurance below).
If needed, renew your drivers licenses and/or military ID (see
Drivers License & ID Requirements below).
Buy items that will be difficult to obtain in Korea (see Household
Goods section below) to include in Unaccompanied Baggage or
Household Goods shipments.
Obtain international drivers licenses if you plan to drive in Asia (see
Drivers License & ID Requirements below).
Pre-register school-aged children online and obtain school records
from current school. (

30 Days Before Departure from Current Duty Station

Make reservations for temporary accommodations when you arrive

in Korea (see Accommodations below).
Make travel arrangements through the Travel Office and review arrival
information below for your arrival airport. (NOTE: if you are departing
your last duty station earlier than 30 days out (e.g., taking leave
between departure from duty station and actually leaving for Korea),
you may need to make these arrangements before you leave, as it may
be difficult to do so once you are no longer physically collocated with
the Travel Office.)
Submit your change of address with the post office scheduled to start
upon your departure (see Mail below).

14 Days Before Departure from Current Duty Station

Consider reducing or eliminating caffeine from your diet to avoid

caffeine headaches when you arrive.
Plan your baggage for the plane, including entertainment options for
children or any special treats to be opened in route.
If possible, start shifting your schedule to Korea time (staying up later
and sleeping later).
Use up or give away perishable or opened foods, anything in glass
containers, flammable items, aerosols, etc. Check with your shipping
company to determine other items they will not pack and ship.
Download and study the Drivers Study Guide (see Drivers License
& ID Requirements below).
Contact banks/credit card companies for information on fees for
international purchases and ATM withdrawals (see Money below).

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 51

When you arrive in Korea, it will take several days (at minimum)
before you will be able to obtain housing. You will need to plan for
accommodation either on or off post until your housing is available.

Hotels, On Post
Dragon Hill Lodge
The Dragon Hill Lodge is a hotel located on post at USAG Yongsan.
Be aware of international rates if you call from the US. When making
your reservations at the Dragon Hill Lodge, err on the side of caution
and book for 60 days. The remaining nights on the reservation can
be canceled without a cancellation fee once housing is secured. You
should notify the front desk as soon as you have secured housing to
avoid any issues or if you will be arriving later than reserved due to
flights. The Housing Office must approve stays longer than 10 days in
the temporary quarters, but having the reservation for 60 days ensures
that you and your family will not be wait listed or moved to an off post
hotel during your transition.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 011.822.7918.2222 (CONUS) Website: www.

Hotels, Off Post

If you prefer, you can choose to stay at a hotel off-post. There are
numerous hotels in the immediate area of USAG Yongsan. Please be
aware of cancellation policies when you book to avoid any unexpected

Make sure all necessary documents are up-to-date and copies are
given to a trusted friend, relative, or attorney. Hand-carry original
documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, diplomas, and
wills on the plane.
When you apply for your A-3 visa and Status of Forces Agreement
(SOFA) stamp, you will need a clear photocopy of the sponsors ID
card and dependent ID cards with the front and back of the card on the
same side of the paper. Color photocopies are recommended.

52 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Always have multiple copies of your orders with amendments,
pinpoint orders, and any separate orders for family members available
for in-processing both at Korean Immigration and on post. At least 10
extra copies are recommended. If you need to make additional copies,
your unit or 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel Company can
assist you once you arrive at USAG Yongsan.

Power of Attorney (POA)

It is wise for all service members and their spouses to have a
current POA. Remote assignments, deployments, and Noncombatant
Evacuation Operations (NEO) requirements make a POA an absolute
necessity in Korea. Whether your family will be coming with you to
Korea or remaining in the US, it is a good idea to have a POA prepared
before leaving your current duty station.

Employment Records
Family members wishing to work in Korea should hand carry proof
of previous employment, such as official personnel records, letters
of recommendation, pay stubs, etc. Also, bring copies of diplomas,
transcripts, and your marriage license to assist in qualifying for Military
Spouse Preference. Family members wishing to work on the Korean
economy, for instance as an English teacher, should bring their original
diplomas, as copies of diplomas are not sufficient for the required E-2
visa. Some employers and colleges require an official, sealed transcript
with a signature or stamp along the seal line of the envelope.

School Records
Make sure that copies of all school records are up-to-date and handcarried. For guidelines on the documents needed for the DoDDS
schools on post, see the Education section of this publication. School
records (diplomas and/or transcripts) are required to take college-level
courses at the university campuses on post.

Your sponsor or gaining unit should assign a mailing address so you
can fill out change of address forms before you PCS. Most people
stationed in USAG Yongsan are required to receive personal mail
through their workplace. If your sponsor does not proactively provide
this, do not hesitate to ask.

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 53


Drivers License
Make sure that your US drivers license is current and will remain
current for your entire tour in Korea (and a few months beyond). Most
Departments of Motor Vehicles will allow you to renew your license at
any time, so it is wise to do this before you leave the US. Within the
first thirty days of your arrival, you will need to obtain a United States
Forces Korea (USFK) license to drive on post or anywhere in Korea.
Check at ACS for more information.

International Drivers License

If you plan on extensive travel in Asia (Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia,
etc.), it is strongly suggested that you obtain an international drivers
license available through AAA and other vendors. International licenses
are available in Korea, but it is easier to obtain one before you arrive.

Identification Card

Your military identification card is your lifeline overseas. You will

need this to get on post and gain access to most facilities. Until your
ID card is registered in the Defense Biometric Identification System
(DBIDS) and a ration card is issued, typically during in-processing,
you will need a second form of identification to gain access to post.
A copy of your pinpoint orders can be used to gain access to any
AAFES facility. For commissary access, you need orders that show
the dependents names, stamped by the ration card office, until your
ration card is obtained.
A Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) stamp can only be issued
through to your date eligible to return from overseas (DEROS) or
the expiration date of your ID card, whichever is first, so if your ID
is expiring during your stay here in Korea, renew it prior to arrival or
at the 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel Company upon your
arrival. More information on the SOFA stamp is provided below.

The two types of insurance most commonly required by service
members and their families in Korea are automobile insurance and
household goods/personal effects insurance. The insurance company
you do business with in the US may also provide coverage in Korea.

54 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

You should confirm this prior to departing the US. Insurance in Korea
is available through USAA, GEICO, and CIGNA. There are also
affordable, reputable companies in Korea who will provide coverage to
Americans serving here.

Automobile liability insurance is required to register a motor vehicle
with the Provost Marshal. Check with your insurance company and
make sure your auto policies cover living abroad.

Personal Property/Renters/Homeowners
Many service members also choose to carry a renters policy to
cover their personal property against fire and theft. And, if you own
a home in the US and plan to rent it while overseas, be sure to talk
to your insurance company regarding required changes to your
homeowners policy. Check with your insurance company and make
sure your renters/homeowners policies cover living abroad.

Although an active duty service member can generally travel with
his or her military ID card accompanied by military orders to the
overseas duty station and will be allowed to stay for the full length of
the assignment without a visa, all personal travel requires a tourist
passport. All family members, including infants, are required to have a
passport with a proper Korean A-3 visa and SOFA stamp.
The US government will provide a no-fee passport to all eligible
command-sponsored family members. Contact your local personnel
office for the proper forms and information. The processing time is
generally between six and eight weeks, so begin the process as soon
as orders for command sponsorship are approved. Do not depart your
losing installation without receiving the no-fee passport.
All family members, civilians, and even newborns must obtain an A-3
visa (which allows for multiple entries into Korea) and SOFA stamp
within 90 days upon arrival. Each person in the family (to include the
military member) is encouraged to have a US tourist passport as well.
This allows you the option to travel in Asia while you are here. Family
members may also choose to travel to Korea with their tourist passport
instead of a no-fee government passport to avoid having two passports
for travel.

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 55

Medical, Dental and Vision Evaluations
Complete any upcoming checkups (such as dental cleanings or
childrens annual pediatric checkups) prior to departing for Korea.

Fill prescriptions for all family members prior to departing for Korea.
Plan to have enough on hand for the journey, any unforeseen delays,
and for at least a month after arrival; hand carry them with you.

Contact your stateside medical facility for current information on
required immunizations, as these can change; Preventative Medicine
is the best clinic to speak with. For information current as of this
printing, please see the Medical section of this publication.

If you are coming from
a major city with banks or
private companies that deal
in foreign currency, it may be
possible for you to buy some
Korean won at an advantageous rate prior to departure. Check online
for the current exchange rate in Korea and then compare that to the
exchange rates available in the US. Once at USAG Yongsan, all the
ATM machines dispense your choice of US dollars or Korean won. Be
aware of any fees or commissions that could cancel out any advantage
of the quoted rate. You will be able to exchange US dollars at the
airport, but it is not recommended that you exchange large amounts as
this rate is generally not the lowest available.
Credit cards are widely accepted in Seoul, but you should obtain
information on international transaction fees from your credit card
company prior to departure to avoid unexpected surprises.


the availability of housing and whether pets can be accommodated.

Please see the Pets section of this publication for detailed information
on transporting your pets, what to expect when you arrive, and how to
care for them once you are settled in your new home.

There are several options available to service members and their
families, but regulations vary. Most families are authorized to ship one
vehicle. Please keep in mind that a motorcycle counts as personal
property and not a vehicle. If your vehicle is financed, you will need
permission from the lender to ship your vehicle overseas (contact your
lender for specifics). If you are leaving a vehicle in the US, consider
providing a special POA to the person keeping the vehicle or make
sure that they are authorized to speak on your behalf with your lender
and/or insurance company. Contact your insurance provider to find out
their requirements and take care of these issues early.
As an alternative, you can purchase a vehicle once you arrive. There
are numerous used cars available, and as cars are prone to getting
dinged here due to small parking spaces, a hooptie (jalopy) vehicle
may be a better option.


In order to ship your POV to Korea you will need:

Official orders
Proof of entitlement
Proof of identity
Proof of ownership, title and/or registration of the car
If applicable, lien holder shipment authorization letter
If applicable, lease holder shipment authorization letter
Power of attorney (if someone other than the service member
is dropping the car off for shipment)

For further information, please visit:

Many people choose to bring their pets to Korea. Be aware, however,

that pets are not allowed in the Burke Towers housing complex and in
some off post housing. Check with the Housing Office to find out about

56 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 57

Shipping Your Belongings

As of February 2009, US Army officials increased the Joint Forces
Travel Regulation (JFTR) weight allowance to 50% of household goods
to Korea for accompanied tours (there are exceptions by service) and
25% for unaccompanied tours for Army service members. Housing
Offices have loaner furniture and appliances available for reporting
service members.
Government quarters on post and leased quarters off post may have
limited storage capacity to accommodate entire JFTR weight allowance
if shipped. There is typically no additional storage space in off post
housing. Contact your servicing Housing Office prior to shipping any
household goods for information on storage options.
As you prepare to PCS overseas, you will need to decide what
will go into storage, and what will ship. Your belongings will be
transported in three groupings: what you bring with you on the plane,
an unaccompanied baggage shipment (air cargo), and a household
goods shipment (sea cargo). The remainder of your belongings will be
put into storage.


The government allows a percentage of your total weight allowance
to be shipped and the remainder of your items will be placed in storage
at government expense. Your household goods shipment may take
several months to arrive, so consider sending this shipment early.
Inventory this shipment very carefully. If you are sending special items,
take color photos prior to packing and hand carry those photos to help
settle any claims.
It is important to note that if items are in storage and you then move
to another overseas location, you may be entitled to have all your
items shipped from long-term storage to a new location. However, it is
not possible to ship some items and leave some in storage and items
in long-term storage cannot be released until you have a final address
in your new assignment after Korea.
Regardless of your weight allowance, think carefully when deciding
what to ship. Bring the things that you cannot live without, but keep in
mind that your life may become filled with treasures from Asia. Do not

58 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

bring things just in case you might need them. Housing varies widely,
but most quarters are smaller than US homes and have minimal storage
space; you can quickly find yourself overcrowded. See Housing in the
Post Arrival in Korea section below for details on loaner furniture.


When you first arrive, you may have to live out of your luggage
for four to eight weeks or make purchases at the PX, Second Hand
Rose Thrift Shop, or on the economy. Before you leave the US, find
out which of your favorite stores will ship to an APO address and
their website addresses. You can also use for
businesses that will not ship to an APO. Clothing on the economy,
particularly at the large markets, is relatively inexpensive and plentiful;
however, sizes are typically available only for men and women of small
build and childrens sizes typically run much smaller than American
childrens sizes.
Each family member should have their own ticket and, therefore,
each family member is entitled to luggage. Bring the maximum number
of suitcases necessary to ensure you have all you and your children
need, but keep in mind you and your family will have to carry all your
baggage (including suitcases packed for small children) for yourselves,
and this can be especially challenging as you go through in-processing
once you arrive in Korea. What you pack is limited by the baggage
weight limits. Check your orders and check with your airline about the
number of bags you are allowed per traveler and the weight limit. Some
have very generous allowances for those traveling on military orders.
Car seats, boosters seats, and strollers can often be checked free
or as one of your checked bags. Check with your airline regarding any
in-flight car seat requirement for your childs age, height and weight.

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 59

The following are some suggested essential items to include in
your checked baggage:
Current seasonal clothes
Summer: Umbrella and rain boots
Winter: Warm layers, including a heavy coat, gloves, and hat
Several pair of comfortable shoes, as you will be doing a lot of

walking compared to what is common in the US, especially until
your vehicle arrives.
The trip to Korea is a long one regardless of where you are coming
from. The following are some suggested essential items to
include in your carry-on baggage:
Kid-friendly snacks
Games, toys, and favorite blankets for kids
Special surprises; parents experienced in long trips recommend

having multiple small snacks, books, etc. that the kids can open at

intervals throughout the trip to break it up.
Reading material
Toiletry kit
Medications (prescriptions, pain killer/fever reducers, anti-nausea,

motion sickness, sleep aid)

60 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Although this shipment, by way of air cargo, could be slightly delayed,
it may still be the only shipment you receive for months if you have
to live in a hotel or temporary housing until your permanent housing
becomes available. Even if you move into your permanent housing
right away, your household goods still may not arrive for a few months.
So, plan your unaccompanied baggage carefully.


While the ACS Loan Closet can help you with some items until your
shipment arrives, consider the following items in unaccompanied
Kitchen and eating necessities, including plates, utensils, measuring

cups and spoons, pots and pans
Small appliances such as a microwave oven, mixer, toaster, and

coffee maker
Household supplies (broom, vacuum)
Towels (bath and kitchen)
Bed linens, including blankets and pillows (loaner furniture bed sizes

are extra-long twin and queen)
Queen/twin size mattress toppers
Clothing to span the current and next season
At least one evening dress/suit per adult for various social functions
Childrens items, particularly their favorite games and toys
Baby furniture and equipment: crib, changing table, jogger stroller,
Computer equipment
TV/DVD player and electronic accessories
Small hand tools (hammer, screwdriver)
Lightweight decorations

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 61

Household goods is the largest of your shipments. Besides the
obvious, consider bringing the following items (see the Shopping
section of this publication for information on what may be available for
purchase locally in Korea.):
Room Air Cleaners and Filters
Ensure you bring enough filters (or find a website that ships what you
need to an APO) for your units to last your entire stay in Korea. These
are extremely necessary for those with breathing conditions and small
children. Some units and filters may be available through the Self Help
Center or the Housing Office if you find you need them after arrival, but
if you have your own, consider shipping it as availability is sometimes
Small Tools
Saw, impact-hammer drill (important as walls are concrete in most
housing), mortar bits, stepladder, etc. If you are sure you will be in
government housing, these tools are available at the Self Help Center
on USAG Yongsan but at times are difficult to reserve. You may also
contract with individuals at Self Help to come and hang items at your
home including pictures, curtains, and mirrors.
Baby Items
The Furnishing Management Office (part of Housing) does not have
cribs, toddler beds, changing tables or any other baby furnishing items
to loan. If you have a baby or are expecting, bring baby furniture in
your household goods. ACS does have limited supplies of pack n play
systems available for loan until your baby items arrive.
Specific Clothing Needs
Buying an adequate supply of underwear, bras, and shoes prior to
your PCS is recommended or make sure you can find merchants that
carry your items and will ship to an APO. Dont laugh go into your
local PX and if they carry the brands, styles, and sizes you prefer, you
are in luck; otherwise get shopping! The choices on the economy tend
to be for the young and the small. Lack of planning will result in trying
to buy these comfort items over the internet.

62 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Sports Equipment
Bring golf clubs, tennis equipment, ski gear, and sports shoes for
your children in the next size up if they prefer certain brands. These
items are available in Korea, but brands and sizes are limited, so plan
Sewing Machine
Have your machine serviced before you come and bring all essential
accessories. Some items can be purchased at the Seoul Fabric Market.
Gas Grill
If you are assigned quarters on post you may be able to have a gas
grill at or near your home. Be aware that you cannot ship your own
tank (even purged). You can get propane tanks at the PX Mini-Mall.
Rugs and Carpets
Floors in most quarters are linoleum over concrete, and they are cold.
Consider bringing your own rugs and carpets (and carpet padding)
with you.
Holiday Decorations and Home Dcor
Pictures, books, and decorative items, especially during holidays,
transform a house into a home. Be sure to include plenty of these
because they are real morale boosters. Keep in mind, though, that
most quarters have walls made of concrete, so hanging items requires
special tools. Some holiday decorations and Christmas trees are
available at the PX/Four Seasons or on the economy, but bring enough
of your familys favorites to decorate in style.
You may want to downsize the quantity due to the size of your new
living and storage space; consider leaving irreplaceable treasures in
storage or with family members so pollutants will not damage them.
Craft Supplies
Bring a sufficient quantity of regularly used items especially waterbased craft paint which is difficult to find in Korea. USAG Yongsan Arts
and Crafts Center does not have facilities for stained glass and does
not sell stained glass supplies.
Entertainment Center/Stand
Check with the Housing Office to see if one will be provided with
your allotted furniture. It will depend on whether you are authorized
government furniture and may or may not fit your television if you have

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 63

a large television. If you chose not to ship your entertainment center,

consider going to the Furniture Management Office when you arrive
and looking at other items that could be used as a television stand
including a buffet table.
The loaner mattresses tend to be very hard, and the largest bed
available is queen size. If you prefer a soft mattress or a king-sized
bed, bring your own mattress, box spring, and frame. The twin-size
beds provided by housing are extra-long, so if you are shipping your
standard twin mattress, you will also need to ship your box spring and
bed frame or purchase them upon arrival. A feather or other mattress
topper (often available at the PX) in queen size is a good alternative to
shipping your own bed.
Futon/Air Mattress
The Furniture Management Office provides only enough mattresses
and bed furniture for each family member, so bring what you need for
future visitors staying with you.
Dehumidifiers are issued at Self Help, but quantities are very
limited. If you have one, bring it. Dehumidifiers are also available
on the economy and simple to identify as they have a hippo as a
logo. Dehumidifiers are a necessity during monsoon season (95%
humidity) as they reduce the moist sheet feeling in bedding and help
prevent mold/mildew problems in your house. In the winter, you have
the opposite problem you need moisture (15% humidity). Bring a
humidifier to reduce bloody noses and dry coughs.
Some housing areas have ceiling fans, but many do not. Pedestal
fans are available at the PX seasonally.
Router for Wireless Internet
If you have one, bring it. They are also sold at the PX.

64 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Computers and Electronics

Check with the manufacturer of your computer or other electronic
devices to ensure that you will be able to get parts and service. Know
that technology changes in the blink of an eye and many times a newer,
better product is also cheaper. The Korean Electronics market is close
to USAG Yongsan.
These pests can be a huge problem in Korea, depending on the
amount of rain; they are active from mid-spring well into the winter
months. There are some options available on the economy to minimize
mosquito problems, but it is recommended that you bring any products
that have worked for you in the past. Probably the best and most
effective mosquito plan is mosquito nets over the bed, so bring them
with you if you can. Although nets can be purchased in the local stores
and markets, supplies and styles are often limited.

To lighten your shipped weight, and to help you avoid overcrowding
once you arrive, consider placing the following items into storage:
Large pieces of furniture, such a china cabinets; these can be

borrowed through the Furniture Management Office
Irreplaceable items
Large outdoor toys or play sets because storage is an issue, and you

may not have a downstairs housing unit or yard to set up the items
China and crystal dinner services, unless you routinely do formal
Major appliances such as a stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washing

machine and dryer as they are furnished by the Housing Office

(often, orders will specifically prohibit including appliances in your

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 65

Arrival in Korea
Depending on your travel
plans, there are two potential
locations where you will enter
Korea. If you are traveling on
a commercial carrier, you will
land at Incheon International
Airport outside of Seoul. If you are travelling on a military carrier
(Patriot Express), you will arrive at Osan Air Base.
Do not, under any circumstances, try to bring weapons or contraband
into Korea. While the customs inspectors are pleasant and helpful, they
are also very thorough. Contraband items such as drugs, weapons,
and deer antlers will get you into trouble, not only with the Korean
authorities, but also with the Military Police. All weapons should be left
in storage.


There are four main stages to getting through the airport and the
process can last an hour or more. Ask for assistance if you run into
problems. Airport personnel often speak English and will help you or
find someone who can.
The first stage is travelling from the international gate to the main
terminal via the train shuttle. People who know the system will be
moving fast to try to beat the crowd, so you may experience some
jostling along the way. Keep your sense of humor and be prepared
to either wait for the next shuttle or squeeze into the first one. Once
you exit the shuttle, youll follow the flow of people toward the Korean
Immigration lines. You will stand in single file to wait your turn.
The second stage is Korean Immigration. You will need the Customs
Declaration and Arrival Card you filled out on the plane as well as
your passport. Service members only need their leave form (DA 31)
and ID card ready. For family members, make sure they stamp your
passport with an entry stamp. This is very important for the purposes
of your SOFA stamp later. It is better to go through Korean Immigration
as a family and not individually. A copy of orders is helpful.
The third stage is the Customs area, but you will need to follow the

66 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

crowd to the luggage pick up area and get your luggage first. There
are luggage carts available free of charge. Once you have collected
your belongings, walk to the Customs lines. There will be a couple of
selections based on whether or not you have anything that you need
to declare.
The fourth stage is going through the automatic doors to the main
terminal to meet those there to greet you or to make your way over
to the Military Reception desk to arrange transportation. The Military
Reception Desk and USO are located at Gate 1. USAG Yongsan is
about 45 miles from the airport and will take about an hour and a half
to travel.
Depending on your time of arrival, you may want to find something
to eat before leaving the airport. Eating facilities on post are normally
closed by 9:00 pm. There is an AAFES Shoppette at the Dragon Hill
Lodge with extended hours that will have basic items and snacks
All personnel are required to use the military transportation provided
at the military reception desk at Gate 1 unless a sponsor has obtained
the proper clearance from the 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel
Company to transport the military member. For other branches of
service a sponsor will need to pick you up or you can check in and utilize
the Military processing transportation bus to USAG Yongsan located
at Gate 1. All family members (except pets) are allowed to accompany
the military member on the military processing transportation bus to
USAG Yongsan.
Sponsor Pick Up
Sponsor pick up is the best way to have a stress-free arrival to your
new home especially if you have pets flying with you. If your sponsor
is meeting you, be careful not to follow the military liaisons. They are
highly visible and it is easy to get caught up with the flow. Even though
they are calling for all military members, you will need to go through
the regular lines like any civilian passenger. You will complete the four
stages of the airport, described above, and walk out to the arrival area.
Your sponsor will have a signed Pick Up memo from the 1st Replacement
Company/19th Personnel Company Commander or First Sergeant
authorizing the PCS pick up and the sponsor should understand that
they are required to bring the soldier and accompanying family directly

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 67

to the 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel Company for inprocessing prior to taking them to lodging.
If your pet was able to fly with you, follow the signs in the luggage
carousel area for animal health services. You must have all your
pet records available for inspection. After your records and your pet
have been cleared, the animal is free to be transported to USAG
Yongsan but may not use government-provided transportation. You
should coordinate with your sponsor to make sure space is available
in their vehicle to transport your family, your pet, and your luggage.
See the Pets section of this publication for more information regarding
transportation of pets.
Individual Transportation
All PCSing soldiers are required to ride the shuttle bus to USAG
Yongsan for in-processing as provided unless prior authorization has
been approved for sponsor pick up. No one is approved for taxi service
nor will they be reimbursed (usually stated in the orders).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Military Transportation, 1st Replacement
Company/19th Personnel Company, Building 4034 Phone: 050.3323.6527, 050.3323.4828
DSN: 723.6527, 723.4828


From the point of view of clearing customs, landing at Osan AB is
definitely easier than landing at Incheon. At Osan AB, you only have to
contend with other military personnel and the Korean customs officials
which will go smoothly as long as your paperwork is in order. Have
your passport, military orders, and customs declaration ready, and you
should move quickly from the area where you pick up your baggage
through immigration and finally customs.
Once you have cleared immigration and customs, you will find you
are outside the Osan AB Passenger Terminal. Whether your sponsor
or someone from your gaining unit is waiting for you or you are taking
the shuttle to USAG Yongsan, prepare yourself for the ride to Seoul.
The trip can take anywhere from an hour to several hours depending
on traffic conditions and accidents on the expressway.

68 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Post Arrival in Korea

Upon arrival, soldiers will typically be required to present two complete
copies of their orders and all amendments, medical and dental records,
and leave form (DA 31), so be sure to have those readily available.
Carry your identification card, ration control card (once you obtain it),
multiple copies of orders, a power of attorney, and your passport with
you wherever you go for the first two weeks.

All military personnel are required to in-process shortly after arriving
in Korea. Locations for in-processing vary depending upon branch of
service. Your military liaison or sponsor should know exactly when and
where you will need to go for in processing. However, the following
information is provided for your convenience. It is helpful to call before
you go to verify information and to check hours of operation. Thursday
mornings many offices are closed for training.
US Air Force
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Air Force Element (AFELM) Phone: 050.3323.8538
DSN: 723.8538

US Army
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel
Company (1RC/19PC), Building 4034 Phone: 050.3323.6452, 050.3323.5617 (2ID
NCOIC POC) DSN: 723.6452, 723.5617 (2ID NCOIC POC)

US Navy
Phone: 050.3323.4651 DSN: 723.4651





US Marine Corps
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Administrative Office Phone: 050.3323.7032,
050.3323.3385 DSN: 723.7032, 723.3385

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 69

DBIDS/Ration Card
The following list will help guide you in completion of tasks in a timely
Week One
Complete in-processing (see In-processing, below)
Register in Defense Biometrics Identification System (DBIDS) and
obtain ration card (see Ration Card, below)
Register with Housing Office (see Housing, below)
Once housing is obtained, determine items needed from ACS Loan

Closet until your Unaccompanied Baggage and/or Household Goods

are delivered
Once housing is obtained, setup your telephone and internet

services, as desired (see Telephone/Internet)
First Ten Days
Register your pet with Veterinary Services (See Pets section of this

publication) and turn in pet health records (must be done by Day 10)
Visit Army Community Services (ACS) for a Welcome Packet (See

ACS and CYSS section of this publication for contact information)
First 30 Days
Obtain drivers license (see Drivers License below)
Set up Korean cell phone service
Visit the TRICARE office to turn in medical records and register for

Drop off records at the Dental and Optometry clinics
Register children at CYSS for activities
First 90 Days
Obtain A-3 visa and Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) stamp (see

SOFA/Visa Stamp, below)
Participate in the USAG Yongsan Spouse and Civilian Newcomers

Orientation (see Orientation, below)
Complete a Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) packet

70 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

One of the first steps following in-processing is to enroll in DBIDS

and obtain a ration card (also known as a ration plate). The sponsor
must be enrolled in DBIDS before family members can be enrolled. You
must have your identification card with you to be enrolled. All family
members must be enrolled. You must be enrolled in DBIDS before you
can register your vehicle or receive your ration control card.
Once you have enrolled in DBIDS, obtain your ration card from the
ration control section. You will need a copy of the service members
orders showing assignment and command sponsorship number, a
copy of passports for all family members, and a copy of all ID cards,
front and back. The service member must be present to accomplish
this task. A POA cannot be substituted for the service member.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel

Company, Building 4034

Drivers License (Korean)

A USFK drivers license is required to drive in Korea, even if you are
only driving on the installation. A stateside drivers license, orders, and
an ID card are required to obtain a drivers license. Prior to taking the
test, review USFK PAM 385-2, Guide to Safe Driving in Korea, which
can be found online at the link below. Once you have successfully
passed the test, you will be required to watch a safety video and then
be provided your license.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: ACS, Building 4106, Room 235
Phone: 050.3338.5568 DSN: 738.5568 Website:
WelcomKorea/Driving_In_Korea.htm Hours: Testing appointment slots are available at
8:00 am or 1:00 pm

SOFA/Visa Stamp
The A-3 visa and Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) stamp are
required for dependent family members of active duty service members,
DoD employees and dependents, and independent contractors and
dependents within 90 days of arrival in Korea. When obtained through
Korean Immigration after arrival in Korea, the A-3 Visa and SOFA stamp
will be valid for a maximum of two years, but not beyond the sponsors
DEROS date, the expiration date of the passport, or the expiration
date of the sponsor or dependents military ID card. Therefore, to avoid
a second trip to immigration, you should make sure your ID cards and

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 71

passports do not expire prior to the sponsors DEROS date.

The A-3 visa and SOFA stamp can be obtained at the locations listed
above. The wait times at the Immigration Offices can be very long
(several hours or more), so be sure to check the website above to
learn more about documentation requirements in advance so that you
arrive prepared.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Sejongno Immigration Office; Mokdong
Immigration Office; Osan Immigration Office on Osan Air Base Website:

All service members regardless of branch of service or status must in
process with the Housing Office within 48 hours of arrival or completion
of in processing with 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel
Company. All DoD civilians eligible for a Living Quarters Allowance
(LQA) are also required to in process with the Housing Office. The
Housing Office will work to make your transition into your new home as
smooth as possible, whether you are accompanied or unaccompanied.
This includes Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA), which you may be
authorized prior to moving into your permanent residence.
All civilians, unless designated as Key Essential Personnel with
specific approval to reside on post, are required to live in off-post
accommodations. The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC)
will advise you on your Temporary Quarters Subsistence Entitlements
(TQSE) and LQA entitlements.
Accompanied Housing On Post/Army Family Housing (AFH)
Command sponsored accompanied personnel and certain
designated key and essential civilians are housed on post in AFH. Your
PCS travel orders will normally state concurrent travel to government
quarters and indicate bedroom number authorization and housing
area location. The Housing Office personnel will brief you on projected
quarters availability, Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) or TQSE
and place your name on the appropriate waiting list.
Bedroom authorization is determined by the size of your family.
Couples with no children and families (either married couples or single
parents) with one child receive two bedroom units. Families with two
children receive three bedroom units and those with three or more
children qualify for four or five bedroom units. Be aware that the age

72 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

and gender of your children will affect the number of bedrooms you are
entitled to in Korea, and smaller children may be expected to share a
If quarters are not projected to be available within 60 days of your
arrival, or if you are granted concurrent travel to economy quarters, you
may be authorized to reside off post and receive Overseas Housing
Allowance (OHA). Accompanied service members of all ranks and
branches, as well as DoD civilians, are strongly advised not to seek
economy housing quarters prior to in-processing with the Housing
There are several AFH areas on USAG Yongsan. Below is a
description of each type.

Helo Acres: Officers in grades O6 and above reside in this area,

located between Seoul American Elementary School, Brian Allgood
Army Community Hospital, and Gate 14. Quarters are single story
duplexes and have all major appliances (including dishwashers),
window blinds, air conditioning units, and outdoor storage areas.
The majority of these homes have linoleum floor tiles. There is one
designated uncovered parking space for each unit and limited visitor
parking. Personnel assigned to these housing units may have two
domestic pets and are responsible for their care, maintenance, and
Watkins Ridge: Command Sergeants Major (CSM) live on South
Post behind Burke Towers and Eagle Grove housing areas. Sergeants
Major (SGM) may also reside in Watkins Ridge if units are available.
These quarters are primarily single story duplexes with some
quadplexes. All units have window air conditioning units, oil heating
systems, window blinds, all major appliances (including dishwashers),
and outdoor storage areas. The majority of these homes have linoleum
floor tiles. There is one designated uncovered parking space for each
unit and limited visitor parking. Personnel assigned to these housing
units may have two domestic pets and are responsible for their care,
maintenance, and clean up.

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 73

Burke Towers: This apartment complex is designated for O4/5

and WO4/5. The two five-story towers consist of thirty single story
apartments each: twenty three-bedroom units, nine four-bedroom
units, and one five-bedroom unit (located on the first floor). The
complex features a BBQ area, tot lot, playground, and basketball
court. Two tennis courts with night lights are next to the south tower
complex. Handicapped parking is available near the north tower. There
are six elevators per building. Each apartment unit has an assigned
underground parking space. Overflow/visitor parking is located in the
middle garage between the two towers. Burke Towers features include
central air and heating system, ceiling fans in each room, Pergo nowax floors, and sliding glass patio doors with vertical blinds. Burke
Towers is a no pet housing area and there are no exceptions.
Krzyzowski Hills (Itaewon Acres), Koelsch Grove (Eagle Grove)
and Loring Village (Blackhawk Village): These areas consist of
multi-family townhouse style units. The units consist of two-, three-,
or four-bedroom homes. The four-bedroom units are two stories and
have ground floor access. The two-and three-bedroom units are
either one story with ground floor access or two stories with second
floor entrances. They are designated for field grade officers (O4/5,
and WO4/5). The complexes are located in different areas of USAG
Yongsan South Post. The units have central air conditioning and
heating, all major appliances (including dishwashers), and mini-blinds
on all windows. Each unit has one exterior storage area; however,
storage space in all units is limited. All units have linoleum floor tiles.
There is one designated uncovered parking space for each unit and
limited visitor parking. Personnel assigned to these housing units
may have two domestic pets and are responsible for their care,
maintenance, and clean up.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: ACS Building 4106 Phone: 050.3338.4069
DSN: 738.4069 Website:

74 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH)

Unaccompanied personnel of all ranks and branches of service are
normally housed in UPH on the installation. Personnel in pay grades of
E4 and below will reside in the barracks. Personnel in pay grade of E5
and E6 may reside in barracks if adequate space and privacy criteria
are met, or they will reside in the Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ).
Unaccompanied officers and noncommissioned officers in the ranks
of E7 and above will be assigned Bachelor Officer Quarters (BOQ) or
Senior Enlisted Bachelor Quarters (SEBQ).
Only in the event of adequate quarters being unavailable will an
unaccompanied service member be authorized to reside off post.
While all UPH meets or exceeds the criteria for square footage, they
may not be able to accommodate a full weight allowance of household
goods. Full furnishing support is available in all UPH (See Furniture
Management Office below).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.8168, 011.822.7918.5506 (CONUS) DSN:

Furnishing Management Office (Loaner Furniture)

If you are an accompanied military family living on post, you are
authorized full furniture support from the Housing Office regardless of
any household goods that you shipped. This means that you will be
given loaner furniture to use for the duration of your stay, if you choose
to keep it.
If you are an accompanied military family living off post and are only
entitled to bring partial household goods support, you are authorized
furniture support from the Housing Office for your entire tour. If you are
entitled to bring full household goods and live off post, you are only
authorized furniture support for six months.
Civilian families are only authorized six months furniture support as
they are automatically entitled to full household goods shipments.
Off Post Housing
Housing on the economy is plentiful and offers a wide variety of styles,
to include many high-rise and villa (five stories or less) apartments,
as well as a limited number of duplexes and single-family dwelling
units. If you are eligible to reside off post due to non-availability of
adequate government quarters, or if you are a DoD civilian, you will be
issued a statement of non-availability (SNA) from the Housing Office.

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 75

Once you receive an SNA, you will be required to attend an Off Post
Housing Briefing. The briefing will provide you a plethora of information
about leasing on the economy, such as realtor information, security
checklists, utility rates, and housing allowance entitlements.
Service members residing on the economy are entitled to a monthly
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) and Miscellaneous Housing
Allowance (MIHA). The MIHA is provided to help defray the costs of
setting up the off-post residence. Once you choose your off post unit,
the Housing Office will assist you with all the contract negotiations. You
may choose to hire a realtor to assist with finding off post housing to
ease the selection process and expedite the negotiations with owners.
Note: DO NOT enter into a lease agreement without prior approval
from the Housing Office.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel
Company (for Off Post Housing Brief) Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00 pm

Vehicle Processing Center (VPC)
You must contact the VPC to arrange pick up of POVs. You can track
your POV by visiting You must also
visit the VPC in order to register your POV in Korea. See the checklist
for specific documents that will be needed.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Camp Kim (near USO, Gate 17) Phone:
02.798.7038 Fax: 02.798.7035 Email: [email protected] Website:

To claim your POV, you will need:
Military identification
POV shipping document (DD Form 788)
Two copies of shipping orders
Power of attorney or letter of authorization (if someone other than the

sponsor picks up the vehicle)
USFK drivers license
Vehicle registration documents and license plates (see below)
To register your POV, you will need:
Import document
USFK drivers license
Insurance (must be current and in the POV owners name)
ID card
Safety inspection
USFK Form 31EK
EAPB Form 32
To ship your POV to your next duty station:
Email or fax your PCS orders or and any documents.
Make an appointment.
Fill out the POV appointment worksheet and return it with the following

required documents:
PCS orders and amendments
USFK Vehicle Registration (USFK Form 207)
SOFA Korean Customs Import document
Bill of sale (if POV purchased in Korea)
Title or Lien authorization letter (POV to Europe or Hawaii)
Cancel your registration at your local DMV (with POV appointment
For further information on shipping your vehicle, call 02.798.7036, fax
02.798.7035 or Email [email protected].

76 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 77

Pre-Departure From Korea

When you receive orders to depart Korea, there are steps you will
need to take prior to moving on. This checklist will help guide you as
you prepare to transition to your next duty station. Remember, just as
when you PCSed to Korea, hand-carry documents when you travel
rather than placing them in your checked baggage or mailing them.


90 Days Prior to Departure
Complete PCS checklist issued by your command and make at least

10-15 copies of orders (needed during the PCS process). Keep at least

one copy of orders in case more copies need to be made.
Ensure passports do not expire prior to conclusion of travel.
If transferring to another overseas duty station, overseas medical

screening of the service member and any command-sponsored

dependents must be completed at Brian Allgood Community Hospital.
If transferring to another overseas duty station, contact USAG Yongsan

Veterinary Clinic for country-specific requirements. (See Pet section of

this publication for more information.)
60 Days Prior to Departure
Visit the Official Travel Office inside Moyer Recreation Center to

arrange travel to next duty station for service member, any command

sponsored dependents, and/or pets. A copy of orders will be required.
Provide Housing Office and realtor/landlord with a copy of orders

and schedule on post housing inspections and move-out date. Once
the Housing Office has a copy of your order, on post housing pre-

move-out inspections can be completed any time prior to the final

inspection. (The purpose of the pre-inspection is to notify residents

what item(s) should be repaired (if possible) prior to moving.)
Make a reservation at Dragon Hill Lodge (DHL) to secure lodging

prior to departure from Seoul. If moving out of on-post housing, service

members and dependents are authorized three nights lodging at

DHL prior to your travel date. If moving out of off-post housing, service

members and command-sponsored dependents are authorized 10

nights lodging at DHL prior to your travel date.

78 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

60 Days Prior to Departure (continued)

Contact Transportation Office to arrange POV shipment. Provide a

copy of orders and other paperwork requested by Transportation

Office to ship vehicle.
30 Days Prior to Departure
Contact the Transportation Office to schedule Unaccompanied

Baggage and Household Goods shipments. Provide a copy of your
If not shipping your POV, sell POV prior to travel date or make an

arrangement with a trustworthy person to do so if it doesnt sell prior to

travel date; discuss the matter with Eighth Army Client Legal Services

and exercise extreme caution.
Contact internet provider, cell phone provider, cable provider, and any

other service providers about terminating service(s).
Within 14 Days of Departure
Withdraw children from childcare center(s).
Withdraw children from any CYSS-sponsored activities.
Notify childrens school(s), formally withdraw children, and pick up

school record(s).
Pick up service members/ dependents medical and dental records.

If anyone has seen an off-post dentist, a clearance form signed by

that dentist is needed.
Within 7 Days of Departure
Schedule final on post housing inspection. A final on post housing

inspection must be conducted right before turning over the housing

Clearance from the Self-Help Center is required before the final

housing inspection. Housing and KOHOM representatives will be

present during both inspections.
Return equipment to service providers, such as modems, cable boxes,

remote controls, etc.
Contact Furniture Management Office if any borrowed furniture needs

to be picked up prior to clearing housing/rental property. Contact at

least three days prior to desired pickup date; they can remove the

furniture after the final housing inspection (on-post only).
Clear on-post housing/off-post rental property.

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) | 79

Chapter 4

Look at transformation and relocation as an opportunity to

grow, evolve, and learn about yourself, your Soldier, your
family, and your new environment. You know it is going to
happen, and a positive outlook makes all the difference!
~Robert Eoff

80 | Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

Transformation and Relocation

Within 7 Days of Departure (continued)

Take pet(s) to airport or seaport to complete pet export form(s) as

required by Korean customs regulations. This must be done within

three days of travel date. It can be completed on travel date if

traveler(s) believe theres enough time to do so before airline travel;

this is not recommended for morning flights.
Return USFK ration card(s) to DBIDS Office. If returning card(s)

before travel date, remember that access to commissary and some

Exchange-related services will be denied.

USFK is in the process of repositioning and consolidating into two

enduring hubs south of Seoul, near the cities of Pyeongtaek and
Daegu. By moving into these locations, USFK will improve readiness,
efficiency, and further enhance its partnership with local communities.
The consolidation of US forces in Korea will support US and South
Korean national interests, including a strong combined defense and
credible deterrence.
The USFK transformation program is accomplishing the relocation
through two major plans: the Yongsan Relocation Plan (YRP) and the
Land Partnership Plan (LPP). The Republic of Korea Government
(ROKG) funds the YRP agreement to relocate the headquarters of
USFK and the United Nations Command (UNC), primarily to Camp
The LLP agreement primarily consolidates forces from north of Seoul
to Camp Humphreys, while still providing access to northern training
areas and ranges. USFK will thus reduce its theater footprint with all
non-enduring sites returning to the Korean government.
USFK manages the $10.7 billion transformation program already well
underway at Camp Humphreys, with more than $1 billion in current
construction. In total, there are 121 projects in the works, which will
result in the construction of 655 new facilities.
The transformation efforts underway at Camp Humphreys triple its
size from 1,210 to 3,538 acres, with the garrison population growing
from approximately 10,000 to 36,000 military, civilian, and family
members. Main construction projects include unit headquarters, vehicle
maintenance facilities, hangars, soldier quarters, family housing,
medical facilities, a military communications complex, a downtown
shopping area, schools, child development centers, fitness centers,
and numerous other facilities.
At end state, Camp Humphreys will be one of the largest Army
installations in the region. More information can be found on the Camp
Humphreys Facebook page.

Transformation and Relocation | 83

Image by: Heather Bisson

Chapter 5

Force Protection and NEO


84 | Transformation and Relocation

No matter where you live, there is a certain level of preparedness that

must be maintained. In the JBLM area, we had to know the evacuation
routes and supplies in case the Mount Rainier had extreme melt and lava
flows. While stationed at Fort Leavenworth, we had to be prepared for
tornados by knowing the alarms and drills for our families. Growing
up in California, it was earthquake preparedness. I see no difference in
planning NEO contingencies for our families. Being prepared does not
mean its going to happen, it just means you are well informed and aware
of what to do when a situation arises.
~Terry Drushal

Force Protection
Korea remains a relatively safe country; however, it is important to
be aware of the measures taken to ensure safety during your tour of
US military installations are secure facilities. No one is allowed
access to the post without a valid ID card. You must physically hand
ID cards to the guards so they are able to view both sides. In addition,
only vehicles with proper registration decals are allowed access to the
post. Authorized ID card holders may escort visitors and vehicles onto
the post.
As with all military installations, USAG Yongsan operates security
procedures based upon levels of force protection conditions (FP
CON). The FP CON levels change according to the level of threat.
Force protection levels range from FP CON Alpha (lowest threat) to FP
CON Delta (highest threat). The current FP CON level will generally
be posted at the installation gates. For those living on post, the
commanders channel is another good source of information for the
latest updates.
Demonstrations are periodically held throughout the peninsula.
Protesters demonstrate for a variety of reasons, including opposition
to the US military presence in Korea. These demonstrations are
sometimes held just outside the garrison gates. Military officials
publicize warnings affecting those affiliated with the government on
the post TV channels, Facebook pages, and radio stations (102.7 FM
and 1530 AM). Korean National Police are always present at these
demonstrations to provide additional security.
Finally, as with any other large metropolitan city, you should practice
common sense when venturing out. The buddy system is highly
encouraged and at times is mandatory. There is a strict curfew from
1:00-5:00 am, seven days a week.


Force Protection and NEO | 87

Image by: Heather Bisson

Noncombatant Evacuation
Operations (NEO)
While Korea is a relatively safe location, it is important that all
noncombatants be prepared to evacuate both quickly and safely.
Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) are directed by the
US Department of State to evacuate eligible personnel from foreign
countries where their lives are endangered by war, natural disaster,
or civil unrest to safe haven. The US Embassy (AMEMB) Seoul
designates those authorized evacuation assistance. Those considered
noncombatant evacuees include:
US citizens who may be ordered to evacuate
US government civilian employees and dependents
US Armed Forces family members
Designated US Armed Forces military personnel
US/non-US citizens who may be authorized assistance
Private US citizens and their dependents
Legal permanent residents of the US
Designated foreign national employees of the US Government
and their dependents
Designated foreign nationals
Both command sponsored and non-command sponsored families
are eligible for evacuation assistance from Korea. Military members
and emergency essential civilian employees are not considered
noncombatants and will remain in Korea until directed otherwise.

Each unit on USAG Yongsan has an assigned NEO warden. All
DoD affiliated noncombatants must register for NEO with their NEO
warden. To help noncombatants prepare for a possible evacuation,
USFK conducts a semi-annual NEO exercise called Courageous
Channel. All DoD affiliated noncombatants are required to participate
in these exercises in order to rehearse evacuation procedures and to
train personnel who support NEO execution. In addition to participating
in Courageous Channel, each family is required to maintain a NEO kit
that includes important documents, enough food and water for three
days, and protective gas masks (issued by the military; the sponsor is
to draw a gas mask for each dependent). Your NEO warden will help
you and your family prepare your NEO documents and ensure you are
ready for the exercise.

Each person is allowed one airline carry-on and one checked bag
with a combined total weight of no more than 66 pounds. Your NEO
warden will help you prepare a NEO binder to include in your NEO kit.

Sponsors are responsible for drawing a mask at CIF for each
dependent, and for training their dependents on how to use them.
Masks are available for both command sponsored and non-command
sponsored military dependents as well as US DoD civilians and
dependents. They are not available for contractors or technical
representatives (the corporation holding the contract must provide the

For more information on NEO and upcoming Courageous Channel
exercises, please visit the following website:

88 | Force Protection and NEO

Force Protection and NEO | 89


Your NEO warden will help you prepare a NEO binder to include in your NEO
kit. At a minimum, you should plan to include the following:
Mandatory Items
Identification Cards
Family Care Plan (single and dual military parents)
Prepared Forms
Recommended Items (hard to replace items)
Birth, marriage, and adoption certificates
Naturalization certificate
Powers of attorney
Insurance policies
Checkbook, credit cards, financial records
Vehicle registration and title
Social security cards
Tax returns
Medical records
Each family member (including infants) should have a NEO kit prepared and
available in the event of an evacuation. It should include:
Food and water for three days
30 days of medications including prescriptions
Protective/gas masks (see below)
Change of clothes (warm)
Toiletries and towel
Baby and feminine hygiene items
First aid kit
Battery operated radio
Limited Cash (~$100-200)
Comfort item for children

90 | Force Protection and NEO

Evacuation of people takes priority over pets. USFK will make
reasonable efforts to evacuate pets of DoD affiliated personnel but
pets are likely to be separated from their families during an evacuation.
The NEO Tracking System helps reunite pets with their families. Only
two pets per household are authorized transport in the event of a NEO.
All unaccompanied/single service member pet owners need to ensure
they have a pet care plan. Pets cannot be abandoned.
In the event pet owners decide to transport their pets out of country
commercially, all costs associated with commercial transportation are
the sole responsibility of the family. If the US government transports a
pet on a military or chartered aircraft, the military covers only the cost
of transporting the animal from Korea to the first CONUS port of entry.
You are responsible for all costs incurred from port site to the familys
final destination. Please see your NEO warden for more information.


Each pet must have its own rigid (no soft) airline carrier that is large

enough for them to stand up, turn around, and lay down only. Pets

cannot be combined into one carrier.
Two copies of valid rabies certificates DD2208 (May 2008) or NASPHV

FORM 51 (revised 2007) will be maintained in your PET NEO card.
PET NEO card
Two completed Veterinary Health Certificates DD2209 (without the

veterinary signature or date) in your NEO kit. Any pets leaving Korea

will require a veterinarian to sign and date the health certificates before
Prepare at least 10 days of food supply and medications in waterproof

containers or ziptop bags (if required).
Bowls for food and water that do not spill easily.
A well-fitting collar/harness with ID tag and a good leash.
Small plastic bags for feces disposal.
Cat owners need a 10-day supply of litter and a small compact

container with lid for litter storage that can fit in the cat kennel to

prevent spillage when not in use by the pet in the carrier.
All pets must be microchipped
For additional information and forms, see




Force Protection and NEO | 91

Chapter 6

Its wonderful to walk into ACS and CYSS to plug into the
community! They are always welcoming, especially when you
first get to Korea! I know when I go to ACS they are going
to have tons of programs and CYSS is going to have lots of
activities for our children.
~Lisa Yenter
92 | Force Protection and NEO

Army Community Service (ACS) &

Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS)


Army Community Service

Army Community Service (ACS) provides family assistance and
support services to military, DoD civilians, contractors and their family
members Welcome packets can be sent to incoming personnel upon
request. Once in Korea, ACS offers incoming personnel a Newcomers
Orientation Tour, Transportation 101, English as a Second Language,
Korean Language Classes, and a Lending Closet. The following is a
list of some of the services provided by ACS.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4106 Phone: 050.3338.7505
DSN: 738.7505 Facebook: Website: www.mwrkorea.
com Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm


AER offers financial assistance for rent, food, utilities, emergency

travel expenses, and other verified emergencies. AER also provides
scholarships for college students and spouses.







AFTB was created for family members to ease the challenges
associated with military life. AFTB is open to all military service and
DoD civilian family members. Free classes are available on topics such
as stress management, leadership, problem-solving, military benefits
and time management. Master Resilience training and certification is
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.3617 DSN: 738.3617


Assistance is provided through all phases of deployment. Support
is also provided by conducting family readiness NEO briefings,
processing families for deployment, and coordinating support for
families with gaining safe haven areas in accordance with the noncombatant evacuation order (NEO) plan. Training is provided upon
request to units.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.7047 DSN: 738.7047

ACS and CYSS | 95

Image by: Lisa Bond



ACS also offers assistance with resume writing, employment

opportunities and job preparation. See the Employment section of this
publication for more information.

ACS provides relocation information to military personnel and families.

Support programs include newcomer orientations, welcome packets,
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) stamp assistance, passports and
visa assistance, non-command-sponsored family member assistance,
a loan closet, emergency food bank, English and Korean Language
classes, and American Sign Language classes.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.8977 DSN: 738.8977


ACS offers information combined with referral and resource
identification for military and civilian family members with special
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.5028 DSN: 738.5028


The Family Advocacy Program is designed to promote effective family
functioning through support programs such as stress management,
counseling, referral, and crisis intervention.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.7790 DSN: 738.7790

ACS offers consumer affairs assistance, information and
advocacy, financial counseling and budgeting assistance, checkbook
management, and personal financial management classes. Group
counseling classes are available.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.8861 DSN: 738.8861


Programs such as childbirth preparation classes, breastfeeding
support groups, Boots and Booties class for expectant soldiers,
parenting classes, infant care, single parent support and a childrens
playgroup (ages 3 and under) are available.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.5377 DSN: 738.5377

96 | ACS and CYSS

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.7505 DSN: 738.7505


ACS provides information and/or briefings on domestic and child


CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.7035, 050.3364.5997 (24/7 Hotline),

050.3337.4101 (Child Abuse Reporting) DSN: 738.7035, 153 (24/7 Hotline), 101 (Child
Abuse Reporting)

Interested parties are directed to volunteer opportunities across the
installation and provided information on registering in the Volunteer
Management Information System (VMIS).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.8.3617 DSN: 738.3617

Child, Youth, and School Services

Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) is a network of systems
and programs through which USAG Yongsan provides quality child and
youth development options that reduce the conflict between parental
responsibilities and unit mission requirements. CYSS Yongsan services
children and youth from six weeks to 18 years old. Programs include
the Child Development Center (CDC), Family Child Care (FCC), the
School-Age Center (SAC), the Middle School/Teen Center (MSTC),
Youth Sports & Fitness, and SKIES Unlimited. Registration is open to
active duty military personnel, APF and NAF DoD civilian personnel,
reservists on active duty or during inactive duty personnel training,

ACS and CYSS | 97

DoD contractors, and their families.

To enroll in any CYSS program, children must be registered with
CYSS first. Registration can be completed at CYSS Parent Central.
Applicants for childcare may be put on a waiting list. To find out your
priority placement, call the Parent Central at the numbers listed below.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 5210 Phone: 050.3336.5036,
050.3336.3015 DSN: 736.5036, 736.3015 Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Website:
Hours: Monday-Wednesday and Friday, 8:00 am-4:45 pm, Thursday 10:00 am-4:45 pm,
2nd & 4th Wednesdays 8:00 am-7:00 pm


Parent and Outreach Services usually offers weekend care options
on one Friday and one Saturday per month for children from six weeks
to 11 years old. Payment and reservations must be made ahead of time
at Parent Central. Please see monthly Parent and Outreach Services
calendar for exact dates.
Parents Night Out is usually held every second Friday of the month
from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm for $12 per child. Parents Day Out is usually
held every third Saturday of the month from noon to 5:00 pm for $20
per child.

CYSS utilizes community resources such as Military Family Life
Consultants, CYSS trainers, ACS, and nutritionists to offer monthly
training sessions for parents. Annual Parent Education Plans are
available at Parent Central. Trainings are held every third Wednesday
of the month at the Child Development Center. Topics include: CYSS
Inspection Tools, Teen Power Struggles, Scream Free Parenting,
Balancing to Stay Fit, Child Abuse Prevention, and more.

Parent and Outreach Services works with military organizations to
provide temporary on-site care for special events such as luncheons,
FRG functions, Strong Bonds marriage retreats, unit balls and more.
Kids on Site care requests must be made in advance to CYSS
management. Parents must remain on the premises of any Kids on
Site location at all times, and maintain responsibility for their child.

98 | ACS and CYSS

SKIES stands for School of Knowledge, Inspiration, Exploration
and Skills and Unlimited reflects the unlimited possibilities that this
program provides children and youth.
SKIES Unlimited classes are offered for children six weeks to
eighteen years of age. All new enrollments for SKIES classes must
be done through Parent Central. Classes include various levels of
Ballet and Jazz, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Kumdo, Piano, Music Together,
Teen Babysitter Training, and Swim Lessons. Class brochures and
schedules can be found at Parent Central.
Email: [email protected]





The Child Development Center (CDC) offers child care options for
children six weeks to six years old (Kindergarten). Monthly tuition fees
are determined on a sliding scale based on family income. Full day
and hourly care are available at the CDC. Once registered in CYSS,
reservations for hourly care can be made by contacting the CDC at the
above listed numbers.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4280 Phone: 050.3338.3404,
050.3338.3404 DSN: 738.3404, 738.3406 Email: [email protected]; Hours:
Monday-Friday, 5:45 am-6:00 pm; Reservations: Reservations for hourly childcare: 8:00
am-5:00 pm (beginning one week before care is needed)


Family Child Care (FCC) homes provide childcare in individual
post housing units by certified, trained, military spouses who become
independent contractors. All homes meet Army-wide standards for
childcare provided on military installations. Ages of the children and
numbers in care vary per household. For more information, contact the
number listed below.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Various locations on the installation Phone:
050.3323.8507 DSN: 723.8507 Email: [email protected] Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm

ACS and CYSS | 99



The School-Age Center (SAC) offers out of school care and activities
for children in first through fifth grades. After school activities include
4-H Clubs, Boys and Girls Club of America activities, and art and
fitness initiatives. The SAC is accredited by the Council of Accreditation
(COA). A full-day Summer Camp program operates for ten weeks from
June-August. Hourly care is also provided when space is available.
Reservations can be made by calling the number listed above.
Children in first through fifth grades are able to visit the SAC facility
on the first Saturday of each month from noon to 4:00 pm to participate
in some of the SAC activities. Priority use is given to children who are
not enrolled in the before and after school program. Families must be
registered with CYSS to participate. First come, first served! Home
school families are encouraged to participate and use the center as

Youth Sports & Fitness (YSF) provides opportunities for children

and youth to be engaged in fun physical activities, to develop life-long
healthy habits, and to acquire the life skills necessary to achieve a
balanced lifestyle for mind, body, and spirit. A variety of traditional and
non-traditional sports, games, and activities teach sportsmanship,
team-building, goal setting, individual sports, fitness and nutrition,
and self-discipline. YSF programs utilize standardized programs and
curriculum from the National Alliance for Youth Sports, National 4-H,
and Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
Children may participate in sports throughout the year. They
include but are not limited to basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball,
flag football, cheerleading, swimming, and a variety of other special
activities for youth to develop and enhance their sports abilities.
CYSS is always looking for qualified adult volunteers and coaches
for the various youth programs. Background checks are required for
volunteers and take time to process so plan accordingly.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4211 Phone: 050.3338.4707

DSN: 738.4707 Email: [email protected] Hours: Monday-Friday, 5:45 am6:00 pm


The Middle School & Teen (MST) Program is for youth in six through
twelfth grades and/or 11-18 years. There are two youth center facilities
to service you in the USAG Yongsan community. The MST program
is affiliated with the Boys and Girls Club of America (BGCA) and 4-H
The MST program is a great place for youth to hang out with friends
and take part in various programs, clubs, and activities. The MST
program has a Youth Technology Lab with computers and school
textbooks. The staff is ready to assist youth with homework help as
well. A variety of video games, DDR machine, pool table, table tennis,
and foosball, as well as paints and other arts and crafts supplies are
available. Snack is served daily from 3:30 to 5:00 pm.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4215 Phone: 050.3338.2310
DSN: 738.2310 Email: [email protected]

100 | ACS and CYSS

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4216 Phone: 050.3338.5567,

050.3338.8117 DSN: 738.5567, 738.8117 Email: [email protected]


CYSS School Support Initiatives provides a variety of programmatic
strategies and resources that the Army has undertaken to help level
the playing field for transitioning military students. The baseline
services include School Transition Support Services, Partnerships
in Education (PIE) Initiatives, Installation/School Communications,
Home School Linkage/Support, and Post Secondary Preparation
Opportunities. These initiatives prepare schools and installations to
respond confidently to the complexities of transitions, and provide
families the assurance that their childrens academic wellbeing is a
priority. USAG Yongsan schools are part of the DoDDS Korea school
CONTACT INFORMATION. Email: [email protected]

ACS and CYSS | 101

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.5567, 050.3338.8117, 050.3336.8122

DSN: 738.5567, 738.8117, 736.8122

102 | ACS and CYSS

Chapter 7

The heart of any youth program is its volunteers. Youth have spent
many years developing skills, refining talents and building banks of
knowledge. Parents/guardians can assist CYSS by coaching/assistant
coaching a Youth Sports & Fitness program, chaperoning a field trip,
assisting with a sporting event, directing a play, judging a contest,
teaching a craft, leading a special interest group, lifeguarding water
activities or assisting in the computer lab or classroom. Contact the
numbers above if you would like more information on how to get
involved as a volunteer.



For our family, living in Yongsan and Seoul has meant adding more walking to our daily
lives and getting around in a healthier way. My daughter walks to school, my husband often
rides his bike to work, and I combine a ride on the post shuttle with walking to get to my
volunteer job. I often walk to the commissary, which means I tend to buy fresh ingredients to
last a couple of days. Walking also has a time management benefit. It takes a little longer to
get where you need to go. Because of that, I dont pack as much into my schedule, which means
less stress. I have decided to forego getting a license to further commit to walking. Its been
a great opportunity to increase our physical activity and cut back on our familys carbon
footprint. I think, with a paradigm shift, all newcomers to the Seoul area can learn to enjoy the
many benefits of walking for transportation. And, combined with the world-class mass transit
options in Seoul, you can get just about anywhere you need to go!
~Carolina Rodriquez

Public Transportation
Using public transportation is critical to personal mobility in a city
as densely populated as Seoul. Many newcomers from the US lack
experience in using transit. Limitations for getting around can be a
huge source of frustration for newly-arrived service members and their
families. Learning to use transit can improve your mobility. Benefits
to using public transportation include less road congestion, added
physical activity, and improved air quality.
The City of Seoul offers its visitors and residents a top-notch
transportation system. It is one of the worlds most extensive, safest,
and efficient networks. It consists of several modes of transportation
including subway, bus, and train. For experienced public transit riders,
you will have no problem getting around from day one. For the transit
novice, there are many user-friendly features to help you navigate the
system making Seoul transit accessible and easy to learn.


Just like trips made in a car, in order to effectively use public
transportation, you need to know where your trip begins (origin) and
where your trip ends (destination). With knowledge of your origin
and destination, you can plan your route and decide which modes of
transportation are best to use. Newcomers to Seoul will find that there
are many ways to learn to use the public transport system that address
all learning styles and levels of confidence.

Use Mobile Apps

Jihachul Subway App: A must have mobile app for using
the Seoul subway. With this app, you can easily plan your
route, bookmark favorite stations, receive real time travel
information, and search for nearby stations on a map.
Seoul Bus App: Download the English version of this app for
easy route planning and for locating nearby bus stops.
Map Applications such as Googlemaps, Naver, and Daum.

Transportation | 105

Image by: Jerome Ferrin

Take a Class or Tour

T-Money Card

Public Transportation 101

Teaches newcomers how to use the public transportation system.
Participants practice their skills by taking a field trip from ACS to
a tourist attraction in Seoul.

The T-Money card is the one card

to rule them all. It is a reloadable
plastic smart card that doubles as
an electronic cash card as well as a
transportation card; hence the name
T-money. You can use it to pay for
trips on the city subway, buses, and
trains. You can also use your T-Money
card as electronic cash to pay for taxi
service, parking, convenience store
purchases, and more. To purchase
and reload your T-Money Card, visit
any convenience store such as CU or
7 Eleven, any subway station ticket
Above:Youll see the T-Money
vending machine, or the Dragon Hill
logo everywhere that accepts
Lodge on USAG Yongsan. The cost
this payment method. Tap
of the card is 2,500. T-Money also
and Go! Image by: Lisa Bond
works in many other cities across the
Korean peninsula.
There are endless combinations for trips; the T-money card
calculates the best fares based on your trips distance and modes
of transportation. And while single trip tickets are available, T-money
provides a fare discount (100) and free transfers. If you use a single
trip ticket, you will need to pay the full basic fare for each transfer.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Army Community Service (ACS) Phone:

050.3338.7505 DSN: 738.7505

USO Tours
The local chapter of the USO offers a variety of tours. Participating
in a tour can be a good way for newcomers to learn the lay of the land
in a small group setting. Visit one of the USO centers to learn more.
Grab a Buddy and Go
If you are feeling adventurous or you learn best by trial and error,
grab a friend and explore the city using transit. The Visit Korea Tourism
website offers suggested itineraries for Seoul City Tours by subway.
And a great way to learn a bus route is to simply get on the bus and
see where it takes you. You will get the added benefit of being above
ground to see the sights. Just make sure to keep a balance on your
T-Money card.
Left: Transit Riders will find signs and
services in the English language.
Image by: Lisa Bond


With nine subway lines, eight rail lines, and 391 stations serving
over 20 million people, the Seoul Metro Railway System is one of
the largest in the world. The metro covers the entire metropolitan
region. Even Camp Red Cloud, Camp Casey, and Osan Air Base are
accessible via metro. You can expect the subway to be crowded during
peak commute times.

106 | Transportation

Transportation | 107

Use your Jihachul Subway App to plan your route. You can also plan
your route using the interactive online map at
program/cyberStation/main2.jsp?lang=e#. If you are using a paper
map, you can also easily plan a subway trip using these steps:
Step 1: Identify your trips origin and destination by subway
station. For example, you are staying at the Dragon Hill Lodge
and want to visit Namdaemun Market. After a quick internet
search or consulting the Dragon Hill front desk, you learn
Namdaemun Market is located at Hoeyeon Station on Subway
Line 4, Exit 5. (Usually, addresses in Seoul will include a subway
station reference.)
Step 2: Find your origin/departure station and line. From the
Dragon Hill Lodge, a nearby subway station is Samgakji on Line
6 and Line 4.
Step 3: Find the destination/arrival station and line. Hoeyeon
Station is on Line 4.
Step 4: Choose your route. This trip is a simple one since both
the departure and arrival stations are on the same line; in this
case, Line 4. Your route will consist of going to Samgakji station
and taking Line 4 to Hoeyeon Station.

Anatomy of a Subway Experience

The T-money adult fare for the subway is 1,050 for the first 10 km,
which is about $1 to travel up to six miles.
Signs and notices in the subway system will be in Korean, English, and
other languages.
Hours of Operation
The Seoul metro operates from 5:30 am to midnight.

108 | Transportation

Getting into the Station

Once you know your origin and
destination, you can proceed to your
departure station. First, make sure
you are at the correct station for your
trip. Each station will have multiple
street level entrances. Use the street
level marker to verify the station
information. Stairs, escalators, and/or
elevators will take you into the station.
Entering the Gate
This is where your T-Money card
will come in handy. Have it ready in
your hand. Approach the turnstile or
Above: The subway entrance
subway gate. Note the green arrows
marker at street level is
and red circles designed to tell the
easily located on the Jihachul
user which gates to pass through.
Subway App. Image by: Lisa
Sometimes these indicators change
based on the direction with the most
demand at the time. Locate the T-Money reader on your right side.
Place the T-Money card on the reader as shown until you hear it beep.
The display will show the fare at the top and the remaining balance on
the bottom. The fare for transfers is zero. If the card does not scan, the
turnstile will lock or the gates will close. Try again or ask for assistance
from a subway attendant or fellow passenger.
Right: Rider scans
a T-Money card
at the subway
Image by: Lisa Bond

Transportation | 109

Locating Your Platform

Now that you have successfully passed through the gates, its time
to find your train. This can require you to go down more levels and
walk through hallways to connect to your train. Follow the signs with
your line number. Knowing the color of your line will help you locate
it quickly. The sign will also list other stations in the direction of travel
for that line. Knowing your direction of travel is key to not getting lost.

Above: You are here! Diagram

showing the direction of travel,
stops, and connections along the
way. Image by: Lisa Bond

Riding the Subway Train

Trains run frequently in Seoul, so
your wait time will be short. You can
expect the subway to be crowded
during peak commute times. When
the subway is crowded, riders will
form two lines in front of each set of
doors. Once the train arrives, allow
the arriving passengers to step off
the train, then enter the train. You
can sit or stand anywhere except
for the spaces designated for
passengers with limited mobility.
Generally, subway rides are quiet,
and you will notice locals napping.
Silence is encouraged. Inside the
train, you will also find a diagram
of the line as well as screens
indicating the next station. An
arrow will appear on the screen to
indicate the exit door.

Right: Screen tells

you where the
exit door will be.
Screens on the
older cars may be
in Korean only,
so be prepared to
listen for your stop.
Image by: Lisa Bond

Top: Sign identifying the way to the Line 4 tracks. Bottom: One
more clue to show you are headed in the right direction (or not).
Images by: Lisa Bond

110 | Transportation

Transportation | 111

Left: Signs indicate

which way to find
your transfer.
Knowing the
number and color
of the line is helpful.

Left: A neighborhood
map of a 600-meter
radius gives the user
information about the
station exits, above
ground street layout,
and bus connections.
Make note of the North

Image by: Lisa Bond

Transferring to Another Line

If a line transfer is required, you will need to exit the train at the transfer
station, then locate the color-coded signs on the platform for your next
line. Here, again, it is important to know your direction of travel so that
you can find the right platform.
Finding the Way Out
At your arrival station, you will need to exit the train onto the platform.
Now find the signs for Way Out. Keep in mind, most stations will have
several ways out, so you will need to know your exit number before
following the signs. If you do not know your exit number, the station
will have neighborhood maps posted with the street layout, places of
interest, bus routes, and exits numbers.
Right: Exits are
generally designed
by a clear circle
with a number in
the middle. Follow
the signs with your
exit number.
Image by: Lisa Bond

Image by: Lisa Bond

Exiting the Gate

Before you arrive at the station exit, you will need to pass through the
exit turnstile or gates. With your T-Money card in hand, approach a
gate with a green arrow and place the card on the reader. Your subway
trip is now closed, the proper fare charged, and you are ready for a
free bus transfer if needed.
Leaving the Station
Continue to follow the signs for your
exit number. Again, you can reference
the neighborhood maps for everything
within a 600-meter radius. Notice
which way is north as not all maps
are oriented the same way. Stairs,
elevators, and escalators will take you
above to street level.
Right: Another exit sign, this time
noted with a yellow square and
black number, along with above
ground places of interest accessible
by escalator and elevator.
Image by: Lisa Bond

112 | Transportation

Transportation | 113

Subway Amenities
Subway stations in Seoul have a variety of amenities such as restrooms,
shops, convenience stores, eateries, lockers, police stations, lost &
found, neighborhood maps, and customer service counters. Some
stations connect to underground malls, hotels, or museum entrances.
Many subway trains have 4G LTE, wifi, air conditioning in summer, and
heated seats in winter.

Left: Signs for

restrooms and
nursing areas.

Seoul Bus System
Armed with your T-Money card and Seoul Bus app, you are ready to
use any of the citys 765 bus routes. Using T-money, transfers from the
subway within 30 minutes are free. Like the subway, the bus system
is color coded, and the fares are based on the distance traveled. The
bus stops are clearly marked, and they can be located either adjacent
to the sidewalk or in a bus lane corridor in the middle of the larger
avenues. Keep in mind, bus schedules are subject to traffic delays.
For bus stops serving multiple bus lines, you will want to be at the bus
shelter corresponding to your bus. You will also notice signs at bus
stops are often in Korean only. Board at the front of the bus and tap
your T-Money card on the reader. Exit using the rear or center door, tap
out, and close your trip.
The following describes the different types of buses and routes they

Image by: Lisa


Right: Self service

lockers are
available at most
Image by: Lisa Bond

Above: A bus terminal outside busy Seoul Station. Image by: Lisa Bond

114 | Transportation

Transportation | 115

Blue Bus
Major thoroughfares and long distances through Seoul. Cash fare is
1,150 for the first 10 km (T-Money discount: 100); 100 for each
additional 5 km.
Right: Blue buses
queue at the stop in
the center road bus
Image by: Lisa Bond

Green Bus
Shorter distances with connections to subway stations and blue bus
stops. Cash fare is 1,150 for the first 10 km (T-Money discount:
100); 100 for each additional 5 km.
Left: A bus shelter
indicating the stop
serves several
blue and green
line buses. Image
by: Lisa Bond

Maeul Bus (little green bus)

Smaller bus designed to enter residential areas and narrower streets.
Cash fare is 950 for the first 10 km (T-Money discount: 100); 100
for each additional 5 km.

116 | Transportation

Red Bus
Express routes from suburbs into the city; make fewer stops, are more
comfortable, and have seats for all passengers. Cash fare is 1,950
for the first 10 km (T-Money discount: 100); 100 for each additional
5 km.
Yellow Bus
Travels within the city on a closed circuit route. Cash fare is 950 for
the first 10 km (T-Money discount: 100); 100 for each additional
5 km.
Right: Board at the
front of the bus and
tap your T-Money
card on the reader.
Tap out at the back
of the bus to exit
and close your trip.
Image by: Lisa Bond

Seoul City Bus Tour

Like most tourist friendly cities, Seoul
has a hop-on and hop-off bus tour; it
is a quick way to see many sights in a
short time. For newcomers, it provides
the lay of the land around Seoul. A oneday ticket is 12,000 and descriptions of
the sights are presented via headsets in
multiple languages.

Right: There are several Seoul City Bus

Tour stops near USAG Yongsan, including
this stop near Gate 1. Image by: Lisa Bond

Transportation | 117

Regional Bus Transportation

USAG Yongsan Bus System (for Area II)

Now that you know how to get around Yongsan and the city of Seoul,
travel to other regions of South Korea via bus is fast, affordable, and
comfortable using the regional buses.
Within Seoul, the Express Bus Terminal is the main hub for regional
bus travel and connects to a subway station of the same name. Tickets
for the buses can be purchased at the ticket counters. Every city has
bus terminals that may serve either Express or Intercity buses or both.
For a complete breakdown of bus terminal service by city, visit the link
Express Bus
The Express bus, called Gosok, gets its name from the fact that
it runs long distances on the expressways. The Express bus will
generally not stop until it reaches its destination with the exception
of rest area stops. Travelers have the option of booking an Express
trip on a regular bus or a luxury bus. The fares vary according to the
comfort level of the bus as well as the distance traveled.
Intercity Bus
The other bus option for regional travel is the Intercity or Sioe bus
system. Here travelers also have two options to meet their travel
needs. The regular Intercity service is cheaper but with several stops
between the origin and destination while the straight Intercity service
is more costly but provides a direct bus service with no stops. The fare
depends on distance traveled and type of service.

The Garrison, in partnership with our host nation, offers several bus
routes on USAG Yongsan as well as to other US military posts and
nearby bases.
Moyer Bus Terminal
The Moyer Bus Terminal is located at the Moyer Community Activity
Center on Main Post. Routes from here serve USAG Yongsan and
nearby military installations. For the most up to date time and fare
tables, visit the Moyer Bus Terminal.
USAG Yongsan Post Run
The Post Run bus operates free of charge every 15 minutes during
peak commute times, every 20 minutes during low use intervals, and
every 30 minutes on weekends and holidays. Each stop on post can be
found by locating the bus shelter. Bus shelters have three side walls, a
roof, and seating along with a map of the shuttle route and timetable.
To board a Yongsan shuttle bus, be present at the bus shelter a few
minutes prior to the schedule arrival time. Once the bus arrives, allow
departing passengers to exit, then board the bus and quickly find a
seat. You will need to climb three steps, and the bus seats are in pairs
equipped with seat belts and an aisle in the middle. There is no space
for storage or cargo. The first row of seats is reserved for passengers
with limited mobility. The driver will not depart until passengers are
seated, and seatbelt use is mandatory. To exit the bus, when the driver
comes to a stop, stand and quickly exit the bus. Always use designated
pedestrian crosswalks to complete your trip.

Inter-Installation Routes


118 | Transportation

Buses run, for a small fee, from Yongsan to Osan Air Base, Camp
Humphreys, K-16 Airfield, Camp Casey, Camp Red Cloud, and Camp
Jackson. Additionally, there is a Medical Bus Service that runs between
medical facilities on USAG Yongsan, Camp Walker, Camp Carroll, and
Camp Henry. Most buses on these routes have cargo space and will
begin loading a few minutes prior to their departure time. For the most
up-to-date information on routes, schedules, and to purchase bus
tickets, visit the Moyer Bus Terminal.

Transportation | 119



One of the most dependable forms of

travel in Korea is via rail. It is operated
by Korail (KTX). Trains depart and arrive
on schedule and travel from city center to
city center as well as through small towns
and rural areas. You can travel the entire peninsula by train. Even
some routes within the city of Seoul can be reached via a connection
with fewer stops for an additional cost to the T-Money fare. The cost
of train travel is determined by the distance traveled and the amenities
and luxury level of the train and travel experience. This metropolitan
railroad system is integrated into the Seoul subway map and mobile
applications. Expect train travel to be comfortable and fast with
amenities such as video entertainment, and spacious leg room and
travel speeds of up to 300km per hour.
Korail also offers various passes available to visitors and foreign
residents for unlimited train travel on the KTX system for travel on
consecutive days. This is a great travel option for those sightseeing
and touring the peninsula on vacation. There is even one that includes
travel on Japans network.
The main train stations in Seoul are Seoul Station, Yongsan Station,
Cheongnyangni Station, and Yeongdeungpo Station. All have travel
centers and ticket counters with English speaking staff to help with
your travel plans.

Gimpo International Airport

Airport code: GMP
Located about 15km west of downtown Seoul
Domestic air traffic (i.e., to Jeju Island); international flights in the
Asia Pacific region
Shopping, dining, and entertainment
Easily accessed by car, bus, and train
Parking available; fees vary according to car size, time, and
distance from terminal

Incheon International Airport
Gimpo International Airport
City Airport Terminals

Seoul is serviced by two airports. Both are easily accessible by any

means of transportation.
Incheon International Airport
Airport code: ICN
Located 50km west of Seoul on an island
Primary hub for long haul international flights
Shopping, dining, and entertainment
Accessible via non-stop and all-stop trains, limousine buses,
taxis, direct expressway
Parking available; fees vary according to car size, time, and
distance from terminal

Right: At Seoul
Station, travelers
have the option
of several trains
to the airports.
Check in at City
Airport Terminal,
and travel luggage
free to the airports
departure hall.
Image by: Lisa Bond

COEX City Airport Terminal

120 | Transportation

Transportation | 121

City Airport Terminals

City airport terminals provide another layer of convenience by
allowing passengers to check in for flights, conduct passport control,
and drop off luggage before leaving the city. For participating airlines
and details, check out the links above.

USFK Airport Joint Reception Center

When you first arrive in Korea, the USFK Joint Reception Center at
Incheon International Airport is where you will proceed after clearing
customs and baggage claim. It is located near Terminal Exit 14. There
are snack vendors and restrooms nearby. Here you can inquire about
military bus transportation to your duty station, especially if your
sponsor is not present when you arrive.

It will cost at least $65 to take a taxi from Incheon International Airport
to USAG Yongsan. Have a taxi dispatched to ensure it is authorized on
post access. If you take a non-AAFES taxi, you run the risk of being
dropped off at the gate with all members of your party and luggage.
Larger taxis will cost more, and taxis to installations further from the
airport, such as Osan Air Base, will also cost more. If there are no other
alternatives, the Dragon Hill Lodge and USFK Airport Reception Center
can assist in dispatching an AAFES taxi or with public transportation.

Airport Transportation
The Dragon Hill Lodge and 19th Personnel Company (19th PC)
provide an airport bus at no cost to travelers. It is primarily designed
to transport service members on PCS/TDY orders and their families
to and from the Dragon Hill Lodge, the Soldier Support Center, and
Incheon International Airport. When space is available, those on
leisure travel may use this free bus system. Osan Air Base and Kunsan
Air Base also provide bus service from Incheon for a fee.

Above: Post Run picks up passengers near the Dragon Hill Lodge.
Image by: Lisa Bond

Space Available Air Travel

Space Available Travel is a program operated by the US Air Force
where travelers may use passenger space available on military aircraft
at a significant cost savings. See the Travel section of this publication
for more information.
Above: Check the latest timetable, and have a
backup plan if the bus is full. Image by: Lisa Bond

122 | Transportation

Transportation | 123



Surrounded on three sides by water, it is no wonder that ferry

transportation is readily available from the Korean coasts to nearby
islands such as Jeju. Port cities like Incheon, Busan, Mokpo, and
Donghae operate passenger ferry terminals. The Visit Korea Tourism
site offers a detailed explanation of all terminals. Cruises on the Han
offer a unique view of the city. Go to for more details.

On post, parking is adequate. Although parking may not be available

immediately next to your destination, you can easily find parking in a
nearby lot and walk a short distance to most places of work, shopping
areas, and residences on post. Expect full lots at popular spots during
peak hours. Parking on the installation is free. Off post, parking is on
the street or in underground parking garages.

Private Transportation


Private transportation in
Seoul will mainly consist of
driving your own vehicle,
renting one, taking a taxi,
walking, and bicycling. The
Seoul road network is a
mix of pedestrianized areas, narrow neighborhood streets with little
vehicle access, spacious boulevards with ample sidewalks, and
freeways carrying large traffic volumes in and out of the city. Walking
and riding in a car may seem to provide newcomers from the US a
familiar experience, but keep in mind that getting around in a city as
densely populated as Seoul presents its own quirks and planning


First, find out from your PCS orders or chain of command whether or
not you are authorized a POV. If you are shipping a vehicle to Korea,
using your POV on the installation for transportation is an option once
you have obtained your USFK drivers license. Driving off post, expect
to encounter traffic and congestion.

124 | Transportation

Avis and Hertz car rental agencies are located on main post at the
Moyer CAC. Be sure have obtained your USFK drivers license. Korean
car rental companies off the installation may require an International
Drivers Permit along with your USFK drivers license.


Taxis are everywhere in Seoul. Getting around in a taxi is fast, safe,

and affordable. Taxis come in a variety of sizes with various amenities
and can travel long distances. Drivers speak English to varying
degrees. Seatbelt use is mandatory.
You can hail a taxi on the street, or, for a small fee, dispatch one.
Fares for taxis are calculated based on how the taxi is dispatched,
what type of taxi it is, the time of day you are traveling, the time it
takes, and how far you are going. When traveling in Seoul, payment
can be made in Korean won, by credit card, or by T-money card. In
provincial areas, only cash may be accepted. Inform the taxi driver of
your payment method at the beginning of your trip.
When arriving at your destination via taxi, it is common to be dropped
off at a nearby landmark. For example, the nearest subway station is a
useful landmark to know and one the taxi driver will most likely know.

Transportation | 125

Above: Taxi stand at the

Dragon Hill Lodge.
Image by: Lisa Bond

A note about coming on to post

in a taxi: If you are in an AAFES taxi,
the driver will be able to drive you
onto the installation. However, if you
are traveling in a non-AAFES taxi, the
driver will not be permitted on post,
and you (and your cargo) will need
to exit the taxi at the gate. The best
way to ensure you are in an AAFES
taxi is to dispatch one to your pickup
AAFES contracts with FTN Holdings
to provide taxi service on Yongsan
and other installations. AAFES taxis
are the only taxis able to operate on
military installations throughout the
peninsula. You can request a taxi
via phone, text, or using the AAFES
smartphone app; you can also reserve
a taxi online for long distance trips
(fees vary); see the link below.


Voice or Text: 1544-9080

Text: # pick-up building number # destination # camp name #
Online reservations:
Smartphone App: AAFES Taxi (see image above)

126 | Transportation

When you dispatch an AAFES taxi, you will be sent a text message
with instructions for which taxi to take. For example, the message may
read Plz take cab#4304 slv at g21 in 6 min. In other words, please
take cab number 4304, silver in color, at gate 21 in 6 minutes.
There is a basic charge of 3,000 for the first 2 km with additional
charges for increased distances as well as nighttime and dispatch fees.
In addition to Korean won, credit card, and T-money card, these taxis
also accept payment in US dollars. If you use the app, text, or call to
dispatch a taxi, there is an addition fee of 1,000 (fee does not apply
if taxi is accessed at a taxi stand: Dragon Hill Lodge, Moyer CAC,
Commissary, and Brian Allgood Community Hospital). Four passenger
taxis as well as vans are available.
For detailed fare, area coverage by installation, and dispatch
information, visit the website at the link provided above.

City Taxi Options

Other than dispatching an AAFES taxi, you may find it easier to hail
one on the street in the city or call the Korean travel hotline at 02.1330.
Listed below are the local taxi options.
Standard Taxi
Silver, white, or orange
Metered, can provide receipts, and offers free phone-based
interpreter service
Deluxe Taxi
Black with a yellow sign
Fare is higher
Taxi is more spacious with a higher standard of service
No late night surcharge
Found at most busy areas such as hotels, subway stations, bus
terminals, major streets

Transportation | 127

International Taxi

Various colors
Will have International Taxi sign on top or on door
Drivers speak English and/or Japanese
Reservation only
Fees can be arranged based on distance, time, or meter
Can be hired for the day or several hours

Jumbo Taxi

Eight passenger vans

Larger groups or parties with large amounts of luggage
Jumbo Taxi sign on door
Offer interpretation service

USAG Yongsan is a small installation where many destinations
are within walking distance from housing and unit work areas. In
combination with public transportation, walking is an easy way to get
around the city of Seoul.
A list of installation gates
and their nearest transit
stops is provided at the
end of this section.
stay on the sidewalks
where available. There
are some streets in
Seoul where there are
no sidewalks. Simply
Above: Delivery man on a motorbike using
keep to the right side
the pedestrian crosswalk. Be a vigilant
and drivers will navigate
pedestrian. Image by: Lisa Bond
around you. Walking in

128 | Transportation

Seoul can sometimes mean using underground pedestrian routes or

stairs through hilly neighborhoods. One quirk of walking in Seoul is
that mopeds and motorized scooters are permitted to use sidewalks.
Keep a steady course, and they will ride around you.
Jaywalking is illegal on and off post and is extremely dangerous in
Seoul. Seoul intersections are busy and de-conflict multiple flows of
traffic including center bus lanes. It is safest to wait for the pedestrian
crossing light. It is important to teach children safe habits such as
crossing only at marked crosswalks and intersections.

Riding a bike is another alternative for both recreation and
transportation in the USAG Yongsan area. Bicycle parking is available
near many buildings on post. Bicyclists must adhere to the same traffic
laws as drivers and have the same rights as drivers. In general, there
are standard safety and best practice rules for bicycling. Reference
USFK Regulation 190-1 Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision Section
B-18 for the complete policy. Here are a few guidelines to keep you
safe and in compliance:
Register your bike at the Area Pass and ID Office.
Wear a helmet (all ages).
During the day, wear visible upper body clothing.
At night, wear reflective gear and use front and rear lights.
Ride on the right side of the roadway and in the direction of car
Follow all traffic laws including obeying stop signs and traffic
Use hand and arm to signal your intent to turn.
Take extra precaution at intersections.
Riding on the sidewalk is reserved for children.
While riding on the installation is safe and convenient, only the most
intrepid bicyclists brave the roads in Seoul. Combining bicycling with
transit and walking is one way to get around in a multimodal way. You
will find bicycle parking throughout the city, especially near subway
stations, bus terminals, and other transit interchanges. The subway
welcomes bicyclists on the weekends only on the first and last cars of

Transportation | 129

USAG Yongsan Gates

Most websites and tourist brochures will include information on how
to access them via subway or bus, but until you learn which lines are
accessed from which post gates, it can be frustrating to know where to
begin. The following chart is a good place to start.

Right: Follow the

safety rules of the
road (even if the
locals dont).

Routes at

Nearest Subway
(Subway Line)

110A, 421,

Samgakji (4, 6)
Noksapyeong (6)

110A, 421,

Samgakji (4, 6)
Noksapyeong (6)


110A, 421,

Noksapyeong (6)

5:00 am
- 9:00 am


110A, 421,

Noksapyeong (6)

PX Gas

6:00 am Midnight


03, 110B,

Itaewon (6)
Noksapyeong (6)














South Post




Gate Name



Dragon Hill



R & R Bar
and Grill



5:00 am Midnight


Image by: Lisa Bond

the train. Visit the Military Police Station for the latest information on
the rules of the road for bicyclists in Seoul.
Riding your bike on Seouls many trails is a common activity on the
weekend for Seoulites and foreigners alike. These trails may be used
by pedestrians and bicycles only. The Han River Trail is one of Seouls
most extensive bike networks. It offers a chance for exercise, leisure,
and spectacular views of the city along the river. If you dont have a
bike, there are plenty of bike rental kiosks throughout the trail. To learn
more about this trail and to pick up a bicycle passport, visit the post
bicycle shop (see the Shopping section of this publication for contact
It is highly recommended that if your weight limit will allow for it,
pack your familys bicycles into your unaccompanied/express baggage
shipment along with helmets, baskets, and other gear. You will then
have two-wheeled transportation as soon as you arrive. A family bike
ride along the Han River is a wonderful first memory of Seoul!
Left: Sign showing
a path for bicycles.
Image by: Lisa Bond

130 | Transportation



100, 143,
401, 406,

100, 405

Seobinggo (GJ)

Ichon (4, GJ)

Transportation | 131


Gate Name





Routes at



5:00 am
- 6:00 pm



MP Station

5:00 am 9:00 pm



Camp Kim









5:00 am 1:00 am



Coiner Hill




202, 400,


(Kimchi Pot




2, 3, 143,
401, 406,

132 | Transportation


Nearest Subway
(Subway Line)

*This list is not comprehensive of all the public transportation routes

available. These are just the most accessible from each gate.

Sinyongsan (4)

The Enhanced Security Pedestrian Gates (ESPGs) are unmanned

walk-through gates for gaining entry onto and exiting post. You will use
your ID card and fingerprint to gain access. This system continues to
be enhanced to better serve our community.
If your card is not accepted multiple times, you will need to get
your card replaced. If your fingerprint cannot be read after numerous
attempts, stop by DBIDS in 1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel
Company and have your fingerprints retaken.
Be prepared in case you are denied access. You can walk over to a
manned gate, like Gate 1/the Dragon Hill Lodge Gate or Gate 13/the
South Post Visitor Center Gate, which are open 24/7. As a last resort,
you can call a AAFES taxi (see above for more information on taxi

100, 150,
151, 152,
421, 500,
501, 502,
504, 506,
507, 605,
750B, 751,
752, 6001

Samgakji (4, 6)

100, 150,
151, 152,
421, 500,
501, 502,
504, 506,
507, 605,
750B, 751,
752, 6001

University (4)


202, 400,

Noksapyeong (6)

Transportation | 133

Chapter 8

134 | Transportation



There is a limited pool of professional jobs available in the Yongsan area, but between
ACS job fairs and personal connections made in AFSC, I discovered many more
opportunities than I would have relying solely on and other websites.
Who you know really counts, so network as much as you can. Also, consider the many
volunteer opportunities that are available. You never know when one of those just
might lead to a paid position, and you will keep up your professional skills or even
develop new ones while doing something good for your community.
~Susan Minnich

Finding employment at a new duty station can be one of the most

challenging hurdles spouses and dependents face. Doing so overseas
can be even more difficult. The information in this section is intended
to inform you about some of the specific requirements and restrictions
in place in Korea, and to provide some guidance regarding resources
available to help you.
USAG Yongsan has US government, contract, and volunteer
positions available. Spouses of active duty and federal civilian
employees have hiring preference upon arrival for all government
positions. Employment opportunities are competitive, so anticipate
potential delays in securing a position commiserate with education
and/or experience.
Dependents of members of the US armed forces and dependents
of members of the civilian component are admitted to the Republic of
Korea (ROK) under an A-3 visa. Persons in Korea under an A-3 visa
are not entitled to be paid for work on the Korean economy without an
additional authorization from the Korean government.

Employment, On Post
Many paid employment positions on post are reserved for Korean
National (KN) employees. However, there are employment opportunities
in US federal civil service, non-appropriated fund (NAF) organizations
such as AAFES, and other on post organizations.
The Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) assists
family members with resume writing critique, identifying employment
opportunities and preparing for a new job. USAJOBS is the Federal
Governments official one-stop source for federal jobs and employment
information. The Commissary, The Dragon Hill Lodge, and Child and
Youth Services frequently post positions on USAJOBS. Substitute
teaching positions may also be found through USAJOBS. Applicants
for on post substitute teaching positions are subjected to a lengthy
background check process, so plan accordingly.
Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) employment
opportunities can be found on the AAFES employment website. These
include positions at the Post Exchanges and various food courts.
Home-based businesses (HBB) are another viable employment

Employment | 137

Image by: Carrie Barcia

option. Examples of home-based businesses include independent

consultants, individuals offering private lessons, and individuals selling
goods or services. HBBs are regulated by the Garrison and subject to
written approval by the Garrison Commander. Requests for approval
must contain:
A description of the product, goods or services to be sold
Name of individual/agency, address, phone number, and email
Documentation of registration or licenses
General description of fees or charges
Another HBB opportunity is to become a Family Childcare (FCC)
provider. Individuals provide childcare in on post housing units.
Providers are independent contractors that are certified and trained.

In order to gain experience, build a resume, or to provide vital
services to the community, dependents under A-3 visa status may
select volunteer work. For more information on volunteer opportunities,
contact the ACS Volunteer Program Coordinator.
Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Army Community Service (ACS)
South Post, Building 4106
ACS Volunteer Program Coordinator
Phone: 050.3338.3617, DSN: 738.3617
USAG Yongsan Employment Readiness Office
Phone: 050.3338.8977, DSN: 738.8977
Family Childcare (FCC) Program
[email protected]
Home-Based Businesses

138 | Employment

Employment, Off Post

Dependents with A-3 visas may obtain a work permit in any of
eight employment categories. These categories each have a number
of qualifications applicants must meet in order to be eligible. The
employment status categories are:
E-1 Teaching (Professor): This is for professors of higher
education. Requirements include education and experience as a
professor of higher education.
E-2 Foreign Language Instructor: This category includes
English teachers. Requirements include a bachelors degree
and/or relevant college level educational and/or work experience.
Individuals applying for this permit must also be natives of
a country where the language they wish to teach is the mother
tongue. Proof must be provided of relevant qualifications. The
Korean government recently imposed additional requirements
including criminal record check by FBI or home state police,
health certificate issued by a Korean public health office, and
E-3 Research: This category includes those performing research
in the natural sciences or in the development of industry and
technology. Requirements include an invitation from a Korean
public or private institution to perform work of this nature.
E-4 Technology Instruction: A person possessing professional
level knowledge in the natural sciences, or special technical
skills. Requirements include an invitation from a Korean public or
private institution to perform instruction of this nature.
E-5 Professional Occupation: This category includes foreign
attorneys, accountants, and doctors who are certified in a foreign
country and are authorized under Korean law to practice in their
field in Korea.
E-6 Arts and Performance: This category includes those
engaged in music, the arts, literature, modeling, or other
performance activities for profit.

Employment | 139

Chapter 9

Medical, Dental, and Optical

E-7 Special Occupations: This category includes such

employment as designated by the Minister of Justice, including
work in translation, interpretation, cultural research, etc.
E-8 Employed Trainee: This category is for temporary
employment for industrial training purposes.
Employment without proper permission violates Korean law. This
includes teaching English to private individuals. Penalties for violation
of Korean immigration law may include deportation, prosecution in
Korea, fines, and levying of back taxes. A dependent with an A-3 visa
may secure employment with a Korean company but the employer
must then initiate the necessary paperwork with the Korea Immigration
Service (an agency of the Korea Ministry of Justice) to obtain an
employment permit for the dependent. The dependent may then visit
a local immigration office and obtain the passport employment permit
stamp. Once the dependent obtains the proper work permit, he or
she may be lawfully employed on the Korean economy. Dependents
employed on the Korean economy are subject to the withholding of
Korean income taxes from their wages in Korea.

If youve ever dreamed of being a model, Korea may be your big
chance, but he appropriate work visa must be obtained in order for
anyone to legally participate in modeling opportunities in Korea (and
avoid hefty fines or legal action). This process can often be handled
with the assistance of the modeling agency.
Korean companies need people of various ages and nationalities
for their marketing campaigns. Look for job postings on the internet,
on Facebook, and apply directly to modeling agencies. You may even
be approached on the street if you or your children have the look
they need. You will typically need to provide three to five head shots
and you may be asked to submit a short video. Youll also need to
provide size measurements (know your Korean clothing and metric

140 | Employment

The local Tricare office coordinates with the local International

Clinics at the hospitals in Seoul to ensure military members and their
dependents medical needs are addressed with minimal frustration.
Our family has received positive, comprehensive, customer-based care
through both 121 Brian Allgood Hospital and through referrals to the
state-of-the-art facilities off post.
~Kelli Houston

For emergency services contact numbers, please see the Resources

section at the beginning of this publication.
The Department of Defense Health Care Program provides health care for
military service members and their families around the world. Enrollment
forms are available at all military treatment facilities and at the TRICARE
Service Center.
USAG Yongsan
121st CSH BAACH, Building 7005, Room 1150
DSN: 737.1433 (TRICARE Service Center)
USAG Humphreys
Building S555, inside the Health Clinic
Phone: 050.3337.2780 DSN: 737.2780
USAG Daegu
Building S221, inside the Wood Clinic on Camp Walker
Phone: 050.3337.2779 DSN: 737.2779

Support Services
Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Service (ASACS)
This organization also offers courses and prevention groups in areas
of life skills (self-esteem, relationships, and social skills), parenting,
and teen anger management. Counselors are also available in the
middle school and high school.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 3792 Phone: 050.3338.6816
DSN: 738.6816

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)

The center offers rehabilitation counseling, individual and group
therapy, education, and smoking cessation for active duty, DoD
civilians, and family members.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 3707 Phone: 050.3338.5307,
050.3325.5111 DSN: 738.5301, 725.5111

Medical | 143

Image by: Carrie Barcia

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous


Alcohol Treatment Center

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Building T7163 Phone: 050.3337.5208
DSN: 737.5208

Sexual Assault Prevention (SHARP) 24/7 Assistance

Sexual harassment/abuse should be reported to the USFK
Sexual Assault Response Hotline. There are two reporting options:
Unrestricted Reporting or Restricted Reporting. Civilians only have
the Unrestricted Reporting option. The following steps apply with
Unrestricted Reporting:
The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) or Unit Victim
Advocate (UVA) is contacted
Command is notified
SARC and UVA attend to the victims needs, provide supportive
Get medical care
Get counseling
Get legal services
The following steps apply with Restricted Reporting (can be changed
to Unrestricted):
The SARC, UVA, Healthcare Provider, or Chaplin are contacted
Command is NOT notified
SARC and UVA attend to the victims needs; provide supportive
Get medical care
Get counseling
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3363.5700, (From US)
DSN: 158, 763.5700

Suicide Prevention Hotline (Korea-Wide)

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 080.8555.118 DSN: 118

144 | Medical

DoD Sexual Assault Support (SAFE) Helpline

The DoD Safe Helpline is a confidential and anonymous sexual

assault helpline for the DoD community. Users will receive live, oneon-one confidential help with a trained professional. The website also
provides vital information about recovering from and reporting sexual

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 877.995.5247 (US toll free); Website: www.

Medical Services, On Post

121st CSH Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital (BAACH)
The hospital provides medical care to active duty military, retirees,
and their family members. DoD civilian employees, contractors, and
their family members may be seen by doctors at the 121st CSH BAACH
based upon space availability.
To make an appointment at one of the clinics, you need to call the
central appointment line. You may expect to obtain an appointment for
an acute/same day care within 24 hours; open access (same calendar
day); routine (7 calendar days); wellness (28 calendar days); and
specialty care (28 calendar days).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post near Gate 13 (Visitors Gate, Ichon
Subway Station) Phone: 050.3337.2273 (Central Appointment Line) DSN: 737.CARE
(2273) Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 am-4:30 pm

Priority of Care

Priority 1: Active duty service members

Priority 2: Active duty family members who are enrolled in
TRICARE Prime (Command-sponsored family members)
Priority 3: Retirees, their family members, and survivors who are
enrolled in TRICARE Prime
Priority 4: Active duty family members who are not enrolled in
TRICARE Prime (Non-command-sponsored family members)
Priority 5: All other eligible persons such as DoD civilian
employees, contractors, and their family members

Medical | 145





Operating Hours




Operating Hours

Chaplain Services

121st CSH

Alcohol Treatment

DSN 737.5208

121 CSH,
Bldg 3707

7:30 am- 4:30 pm

DSN 737.1635/1638

7:30 am-5:00 pm

Dental Clinic #1

Ambulatory Care
Clinic (ACC)

DSN 737.1142/1147

121 CSH

Monday-Friday 7:30
am-1:00 pm Thursday
1230-4:30 pm

DSN 725.8271/3063

Next to TMC
Main Post

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Dental Clinic # 2

Ambulatory Surgical
Clinic (ASC)

DSN 737.3209/1257

121st CSH,
2nd Floor

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 736.4779

Next to

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Dental Clinic # 3

DSN 736.5221/5799

7:30 am-4:30 pm


DSN 737.1353/1362

121st CSH
2nd Floor

7:30 am-4:30 pm


Dental Emergency

121st CSH

DSN 737.1225/1061

121st CSH
1st Floor

7:30 am-4:30 pm
1:00 pm-4:30 pm

DSN 737.5545/6001

After Working

Dermatology Clinic

DSN 737.1172

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Behavioral Health

DSN 737.5508/1900

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm
1:00-4:30 pm

EDIS (Educational
and Developmental
Intervention Services)

DSN 737.1300/1301

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.1386/1387

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.1285

121st CSH

Behavioral Health
(Inpatient Psychiatry)

Ear, Eye, Nose &

Throat (EENT)

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.1282/1283

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Behavioral Health
Clinic Patient

DSN 737.5508

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm
1:00-4:30 pm

Exceptional Family
Member Program
Emergency Room
(ER) Ambulance

DSN 737.5545/6001

121st CSH


Billing Office,

DSN 737.1859

121st CSH
1st Floor,
next to PAD

7:30 am-4:30 pm
1:00-4:30 pm

Family Advocacy

DSN 737.1901

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Immunization Desk

DSN 737.1162

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Central Appointment

DSN 737.2273

121st CSH
2nd Floor

7:00 am-6:00 pm
Except US Holidays

Information Desk
(After 4:30 pm hrs
Staff Duty)

DSN 737.1411/3085/3155

121st CSH



146 | Medical



Medical | 147




Operating Hours




Operating Hours

Intensive Care Unit


DSN 737.1455/1456

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Oral Surgery

DSN 737.8102

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Internal Medicine

DSN 737.1143

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Orthopedic Surgery

DSN 737.1375/1378

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm


DSN 737.2062

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm
1st Thursday of the
Month Closed 8:009:00 am

OT/Physical Therapy/
Physical Medicine

DSN 737.1180/1181

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm


DSN 737.2062

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Patient Administration

DSN 737.1846/1847

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Patient Advocacy

DSN 737.1125/1126

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Pediatrics Clinic

DSN 737.1144/1145

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Pharmacy for

DSN 737.2072/3055

121st CSH

7:30 am-8:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday &
8:30 am-5:00 pm

Medical Records

DSN 737.1856

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Mental Health Clinic/


DSN 737.5508

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Multi-Care Unit

DSN 737.5561/1824

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm


DSN 737.1375/1378

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

New Parent Support

Home Visit Nurse

DSN 738.5311/7034


7:30 am-4:30 pm

Nutrition Clinic

DSN 737.1572

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Pharmacy for

121st CSH

7:30 am-6:00pm


DSN 737.1310/1311

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.2081/2075

Pharmacy for Refill

121st CSH

Occupational Health

DSN 737.1750

121 CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.7939

7:30 am-6:00 pm

Podiatry Surgery

121st CSH

Occupational Health

DSN 737.1746

South Post
Bldg. 5477

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.1180

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Primary Care Clinic

121st CSH

Occupational Health

DSN 737.6167

121 CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.1142

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.1362/1363

121 CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.1579

121st CSH

Operating Room

Pulmonary Function

7:30 am-4:30 pm


121st CSH


DSN 737.1464

Main Post
Bldg. 1625

7:30 am-4:30 pm

DSN 737.1476

7:30 am-4:30 pm

148 | Medical




Medical | 149




Operating Hours

Respiratory Therapy

DSN 737.1579/1577

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Social Work Services


DSN 737.1901

121 CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Speech Pathology

DSN 737.6792

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Surgical Clinic

DSN 737.1237

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Tobacco Cessation

DSN 725.4930/4919

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Telephone Consult
(T.CON) Primary
Care Clinic

DSN 737.1011

121st CSH


Internal Medicine

DSN 737.5514

Treasury Office for

DoD Civilians

DSN 737.1858

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

TRICARE Office for

Active Duty FM &

DSN 737.1433/1074

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm


DSN 736.5051/1450

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Veteran Affairs for


DSN 738.5121

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Women Infant Care


DSN 737.4243

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Women Infant Care


DSN 737.6074

121st CSH

7:30 am-4:30 pm

Yongsan Health Clinic

(Troop Clinic)

DSN 737.1396/1397
DSN 737.1398

Main Post
Bldg 1663

7:30 am-4:30 pm

150 | Medical




The following table lists vaccinations by your status. Check with your
medical treatment facility, family doctor, or school nurse for recent
updates on immunization requirements. Family members are not
typically required to receive any additional immunizations but some are
recommended for this area. For school immunization requirements,
visit the DoDEA website at
Students &
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Required for all military, civilian personnel, and dependents
over the age of 11 years.
Japanese Encephalitis
Hemophilus Influenza Type B
Required over 2 years
23-valent required for 65 years and older; 7-valent
required for young children.
EEC (US) &
Active Duty


M: mandatory
R: recommended
HR: recommended only for persons at high risk
A: available
EEC (US): US Emergency Essential Civilian
DoD: Department of Defense
DoDDS: Department of Defense Dependent School
CYSS: Child, Youth, and School Services
*Anthrax vaccination is available for family members 18-65 years old. For active duty
service members, at least three shots in the series are required prior to coming to Korea.
** Smallpox vaccination is available for family members age 18 and older. Active duty
service members should receive this vaccination prior to coming to Korea.

Medical | 151

Tuberculosis (TB) is present on the Korean peninsula. Each year
about 30,000 cases of active TB are reported. To test for this disease,
have a Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) for tuberculosis infection test
prior to coming to Korea, every year while in Korea, and just prior to
leaving Korea. This is a mandatory requirement for Active Duty service
members and highly recommended for all others. DoDDS and Child
Youth and School Services require current proof of PPD testing for
Vector-Borne Diseases are similar to those in the US; diseases
transmitted by mosquitoes, mites, ticks and rodents are present in
Vivax Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes and is present at relatively
low levels, primarily in areas north of Seoul and near the DMZ. For
protection, military personnel should use repellents on exposed skin
when in malaria risk areas during hours when mosquitoes are present.
As mosquitoes can also bite through clothing, DEET repellent spray
can be applied to the outer garments for protection. Soldiers should
use permethrin impregnated ACUs during the malaria season.
Common House Mosquito (Culex. pipiens) is often found in abundance
on military installations, including USAG Yongsan. In Korea, it is not
attributed to the transmission of any disease. Populations breed in
standing water on and off post and in government housing complexes,
making pesticide applications less effective. Mosquitoes are more
prevalent at night; they enter houses through air conditioning systems
or any small opening (e.g., under the door and through the drains).
Bed nets, drain covers and indoor space sprays (available from the
military self-help supply facility) are often effective. Korean products
including MOGSOL (needs a plug adapter) are available off post at
grocery stores.


Prescriptions obtained from off-post providers can be filled at the on

post pharmacy only if prescription is written in English.
You may order prescription refills using the automated telephone
system (see number below), or on line (see link below).

152 | Medical

The pharmacys busiest time is 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. If possible,

visit the pharmacy before or after this period for fastest service and
shortest wait times.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 121st CSH Pharmacy Phone: 050.3337.2081,
050.3337.2075, 050.3337.2070 (Outpatient Pharmacy), 050.3337.7939 (Refill Services)
DSN: 737.7939 (Refill Services) Website:
rxrefill/default.html Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 am-6:00 pm, Closed on holidays

Childbirth Class
Childbirth classes for expectant parents are available through
ACS. A New Parent Support Program is also available. This program
enhances parent and infant attachment, increases knowledge of early
childhood development, and provides support services to allow parents
to become nurturing and capable caregivers.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: ACS, Building 4106 Phone: 050.3338.7505 DSN:

Prenatal Care
Prenatal care is offered on post. Primary Care physicians will confirm
pregnancy and then refer patients to OB/GYN Clinic in the 121st CSH
Hospital. Currently, there is no lactation specialist at 121st CSH
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 121st CSH Hospital, OB/GYN Clinic Phone:
050.3337.1310 DSN: 737.1310, 737.1311 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 am-4:30 pm


School and sports physicals are provided by appointment at the
Pediatrics Clinic. If the patient does not have access to the 121st CSH
Hospital, physicals from off post physicians are acceptable. Obtain the
required physical form from the school or CYSS and have your off post
physician complete the form in English.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 121st CSH Hospital, Pediatrics Clinic, Phone:
050.3337.1144 DSN: 737.1144, 737.1145 Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 am-4:30 pm

Medical | 153


Women, Infants, and Children Overseas (WIC) is a program designed
to provide nutritious food, tips on how to prepare a balanced meal,
nutrition/health screening, and access to resources to lead a healthier
life. The program provides benefits to eligible pregnant women, and
later, their infants for at least six months and possibly up to one year.
Eligible children may participate up to age five.
USAG Yongsan
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 121st CSH, Building 7005, Room 1501
Phone: 050.3337.6074, 050.3337.6073 DSN: 737.6074, 737.6073 Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm

Camp Red Cloud

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 2451, Unit 15707 Phone: 050.3332.8403
DSN: 732.8403 Hours: Tuesdays, 9:30 am-4:00 pm

Medical Services, Off Post

Seoul Help Center for Foreigners English Help Line
Phone: 02.797.8212
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30 am-12:30 pm and 2:00-5:00 pm
24-Hour English Medical Referral Service
Phone: 010.4769.8212, 010.8750.8212
Seoul Help Center
Phone: 02.731.6800
Fax: 02.731.6803
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm

Camp Casey
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: ACS Building 2451 Phone: 050.3330.3436 DSN:
730.3436 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm

Camp Humphreys
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 577, Unit 15228 Phone: 050.3353.6909,
050.3353.6106 DSN: 753.6909, 753.6106 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm

Osan Air Base

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 768, Room 136 Phone: 050.3384.3806,
050.3384.9426 DSN: 784.3806, 784.9426 Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:00
am-3:30 pm

USAG Daegu
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 1425 Phone: 050.3368.9424 DSN:
768.9424 Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm

154 | Medical

For individuals who require medical care off post, there are several
doctors and clinics that service the foreign community. The 18th
MEDCOM currently maintains partnerships with several state-of-theart Korean hospitals. Host nation partnership hospitals and clinics
provide the highest quality of health care and all are accredited by
the Joint Commission International or the Korean Hospital Association.
Many of the medical staff speak English and a significant number were
trained in America.
BAACH has implemented a new patient program to ensure TRICARE
Representatives, Nurse Case Managers and Host Patient Liaisons
are assigned to the BAACH and each of the outlying health clinics
are available to help. Providers will refer you (transport and guides
are provided) to host nation partnership hospitals and/or clinics for
the specialty care you require when the services are not available
within the military system. A staff of Host Nation Patient Liaisons assist
patients as well. The Nurse Case Managers visit all our beneficiaries if
they require hospitalization and conduct telephone follow-ups with the
Korean healthcare team providing your medical care.

Medical | 155

Most visits to a host nation partnership hospital or clinic typically
begin with a referral from your Primary Care Manager at the local
Military Treatment Facility (MTF). If the needed care is not available
at the Military Treatment Facility, a Host Nation Appointment Clerk
or TRICARE Representative at your local TRICARE office will assist
in making your appointment at one of our host nation partnership
hospitals or medical clinics. Usually, the Host Nation Appointment
Clerk will make your appointment, schedule transportation on one of
the TRICARE courtesy shuttles, and provide you with a claim form and
any necessary medical documentation or care authorizations needed
for your medical appointment. Although our host nation partnership
hospitals and clinics accept self-referrals, it is best to work through
your local 65th Medical Brigade TRICARE office to coordinate your
care. The payment for your care at the Korean facility will depend on
your TRICARE status or other insurance plan you may have. When
you call to make your appointment, TRICARE staff will advise you on
your coverage and financial responsibilities at that time.
The BAACH provides a free shuttle service for patients and their
family members to and from appointments at several host nation
partnership hospitals. Visit the TRICARE section of the 65th Medical
Brigade website,, for more information on
each of the host nation partnership hospitals, as well as maps and
answers to frequently asked questions.
One of the surprising things about living in Korea is the lower cost of
elective care procedures off base. A service that helps many families
is the infertility options. From IUI to IVF and everything in between,
Koreas infertility clinics offer options not covered by TRICARE at a
fraction of the cost of treatments in the US. Many doctors in Korea
studied abroad and speak English. Some are even certified in the US
or have had practices there.
Additionally, if you have thought about Lasik eye surgery, cosmetic
surgery, laser hair removal or chiropractic care, you could save
hundreds to thousands of dollars by having those procedures done
here. As with any medical service, talk to other spouses and ask for
recommendations on where to go; chances are you will meet someone
who has done what you are thinking about right now.

156 | Medical


Patients with TRICARE insurance must coordinate off-post medical care
through TRICARE to ensure proper reimbursement. Off post hospitals
Asan Medical Center
Phone: 02.3010.5001
Cha General Hospital
Phone: 02.3468.3127, 02.3468.2632, 02.3468.3404
Cheil General Hospital
Phone: 02.2000.7437
Ewha Mok-Dong Hospital
Phone: 02.2650.5890
Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital
Phone: 02.2639.5020, 02.2639.5021
Samsung Medical Center
Phone: 02.3410.0200, 02.3410.0232
Seoul National University Hospital
Phone: 02.2072.4100
Severance Hospital
Phone: 02.2228.5810
Seoul St. Marys Hospital
Phone: 02.2258.5749
Youido St. Marys Hospital
Phone: 02.3779.2212


Medical | 157

Doulas provide non-medical, labor, breastfeeding, and postpartum

support. Doulas without post access can be signed onto post for births
at the hospital or for home births. A midwife is a medically trained
professional who is an expert in natural birth. Some midwives in Korea
attend home births. Their level of English varies.
For those choosing to birth off-post or wanting a more in-depth
childbirth course, there are several options. See the resources
listed below, and contact the OB/GYN clinic and TRICARE for more

Birthing Resources
Agitanseng Natural Birth Center
CONTACT INFORMATION. Point of Contact: Rosa (Kim Ok-Jin) (Speaks English)
Phone: 031.425.8597, 070.8868.1342 Website:

Medi Flower Birthing Center

Dr. Chung will attend home births and can be signed on post. The
birthing center offers water birth and a lactation specialist. They can
handle high-risk pregnancies and can perform cesarean surgeries if
necessary. The clinic has special rates for military. He is a certified
HypnoBirthing practitioner.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Point of Contact: Dr. Hwan Wook Chung (Speaks English)
Phone: 02.548.9400 Email: [email protected] Additional Point of Contact:
Stella (English-speaking consultant) Phone: 010.8550.9742 Website:

Milky Mamas Meeting (MMM) Seoul (Formerly La Leche League

(LLL) Seoul)

Yongsan Healthy Family Support Center in Itaewon

This is a volunteer-based organization that provides free mother-tomother support.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Homestead Coffee in Itaewon, 2nd floor Hours: 4th
Thursday of the month, 10:30 am, 2nd Saturday of some months, 10:30 am

Adele Vitale Roh

Adele is a certified birth doula and childbirth educator through
Childbirth International (CBI). She is also a certified Dunstan Baby
Language educator and HypnoBirthing practitioner. She is based in
Ulsan and offers childbirth preparation classes and labor support in
Ulsan, Daegu, Gimhae, Busan, Geoje, and wherever there is a request.
Shes a native Italian speaker and speaks fluent English, Korean, and
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Ulsan Phone: 010.4872.8051 Email: adele@, [email protected]

Amy Brand Holt

She is a certified Childbirth Educator (CBE) through International
Childbirth Educators (ICEA). Amy has base access.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Pyeongtaek Phone: 010.2721.8962

Casey Kim
Casey is available for Placenta Encapsulation or Birth and Postpartum
classes. Casey is a certified placenta encapsulation specialist through
Placenta Benefits-Info (PBI) and offers placenta encapsulation for
women anywhere in Korea. She is a certified doula and breastfeeding
counselor and teaches birth, breastfeeding, and postpartum classes at
her office in Suwon.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Suwon Email: [email protected]

Erin Mundy: Pohang

Erin is a certified childbirth instructor and doula through the American
Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth. She and her husband teach
the Bradley Method of Husband-Coached Childbirth and she offers
doula services in the Pohang area. She also offers her services with
and through Womens Hope Center.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Email: [email protected]

Jinny Lee
Jinny is certified by Doulas of North America (DONA) International
as a birth doula, certified as a HypnoBirthing practitioner, and certified
by the IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Seoul Phone: 010.8902.4180 Email: jinnycanfly@ Website:

158 | Medical

Medical | 159

Miriam Mangano
Miriam is a certified birth doula through Childbirth International (CBI)
and a HypnoBirthing practitioner. She provides labor support in Seoul,
Suwon, and surrounding areas. She also teaches the HypnoBirthing
course. She speaks native-level Korean as well as Italian and English.
She has base access.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Seoul Phone: 010.9930.2620 Email:
[email protected], [email protected] Website: www.birthinginkorea.

Dr. Park, Jie Won

Dr. Park is a certified HypnoBirthing practitioner and can teach in
English and Korean.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Seoul Phone: 02.518.1300 Email: contact@ Website:

Postpartum Depression Support in Korea


Rosa (Kim Okjin)

Rosa is a midwife and a certified HypnoBirthing practitioner.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 031.410.8597, 010.2447.8231, 019.447.8231 Email:
[email protected] Website:

Sarah Houser
Sarah is a birth doula located in the Songtan/Osan/Humphreys
area. She supports moms and families locally and in the Seoul and
surrounding area. She is certified through Childbirth International
(CBI). She has experience at the 121st CSH, MediFlower, home births,
Samsung, Dankook, Asan, and smaller clinics. Shes available to
answer questions, give support, teach classes, attend and support
births, and support breastfeeding.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Locations: Seoul and Gyeonggi; Email: sarah.m.houser@ Facebook:

Sharon Couzens
Sharon is a certified child birthing educator and a certified postpartum
doula through Childbirth International (CBI). She is currently studying
to be a lactation educator counselor with UC San Diego and helps
lead Milky Mamas meetings in Seoul. She is also a certified Dunstan

160 | Medical

Baby Language educator and has completed Gena Kirbys rebozo

workshop. She speaks English and Spanish.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Seoul Phone: 010.9129.3981 Email:
[email protected] Website:

Victoria Berezenska
Victoria is trained as a doula through Doulas of North America
(DONA) and is working on her certification.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Locations: Seoul and Gyeonggi, willing to travel Email:
[email protected]

Youngjoo Shin
Youngjoo is an English-speaking international lactation consultant.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Busan Phone: 010.3864.4852


Clinical Preventative Medicine Service
Location: South Post, Building 5447
Phone: 050.3336.3025, DSN: 736.3025
Appointment Line: 050.3337.1750, DSN: 737.1750
TRICARE Service Center
Location: 121st BAACH, Building 7005, Room 1150
Phone: 050.3337.1433, DSN: 737.1433
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7:30 am4:00 pm, Thursday, 1:00pm - 4:00 pm
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Travelers Health
World Health Organization

Medical | 161

If you plan to travel outside Korea, check with the Clinical Preventive
Medicine (PM) Service for current requirements in other countries.
The clinic staff provides a personal medical consultation to ensure an
enjoyable and safe vacation for you. Please bring shot records for each
person traveling. It is best to schedule appointments four to six weeks
before traveling to allow adequate time for any necessary vaccinations
to take effect.

Healthy Travel Tips

No matter where your travels may take you, be sure to observe the
Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Eat only thoroughly cooked food or fruits and vegetables you
have peeled yourself. Remember: boil it, cook it, peel it, or
forget it. Dont eat food purchased from street vendors.
Never eat undercooked ground beef and poultry, raw eggs, or
unpasteurized dairy products. Raw shellfish is particularly
dangerous to persons who have liver disease or compromised
immune systems.
Drink only bottled or boiled water, or carbonated drinks in cans
or bottles. Avoid tap water, fountain drinks, and ice cubes. Check
to make sure that bottles for water are not being reused. Bottle
caps should be new and unopened.
Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of injury to travelers,
so walk and drive defensively. Avoid travel at night if possible
and always use seat belts.
Protect yourself from insects by remaining in well-screened
areas, using repellents (applied sparingly at four-hour intervals),
and wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
Monkeys, dogs, cats, chickens, and ducks can be a source of
serious diseases such as rabies, plague, and bird flu, so avoid
contact with animals whenever possible.
To prevent fungal and parasitic infections, keep feet clean and
dry. Never go barefoot.

162 | Medical

Recommended Supplies and Equipment

Make sure you pack:
A long-sleeved shirt and long pants to wear outside, whenever
possible, to help prevent sunburn and illnesses carried by
Insect repellent containing diethylmethyltoluamide (DEET), in
22% to 35% strength for adults and 6% to 10% for children, as
well as a bed net impregnated with the insecticide permethrin.
(Bed nets can be purchased in camping or military supply
Over-the-counter anti-diarrhea medicine to take if necessary,
and iodine tablets and portable water filters to purify water if
bottled water is not available.
Prescription medications: make sure you have enough to last
during your trip, as well as a copy of the prescription(s).

Emergency/Urgent Care While Traveling

TRICARE has contracted and
partnered with International SOS
(ISOS), a worldwide company,
to establish a network of quality
hospitals throughout the Western
Pacific to assist with urgent and emergency medical and dental care
for active duty service members (ADSMs). By using the ISOS network,
ADSMs will not incur out-of-pocket expenses and there will be no claims
to file. It is a cashless and claimless service. This service is available
to ADSMs who are TDY, deployed or simply on leave in Pacific areas
where a US Military Treatment Facility is unavailable.
Active duty family members enrolled in TRICARE Prime may use
ISOS for emergency medical care only. ISOS can assist you in
obtaining urgent medical or dental care, but you will be required to
pay for the services up-front and file a claim through the region in
which youre enrolled for reimbursement. TRICARE Standard active
duty family members, as well as retirees and their family members, are
not eligible for this emergency travel benefit.
To utilize these services in an emergency, members should call their

Medical | 163

nearest ISOS assistance center. Its a good idea to visit the TRICARE/
ISOS website before you travel and record the phone number for the
ISOS assistance center in the country in which youll be traveling.
Collect calls are accepted. Note that when calling collect, it may be
necessary to request an international operator.
For civilians and family members not eligible for ISOS, it is a good
idea to purchase international or travel medical insurance before going
abroad. If you already have international insurance, check with your
current insurance provider before you travel to confirm coverage and
procedures in case of emergency.
Emergency Care Defined
Emergency care is care provided for sudden and unexpected onset
of a medical or psychiatric condition or the acute exacerbation of a
chronic condition that is threatening to life, limb or sight and requires
immediate medical treatment. If you need emergency care as defined:
Seek care from the nearest medical facility.
Dial the local number for ambulance service as provided by the
American Embassy, military unit, or other source.
Have a local address and phone number available. Do not hang
up the phone until directed to do so by the host nation operator.
When emergency treatment or hospitalization in a local civilian
hospital is received, contact International SOS as soon as
Urgent Care Defined
Urgent care is defined as treatment for a medical or psychological
condition that would cause undue discomfort to the patient or that may
worsen if not treated within 24 hours. If you need urgent care in Pacific
locations, ISOS can provide several valuable services. By calling them
before receiving care, you can:
Find a qualified health care provider.
Avoid paying up front costs.
Avoid filing claims.
Otherwise, expect to pay the host nation provider at the time of
service. Then file a claim with your TRICARE Service Center
upon return from travel.

164 | Medical

Dental Services, On Post

Because the DENTAC mission encompasses Soldier readiness
throughout the peninsula, family member dental care in military clinics
is limited and is on a space available basis. While there is some
degree of space-available in-house family member care, the majority
of family member care occurs through a network of Preferred Host
Nation Providers. Selected providers practice dentistry in line with US
standards, maintain modern facilities, engage in infection control and
sterilization protocols in accordance with US standards and Centers of
Disease Control guidance. They sometimes accept insurance in lieu of
upfront payment from the patient. The DENTAC strongly encourages
all sponsors to ensure coverage of their family members through
participation in the TRICARE Dental Program. Check their website,
which provides up-to-date information.
Active duty family members are the only other than active duty
category that may obtain routine space-available care in military
dental clinics. However, the DENTAC will always provide emergency
care to address pain, infection, or trauma to members of all beneficiary
categories. Patients may seek after-hours emergency dental care
by reporting to the emergency room at the local military hospital or
treatment facility.
TRICARE Dental Office
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 121st CSH BAACH, Room 1150 Point of Contact:
Mr. Suh Kyu Ho (South Korean Tricare Dental Representative) Phone: 0505.736.5051
DSN: 736.5051 (Insurance and off-post referrals) Email: [email protected]

Dental Clinic #1 (Carius Clinic)

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 1665, next to the TMC
Phone: 050.3325.8271 DSN: 725.8271, 725.3063 Hours: 7:30 am-4:30 pm Active Duty
members only

Dental Clinic #2
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 5107, next to the 121 Hospital
Phone: 050.3336.4779 DSN: 736.4779 Hours: 7:30 am-4:30 pm Active Duty and family
members over the age of 12

Medical | 165

Dental Clinic #3

Millennium Yongsei Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 3576, behind

the Elementary School Cafeteria (on Stoves Avenue) Phone: 050.3336.5221
DSN: 736.5221,736.5799 Hours: 7:30 am-4:30 pm Family members under the age of

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Dongyang B/D 2F, 112-6 Sogong-dong, Jung-gu,

Seoul Dentist: Dr. Woo, Yong-Hoon (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics, Comprehensive
General Dentist Phone: 02.773.8863


CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 303 269.2 Seohyeon-dong, Bundang-gu,

Seongnam-si Dentist: Dr. Kim, Sung-Kwang (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics,
Comprehensive General Dentist Phone: 031.706.3994

Emergency dental treatment for family members is available at the

appropriate clinic during clinic hours. During off-duty hours, patients
should go to the 121st CSH BAACH Emergency Room.

Orthodontic dental care is not available on post. If patients are covered
under TRICARE, orthodontic treatment must be coordinated through
the South Korean TRICARE dental office (see contact information,
above). Non-availability and referral forms must be completed by
TRICARE prior to seeing an off-post orthodontist.

Dental Services, Off Post

The TRICARE Dental Office maintains a list of preferred providers
in Seoul. Preferred providers will file appropriate forms with TRICARE.
The following is a list of some of the most popular providers. Inclusion
in this list does not constitute an endorsement.
Seoul Sic Dental Clinic
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Coex Mall S-7, Samsung-dong Gangnam-Gu,
Seoul Dentist: Dr. Park, Woo-Chul Type: Comprehensive General Dentist Phone:

UPennIvy Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 300-26 Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Dentist:
Dr. Kim, Seung-Woo (US-trained) Type: Comprehensive General Dentist Phone:

Kiz and Junior Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 3F 302-98 Dongbuichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Dentist: Dr. Lee, Kwang-Soo Type: Pedodontics Phone: 02.793.2801

166 | Medical

New York Kim Dental Clinic

US Dental
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Park Tower Apartment Building #105, 1F
Seobinggo-ro 69, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Dentist: Dr. Sohn, Gina (US-trained) Type: General
Dentist Phone: 02.553.7512

E.Z Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 610-2 Young Building, 2F, Sinsa-dong, Gangnamgu Dentist: Dr. Kim, Jong Jin (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics, Comprehensive General
Dentist Phone: 02.514.4154

Seoul IB Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 4-2 Bangsan-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul Dentist:
Dr. Lee, Han-Wook Type: Periodontics, Comprehensive General Dentist Phone:

UN Village Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 28-11 Hannam 1-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Dentist: Dr. Suh, Hyuk-Jin (UK-trained) Type: Periodontics, Comprehensive General
Dentist Phone: 02.792.1818/9

A Plus Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: A Plus B/D 4F, 636-7 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul Dentist: Multiple Providers Type: Multiple Specialties, Orthodontics, Prosthodontics
Phone: 02.3442.7616

New York Yonsei Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 3F Jun B/D 825-9 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul Dentist: Dr. Son, Young-Woo (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics, Comprehensive
General Dentist Phone: 02.558.2829, 070.4116.2279

New York Columbia Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 3F 123-26 Itaewon 1-dong, Yongsan-gu,
Seoul Dentist: Dr. Jung, Hyun Chul (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics, Periodontics,
Comprehensive General Dentist Phone: 02.797.1771

Medical | 167

New York Dental Clinic

Ivy Orthodontic Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 2F Sanil Building, 154-1 Dunjeon-ri, Pogokeup, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do Dentist: Dr. Che, Byung-Hak (US-trained)
Type: Prosthodontics, Comprehensive General Dentist Phone: 031.321.7582

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 71-9 Chungdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Dentist: Dr. Kim, Jeong-Whan (US-trained) Type: Orthodontics, Comprehensive General
Dentistry Phone: 02.518.2722, 02.518.0220

Yonsei Balgun Miso Dental Clinic (old Dental Clinic 63)

Choi & Associates Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: IPark Mall, E-Mart B1F, 40-999 Hangang-ro 3-ga,
Yongsan-gu, Seoul (Yongsan Train Station) Dentist: Dr. Lee, Soo-Chan (US-trained) Type:
Prosthodontics, Comprehensive General Dentist Phone: 02.798.0500, 010.8998.2727

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Volvo B/D 2F 726-173 Hannam-dong, Yongsangu, Seoul Dentist: Dr. Choi, Seoung-Woo Type: Comprehensive General Dentistry,
Multiple Specialties Phone: 02.796.2224

Beverly Hills Dental Clinic

Yonsei University Dental Hospital

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 736-17 Banpo-1-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul Dentist:

Dr. Kim, Jae-Young (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics, Comprehensive General Dentist
Phone: 02.517.3430, 02.517.3030

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 134 Sinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Point

of Contact: Jo, Ae Ri Dentist: Multiple Providers (Professors) Type: General Dentistry,
Multiple Specialties, Pedodontist Phone: 02.2228.8998, 010.7317.5241

RA Dental Clinic

Seoul St. Marys Dental Hospital

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Convention Annex 1A 13, 159 Samsung-dong,

Gangnam-gu, Seoul Dentist: Dr. Kang, Min-Sok (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics,
Comprehensive General Dentist Phone: 02.569.8745

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 505 Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul Type:

General Dentistry, Multiple Specialties Phone: 02.2258.5746, 02.2258.1775

Columbia Orthodontic Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 401 Karocity 2, 579 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul Dentist: Dr. Yun, Woo-Sung (US-trained) Type: Orthodontics, Comprehensive
General Dentistry Phone: 02.3444.2835, 02.344.2872

Kim Jung Lintons Orthodontic Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 1704 Kyobo Building, Jongro-1-ga, Jongro-gu,
Seoul Dentist: Dr. Lee, Jina Linton (US-trained) Type: Orthodontics, Prosthodontics,
Comprehensive General Dentist, Pedodontist Phone: 010.4999.2851, 02.735.2851

Nexden Dental Hospital

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 106-1 Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul Dentist:
Dr. Choi, Simon (Seoung-yong) (US-trained) Type: Periodontics, Orthodontics, Multiple
Specialties Phone: 02.595.0500 ext. 103

Sera and Sejin Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 201, 300-15 Dongbuichon-dong, Yongsangu, Seoul Dentist: Dr. Kim, Seok-Young and Dr. Kim, Se-Jin Type: Orthodontics,
Prosthodontics, Comprehensive General Dentist Phone: 02.797.5001

Seoul National University Dental Hospital

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 62-1 Changgyeonggung-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Point of Contact: Ms. Kim, Bo.Kyoung Dentist: Multiple Providers (Professors) Type:
General Dentistry, Multiple Specialties, Pedodontist Phone: 02.2072.0753

WY Dental Clinic
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 666-8 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Dentist:
Dr. Woo, Won-Hi (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics, Comprehensive General Dentist;
Phone: 02.514.5575

Western Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 1673-10 Somang Building 6F, Seocho-dong,
Seocho-gu, Seoul Dentist: Dr. Jung, Seung.Hwan (US-trained) Type: Prosthodontics,
Comprehensive General Dentist Phone: 02.534.2855

Eris Pomme Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 2F Yangwha B/D, 736-16, Yeoksam-dong,
Gangnam-gu Dentist: Dr. Seo, Hong-Seok (UK-trained) Type: Periodontics,
Comprehensive General Dentist Phone: 02.555.4808

Kim Sung Tae Dental Clinic

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 21 Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Dentist: Dr. Kim, Sung-Tae Type: Prosthodontics, Comprehensive General Dentist
Phone: 02.797.2865

168 | Medical

Medical | 169

Chapter 10


Optical Services
Appointments for eye exams may be scheduled with the on-post
Optometry Clinic. No contact lens fittings are done at the clinic, so
bring a valid contact lens prescription and a six month to one year
supply of lenses with you. See the Shopping section of this publication
for information on off post optical options.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 1625 Phone: 050.3337.1464
DSN: 737.1464

Our cat is part of our family; I couldnt imagine coming to

Korea without him. The Pet Center was his home for the first
three months we were here; they were wonderful and took great
care of Chester. If you are debating on whether to bring your pets
or not, I would encourage you to do so!
170 | Medical

~Carla Chancellor

For many people, their pets are members of their families, and they
cannot imagine moving without them. If you decide to bring your pets
to Korea, start the process three to four months prior to your departure.
Please note that for this publication, pets refers only to dogs and
cats. Animals other than dogs and cats have different quarantine
specifications and require different paperwork. For information about
birds and other animals, contact the projected airline, a military vet,
and research the internet for country restrictions, both ingoing and

Getting Your Pet to Korea

Whether your pet travels accompanied or unaccompanied, if you
arrive after hours or during the weekend, your pet will be kept at the
airport due to customs duty hours. If possible, pets should arrive during
weekday/daytime hours to prevent unnecessary stress for the pet or
the owner.


This checklist of paperwork required for pet travel is applicable for the import
of cats and dogs aged 90 days or older. Contact your veterinarian and airline
for the most up to date requirements.

Vaccination Certificate (original)

ISO-compliant microchip (ISO11784 and 11785 standards) implant
Rabies-neutralizing antibody test (FAVN test)
Health certificate (original) issued by USDA authorized veterinarian
(must have a confirmed microchip number and list the result of the
rabies antibody test)
Medical record
Flight itinerary
Letter of acclimation
Copy of your orders
Telephone number of a person at the destination
Unit forwarding address in Korea
Feeding schedule for your pet
Personal Information about your pet

Pets | 173

Image by: Carrie Barcia


US airports require physical screening of all pets and kennels
transported in the passenger cabin, accompanied baggage, or as
air cargo. If your pet is carry-on luggage, you will remove your pet
from its kennel and walk through passenger screening at the security
checkpoint. The kennel will undergo the same procedures as carry-on
luggage or checked bags.
For pets transported as cargo, the airline may require you to remove
your pet from its kennel to allow for security screening of the kennel
before your pet begins transport.
Most airlines allow only a limited number of pets on a flight, so you
may want to book earlier rather than later. Be prepared to provide your
pets breed, size, weight, and crate dimensions. Contact the airline for
the specific requirements for traveling with your pets. Requirements,
including date restrictions and breed restrictions, vary according to
the airline. If flying commercially, contact the airline prior to tickets
being paid for to ensure pets will actually be able to fly on the day of
travel (e.g., ask about the airlines regulations regarding pets on flights
greater than 12 hours, outdoor temperature restrictions on travel date,
pet flying in-cabin, etc.).


Effective September 2014, cats and dogs leaving Korea can fly aboard
Patriot Express. Discuss pet travel with the Travel Office when making
travel arrangements. If you are traveling by Patriot Express, please
reference the Facebook page Osan Passenger Terminal. Along the
left-hand side under photos is a section on pet travel. Here you can
find contact information for the latest updates on military transport pet
travel. Pets are not allowed to accompany the military member on the
Military Processing transportation bus to USAG Yongsan.

If you choose unaccompanied travel for your pet, you may want
to consider using an animal or pet broker that will serve as your
representative to negotiate the process for you. The links for pet travel
assistance are provided below for your reference. Inclusion in this list
does not constitute an endorsement.

174 | Pets


Animal Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS)
The First Class Pet
Korea Animal Transport
VESCO (Korean only)
Incheon Airport Animal Quarantine

The Quarantine Inspection Agency determines if your pet meets all
requirements for entry into Korea. The pet must be registered as soon
as it is released from quarantine.
If you encounter problems at Incheon airport, contact the USFK
Incheon Customs Office at the number below.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: USFK Incheon Customs Office Phone:
050.3323.7561, 010.8834.0267 (After duty hours, weekends, and holidays)
DSN: 723.7561 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm


No specific dog restrictions are listed for entering Korea; however,

airlines have specific guidelines for transporting certain breeds. Contact
your carrier for more detailed requirements for transporting your pet. If
you own an American Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Amstaff), Bull Terrier,
Argentinean Dogo, Japanese Tosa, Staffordshire Bull Terrier (English
Staff), Pit Bull Terrier, Brazilian Fila, Rottweiler or mixed breed dogs
that appear to be a predominant breed listed, you should verify the
specific breed restrictions at your new duty location prior to your PCS
from Korea.

Pets | 175


Care for your pet will have to be pre-arranged prior to arrival in Korea.
The USAG Yongsan Pet Care Center is the primary pet care provider
for all pets in a PCS-inbound status.
Pets are not permitted in rooms at the Dragon Hill Lodge on USAG
Yongsan. For those service members who arrive in Seoul after
normal duty hours or on weekends, the Dragon Hill Lodge now has a
designated area inside of the building where pets can temporarily stay
in their travel kennels until they can be moved to the Pet Care Center.
While in the Dragon Hill Lodge holding area, sponsors are responsible
for the feeding and care of their pets. The Dragon Hill Lodge Security
Office, which is located in close proximity to the pet holding area, has
oversight of the pets and may notify the sponsor if a pet is showing
signs that attention is needed.
Government and civilian housing policies differ as to authorization,
number, and types of pets. USAG Yongsan housing areas that
allow domestic pets (two per unit) are Helo Acres, Watkins Ridge,
Krzyzowski Hills (Itaewon Acres), Koelsch Grove (Eagle Grove) and
Loring Village (Blackhawk Village). Burke Towers is a no-pet housing
area and there are no exceptions. If a member of your family has a
service animal, discuss with the Housing Office so they can factor that
into determining your housing assignment.
Just like anywhere else, some off post/civilian apartments allow pets
and some do not. Ask your property manager or landlord about pet
allowances before signing a lease.

Pet Services
All pets must be registered at the Yongsan Veterinary Treatment
Facility (VTF) within 10 days of arrival or purchase. Pet owners not
living on a military installation must also register (license) pets at the
city hall nearest their residence.
ISO-compatible microchips are mandatory for all pets, on and off the
military installation.
The 106th Medical Detachment (VSSD) primarily provides preventive
veterinary medical and surgical care for privately owned animals on
a space available basis. There are six VTFs in Korea: Camp Casey,
USAG Red Cloud, USAG Yongsan, Osan Air Base, USAG Humphreys,
and Camp Walker. The six clinics work together to provide a range of
veterinary care services including vaccinations, lab work, x-rays and
ultrasound, microchips, surgery, and health certificates. VTFs do not
provide after-hour emergency care services. Veterinary care at VTFs
is limited during military training exercises.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Yongsan Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF),
Building 4728 (near the AAFES gas station) Phone: 050.3337.2450, 02.7918.5145,
011.822.7918.5145 (CONUS) DSN: 737.2450 Website:


The Pet Care Center is an official quarantine facility for the Republic
of Korea. It can house up to 21 dogs and 17 cats in condo-like quarters
with 24-hour veterinary care; grooming and boarding services are also
available. Payments can be remitted by cash or check; limited credit
card services are available.
The staff can also function as a pet broker and will pick your pet up
at the airport, clear customs, and deliver it to the Pet Care Center for a
fee. The Pet Care Center is not part of the VTC.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Yongsan Pet Care Center, Building 5256 (located
next to Gate 13) Phone: 050.3336.6426, 050.3323.3291 DSN: 736.6426, 723.3291
Facebook: Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-6:00 pm,
Saturday 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Closed Sunday and Holidays

176 | Pets

Pets | 177

Korean apartments generally do not provide areas for walking pets.
However, USAG Yongsan does have a very nice dog park. The dog
park/playground has two large fenced areas designated for you to
exercise and play with your pets off the leash. This can be used by all
ID card holders (living on-or off-post) to exercise and socialize dogs.
Please observe the rules of petiquette posted in the park. Owners
must pick up and dispose of all pet waste.
You may have up to two dogs per adult per visit. Owners are
responsible and liable for their pets actions; aggressive pets or pets in
heat are not allowed in the park.
Note that pets are not allowed on ball fields, tennis courts, or
basketball courts, even if on a leash.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Near Gate 13 Website:
com/myinstallation/yongsan/pet.htm Hours: Open Daily, 5:00 am-10:00 pm

There are many options to acquire a pet both on and off your local
installation. Visit your local VTF for informational websites, maps, and
directions on where to purchase a pet.
Most VTFs handle the adoption of strays including many pure
breeds. Every year during the PCS season, owners struggle to find new
homes for animals they can no longer care for because of unforeseen
reasons. Be responsible, and be aware of the potential complications
of pet ownership before getting a pet, including idiosyncrasies of some
breeds, and what type of pet will be most compatible with your family.

Leaving Korea
Bringing your pet cat or dog back home to the US is easier than
bringing them to Korea. Animals meeting Korean requirements will
meet US requirements. Korea requires a Korean Health Certificate
for any pet to leave the country. These requirements apply equally
to service animals such as Seeing Eye dogs. Pet cats and dogs are
subject to inspection at ports of entry. If a pet appears to be ill, or
evidence of infectious disease is present, further examination by a

178 | Pets

licensed veterinarian at the owners expense might be required and

entry into the US may be denied.
Some countries require a Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization
(FAVN) test to be completed for each pet within 180 days prior to arrival.
The result needs to be readily available upon arrival. If completing a
FAVN test in Korea, the blood sample is sent to the US for lab testing,
and it can take four to eight weeks for the result to be sent to Korea.
It may be wise to have the FAVN test completed before orders are
issued because if the orders are received less than 180 days out from
PCS date, it might not be enough time to receive the result before
departing. The rabies-neutralizing antibody test must be administered
by an internationally approved laboratory or by the competent authority
of the exporting country within 24 months prior to boarding.
Research the country of your projected next duty station as early as
possible and begin preparation as early as six months before moving.
Determine requirements, regulations, and costs for pets to depart
Korea and to enter final destination. Ensure all vaccinations, blood
work results, etc. meet requirements set forth by both countries.
Begin process right after orders are received because it can be timeconsuming and expensive depending upon your pets final destination.
(If possible, begin process 180 days before PCS date.)


Take all three of the following original documents (with three copies of each)
with your pet to the Korean Animal Quarantine Office (KAQC). The Korean
vet will issue a certificate while you wait. Cost is 10,000.
Proof of rabies vaccination within last year
USDA health certificate
Korean health certificate
For further information, contact the Korean Animal Quarantine Office located
at Incheon Airport at

Pets | 179


If you are thinking of bringing a dog or cat to the US from Korea
for breeding, check out the rules for bringing domestic cats and dogs
into the US specifically for breeding by reading US regulation 42 CFR
Protection Customer Service Center

United States Customs and Border

Phone: 703.526.4200, 1.877.227.5511

Chapter 11

Please see your unit NEO warden or the NEO section of this
publication for more information.




Code of Federal Regulations
Export FAQ
Centers for Disease Control
United States Department of State Pet Travel Policies

180 | Pets

Many military wives (or husbands) feel like they have to give up on perusing a career
to follow and support their spouse. The reality is that it is just an obstacle to overcome
and there are so many resources available to help spouses and dependents continue their
education. You can take online classes and many schools will work with you as long as
you communicate your needs to them. The Education Center has been great at helping me
when it comes to testing. There are even organizations in Yongsan to help with tuition,
such as the AFSC Scholarship Program. So, dont give up on your dream and take full
advantage of the resources available to you.
~Denise Alcala

From preschool to graduate school, a multitude of educational

resources are available to personnel and families living in Korea.
Whether your goal is learning a new language, taking a single class, or
graduating from an accredited institution, there is something available
for everyone. The abundance of opportunities means that service
members and families do not have to postpone reaching educational
goals while living and working overseas.

There are preschool options available both on and off post for
preschool age children. Space is limited in the on post preschool
programs and openings fill quickly so plan accordingly.

Yongsan Child Development Center (CDC) Strong Beginnings
A part-day preschool program is offered for 3-5 year olds.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.3406/3407 DSN: 738.3406/3407 Email:
[email protected] Website:

Sure Start
A free early education program run by DoDEA for children four years
old on or before the fourth of September. Each participants must have
a parent who is E-1 through E-9 (or civilian equivalent) to qualify.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3336.4613 DSN: 736.4613 Website: http://


Also see the list of K-12 schools below as some of them offer
preschool programs.
The Mustard Seed Christian Preschool
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.792.8503 Email: mustard.seed.korea.1976@ Website:

Education | 183

Image by: Cynthia Lynam



US Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) Pacific

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.543.5563 Email: [email protected] Website:

Creative Childrens Learning Center (CCLC)

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.3444.6106 Website:

DODEA Eligibility
DODEA Registration

Yongsan International School Seoul (YISS)

CONTACT INFORMATION. Christian school, Preschool-12th Phone: 02.797.5104

Centennial Christian School (CCS)

DODEA School Calendars

CONTACT INFORMATION. Christian school, Preschool-12th Phone: 02.772.9275


PCS America - The Military Relocation Network

Franciscan Foreign School

Military Child Education Coalition
School Quest

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.798.2195 Email: [email protected]


Seoul Foreign School Namsan International Kindergarten

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.330.3100 Email: [email protected]

ECLC International Kindergarten for Military Families

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.795.8418 Website:

MyCAA Program

K-12 Schools

GI Bill Information
Army Emergency Relief - Scholarships
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Go Army Ed

184 | Education


The USAG Yongsan school district consists of Seoul American
Elementary School (SAES), Seoul American Middle School (SAMS),
and Seoul American High School (SAHS). All three schools are
on South Post. The schools provide free education to commandsponsored military and Department of Defense (DOD) civilian family
members. Non-command sponsored students and non-DOD students
may attend on a tuition-paying, space available basis.

Education | 185

DoDEA offers online pre-registration in order to reduce the waiting
time for registration on site; however, pre-registration does not
complete the registration process, nor can it be used to re-register a
student. To register for school, parents should bring the required forms
listed below to the school registrar. The school registrars are located
in the front office of each individual school. School placement will be
determined upon assignment of housing once in Korea.
Kindergarten students must be five years old on/or before the first of
September of the current calendar year to be eligible to register for the
upcoming school year. First grade students must be six years old on/or
before the first of September of the current calendar year to be eligible
to register for the upcoming school year.

Walking to School or to a Bus Stop
Elementary students are expected to walk no more than one mile,
and secondary student no more than a mile and a half, to school or
a bus stop. Distance is measured in a straight line from the students
residence to the designated stop.
Space Available Basis Students and the School Bus
Space available students also fall into the space available category
for transportation.
Transportation for Students Living Off Base
Transportation is available for most off base housing areas around
installations with schools. Contact the transportation office for more
information on approved commuting zones. If a family accepts
housing outside of the approved commuting zone, eligibility for bus
transportation can be denied.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.6024 (Korea District Transportation
Supervisor), 050.3338.3156 (Seoul Student Transportation Office) DSN: 738.6024 (Korea
District Transportation Supervisor), 738.3156 (Seoul Student Transportation Office),
Email: [email protected] (Korea District Transportation Supervisor),
[email protected] (Seoul Student Transportation Office)Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm


Required DoDDS Korea Documentation
Air Force: PCS orders with dependent names
Marines: PCS orders and area clearance with dependent names
Navy: PCS orders and dependent entry approval listing dependent
Army: PCS orders with dependent names
Civilian (DoD or NAFI): PCS orders, certificate or employment

letter, current personnel action form for local hire civilians
Civilian Contractors: Logistical support section of contract,

company authorization to bill for tuition.
Required Registration Forms
Student Registration (DoDEA Form 600)
Passport or Birth Certificate for student (for age verification)
Social Security number for student
Student Health History (DoDEA FORM 2942)
Certification of Immunization (DoDEA Form 2942.0-M-F1) (take to

Immunization Clinic to be signed by medical authority)
Copy of immunization card
Computer and Internet Access Agreement (DoDEA Form 6600.1-F2)
Questionnaire for Race/Ethnicity (DoDEA Form 600A)
ESL Home Language Questionnaire
Early Closing/Emergency Plan Form
Publicity Permission Form
Housing Address & School Zone Verification Letter
Housing assignment letter, off-base lease agreement, or TLF
Previous school records for each student
School Bus Pass Registration Requirements
Copy of completed school registration Form 600.
A completed DoDDS Korea Bus Pre-Registration form. (Includes:

Transportation Information Sheet, Statement of Understanding and

Alternate Guardian forms.)
The student must be present for the photograph.

186 | Education

Education | 187


Phone: 050.3338.5922
DSN: 738.5922
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

USAG Yongsan
Seoul American Elementary School, K-5
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3336.4613/5978, 050.3336.7748 (Registrar)
DSN: 736.4613/5978, 736.7748 (Registrar) Email: [email protected],
[email protected] (Registrar) Website:

Seoul American Middle School, 6-8

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3336.7337/7361, 050.3336.5087 (Registrar)
DSN: 736.7337/7361, 736.5087 (Registrar) Email: [email protected].
edu, [email protected] (Registrar) Website: www.seoul-ms.pac.dodea.

Seoul American High School, 9-12

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3336.5261/5263/5265, 050.3338.5921
(Registrar) DSN: 736.5261/5263/5265, 738.5921 (Registrar) Email: PRINCIPAL_
[email protected], [email protected] (Registrar) Website:

Chinhae, US Navy Base, Command Fleet Activities

CT Joy Elementary School
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3362.5466/5477, DSN: 762.5466/5477 Website:

USAG Humphreys, Pyeongtaek

Humphreys American School, K-8
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3353.6313, 050.3353.8894 (Registrar), DSN:
753.6313, 753.8894 (Registrar) Email: [email protected] (Registrar)

Humphreys High School, 9-12

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3354.9425, 050.3354.9426 (Registrar)
DSN: 754.9425, 754.9426(Registrar) Email: Registrar.Pacific_HumphreysHS@

Osan Air Base

Osan American Elementary School
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3384.6912, 050.3384.6912 (Registrar) DSN:
784.6912, 784.6912 (Registrar) Email: [email protected] (Registrar)

Osan American Middle School

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3384.2282, 050.3384.7256 (Registrar), DSN:
784.2282, 784.7256 (Registrar) Email: [email protected] (Registrar)

Osan American High School

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3384.9076/9098/9096, 050.3384.9098
(Registrar) DSN: 784.9076/9098/9096, 784.9098 (Registrar) Email: oahs.registrar@pac. (Registrar) Website:

USAG Casey, Dongduchon

Casey American School, K-8
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3330.6444, 050.3330.3570 (Registrar), DSN:
730.6444, 730.3570 (Registrar) Website:

USAG Daegu, Daegu

Daegu American School, K-12
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3368.9501, 050.3368.9543, 050.3364.4645
(Registrar), DSN: 768.9501, 768.9543, 764.4645 (Registrar) Email: DHS.Secretary@ Website:

188 | Education

Education | 189


Yongsan International School Seoul (YISS), Preschool-12
CONTACT INFORMATION. Christian School. Phone: 02.797.5104 Website:

Centennial Christian School (CCS), Preschool-12

CONTACT INFORMATION. Christian School. Phone: 02.772.9275 Website: www.

Korean Kent Foreign School, K-12

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.2201.7091 Website:

Seoul Academy International School, K-8

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.554.1690 Website:

Seoul Foreign School (SFS), K-12

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.330.3100 Website:

Seoul International School (SIS), K-12

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 031.750.1200 Website:

Asia Pacific International School (APIS), K-12

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.907.2747 Website:

Dulwich College School

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.3015.8500 Website:

Dwight School Seoul

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.6920.8600 Website:

The USAG Yongsan School Liaison Officer facilitates information and
services to support the needs of homeschoolers. Examples of services
offered are Army CYSS technology labs, youth homework centers, fine
arts, and physical education.
Legal information pertaining to homeschooling can be found at the
Homeschooling Legal Defense Association website,
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Yongsan CYSS, School Support Services,
School Liaison Officer, Homeschool Support Phone: 050.3338.5556 DSN: 738.5556
Email: [email protected] Facebook:

190 | Education

Adult Education
The Yongsan Education Center has educational and skill
developmental counseling for both active duty military and family
members. Counselors are available to assist in educational planning
from high school through doctoral degrees. Additionally, they can
provide information on tuition assistance and GI Bill benefits.
Counseling Services: The Yongsan Education Center offers a wide
variety of educational programs and services. Education counselors
can assist with identifying educational and career goals, planning
educational programs for career development, enrolling in college
classes, scheduling tests, and evaluating educational progression.
In-Processing: All soldiers, grades E-1 through O-5, must in-process
at their education center within 30 days of arrival at their duty station.
Testing Programs: Testing services are offered at each of the eight
Education Centers located in Korea. Testing is done by appointment
only. Additional tests include CLEP, ACT and SAT. Visit the Education
Center for information, registration, and referral through your Education
Distance Learning/Online Education: All schools with offices
at the Education Center offer online courses for students who have
scheduling difficulties. In addition, most schools located within the US
offer online classes and can be taken through the GOARMYED portal.
Financial Assistance: Federal student aid, MYCAA, spouse
assistance through Army Emergency Relief (AER), commissary
scholarship programs, and the Thrift Shop scholarship program are
possible tuition assistance resources.
Army Tuition Assistance: The Army Tuition Assistance Program
may pay 100% of tuition costs for active duty members. Registration
fees, books and other costs are not covered.
Veterans Benefits: Information about transferring educational
benefits to dependents is available at Additionally, the
Veterans Administration has a Yongsan office. For more information
contact 050.3338.5121, DSN 738.5121. Information regarding the
transfer of the GI Bill to dependents is also offered at Education
Centers throughout Korea.

Education | 191

Multi-Use Learning Facility: Ten computers are available for

service members and dependents.
Education Programs: The Yongsan Education Center offers
a multitude of educational programs and services from a variety of
educational institutions, including the colleges and universities listed
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Yongsan Education Center, Main Post, Building
2212 (Yongsan), Air Base K-16 Phone: 050.3323.7194/8098 (Yongsan), 050.3341.6051
(K-16) DSN: 723.7194, 723.8098 (Yongsan), 741.6051 (K-16) Facebook: Hours: Monday-Wednesday,
Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Thursday 11:00 am-5:00 pm.


Central Texas College (CTC)
CTC offers vocational, technical and academic programs. Associate
degrees are offered in criminal justice, child development, general
studies, legal services, and computer studies.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3325.1537/3184 DSN: 725.1537/3184 Website:

University of Maryland (UMUC)

While overseas, UMUC Asia offers students Bachelor and Associate
degree programs in general studies, Asian studies, computer studies,
information systems management, psychology, sociology, business
management, business, and criminology.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3323.4300/4295 DSN: 723.4300/4295 Website:

University of Phoenix (UOP)

UOP offers Masters in Education and Business Administration
degrees to international students.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3323.7807 DSN: 723.7807 Website: www.

Troy University
Troy Universitys global campus provides students an opportunity to
earn a Masters in International Relations.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3323.7508 DSN: 723.7508 Website: http://

192 | Education

Korean Language Classes

While English is spoken by many Koreans, becoming familiar with the
local language will improve the overall experience of living in a foreign
country. Koreans appreciate visitors attempting to speak Korean and
will patiently offer guidance and feedback. Here are a few places to
get started.
USAG Yongsan ACS
Beginning Korean language classes are offered through ACS.
Contact ACS for information on upcoming classes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4106 Phone: 050.3338.7505
DSN: 738.7505 Facebook: Website: www.mwrkorea.
com Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm

University of Maryland (UMUC)

UMUC offers university-level Korean classes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 2212 Phone:
050.3323.4300/4294/4295 DSN: 723.4300/723.4294/723.4295 Website:

Seoul Global Center

Seoul Global Center (SGC) is run by the Seoul Metropolitan
Government and is a comprehensive support center for foreign
residents in Seoul. Services are provided at the main center and also
at a variety of Global Village Centers located throughout the Seoul
Korean language classes, cultural activities, and community
volunteer opportunities are offered at each of the neighborhood centers.
Language classes are free but students are required to purchase class
materials. Global Village Centers are located in Yeonman, Yeoksam,
Seorae, Ichon, Itaewon, Yeongdeungpo, and Seongbuk.

Itaewon Global Village

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.2199.8883

Seoul National University-Gangnam-gu Korean Language Center


Education | 193

Chapter 12


Sogang University Korean Language Education Center


Sookmyung Womens University LinguaExpress


Sungkyun Language Institute


University of Seoul Institute of International Cooperation and


Sejong University Korean Language Program


Sangmyung International Language and Culture Education


Since this was our first OCONUS duty station, weve learned to take
full advantage of both the on-post and off-post activities available to
us. Whether they are on-post through groups like MWR or the USO,
or off-post at area museums or festivals, all of the activities here help
make Korea seem just a little bit more like home.
194 | Education

~Christine Bruns

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

Seoul National University Language Education Institute

Activities, On Post
Yongsan Arts and Crafts Center
The Arts and Crafts Center offers classes in ceramics, photography,
painting, flower arranging, paper doll crafting, and more. Monthly class
offerings for children, adults, and birthday activities are available.
They also have unpainted ceramic pieces that you or your children
can buy and paint on site. The frame shop will mount and frame any
pictures and paintings at a reasonable fee, and a computerized longarm quilting machine has thousands of patterns for quilting. Trained
staff is able to do your quilting based on an hourly rate and the type of
thread used. The center also has a well-equipped wood shop, and the
equipment is available for personal projects. The staff is available to
direct you to any type of art or craft supplies that are needed.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Buildings 4253 and 4254
Phone: 050.3338.4750 DSN: 738.4750 Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 am-6:00 pm

Crafting and Quilting Groups

The Yongsan Craftaholics and the Yongsan Quilters Facebook
pages are good places to start gathering specific information and learn
from others who have explored the citys supply stores. The American
Forces Spouses Club also has groups dedicated to individual arts and
crafts but you must be a member to join these groups. As a side note,
the Yongsan Quilters make and donate quilts to babies born at the
Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital on post. They meet regularly
to provide instruction and supplies, including sewing machines for
anyone wanting to help.


Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) is a program
dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for single, or geographically
single, soldiers of all ranks. Soldiers and MWR advisors work with
Commanders, Command Sergeants Major, and First Sergeants to

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 197

Image by: Heather Bisson

provide leisure programs and help direct the resolution of quality of

life issues.
DSN: 723.4131






Cyber Caf at Moyer Community Activities Center

Multi Purpose Training Facility (MPTF)/Movie Theater

The Multi Purpose Training Facility (MPTF) is a complex used for
business meetings and family entertainment. It houses three movie
screens offering a variety of movies, including recent releases and 3D
movies. Movies are provided for a nominal fee.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4218 Phone:
050.3338.7389/3154 DSN: 738.7389/3154 Website:

Business Center
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Dragon Hill Lodge,
Phone: 050.3338.2222/6826 DSN: 738.2222/6826 Price: Fee-based

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Sung Nam City, Building S302; Phone:

050.3341.6994 DSN: 741.6994 Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 am-7:00 pm

Movie Theater


CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 2259 Phone:

DSN: 723.7023 Hours: Daily, 9:00 am-9:00 pm Price: Fee-based

K-16 Library: Seoul Air Base Library



One Stop Center

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Above the US Embassy Club/Starbucks
Phone: 02.792.6655 Price: Fee-based

Free WiFi
Free WiFi is available at the Food Courts on both Main and South
posts, as well at the Navy Club and the library.

Library Services
The library is the clearinghouse for all inter-library loans. Over 80,000
materials are available for circulation, including fiction, non-fiction,
childrens books, reference books, DVDs, music CDs, language tapes,
and audio books, as well as an extensive listing of magazines and
stateside newspapers.
The library offers research computers and workstations dedicated to
internet access through a sign-up system. Free WiFi is also available
throughout the building. Call to check for current story hour times.
The K-16 library offers access to a wide range of library materials
and online databases.
Yongsan Library
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 2215
050.3323.7380/6862 DSN: 723.7380/6862 Hours: Daily, 10:00 am-7:00 pm


Subscriptions for the Stars & Stripes, The Korea Herald, The Korea
Times, and USA Today are available for delivery. The International
New York Times and USA Today do not deliver papers on Sunday.
Keep your receipts for proof of payment, since many delivery people
have limited English skills.
The Stars & Stripes and USA Today are also widely available in
vending machines on post.
The Morning Calm Weekly is a complimentary newspaper available
every other Friday. The Yongsan Library offers several large city
newspapers, which generally arrive three to four days after publication
Morning Calm
The Morning Calm is not available for home delivery but can be
picked up for free at various locations on base including the food
courts, Burger King, and some shoppettes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.5005 DSN: 738.5005 Website:

Stars and Stripes

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post Building S1479 Phone: 050.3325.5076
DSN: 725.5076 Email: [email protected] Website:

The Korea Herald

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 82.1588.0533 Email: [email protected]

198 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 199


Korea Times


Several fitness centers are located on post. Each center is open to

all USFK ID cardholders, seven days a week; hours vary. Use of the
facilities is free of charge (with the exception of The Point). Other fitness
centers located on Yongsan offer a wide range of services including
Nautilus equipment, separate free-weight rooms, multipurpose rooms,
basketball, squash courts, instructional classes, and locker rooms with

Video Rental

Collier Community Fitness Center

There are several locations to rent movies on post. They all have a
good variety of movies, but supply will vary based on movie popularity
and demand. Most new releases may be rented for three days. South
Post Shoppette Video Rental is the largest store and carries movie,
snacks, and magazines, as well as movies to rent/buy. The Dragon
Hill Lodge Shoppette and the Mini-Mall Shoppette on Main Post carry
a smaller selection of movies to rent in their stores. Yongsan Library
has thousands of movies and television series for adults and children
available to check out at no cost.
South Post Shoppette

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 5200 Phone: 050.3336.4588,

050.3336.7746 (Director) DSN: 736.4588, 736.7746 (Director) Hours: Monday-Friday,
5:00 am-9:30 pm, Saturday, Sunday, and US Holidays, 8:00 am-9:30 pm

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.724.2715 Email: [email protected]


International New York Times


USA Today

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Building 4259 Phone: 050.3338.4154

DSN: 738.4154 Hours: Open daily, 7:00 am-9:00 pm

Dragon Hill Lodge Shoppette

Trent Warrior Resiliency Fitness Center (TWRFC)

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 1496 Phone: 050.3324.8466
DSN: 724.8466 Hours: Monday-Friday, 5:00 am-9:30 pm, Saturday, Sunday, and US
Holidays, 8:00 am-9:00 pm

Camp Coiner Fitness Center

DSN: 724.7255






K-16 Fitness Center

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4050 Phone: 050.3338.6090

DSN: 738.6090 Hours: Open daily, 1:00 am-midnight

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: K-16 building S158 Phone: 050.3341.6316 DSN:

741.6316 Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:00 am-9:00 pm, Saturday, Sunday, and US Holidays,
10:00 am-7:00 pm

Mini-Mall Express Shoppette

The Point

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post Building 1450 Phone: 050.3323.2068

DSN: 723.2068 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-9:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday,
9:00 am-9:00 pm

Yongsan Library
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 2215
050.3323.7380/6862 DSN: 723.7380/6862 Hours: Daily, 10:00 am-7:00 pm

200 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Dragon Hill Lodge, Building 4050 Phone:

050.3338.2233 ext. 6240 DSN: 738.2233 ext. 6240, 790.0016 (Commercial) Hours:
Monday-Friday, 4:30 am-9:00 pm, Saturday, Sunday, and US Holidays, 7:00 am-9:00 pm
Requires membership unless you are a guest at the DHL


Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 201


Commiskeys Community Activities Center (CAC)
Rooms are available to rent out for conferences, training, banquets,
and other social events. Also available are pool tables, internet
services, and gaming stations. Additionally, they hold various events
and instructional classes for families and individuals.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4275 Phone:
050.3339.6879/6880 DSN: 738.6879/6880 Hours: Monday-Thursday, 11:00 am-8:00 pm,
Friday-Sunday, 12:00 pm-9:00 pm

Middle School & Teen Center (MSTC)

The MSTC offers after school and weekend activities for children
in middle and high school. The center offers games, a music room,
a basketball court, and lounge chairs so kids can just hang out in a
comfortable environment with other kids in the same age group.
In addition, they also have different clubs, field trips, and sports to
participate in throughout the year. In order to use the MSTC, children
must have started the sixth grade (not the summer before).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4215 Phone: 050.3338.2310
DSN: 728.2310 Hours: Monday-Thursday, 3:00-8:00 pm, Friday, 3:00-9:00 pm, Saturday,
1:00-9:00 pm

Moyer Community Activities Center

Moyer Community Activities Center (MCAC) has a family-oriented
atmosphere and is one of the largest multipurpose facilities on post,
with game rooms, pool tables, darts, table tennis, foosball and Korean
billiards. Various events are held throughout the year here, such as
chess, card, and Wii tournaments, flea markets, and special holiday
and family events. In addition, you can relax in comfortable chairs and
watch movies, sports, or your favorite shows on TV in the lounge. Here
are a few of the amenities:
The BOSS lounge (second floor).
The Cyber Caf (first floor) is where you can check email, talk
to friends and family, or just have fun surfing the web.
Musical instruments and sound rooms are available for rent
upon request and instruments include guitar, bass, and drums.
Smoothie King (first floor).

202 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

MWR Trophy Shop provides engraving services for items such

as trophies, plaques and nameplates.
Leisure Travel Services for official and unofficial travel, (second
floor) can help if you want to travel to other parts of Asia or the
world (See the Travel section of this publication for more
The American Red Cross.
Military Bus Office and the Korean Bus Ticketing Office (ground
Moyer Outdoor Recreation Center is also located in the MCAC
building. They offer rentals including bounce houses, cotton candy
machines, and more for birthday parties and events. Also, contact
them to reserve picnic areas on USAG Yongsan.
MCAC is also the hub for all post bus transportation. Current bus
schedules are available at the Military Bus Office and the Korean Bus
Ticketing Office on the ground floor. Buses depart regularly to and from
Osan Air Base, Camp Humphreys, and many other locations.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 2259 Phone: 050.3323.3291,
050.3323.3292, 050.3323.3266 (to rent instruments) DSN: 723.3291, 723.3292, 723.3266
(to rent instruments) Website: Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10:00
am-7:00 pm

Active scouting programs are available for boys and girls. Adult
volunteers are welcome. Registration drives begin in the fall. Check
with the school office, Channel 3, and The Morning Calm for flyers and
current contact information.

Boy Scouts and Adventure Crew

The Boy Scouts offer leadership opportunities through quality
programs, mentoring from trained volunteers, and educational and
personal development through outdoor experiences. The Yongsan
area has Troops 80, 82, 87, 88, Cub Scouts, and Adventure Crew 64.
The Adventure Crew is for both boys and girls, age 14 to 20 years old.

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 203

The Boys Scouts fall under the Far East Council which is based out
of Japan.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Boy Scout Hut, Building S3646 (next to the South
Post Chapel) Phone: 050.3338.4860 DSN: 738.4860 Email: [email protected],
[email protected] Website:

Girl Scouts

The scouting year officially starts on October 1; girls in K-12 can

participate. Fun recruitment events are held throughout the summer.
Activities center around community service, well-being, outdoors
recreation, leadership, and fun social interaction.

The driving range has a pro golf shop, as well as a mini-golf course.
It carries a variety of golfing accessories, shoes, clubs, and clothing in
American sizes. The AAFES Four Seasons Store also sells a variety
of golf equipment.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Driving Range and Mini-Golf Course, Main Post,
Building 4271 Phone: 050.3338.4190 DSN: 738.4190 Hours: Monday, 12:00 pm-9:30
pm, Tuesday-Sunday, 8:00 am-9:30 pm

Swimming Pool 3

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Girl Scout Hut, Building S4257 (next to the South
Post Furniture Store) Email: [email protected] Facebook:

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 1515 Phone: 050.3325.6984

DSN: 725.6984 Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:00 am-8:00 am and 10:00 am-7:00 pm,
Saturday and Holidays, 10:00 am-7:00 pm


Outdoor Pool


Yongsan Lanes Bowling Center

Yongsan Lanes offers numerous specials and bowling leagues,
including a youth league. The center can also be used for birthday
parties or special events. The Yongsan Lanes Food Court features fast
food items and some Korean dishes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 2267 Phone: 050.3323.7830
DSN: 723.7830 Hours: Sunday, Monday, Thursday, 11:00 am-9:00 pm, Tuesday, Closed,
Wednesday, 1:00 pm-9:00 pm, Friday, Saturday, 11:00 am-midnight

Intramural Sports Activities

Intramural basketball, flag football, softball, soccer, and volleyball

are available. Contact Collier Fitness Center for information regarding
sports tournaments.
For information on aerobics, racquetball, martial arts, and certified
personal trainers contact the Collier Fitness Center director or the
Trent Gym.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 3618, next to the high school
Phone: 050.3338.4537 DSN: 738.4537 Hours: Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day
weekend, Monday-Sunday, 12:00 pm-7:00 pm

The Point
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Dragon Hill Lodge, Building 4050
Hours: Swimming allowed when Life Guards are on duty, Pool closed for breaks from 8:30
am-9:00 am, 5:00 pm-5:30 pm Available to hotel guests and fee-paying members

K-16 Air Base Pool

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Next to the gym Phone: 050.3341.6138 DSN:
741-6138 Hours: Monday-Thursday, 6:00 am-8:00 pm, 10:00 am-7:00 pm, Saturdays
and Holidays, 10:00 am-7:00 pm

Numerous courts are scattered around Main and South Posts. Adult
and childrens lessons are available for a fee (contact Collier Gym for
court reservations or information).

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.8606 DSN: 738.8606

There are 5K and 10K fun runs on South Post about once a month.
These will be advertised outside Collier Fitness Center. Events are
also posted in the Community Connection and on Facebook.

204 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 205

Activities, Off Post

A fusion Gugak musical, with drumming, string playing, and dancing.

There are a great number of events, theaters, museums, parks, and

other leisure activities to enjoy in Seoul and its surrounding areas. It is
impossible to list them all, but a number of the more popular ones are
highlighted here.
Additional information about things to do and see in Korea can be
found at the following sites. The Travel and Tourism and Resources
sections of this publication have additional information on websites,
blogs, and Facebook groups that provide helpful information on things
to do in Seoul, Korea, and Asia.

A martial arts-based comedy show.

A non-verbal traditional dance and comedy performance.

A non-verbal cooking show with drumming and dance.

Korea Tourism Organization
Visit Seoul
Korea Ye!
Korea 4 Expats

There are many Korean Performance Shows, or K-Performances,
available for you to attend in Seoul. They are often non-verbal in
nature, involve some form of traditional Korean music or dance, have
an audience participation element, and utilize technology to enhance
the performance. For a full listing of current shows, venues, dates, and
ticket prices, visit the link, below. Some popular shows with open-runs
are noted below.


A contemporary, B-boy, and K-Pop dance show.

The Painters Hero

An art show involving live drawing in varying media.

Beyond the on-post movie options, there are excellent theaters
near USAG Yongsan for your movie viewing pleasure. The closest is
CGV Yongsan at the iPark Mall. It offers 2D, 3D, and 4D movies in
English and Korean. Military discounts are available with on-site ticket
purchases. Use the website below to check movie times, language
options, and to purchase tickets in varying packages.


206 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 207


Seoul boasts live music venues in several different areas of the city.
Three jazz clubs, in particular, are well known and popular among
locals and visitors alike:

KBS Symphony Orchestra (KBSSO)

KBSSO is an orchestra of traditionally western instruments that has
performed in Korea and abroad since 1956. The group performs a
variety of classical music, often offering concerts at either the KBS
Hall (on Yeouido Island) or at the Seoul Arts Center (south of Yongsan,
in Seocho-dong). A current schedule, ticket information, and specific
performance locations are available on its website.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.6099.7400 (general information) Website: http://

National Orchestra of Korea

Established in 1995 by the Korean government, the National
Orchestra of Korea is made up of performers using traditional
Korean instruments, such as the piri (reed instrument), jjangu
(drum), gayageum (plucked zither), and haegeum (bowed zither).
The orchestra is a resident group at the National Theater of Korea,
located at the base of Namsan mountain. Ticket information, detailed
transportation information (including free shuttle bus information from
the subway), and a full concert schedule for this group, as well as
others, is available on the National Theater of Koreas website.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: National Theater of Korea Public Transportation:
Dongkuk University Station (Subway Line 3, Exit 2), take free shuttle bus Website: http://

Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra (SPO)

SPO is an orchestra based in Seoul using traditionally western
instruments that performs a wide-ranging repertoire, from Mozart to
contemporary pieces, both locally and internationally. In addition to a
full-year performance schedule, the SPO offers educational workshops,
master classes, pre-concert lectures, and co-sponsors a neighborhood
art school program. Concerts are performed at a number of different
venues and a full schedule, as well as season ticket information, is
available on its website.

208 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

Korean National Ballet (KNB)

Founded in 1962, KNB is the oldest professional ballet company
in Korea. It offers eight major programs in their performance series
each year. There is also a ballet academy for all ages, which aims
to foster young talent and provide interested audience members with
recreational opportunities. A full schedule, ticket information, and
directions for additional performance venues can be found the KNB
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Seoul Arts Center Public Transportation: Nambu
Bus Terminal Station (Subway Line 3, Exit 5) then take the free shuttle bus (just outside
exit 5) Phone: 02.587.6181 Website:

Korea National Opera

The Korea National Opera company performs a number of major
works throughout the regular season, including Korean and foreign
operas. There is also a smaller touring ensemble that provides regional
performances, workshops, and educational outreach programs. A full
season schedule, ticket information, and regional offerings is available
on its website.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Seoul Arts Center Public Transportation: Nambu
Bus Terminal Station (Subway Line 3, Exit 5) then take the free shuttle bus (just outside
exit 5) Phone: 02.586.5282 Website:

Camarata Music Company (CMC)

The Camarata Music Company is a non-profit organization that

provides an opportunity for Koreans and foreigners to perform
classical music together. There are two choirs, a childrens choir,
and an orchestra that perform throughout the year. The studio is also
available for rehearsal and event space. The CMC Studio is located
in Haebangchon (HBC), near USAG Yongsans Gate 21 (Kimchi Pot
gate). Visit the CMC website to learn about how to join the performing
groups or for a current performance schedule.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Noksapyeong Station (Subway Line

6, Exit 2), Email: [email protected] Website:

All That Jazz

As one of the more established jazz clubs in Seoul, All That Jazz has
been entertaining audiences for nearly forty years. The club features
a different jazz band each night and offers patrons a full dining menu.

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 209

While the menu prices are a bit on the expensive side, the small cover
charge (around 5,000 per person) makes this club an unbelievable
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Itaewon Station (Subway Line 6,
Exit 1), Behind the Hamilton Hotel Website:

Club Evans
This warm, inviting, sophisticated jazz club in Hongdae attracts
musicians and listeners of all ages. Club Evans features jam sessions
each week, which are very organized and well-run, and are really a lot
of fun to experience (as a listener or a player). The feature and house
bands never fail to captivate the audiences attention with a variety
of jazz styles. This club is a favorite, so it gets quite crowded on the
weekends; head over there early to get a seat. There is typically a
cover charge (usually 7,000-10,000).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Sangsu Station (Subway Line 6, Exit
1) Second floor of the building with 7 Eleven on the first floor Website: www.clubevans.

Club Palm
This cozy club features an ever-changing calendar of jazz performers.
Its location in Hongdae makes it especially popular with the college
students living in the area. Its a nice little place to relax, have a drink
and hear some great live music. There is usually a cover charge
(around 10,000).
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Sangsu Station, (Subway Line 6,
Exit 1) Directions: Walk straight ahead on Wausan-ro for several minutes and turn left
on Wausan-ro 19-gil, Club Palm will be on the left (very close to Hongdae Park) Website: (Korean only)


There are several large theme parks in the vicinity of Seoul. A day
out to these parks requires planning to avoid massive crowds (avoid
public holidays and Saturday afternoons, if you can) and take plenty of
sun protection in summer.

Composed of play facilities, shopping facilities, and restaurants,
Everland is the seventh largest theme park in the world. It is divided

210 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

into three areas: Festival World, Caribbean Bay, and Speedway.

Festival World is a theme park complex consisting of five theme zones
known as Global Fair: American Adventure, Magic Land, European
Adventure, Equatorial Adventure, and Safari World. Caribbean Bay
offers a thrilling water park experience with activities for people of all
ages. Caribbean Bay also offers what is considered some of the best
spa and relaxation facilities available. Everland Speedway is a racing
track where you can drive your car on the speedway as well as watch
a race. This park also contains a full-scale zoo that includes a mini
bus safari through the African animal complex. Admission prices vary
depending on your choices. Season passes are available.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Gangnam Station (Subway Line 2,
Exit 5 or 10). Then take bus 5002 to Everland Directions: Take Highway 1 to the I-50 split.
Exit onto I-4 toward Wonju (heading east) and follow signs to Everland. For your return,
follow signs to Seoul and they will put you back onto Highway 1 Phone: 031.320.5000
(then press 4 for English) Website:
main.html Hours: Hours vary by season.

Hallasan National Park

This large park on Koreas Jeju Island is one of the UNESCO World
Heritage sites. There is only daytime hiking available, but you can also
camp there as well. It is a beautiful landscape with a vast ecosystem
of plants. Most all of the hiking trails located here are 10K. Parking is
available here for a small fee and admission is free.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Haean-dong, Jeju-do, 2070-61 Website: www.

Han River (Hangang) Citizens Park

A development project in the 1980s, Hangang River Citizens Park
covers a large area along the rivers edge. A sports haven, you can
see people strolling or jogging along the trail paths, in-line skaters,
bicyclers, and soccer fields or basketball courts. Citizens Park is
composed of Gwangnaru, Jamsil, Ttukseom, Jamwon, Banpo, Ichon,
Yeouido, Yanghwa, Mangwon, Seonyudo, Nanji, and Gangseojigu a
total of 12 districts. Ichon is the closest to USAG Yongsan, but Yeouido
and Ttukseom tend to be the most popular because Korean dramas
often use these parks for filming.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Exit USAG Yongsan Gate 13 (South Post
Visitors Center Gate), cross underground through Ichon Station, Exit 4, and continue
walking 10 minutes to the river.

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 211

Lotte World
Lotte World includes a giant indoor/outdoor activity complex,
amusement center, and nearby aquarium. In the complex itself, youll
find a year-round indoor ice-skating rink (skate rental available), indoor
swimming pool, folk museum, and bowling alley. The main attraction,
however, is Lotte World Adventure and Magic Island. Lotte World
Adventure offers indoor rides for younger children, a monorail, musical
acts and a laser show that takes place nightly at 9:00 pm. Thrill seekers
should venture to Magic Island, the outdoor fun park, where they can
free-fall 70m on the heart-stopping Gyro Drop ride. Prices range from
14,500 to 40,000 for adults (less for children) and vary based on
options selected.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Jamsil Station (Subway Lines 2 and
8, Exit 4), Lotte World is connected to the station Phone: 02.1661.2000 Website: www. Hours: 9:30 am-11:00 pm (Closing times vary by season.)

Namsan Park
Seouls main peak, Namsan or South Mountain, once marked the
southern edge of old royal Seoul. Remains of the city walls can still be
seen in some of the parks wooded areas and around the top area of the
mountain. In addition to N Seoul Tower, Namsan Park contains many
other places of interest, such as Namsan Botanical Gardens, Namsan
Public Library, and several statues in memorial of Korean patriots. The
park also contains a Paljakjung (octagonal pavilion), an aquarium, and
a cable car leading to N Seoul Tower. Additionally, there are several
eateries, a Trick Eye Museum, and the occasional traditional Korean
performance at the area around the top of the mountain near N Seoul
Tower. Admission prices vary for each attraction but there is no fee
to go explore what Namsan Park has to offer or to watch the cultural
events. Take a bottle of water with you!
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Drive or take a taxi; park at the National Theater
of Korea parking lot. You will see a food stand near the entrance to the National Theater;
this is a bus stop. Take the Namsan Circular Bus Line up to the tower. When leaving,
you will have to take the whole bus route to return to the National Theater (about 20
minutes). You can also ride a cable car from the Namsan cable car station. There is a
parking lot available there as well. Walking Directions: Exit Gate 19 (Camp Coiner Visitor
Center Gate); turn right at the stoplight. Follow the road and signs all the way up. Or,
exit Gate 21 (Friendship House Gate) and turn right. Cross the street via the underpass
and exit the underpass using the staircase on the left. Walk a short distance until you
reach the street named Hoenamu-ro (this is the main street that goes up the hill to the

212 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

Grand Hyatt). Turn right and walk up Hoenamu-ro. Cross the Hyatt parking lot to the left
and enter the park via a pedestrian bridge. Youll see signs and paved walkways leading
up to the mountaintop Public Transportation: Chungmuro Station (Subway Line 3, Exit
2); transfer to the Namsan Circular Line (bus main line 402 or branch line 0014, 4012);
Myeongdong Station (Subway Line 4, Exit 3) It is a ten minute walk uphill to the cable car
station Website: Hours: Sunday-Thursday,
10:00 am-11:00 pm, Friday-Saturday 10:00 am-midnight, Cable Car operating hours: daily
10:00 am-11:00 pm.

Olympic Park
This park contains the World Peace Gate, the remains of a
Mongchontoseong Earthen Fortress, an outdoor sculpture garden,
sports facilities, and walking trails. Olympic Park includes the Olympic
Sculpture Park, one of the worlds top five sculpture parks. Olympic
Sculpture Park was built to celebrate the 24th Olympics held in Seoul
as a cultural event and to commemorate the theme of Harmony and
Progress. The Sculpture Park has over 200 large modern sculptures
by world-class artists.
The Seoul Olympic Museum is also located here. This museum has
various displays for the avid sports fan and an AV theater where you
can share in the excitement of the Seoul Olympic Games. Olympic
Park is also the Home of the Doosan Bears, Koreas first baseball
team, and the LG Twins. Admission to the park is free, but there are
fees for the Olympic Museum and some other attractions have small
fees of typically less than 500.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Olympic Park Station (Subway Line
5, Exit 3) or Mongchontoseong Station (Subway Line 8, Exit 1) Website: Hours: 6:00 am-midnight (Attraction hours vary.)

Sajik Park
Originally built around a stone altar that was erected in 1394, this
park was officially recognized in 1922 during Japans occupation of
Korea. Sajik Park is also home to other famous historical landmarks,
including Dangun Shrine, Jongno Municipal Library, the Municipal
Childrens Library, and statues of Sin Saimdang, Hwanghakjeong, and
Yi I. An archery range is located at the rear of the park, and every
year a national competition is held. Visitors can hike to Mt. Inwan

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 213

(Inwansan) from the main gate of the park. Nearby is Gyeongbok

Palace and Gyeonghui Palace.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Gyeongbokgung Station (Subway
Line 3, Exit 1). Walk straight ahead for about five minutes; the park is on the right Website:

Seoul Childrens Grand Park

Seoul Childrens Grand Park has much to offer, including a zoo,
science museum, an amusement park, botanical gardens, play areas
with a sand pit, and a separate water area where kids can splash in
the summer. Admission: General admission to the park is free. Tickets
must be purchased for amusement park rides, animal rides, and certain
special features.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Childrens Grand Park Station
(Subway Line 7, Exit 1) Website: Hours: 5:00 am-10:00 pm (Park), Zoo
10:00 am-5:00 pm (Zoo), Subject to change due to weather.

Seoul Grand Park

Located in the suburbs of south Seoul, this enormous park has a
number of attractions. It is definitely worth the trip. Its a long, uphill
walk from the parking lot or you can take a tram around the complex.
Attractions include the Seoul Zoo, a botanical garden, Seoul Land
Amusement Park, a Contemporary Art Museum, and the nearby
Gwacheon Science Museum.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Seoul Grand Park Station (Subway
Line 4, Exit 2)

Seoul Zoo
The zoo contains a good collection of animals, educational pavilions,
and a play area. The zoo is located on a hill so a trip on the air lift or
the tram is recommended. The attached childrens petting zoo allows
you to feed llamas, ride donkeys, and pet free-roaming pigs. The Seoul
Land Amusement Park is also located on these grounds.
jsp Hours: 9:00 am-7:00 pm (Closing times vary by season.)

Seoul Land Amusement Park

Koreas first theme park offers areas each with their own special
characteristics, and has over 40 rides and five outdoor amphitheaters.
Performances, exhibitions, and events (such as flower festivals) take

214 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

place in the park. The Tulip Festival is held from April to May; the
Starlight Rose Festival from July to August; the Chrysanthemum
Festival from September to October; and the Snow Light Festival from
December to February.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Seoul Grand Park Station (Subway
Line 4, Exit 2) Website: Hours: 9:30 am-10:00 pm (Closing
times vary by season.)

Gwacheon Science Museum

Gwacheon Science Museum has indoor exhibits, a childrens play
area, a dinosaur park, restaurants, a bug house, and a planetarium. It
is an excellent place to spend an entire day.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Seoul Grand Park Station (Subway
Line 4, Exit 5) Website: Hours: 9:30
am-5:30 pm daily; closed on Mondays and January 1

Woongjin Play City

Woongjin Playdoci or Play City is a great destination for a day trip
with your family. This indoor theme park is equipped with Koreas first
indoor ski slope, driving range, fitness club, spa, and water park. You
will find all of what you expect at a water park, including a wave pool,
lazy river, kiddie play area and an array of water slides, but will also
find areas unique to Woongjin Playdoci including an AquaBar, event
pools decorated in themes of different countries, hot spring pools
scented with natural ingredients, foot baths, and water jet massages.
Take towels; you can rent towels but they are very small. When you
check in you get an electronic watch, which is the lock for your locker,
and also an electronic charge device for you to pay for life jackets
and food. When you check out, you pay for what was charged to your
watch. Dont forget to take advantage of the military discount. Parking
is free.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Bugae Station (Subway Line 1, Exit
2), Take a taxi or Town Bus 579 or City Bus 79 and then get off at Sangil High School.
From the school, walk for minutes to Woongjin Directions: Exit Gate 14 (Hospital Gate),
cross the Hangan Bridge (Hangang-gyo), follow it until it turns into I-120, then take a left
(South) on I-100. Youll see signs for Woongjin Parkdoji Website:

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 215

Yongsan Family Park


Located next to the National Museum of Korea in Yongsan, this park

is the former golf course for the US Military, so its all rolling hills and
great open grassy spaces. It is a natural habitat for various species of
birds, as well as more than 80 different kinds of trees. There is a large
exercise machine area and a kids playground. Large public art and a
fishpond make for great pictures, so bring a camera, food, and a picnic

Skiing is rapidly becoming one of the most popular sports in Korea,

and there are several resorts located within two hours of Seoul, but
the more luxurious resorts are up to five hours away. Although there
are a variety of resort areas with ski slopes, the popular areas are
very crowded on weekends. The USO frequently sponsors group trips.
Look into Yongpyong and Muju if you are interested in a world class
The ski season is rather short, generally between mid-December
and early March. If the season is mild, most resorts have facilities for
artificial snow. Toward late February, conditions tend to be wet and
slushy by mid-morning, so go early. There are a lot of beginners on
the slopes, so it is advisable to be cautious and to be aware of who is
coming down behind you.
Ski clothing is abundant and inexpensive but the equipment is
another matter. If you have ski equipment and plan on skiing a lot,
bring your own. Rental items are available at most resorts, but buying
ski items there can be expensive. Some MWR offices may also have
equipment for rent so check before heading on your ski adventure.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Walk out Gate 13 (South Post Visitors Center
Gate) and take a left toward the National Museum of Korea. The park is on your left. If
you drive, note that the front parking lot is small, but you can also park in the museum
parking lot and walk around the back way. Website:

Aquatic Frontier
The Asia-Pacific region has some of the most incredible dive sites
in the world, all within a few hours flight from Korea. Some of the best
diving areas worth researching are:
Malaysia: Sipidan, Layang Layang
Thailand: Similan Islands, Phuket
Indonesia: Komodo, Bali, Raja Ampat, Lembeh Strait
Japan: Okinawa
Australia: Great Barrier Reef
Although earning a certification is available almost anywhere in the
world, those who dont want to spend their vacations studying can earn
their certifications in Korea from highly experienced diving instructors,
including through the Osan Air Base Outdoor Recreation Center.
Buses run between Yongsan and Osan daily. Practical portions of the
courses are held in the pool in Osan, and on the East Coast of Korea.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Osan Air Base Outdoor Recreation Phone:
010.8888.1064 Website: Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00 am to
6:00 pm

216 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation


Bears Town Ski Resort

Located an hour outside of Seoul in Pocheon, Gyeonggi Province,
the resort has a slope exclusive for expert skiers, two slopes for
advanced skiers, two slopes for advanced/intermediate skiers, and
three slopes for beginners. All slopes are open for snowboarding and
with eight lifts and one express lift, your wait between runs wont be
as long as at some of the smaller resorts. The snow sledding field
provides fun that all family members can enjoy. All day, half day, and
night rates are available. Rates and hours for passes, as well as other
valuable information, are available on the website.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Take an Ildong-bound bus from
Seouls Sangbong Intercity Bus Terminal. Get off at Naechon Station and take a two
minute taxi ride to the resort. Or, take Bus No. 5, 7, 33, or 1001 and get off at Bears Town
Ski Resort or go to Cheongnyangni Station (Subway Line 1); take Bus No. 707, get off
at Gwangneungnae; change to Bus No. 7.5.1001 and get off at Bearstown Ski Resort.

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 217

Chonmassan Star Hill Resort

Located one hour northeast of Seoul, this resort has six slopes each
with its own exclusive lifts.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Take a city coach bus in Seoul, get off
at Mukhyeon-ri, Gyeonggi-do or at Maseok Terminal. Coach buses are at Cheongryangri
Station (No. 330-1, No. 765, No. 765-1, No. 1330, No. 3300), Samsil Station (No. 115,
No. 901), or Gangbyeon Station (No. 1115-2). Phone: 02.2233.5311 Website: www. Hours: 9:00 am-10:30 pm

Phoenix Park
Located in Pyeongchang, the host city of the 2018 Winter Olympics
Games, Phoenix Park has become one of Koreas most famous resort
complexes. The environmentally friendly resort, which was created
with minimal disruption to surrounding nature, offers attractions for the
snow lover, golf lover, and swimmer alike. Excellent accommodations
include the main condo, the Euro Villa Condo, a youth hostel and a
luxury hotel.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.1577.0069, then press #1 Website:

Yangji Pine Resort

This all-season resort is just 40 minutes outside of Seoul in Yongin,
Gyeonggi Province. In addition to the seven-grade skill slopes and six
lifts, there is an international scale 27-hole golf course and an open-air
in-woods swimming pool. The resort has a good mix of beginner and
advanced ski slopes, as well as some slopes for sledding. They also
offer private and group ski and snowboard lessons. Season passes, all
day, and half day passes are available and prices vary.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: From Seoul Nambu Bus Terminal,
take an intercity bus bound for Yongin via Yangji. Get off at Yangji Terminal or Yongin
Intercity Bus Terminal and take a shuttle bus or taxi to Yangji Pine Resort. Website: http://

Golf, forest baths, archery, tennis courts, and more can be enjoyed
when you need a break from the snow.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.335.5889 Website:

Martial Arts
Martial arts are available in a wide variety of disciplines and at many
venues in Korea. Whether youre interested in Taekwondo, Mixed
Martial Arts, Hapkido, Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or another style, you
will be able to find a studio to study at nearby. A couple of popular
options near USAG Yongsan are noted below.
Body & Seoul Martial Arts and Fitness Center

Total Martial Arts System (TMAS)


The golf course is open to all military ID card holders and features an
18-hole, par 72 course. The clubhouse features a dining room and pro
shop, as well as on-course snack bars and refreshment stands. They
also have practice putting greens, a driving range, and club facilities
complete with daily-use lockers, club storage, showers, hot tubs,
and rental power carts. Buses to Sung Nam leave from the parking
lot situated between the MWR Arts & Crafts Center and the Burke
Towers tennis courts. Call for tee times, annual membership, and bus
There are many other driving ranges and courses throughout Korea.
Sung Nam Golf Course and Driving Range
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3336.3483/3490 DSN: 736.3483/3490

Yongpyong (Dragon Valley)

Opening in 1975, Koreas Skiing Mecca, Yongpyong, which hosted
the World Cup Alpine Ski Competition in 1998 and the Winter Asian
Games in 1999, was the first domestic ski resort in Korea. Although it
is 215 km from Seoul, the construction of a four lane highway has cut
travel time to as little as two hours. With 18 slopes and 15 lifts, this
resort offers a large variety of options for the beginner to the expert.

218 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

Sports, Leisure, and Recreation | 219

Professional baseball in Korea is practically an audience participation

event! Enjoy unique stadium food while getting swept up in the raucous
enthusiasm of the other spectators.
Seoul has three baseball teams (LG Twins, Doosan Bears, and
Nexen Heroes) and the season runs from April through October. Both
day and night games are played. You can take in a game at Jamsil
Stadium (located next to the Olympic Stadium) or at Mokdong Baseball
CONTACT INFORMATION. Website: (LT Twins), (Doosan Bears), (Nexen Heroes)

Professional Basketball
Korea has both female and male professional basketball teams, with
the season running from November to May.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Website: (Samsung Thunders), (SK Knights),
do (KEB Hana Bank)

Chapter 13

Professional Baseball

Religious and Social Life


Establishing a great group of friends and becoming active in a faith

community have helped me to feel at home here in Korea. Weekly religious
services and small group meetings, playing sports, crafting, eating out,
and shopping are some of my favorite ways to enjoy Seoul and these
experiences have made this my favorite assignment yet!
220 | Sports, Leisure, and Recreation

~Elaine Harman

The first place many people look to find something familiar as they
establish their family in a new home is with others that share a similar
faith. There are many spiritual and religious congregations on post and
in the surrounding community.
The Chaplain Family Life Center (CFLC) provides confidential
counseling for individuals, couples, families, and groups addressing
complex life challenges, gambling and eating addictions, trauma
recovery, battlefield stress, sexual assault, and domestic violence.
Although this is not a comprehensive list, it provides information
across a spectrum of denominations and belief systems. Consult the
resources listed below if you need information beyond what is provided

Religious Services, On Post

Religious Support Office
Location: Building 3702
Phone: 050.3338.3011, DSN: 738.3011
Chaplain Family Life Center (CFLC)
Address: South Post, Building 5213
Phone: 050.3336.3018, DSN: 736.3018
Garrison Chaplains Office
Phone: 050.3338.3011, DSN: 738.3011
On Call Duty Chaplain (Emergencies Only)
Phone: 010.4793.0143

Religious and Social Life | 223

Image by: Heather Bisson


There are many religious programs available to our community,
designed to meet the spiritual needs of all military and DoD civilian
personnel and their families. Most chapels offer a variety of activities
for all age groups to include religious education programs, choirs,
study groups, and various chapel-sponsored organizations. The
ministry teams of the Army, Navy, and Air Force in Korea also offer a
wide variety of religious services and worship opportunities to military
members and their families. Chaplains offer morning devotions on
AFN Monday through Friday.
Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC)
PWOC is an active and vibrant community of women in the Yongsan/
Seoul area. Many events offer childcare. Check out their Facebook
page to learn more about Bible study class topics, opportunities to
serve, and more.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Chapel, Building 3702 Facebook: Hours: Wednesday, 9:15-11:45 am Childcare

Hangul Ladies Bible Study

The Hangul Ladies Bible study group meets weekly for fellowship,
praise and worship, and scripture study.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Chapel, Building 3702 Hours:
Tuesday, 10:00 am-12:00pm Childcare provided

Men of the Morning Calm (MOTMC)

Men of the Morning Calm is a protestant chapel group of men striving
for stronger relationships, homes, and churches.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Chapel, Building 3702 Hours: 1st
Saturday of the month, 8:00 am

Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC)

CWOC is a group of Catholic women gathering for mutual support,
fellowship, and inspiration.

Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus is a monthly gathering of Catholic men for
service and spiritual development.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Memorial Chapel, Building 1597 Hours: 2nd
Saturday of the month, 10:00 am

Youth Fusion of Yongsan

Youth Fusion is a Bible study and fellowship group for middle and
high school students. Weekly meetings include dinner, fun, and
relevant conversation.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Chapel Phone: 010.2329.0144 Hours:
Sunday, 5:00 pm

Club Beyond
Club Beyond is a non-denominational youth program for middle and
high school students. This command-sponsored chapel program offers
summer camps, service projects, Bible studies, special events, and
weekly club meetings.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Chapel, Building 3702 Website: www. Hours: Middle School Club, Tuesday, 4:00 pm, High School
Club, Tuesday, 6:30 pm

AWANA is a fun, Biblically-based spiritual growth and character
development program for children.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Chapel, Building 3702 Hours: Monday,
6:30 pm


Unit Ministry Teams (UMT), consisting of a Chaplain and Chaplain
Assistant, are available for each Unit, Army Headquarters, Garrison,
Brigade, Battalion, and Detachment. Contact your supervisor to reach
your UMT.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Chapel, Building 3702 Hours:

Thursday 9:30 am, 6:30 pm

224 | Religious and Social Life

Religious and Social Life | 225


Religious Services, Off Post

South Post Chapel

Location: South Post, Building 3702
Phone: 050.3338.6054/4043, DSN: 738.6054/4043

Many churches, temples, and synagogues in Seoul offer Englishspeaking services. The following is a list to help you get started in your
search for fellowship.


Protestant R.O.C.K. (Contemporary): Sunday, 9:00 am

Protestant Cornerstone (Nondenominational): Sunday, 11:00 am
Protestant (Gospel): Sunday, 1:00 pm
Latter-day Saints (LDS)/Mormon: Sunday, 4:00 pm
Jewish: Friday, 7:00 pm

Memorial Chapel
Location: Main Post, Building 1597
Phone: 050.3325.4076/8182, DSN:725.4076/8182
Catholic Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 11:45 am,
1st Saturday of the Month, 9:00 am, Saturday, 5:00 pm,
Sunday, 8:00 am and 11:30 am
ROK Catholic Mass: 3rd Thursday of Month, 5:30 pm
Protestant (Traditional): Sunday, 9:30 am
United Pentecostal Church International: Sunday, 1:00 pm
KATUSA Worship: Tuesday, 6:30 pm
Brian Allgood Community Hospital Chapel
Location: South Post, Building 7005
Phone: 050.3337.1636 DSN:737.1636

Protestant: Sunday, 9:30 am

Episcopal: Sunday, 11:00 am
Seventh Day Adventist: Saturday, 9:30 am
Catholic Mass: Thursday, 11:30 am

K-16 Chapel
Location: K-16 CAC, Building S-302
Phone: 050.3341.6280 DSN:741.6280
Protestant: Sunday, 10:30 am

226 | Religious and Social Life

Lotus Lantern International Buddhist Center

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 85 Giljik-ri, Gilsang-myeon, Ganghwa-gun,
Incheon Phone: 032.937.7033 Website: See website for temple
stay applications

Hwa Gye Sa Seoul International Zen Center

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 487 Suyu(1)-dong, Gangbuk-gu Phone:
02.900.5225 Website: Hours: Sunday program beings at 12:30 pm

St. Nicholas Cathedral
Phone: 02.362.7005 Website: Some services are
in English, some in Greek

Vedic Cultural Center (Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar Mandir)
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 44-8 Yongsan-dong(2)ga, Yongsan-gu Phone:
010.2448.6441 Website:;Hours: Offerings and classes held
daily, contact temple before attending any program

Seoul Seobu English Congregation
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Hannam Building 5F, 737-37 Hannam-dong,
Yongsan-gu Phone: 02.793.0519 Hours: Congregation Bible Study, Wednesday, 7:30
pm, Public Meeting, Sunday, 2:00 pm

Religious and Social Life | 227


Seoul Union Church

Chabad Jewish Community

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 744-17 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu Phone:
010.7730.3770 Website: Hours: Erev Shabbat Maariv, Friday,
beginning of Shabbat, Shabbat Shachrit, Saturday, 10:00am

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Yonsei University, School of Theology-Seminary

Chapel Phone: 02.333.7393 Website: Hours: Sunday, 10:00

Victory Christian Fellowship

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 181-8 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu Website: www.; Hours: Sunday, 9:00 am, 5:00 pm

Seoul Korea Temple

Yoido Full Gospel

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 500-23 Changcheon-dong, Seodaemun-gu

Phone: 02.334.9100 Website:
Hours: Sinchon branch, Sunday, 11:50 am

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 11 Yoido-dong, Yeongdeungopo-gu Phone:

02.782.4851 Website: Hours: Sunday, 9:00 am, 11:00 am


CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 15 Cheongpa-ro 45-gil, Cheongpa-dong, Yongsangu Phone: 010.2620.0284 Website: Hours: Sunday, 11:00 am,
2:00 pm

Seoul Central Mosque

02.794.7307/02.793.6908 Website:



Youngnak Presbyterian Church

(Youngnak International Worship in English)
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 33 Supyo-ro, Jung-gu Phone: 02.2280.0228
Website: Hours: Sunday, 10:00 am, 3:00 pm

Chungdong First Methodist Church English Ministry
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 34 Chung-dong, Joong-gu Phone: 02.753.0007
Website: Hours: Sunday, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm

International Lutheran Church

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 726-39 Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-Gu
Phone: 02.794.6274 Website: Hours: Sunday, 8:30 am, 11:00 am

St. Francis Catholic International Parish
Phone: 02.793.2070 Website: Weekend Mass in
English, Korean, Spanish, French, German, and Italian

Myeongdong Cathedral

Jubilee Church
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Sang Ah Building 3&4F, 527-01 Sinsa-dong,
Gangnam-gu Phone: 02.569.2293/02.569.2294 Website: Hours:
Sunday, 10:00 am, 1:30 pm

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 71 Myeong-dong-gil, Myeong-dong, Jung-gu

Phone: 02.774.1784 Website: Hours: English Mass
Sunday, 9:00 am

Yeoksam Catholic Church

Onnuri Community Church

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 241-96 Seobinggo-dong,
Website: Hours: Sunday, 4:00 pm

Yongsan Baptist Church


CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 722-9 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu Phone:

02.553.0801 Website: Hours: English Mass Sunday, 9:30 am

Seoul International Baptist Church

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 47 Eleven Yongsan-dong(2)ga, Yongsan-gu
Phone: 02.793.6267 Website: Hours: Sunday 11:00 am, 3:00 pm

228 | Religious and Social Life

Religious and Social Life | 229

Clubs and Organizations,

On Post

Clubs and Organizations,

Off Post


Looking to connect with people beyond the USAG Yongsan

community? Consider joining one of the following clubs and

There are several groups on post formed by people with specific

interests such as quilting, photography, or hiking. These groups meet
at various locations. Check cable channel 3 on AFN, bulletin boards,
the Morning Calm newspaper, the internet (Facebook groups), Army
Community Service (ACS), or through word of mouth. If you have an
interest, there is probably a group for you. Also, refer to the Sports,
Leisure, and Recreation section of this publication for more ideas on
activities and ways you and your family can socialize.


AFSC is open to
all military, civilian,
and DoD spouses
stationed in Korea.
Associate membership is available for retired and widowed members
of the U.S. Armed Forces, ARC, USO and special service personnel
who are authorized with SOFA/MOFA. Themed monthly luncheons,
held September through May at the Dragon Hill Lodge, offer a chance
for members and guests to enjoy shopping and a catered lunch. A
welcome coffee is held in early fall and new members can join
throughout the year.
The AFSC also sponsors activities and clubs which can include
book club, bunko, tennis, hiking, running, international cooking, lunch
bunch, needlework circle, scrapbooking, shopping, touring, etc., based
on member interests. A membership form is available in the back of
this book. Forms are also available at club meetings, on the official
website, and on the club Facebook page.

ACS organizes playgroups for military children. Call or go to ACS for
more information.

230 | Religious and Social Life


The AWC provides social,
activities for expatriate women
of all countries. The AWC also
operates The Second Hand
Rose Thrift Shop on USAG Yongsan, the proceeds of which support
AWC charities in both the USFK and Korean communities.


RAS is a non-profit organization
for those interested in learning
more about Korea. Members
receive discounts on the various
RAS excursions and lectures, and
on the Societys publications.


Phone: 02.763.9483


Seoul International Womens
Association (SIWA) is dedicated
to expatriate women living in the
greater Seoul area. In addition
to the monthly Coffee Mornings
and Newcomers Welcome,
members can join various classes and interest groups. SIWA offers
many tours in and around Seoul and publishes the bimonthly Discovery
Magazine. It also hosts an annual bazaar and a gala to raise funds for
Korean charities.

Religious and Social Life | 231

Chapter 14

Kimchi Pot Lists


This tour is our fist as empty nesters and within a few weeks of arriving on the Korean
peninsula, we celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. My husband surprised me with a
dinner at the N Grill, atop the Seoul Tower. With fine French food created by top-notch chefs
and a rotating view of Seoul, we dined and toasted our host nation! Dont miss it! It is one of
the many, many wonderful things to do in Seoul.
~Michelle Ballard
232 | Religious and Social Life


The American Forces Spouses Club (AFSC) members were asked to share
whats on their Kimchi Pot List (bucket list) of things to do while stationed
in Korea. Hopefully, this list will serve as an inspirational starting point for you
to explore Seoul and beyond.
Explore Gyeongbokgung Palace and the adjacent Gwanghwamun
Visit Changdeokgung Palace and go on a Secret Garden tour
Visit Bukchon Hanok Village, a traditional Korean village
Walk around Seoul Olympic Park
Go for a dinner date at N. Grill, a rotating restaurant atop Seoul Tower
Hike Namsan, Gwanaksan, Inwangsan, and Bukhansan Mountains
Hike along Seoul Fortress Wall and Namhansanseong Fortress Wall
Experience a traditional Korean spa experience
Eat street food
Attend a Korean pop music (K-Pop) performance, such as Miso,

Nanta, or Jump
Visit the Trickeye Museum at Namdaemun Market, Dongdaemun Market and

Design Plaza, Gwangjang Market, Express Bus Terminal, and

Myeongdong; buy traditional pottery in Yeoju.
Visit the National Museum of Korea, the National Folk Museum of

Korea, and the National Museum of Contemporary Art
Attend lectures and/or cultural excursions with the non-profit

organization Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch (

to learn more about Koreas arts, customs, history and landscapes
Experience the Seoul Lotus Lantern Festival (April)
Experience the Seoul Lantern Festival (October and November)
Visit Seoul Zoo, Seoul Land, Seoul Grand Childrens Park, Lotte World,

Everland, and/or Caribbean Bay (great destinations for small children)
Experience military Space Available travel to/from Japan, Hawaii,

and/or CONUS

Kimchi Pot Lists | 235

Image by: Jackie McKenna



Travel and explore Korea and beyond

Though the list above certainly includes many activities that can be enjoyed
by the whole family, the following recommendations are perfect for the kids
and kids at heart!

Visit the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Walk around Suwon Fortress
Hike in Seoraksan and Sokcho National Parks
Go on a Four Rivers bicycling cross-country tour
Experience a temple-stay
Experience the Jindo Miracle Sea Festival in Jindo (three days,
twice each year)
Visit Busan via a KTX high-speed (bullet) train, explore the city,
and stay in an oceanfront hotel
Visit Gyeongju and see Bulguksa Temple, Anapji Pond Site,
Cheomseongdae Astronomical Observatory, Daereungwon Royal
Tombs, Oreung Tombs Park, Seokguram Grotto, and Silla
Millennium Park.
Visit Jeju Island and hike at Hallasan National Park or on an Olle
Stay at Kunsan Air Force Base in Korea and go island-hopping
See the Great Wall of China
Visit Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bali, the Philippines, Australia,
and/or New Zealand

Location: 513 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu. Phone: 82.2.6002.6200


Lotte World. Lotte World is a major recreation and entertainment

complex in Seoul with an outdoor amusement park.

Location: 240 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu. Phone: 82.1661.2000


KidZania. KidZania is a child-sized replica of a real city, including

buildings, shops, and theaters, as well as vehicles and pedestrians
moving along its streets. In this city, children work in branded activities
such as bottling carbonated beverages, working in a dentists office,
working at a ramen noodle factory, working as an airline attendant, and
acting as firefighters.

Craving more Kimchi Pot ideas? Visit the resource section of this book and
explore the many websites, blogs, and Facebook pages to learn more!

Coex Aquarium. One of Koreas largest aquariums with more than

40,000 creatures from over 650 species on display, and theme areas
such as undersea tunnels and ocean kingdoms.

Location: 40-1, Jamsil 3(sam)-dong, Songpa-gu. Phone: 82.1544.5110


Seoul Grand Park. Seoul Grand Park complex is to the south of

Seoul in the city of Gwacheon. It includes hiking trails, Seoul Grand
Park Zoo, rose gardens, and Seoul Land Amusement Park
Location: 102 Daegongwongwangjang-ro, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do.
Phone: 82.2.500.7338 Website:

Seoul Grand Childrens Park. Located in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul Grand

Childrens Park includes of a zoo, botanical gardens, a theme park,

and a family park.

236 | Kimchi Pot Lists

Location: 216, Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu. Phone: 82.2.450.93


Kimchi Pot Lists | 237

Namsan Park. From the Teddy Bear Museum to cable cars that
lead to the top of the mountain, there is much to see and do. At the
top of the mountain stands N Seoul Tower, the greatest tourist
attraction of Seoul.
Location: 231 Samil-daero, Jung-gu. Phone: 82 2.3783.5900

Everland. Everland is Koreas largest theme park; it includes a zoo

and Caribbean Bay water park. There are parades held nightly

throughout the park.

Location: 199 Everland-ro, Pogog-eup, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do.

Phone: 82.31.320.5000 Website:

Korean Folk Village. The Korean Folk Village is a living museum

where elements of traditional Korean life and culture are displayed,
traditional dances are performed, and equestrian skills are
demonstrated. It is located in Yongin, a satellite city in the Seoul
Metropolitan Area.

Location: 90, Minsokchon-ro, Ki heung-gu, Yongin. Phone:


Seoul Forest. You can participate in a variety of outdoor activities

(feeding deer, bicycling, skate boarding, horseback riding, etc.) in

Seoul Forest. There are also insect and plant museums to explore.

Location: 685, Seongsu 1(il)-ga 1(il)-dong, Seongdong-gu.

Phone: 82.2.460.2905

National Museum of Korea. The National Museum of Korea has

more than 10,000 artifacts from around the Korean Peninsula as

well as other nations in Asia. Exhibitions vary from ancient artifacts
to the most recent masterpieces.

Location: 137 Seobinggo-ro, Yongsan-gu. Phone: 82.2.2077.9000


Chapter 15

Travel and Tourism


Go explore and experience as much as you can while living in Korea. Take advantage
of opportunities offered to make the most of your overseas experience because youll
cherish those memories years from now.
238 | Kimchi Pot Lists

~Heather Bisson

So many options for you to explore! From Seoul, to Korea, to the

many countries beyond, there is a world of opportunity awaiting you and
your family, but to maximize your enjoyment, it is wise to be properly
informed and prepared. This section will help you become acclimated
to your new home, prepare to welcome visitors, and to explore both
Korea and the region.

General Information
Public restrooms can be an eye-opening experience for visitors.
There are western style toilets and there are in-ground toilets. Korean
policy for the past ten years is any new building must have westernstyle toilets installed. As a result, western style toilets are becoming
easier to find. Most large department stores, fast food restaurants, and
modern buildings have both kinds of toilets. Signs are usually on the
doors to let you know what awaits you behind the door. You may find
a toilet that has seat warmers and other features. Look at the pictures
carefully before pressing any buttons!
If you need to use the restroom, ask hwa-jang-shil-un aw-di iss-awyo? (Where is the restroom?) When you walk into the restroom, you
may notice toilet paper dispensers on the wall. It is a good idea to stop
and take some as it signals that the stalls do not have their own rolls.
Foreigners sometimes miss paper in bathrooms because it is often
in large dispensers similar in size to a paper towel dispenser. A good
rule of thumb is to carry tissues with you, just in case the toilets do
not have any available. Also, you might see a wastebasket and many
signs that read do not to throw toilet paper into the toilet. Seoul grew
very quickly and the plumbing infrastructure is still trying to catch up.
You will clog up the toilet if you flush too much paper down at once.
Be aware that soap for washing is often communal and on a stick near
the sinks.

Travel and Tourism | 241

Image by: Heather Bisson


Air Mobility Command
Military Space Available Travel
Patriot Express
Osan Air Base Passenger Terminal
Phone: 031.661.1854, DSN: 315.784.1854 (Within Korea)
Phone: (International)
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, 6:00 am-6:00 pm; Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, 7:00 am-6:00 pm

Patriot Express

A key starting point for first time and repeat Space A travelers is
the Air Mobility Command website. This site offers comprehensive
information on Space A travel, including travel eligibility, available
destinations, document requirements, registration guidelines and a
wealth of other relevant material.
Space Available Flights, also referred to as Space A travel or Patriot
Express, is air travel that is offered at a highly reduced cost to active
and retired members of the military as well as qualifying members of
their families. Space A travel is possible if seats remain available after
military personnel traveling under orders receive their seats. There are
various restrictions governing Space A travel so familiarity with these
guidelines is highly recommended.

242 | Travel and Tourism

In Korea, Space A travel is provided at Osan and Kunsan Air Bases.

Osan Air Base is located one hour south of Seoul and is conveniently
and inexpensively reached by bus service departing from USAG
Yongsans Moyer Bus Terminal or the Dragon Hill Lodge. Travel
information specific to flights to or from Korea can be obtained by
visiting the Osan Air Base website or the USFK website. However, to
ensure the most accurate and up to date information, travelers should
speak directly to personnel.
The passenger terminal at Osan Air Base has excellent modern
facilities including a spacious, well-equipped play area for families
traveling with children. There are also fee-free computer terminals
and phone lines. The passenger terminal is a short walk from the bus
The Space A flights depart from Osan Air Base and arrive in the
United States at Seattle International Airport. Connections from Seattle
are via regular commercial airlines. Connecting commercial flights are
not part of Space A travel and are at the travelers personal expense.
Keep in mind that Space A travel is not a reliable means of
transportation. Unlike commercial airlines there are usually no backup flights if a plane is diverted. There are also no guarantees that
seats will be available. This means travelers must be flexible and if
necessary prepared with an alternative travel plan. If you keep this in
mind, and follow all the required guidelines, you will no doubt find that
Space A travel is well worth the money you save.
Here are the basic steps for successful Space A travel.
Identify your eligibility travel category.
Determine your departure and arrival points, and intended travel
Prepare required documentation and obtain requisite
Register with the Passenger Terminal (the earlier this is done,
the better). Be sure to register for both your departing flight and
your return flight.
Call the Passenger Terminal 24-48 hours prior to departure date
to receive flight status updates, required show-time and
projected seat availability.

Travel and Tourism | 243

Check-in at the Passenger Terminal on flight departure date. Be

sure you have all required travel documents (Passport, ID card,
authorized letter to travel, and any other documents you
were instructed to bring.)
Listen for the seats available announcement. If you are
selected for a space available seat, be prepared to check-in

The best way to get accurate information on visas is to contact the
relevant embassy several months prior to the time you are interested
in traveling. Conditions are constantly changing around the world, so
be prepared for some travel changes. Travel agents or the USO can
help groups of travelers obtain passport information and visas. For
visitors to Korea, a visa is not required if the period of stay in Korea is
90 days or less.


Many families stationed in Korea host visiting family and friends.
Each visitor you have will need a valid passport. Before your visitors
purchase airline tickets, check with travel agents in Korea (both on and
off post). They will often be able to provide you with cheaper fares on
flights from the US to Korea.

Temporary Post Pass

Visitors need a pass issued so that they can have access to the
post. Prior to their arrival, pick up an application (USFK Form 82-E)
for a temporary post pass from the Post Access & POV office in the
USAG Yongsan Headquarters Building (the entrance is on the right
side of the main building, around the front corner). Return completed
forms (you will need a copy of the visitors passport information) to the
same office. Pass processing and approval takes about three working
days. You may request a pass for up to 30 days. When you pick up the
approved pass, you can also pick up a letter that will allow your visitors
access to the PX (escorted by you); this process can easily be done
before your visitors arrive.
Once your visitors arrive in the country, take the completed
paperwork, your visitors, and their passports to the Pass, ID, and

244 | Travel and Tourism

Vehicle Registration Office, located at Camp Kim. Visitors must be

present to have their thumb print scanned for the DBIDS system. They
will also have their photograph taken and will be issued a pass valid for
their entire stay. If your visitors arrive after hours or on a weekend, you
will be able to sign them on post for a 24-hour period. You will need to
re-sign them in every 24 hours until you obtain a pass for them. This
can be especially inconvenient if your visitors arrive just before a long
holiday weekend.
USAG Yongsan Headquarters, Building 4305, Room 105 and Pass, ID, and Vehicle
Registration Office, Camp Kim, Building 1230 Phone: 050.3338.4603 DSN: 738.4603
Hours: Monday-Friday,8:00 am-4:00 pm, closed holidays (Post Access & POV Office
USAG Yongsan Headquarters), Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:00pm, closed Holidays (Pass
ID and Vehicle Registration Office)

Signing Visitors On Post

You will need to take visitors to a designated gate (Gates 1, 13, or
19). Your visitors need a form of identification that verifies citizenship
(e.g., Korean ID, US passport), which the security officials will retain
in exchange for a temporary pass. US citizens will be allowed to keep
their passport, but must provide some other form of identification, such
as a drivers license, that will be retained.

Medical Insurance for Visitors

It is advisable that visitors contact their insurance company and add
a special rider to their policy in the event that they need hospital care.
Visitors not eligible for military benefits will be hospitalized in Korean
hospitals. In some cases, Medicaid and other insurance carriers have
refused to pay for hospitalization stays.

Accommodations in Seoul
There are many hotels to choose from in Seoul. This list is by no
means comprehensive; however, it will give you a selection to start
with. Travel agents or a quick internet search will provide additional

Travel and Tourism | 245

options. Check with each hotel regarding rate and availability.

Dragon Hill Lodge
The Dragon Hill Lodge (DHL) is one of five Armed Forces Recreation
Centers. Personnel in PCS status have priority and may make
reservations one year in advance. Located in the center of USAG
Yongsan, it is a hub of activity for those living in or visiting Seoul. Most
incoming military personnel stay at the DHL.
If you have to seek accommodations elsewhere on the economy,
Seoul has a wide variety of hotels with varying prices. For information
on lodging accommodations in Seoul or other parts of Korea, visit or other
popular travel-related sites (e.g.,, www.orbitz.
com, etc.).
An abbreviated list of hotels in the Seoul area is provided below.
To make reservations at any of these hotels from the US, first dial
011.82.2 and then the last seven numbers listed.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Dragon Hill Lodge, Reservations Dept., Unit 15335,
APO, AP 96205-5335 (Mailing Address for Reservations) Phone: 011.822.7918.2222
(From US), 050.3338.2222 (From Korea) DSN: 738.2222 Fax: 011.822.790.1576 (From
US), 050.3390.1576 (From Korea) Email: [email protected] (For
Reservations) Website:

Billeting On Post
DSN: 736.1048







Prices may vary depending on the exchange rate. Most of the hotels
listed offer military discounts to US service members and their families.
Many of the nicer hotel chains offer great restaurants and shopping.
Even if you are not staying overnight, take the opportunity to enjoy their
world-class cuisine.
Grand Ambassador Seoul Associated with Pullman
Phone: 02.2270.3111
Elle Inn
Phone: 02.792.8700
Kaya Tourist Hotel
Phone: 02.798.5101.7
Crown Hotel
Phone: 02.797.4111
Capital Hotel
Phone: 02.792.1122
Hamilton Hotel
Phone: 02.794.0171
Grand Hyatt Seoul
Phone: 02.797.1234

US Embassy Association Suites

DSN: 738.6124, 02.397.4487






Korean Inns
Once you have become accustomed to the culture in Korea, you
may want to try staying in a Korean inn or yogwan. A stay at a Korean
inn can range from 12,000-25,000 per night. This depends upon
your preference for a Western-style bed and bath or Korean style
accommodations. Be aware that some Korean inns have bathrooms in
the rooms, but many do not.

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Travel and Tourism | 247

Korea Tourism
There is an abundance of things to see and experience in Korea, and
it can be hard to know where to begin. Be adventurous! Buy a good
map and an English/Korean dictionary, acquire some won, and just
go explore. Koreans are friendly and relish the opportunity to teach
you about their country and culture. Another option is to start your
exploration by joining a group tour with the USO, The Royal Asiatic
Society, or to spend the day on the Seoul City Bus tour.
Official Korea Tourism Organization
Korean Information Line for Foreigners
Check website for specific area codes

The majority of the sites in this section can be easily reached using
the Seoul subway or bus systems. You may want to stop by the USO
or ACS before heading out to pick up English maps, information on
local cuisine and culture, subway maps, and bus schedules. Once
out in the city, most tourist areas have tourist information booths or
guides wearing red shirts, with maps of the local neighborhoods and
Google Maps is a useful tool when searching for specific locations
in Seoul. The search engine works better if you can copy and paste
the Hangul name of the location or business into the search bar. The
map itself is written in Hangul, so keep an English map close by for
Seoul has many cultural, historical, and entertainment venues. The
following list includes some of the most popular, but it is by no means
exhaustive! Explore the many palaces, museums, parks, and other
attractions beyond this list.

248 | Travel and Tourism


Official Seoul City Tourism Website
Korean Information Line for Foreigners
02.1330 (From Seoul)

Points of Interest
Bukchon Hanok Village
Bukchon Hanok Village is an area where traditional Korean houses
called hanok form a group, which encompasses Gahoe-dong, Jaedong, and Samcheong-dong in Jongno-gu. Bukchon has been
a traditional residential district for more than 600 years. The name
Bukchon (meaning North Village) originated from it being the north
village of Cheonggyecheon and Jong-no.
The village is located between two palaces arranged according to
principles of Sung Confucianism, which was the dominant ideology
during the Joseon Dynasty. The eaves of houses are connected and
walls are shared. These homes are often still resided in by Korean
families, so consideration should be made regarding large groups and
rowdy behavior.
The Gahoe-dong Traditional Village Cultural Festival is held in the
streets of Bukchon Hanok Village by the Bukchon Nobility Life &
Culture Pavilion and sculptures symbolizing Bukchon Hanok Village,
where visitors can enjoy the lives of historical Koreans.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Anguk Station (Subway Line 3, Exit
3) Website:

Travel and Tourism | 249

Cheonggyecheon Stream
This is a rebirth of nature in the middle of downtown Seoul. After
being covered up for 40 years, Seoul began the restoration of this
historical treasure. Cheonggyecheon Stream is 8.4 km long and
offers wonderful walkways and rocky areas to sit and have lunch. At
night, lights accentuate the fountains and provide a romantic feel for
an evening stroll. Start at either Gwanghwamun or City Hall stations.
Along the way you will notice many interesting art pieces, people
having picnics, or learn about Korean history.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Cheonggye Plaza Public Transportation:
Gwanghwamun Station (Subway Line 5, Exit 5), City Hall Station (Subway Line 1 or
2, Exit 4) and head toward the pink seashell Website:

Han River Boat Cruise

A boat cruise along the Han River is one of the best ways to view
Seouls riverfront areas. Several boats cruise the waters of the Han,
making one-way and round-trip tours. In addition to the regularly
scheduled tours, the boats can be chartered for special occasions and
parties. It can be a little chilly during cool evenings, so try to put this on
your must see list for late spring through early fall.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.3271.6900, 050.3338.2222 x6286 (Discover
Seoul desk inside the Dragon Hill Lodge) Website:

N Seoul Tower
Visible from almost anywhere in Seoul, N Seoul Tower serves as an
excellent landmark. Built on a 262-meter peak in Namsan Park, the
tower reaches to 480 meters above sea level. When the weather and
pollution levels cooperate, visiting the observation tower (370 meters
above sea level) allows you to view the entire city and surrounding
areas. There are several restaurants at the Tower, including a rotating
restaurant above the observation deck, and a Trick Eye Museum.

Namsangol Traditional Folk Village

Located just north of Namsan Park, the Seoul government recreated
a small village that resembles the architecture and gardens of the
area during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). The area contains five
restored traditional houses with furniture and decorations authentic to
the period. Standing programs featuring traditional Korean Arts and

250 | Travel and Tourism

Cultural Activities make this a must see for the family, and the free
admission makes it a perfect attraction no matter what the budget for
your familys weekend excursion.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Chungmuro Station (Subway Line
3 or 4, Exit 3 or 4) Website:

Seoul Arts Center

This amazing center houses many concert halls and galleries. The
extensive space offers many options for any lover of the arts. There
is an Opera House, Music Hall, Hangaram Art Museum, Hangaram
Design Museum (which features rotating exhibits), Seoul Calligraphy
Art Museum, several gift shops and a small restaurant.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Nambu Bus Terminal
Station (Subway Line 3, Exit 5) then take the free shuttle bus (just outside exit 5)
Phone: 02.580.1300 Website:

Seoul City Bus Tour

This bus tour takes you all over the city. The best part is, you can
get on and off the bus as many times as you wish, visiting whatever
interests you. There are English speaking guides, as well as audio
guides on the bus. A one day pass is 12,000 for adults and 10,000
for children and tickets may be purchased as you get on the bus. Look
for red pillars marked Seoul City Bus Tour. The bus is also marked
Seoul City Bus Tour.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Multiple stops around the city,
including outside Gate 1 (Main Gate/DHL Gate) Website:
Hours: Buses do NOT run on Mondays.

63 Building
The towering, golden building south of the Han River is one of
the tallest skyscrapers in Seoul and was the tallest building in Asia
when it opened in 1985. It is an indoor space that offers high quality
entertainment in five attractions: Seaworld Aquarium, the Sky Art
Gallery and observation deck, an IMAX Theater, 63 Art Hall, and a
Wax Museum.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Yeouinaru Station 527 (Subway Line
5, Exit 1) Website:

Travel and Tourism | 251


The Palace District of central Seoul is bounded by five grand

palaces. While visits to one or two palaces may satisfy your curiosity
of old palace life, the treasures and history do not end there. Check
out the traditional tea shops and trinkets of the major tourist center
in Insadong, the art galleries in Samcheong-dong, and stroll through
streets studded with traditional hanok buildings in Bukchon-dong.
The official South Korean presidential residence, Cheongwadae, also
known as the Blue House, is also located within this district.
Seoul is the ancient seat of Koreas royalty and, as such, there
are a number of palaces that offer a glimpse into the countrys past.
The royal palaces of Seoul are the pride of Korea. Although most of
the buildings were damaged or destroyed by war, their historical and
aesthetic significance are still appreciated throughout the world. All of
the palaces and their contents date from the Joseon Dynasty (13921910) and restorations are ongoing.
At specific times during the day, there are special ceremonies
performed, such as the changing of the guard or a traditional Korean
wedding ceremony. Most palace admission fees are between 1,000
and 5,000 and special tickets can be purchased for multiple palaces
at discounted rates.



Changdeokgung and Biwon (Secret Garden)

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this palace was first built in 1405
and was the seat of power between 1618 and 1896. The buildings
have all been recently restored and repainted. Buildings of particular
note include the blue-roofed Seonjeongjeon, which was the kings
office, and the Daejojeon (Great Making Hall), his bedchamber. Most
famous of all is the Biwon (Secret Garden) in the back. Access to the
Biwon complex is by guided tour only.

Changgyeonggung Palace (Palace of Bright Rejoicing) was built in
1104 as a summer palace by Goryeo King Sukjong and was originally
named Suganggung Palace. It later became one of the main palaces
during the Joseon Dynasty and was used as a temporary home for the
king while Gyeongbok Palace was being built. Unlike other palaces
that have a north-south orientation, Changgyeong Palace faces EastWest. It is accessible on the same entry ticket as the UNESCO World
Heritage site, Jongmyo Shrine. The two sites are connected by a foot
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Hyehwa Station (Subway Line 4,
Exit 4) Website:;
Hours: 9:00 am-5:30 pm (closing hours vary upon season). English tours: 11:00 am and
4:00 pm. Closed Monday.

This palace is a vivid contrast to other nearby palaces. Built during
the mid-fifteenth century, the architecture is a fusion of both Korean
and Western architecture, and a modern art museum is located on the
grounds. Deoksugung is located across from Seoul City Hall.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: City Hall Station (Subway Lines 1 or
2, Exit 2) Website:
Hours: 9:00 am-9:00 pm. Closed Monday; Changing of the Royal Guards ceremonies:
11:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:30 pm.

Built in 1935, Seouls grandest and most beautiful palace was the
seat of power for centuries before it was razed in 1592 and again in
1910 by the Japanese. Large parts have been restored and the most
representative edifices of the Joseon Dynasty, Gyeonghoe-ru Pavilion
and Hayangwonjeong Pond, are still relatively intact. The vast grounds
house the National Palace Museum of Korea and the National Folk
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Gyeongbokgung Palace Station
(Subway Line 3, Exit 5) or Gwanghwamun Station (Subway Line 5, Exit 2) Website: http:// Hours: 9:00 am-5:00 pm (closing hours
vary upon season). Closed Tuesday. English tours are available at 11:00 am, 1:30 pm,
and 3:30 pm.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Jongno 3-ga Station (Subway Lines

1, 3 or 5, Exit 6) or Anguk Station (Line 3, Exit 3) Website:
htm Hours: 9:00 am-5:30 pm (closing hours vary upon season), Closed Monday

252 | Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism | 253

This palace, which historically served as a secondary palace where
the king moved to in times of emergency, boasts beautiful architecture
which complimented the slanted geography of the mountains
surrounding it. Also called Seogwol, A Palace of the West, this palace
was commissioned by King Gwanghae in 1617 and is located near the
Seoul History Museum and Deoksugung Palace.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Seodaemun Station (Subway Line
5, Exit 4) Website:
Hours: Hours: 9:00 am-6:00 pm. Closed Monday.

Located in the middle of Seouls current business district,
Unhyeongung Royal Residence was the home of young Gojong, who
later became Emperor during the Joseon Dynasty. This small palace
has several elegant buildings to tour. In the spring and fall, the wedding
ceremony of King Gojong and Queen Myeongseong is reenacted here.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Anguk Station (Subway Line 3, Exit
4) or Jongno 3-ga Station (Subway Line 5, Exit 4) Phone: 02.766.9090 Website: http:// Hours: 9:00 am-6:00 pm (closing hours vary
upon season). Closed Monday.

National Museum of Korea
The museum houses an excellent collection of artifacts from the
Paleolithic Age to modern times. There is a food court, a childrens
museum, gift shops, coffee and tea shops, and other restaurants. No
admission fee is required for the permanent exhibits, the childrens
museum, and temporary exhibitions. Special exhibits sometimes
require separate tickets that must be purchased at the ticket booth.
Visitors must get a free admission pass at the ticket booths before
entering the museum.

The museum building has three floors displaying nearly 5,000 years of
history of foreign invasions, from before the Three Kingdoms Period
through the Korean War.
This free museum also has rotating exhibits, a free Childrens
Museum annex, and periodic play areas that are featured in the lower
level of the building. Entrance fees for special exhibits are separate,
but this feature makes the War Memorial of Korea an excellent choice
for an activity that will entertain every member of your family, no matter
their age.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Samgakji Station (Subway Lines 4
and 6, Exit 12) Directions: From the Dragon Hill Lodge gate, turn left; the Museum will be
across the street. Website: Hours: 9:00
am-6 pm, closed Monday. If a holiday falls on a Monday, then the museum will be open
that Monday but closed the following day.

National Folk Museum of Korea

The National Folk Museum of Korea is situated in the center of Seoul
(adjacent to Gyeongbokgung Palace) with the goal of becoming an
educational venue where visitors can learn how Koreans lived from
the past to present. The National Folk Museum of Korea investigates,
researches, and acquires artifacts and various resources about the
daily lives of Koreans in the past and present.
The Museum operates three permanent exhibition halls and an
open-air exhibition hall, including an exhibition hall dedicated to the
history of daily life and culture of the Korean people, an exhibition hall
about the Korean Way of Life and an exhibition hall for the life cycle of
Koreans. Additionally, special exhibitions are held at least four times a
year to further broaden the understanding of Korean folkways.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Gyeongbokgung Palace Station
(Subway Line 3, Exit 5) or Gwanghwamun Station (Subway Line 5, Exit 2) Phone:
02.3704.3114 Website: Hours: Hours
vary by season; closed Tuesday and January 1.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Walk out gate 13 (South Post Visitor Center
Gate), turn left, and walk about 150 meters toward Yongsan Family Park. The museum
will be on your left. Website:

War Memorial of Korea

Across the street from Koreas Department of Defense, and next to
USAG Yongsan, sits the War Memorial of Korea. Its granite facade
and surrounding park with vintage airplanes and tanks is impressive.

254 | Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism | 255

For a complete list of the many festivals in Seoul and all of Korea,
visit the Korea Tourism website where you can search by date, key
word, and location.

thousands of delicate hand-held lanterns in the shape of lotus flowers

carried by adults and children wearing traditional hanbok.

Seoul Performing Arts Festival

The festival features a wide variety of the arts, from international
artists and Koreas finest. These events take place at various venues
across Seoul during a three-week period in September or October.

Cherry Blossom
Festivals to celebrate the spring season, specifically the blooming
of the cherry blossom trees, happen throughout the peninsula, usually
in April. The exact days are hard to predict, but Seoul-ites get their
picnic gear together as soon as the soft pink buds start to open. The
most popular place is Yeouido. The Yeouido Spring Flower Festival,
the closest to USAG Yongsan, is located near the National Assembly
building, and is famous for its 1,400-1,600 Korean cherry trees.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Yeouido Station (Subways Lines
5 or 9, Exit 5) and then take Bus 162, 262, or 461 to National Assembly or National
Assembly Station (Subway Line 9, Exits 1 or 6).

Hi Seoul Festival
The Hi Seoul Festival is one of the main festivals of Seoul and features
a variety of cultural and art programs and numerous exhibits. Taking
place in the fall, this event is held along the famed Gwanghwamun
Square, Seoul Plaza, Cheonggye Plaza and in downtown Seoul.

Lotus Lantern Festival/Buddhas Birthday

Also known as Buddhas Birthday, this is a must see for the entire
family! Seoul celebrates the birth of Buddha with a festival of paper
lanterns. Before the festival, traditional lanterns are exhibited at
Bongeun-sa Temple. On Yeondeung-nori, the eve of the festival, there
are traditional Buddhist celebrations at the 14th-century Jogyesa
Temple in Insadong. The opening ceremony for the parade itself is held
at nearby Dongdaemun and the procession of lanterns then moves
along Jongno Street to the Jogyesa Temple. The festival is notable not
only for its large colorful lanterns on the backs of trucks, but for the

256 | Travel and Tourism

Though there is so much to do in Seoul, take the time to leave the
city and explore the different regions and terrains of Korea. Let this list
serve as a launching pad for your own adventures.

Northern Locations
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and Panmunjom
This is such an important part of Korean history and very important
to see in order to truly understand the effect of being so close to the
most heavily fortified border on the planet. Panmunjom is the most
forward location in the DMZ that can be visited by civilians. This tour
is better with a group where someone else handles the necessary
clearances. There are tours available through the USO and Discover
Seoul. Reserve your spot early, as the spots fill up fast.
Goseong Unification Observation Platformand Tongil Security Park

The Goseong Unification Observation Platform, located in Goseonggun, Gangwon-do, provides you with living evidence of the division
of the Korean Peninsula. This is where you fill out the paperwork to
gain permission to continue on to the observation platform, located
within The Civilian Passage Restriction Line. Paperwork requires the
following information: your family name, the license plate number of
your car, and the first names and ages of those going to the observation
platform (there is no age limit here, as at Panmunjom). There is a
parking fee along with the entrance fee. Wear sturdy shoes as there
is a climb up to the observation platform, which is 700 meters above
sea level.
The Observatory provides a wonderful view of the 4 km wide DMZ,
North Korea, and Mt. Geum-gang. Between the Observation Platform

Travel and Tourism | 257

and the Unification and Security Park is the DMZ Museum. This is
a fairly new addition, which opened in August 2009. Although the
observatory, park, and museum are on many peoples must see list,
the information at these sights are not always written in English so
it may be helpful to find a Korean friend to accompany you for this
sightseeing adventure.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 033.682.0088 Website:
english/main/main.html, Hours:
Open year round, 9:00 am-3:50 pm (closing hours vary based upon season).

Ganghwa Island (Ganghwado)

Ganghwa Island, or Ganghwado, is the fifth largest island in Korea
located approximately 50 km to the west of Seoul, and less than 1 km
off the coast of Incheon in the West Sea, and is rich in both history and
natural beauty. Visitors can easily find Ganghwado local products such
as Hwamunseok (a mat woven with flower patterns), rice, and ginseng
at the town markets. Famous for its stamina producing ginseng,
Ganghwado is still a rural island that seems oddly distant from the
bustle and busyness of Seoul, despite the fact that it is less than a
two-hour bus ride away. Egrets stalk through verdant rice fields, gulls
chase ferries, and the pace of life is slow. Attractions include numerous
small fortifications: the Ganghwa dolmens, which are among Koreas
largest dolmens, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site; Mt. Mani
(Manisan), which is the site of the Chamseongdan Alter; and a 10km
coastal bicycle track.

This bustling industrial port 36 km west of Seoul is big enough
to warrant its own subway line. The international airport sits on an
offshore island, so be sure (if youre heading to the airport) that you
dont go to Incheon proper. The city has a nice waterfront area with
amusement rides, sushi shops, stores, and ferries, as well as a very
accessible Chinatown. Come here for a great day trip out of Seoul,
sample some different foods, stroll along with the dating couples or
tour groups in Wolmido waterfront, or use Incheon as a stepping stone
to the more remote islands.
The Memorial Hall for Incheon Landing Operation, a park
commemorating the sight of MacArthurs famous landing in 1950, is

258 | Travel and Tourism

located in this busy port city. The hall was created by the Incheon
citizens to honor those who sacrificed their lives to preserve democracy
and freedom on the Peninsula. There is also a small museum that
houses the citys collection of archaeological and historical materials.
Take the train or travel during off hours or the normally one-hour
trip can take two more hours. Dont forget that its location on the sea
makes this a great place to pick up an amazing seafood meal.
Pocheon Herb Island and Sinbuk Hot Spring
These two destinations near Camp Casey are eco-friendly spots
enhanced by the aroma of herbs. Both sites are within a ten-minute
bus trip from each other, making a combined trip convenient and
The Pocheon Herb Island houses both outdoor and indoor gardens,
with over 180 different herbs, a bookstore that carries herb-related
books and accessories, a craft store selling herb craftworks, a bakery
selling herb bread and cookies, as well as a restaurant and coffee
shop all within an area of 8.3 acres. There is also an aromatherapy
facility, making it a great place for a relaxing one-night, two-day trip.
The Sinbuk Hot Spring Resort is fed by springs from 600 meters
below the earth. The naturally occurring sodium bicarbonate helps
create a soft and smooth texture and is said to have anti-aging as
well as general skin care benefits. Alongside the hot spring baths and
other water attractions, the saunas and walking trails attract a diverse
variety of people who can enjoy the beautiful streams and dense forest
that this resort has to offer.

Seoraksan National Park

There are various places to hike in Korea, but one of the most
renowned is Seoraksan National Park. Seoraksan means Snow Big
Mountain. This mountain is always busy, particularly during the peak
season during the fall when the leaves change. By 6:00 am the park
is packed with thousands of Koreans ready for a days hike. There are
restaurants, temples, and statues, including a large Buddha statue.
The park is crowded and if you are looking for peace and quiet you
will not find it here. It cannot be denied, however, that Seoraksan is

Travel and Tourism | 259

one of South Koreas treasures because of the breathtaking scenery.

Stretching over four cities and counties, the peaks and valleys, home
to more than 2,000 animal species and 1,400 rare plant species,
have various streams that meet up in the Baekdamcheon valley,
which is also the location of the Baekdamsa Temple. Seoraksan has
been recognized since 1982 as a Biosphere Preservation District by
UNESCO. There are no entrance fees and camping site fees are very
reasonable. The USO has some hiking tours available during the fall
hiking season. Check their calendar for upcoming events and overnight
tours to Seoraksan.


Central Locations
Known as the museum without walls, Gyeongju was once the
capital of the Shilla Dynasty and it remained so for nearly 1000
years. Gyeongju holds more tombs, temples, rock carvings, pagodas,
Buddhist statuaries palace ruins, pleasure gardens and castles than
any other place in South Korea. Tumuli Park is the most conspicuous
and accessible of the sights and even if entering the Heavenly Horse
Tomb isnt your cup of tea, a picnic and stroll by the pond would be
a beautiful way to end the day. One cannot truly know Gyeongjus
charms without visiting its outlying districts. Gyeongju covers a vast
1323 sq km and would require several days to take it all in. There is
also a great amusement park here called Gyeongju World.

Hwaseong Fortress
Located in Suwon, about an hour south of Seoul, this Joseon Dynasty
fortress stretches an impressive 5.52 km, has numerous military
structures along its length, and is a great place to visit for a day hike.
There is a grand palace, Hwaseong Haenggung, in the center and a
fun dragon-shaped tram that runs along a portion of the wall.

Icheon and Yeoju Ceramics

The Yeoju Ceramic Art Complex refers to an area where roughly 600
ceramic workshops are concentrated throughout Ohak-ri, Ogeum-ri,

260 | Travel and Tourism

Hyeonam-ri, Cheonsong-ri and Jinae-ri of Bungnae-myeon. According

to historic records, ceramics have been developed here since the early
days of the Joseon Dynasty, as the nations best materials for making
ceramics, such as clay, white clay, and Kaolin, were produced around
Mount Ssari in Bungnae-myeon.
Icheon Ceramics Village produces traditional Korean ceramics,
which are of high quality. The village became the center of traditional
pottery during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) for about 500 years
due to the easily obtainable materials in the areas. Icheon Ceramics
Village was also the center of Joseon Baekja ceramics. Presently,
about 80 pottery factories are congregated at the village, and about
300 pottery kilns are in use.
Visitors can observe the pottery production process, and purchase
them directly. It is worthwhile to see the crafts of these potters known
as Living Cultural Treasures of Korea for creating the highest quality
handicrafts. Not only are the traditional Cheongja, Baekja, and
Buncheong pottery produced here, but you can also view modern
design pottery. The Haegang Ceramics Art Center is the only ceramics
Art Center in Korea. One of the must-see events at Icheon Ceramics
Village is the internationally famous Icheon Ceramics Festival held
every year. Displayed pottery as well as, pottery classes, traditional
kiln handling, pottery character show, and even parades are held.

Independence Hall of Korea

Located just south of Osan, the Independence Hall of Korea
commemorates the people who struggled for freedom against foreign
invasions throughout Koreas long history. There are seven large exhibit
halls, all of which are easy to navigate and feature many descriptions
in English.

Korean Folk Village

This beautiful folk village has a large collection of thatched and tiled
traditional houses that take at least half a day to explore. Set around a
quiet river are a temple, a market, a magistrates house with examples
of punishments, storehouses, a bullock pulling a cart, and all sorts
of household furnishings and tools. In this historical and rural village

Travel and Tourism | 261

atmosphere, artisans wearing hanbok (traditional Korean clothing),

create pots, make paper, and weave bamboo. Other workers tend
to vegetable plots, pigs, and chickens. Even most of the confections
are handmade; look for the magician making dragons beard candy
(made from honey hand-pulled to widths of a human hair).

Just south of Chinhae lies Koreas second largest island, Geojedo,

and it is just a 90-minute ferry ride away. The island was once a POW
camp during the Korean War and has subsequently become home
to a thriving fishing and shipbuilding industry, along with first-class
beaches and resorts.



Southeast and Coastal Locations

Busan is the second largest city in South Korea and a popular
vacationing spot. It is a port city about 325 km from Seoul on the
southeastern coast. For this trip, try Korails express train system
(KTX) for a straight trip of two and a half hours from Seoul Station
to Busan Station. This well connected city has many sites to see:
Yongdusan Park and Busan Tower, Jagalchi Fish Market, Haeundae
Beach, Haedong Yonggung Temple, hiking parks, Busan Sea Life
Aquarium, film festivals, and numerous art museums.

Chinhae (aka Jinhae) is not only home to the Republic of Korea
(ROK) Navy, but is also the only US Navy base in South Korea.
Command Fleet Activities Chinhae comprises approximately 84 acres
and is adjacent to the largest ROK Navy base. Chinhae is also home
to the ROK Naval Academy. Located on the southern coast, Chinhae
is approximately a seven-hour drive from Seoul, or around four hours
by the KTX train. Try to stay in one of the billeting rooms if you visit.
Chinhae is also quite well known for its Jinhae Gunhangje Festival.
The event is held annually and honors Admiral Yi Sun Shin, a famous
Korean naval hero who helped defeat the Japanese during the
invasions of 1592-1598. The festival usually begins in late March
or early April and runs for 10 days. During the 10 days, a profusion
of cherry blossoms are in full bloom on the mountains, along the
highways, and all around town. It is one of the largest cherry blossom
festivals in the world, with approximately two million visitors annually.
During this time, food vendors and stands offering Korean goods line
the streets of Chinhae, along with street performers, carnival stalls,
and street lighting.

262 | Travel and Tourism

Hong Island (Hongdo)

Hong Island, or Hongdo, is located 115 km southwest of Mokpo Harbor
and is actually composed of about 20 small islands. The name Hongdo
means Red Island, a name derived from the unusual reddish brown
color that glows all around when the sun sets over the island. Because
the entire island of Hongdo has been declared a Natural Monument,
people are not allowed to enter areas other than the villages and
designated tourist areas. You cannot remove anything from the island.
Visitors that break the rules will be fined. Dont miss the two-hour boat
ride to see the rock formations surrounding the island. Although the
tour is in Korean, the views and pictures speak for themselves.

Jeju Island (Jeju-do)

The largest of Koreas islands, this popular vacation destination has
mild weather year round. This volcanic island boasts sandy beaches,
hiking trails and several theme parks and a very large aquarium. Natural
attractions include the Samsonghyol Caves, Hallasan National Park,
several waterfalls and the volcanic scenery of Seongsan Ilchulbong
Park (also known as Sunrise Peak).
Other things to do on the island include golf, horseback riding,
windsurfing, museums (check out the Trick Art Museum, the Seogwipo
Citrus Museum, or many others), local restaurants (many of which
feature Jeju black pork and fresh seafood caught nearby), nightlife,
and shopping districts. Of course, dont forget to pick up a few Hallabong
oranges for snacking Jeju Island is known for this deliciously sweet
citrus fruit that is a cross between an orange and a tangerine. The
flights to Jeju Island occur frequently and are quite short, making this
island ideal for a quick getaway.

Travel and Tourism | 263

Please refer to the Resources section of this publication for more
helpful websites, Facebook pages, and publications to enhance your
experience in Korea.
Seoul Selection
A weekly newsletter that has all of the current events happening in

Korea Herald
This newspaper has a travel section in its weekend issue featuring a
thorough article and map of a different place each week. The Yongsan
Library has back issues if you want to review them.

Arirang Magazine
Published by the American Womens Club (AWC), this magazine
has many good travel articles. In addition, AWC sponsors trips to
places off the beaten track. Although these are only open to members,
membership is affordable for military members.

This magazine, published by the Seoul International Womens
Association (SIWA), offers information on local activities. SIWA offers
trips and social events to its members.

Groove Korea
Groove Korea offers information on Korean community, music,
sports, travel and food.

Korean Tourism Organization (KTO)

KTO is an excellent source of information and assistance. A visit to
the KTO is time well spent; you will come away with information on
festivals, museums, dining, and just about anything else you may want
to know about Korea.

Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch

Excellent source of information on the culture and history of Korea.

Travel Outside of Korea

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory
World Health Organization (WHO) Advisory
United States State Department Public Announcement

After the cultural experiences and sites to enjoy in Korea, the

biggest adventure everyone should take advantage of is travel to other
countries. Here are a few tips to make the most of your travel:
Register with STEP. The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program
(STEP) is a free service to allow US citizens and nationals
traveling abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest US
Embassy or Consulate. You can quickly and easily register at
English as an official language. Consider traveling to countries
where English is prevalent; this allows you to travel on your own
with ease. Everything from booking arrangements to exploring to
opting out of tours and guides allows you to save money and
spend your time doing the things you want for as long as you


264 | Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism | 265

Carry local currency and monitor your bank account. Many

countries impose fees upon arrival that must be paid in local
currencies. Additionally, transportation from the airport to your
hotel, if not prepaid, will have to be paid. Not everywhere accepts
credit cards so keeping local currency on hand is helpful. ATM
machines will allow you to pull money from your US bank
account. Study the international currency rates published in
the local papers before going on your trip so that you will know
the amount of local currency you can expect for your dollars/won.
Airports and hotels typically have the lowest exchange rates; only
get what you absolutely need from these places.
Travel to more than one country per trip. This can improve the
adventure while minimizing costs.
Roll with it! Whatever happens, remember to laugh and add it to
the list of memories that you made with your family!
Check that the area is not restricted by USFK due to
terrorism, disease, etc.
Check with your travel agent on the visa/passport
requirements for the country you are visiting; they vary from
country to country. Leave ample time for processing these
Always know the immunization requirements of the country/
countries youre going to visit.
Plan ahead. Dealing with travel agents or airlines in Korea is
somewhat different than the experiences you may have had
elsewhere, so you need to have plenty of time to make sure
all details are in order and to ensure that you are getting the best
deal possible. Dont allow your travel agent/group tour promoter
to wait until the last minute to provide you with your tickets,
accommodations confirmation, etc. Its not easy to get your military
leave orders changed if a travel agent lets you down at the last
Research, research, research. Once you have selected a
destination, find out everything you can about which airlines are
available, hotel promotions, and travel agents. You will find you
can save hundreds of dollars by shopping around.

266 | Travel and Tourism

Benefit from the experiences of others. Talk with those who

have traveled during their tours in Korea. Their experiences
can often save you a lot of time, trouble, and money.
Look for discounts and deals. Check with the airline yourself
to view current fares and always ask about discount rates Check
with the international reservations center of the local hotels
that give military discounts (Hilton, Hyatt, Sheraton, Ramada,
and Intercontinental). You will often find that you can put your
own package together for less than what some of the tour
operators quote.
If its offered, always buy baggage insurance when traveling
in Asia. If your luggage does get lost, you can buy enough
personal items to hold you over until it finally shows up. Never
check valuables in your luggage; always hand-carry them.
Do your homework. Learn as much as possible about your
intended destination and dont pay for a lot of optional tours to
places you dont really want to see. Be aware of the fact that
most of the airports in Asia have an airport tax, some of which
have to be paid in the local currency. Always know what this is
and put money aside to pay it.
Be prepared to communicate. If youre going on your own
without the assistance of an English-speaking tour guide,
consider buying an English translator dictionary or downloading
one to your phone. Even if you cant speak the language, being
able to point at the appropriate words often helps. Also, learn a
few key words and phrases. Knowing enough to be polite will
often encourage others to help you.
Know in advance what the customs are and dress
accordingly. Many Westerners unintentionally offend people
of Asian cultures by wearing improper clothing into temples
and shrines. Remember, you are representing your family and
your country.

Travel and Tourism | 267

Be respectful. Remember that many things are different in Asia

(voltage for appliances, driving on a different side of the road,
etc.) and you need to prepare yourself and your children for these
differences. The last thing you want is for your children to be
offensive by telling people, even the waiter, that things are weird
or gross.
Travel light because you undoubtedly will find many treasures
to purchase during your journey. Many veteran travelers travel
with an empty lightweight bag folded into their luggage just so
theyll be able to get their purchases home safely.
Know the customs laws of each country you plan to travel in
as well as the Korean laws. You can check with the embassy of
your destination for current information on their laws and with the
Customs Office on Yongsan for the Korean rules.
Have a Plan B if you are flying Space A. Always be prepared to
pay for a commercial ticket back to Korea if the Space A flights
are suddenly not available. Also, be prepared to pay for lodging if
you are forced to stay in an area longer than anticipated.
Please refer to the Medical section of this publication for
information on obtaining services while traveling.

The following is a list of possible places to explore. Due to changing
world conditions, always check with the embassy and USFK to see if
travel to your country of choice is recommended, or even prohibited.
An International Driving Permit (IDP) may be required to operate a
vehicle in your chosen destination and is only valid when used in
conjunction with a valid US drivers license. IDPs may be obtained at
AAA offices in the United States or by mail via AAA (
vacation/idpf.html) or through the National Automobile Club (www.

obtain a visa online through the Australian Governments Department

of Immigration and Citizenship Electronic Travel Authority website at Qantas, Korean Air, and
Asiana have direct flights to Sydney and many other cities.
Sydney Points of Interest
There are many things to see and do in Sydney, including visiting
Sydney Opera House, Harrys Cafe On Wheels, and the Taronga Zoo;
taking a cable car ride up a hill to one of the most spectacular views
of Sydney Harbor, exploring the Blue Mountains; or just relaxing while
shopping in the restored Victorian buildings or antique arcades that
have become popular and unique shopping areas. A subway pass is
the way to go if youd rather go it alone. A Circle pass is good for
unlimited one day travel with stops at most of the famous Sydney
sights. The Australian Naval Base is accessible with a valid US military
ID, and then you can walk on base straight down to the harbor.
If you are traveling on a flexible itinerary, try visiting a travel agency
while in Sydney and check into their tours of the Gold Coast. They
offer some specials for the Great Barrier Reef area including boarding
a train for an incredible single track train ride around the mountains
to the town of Kuranda where there is a beautifully restored railway
station, souvenir stands, and for the brave at heart: bungee jumping.
A trip to the Gold Coast would not be complete without a cruise out to
the Great Barrier Reef where there is scuba diving, snorkeling, minisubmarine rides, helicopter rides, and an underwater observatory.
Some other treats to try during your Australian visit are the delicious
sponge cakes with strawberries and cream, Vegemite (a dark brown
food paste made from brewers yeast extract with various vegetable
and spice additives; Australian kids eat Vegemite like American kids
eat peanut butter), Yummy Chocolate, and sweets. If this sounds
too good to be true, experience it all for yourself. Call the Australian
Embassy at 02.2003.01111 or visit one of the travel services on post
to book a trip.

The land down under is beginning to enjoy a real surge in popularity
with travelers from Korea. There are several package tours on the
market. You can easily obtain your visa from the Australian Embassy in
the Kyobo Building downtown near the American Embassy or you can

268 | Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism | 269

Siem Reap and the Temples of Angkor Wat are fast becoming major
destinations. Korean Air has a direct flight into Siem Reap, which makes
this locale much easier to reach. Although the city is modernizing at
a fast pace, this still may not be a trip for children. Healthcare is not
easily accessible and there is a lot of walking through old stone ruins.
The temples date back to 800 AD and are mainly of Hindu origin with
Buddhist influence in the later temples. Monks are walking around,
incense is burning, people are praying, and children are selling native
crafts. The land and culture surrounding the Angkor Wat complex
is equally as fascinating with rice paddies everywhere, traditional
thatched roof housing, people napping in hammocks on the roadside,
livestock scattered around, and beautiful lotus ponds.

Americans and other foreign visitors are touring China in increasing
numbers to visit many of the wonderful ancient and historic sites the
country has to offer. Some of the more popular destinations include
Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Guilin, Xian, and Hangzhou.
Travel services on or off post offer individual or group tours to many
destinations in China for varying lengths of time and prices. These
trips are an excellent value for the money especially with the travel
services arranging all visas, tours of your choice, and great four and
five star hotel accommodations. A flight from Incheon Airport to Beijing
is about two hours. Beijing has an endless list of places of interest,
including the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City,
Tiananmen Square, Olympic Village and Water Cube, pearl and jade
markets, acrobatic shows, and of course, the pandas. Xian offers the
Terracotta Army, Big Goose Pagoda, Xian Great Mosque, and Huaqing
Hot Springs. Shanghais top attractions include Shanghai Jade Buddga
Temple, the Yuyuan Garden, and Xin Tian Di. Guilin is not to be missed
with the Li River, Reed Flute Cave, Folded Brocade Hill, and Fengyu
Cave in Lipu County.

If youre looking for a tropical getaway, check out the islands of Guam
and Saipan. Located off the coast of Japan in the Mariana Islands,
Guam is a four and a half hour flight from Incheon International Airport
and the short hop to Saipan is less than an hour from Guam. In addition

270 | Travel and Tourism

to white sandy beaches and breathtaking views, Guam, a US territory,

is home to two military bases where you can pick up discount tickets
for local activities. For a more tranquil setting consider Saipan. This
US Commonwealth is smaller and does not have the hustle and bustle
of Guam. Both Guam and Saipan have a variety of luxury hotels and
recreational activities.

Hong Kong
Hong Kong is an amazing city with skyscrapers jutting out of the
surrounding mountains and the bustling harbor down below. Its truly
a shoppers paradise since imported goods enter Hong Kong duty
free. Shop carefully and compare prices and quality. Always deal with
reputable dealers. Look for the Hong Kong Tourism Board symbol, as
it normally indicates an established merchant with a good reputation.
Upon arrival at the Hong Kong airport, pick up one of the free tourist
travel kits available in the baggage claim area or download the free app
offered by the Hong Kong Tourism Board. The kit contains an excellent
map and a good guidebook. The Hong Kong subway can get you just
about anywhere you want to go. Buy a tourist pass; its cheaper and
you wont have to wait in the long lines to pay for a ticket each time.
The Fleet Arcade shopping area is at Fenwick Pier, 1 Lung King St.
Wan Chai. It is located on the Hong Kong island side of the city and
can be easily reached from the Admiralty Subway Stop. The United
States Navy Fleet Post Office (FPO) is located on the second floor of
the Fleet Arcade. The FPO is a full-service United States Post Office.
A commercial packaging facility is located next to the FPO and makes
mailing home your purchases very convenient! The hours of operation
are Monday-Friday 10:00 am-4:00 pm and 10:00 am-6:00 pm when
US ships are in port. The FPO is closed on holidays and weekends.
To use FPO services, identification is required. Payment is accepted in
US dollars or by personal check (no credit cards).
Other points of interest include Bird Street where literally thousands
of birds are available for purchase, the Star Ferry for a leisurely ride
across the harbor, the tram up Victoria Peak where you get a spectacular
view of Hong Kong, Ocean Park which is the largest oceanarium in the
world, and a trip to Aberdeen fishing village. If time isnt an issue, stroll
through the Stanley Market while visiting the Hong Kong side of the
island or take a trip through the jade market in Kowloon.

Travel and Tourism | 271

If you are looking for a vacation to remind you of the US, Disneyland
Hong Kong is a great option. With the least expensive prices of the
Disney resorts in Asia, it is an affordable spot to treat your kids or treat
yourself like a kid.

Indias rich diversity is comprised of many languages, religions,
traditions and beliefs. These differences are also reflected in the
countrys grand architecture: the Taj Mahal and the Mahabodhi
Temple, the Mysore Palace, the ancient Ajanta Caves, and every
historical monument and shrine in between. There is also the beauty
of the bamboo forests of Kanha National Park, a glimpse of a tiger
while on safari, renowned tea gardens boasting Darjeeling, Assam,
and other teas, and the silhouettes of men atop camels crossing a
desert landscape in the moonlight. Indulge your senses with the
vibrant colors in the garments worn by locals and the cooking spices
mounded in bins at the crowded bazaars. This fascinating country is
awe-inspiring, though first-time visitors may be surprised in other ways
as poverty remains a harsh reality for many of Indias residents and
witnessing this can be jarring. For more information about India, visit

Traveling to Japan from Korea is relatively inexpensive and easy
if you plan your trip carefully. There are several ways of going to
Japan: commercial airlines, AMC flights from Osan, and by ferry from
Busan. Try to use the US military facilities in Japan (particularly the
New Sanno in Tokyo) as much as possible because Japan is the
most expensive country in the world. The New Sanno Hotel has an
extremely high occupancy rate, so make your reservations at least
six months in advance by calling 050.3322.9712, internationally at ext. 7121, or visit There
is one other low cost military lodging option near the New Sanno:
Hardy Barracks in Roppongi. The Hardy Barracks is a no-frills option
but still close enough to take advantage of all The New Sanno has
to offer. Contact Hardy Barracks at 050.3329.3270, internationally at or
If you are using commercial transportation while in Japan, consider
buying a Japan Rail Pass while you are still in Seoul as they arent

272 | Travel and Tourism

available inside Japan. These passes allow unlimited travel on trains

throughout the country and are a real bargain. You can purchase them
from Global Travel near City Hall or other agencies in Seoul. There is
so much to see and do in Japan that you will want maximum flexibility
in getting around. It is also advisable to buy a tourist subway pass (you
can get them at the New Sanno or at the airport) for easy movement
in Tokyo.
Shopping in Japan can be a very expensive experience if you shop
on the Japanese economy. Many Americans have found they get better
value by shopping in the arcade at the New Sanno or at the bases
located throughout Japan. The Japanese Embassy can be reached at
One of the largest cities in the world, Tokyo is the center for political,
economic, and cultural activities in Japan. English is very common in
the tourist areas, making it very easy to communicate. Attractions in
Tokyo include:
Asakusa is a must see for anyone travelling to Tokyo. It provides
a glimpse into old Tokyo. Once you walk through the beautiful
red Torii gate, Asakusa market stalls provide reasonably priced
souvenirs and the Asakusa Jinja shrine has a nice pagoda.
Kappabashi Street (Kappabashi Dgugai) is the restaurant
supply district, if you are in the market for kitchen items.
Everything imaginable is available here, both Japanese and
imported. This street is located between Asakusa and Ueno.
The Marunouchi section, the hub of Tokyos commercial
activities, is near Tokyo Station where you can take the bullet
train to Kyoto and is where you will find the Imperial Palace.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building Observatory in
Shinjuku could be Tokyos best-kept secret. It offers free views of
the city from 202 meters above the ground.
Ginza and Nihonbashi are two of the busiest and most
fashionable areas boasting many of the top ranking stores,
restaurants, and theaters. On the weekend, the main street of
Ginza is pedestrian only.

Travel and Tourism | 273

The Meiji Shrine with the Memorial Picture Gallery and the
Empresss teahouse were built in honor of Emperor Meiji and
his wife, Empress Shoken. It is on the site of an old iris garden
that the two were known to visit. Currently sitting on about 175
acres, the Shrine grounds include a treasure museum, Memorial
Hall, and the National Stadium. Traditional Japanese weddings
happen on Sundays at the Shrine. Go early in the morning, and
you may see brides in their beautiful Japanese wedding
The Tokyo Skytree Tower, which opened in 2012, is a
broadcasting, restaurant, and observation tower in Sumida
and offers a fantastic view. It is currently the worlds tallest tower
according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Ueno Park, in Taito, is filled with beautiful scenery, museums,
and a zoo.
Tokyo National Museum, established in 1872, is Japans oldest
national museum, boasting an extensive art collection and some
of the oldest archaeological relics in the world.
Disneyland and Disney Sea, on the shores of Tokyo Bay,
are seven miles from the center of Tokyo. The $660 million
entertainment complex of Disneyland dominates the landscape
and is the largest of the Disney complexes, covering 110 acres.
Disney Sea, based on the seven seas, is unique to Japan and
has a nautical exploration theme.
Out-of-Tokyo Options
If you have the time, there are many fascinating places to visit and
explore around Japan. Here are a few recommendations:
Kamakura: Rich in the history of being Japans first political
center, this ancient capital city is also noted for its Daibutsu, or
Great Buddha, which stands 42.2 feet tall. Kamakura is easily
accessed by train on the Yokosuka Line of East JR (Japan
Railway Co.) from Tokyo Central Station.

274 | Travel and Tourism

Hakone: Hakone is famous for its hot springs, view of Mt. Fuji,
numerous museums, events, festivals, and many historic spots.
Popular sightseeing destinations include Lake Ashi (Lake
Hakone) which is noted for its splendid reflections of Mt.Fuji,
Hakone Shrine that is said to have been founded in 757 AD,
Owakudani and Kowakidani Valleys where sulfurous fumes
rise from crevices on the mountain side, and Mt. Koma which
commands a lovely view of surrounding scenery.
Kyoto: This ancient city, which was deliberately spared damage
during World War II because of its cultural significance, is like a
huge museum. Allow several days for Kyoto if you enjoy history!
There are many attractions, including:
Nijo Castle, built in 1603 AD by Leyasu, the first Shogun,
as his Kyoto residence. Surrounded by double moats, the
castle boasts numerous beautiful structures and gardens.
Ninomaru Palace represents typical early 17th century
Japanese architecture. An interesting feature of the palace is
a wooden corridor called the nightingale floor, designed to
warn off possible intruders because it squeaks whenever
anyone walks on it.
Kiyomizu Temple, a 355-year-old wooden temple, is set in
a traditional landscape and is constructed halfway up the side
of a beautiful hill.
Ginkatu-ji, the silver pavilion temple, was built by Ashikaga
Yoshimasa in 1482 AD as a retirement home. It has beautiful
gardens and smaller surrounding temples.
Kinkakuji, known as the Temple of the Golden Pavilion, is
one of the most famous sites in Kyoto and probably one of
the most photogenic spots in all of Japan.

Travel and Tourism | 275

Nara: The national capital of Japan during the 8th century, Nara
is noted as the birthplace of Japanese art and literature. It is easily
accessible by train from Kyoto and it is possible to stay in one
hotel (possibly in Osaka, which is in the middle) and see both
areas if you have a rail pass. Like Kyoto, Nara was spared as
much destruction as possible in World War II because of its
cultural heritage. Some of the most important attractions are:
Akishino-dera, a temple founded in 780 AD by Emperor
Konin Kammu, is considered a national treasure and houses
many important pieces of Buddhist art from the Kamakura
and Heian periods.
Hokki-ji, among the many attractions found here, there is a
three-story pagoda dating from 685 AD and is a fine example
of 7th century Japanese architecture.
Horyu-ji, the oldest and largest existing temple in Japan,
was founded in 607 AD This temple is home to the worlds
oldest surviving wooden structures, allowing visitors to catch
a glimpse of Japan as it existed long ago.

One of the four Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa is an easy destination for
anyone wanting to use Space A from Osan to Kadena. Call the Osan
AMC terminal for information. You will find the AMC terminal personnel
much more helpful if you call at a time when they are not processing
a flight. Ask when you call if this is the case and if so, when could you
call back. Also, the Osan Passenger Terminal Facebook page offers
an abundance of information including flight schedules and updates.
The climate of Okinawa is subtropical and an interesting change from
Seoul. Shopping for local crafts and fine china is excellent. Be aware
that Japanese taxis are expensive. Use base transportation whenever
possible to get as close to your destination as possible.
The most logical and inexpensive place to stay is Kadena Airbase,
which has 24-hour billeting. Call DSN 632.1100/Internationally to reach the reservation desk. Another
option is Camp Foster Westpac Lodge can be reached at DSN
645.2455/Internationally 011.81.6117.45.2455. For some family
fun time try the Torii Beach Cabins at DSN 644.4659/Internationally
011.81.611.744.4659. A secret of Okinawa is Okuma Resort located

276 | Travel and Tourism

50 miles North of Kadena Airbase. The DSN number for Okuma is

632.3102/Internationally between 8:00 am-5:00
pm. There is also occasionally Navy BOQ space available; you can
check with the Navy Billeting office in Building 4198 before 4:00 pm.

This tiny country on the tip of China is often a destination for tourists
while they are in Hong Kong. Macau is easily accessible from Hong
Kong by ferry or hydrofoil. The Portuguese heritage of Macau gives
it its own special flavor. Go to Macau, if for nothing else, to eat the
uniquely flavored food and drink the good, inexpensive wines.
Gambling is also a big attraction here and huge casinos line the
shore. Some of these casinos boast fabulous restaurants. Excellent,
inexpensive places to eat are also easily found.

Malaysian Airlines, working in conjunction with the countrys massive
Visit Malaysia campaign, have made this country an inexpensive and
marvelous place to visit. The Malaysians are a friendly people, eager
to visit with foreigners. English is the dominant language here, making
it generally easy to communicate with everyone from the cab drivers
to the shopkeepers.
Kuala Lumpur, the capital, contains many interesting attractions,
including the Muzium Negara, the national museum that provides
insight into the culture and history of Malaysia. There are also beautiful,
clean beaches throughout the country and special package tours for
golfers interested in playing on the lush Malaysian courses. Eating
and shopping are inexpensive, with the best buy possibly being the
beautiful Selangor pewter, produced just outside Kuala Lumpur.
Johor Bahru, located across the Johor Strait from Singapore, is
also another rapidly growing tourist location. Legoland Malaysia,
Danga Bay which is a tourist area with amazing seafood, a petting
zoo, and carnival style rides, Hello Kitty Land, and the Arulmigu Sri
Rajakaliamman Glass Temple (which is the nations first glass temple),
are just a few of the things that this city has to offer in addition to
being a bargain lovers dreams. From shoes and purses to electronics
and toys, the shocking difference between prices in Singapore and

Travel and Tourism | 277

Malaysia will put this on your souvenir shopping agenda no matter

where you are staying. You should consider this as an option if you
want to see Singapore, as hotels in Johor Bahru are less than half
of the cost of hotels in Singapore. Taxis and public transport travel
between Johor Bahru and Singapore daily but due to the more than
100,000 Malaysians that use the only bridge into Singapore, you can
save a lot of time by using the public transport system. If you are
traveling with small children, you are able to go to the front of the
bus lines, but even without this advantage, the trip takes less than 45
minutes and will save an hour or more heavy traffic times.

These ancient countries in North-Central Asia are visited by few of
the personnel stationed in Korea. Those who have gone have come
back with varying reports. Some cite the primitive living and traveling
conditions while others talk about the fascinating cultures. Neither
country has an embassy in Seoul, so you will have to do your own
research online, at the Yongsan library, or find a good travel agent.
Make sure any plans or itineraries are confirmed in writing before

New Zealand
This wonderfully scenic country is very affordable now that you live
in Korea. Make sure your tour incorporates both the North and South
Islands. The North Island offers world-class dining in Auckland, hot
water beaches along the Pacific Coast Highway, and mud pools and
geysers in Rotorua, just to name a few. The South Islands charm is
endless and includes six of New Zealands eight Great Walks, Stewart
Island is one of the best spots to see the rare Kiwi bird, and overnight
cruises to take in the scenery or spot fur seals and bottlenose dolphins.
Call your travel agent to arrange for the things you are most interested
in including in your tour package.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: The New Zealand Embassy Tourism Section
Phone: 02.3210.1107.8 Website:

278 | Travel and Tourism

This small island country is a
truly international city, and almost
every nationality is noticeably
represented. As it was once
a British colony, English is
predominantly used (although somewhat broken), with the other three
official languages being Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. It is also one of
the cleanest and safest cities in the world. For a small island, Singapore
has so much to offer. Dont forget to check the events, festivals and
parties happening in the city during the time you plan to go. Malay,
Chinese, Indian, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim traditions are
celebrated, which means there is always something happening.
The island is small and public transportation is affordable as cars are
strictly regulated. Taxi costs are similar to Seoul, so dont be afraid to
jump in a cab because you really dont have far to go. For a family of
four, a taxi is generally cheaper than the subway. However, cab prices
vary between taxi companies, so beware of deluxe taxis that will cost
The most popular places to stay are Clarke Quay, Marina Bay and
Chinatown. Chinatown was gentrified in recent years, and has been
brought back to its early 1900s colonial style. AirBnB rentals are easy
to find if you book ahead. Unless you want to watch the Formula One,
avoid going during the race week in September. Besides the road
closures and large crowds downtown, hotel prices tend to be very high.
Activities for Families
The Singapore Zoo ( possibly one of the
finest zoos in the world, was developed on an open concept. The zoo
has built a series of natural barriers so you see the animals much as
you would if they were in the wild. They also offer other attractions such
as Breakfast with the Orangutans which includes photo opportunities
while you hold a bald python, special shows including Splash Safari
and Elephants at Work & Play. and if you are really looking to get
up close and personal, you cant miss out on the elephant ride or
the opportunity hand feed elephants, giraffes, white rhinoceroses,
kangaroos, and more. Adjacent to the zoo is the Night Safari and River
Safari. Ride a tram or walk through a park to view nocturnal animals

Travel and Tourism | 279

and enjoy exclusive experiences available at the Night Safari including

dining opportunities or check out Asias first and only river-themed
wildlife park and enjoy the Amazon River Quest boat ride. A multi-pass
ticket will also include Jurong Bird Park, which has some of the largest
free-flying aviaries in the world. The Waterfall Aviary alone houses
over 600 birds and this park, Asias largest, has more than 5,000 birds
across 400 species.
Sentosa Island (peace and tranquility) is worth spending the day
visiting its many attractions. From a natural history museum and an
aquarium to Universal Studios and Skyline Luge Sentosa, this island
has much to offer. Resorts here offer packages that include tickets to
some of the most popular of these attractions. Resorts on Sentosa are
generally very expensive, but the island is very easily accessible by
taxi, bus or subway from anywhere in the city.
Activities for Couples/Single Adults
Check out the nightlife in Clarke Quay, a neighborhood of clubs,
bars and restaurants on the river that dont close until sunrise.
If you have ever wanted to experience a true superclub, Zouk is
THE place to go. It is known as one of the best night clubs in
the world and has been at its location for over 20 years. If
you can, attend ZoukOut, the largest beach party held every year
featuring world famous DJs.
Have a drink at Ku D Ta on the rooftop of the Marina Bay Sands
Hotel, and watch the sunset over the entire city. Free admission
on weekdays. You can have a close-up view of the hotels
rooftop pool from the bar, but only guests are allowed in the pool
Have champagne service in the Singapore Flyer, the large Ferris
wheel, while watching city lights and ships out at sea.
Fun for All
Shopping is a popular pastime in Singapore. Orchard Road is
the main shopping street, but Chinatown, Kampong Glam and
Marina Bay have lots to offer.

280 | Travel and Tourism

Singapore river cruises can be one of the most breathtaking

ways to take in the architecture and beauty of the city. Among
the sites that can be seen on the various cruises are Empress
Place, which has been an architectural treasure since 1865,
and the Merlion, one of the most recognized landmarks, known
as the symbol of Singapore.
Singapore Botanic Gardens, Singapores first UNESCO World
Heritage Site nomination, is a beautiful place. Filled with
thousands of rare tropical plants and a separate orchid garden, it
is the only botanic garden in the world that is open 5 am-
midnight every day of the year and does not charge any entrance
fees for the main garden. A small fee is charged for the National
Orchid Garden which houses 400 species and more than 2,000
hybrids. The orchid is Singapores national flower.
Gardens by the Bay is a large park behind the Marina Bay
Sands. The main attraction is the grove of Supertrees, which
are steel pipes shaped like trees (think Dr. Seuss meets Avatar).
The park was created on reclaimed land, and is a biomass
recycling center for all the greenery in the city; the Supertrees
are the ventilation pipes for the biomass generator. Admission is
free for the garden, but some of the attractions in the park such
as Cloud Forest require an entrance fee. The park is also open
in the evening when the Supertrees are lit up, making for some
exciting night photography.
Marina Bay Sands puts on a light show most evenings. The show
is best viewed from across the bay from the hotel at One
Visit the neighborhoods of Little India and Arab Town.
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines also offer very affordable cruise
options, embarking from Singapore for many travel destinations
throughout Asia.
Eating in Singapore
Singapore is known as a food mecca but it can be very expensive if
you dont know where to go. Most Singaporeans do not cook at home,
so it can be affordable. All restaurants are very strictly regulated for
safety and hygiene, including street vendors or hawker stalls.

Travel and Tourism | 281

Authentic international food can be found anywhere and everywhere,

and there are many, many food review websites for Singapore to help
narrow down the choices. Some very affordable local options include:
Hawker stalls are outdoor food courts that sell mostly local food,
including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Nonya (authentic
Singaporean) foods. Meals are $3-8 per person, and it is
considered some of the best food in the city. While there are
hawker stalls in all neighborhoods, the best authentic hawker
experience downtown is in Chinatown at the Maxwell Food Centre.
Newton Circus has become a tourist trap complete with hagglers,
so visit with caution.
Food courts are common in all shopping malls. The food is similar
to that found in hawker stalls and is of decent quality and price.
For those who love Indian food, visit Little India, a neighborhood
where thousands of migrant Indian workers live. This is the most
authentic Indian food you can find outside of India.

Taipei, Taiwan
One of the closest destinations from Korea, Taipei is Taiwans largest
city and also its capital. Costs have increased dramatically in recent
years, but you can still get a fairly good tour package from Seoul. With
recent political issues, you need to check with the US Embassy before
booking a trip.
If you are able to go, some of the things to see include the National
Palace Museum, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei 101 which
was ranked as the worlds tallest building until 2010; Wulai, which is
a mountain village famous for the aboriginal village, waterfall, and hot
springs; and Taroka Gorge.
Although new department stores are popping up all the time, Taipeis
best shopping areas are still the small stores, bazaars, arcades, and
curio markets. Popular items from Taiwan are painting reproductions,
pottery with its traditional-styled design, other ceramic wares, furniture,
jewelry made of coral and other semi-precious stones, marble products
from the quarries in Hualien, and products made of Taiwan jade.
Remember that the quality of this jade does not equal that of genuine

282 | Travel and Tourism

antique jade. Also, consider dusty temple carvings, hand puppets,

old coins, expensive porcelains, cloisonn, and rosewood furniture.
During your shopping adventures be sure to visit a Taiwan Tea House.

Thailand has long been a favorite vacation destination of Americans.
With its 800-year-old history, vast cultural attractions, exotic beaches,
islands, and national parks, Thailand offers something for everyone.
Not only are the Thai people very friendly and hospitable, but the
country also offers an abundance of amenities from excellent food to
inexpensive quality accommodations, making it an ideal vacation spot
for military families.
Reasonably priced family package tours are offered by the many
travel services available on and off post. Many great deals can be
found on the internet, as well as with the travel companies in and
around Seoul; check out various options and do some research if you
plan to go it alone.
The best buys in Thailand historically have been silk, rubies, and
star sapphires. For more information visit
Another great website is which contains
Nancy Chandlers map of Bangkok, which is most helpful.
Major tourism destinations in Thailand include:
There is nothing quite like Bangkok! New buildings reach for the
sky around the corner from ancient temples, many of which are home
to enormous images of Buddha inlaid with gold and mother of pearl.
Points of interest include:
Floating Markets that demonstrate the art of buying and selling,
as well as cooking and eating in small paddleboats on the canal.
Mae Sa Elephant Camp, located near the Floating Markets in
Bangkok, is a definite must for all ages. This unique opportunity
to watch the elephants paint, take an elephant ride, and help with
the elephants bath is something that shouldnt be missed.
The Grand Palace and Wat Po (the temple of the reclining
Buddha with inlaid mother of pearl soles) are near one another.
Along with beautiful architecture, they house some of the most
revered and richly decorated images of Buddha.

Travel and Tourism | 283

The National Museum, on the grounds of the former Wang Na

Palace, has the largest collection of Thai art, artifacts, and
buildings tracing Thai history from 5600 BC to present day.
Nakhon Kasem, affectionately called Thieves Market, is a
unique place to buy almost any type of exotic plant.
Chatuchak Weekend Market, the worlds largest weekend
market, is a 30-acre outdoor market offering anything imaginable.
Pattaya beach resort is about 150 km outside of Bangkok and
is one of the most popular in the country, offering all the
amenities you might desire, from first rate affordable lodging and
restaurants to an assortment of water sports.

Chiang Mai
Chain Mai is a very popular destination for families with children. While
Bangkok is a busy metropolis with about 80 million people, Chiang Mai
is just the opposite. Its reasonable cost and abundance of activities
geared to the family makes for a very relaxed and enjoyable vacation.
The Chiang Mai cultural center has evening dinner shows geared to
family entertainment. A khantoke and dance show is performed most
nights with audience participation expected. If you dont have kids
check out the massage retreats in Chiang Mai where you can spend
your vacation relaxing and learning the art of Thai massage and getting
massaged by your fellow students.
Being Thailands largest island, Phuket is famous for its beaches.
There are many beaches to choose from on the island, but some are
better than others, so do some research beforehand. Patong, Karon,
and Kata are popular beaches. If you prefer peace and quiet, however,
stay away from these beaches as they can be crowded and noisy.
There are many water sport activities. Check out two of the beautiful
waterfalls this island offers, Ton Sai and Bang Pai. The islands off
Phuket (Andaman, Similan, and Phi Phi) offer some of the best scuba
diving in Southeast Asia. Phuket tends to be more expensive than
other areas in Thailand because it has long been a popular tourist

284 | Travel and Tourism

If its the Khmer culture you are after, then head about 260 km north
of Bangkok to Korat where you will find several stunning examples of
12th century architecture. Plan to visit nearby Phimai, a Khmer complex
constructed on a manmade river islet. Its sanctuary tower is home to
stunning Khmer artistry.
Koh Samui
This island has become a popular alternative to Phuket, and lies off
the opposite coast of Thailand. Chaweng beach is the most popular
area (and can be very crowded), but there are many other beautiful
beaches around the island. Koh Samui is close to Ang Thong National
Marine Park, and other popular diving sites.

Travel services offer trips to cities throughout Vietnam. There are
many places to see from Hanoi in the north to Saigon in the south.
A flight from Incheon Airport to the northernmost city of Hanoi is only
about four hours and there are many places to visit such as excavations
at Hanoi Citadel, floating villages, military history museums, art
museums, temples, pagodas, markets, and a myriad of other tourist
venues which are scattered in and around this historical city. Some
places of interest in the area of Hanoi are:
Hoa Lo Prison, the infamous Hanoi Hilton where John McCain
and other US prisoners were held captive, was demolished in the
1990s but the gatehouse remains a museum that was used by
both the French colonists and the North Vietnamese.
Old Quarter, with over a thousand years of history, this area of
the city remains one of Vietnams most lively and unusual places.
Visitors can explore the maze of back streets where just about
anything can be purchased. Street vendors sell some great food
to tantalize the taste buds, as well as an endless supply of
wares, such as wool clothes, cosmetics, gold and silver jewelry,
silk cloths, and herbal medicines.

Travel and Tourism | 285

Thang Long Water Puppet Theater, believed to date back

almost a thousand years, featuring mua roi nuoc, or water
puppetry, is one of the most authentic expressions of Vietnamese
culture. Performances were once held in villages using rivers,
lakes, or rice fields. Today they are staged in huge water-filled
tanks in theaters. Hiding behind the stage, the puppeteers stand
waist deep in water and maneuver their wooden puppets to the
music of a traditional Vietnamese orchestra.
Ha Long Bay, about a three-hour drive from Hanoi, is worth
the trip. Some tours offer a cruise aboard one of the many tourist
junk boats (ships modeled after an ancient Chinese sailing
vessel design) that sail the Halong Bay. It is a UNESCO World
Heritage site with many magnificent pinnacles, caves, and
grottos that have been carved by selective erosion out of the
limestone and dolomite outcrops that surround the bay.
Visit some of the many caves and grottos or simply enjoy
swimming in the emerald warm waters of this breathtaking area.
Along with the tourist junks, some lovely, traditionally made junks
still sail the bay. Made from rough cotton and hand-sewn, the
fan-shaped sails of the traditional junks are dipped in vegetable
dye for protection and give them a unique dark ochre color. Here
you can also see the many Dragon Boats that roam the waters.

Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)

This vibrant southern metropolis seems to be in sharp contrast to
the northern area of Hanoi. Saigon teems with energy, activity, and
motion and everywhere you look seems to be the meeting of traditional
and modern life: the modern skyline stands with traditional temples
and colonial buildings; motorcycles speed past serene temples and
courtyards. Visit the Reunification Palace, formerly the Independence
Palace of the South Vietnamese president that was famously stormed
by tanks in 1975 and signified the fall of South Vietnam. Visit the
bustling markets and tour the temples and museums of Saigon. For
tour destinations and prices, visit one of the travel service offices or

286 | Travel and Tourism


USO Tours
Location(s): Camp Kim, Building 1224 and Main Post, Building 4034
Phone: 050.3324.7003/3301 (Camp Kim), 050.3323.5364 (Main Post)
DSN: 724.7033/3301 (Camp Kim), 723.5364 (Main Post)
Hours: Monday-Saturday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm (Camp Kim), Monday-Friday,
8:00 am-7:00 pm and Saturday, 9:00 am -7:00 pm (Main Post)
US Airline Alliance (Travel Packages)
The US Airline Alliance is the contracted on-post travel agency for official
and leisure travel, offering a full range of travel products.
Location: Dragon Hill Lodge, Building 4050 Phone: 050.3338.2222
DSN:738.2222, ext. 6800 Hours: Monday-Friday, 10:00 am-6:00 pm,
Saturday, 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Main Post, Moyer, CAC
Location: Building 2259, 2nd Floor Phone: 050.3323.8790 DSN: 723.8790
Official Travel and Emergency Leave: 050.3325.6173
Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10:00 am-6:00 pm, Sunday and Holidays,
10:00 am-2:00 pm
American Airlines: 050.3323.8790
Asiana Airlines: 050.3323.8790
Delta Airlines: 050.3323.8549
Korean Air: 050.3323.8549
United Airlines: 050.3323.8790

Travel and Tourism | 287

Chapter 16



Seoul is a foodie paradise - you have access to an amazing variety of food

options. There are terrific options at every price range, from street vendors
and food courts all the way up to high end fine dining from internationally
renowned chefs. There are restaurants featuring not only Korean cuisine,
but pretty much any other cuisine you can think of. So, go off post and
explore; your stomach will thank you!
288 | Travel and Tourism

~Laura Turner

The variety of food choices available to you is virtually unlimited.

There is a world of cuisines a mouse-click, walk, taxi, or subway ride
away. This list is meant to whet your appetite, but by no means should
you stop here. Go out! Explore the many interesting restaurants, street
vendors, and markets across the city. Youll find seasonal offerings as
well as perennial favorites.

Restaurants, On Post
There are food courts located on South Post by the Furniture Store,
Main Post at the PX (Townhouse), and Camp Coiner. Each food court
has a variety of restaurants, as listed below. Some of these restaurants
offer on post delivery service; order online at the website, below.

American Eatery
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Camp Coiner and Townhouse (near PX) Phone:
050.3324.5185 (Camp Coiner), 050.3325.4125 (Townhouse) DSN: 724.5185 (Camp
Coiner), 725.4125 (Townhouse) Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 am-8:00 pm, SaturdaySunday, noon-7:00 pm (Camp Coiner), Open Daily, 6:00 am-3:00 pm (Townhouse)

Anthonys Pizza
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Camp Coiner, Townhouse (near PX), and South
Post Phone: 050.3324.5185 (Camp Coiner), 050.3325.4125 (Townhouse), 050.3338.5574
(South Post) DSN: 724.5185 (Camp Coiner), 725.4125 (Townhouse), 738.5574 (South
Post) Hours: Monday-Friday, 11:00 am-8:00 pm (Camp Coiner) , Open Daily, 10:30 am9:00 pm (Townhouse), Open Daily, 7:00 am-8:00 pm (South Post)

Baskin Robbins
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Townhouse (near PX) and South Post Phone:
050.3338.6229 (South Post) DSN: 738.6229 (South Post) Hours: Open Daily, 12:00-6:00
pm (Townhouse), Open Daily, 7:00 am-7:00 pm (South Post)

Burger King
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Townhouse and South Post Phone: 050.3325.5314
(Townhouse), 050.3338.8728 (South Post) DSN: 725.5314 (Townhouse), 738.8728
(South Post) Hours: Open Daily, 11:00 am-7:00 pm (Townhouse), Open Daily, 6:00 am10:00 pm (South Post)

Dining | 291

Image by: Heather Bisson

Charleys Steakery
DSN: 738.5574 Hours: Open Daily, 7:00 am-8:00 pm



Manchu Wok
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Townhouse (near PX) Phone: 050.3323.7458
DSN: 723.7458 Hours: Open Daily, 10:30 am-8:00 pm

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Townhouse (near PX) and South Post Phone:
050.3325.6315 (Townhouse), 050.3338.8244 (South Post) DSN: 725.6315 (Townhouse),
738.8244 (South Post) Hours: Open Daily, 11:00 am-8:00 pm (Townhouse), Open Daily,
6:00 am-8:00 pm (South Post)

Starbucks Coffee
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Townhouse (near PX) Phone: 02.7983.1980
Hours: Open Daily, 6:00 am-8:00 pm

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Townhouse (near PX) Phone: 050.3325.4125
DSN: 725.4125 Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 am-8:00 pm, Saturday-Sunday, 8:00 am8:00 pm

Taco Bell
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Townhouse (near PX) Phone: 050.3325.7368
DSN: 725.7368; Hours: Open Daily, 10:30 am-8:00 pm


In addition to lodging, the DHL has restaurants that offer fast food to
formal dining. All are located within the DHL except for Hartell House.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.2222 DSN: 738.2222 Website: http://

Bentleys Pub
A relaxed bar offering a variety of pub fare.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Across from the Shoppette on the Lobby Floor;
Phone: 050.3338.2222 x6713 DSN: 738.2222 x6713 Hours: Daily, 5:00-9:30 pm

Dragon Hill Deli and Bakery

Offers an array of baked goods, hot meals, and sandwiches for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Lower Level Phone: 050.3338.2222 x6716 DSN:
738.2222 x6716 Hours: Daily, 6:00 am-9:00 pm

292 | Dining

Casual dining for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a buffet and menu
choices all day.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Lobby Phone: 050.3338.2222 x6706 DSN:
738.2222 x6706 Hours: Daily, Breakfast, 6:00-11:00 am, Daily, Lunch, 11:00 am-2:00 pm,
Daily, Dinner, 5:00-9:00 pm

Tex-Mex grill and bar with a Korean twist. Casual dining for lunch
and dinner with daily buffet and specials.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Lower Level Phone: 050.3338.2222 x6715 DSN:
738.2222 x6715 Hours: Monday-Wednesday, 11:00 am-9:00 pm; Thursday, 11:00 am2:00 pm; Friday-Saturday, 11:00 am-9:30 pm; Sunday, noon-9:00 pm

Pizza Hut
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Lower Level Phone: 050.3338.7494
DSN: 738.7494 Hours: Sunday-Thursday, 7:30 am-9:00 pm; Friday-Saturday, 7:30 am10:00 pm

An upscale restaurant for a more formal evening dining experience
with a dessert buffet. Reservations recommended.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Lobby Phone: 050.3338.2222 x6710
DSN: 738.2222 x6710 Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 5:00-9:00 pm

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Lower Level Phone: 050.3338.7494
DSN: 738.7494 Hours: Sunday-Thursday, 7:30 am-9:00 pm; Friday-Saturday, 7:30 am10:00 pm

Offers Mr. Ds ice cream, cappuccino, pastries, candy, and more.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: On Lobby Floor in the Marketplace Hours:
Monday-Friday, 11:00 am-8:00 pm; Saturday-Sunday, 11:00 am-9:00 pm

Hartell House
Formal dining atmosphere for both lunch and dinner. Everyone is
welcome; memberships available. Member discounts apply for dining
and other special events.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Location: Across the street from the Dragon Hill Lodge
Phone: 02.6903.6790/6791 DSN: 738.2222x6790/6791 Hours: Tuesday-Friday,
11:30 am-1:30 pm; Tuesday-Saturday, 5:30-9:00pm; Sunday, 9:30 am-2:00 pm

Dining | 293



Gusto Taco

This facility includes a bar, restaurant, special events center, and

gaming. They cater events and have outdoor BBQs.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.797.8105 Facebook:

com/gusto.taco Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 am-9:00 pm; Saturday-Sunday, 10:00 am9:00 pm

A Japanese fusion and sushi restaurant that also offers udon, chicken
skewers, fried dumplings, and more. Sushi roll cakes and party trays
are available. Delivery offered from 4:00-9:00 pm.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.797.3854 Website: Hours:
Monday-Saturday, 11:00 am-8:40 pm

Jamba Juice
Offers smoothies, coffee, energy bars, snacks and sandwiches.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.790.8944 Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 am9:00 pm; Saturday-Sunday, 8:00 am-9:00 pm

Korea Palace
Offers a Korean style buffet at lunch as well as a full menu. They are
also open for dinner.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.749.9439 Facebook:
com/koreapalace75 Hours: Monday-Saturday, 11:00 am-8:30 pm; buffet Monday-Friday,
11:00 am-2:00 pm

Starbucks Coffee
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.758.8046 Hours: Monday-Saturday, 6:00 am8:00 pm; Sunday, 7:00 am-8:00 pm


These Snack Bars are like a Korean cafeteria. KATUSA soldiers
can eat here at a reduced rate, hence the name, but all are welcome.
Payment is made in won or by credit card.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Camp Coiner Building 1099 (next to Platoon
Cycles), Main Post Building 2667 and South Post Building 5211 (next to Collier Field
House) Phone: 011.622.2788 (Main Post) DSN: 724.5134 (Camp Coiner), 723.6778
(Main Post) Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-7:00pm, Saturday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm (Camp
Coiner), Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-7:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm (Main Post), Open
Daily, 7:00 am-7:00 pm (South Post)

294 | Dining

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post behind the Moyer Community Activities
Center next to Yongsan Lanes Phone: 050.3323.5678 DSN: 723-5678/8785 Hours:
Monday-Friday: 11:00 am-1:30 pm (Lunch), Thursday: 5:00-8:00 pm; Friday-Saturday:
5:00-9:00 pm (Dinner), Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 4:00-10:00 pm; Thursday:
4:00-11:00 pm (Bar)


Smoothie King
Smoothie King offers fresh blended smoothies, sport beverages,
energy bars, healthy snacks, and more.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Location: Main Post behind the Moyer Community Activities
Center and next to Yongsan Lanes Phone: 02.794.3330 Hours: Open Daily, 6:00 am9:00 pm

In addition to a restaurant, the Navy Club offers karaoke rental, free
Wi-Fi, billiards, darts, a cigar lounge, and a game room.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post (up the hill to the left of Memorial Chapel)
Phone: 050.3325.7731 DSN: 725.7731 Hours: Monday-Thursday, 11:00 am-10:00 pm;
Friday, 11:00 am-midnight; Saturday, 9:00 am-midnight; Sunday, 9:00 am-10:00 pm

Delivery Services
Deliver services are extremely popular in Seoul. If youre craving
something from your favorite restaurant but you dont feel like venturing
out, try one of the delivery services below, or check the internet for
other options, as additional delivery services pop up from time to time.
Bird Riders
A bilingual food delivery service. Choose your location to see the
restaurants offered as well as the fees associated with delivery.

Dining | 295

Ynot Takeout
Check your delivery area for the fee associated. On post orders are
delivered to the closest gate. Order via phone or Kakao.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 070.8891.9681 Website:
com Hours: Monday, Wednesday-Friday, 11:30 am-2:30 pm, 4:30-11:00 pm; Saturday,
1:30-9:00 pm; Sunday, 4:30-11:00 pm

Restaurants, Off Post

Far from an exhaustive list, the following lists provide a sampling of
the cuisines available to you in Seoul.


Reasonably priced Middle Eastern restaurant offers dishes of
hummus, tabouli, kebabs, and an assortment of lamb dishes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: In Itaewon, go over the pedestrian overpass by
Noksapyeong Station then turn right. The restaurant is on the left on the hill above the
street. Turn left onto the first alley and walk up the road. The restaurant will be on the left.
Phone: 02.790.4433

Offers Arab and Indian cuisine including kebabs, curries, naan,
khubz, hummus, babaganoush, lamb, chicken, saffron rice, biryani,
vegetarian choices, lassis, teas, coffees, and gulab jamun.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Myeong-dong Directions: Go to Euljiro 1(il)-ga
Station (Subway Line 2, Exit 6). Walk straight ahead until you will see the sign for Saffron
or the Ibis Hotel on the left (they are in the same building). Phone: 02.6361.8644

Sultan Turkish Kebab House

Offers a quick chicken or lamb kebab. It is very small, but the service
is fast and the food inexpensive.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Itaewon. Directions: Across the street from the
Hamilton Hotel, walk down Bogwang-ro about a block and take the alley on the left. The
little restaurant is on the left. Phone: 02.749.3890 Website:
(Korean only, but a location map is provided.)


There is an abundance of good restaurants as well as thousands
of little carryout, or sidewalk tents, where you can have anything
from a snack to a quick and inexpensive meal, all the way to a fine
dining experience. Here are some tips on dining in Korea:
Prices vary with the type of cuisine ordered and the area of town.
Beer and liquor can be extremely expensive, so check prices prior to
Many restaurants have menus displayed outside that show pictures
and prices of food. If a menu is not visible, feel free to ask to see a
menu before you are seated.
Many of the fine restaurants in Seoul have a dress code. If you are
planning an evening out, either check with someone who has been
there before or call the restaurant to find out what is expected.
Wear shoes that are both comfortable for walking and easy to remove
when you arrive as this is often required in traditional Korean
Water glasses and a water container are often placed on the table for
you fill your own glass throughout the meal.
Once you are ready to order, there may be a service button on the table
to press to summon the server or you may need to flag your server
Napkins may be located on the table in a small container or in a drawer
on the side of the table.
Flatware and/or chopsticks may be found directly on the table, in a box
on the table, in a drawer on the side of the table, or brought to you
when you are served your meal.
If you need something during the meal, use the service button or flag
down the waiter. Servers do not typically check back with diners once
the meal is served as they do in the US.
It is customary to pay at the register once your meal is complete. You
may or may not receive a bill prior to that. Some restaurants require
payment up front; these are usually establishments where you order at
a counter prior to being seated.
It is not customary to tip in Korea.

296 | Dining

Dining | 297

Chai Wok
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Yongsan Subway Station, IPark Mall, East street
section. Go in the main doors of the mall (the escalators will be directly in front of you)
and ride the escalator to the fourth floor. Walk around the escalators until youre facing the
Sweet Shop. The restaurant is down on the left.

Chinese Fine Dining Chung

This Korean-style Chinese restaurant is very popular but a bit pricey
(28,000 and up). It has an outside seating area that is very popular,
so you may want to call for a reservation.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Center of Samchunt Road, about a
10-minute walk from the US Embassy, near Gyeongbok Palace. Phone: 02.720.3396

This Korean-Chinese style restaurant offers authentic Chinese
vegetable and noodle dishes, dumplings, soups, and dim sum, all with
a hint of Korean spice. This is a busy small restaurant so reservations
are recommended. Valet parking is available.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Exit Gate 13 (South Post Visitor Center Gate) to
the right across the railroad tracks. Turn left at the next light, then right at the next street.
The restaurant is on your right. Phone: 02.794.7378

Ho-Lee Chow
American-style Chinese food that is a bit pricey.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Itaewon Directions: In the Hamilton Hotel on the
second floor. You can also enter the restaurant from the alley behind the Hamilton Hotel.
Phone: 02.556.4502 Website:

Jonny Dumpling
An intimate dumpling specialty house in Itaewon. Both locations are
extremely small with approximately 10 tables in close quarters. Expect
to wait outside, potentially in a line, as people wait for tables to open.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Itaewon (two locations) Directions: Walk down
the main Itaewon street on the right side then take a right at the street across from the
Hamilton Hotel. Take another right at the first alley and it will be tucked away on the left.
(1st Location in Itaewon), left side of the main Itaewon street in the alley of restaurants
behind the Hamilton Hotel. It is on the right side prior to reaching the Hotel. (2nd Location
in Itaewon) Phone: 02.790.8830

298 | Dining

PF Changs
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 240, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul. The restaurant
is in the Lotte World Shopping Mall. Directions: The mall entrance is connected to the
subway Jamsil Station, Line 2. Follow the signs in the subway to the Mall. The restaurant
is located on the fifth floor close to the Hard Rock Caf.

Brlin (Deutsches Wirtshaus)
Offers a wide selection of German cuisine such as medallions of
pork tenderloin with champignon cream sauce; sptzle and salad; and
Munich white sausage with sweet mustard, sliced radish and pretzels.
Upscale and somewhat expensive. Reservations can be made.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Take the subway to Anguk Station
(Subway Line 3, Exit 6). Exit and walk straight ahead to the Somerset Building, past the
stoplights and to the left down an alleyway. The restaurant is located on the bottom floor.
Phone: 02.722.5622 Website:

Castle Praha
A small, European-style castle that offers Czech-style food and drink
including several varieties of homemade sausage, stuffed meatloaf,
hearty goulash, brick-oven pizzas, baked stuffed pumpkin, and seven
unique Czech beers on tap.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Locations: Multiple locations. The grandiose Castle
Praha is in Hongdae at 395-19 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul. Other locations include
the Pub & Grill Praha in Itaewon behind the Hamilton Hotel. Phone: 02.337.6644

Chalet Swiss
European style dishes of steak, chicken, fish, and burgers. A
busy restaurant with a moderately priced menu, reservations are
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 104-4, Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu; across
from the Itaewon Fire Station near the Hyatt Hotel Phone: 02.797.9664 Website:

Un Deux Trois Brasserie

Moderately priced menu with meat, fish, mussels, and more. Offers
nightly specials.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon past the Hamilton Hotel, look for
the bistro tables on the left Phone: 02.796.1244 Facebook:

Dining | 299

Le Saint-Ex
French wine bar and bistro. The chef prepares daily specials that
change two to three times a week. Specials include meat and seafood
dishes. They also offer homemade desserts. Afternoon tea and winetasting parties can be arranged.


Indian restaurant that offers items baked in a tandoori oven and
various curries.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon at the end of the alleyway behind the
Hamilton Hotel Phone: 02.795.2465

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations, the closest is in Itaewon near

the Hamilton Hotel (on the same side of the street as the Hamilton Hotel) and beneath
Burger King. Phone: 02.797.7262 Website:

Paris Grill
Designed in a Paris brasserie style of the 1930s with dark wood and
marble. It is expensive, but the lunch buffet is considered a bargain.

Foreign Restaurant
Indian and Arabic foods with a priced set lunch menu.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Itaewon. Inside the Grand Hyatt Seoul Phone:
02.799.8161 Website:

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon; walk past the Hamilton Hotel, turn right
at the Itaewon Fire Station and the restaurant is about two blocks down on the left side of
the street. Phone: 02.794.9292

Ptit Paris
Tucked back from the main street of Itaewon, this little creprie
offers both savory and dessert crpes with fillings such as mushroom,
chicken and squash, citrus, Nutella, and more at reasonable prices
and generous portions.

Pakistani restaurant specializes in curries and breads and offers a

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon; pass the Itaewon arch and take the
first left alleyway that goes up the hill facing toward post. Turn right at the first alley on your
right. Ptit Paris is on the left on the first floor. Phone: 070.4243.3302 Facebook: www.

Taj Palace
Indian restaurant that offers a wide selection and a buffet menu on

A Greek restaurant serving generous portions.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Itaewon. Go past the Hamilton Hotel to the next
intersection where you will see the Itaewon Fire Station on the corner; turn right and you
will see Taj Palace across from the Kings Club. Phone: 02.790.5786

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon at the beginning of the main

shopping strip just past Skin Food. The restaurant is on the right on the second floor.
Phone: 02.790.3474

Bulgarian cuisine that offers dinner as well as a buffet lunch.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon on the alley behind the Hamilton
Hotel closest to USAG Yongsan. Zelen is on the second floor above Pattaya Thai
and across from My Thai China. Phone: 02.749.0600 Website:
Hours: Open Tuesday-Saturday

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon; go up the alley to the left of the

Hamilton Hotel. Phone: 02.796.5501 Website: (Korean only)

Pakistani restaurant featuring lamb, fish, tandoori bread, chef
specials, and a weekend buffet.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon; go up the alley to the left of the
Hamilton Hotel, the restaurant is on the left. Phone: 02.798.7155 Website: www.usmania.

Bistecca Italian Restaurant
Offers steak, pasta, and many other Italian style foods.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: On the hill toward the Grand Hyatt Hotel.
Phone: 02.792.7746

300 | Dining

Dining | 301

Offer choices of meat or fish.

familiar and more unusual toppings. This inexpensive place is often

full, but the wait is usually not long.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon Directions: Walk past the Hamilton

Hotel and turn left onto Itaewon-ro 27-gil (the alley across from the fire station). Casantonio
is on the right. Phone: 02.794.8803 Website:

CONTACT INFORMATION: Directions: Exit Gate 21 (Friendship House Gate/Kimchi Pot

Gate) and cross the street via the underpass, exiting the underpass using the stairs on the
right. Trevia is a short distance ahead on the left.

La Cucina
Specializes in Italian dishes. Enjoy views of Seoul Tower while dining
on the terrace at night. Coat and tie recommended.

Vapiano Geoje
Offers an assortment of Italian foods such as antipasto, pizzas, and
salads. Self-service type ordering system with separate counters for
the variety of Italian foods offered.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon directly across from the Grand Hyatt
Seoul hotel in the basement of an art gallery. Phone: 02.794.6005 Website:

La Tavola
Offers homemade, wood oven pizza, wine, music, and a rotating art
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon, past the Hamilton Hotel and on the left
on the second floor. Phone: 02.793.6144

Mad for Garlic

Italian wine bistro offers pasta dishes with subtle garlic flavorings.
The food is moderately priced.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Location: Multiple locations. Phone: 02.546.8117 Website:

Olea Kitchen & Grocery

Offers a range of items from squid ink risotto to calamari salad and
CONTACT INFORMATION: Location: In Itaewon down the hill from the on Hoenamu-ro.
Phone: 02.792.6004 Website:

Sortinos Cucina Italiana Pizzeria & Bar

Eatery offers many spaghetti dishes and specialty pizza.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Location: In Itaewon Directions: Near the end of the main
street past the Itaewon Fire Station, approximately 20 meters past the GS Caltex gas
station on the second floor. Phone: 02.797.0488/0489

Trevia Pizza di Roma

Offerings from simple quattro formaggio and pepperoni pizzas to
pumpkin, potato, and mortadella pizzas as well as salads, paninis, and
lasagna. Trevia offers pizza on homemade dough with a slew of both

302 | Dining

CONTACT INFORMATION: Location: Multiple locations, the closest one is D-Cube City
Complex. Public Transportation: Go to Sindorim Station (Exit 1 or 2). D-Cube City is
located between Home Plus and Techno Mart. Phone: 02.2211.0532

Specializes in Donkatsu, from the standard pork cutlet to varieties
with sweet potato or mozzarella cheese. You are given a bowl of seeds
to crush up as part of the sauce while you wait for your food.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Public Transportation: Yongsan Station (Subway Line 4)
IPark Mall, West Street section. Go to the fourth floor and work your way to the back. It
overlooks the train station. Phone: 02.2012.0442

Offers set lunch menus on weekdays of Donkatsu dishes, tempura,
udon, sushi, and sashimi a la carte. The restaurant is very small and
gets full quickly so reservations are recommended.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 262-14, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Directions: Gate 16 (MP Station Gate/PX Gate). Turn right at the US Embassy Resource
Center and turn right on the third alley. The restaurant is on the left and the sign is in
Japanese only. The door to the restaurant is blue with a picture of fish. Phone: 02.755.1213

Don Valley
This is a beef and leaf place, where you cook your meat of choice
at your table. It is little pricey compared to other BBQ places. If you
dont speak Korean, there are pictures on the menu to help.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon Directions: Outside Itaewon Station
Exit 3 on the corner of the street directly across from the Hamilton Hotel (Bogwang-ro).
Phone: 02.796.2384

Dining | 303

Foody Goody Korean BBQ Cuisine

A moderately priced Korean galbi restaurant with cuts of pork and
beef. Offers both Korean and Western style tables as well as a menu
with English translation.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Outside Gate 19 (Camp Coiner Visitor Center
Gate). Directions: Park in Camp Coiner, walk out the gate, turn left, and walk to the
lighted intersection. Cross the street diagonally. Foody Goody is in the middle of the block.
Free valet parking on the ground level with the restaurant on the upper three levels.

A little eatery with an extensive Asian menu for under 6,000; it
features a picture menu and items for young kids.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Exit Gate 13 (South Post Visitor Center Gate)
and turn right. Take the first right as if turning into Park Tower parking garages and Gingane
will be on your right before you reach the end of the road.

Korea House
The Korea House offers a royal buffet with performances that
include the Korean court dance, mask dance, fan dance, Buddhist monk
dance, and Korean classical music. Private dining rooms are available
with reservations. You can make reservations for performances only.

Lobby Lounge Bar
Modern atmosphere with views of Seoul from high above. The
afternoon tea set is offered Monday through Saturday 2:00-5:00 pm.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: On the 41st floor of the Sheraton Seoul D-Cube
City Hotel in the D-Cube City Complex. Public Transportation: Go to Sindorim Station
(Subway Line 1, Exit 1). Follow the signs for the D-Cube City Department Store Complex.
Phone: 02.2211.1740

OSulloc Tea House

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations, closest is in Insadong at 170
Gwanhun-dong, Jongro-gu. Public Transportation: Go to Anguk station (Subway Line
3, Exit 6). Turn left onto Insadongs main strip and it will be on your right less than a block
down. Phone: 02.732.6427

Offers inexpensive Mexican-style grilled tacos, burritos, quesadillas,
and drinks. It is a small place, but they have both indoor and outdoor
dining areas.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Chungmuro Station (Subway Line

4, Exit 3); look for a big blue sign on the wall by the gas station. Phone: 02.2266.9101

CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Gate 6 (Commissary Gate). Walk out the

commissary gate, turn right and cross the street as if you are going to the Starbucks on
the corner. Cirilo is located on the other side of Starbucks. Phone: 02.793.3358

Maple Tree House

A moderately priced Korean pork/beef BBQ restaurant offers USDA
prime beef, Korean aged sirloins, marinated boneless short ribs, and

Don Charly
Offers authentic, homemade chorizo. The menu is only tacos and
sandwiches. There is often has a long line for a table or to place a
take-out order.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations, closest is in Itaewon, in

the alley behind the Hamilton Hotel. Other location is near Gyeongbokgung Palace in
Samcheong-dong Phone: 02.790.7977 (Itaewon), 02.730.7461 (Samcheon-dong)

CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Exit Gate 21 (Friendship House Gate/Kimchi

Pot Gate) and cross the street via the underpass, exiting the underpass using the stairs
on the left. Take a right at Hoenamu-ro and walk up the hill toward the Grand Hyatt,
staying to the right when the road splits. Don Charly is on the right not too far after the
road splits. Phone: 070.4219.4475 Facebook: Hours: Closed Sunday and Monday

304 | Dining

Dining | 305

On the Border
American chain restaurant. Offers Tex-Mex menu items such as
fajitas, ribeye steaks, enchiladas, stuffed jalapeos, and guacamole
made from scratch.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations. Closest location is on the main
Itaewon street on the same side as the Hamilton Hotel and about a block down from the
Caf Bene. Phone: 02.792.0682/3 Website: (English option and
contains detailed maps for all locations.)

Southern California-influenced Mexican food such as tacos, burritos,
quesadillas, and tostadas are prepared with fresh ingredients.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations; the closest is in Itaewon behind
the Hamilton Hotel. Phone: 02.794.9225 Website:

Pattaya Thai
Offers a wide selection of Thai dishes, including lunch sets and
simple rice and noodle dishes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon Directions: Turn left up the side street
next to the Hamilton Hotel, then make a left at the end of the street, and go straight.
Pattaya Thai is located just past 3 Alley Pub on your right.

Offers vegetarian Buddhist Temple-style food. Lunch is approximately
33,000 per person.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Insadong at 14 Kwanhoon dong, Chongro-gu,
close to Sanchon Temple. Phone: 02.735.0312 Website: (Korean

Thai Orchid

Vatos Urban Tacos

Mexican restaurant with a Texas influence that offers a wide menu of
items including galbi tacos as well as margaritas.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon at the far end of the shopping district
in the building on the right side of the street across from Hana Bank. Take the elevator or
stairs to the third floor. Phone: 02.795.3338

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations; the closest is in Itaewon. The

restaurant is in the Itaewon Methodist Church building next to the Standard Chartered
Bank. Phone: 02.797.8226 Website: Hours: Monday-Thursday,
11:30 am-11:00 pm (last call at 10:00 pm); Saturday-Sunday, 11:30 am-midnight (last call
at 11:00 pm)

Taste of Thailand
Offers a wide selection of Thai dishes. Split into two rooms, the
main room is on your left and where you should go to be seated. This
restaurant offers a rewards card, which is stamped for every 10,000
spent with double rewards given for paying cash.

Buddhas Belly
Offers a wide selection of Thai dishes. Takeout is available.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations in Itaewon. One location is
directly on the left on the hill as soon as you enter Itaewon. The second location is in the
alley behind the Hamilton Hotel, on a corner next to Scrooges Bar. Buddhas Belly is on
the second floor. Phone: 02.796.9330

My Thai
Offers a wide selection of Thai dishes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon Directions: Walk past Itaewon Station
Exit 2 and make the first left up the side street next to the Hamilton Hotel. My Thai is on
the right just before Flying Pan Blue. Phone: 02.794.8090

CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Exit Gate 21 (Friendship House Gate/Kimchi Pot

Gate), cross the street via the underpass, exiting the underpass using the stairs on the left.
Walk straight and cross an intersection. The restaurant is on the main street on the second
floor. The entrance is between the tire store and the restaurant on the corner. Hours:
Monday-Friday, 11:00 am-3:00 pm, 5:00 pm-10:00 pm; Saturday-Sunday, 11:00 am10:00 pm (last order is taken at 9:20 pm)

Wang Thai
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon on the main Itaewon street opposite
Starbucks inside the Young Hwa building on the third floor. Phone: 02.749.2746 Website:

American-style foods with some Mexican and Italian dishes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations, closest location is Seoul Station
(Subway Line 1 or 4, Exit 1). Website: (Korean only)

306 | Dining

Dining | 307

Buenos Aires
Specializes in steaks and chops. Free tango show downstairs every
hour. Free parking and easily accessible by taxi, bus, or subway.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Sinsa. Phone: 02.3444.6634 Website: www.

Butterfinger Pancakes
Similar to IHOP or Dennys, the menu offers familiar breakfast fare
such as pancakes, sausage and eggs, and not-so-familiar items such
as cream cheese and mozzarella pancakes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations; closest location is 88-9
Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu (Cheongdam),to Gangnam District Office Station
(Subway Line 7, Exit 4). The restaurant is about a half mile from the station. Phone:
02.3448.1070 Hours: Monday-Sunday, 7:00-3:00 am

Craftworks Taphouse
An American-style brewery and eatery offering burgers made with
organic grass-fed Australian beef, spaghetti Bolognese, hearty beef
chili with freshly cut french fries, and more. It is pricey for the portions
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations; closest is 651 Itaewon 2-dong,
Myunsan Building, first floor. Exit Gate 21 (Friendship House Gate/Kimchi Pot Gate) and
cross the street via the underpass, exiting the underpass using the stairs on the left. Walk
straight (crossing an intersection); Craftworks Taphouse is on the right about two blocks
ahead. Phone: 02.794.2537 Website:

Hard Rock Caf

The new Hard Rock caf in the Lotte World Mall has a retail
shop, restaurant, bar, and live music from house bands as well as
performances by nationally and internationally famous musicians.
The menu offers a variety of dishes from an array of cuisines, from
homemade burgers to Korean-inspired dishes. The Hard Rock Caf in
Seoul offers a military discount.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 5th floor, Lotte World Mall Phone: 82.2.418 ROCK
(7625) Website: Hours: Sunday-Thursday, 10:30 am-midnight,
Friday-Saturday, 10:30 am-2:00 am

308 | Dining

Johnny Rockets
American burgers, hand-dipped shakes, fries and more.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Bottom floor of Shinsagae Department Store by
the Express Bus Terminal (Subway Line 3, 7, 9). By bus, exit Gate 6 (Commissary Gate)
and turn right. Cross the street and look for the bus stop. Take the 401 or 143 bus two
stops and you will see Shinsegae on the right. Phone: 02.3479.1220

Mercado Brazilian Steak House

Brazilian churrascaria that offers all-you-can-eat meat (flank steak,
bacon-wrapped filet bites, sirloin, rump steak, veal, chicken, and
chicken hearts) and sides (garlic rice, coleslaw, potato salad, sweet
pickles, and pico de gallo). Beverages are extra.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Located in Apgujeong, Gangnam District Office
Station (Subway Line 7, Exit 3). Upon exit, turn around and walk toward the main
intersection then turn left. Walk down two blocks, turn left at The Coffee Bean, walk straight
then turn right at Js Wine and Paris Baguette. Mercado is on the second floor (look for the
green sign). Phone: 02.515.3288 Website:

Neals Yard
Offers coffee, drinks, and desserts.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon, on the left hand side, second floor.
Enter from the front or the side. Phone: 02.794.7278

The Original Pancake House

Offers breakfast or brunch with a menu of pancakes, waffles,
smoothies, eggs, sausage, and more. Parking is not available near
this restaurant, so it is recommended to take the subway or a taxi.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: 523-20 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu. Short walk from
Sinsa Station, Exit 8. Phone: 02.511.7481 Website:

Outback Steakhouse
Offers beef and steak items as well as a variety of chicken, ribs,
seafood, and pasta dishes.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations including Itaewon, Namdaemun,
Express Bus Terminal, and close to Gate 16 (MP Station Gate) toward Seoul Station.
Website: (Korean only)

Dining | 309

Pizza School
Offers basic pizzas as well as unusual toppings such as sweet potato
and roasted meat. Take-out or eat-in.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Exit Gate 19 (Camp Coiner Visitor Center Gate).
Take a left out of the gate, go straight through the intersection and it is on the left. Phone:

Pizza Peel
Brick oven pizza with western topping options. Take-out or eat-in.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon Directions: Walk down the main street
and turn right at the first alley after passing beneath the Itaewon arch. Phone: 02.795.3283

Serves American-style breakfast, omelets, fish and chips, and more.
Free valet parking available.

Le Saigon
Offers reasonably-priced Vietnamese cuisine. The restaurant also
offers a few set menus, allowing you try a combination of items for one
set price.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Two locations, both in Itaewon area. 673 ItaewonDong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea. Exit Gate 21 (Friendship House Gate/Kimchi Pot Gate)
and cross the street via the underpass, exiting the underpass using the stairs on the
right. Walk toward post and the restaurant is on the main road. 1F 74-33 Itaewon-Dong,
Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea. Walk on the right side of the main Itaewon street to the first
street light. Turn right at the light then take the first road on the right. Walk down the road
until you see the restaurant on the left. Phone: 02.792.0336 Website:

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon Directions: On the second floor on the

right hand side of the street after passing beneath the Itaewon arch. Phone: 02.797.3698

TGI Fridays
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Multiple locations; closest is in IPark Mall. Check
the website for additional locations. Website:

The Flying Pan Blue

A sandwich and salad shop that also offers waffles, pancakes, and
homemade desserts. Well-known for its weekend brunch menu.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon Directions: Turn left up the alley
immediately after passing the Hamilton Hotel. It is on the right side of the street down a
short set of stairs. Phone: 02.793.5285

The Wolfhound
Western food, chicken, burgers, fries, fish and chips, and more. The
food is inexpensive but drinks can be costly.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon Directions: Follow the main road until
you reach the major intersection at the Hamilton Hotel. At the intersection turn right and
you will see Taco Bell across the street. Across from Taco Bell is a small alley. Turn right
down this first alley and The Wolfhound is located on your right. Phone: 02.749.7971

310 | Dining

Dining | 311

Chapter 17

312 | Dining



This was our second OCONUS assignment and we hit the ground ready
for adventure! The street markets and grocery stores are so full of
choices. Not only do we eat 90% of our fresh food from off post choices,
but shopping in general is amazing. Everything is divided into different
alleys of like items such as Hikers Alley, Bakers Alley, Shoe Alley, and
even Toy Alley. Keep a positive attitude and sense of adventure and the
great Seoul area is your oyster!
~Charlene Wilde

Shopping in Korea can be a lot of fun, if you are informed and ready
for shopping experiences that are different from what you might be
used to. This section provides some basic information on sizing,
customs, types of products to search for, and an overview of some of
the major shopping areas.

Location: 19th Personnel Company, Building 4034
Phone: 050.3338.4612, DSN: 738.4612
Rations Control Office
Location: 19th Personnel Company, Building 4034, Room 105
Phone: 050.3338.4612, DSN: 738.4612
Black Marketing Hotline
Phone: 050.3338.5111

The Ration Control Program exists to prevent the transfer of duty

free goods to those not entitled to receive them. Active duty military
use their military ID as their Ration Control Card (RCC), but RCCs are
required for family members entitled to make AAFES or commissary
To receive a RCC, you must first be entered into the DBIDS system.
The sponsor must accompany all family members to the Ration Control
Office with their ID cards. You may show a copy of your sponsors
orders stamped by the Ration Control desk to purchase before
obtaining your RCC. RCCs must be presented by all patrons over
age 10 when entering duty free facilities (e.g., Class VI stores,
AAFES gas station, PX, and commissary). The RCC and military ID

Shopping | 315

Image by: Jackie McKenna

must be presented at the point of sale as well. Consider keeping your

receipts for large ticket items in case questions are raised about your
buying habits.
You will be given information on the current rules and regulations
concerning black marketing during in-processing. Under the Status of
Forces Agreement (SOFA), the US is allowed to import certain products
duty free for the commissary and PX services. These products are
strictly for the personal use of authorized personnel. Black marketing
is the illegal sale of duty free goods to the Korean economy and can
result in severe disciplinary action. Report anyone who is engaged in
this practice to the black marketing hotline.
Many products are considered illegal for gift giving to Korean
Nationals. For questions regarding the sale of controlled items or
gifts to personnel not authorized duty free import privileges, contact
the Ration Control Office for information on proper legal procedures.
Information is also available from USFK regulations 643-1 and 60-1.


Be sure to check which shipping method a company intends on
using to ship the goods to you. The quickest, easiest, and most
convenient way for APO/FPO shipments is USPS Priority Mail.
This usually takes one to two weeks, versus six to eight weeks
by standard or smart mail methods.
Search for online coupons and discounted shipping codes when
Plan ahead during the busy holiday mailing season. Earlier is
always better.
For those items that cannot be shipped to an APO/FPO address,
there are companies who specialize in forwarding packages to
APO/FPO addresses. They provide you with a stateside shipping
address and then charge shipping and handling to forward it on
to your APO address. Consider visiting or
Most online vendors will not ship large items to APO addresses.
If they do, the shipping costs can be more than the actual item

316 | Shopping

Many people who have never bought a single item on the

Internet find themselves die-hard Internet shoppers after
moving to Korea as Western goods are more expensive on the
economy. Many internet sites will ship to APO addresses. We
could not possibly list them all, but here is a list of a few popular
online retailers that will ship to an APO/FPO: (online PX/BX) (online NEX) (clothing and home items) (clothing and home items) (clothing and home items (clothing) (plus-sized
clothing) (childrens clothing) (childrens clothing) (shoes) (toys, games, and baby supplies) (party supplies) (vitamins, supplements, and natural

health products) (discounted organic foods and

natural health care products) (health and beauty supplies) (health and beauty supplies)


There are thousands of stores and vendors in Korea. Check out
some of the websites and Facebook pages listed in the
Resources section, and read the recommendations of others. For
explanations of the specialty markets and sizing charts, check
Most stores and street vendors do not allow you to try on items.

Shopping | 317

Street and marketing shopping is a feast for the senses. If you

see something you like, buy it; it might not be there the next
time you visit that area. Also, be sure that you want an item. It
is challenging to try to return something purchased from an open
market or street vendor.
If you are shopping for Korean-made items, be sure to check
to see that the items are actually made in Korea. Many items,
especially those that seem to be very good bargains, are often
Explore! The small, local markets and street vendors carry items
you cannot find on post. Wandering through the large shopping
malls and department stores can be a full day outing for you and
your family.
It is customary in the Korean culture to give a business card to
a new acquaintance. You may want to bring some cards with you
from the US with your name, email, and new APO address. Have
the information printed in English on one side and Hangul on the
other. If you have cards made in Korea, use a reputable printer
or you might find yourself having the cards reprinted. It helps
to type the information to give to the printer. There are several
vendors on post.
Very few quarters or apartments have carpeting. The floors in
most government quarters are linoleum over concrete. Off post
apartments generally have heated floors. It is best to bring any
desired rugs (including runners) with you in either your express
shipment or with your household goods as choices are limited in
Korea and can be expensive. Good color choices are hard
to come by locally, particularly neutral colors. Another option is
to check with departing personnel as they may have purchased
Korean carpets specifically for the USAG Yongsan quarters and
be willing to sell them. Several off post vendors will lay down
wall-to-wall carpeting. The cost varies with carpet choice and
vendor. Online stores will not ship rugs or rugs pads OCONUS.

318 | Shopping

Korean clothing and shoes tend to run smaller than western

items. It is important to understand that even knowing the
analogous US size does not guarantee fit, as items are often not
as roomy. It is recommended that you take actual measurements
with you when shopping.

Womens Clothing

Plus-size womens clothing is harder to find in Korea; there are

some specialty shops that sell imported plus-size womens clothing;
the sizing is therefore reflective of the country of origin. For pre-made
Korean apparel, there are some sizing differences that you should
note. Pants are often sized by the waist measurement in centimeters
or occasionally inches. Shoe sizes can be difficult since some shoes
have Korean sizing and some have European. Shoes are measured
in millimeters. Additional information can be found at

Shopping, On Post
New Car Sales
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building T-1440 DSN: 723.4267, 723.4270,
721.7001 Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm; Saturday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm; Sunday,
9:00 am-4:00 pm

M-Rent Car Rental

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Bus Terminal, Building S-2259 DSN: 723.7898
Hours: Daily 10:00 am-6:00 pm


Though the PX and Furniture Store carry most baby items, choice
is limited. If you want a particular stroller, baby jogger, or high chair,
purchase it prior to departing the US and ship it in your household
shipment. Baby furniture items, such as cribs, mattresses, changing
tables, and rocking chairs, are not supplied by the Furnishings
Management Office and can be expensive to purchase in Korea.
Infant and toddler clothing stocks in the PX may be quickly depleted.

Shopping | 319

Newborn clothing can be very expensive at the department stores.

The PX has a selection of maternity clothing but items may sell
out quickly. The Second Hand Rose Thrift Shop often has gently
used maternity clothes and baby items in stock. Ordering through US
websites is another way to get maternity clothes.


Dragon Hill Lodge Clippers

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3338.2222 x6810 DSN: 738.2222 x6810 Hours:
Monday-Saturday, 9:00 am-7:00 pm, Sunday, 10:00 am-7:00 pm

Main Beauty Shop

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Mini-Mall/Four Seasons Phone: 050.3323.2066
Hours: Daily 9:00 am-8:00 pm


Brian Allgood Community Hospital

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 7005
DSN: 737.5285 Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm



Camp Coiner Mini-Mall

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 1094 Phone: 050.3324.5169 DSN:
724.5169 Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-7:00 pm, Saturday, 10:00 am-5:00 pm

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post (Behind the USAG Yongsan Fire
Station) Phone: 050.3338.4520 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00 am-7:00 pm, Sun 9:00 am-6:00 pm

Bicycle Shop

JUSMAG-K/Navy Club

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 070.4233.8535 Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10:00 am7:00 pm

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 1575 Phone: 050.3325.6555

DSN: 725.6555 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-6:00 pm, Saturday 8:30 am-5:00 pm

Platoon Cycles

Main Post Mini-Mall/Four Seasons

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Camp Coiner, Building 1094 Phone: 070.4233.8535

Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10:00 am-7:00 pm


Hours: Daily 9:00 am-8:00 pm





South Post Mini-Mall/Shoppette

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 4259 Phone: 050.3338.8176
DSN: 738.8176 Hours: Monday, Wednesday-Friday, 9:00 am-7:00 pm, Saturday, Sunday
10:00 am-6:00 pm, Closed Tuesdays

South Post
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 4035 (Behind One Stop Processing
Center/1st Replacement Company/19th Personnel Company) Phone: 050.3338.6976
DSN: 738.6976 Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm

Prices vary so ask for pricing beforehand. Each service provided
(e.g., shampooing, blow drying, etc.) may be a separate charge. If
you use special hair care products, check the online websites to see
if your product can be ordered and shipped to an APO. If your favorite
products are not available for order, bring a supply of those products
with you. Some products can be purchased off post, but they can be
hard to find and expensive.

320 | Shopping

The Main PX on USAG Yongsan carries a wide variety of books and
magazines, as does the Osan Air Base BX.


The AAFES Furniture Store carries some area rugs, carpeting, and
padding at a variety of prices and sizes up to 12x15. Be forewarned
that they sell out quickly, but they do have a waiting list and will notify
you when new carpets arrive. Ask at the PX about ordering rugs for
delivery to the local store from the online catalog. Occasionally, carpet
vendors set up displays and sell various sizes of decorative rugs and
carpets in the AAFES Four Seasons Store.


Artificial trees are available at the AAFES Four Seasons Store in the
Mini-Mall on Main Post. Both live and artificial trees are available on
the economy, though they are more expensive than those available
on post. Many people buy trees and decorations at the Express Bus

Shopping | 321

Terminal on the third floor. The Second Hand Rose Thrift Shop usually
has a selection of artificial trees along with a varied assortment of
ornaments and other Christmas decorations at very reasonable prices.
Christmas tree stands are in short supply, so bring a stand in your
household goods shipment if you plan to purchase a live tree. Before
purchasing or shipping, consider storage requirements for artificial
trees and the difficulties of disposing of live trees if you live off post.

The USAG Yongsan Commissary is the largest overseas commissary
under one roof. All patrons age 10 and over must present a valid
military ID and ration card to enter the store (visitors are not
allowed to enter). If you do not have your ration card yet, you must
bring your stamped orders, which are good only for your first 14 days
in country. The Command Unique Tracking System (CUTS) assists
USFK law enforcement agencies in collecting data for inventory control
and to curb black marketing.
Coupons are allowed at the commissary, as well as at the PX.
Regular manufacturer, online printable, and commissary coupons
may be used for up to six months after the printed expiration date
while stationed overseas. You can also load coupons onto the free
Commissary Rewards Card on the Commissary website.
Useful couponing websites: (printable coupons) (printable coupons) (printable coupons) (earn money back from purchases
you have made) (earn money back from purchases you have
(have coupons mailed to you)
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post Building 5419 Phone: 050.3336.3084
DSN: 736.3084 Website: Hours: Tuesday-Thursday,
10:00 am-7:00 pm, Tuesday-Friday, 7:00-10:00 am (Early Bird hours, 20 items or less),
Friday, 10:00 am-8:00 pm, Saturday, 10:00 am-7 pm, Closed Monday, all US Federal
holidays, and several Korean holidays

322 | Shopping

Many military personnel have found that custom uniforms can be
made very reasonably. The tailor shop at the Dragon Hill Lodge sews
uniforms and custom dress shirts; they carry the authorized fabric,
but for Army uniforms only. The Military Clothing Sales Store (MCSS),
located in the Mini-Mall on Main Post, carries fabrics and buttons
authorized for Army uniforms only. The selection of Air Force, Marine,
and Navy uniforms here is limited and some items have to be ordered
from Osan or the US, so plan ahead. Womens clothing is more difficult
to make than mens and is more expensive, so ask to see samples and
prices before committing to a garment.


The Furniture Store offers a limited variety of US furniture for living
rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. Appliances, lamps, baby gear
(e.g., cribs, strollers, high chairs, baby carriers, gates, bathtubs, activity
centers, etc.), and bound carpeting can also be purchased at the store.
They carry two grades of carpeting in 6x9, 9x12, and 12x15 sizes.
Carpets may be in the back out of sight, so ask for help if you dont see
anything you want. Be aware that special orders can take from one to
eight months to be delivered.
A-Frame Delivery will pick up and deliver large household items for
a fee. Check with the Furniture Store for current rates.
Phone: 050.3338.5052 DSN: 738.5052








Local vendors sell many items including art, blankets, lacquer-ware,
clothing, embroidery, furniture, jewelry, pottery, leather goods, and
clothing. There is also a dry-cleaner, portrait studio, and optical shop.
You can ship packages from the Gallery FedEx desk to arrive in the US
within two days. There is a packaging service to help get items ready
to mail.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post (next to the library and post office)
Phone: 050.3323.7635

Shopping | 323

AAFES Gas Station prices are considerably cheaper than prices
found on the Korean economy. Identification cards and Ration Control
Cards are required for access to pump gas. The AAFES gas station has
a kiosk that offers drinks, quick snacks, oil, and wiper fluid. Selection
and quantities are very limited. Vacuums and air for tires are available
to the side of the gas station facing the gas pumps.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4723 Phone: 050.3338.7649
DSN 738.7649 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am-7:00 pm, Saturday 8:00 am-7:00 pm,
Sunday 9:00 am-6:00 pm


Propane tanks cannot be shipped with your household goods. The
Four Seasons sells gas grills and propane tanks. The store has a good
supply during summer months. Currently, the Four Seasons refills
tanks (check with the sales associates for policy changes). They also
have maps with information on locations off post where tanks can be
refilled. Most picnic areas near the various housing complexes have
charcoal grills for public use.

Four Seasons
CONTACT INFORMATION. DSN: 723.2072 Hours: Daily, 10:00 am-7:00 pm

Stripes Alterations/Tailors
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3323.2080 Hours: Daily, 10:00 am-7:00 pm

Petals & Blooms

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3323.2076 DSN: 723.2076 Hours: Daily
10:00 am-7:00 pm

Optometry Clinic
You can make an appointment to have your eyes examined by calling
the Optometry Clinic; however, no contact lens fittings are done, so
bring a valid contact lens prescription and a six to twelve month supply
of lenses with you. With a valid contact lens prescription, you can
reorder contacts at the Optical Shop, on the Korean economy or over
the Internet. Frames, lenses, and complete pairs of eyeglasses can be
purchased at a reasonable price from the Optical Shop in the Gallery
on Main Post, at the Dragon Hill Lodge or any off post optical shop.


CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post Phone: 050.3337.1464

AAFES Launderette


CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post, Building 4220 DSN: 738.5449 Hours:
Open 24 hours

The Cleaners
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 1094 Hours: Monday-Friday, 10:00 am7:00 pm, Saturday, 10:00 am-4:00 pm, Sunday, Closed

Laundry/Dry Cleaning
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: South Post DSN: 738.4441 Hours: MondayFriday 7:30 am-6:00 pm, Saturday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, Sunday, Closed


Oriental Press
Oriental Press is a commercial printing and publishing contractor with
a long-term presence and commitment to the US military community.
Since 1990, the company has been a valued resource for a variety of
services, to include printing of business cards and other stationary,
military gift items (such as unit coins, plaques and presentation
projects), and specialty articles. Oriental Press prints and distributes
The Morning Calm Newspaper and The Seoul Survivor free of charge
as a service to the community.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post, Building 1440 Phone: 050.3338.5005

Military Clothing Sales

Moyer Community Activity Center Business Card Vendors

CONTACT INFORMATION. DSN: 723.2079 Hours: Monday, 7:00 am-7:00 pm; TuesdaySaturday, 10:00-7:00 pm; Sun Closed

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3323.5347 DSN: 723.5347

324 | Shopping

Shopping | 325



Main Post
The PX facility is surrounded by a series of smaller stores run by
AAFES and AAFES concessionaires. The main PX sells electronics
equipment (stereos, televisions, cameras, and computers), clothing,
health and beauty aids, and household items.

Dragon Hill Lodge

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 738.6090 Hours: Daily 1:00 am-midnight

Four Seasons
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building S-1447 Phone: 050.3323.2069 DSN:
723.2068 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-9:00 pm; Saturday, Sunday, 9:00-9:00 pm

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 050.3324.4365 Website:

South Post Mini-Mall


CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building S-4259 DSN: 738.4154 Hours: Daily

7:00 am-9:00 pm








CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: The Gallery, Main Post Phone: 050.3323.4030

One Stop Business Center

CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building S8105 Phone: 02.792.6695


Volunteers from the American Womens Club of Korea Thrift Shop
Association operate the Thrift Shop in conjunction with the US military.
The Thrift Shop, a non-profit organization, offers a wide range of resale
items, including clothing, electronic equipment, and furniture. All are
welcome to shop and/or donate items. Donations are taken during
store hours. A donation bin located near the side entrance of the shop
is available 24 hours a day. Consignment of items is a service provided
by the Thrift Shop, but only active American Womens Club members
and government ID card holders can consign items. Consignments
are by appointment only. Proceeds from the Thrift Shop are used to
support charities in the local community and on post.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Building 4222 near the movie theater on South
Post Phone: 02.795.7675 Facebook: Hours: Monday and Saturday 10:00 am-3:00 pm,
Wednesday 10:00 am-6:00 pm

326 | Shopping

Seoksu Water
The water on post is safe for drinking and water fountains are
available in most public areas on post. Water is available by the bottle
or case at the commissary. Another option is home delivery by Seoksu
Water. Hot/cold water dispensers are available to purchase or to rent;
free deliveries are made weekly on and off post. Hand pumps that fit
over the bottles are also available for purchase.
Many housing units off post may include hot/cold water bottle
dispensers and water delivery; check with your property owner or
manager to determine what is included with your lease.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Main Post PX Phone: 050.3324.7567 Hours:
Tuesday-Friday 10:00 am-7:00 pm; Saturday, Sunday 10:00 am-6:00 pm; Monday, Closed

Shopping, Off Post

This is a brief overview of shopping available in Seoul and others
nearby areas. For more information, look for local books and magazines
or visit the tourist information booths located around the city. Other
resources include the AFSC Shopping Club and other groups on
post who offer guided local shopping excursions and day trips. When
shopping, keep these simple guidelines in mind:

Shopping | 327

Always negotiate at smaller stores and markets. Be comfortable

with going back and forth with the merchant before agreeing on
a price. Merchants can be very dramatic about negotiating, but
do not let that deter you. The only places you cannot negotiate
are box stores (e.g., Costco).
Shopping can be overwhelming at first. If possible, browse on
your first visit to a market and then return on the second visit to
buy. Remember, though, that some vendors or items are
seasonal or temporary, and may not be there when you return.
Do not let aggressive merchants push you to buy something you
do not want.
Prior to shopping in the markets, browse the items and prices at
chain stores like Daiso, Lotte Mart, and E-Mart. This will give you
a general idea of prices so when you are shopping in the
markets you know whether or not you are getting a good deal.
Check the US Postal and Customs regulations prior to buying a
large number of items to send to the US. The US Customs Office
is cracking down on illegal exports, including military members
sending illegal gifts stateside. Stiffer regulations from the Korean
government have decreased the counterfeit label distributors
Always know the exchange rate between dollars and won before
you shop. You may be able to get a better deal using one
currency over the other, depending on current economic
Be aware that if you pay by credit card, the currency exchange
rate is in the sellers favor.
If you use a credit card, never pay a service charge to the
merchant for using the card. If the merchant insists on the
service charge and you absolutely have to have the item, make
the merchant write the charge separately on your receipt and
report them to the credit card company. This is an illegal practice
and most merchants will back off if you stand your ground. Keep
your credit card receipts and ensure the charge that shows up on
your bill matches the receipt.

328 | Shopping

Using your credit card may be disadvantageous because many

businesses will offer a cash discount if you pay in won. Ask for
the discount as most businesses are not going to offer this on
their own.
Many US banks charge service fees for use of their cards
overseas. Its generally easier (and cheaper) to shop with cash,
whether in dollars or won. Some banks do not charge
service fees and will refund some of the services fees for using
international ATMs. Contact your bank for more information on
this practice.
Outside of Korean department stores, many Korean stores do
not have dressing rooms. Be prepared to slip things on over
your clothes or change in a makeshift dressing that consists
of a curtain that has been hung for your privacy. Many stores
and vendors do not allow you to try garments on.
If you find an item you like but are not prepared to buy at that
time, ask the merchant for a business card so you can find
the store again; keep in mind the item may not be available later.
When you see something you want and have done the research
to know the price is right, buy it! This is even true for stores
on post. Seasonal items are generally put out ahead of what you
expect in the US and sometimes sell out.
If you really like the items and prices at a particular store, ask
for extra business cards to refer your friends. Many times
merchants will give discounts for your word-of-mouth referrals.
Shopping bags are not free at grocery and some department
stores, but for a few cents you can buy bags for what you need.
It is best to come prepared with some sturdy bags or a rolling
cart if you plan to make many purchases. Many stores offer an
area to box your own purchases at no cost.
New stores open all the time and some old favorites may move
or go out of business, so ask your neighbors, colleagues, and
friends to recommend shops that cater to your interests.

Shopping | 329

With the exception of some food and flower markets, most

stores do not open before 10:00 am. Many markets are closed
on a particular weekday, so check before you go. The last week
of July and the first week of August is traditionally vacation time
for the Koreans; be prepared for the markets to close for a few
days or even a week. This also occurs during Chuseok (Korean
Thanksgiving holiday) and the Lunar New Year holiday.

Before you buy, spend a lot of time looking and comparing items and
prices. Visit a variety of shops over a period of several weeks and ask
questions. Reputable dealers will tell you if a piece has been repaired,
the material used, its origin, and age. When looking at antique pieces,
look for bamboo nails, tongue-in-groove joints, cutout or etched
fittings, and locks. Upon purchase, ask the shop owner for a certificate
of authenticity that will describe the piece, list the materials used to
make it, detail its usage, and measurements. Keep your receipt, the
certificate, and a picture of your antique in case of damage or loss.
Note: National Treasures may not be removed from the country. In
most cases, they would be entirely too expensive to purchase. For
more information, call the Office of Cultural Affairs, Seoul City Hall at

There are several areas in Seoul to purchase art or browse in
the galleries. Off-post between Gate 14 and Gate 16, you can find
inexpensive art galleries that will frame your purchases as well
as create custom art from photographs. There are also galleries
located in the following areas: City Hall (Subway Line 1, Station 132),
Gyeongbokgung (Subway Line 3, Station 327) and InsadongAnguk
(Subway Line 3, Station 328, exit 6).

Arts and Crafts

Dongdaemun, Namdaemun, E-mart, and the Alpha Store (a chain of
art/stationary stores) have a broad range of art, craft, stationery and
architectural supplies available.

330 | Shopping

This unique Korean art form has evolved into some of the most
beautiful ceramics available anywhere in the Orient. The celadon
wares of the Koryo Dynasty, produced in the eleventh and twelfth
centuries, surprised even the highly cultured Chinese. Koryo celadon
pieces are now praised as rare art forms. Prices range from a few
dollars for a small, inexpensive copy to thousands of dollars for an
original work by one of the current living treasures, a designation
given by the government to masters of ancient Korean arts. Pottery can
be purchased at pottery villages, markets, festivals, or at the Gallery
on USAG Yongsan. The Icheon Pottery Village and the Yeoju Pottery
Village are the most famous. The AFSC, USO, and various groups on
post offer bus trips to the pottery villages.

There are many clothing shops that offer great prices; however, if
you are larger than a size 8, you may have trouble finding clothing
in Korea. Koreans are increasingly fashion-conscious, and many
new cutting-edge and trendy designers are emerging. If you are a
fashionista, Korea is a great place to shop!

Flowers and Plants

Reasonably priced flowers and plants abound in Seoul. Flower

markets close around lunch time so be sure to go early.

Many people choose to have artwork framed in Korea due to the
relatively low cost. Plastic frames are widespread so if you are offered
an unbelievably low price on the framing, check for plastic.

Ginseng is Koreas traditional medicinal herb. This herb, known as
the miraculous medicine or Koryo Ginseng, is believed to calm
the mind and strengthen the body. There are many ginseng products
including the root, tea, canned drinks, and even candy. It is an acquired
taste, so it is advisable to taste test before you purchase. Ginseng
products can be costly.

Shopping | 331



The hanbok is the traditional Korean attire. Hanboks can be very

elaborate depending upon the fabric and handwork involved. It is still
worn on official occasions and holidays such as Chuseok, weddings,
and other special family gatherings.

Another popular item in Korea is leather, whether in luggage, jackets,

handbags, or shoes. There are many good bargains to be found, but
a few words of caution apply: If you cannot tell the difference between
cow, lamb, or pigskin, shop with someone who can! Quality lambskin is
the most expensive and you certainly do not want to pay for lamb and
end up with treated cow; this also applies for fleece linings.
If you are placing an order, never pay for the entire garment in
advance. Make the smallest down payment possible since the
merchant will be much more interested in seeing that the final product
meets your specifications and completed in a timely manner. Do not
accept a garment until you are happy with it, but it is not the merchants
fault if you picked a style that is unbecoming to you. Know what looks
best on you before placing a customized order, or you could end up
forfeiting your deposit. In most cases, you will have to purchase the
item since large sizes will be difficult for the tailor to sell.

Like most of Asia, Korea seems to abound with jewelry. There are
several important factors to remember when shopping for jewelry:
Deal with a reputable merchant if you plan on purchasing
precious stones and metals.
Know which countries specialize in what type of precious
stones in order to get the best price. Koreas special stones
are amethyst and topaz. True Korean amethyst has become very
expensive, so you will find many shops sell the cheaper Brazilian
amethyst. The Korean jade supply was mined out several years
ago; consequently, most of the jade you see comes from other
Southeast Asian countries. Merchants can, and do, make high-
quality synthetic stones.
Always comparison shop before you purchase. The PX carries
a variety of jewelry from different parts of Asia; check out their
selection and prices. They always stand behind the products
they sell and you may wish to eliminate any doubt when
purchasing a high dollar item like fine jewelry. Payment plans are
available or purchases can be made using most major credit
When purchasing expensive jewelry, ask for certificates of
authenticity and carefully inspect all merchandise. Certificates
of authenticity are required even from the PX as they are needed
for insurance purposes.

Kimchi Pots
If you are thinking of buying a brownware kimchi pot, there are many
places to buy them. Small decorative pots are priced around 15,000
and up. Medium sized defective kimchi pots (ones that cannot be
used to actually prepare kimchi) can be found for 30,000 and up in
the pottery villages.

332 | Shopping

Quilts and Fabric

Korea is a nation filled with fabric, garment manufacturers and

innovative entrepreneurs who do not let a scrap of fabric go to waste.
Most Korean quilts are sewn by machine and made of washable
fabrics. Some are sewn by hand from ornate silks and satin fabrics, but
these are usually not washable and more for decoration than everyday
use. A quilt can be made to order; prices vary widely so shop around
for the best prices, quality of fabric, and workmanship.

There are so many shopping opportunities in Seoul that it is easy
to become overwhelmed. The listing below is by no means complete,
but it is a good place to begin your Korean shopping adventures.
This section is organized into three main subsections: Markets,
Shopping Districts, and Department Stores/Shopping Malls. A final
Miscellaneous section details other destinations of potential interest.
A trip to a department store or a shopping district can be great fun, but
the markets are where you will find the best deals.

Korea is world famous for its shopping markets. Exploring these
markets can be the adventure of a lifetime. The following are just some

Shopping | 333

of the market areas frequented by many of the Yongsan community.

Bangsan Market
A great place to shop for baking supplies.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Jongno 5(o)-ga (Subway Line 1,
Exit 7)

Dongdaemun (East Gate Market)

The largest of the shopping markets in Seoul and possibly the
most popular with both Korean and foreign shoppers, Dongdaemun
is famous for a variety of wares including fabric, sweaters, lingerie,
shoes, sports equipment, clothing, Korean bedding, jackets, leather
items, handbags, jewelry, toys, and much more. It is located in the
eastern sector of the city and is easily reached by taking the subway.
The market is well marked on almost all Seoul roadmaps.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Dongdaemun (Subway Line 4,
Station 421, Exit 8 or 9). It is also possible to drive and park in the FED compound (free to
all ID card holders and roughly three blocks away).

Express Bus Terminal

The huge Express Bus Terminal just south of the Han River is
sometimes called the Banpo. This bus terminal is the hub of all longdistance bus traffic in the Republic of Korea. It is busy on a normal
day and jammed on Korean holidays. It contains several floors of
restaurants and interesting, inexpensive shops. There are fresh flower
markets in the basement and third floor along with a huge artificial
flower market with home goods on the third floor. Christmas and other
holiday items are available seasonally.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Subway: Express Bus Terminal
Station (Subway Line 3 or 7, Exit 1), Bus: exit Gate 6 (Commissary Gate) and take a right;
walk to the stop light and cross the street to the bus stop. Take bus 143 and get off at the
second stop after you cross the river. For the return journey, make sure you are on the
opposite side of the street and again take bus 143. Once the bus has crossed the bridge,
get off at the first stop (Hangang Middle School) which is close to Gate 6.

This area near Dongdaemun is a good place to shop for toys,
stationery, clothing, socks, etc.

Fabric Market
The Fabric Market is a five-story white brick building full of fabrics
and notions of every imaginable sort. Happy Quilt fabric store (5th Floor,
B Building, 5215-6) also sells fabrics at the monthly AFSC luncheons.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Outside Dongdaemun Station
(Subway Line 4, Station 421, Exit 9) Hours: Closed Sundays

Insadong is located in downtown Seoul between the US Embassy
and Pagoda Park. There are many tea shops and restaurants to be
found down some of the interesting side streets around this shopping
area. On Sunday afternoons, the streets are closed to vehicle traffic
and shopkeepers set up their wares in the street, along with various
entertainers and artists.
A cultural space called Ssamziegil is a mall on six floors, housing
70 shops that are all connected by a long spiral path that leads to the
Sky Park on the top floor, offering views of the streets below. This mall
is located on the left, down toward the middle of the long main street.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Anguk Station (Line 3, Station 328,
exit 6) and walk about 50 feet straight ahead, then turn left.

Janghanpyeong and Dapsimni Antique Art Markets

If you like flea markets interspersed with fine antiques and a few nice
shops, this is the destination for you! Janghanpyeong antique market
boasts an array of traditional goods. Many furniture retailers purchase
wholesale from this market. Just a short walk away youll find another
nearby antique market area known as Dapsimni. This market offers
three large buildings of treasures waiting to be explored. The buildings
(2-dong, 5-dong, and 6-dong) are fairly easy to spot since the signs
are in English as well as Korean. English is not spoken by many of the
shopkeepers so negotiating can be challenging.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Janghanpyeong Antique Art Market Public
Transportation: For Janghanpyeong Antique Art Market, Between Dapsimni (Subway
Line 5, Station 542, exit 4) and Janghanpyeong (Line 5, Station 543) For Dapsimni Antique
Art Market, Dapsimni Station (Subway Line 5, Station 542, exit 2)

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Dongmyo Station (Subway Line 6,

Station 636, Exit 6)

334 | Shopping

Shopping | 335

Mango Building
Mango is a good place to buy socks, clothes, etc.

restaurants that will cook your purchased fish for you, an auction floor,
and an adjacent agricultural section.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Dongmyo Station, (Subway Line 6,

Station 636, Exit 6). The building is immediately to your right as you come out of the exit.
Take the elevator to the 7th floor.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Noryangjin Station (Subway Line 1,

Exit 2) Hours: Daily 3:00 am-9:00 pm, Wholesalers are off on Sundays and holidays

Minsok Gol-dong Pum Market

This quaint market is located near the Hwanghak-dong flea market
in Seoul. You can find antiques, character statues (similar to the statue
found in Itaewon, across the street from McDonalds), kitchenware, old
books, trinkets, etc.

Seoul Folk Flea Market (Hwanghak-dong Flea Market)

This market is located along a few blocks under the Cheonggye
elevated road. This is Koreas oldest flea market dating all the way
back to the Korean War. The market has close to 1,000 shops selling
hard to find antiques along with second hand goods. English is not
spoken by many of the shopkeepers so negotiating can be challenging.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Sindang (Subway Line 6, Station

635). You pass a wedding hall before you exit the subway. Once outside, go immediately
to the left across the steps, then behind the row of doors for sale.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Sinseoldong (Subway Line 1, Exit

9) and walk straight ahead for 100 m Hours: Daily 10:00 am-7:00 pm, Closed the second
and fourth Tuesdays of every month.

Namdaemun (South Gate Market)

This market is a unique cornucopia of clothing, jewelry, dishes,
appliances, folk art, flowers, gift bags, stationery items, and foods. The
market serves as a major manufacturers outlet opening very early
at 2:00 am and not closing until 6:00 pm. Namdaemun has a large
wholesale flower market, but go early since that section closes around
1:00 pm. Namdaemun is a good place to buy childrens clothing, with
many buildings selling nothing but childrens clothes and shoes. The
Alpha Store is located on Stationery Alley and has a great variety
of crafts, art supplies, and office needs. Free shopping guide books
filled with market information, detailed maps, and building numbers
are available at information booths located along the markets main

Toy Alley
This is a favorite shopping area for toys, games, stationery, craft
items, party supplies, and more. Birthday gifts and party favors are fun
to find here, as well as gift bags and cool school supplies.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Hoehyeon Station (Subway Line 4,

Station 425, Exit 5). You can also take bus 143, 149 (outside Gates 14 or 16) and bus 401
(outside Gate 3). Parking is available in the underground lot at the Hilton Hotel; fees can
be high if you spend more than a couple of hours. Directions: To walk from Yongsan, exit
post at Gate 19 (Camp Coiner) and take a left out of the gate. Walk up the hill to the Hilton
Hotel and then down to the market. It is located just down the hill from the Hilton Hotel and
across from Seoul Station.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Dongmyo Station, (Subway Line 6,

Station 636, Exit 6). As you exit to the street, walk about 100 feet to the first intersection at
which you will turn right and walk down the alley to the vendors and stores.

Yongsan Electronics Market

This market houses enough computers, stereos, cameras, and
general electronic gadgets to keep an electronic whiz busy for months,
maybe even years. Do not just shop in the main building. The entire
market consists of more than two dozen buildings and the surrounding
streets are packed with vendors selling thousands of electronic gadgets
and gizmos. It is helpful to have a Korean speaker accompany you to
the Electronics Market as most vendors speak little English. As with
any other market, compare prices and bargain before you buy. Also,
this is an important place to remember that a brand label is just that,
a label. They can be put on or taken off very easily. Check for quality
and performance.

Noryangjin Fish Market

This is Seouls largest fish market. It is run by the Department of
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, and houses over 700 shops selling
seafood from 15 fishing ports around Korea. It also includes numerous

336 | Shopping

Shopping | 337

Most product information is written in Korean and warranties are

not valid in the US. If you live on post or are planning on taking the
products with you upon PCS, ensure all products you buy are dual
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: In Yongsan-gu, an easy walk out of Gate 14 (turn
left at the traffic signal and follow the signs). If you are driving, exit Gate 14, turn left at the
light and immediately get in the right lane and make a right turn at the next traffic signal.
The lanes are confusing, so pay attention. Go straight ahead taking the underpass in front
of you. Turn left at the first traffic signal after the underpass. The market is 300 yards on
the left, behind the train station and E-Mart. There is a large parking lot in front of the

Shopping Districts
Certain areas of Seoul have developed reputations as special
shopping and commercial districts. A list of the more popular shopping
districts is below.
This area is conveniently located outside Gate 5 (the Gas Station
Gate) and across the street. It is a good place to venture off-post for
your first shopping adventure. Many of the vendors speak English and
it is not quite as overwhelming as some of the larger markets in Seoul.
You can find clothing, shoes, travel bags, luggage, leather and eel skin
goods, brass, antiques, and reproductions.
The Underground: The Underground shopping area is a block away
from McDonalds and across the alley from The Bag Man purse shop.
There are many entrances to The Underground.
There are hundreds of vendors selling an array of brand name
clothing, shoes, jackets, underwear, and souvenirs. There is a limited
amount of childrens clothing, but not at bargain prices compared to
the sales available in the United States. Some stores will not let you
try on clothes, but some will encourage you to, whether they have a
changing area or not. Take the stairs, leading up or down, to see more
floors packed with hundreds of vendors and their wares.
Boutique Area: Follow the small street that leads to The
Underground. Keep walking until you pass a small tag store on
the right hand side. (The tag store will sew your name in Korean
on luggage and clothing tags while you wait and also sells hats and
ready-made luggage tags.) Once you pass the tag shop, you will see
Monicas Custom Tailor shop. Turn right in front of this store. Walk

338 | Shopping

down a narrow, steep alleyway, leading down hill. At the bottom of the
hill, there are boutiques lining both sides of the street. Many stores are
closed on Tuesdays.
Hamilton Shopping Center: There is a wide variety of stores
in this four level shopping center attached to the hotel and often is
simply referred to as the Hamilton or the Hamilton Hotel. The lower
levels sell watches, jewelry, purses and souvenirs; the top two floors
are mostly clothing, purses, and luggage. Have a specific item in
mind when shopping the lower levels, as the vendors tend to be a
bit aggressive as they pressure you to buy. Take the escalator to the
top level where there are also bathrooms. There is also a reputable
rug dealer with a nice selection of Persian rugs. He also offers rug
cleaning and repair. Some shops take US dollars, but exchange rates
can vary from store to store.
Remix: On the right side of the main street toward the middle section
of the shopping area, Remix offers a selection of clothing. It is easy to
walk by and miss the store.
Shoe and Boot Shop (no name on store front): This store is
located immediately before the Remix clothes shop. Go downstairs to
get to the store. It carries a good selection of ladies shoes and boots
at reasonable prices.
A-One: On the right side of the main street toward the middle of the
shopping area, A-One offers a selection of shoes and boots.
The Morning Calm Antique Furniture Store: This store has a huge
selection of Korean antiques and reproductions. The store has very
unique pieces of furniture and the owner is willing to make a deal.
This is one of the busiest and most fashionable shopping districts
in Seoul. The narrow streets and alleys contain hundreds of clothing
and accessory boutiques, shoe stores, tailors, dressmakers, huge
department stores, specialty shops, and the Myeong-dong Cathedral.
This district stretches for about a mile in any direction from the Myeongdong Station, so everything is within walking distance. The area is
popular with teenagers and has many familiar stores such as Gap,
Old Navy, H&M, and Forever 21. Some of the familiar stores even
sell European-sized clothing. Myeong-dong claims to sell the biggest
ice cream treat in the world at 16 inches high. There are always lines

Shopping | 339

of people waiting to sample this mile high treat even on bitterly cold
winter days. During the warmer summer evenings, the streets abound
with hundreds of shoppers, as the vendors stay open at least until
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Myeongdong (Subway Line 4,
Exits 7 or 8)

This trendy, upscale fashion district, surrounded by many luxury
apartments, is located south of the Han River in Gangnam-gu. You
will find department stores, clothing stores, shoe shops, and boutiques
as well as numerous restaurants, cafs, coffee houses, nightclubs,
cinemas, theaters, and other entertainment spots. Some stores you
will recognize like The Body Shop and LOccitane.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Apgujeong or Sinsa Stations
(Subway Line 3, Stations 336 or 337)

Ewha Womens University and Sinchon

These quaint shopping areas are very close to one another and are
fast becoming the new fashionable places to shop. With the feel of
a small college town, lots of fun little shops, hair salons, and small
restaurants dot the area. With many universities adjacent to it, Sinchon
has been called the Street of Youth. Theaters line the street near
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Ewha Womens University (Subway
Line 2, Station 241, Exit 2), Sinchon Station (Subway Line 2, Station 240)

Department Stores and Malls

Exploring Korean department stores is not only an excellent and
entertaining way to learn what products are available here, but it also
gives you a glimpse into the Korean way of life. While featuring the
finest and most expensive items, the department stores are almost
a microcosm of Korean society, with most also containing grocery
stores and restaurants. The huge Lotte World Department Store on the
south side of the Han River also has an amusement park and museum
within its confines. Someone is usually available to answer questions
in English.

340 | Shopping

Bring your unexpired US Costco card as it can be used in Korea. The
items are geared toward the Korean shopper, so you will find different
merchandise than available in the US, but Costco does carry some
Kirklands brand items.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Yangjae location is right off Highway 1, across
from the flower market. There is a large parking garage on the premises. The Costco sign
is the same as the stateside store signs and is visible from the highway. Website: www. (click on English, then Locations for maps and written directions)

Everything can be found at this enormous shopping complex. In
addition to the endless stores, you will find restaurants, food courts,
clubs, an aquarium, and a movie theater. Be prepared for an adventure
and huge crowds! Theres a lot to see, so plan to spend the entire day.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Samseong Station (Subway Line 2,
Station 219, Exit 6). The subway exit leads straight into the mall. Website: www.coex.

D-Cube City Department Store

This nine-story indoor shopping mall has lots of great stores including
H&M and Uniqlo. There are also two full floors of restaurants. You can
find an information cube in English on each floor to help you navigate
your way around. There is also a Pororo Theme park on the 4th floor
that is popular with young children.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Sindorim Station (Subway Line 1, Exit
1) and follow the signs for the D-Cube City Department Store which will take you straight to
the entrance. Website:

Doota Mall
Many of the shops carry European-sized clothing. Ask at the
information booth on the ground floor and they will give you a slip of
paper with a list of store numbers that sell the larger sizes. There is
also a very nice food court on the 7th floor.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Across from Dongdaemun Market and directly
across from the History and Culture Park, look for another large white building across the
street (and stream).

Shopping | 341

This chain store has many locations throughout Seoul. The store
has everything from pet grooming items to groceries, and is similar in
quality to Walmart stores. You can purchase many ready-to-eat Korean
food items, including already marinated bulgogi and kalbi meat, frozen
items like yaki mandu, bread, and fresh fruit and vegetables.

Lotte Department Store and Lotte Mart

There are numerous locations for the Lotte Department Store and
Lotte Mart in and around the Seoul area. They are good places to
learn about Korean products and foods. The stores have grocery and
clothing departments and can be compared in quality to stateside
Target stores.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Directions: Closest location to USAG Yongsan is out of Gate

14 in the I-Park Mall building. There is a parking garage, or you can walk from Gate 14
to the Yongsan Station subway entrance. Public Transportation: Use the subway to get
on the other side of the busy street (Exit 5). Look for the huge I-Park sign and distinctive
yellow E-Mart signs. E-Mart is in the same building as Yongsan Station (Subway Line 1,
Station 135).

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Closest store to USAG Yongsan is

beside the Seoul Station (Subway Line 4, Station 426), There is another, much larger
store located in Jamsil (Subway Line 2 or 8, Station 216, exit 3) Website:

Galleria Department Store

This department store carries a wide variety of luxury-brand lines,
and there is a great supermarket in the basement.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Apgujeong (Subway Line 3, Station
336, Exit 2). Expect a 15-minute walk or take a taxi. Directions: If driving: from Riverside
Drive (Highway 88), turn right at the next bridge, go past Hannam Bridge (also called
Dongho Bridge) and turn left at the first traffic light. There is another much closer branch
of the store located at Seoul Station (Subway Line 4, Station 426).

Hyundai Department Store

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Apgujeong (Subway Line 3, Station

IPark Mall
This mall houses a Multiplex containing 11 movie screens, a putt-putt
golf course, and a skateboard and rollerblade ramp area. There is an
open-air stage within the courtyard of the complex where bands and
other entertainers perform during the summer months. There are two
floors exclusively for restaurants. The Living Digital store carries an
assortment of electronics, furniture, and a Korean bookstore. There is
also a fashion mall with shoes, clothes and accessories, nail and hair
salons, and hobby shops. The opposite end of the mall contains the
IPark Department Store and E-Mart.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Walking distance to Yongsan
Garrison or take the subway to Yongsan Station (Subway Line 1, Station 135) Website:

342 | Shopping

Shinsegae/Central City
Located next to the Express Bus Terminal, Shinsegae Department
Store is huge, with hundreds of shops on each floor. There are also
many places to shop in Central City. Visit the large Korean food court,
located on the basement floor. It offers a great variety of foods.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Express Bus Terminal (Subway Line
3 or 7, Station 339, exit 5 or 6) or you can take the bus. Website:

Times Square Mall

This large-scale department store is filled with many shops and
places to eat and several cinemas. The mall offers a range of items
including average-priced clothing, home dcor, and luxury designer
shoes and bags.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Yeongdeungpo Station (Subway
Line 1). The mall is directly connected to the station. Website:

Although not a department store, many people enjoy taking their
children to this familiar store. There are several locations around Seoul
and South Korea; however, the most popular is the one near Jamsil
Station that is located on the upper level of the Lotte Adventure World
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Subway Line 4 (Light Blue) from
either Gate 13 or 14 to Sadang Station. At Sadang Station, transfer to Subway Line 2
(Green). Follow the signs for Subway Line 2 and be sure to go up the stairs at the very
end of the station and make a sharp U turn to the right, which leads to the platform for
Subway Line 2. Take the Subway Line 2 train to Jamsil Station and follow the signs to Exit
3, Lotte Adventure World. Continue walking underground past the information booth. You
will see signs leading to the Toys-R-Us Store which is located on the upper levels of the

Shopping | 343


Seoul Selection

The following section provides information on a variety of shopping

categories that may be of interest to you during your time in Seoul.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Gwanghwamun (Subway Line 5,

Station 533, exit 2). East side of Gyeongbokgung Palace, across from the parking lot.
Phone: 02.734.9565 Website:

Automobile Repairs
There are many auto repair shops as well as factory-authorized
automobile repair services in Seoul, but most will not speak English.
The following shops are within close proximity to USAG Yongsan.
Inclusion on this list does not constitute endorsement.
Charleys Auto Repair

What the Book?

This bookstore sells new and used English books; they also buy
used books.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: In Itaewon on the same side as the Hamilton
Hotel on the main road, nestled on the second floor under the Thai restaurant Wang Thai.
Phone: 02.797.2342 Website:

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.793.7919

Clothing (Maternity)

Kims Garage

Doota Mall
You will find a selection of maternity clothes on the 6th floor with the
baby clothes. There are individual vendors so be sure to go around the
floor to compare prices.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.795.3712

Mr. Hans Garage

For those who do not care to drive off post, Mr. Hans Garage will
pick up and return your car for you.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Outside Gate 6 (Commissary Gate) Phone:

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Dongdaemun subway station

(Subway Line 4, Exit 8)

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Samseong (Subway Line 2, Station

219, exit 6) to the COEX mall. The store is inside the mall.

Shinsegae Department Store

There are several Shinsegae branches in Seoul, but the closest
ones are at Central City Mall (Express Bus Terminal Station (Seoul
Subway Line 3 and 7). The subway station is directly connected to the
department store) and Myeongdong (Hoehyeon Station (Subway Line
4, exit 7)

Jongno Book Center


CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Jongno 3(sam)-ga (Subway Line 1,

Station 130, exit 4) across the street from the YMCA Hotel.

Sarah Mesa Department Store

The maternity clothes can be found on the first and second floors.

Kyobo Bookstore
The foreigners section is excellent. An entire section is devoted to
dictionaries for translating English and Korean. Within the foreigners
section is a very large wall of travel books (including the Lonely Planet
and Seeing Eye series) as well as books on teaching English.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Located in Namdaemun Subway

(Subway Line 4, Hoehyeon Station, exit 7)

Bandi and Lunis

CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Gwanghwamun (Subway Line

5, Station 533, exit 3). There is a large sign for the bookstore at this exit, which leads
you immediately into the store. Located in the basement of the Kyobo building just two
buildings south of the United States Embassy in downtown Seoul.

344 | Shopping

Baby Malls
There are some inexpensive womens shops on the second floors.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Location: Located in Namdaemun (right around the corner
from Mesa)

Shopping | 345

There are quite a few maternity shops in the basement.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Myeongdong (Myeongdong Station,
Subway Line 4, Exit 6)

Lotte Department Store

There are several Lottes, but the closest is in Myeong-dong. The
prenatal (what they call maternity) section is on the 4th floor and has a
good selection of work pants and jeans.

Clothing (Plus-size)
Doota Mall, across from the fabric market in Dongdaemun, has
information about stores that carry larger sizes. Ask at the information
booth on the ground floor and they will give you a slip of paper with
a list of store numbers. Some places to shop for clothing include
department stores, outlets, brand shops, Namdaemun market,
Dongdaemun market, Myeong-dong, Itaewon and the stands in front
of Ehwa Womens University.

Purchasing fuel on the economy requires you to know the proper
grade for your vehicle and that the attendants select the proper
gasoline. For pricing, Korean gas is measured and priced in liters, and
may be more expensive. A good rule of thumb is to know you have
enough Korean won with you before stopping for gas on the economy.

Ginseng can be purchased at many markets, duty free shops, and
during regional ginseng festivals. The USO offers trips to pick your
own Ginseng root and visit the local Ginseng markets. The Foreign
Goods Transaction Office also has a ginseng shop and gives special
prices to military personnel.

Explore the many local grocery stores, markets, and vendors to
access fresh, locally grown, in-season produce as well as Asian/
Korean ingredients you may not be able to find in the commissary.

owners speak English. They are familiar with the concept of double
matting and work hard to accommodate American tastes. The MWR
Arts and Craft Centers of every post offer custom matting and framing
services for a reasonable fee, or you can do your own framing. For a
more extensive selection of frames, there are approximately 30 shops
located off-post between Gate 14 and Gate 16. The best deals are off
post. One store to have artwork framed is 0901. To get to 0901, go out
of Gate 14 and turn right at the traffic light. The store is near Samgakjii
Station on your right hand side. Two shops before 0901 is a small shop
selling unframed canvas artworks. The owner does the paintings and
for a very reasonable fee will turn any treasured photograph you may
have into a wonderful canvas oil painting.

If you are interested in having a hanbok made, there are hanbok
tailor shops in Itaewon; Dongdaemun Market, in the five-story white
building (Subway Line 4, Station 421, Exit 9); Namdaemun Market,
Building C, 3rd floor (Subway Line 4, Station 425, Exit 5); and on Osan
Air Base. There are many other shops that sell ready-made hanbok,
so shop around.

Kimchi Pots
A wide variety of kimchi pots are available just outside Gate 21. This
gate is officially called the Friendship House Gate as indicated by the
sign above the gate, but is unofficially and widely known as the Kimchi
Pot Gate. They can also be found at various vendors throughout the
city and at the pottery villages (See Pottery, below).

Musical Instruments
Nakwon Musical Instrument Arcade is located behind Tapgol Park
(Pagoda Park) near Insadong. This large indoor market has the widest
variety and best selection of musical instruments, from piccolos to
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Jongno 3(sam)-ga Station (Lines 1,
3, 5, exit 5)

There are many places in Seoul that provide framing. The Frame
Shop in the Gallery on Main Post has fairly reasonable prices and the

346 | Shopping

Shopping | 347


Tailors and Seamstresses

Eden Pottery
Eden Pottery is in Itaewon across the street from McDonalds and
up a little way, beneath the ABC Mart. Look for their sign because it
is in a basement and just has the staircase leading down. While this
shop is a little more expensive than the souvenir shops around it, the
quality of the pieces surpasses others and boasts more choices. The
shop owner speaks English and will tell you the background of pieces
if asked.

Selecting a good tailor from the hundreds available in Seoul is yet

another one of those things where word of mouth is helpful. Most
people who have been in Seoul for a few years have a favorite tailor,
so when you see a person wearing a custom suit or uniform that you
like, ask him or her who made it.
After you select a tailor, make sure you select a fabric that will be
compatible with the style of garment you have chosen. Be sure to
review all of the details of the garment (type of lapel, pocket flaps,
cuffs, etc.) with the tailor so you will be pleased with the final product.
Do not accept unsatisfactory workmanship and do not pay for the
garment in full until it is completed to your satisfaction.
If you are willing to make the trip to Osan for custom items you can
save 25% or more and will often see even bigger savings if you order
more than one item (e.g., a gown and custom suit, a custom suit and
jacket, etc.). Womens clothing is more difficult to make than mens
and is more expensive, so ask to see samples and prices before
committing to a garment.
The selection of Air Force, Marine, and Navy uniforms here is limited
and some items have to be ordered from Osan or the US, so plan
ahead. For clothing services off post, you may need to purchase your
own fabric. After the tailor has taken all the necessary measurements,
ask how much fabric he will need to make the uniform. A mans jacket
normally takes about 2 yards and the pants require about 1 yards.
Check at Military Clothing Sales and Service to make sure you have all
the necessary trim and measurements for its placement.

CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.793.0828

Koryo Art Ceramics

Koryo Art Ceramics is in Itaewon on the right side of the main strip,
past the first alley. Look for stairs leading down; the store is tucked
back from the sidewalk at the top of the stairs. This little shop is filled
to the brim and spills out onto the sidewalk. The salesperson speaks
English and is happy to explain the symbolism behind the items.
CONTACT INFORMATION. Phone: 02.798.2577 Website:

Yeoju Pottery Village

This village is the place to go to purchase the blue and white dishes
and various pottery (including celadon) at reduced prices. The shops
in Seoul purchase their wares from villages such as Yeoju and then
mark up the price. This village also sells kimchi pots.

Quilts and Fabric

Dongdaemun Market is the best place to purchase fabric, sewing
notions and quilts. You will be amazed at the sheer volume of fabrics
available. Fabric can be bought by the yard or by the bolt along with a
huge selection of notions: tassels, thread, zippers, and really anything
else you can imagine. One popular fabric shop, Happy Quilt, has top
quality cotton and seasonal fabric (B-5215, 5216 inside Dongdaemun
Fabric Market). Happy Quilt is a regular vendor at the AFSC monthly
CONTACT INFORMATION. Public Transportation: Inchon Station (near Gate 13) or
Sinyongsan Station (near Gate 14), Subway to Dongdaemun (Subway Line 4, Station
421, Exit 9)

348 | Shopping

Shopping | 349

Chapter 18

350 | Shopping

Seoul, Korea: A Primer

on History and Culture


Korea wasnt even on our radar of possible assignments, and we were quite surprised when
we found out we were coming here. We decided to embrace the opportunity and fully immerse
ourselves in the culture. Exploring the many world-class museums, we have learned so much
about the rich and long history of the peninsula. Through a cooking and culture course at one
of the universities, I not only mastered many traditional dishes, but also came to appreciate
and understand the traditions and etiquette of a Korean meal. And by getting to know the
people, weve come to love and respect our host country. As you explore your new home, take
advantage of every opportunity to learn about the history and culture of this great land.
Youll be enriched if you do!
~Jackie McKenna

Most Americans have little or no knowledge of Koreas history

and culture, and much of what they do know may be an erroneous
impression garnered from the news media or old newsreel footage
from the Korean War. In reality, the Republic of Korea is a vibrant, vital
country of more than 50 million people, all striving to keep up in this
fast-paced, modern society. Koreans have become world travelers,
world-class economic competitors, and they are highly regarded
participants in world affairs. Underpinning all their vast economic and
commercial accomplishments over the last twenty-five years though,
lays the Korean peoples spiritual wealth, their traditional respect for
elders, their strong belief in community, their love of nature, and their
sense of national pride.
Many newcomers find South Korea to be an exotic place. Keeping
an open mind and being willing to experience and appreciate cultural
differences will make your tour of duty here one of the most memorable
of your military career.
Embark on your Korean experience with a sense of adventure and
your journey may surprise you in new and wonderful ways. Soon
after you arrive, you will realize the Korean people are very friendly.
They will exert themselves to the utmost to understand you. Many
Koreans, especially in Seoul, speak some English. At times though,
communication can be a frustrating task. The key is to exercise
patience, speak slowly (not loudly!) and express gratitude. Your reward
will be their readiness to cooperate and support you.
Koreas history is an amazing mixture of events and trends. Against
the backdrop of strong cultural uniformity that started to emerge in the
seventh century and has continued up to the present day, you will find
a pattern of rich contrasts. Buddhist pagodas stand side-by-side with
Confucian shrines, cycles of great commercial growth are set against
downturns of financial decay, and numerous foreign invasions are
countered by attempts at territorial expansion.
A land-owning aristocratic scholar class once ruled over a rigid social
structure, supported by less-respected merchants and agricultural
peasants who toiled as tenant farmers. Within the Korean government,
periods of factional strife and political coups contrast with long periods
of stability. Learning about Koreas past helps put the present into true

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 353

Image by: Heather Bisson

On a busy day in Seoul, the capital city of 10 million people, we

guarantee youll notice the following:
The industriousness of the people: The official work and
school week is Monday through noon Saturday. The second and
fourth Saturdays are not official work days.
Traffic: Everyone tries to get there first. The traffic in many
parts of Korea is legendary and rivals the worst that New York,
Paris, London, or Washington, DC has to offer. Rather than a
methodical, legalized culture of driving, Koreas driving habits
have been described as currents in a vast river all flowing in the
same general direction.
A myriad of smells: Visitors quickly come to believe garlic
must be the national food staple. It is used extensively in Korean
dishes. Once you acquire a taste for it, eating Korean-style can
be inexpensive and delicious.
The clothing: Koreans are much more formal in their dress
than most Westerners and take great pains with their
appearance. As the culture becomes even more westernized,
the number of Koreans who still wear a traditional Korean dress
called hanbok (graceful, full-length garment in several pieces)
is declining except on holidays or for formal occasions.
The Korean alphabet, Hangul: This phonetic alphabet, invented
by King Sejong and a group of scholars in 1443, is actually
straight-forward, but often intimidating to foreigners. The 1988
Olympics in Seoul encouraged the Koreans to print most major
road and street signs in both Hangul and English.
The jostling crowds: Space is precious in Seoul. Koreans are
accustomed to tight crowds, and they assume everyone else is
too. Therefore, pushing and shoving without an apology, is
normal and not to be taken personally.

354 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

The markets: Nowhere in the world, Hong Kong included, are

there markets and shopping areas to rival those of Seoul.
Itaewon, located just outside USAG Yongsan, is probably the
most famous of the Korean shopping meccas. The true Korean
markets, however, are not as Western in style as Itaewon.
In the traditional markets like Dongdaemun (East Gate) and
Namdaemun (South Gate), products are grouped according
to type. Astonishingly, you will encounter rows and rows of
leather jacket vendors in one place, miles of fabric in another,
and thousands of electronic gadgets in another. The range is
truly amazing! See Markets under the Shopping section for more
As with any other prospective assignment, try to visit or correspond
with others who have been stationed here before you come. Stay
open minded, though, to form your own opinions. While you are here,
take every opportunity to venture off base and explore this beautiful,
mountainous country. Strike up conversations with the Korean people,
taste the delicious and sometimes unusual food, and enjoy the cultural
arts. It will definitely be an experience you will never forget.

Facts about South Korea

History: Korea is said to have been founded about 4,300 years
ago. Its recorded history dates back to 2333 BC. The Republic of
Korea (South Korea) was established in 1948.
Language: The Korean written language is referred to as
Hangul; the spoken language is simply called Korean

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 355

Geography: Korea is a peninsula thrusting from the northeast

Asian mainland in a southerly direction for about 625 miles or
1,000 kilometers. The peninsula, contiguous to the two
continental powers of China and Russia to the north and nearby
oceanic Japan to the south, functioned for a long time as a land
bridge through which continental culture was transmitted to
Japan. Its peninsula location has both the advantage of easy
access to adjacent cultures and the disadvantage of becoming
the target of aggressive neighbors. South Korea shares a land
boundary with North Korea of about 150 miles or 238 kilometers.
Topography: Approximately 70% of South Koreas land
area is comprised of mountains and uplands. Mount Halla
(Hallasan) (6,396 feet/1,950 meters) on Jeju Island (Jeju-do)
is the tallest mountain. The longest rivers are the Nakdong River
(Nakdonggang), the Kum River (Kumgang), and the Han River
(Hangang), which flows through Seoul.
Area: South Korea is 8,452 square miles/99,237 square km
(about the size of Indiana).
Climate: Long, cold winters and short, hot, humid summers
with late monsoon rains and flooding. Temperatures in January
average 21F to 35F. In July the averages are 71F to 82F. The
annual rainfall varies from year to year but usually averages
more than 39 inches or 100 centimeters. Of that total, two-thirds
of the precipitation falls between June and September.
President: Park Geun-hye, is the first female president of South
Capital City: Seoul.
Monetary Unit: Won ().
Population: South Korea: ~51 million (2013); Seoul: ~10 million.
Largest Cities: Seoul, Busan, Daegu, and Incheon.
Religions: Christian 26%, Buddhist 26%, Confucianism 1%, no
affiliation 46%.
Literacy Rate: Over 98% (one of the highest in the world).

356 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

Industry: South Koreas workforce is 20 million strong. 52% of

the labor force work in the service industry with 27% in
mining and manufacturing. Exports include agricultural products,
electronics, machinery, textiles, steel, metal, and chemical
products. Major products: clothing, textiles, processed foods,
chemicals, and electronics.
Natural Resources: Iron, copper ore, tungsten, and graphite.
National Bird: Magpie (traditionally said to bring good news).
National Flower: Mugunghwa (Rose of Sharon).

National & Religious Holidays

Holiday celebrations are an important part of family life in Korea.
All celebrations, no matter how large, center on the home. Women
can spend hours preparing the traditional dishes; sometimes a familys
reputation depends on the amount and the quality of the food. After
the holiday meal the younger members bow to their parents and
grandparents as a reaffirmation of family ties, receive gifts of money
and words of advice.
January 1, New Years Day (Sinjeong): The first day of the New Year
is celebrated with friends, coworkers and families. The most popular
event is the bell-ringing ceremony at Bosingak in Jongno, literally bell
street, Seoul. The bell-ringing event on New Years Eve draws throngs
of people from all over Seoul. The bell ringing is preceded by various
events like congratulatory performances by Korean stars. After that,
all citizens participate in the countdown to the New Year. Then, as the
New Year starts, celebrities, civil representatives, and senior members
from various fields ring the bell 33 times in celebration of a good year.
On New Years Day, it is common for Koreans to travel to famous
sunrise spots in order to make New Years wishes as they greet the
first sunrise. The sun first rises in the East Sea (Dong Hae) off the
coast of Korea so many New Year events are organized on the East
Lunar New Year, Chinese New Years Day (Sinjeong): Seollal
(Lunar New Year in Korean language) is one of the most celebrated
national holidays in Korea. It is celebrated in a similar way to January

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 357

1, but on a grander scale. This three-day holiday is celebrated the day

before the first day of the first month, on the day of, and the day after
the first day of the month according to the lunar calendar.
Traditional Confucian families perform ceremonies to commemorate
their ancestors. Most notably, bowing to their ancestors is commonly
practiced and is very much a part of Confucian tradition. It is a matter
of religion for them as well. Confucianism is melted in Korean culture
much like Saint Patricks Day is in America; it doesnt really matter
whether you are Irish or not; however, many Korean Christians and
non-Confucian families dont bow to their ancestors, due to their faith
and practice.
Family members rise early and put on their best clothes. Following
the rite and for the remainder of the time, everyone eats the ritual
food of Tteokguk, rice cake soup. Tteokguk is the main food of Seollal
and eating it is believed to add a year to ones age. Along with eating
Tteokguk, there is much singing and more traditional food is served.
Some examples of traditional foods include: Kimchi, rice, and Bulgogi.
March 1, Independence Movement Day (Samil Chul): Koreans
observe the anniversary of the March 1, 1919, Independence
Movement against the Japanese occupation. This day was officially
designated as a public holiday to commemorate men and women who
died during the Independence Movement. The March 1 Independent
Movement was highly influenced by US President Woodrow Wilsons
Declaration of the Principle of Self Determination at the Paris Peace
Conference in January 1919.
Buddhas Birthday (Seokgatansinil or Bucheonnim Osin Nal):
Buddhas Birthday is celebrated on the eighth day of the fourth month of
the lunar calendar. Solemn rituals are performed at Buddhist temples,
and the days festivities culminate with a lotus lantern parade. These
lanterns are lit and carried in parades on the evening of the Sunday
before Buddhas birthday.
May 1, Labor Day: This is not a government holiday; however, many
banks and businesses may be closed.
May 5, Childrens Day (Eorini Nal): This day is celebrated with
various programs for children who spend the day enjoying themselves
with their parents.
June 6, ROK Memorial Day (Hyeonchung-il): On this day, the
nation pays tribute to the soldiers and civilians who have given their

358 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

lives for their country. At 10:00 am, a siren sounds, calling for a oneminute silent tribute. Memorial services are held at the National
Cemetery in Seoul.
August 15, Liberation Day (Gwangbokjeol): On this day in 1945,
Korea was liberated from Japan after 36 years of colonial rule. It also
marks the 1948 establishment of the government of the Republic of
Harvest Full Moon/Korean Thanksgiving Day (Chuseok):
Chuseok is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of
the lunar calendar (September/October). Chuseok is Koreas most
important national holiday.
On the morning of Chuseok Day, Songpyeon, a type of Korean
rice cake, and food prepared with the years fresh harvest, are set
out to give thanks to ancestors through Charye, which is an ancestor
memorial service. Formal Charye services are held twice a year: during
Seollal (Lunar New Years Day) and Chuseok. The difference between
the two services is that during Seollal the major representative food
is white Tteokguk, a rice cake soup, while during Chuseok the major
representative food is freshly harvested rice. People visit family tombs
and present food offerings to their ancestors. Most Koreans will return
to their hometowns during this holiday, so traffic is unusually heavy
and travel times double.
October 3, National Foundation Day (Dangun Nal or
Gaecheonjeol): This day commemorates the traditional founding of
the Korean nation in 2333 BC by the legendary god-king Dangun. A
simple ceremony is held at an altar on top of Mt. Mani (Manisan) on
Ganghwa Island (Ganghwa-do) in Gyeonggi Province (Gyeonggi-do).
The altar is said to have been erected by Dangun to offer thanks to his
father and grandfather in heaven.
October 9, Korean Language Day (Hangul Nal): The day
commemorates the invention (in 1443) and the proclamation (in 1446)
of Hangul, the native alphabet of the Korean language. King Sejong
the Great, inventor of Hangul, is one of the most honored rulers in
Korean history. This is a national holiday celebrated with a variety of
activities and events centered around students throughout the nation.
December 25, Christmas Day (Gidoktansinil): Christmas is
celebrated as a national holiday in Korea as in many other countries.
It is a religious holiday for Christian families, while it remains more

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 359

of a party for younger generations and couples rather than family

gatherings or gift-giving. However, families with little children observe
Christmas the same as many American families, with Santa and
Christmas decorations. Christmas trees in Korean homes are small
and most of them are artificial. The traditional Christmas cakes are
very colorful and a very popular treat during the season.


The Korean Language


The Korean language has evolved

throughout the centuries. No one knows
how long it has been spoken and, despite
the geographical closeness of China and
Japan, Korean is linguistically distinct
from Chinese and Japanese.
Chinese characters were used to write
Korean until the 15th century. However,
since they were hard to learn and were
very different from the Korean spoken
language, most people remained illiterate.
In 1446, after many years of study
and testing by the ruler, King Sejong and his scholars introduced a
unique Korean alphabet. It was devised on a purely phonetic basis
and consisted of 28 characters. These were arranged in syllable units
or blocks and not into linear words. This meant the syllables could
be written horizontally or vertically on a page. Over time, from this
original alphabet, Hangul, the modern alphabet, has evolved. It has
24 characters and follows the Western convention of writing from left
to right. Chinese characters are rarely used today in conjunction with
the Korean alphabet, as it is possible to communicate fluently without
using them.
In the past, English was taught in Korean schools beginning in the
seventh grade with an emphasis on grammar instead of speaking;
it has been taught starting in the first grade since 1998. The mainly
testing-oriented educational system means that many Koreans have
memorized a lot of English grammar and vocabulary, but feel quite shy
about their conversational skills.

360 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

The following Korean phrases may assist you during your tour in
Korea. They are simple conversational words and phrases designed
for newcomers. Koreans will be pleased you have made the effort to
learn even a little of their language. The key is not being afraid to try
and having the ability to laugh at yourself.
Good morning/afternoon/evening
Hello (on the telephone)
May I have your name?
Im glad to meet you
Good-bye (by Host)

Ahn-nyong ha-say-yo
Ee-ru-mee moo ot shim nee ka?
Mahn-nah-suh bahn-gah-wuh-yo
Ahn-nyong-hee kah-say-yo

How much does it cost?
Do you have?
Show me another one
It is expensive
Can you reduce the price?
Ill take this
Its too big
Its too little

Ol-mah yeh-yo?
It-suh yo?
Darun-gut johm bo-yuh-ju-say-yo
Chom sah-keh-heh ju-say-yo
Egut ju-say-yo
Noh-moo kuh-yo

It is very delicious
Ah-ju mah-sheet-so-yo
It is hot (spicy)
I would like a glass of cold water Mool ju-say-yo
I would like a bottle of beer
Mack-ju hahn-byong ju say yo
Please give me
an English menu
Yong-oh menu
the bill Keh-sahn-suh

Do you speak English?
Young-oh hahm-nee-ka?
Where is
O-dee itsum nee-ka?
the police station?
the restroom? Hwa-Jahng-shil
Yes Yeh (or Nay)

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 361

No Ah-ni-yo
Thank you
Kam-sah ham-nee-dah
You are welcome
I am sorry
Mee-ahn hahm-nee-dah
Come here
Ee-ree o-say-yo
Please help me
Jom, dough-wah ju-say-yo
Call a policeman (an MP)
Kyung-chal (huhn-byung)
for me please
bul-luh ju-say-yo
Call this number for me
Ee bon-ho-ro jon-hwa jom, heh-ju-say-yo

Taking a Taxi
Please take me to the
nearest US
military installation
Stop here
What is this place called?
How much is the fare?
Please take me to
Itaewon shopping area
South Gate Market
East Gate Market

Kah-kah-woon mee-goon
-boo-dae-ka ju say yo
Yo-gee se-wo ju-say-yo
Ol-mah eem-nee-ka?
Itaewon she-jahng
Nam-dae-moon she-jahng
Dong-dae-mun she-jahng

When Traveling
Give me one ticket to
Hahn-jahng ju-say-yo
Western-style room
Cheem-dae bahng
Toilet Hwa-jahng-shill
Parking lot Ju-cha-jahng
Reservation Yay-yahk

January Il-wahl
February Ee-wahl
March Sahm-wahl
April Sah-wahl
May Oh-wahl
June Yu-wahl
July Cheel-wahl
August Pahl-wahl
September Guu-wahl
October She-wahl
November Shib-il-wahl
December Shib-ee-wahl

Chinese numbers are often used when counting sequentially. This
includes money, telephone numbers, dates, mileage, etc. When
shopping, listen for the Chinese numbers, particularly for the endings,
which mean hundred, thousand, and ten thousand. Notice that Korean
numbers go as far as 99. Beyond 100, Chinese numbers are used.
When counting how many people, use Korean numbers. Sometimes in
the smaller restaurants the prices will be written in the Chinese figures,
usually from top to bottom. The following chart offers a brief glimpse of
some of the differences in the two systems:

Monday Wol-yo-il
Tuesday Hwa-yo-il
Wednesday Soo-yo-il
Thursday Mok-yo-il
Friday Kum-yo-il
Saturday To-yo-il
Sunday Il-yo-il

362 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 363







364 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

Culture and Customs

South Koreas population shares a common ethnic and cultural
heritage. More than Western people, South Korean individuals tend to
view themselves as a tightly knit national community with a common
destiny. Intense feelings of nationalism, so evident in athletic events
like the 1988 Olympic Games held in Seoul and the World Cup soccer
games of 2002, reveal a sense of pride concerning South Koreas
place in the world. This section highlights important traditions, cultural
attitudes, and etiquette. Your awareness of these factors will greatly
reward you as you meet and interact with new Korean friends.
The Seoul Survivor Committee is grateful to Mr. Young K. Chang,
instructor at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center,
Presidio of Monterey, California, from whose publication, Cultural
Orientation (Korean), much of this chapter is extracted.


Customs and attitudes are different in Asia than those of Western
countries. Korea has its own set of courtesies. If you take the time to
learn and observe them, the rewards are significant.

Meeting and Greeting

The traditional bow has given way to the handshake, but friendly
backslaps or arm squeezing is considered rude here. Koreans
meeting for the first time introduce themselves only at the invitation
of a third party. The formal ritual of introduction is similar to this:
The person who knows everyone in the group invites his friends to
introduce themselves. One says, I am seeing you for the first time.
The other repeats the same sentence, and the elder one suggests
that they introduce themselves. The introductions and formal bows
are followed by an exchange of calling/business cards. These cards
are very important in Korea. They give an opportunity for each person
to discover the others position without rudely inquiring about them.
Cards also do away with the need of asking someones name twice. As
a sign of respect, when someone presents you with a business card,
take a moment to read it before putting it away.
The proper use of names in Korea is also important. A persons
name is considered his or her personal property. Koreans regard their

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 365

name with reverence. The persistent wave of Westernization has

accustomed Koreans to being addressed by their family name, but
only intimate friends and family greet each other on a first-name basis.
Koreans prefer titles rather than names. For example, you would call
the company president Sa-jang-nim or someone with a PhD Baksa. Teacher or Sun-saeng-nim is an acceptable title for anyone.
Try to remember that no matter how Western many Koreans may
appear on the surface, their thinking is still governed by traditions,
which are based on a culture several thousands of years old. The
following list covers some important traditions relating to etiquette:
Looking into an acquaintances eyes was generally considered
impolite. Though this is not necessarily true today, older Koreans
may find direct eye contact offensive.
Use your right hand when performing tasks such as presenting
gifts, paying a bill, or pouring a drink. Your left hand should
loosely cup your forearm. The closer your left hand is to your
wrist the less respect is being given, while your left hand cupping
your forearm near your elbow would show greater respect. Using
the left hand for these tasks is considered very impolite; most
Koreans do understand that the Western custom is different.
Do not point the index finger toward a person or gesture with
your foot, it is considered insulting. You may gesture with your
full hand, palm upward.
Do not write someones name in red ink (e.g., endorse checks,
sign letters, etc.). A name written in red means death.
If invited to dine at someones home, bring a gift. When
presenting the gift, use proper etiquette as stated above.
Take your shoes off when entering a Korean house or restaurant
with low tables.
Do not start eating before your guest of honor or senior.
Do not say, I dont drink when offered unwanted alcoholic
beverages. It is more polite to say, Im not feeling very well
today, I am a designated driver, or Im on medication.
Do not eat or drink without offering food or beverage to your

366 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

Ask your Korean guest more than once to help himself to more
food and drink.
Do not pour your own drink; pour for someone and let him
Try to wear conservative clothes. Bare shoulders are considered
See your guest off at the gate/door, and stay there until your
guest is gone.
Yes is often used simply to acknowledge what is said by ones
counterpart; it does not necessarily mean one is in agreement or
Do not suggest splitting the bill; each person or family should
alternate paying the bill. Remember when it is your turn to pay.
You may often see two male friends or two female friends
walking affectionately arm-in-arm. This is in no way an indication
of their sexual preference.
Koreans love children and in this culture, children are treated as
everyones treasures to cherish and protect. Koreans will often
want to touch and hold your children; blondes and redheads are
rare in Korea, and often attract the most attention. If your
children are uncomfortable with this, remove yourselves from the
situation as politely as possible. A simple no, thank you usually
will suffice.


Plain or cooked with other grains, rice (bap) is the main dish at
most Korean meals. Rice is accompanied by a variety of side dishes.
Favorite side dishes include bean paste soup, roasted beef and fish,
as well as steamed and seasoned vegetables. Soy sauce, soybean
paste, red pepper paste, ginger root, sesame oil, and sesame seeds
are other seasonings that are essential to Korean cuisine. Food is
usually eaten with a pair of chopsticks and a large spoon.
The traditional Korean homemaker believes that much of her familys
happiness depends on her culinary expertise. She often begins her
day by preparing a substantial breakfast of hearty soup, meat or fish,
steamed rice and kimchi. A light lunch follows which is similar to the

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 367

breakfast fare. A generous evening meal is favored, and can include

up to 15 or 20 dishes for special occasions. Holiday celebrations are
an important part of family life in Korea. All celebrations, no matter
how large, center on the home. Women can spend hours preparing
the traditional dishes; sometimes a familys reputation depends on the
amount and quality of the food.
At an elegant Korean dinner, the first course might be Ku-jol-pan
(nine compartments dish). It is somewhat similar to a French hors
doeuvre tray. The cooked meat and vegetables are arranged on a
large platter with a mound of pancakes in the center.
Homemakers in Korea, like many others in advanced nations,
usually have little time to prepare these traditional foods and are
well acquainted with frozen fare, microwave lunches, and other high
tech cooking conveniences. Fast food restaurants, Chinese takeout/
delivery (speedily brought on the back of a motor scooter with a heated
box strapped to the back) and food stalls for the passerby are very
popular for the busy Korean housewife.
Native food is offered in small restaurants, in the large hotels, and
in gourmet sections of the large department stores, such as Lotte
or Shinsegae. Korean supermarkets usually have sample stations
scattered throughout, where they will encourage everyone to try their
The following is an alphabetical list of traditional foods and beverages:

Bul Kalbi (): Roasted short ribs that are marinated similar to
Cha (): Tea.
Chaksol Cha (Solluk Cha) (): Varieties of Nock-cha, Korean
green tea.
Chapchae (): Clear noodles, generally mixed with vegetables and
soy-based dressing. May be served hot or cold.
Cider (): A local bottled soft drink, similar to 7-Up. Chilsung
Cider is a popular brand, served in a green glass bottle.
Daeji Galbi (0): Pork short ribs marinated and cooked over
hot charcoal.
Dakagalbi (): Broiled spicy chicken and vegetables.
Ddok (): Rice cake.
Ddokguk (): Rice cake soup traditionally served on the Lunar
New Year.
Dooboo (): Bean curd (Japanese: tofu; Chinese: dofu by the
Chinese); it is the compressed white liquid squeezed from cooked

Bap (): Rice.

Dolsot bibimbap (): Steamed rice, mixed vegetables, and

egg (and sometimes beef) with chili paste in a hot stone pot.

Bibimbap (): (mixed rice) This Chonju specialty is a bowl of

vegetables, rice, and chili paste, topped with a soft-fried egg.

Ghim or Kim (): Paper-thin sheets of salted laver seaweed.

Bulgogi (): Thin strips of beef, marinated in sesame oil, soy

sauce, sugar, and garlic, then grilled at your table.
Bin-de-ddok (): Vegetables, pork and spices cooked in batter
Bokkumbap (): Korean fried rice.
Boricha (barley water) (): In lieu of tea, cups of this tepid drink
are sometimes brought to the table as soon as you are seated in a
Korean restaurant.

368 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

Ghimbap (or Kimbap) (): This popular food consists of sticky

rice rolled with assorted vegetables, egg, and meats into a sheet of
seaweed, and sliced into bite-sized pieces. Its known as Korean Fast
Food or the Korean MRE. It differs from Japanese sushi in that the rice
is seasoned with sesame oil rather than rice vinegar.
Goon Mandu (): Fried dumplings. A perfect hors doeuvre when
served with soy sauce. Yaki Mandu is the Japanese term.
In Sam (): Ginseng. A root long prized for its medicinal properties,
it is also used in cooking. Paeksam is white ginseng;
Hongsam is red ginseng.

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 369

In Sam Cha (): Ginseng tea.

Kalbi (): Pork or beef short ribs.
Kalbi Jhip: A Kalbi restaurant.
Kalbi Tang (): Kalbi soup, the least expensive way to eat Kalbi.
Kimchi (): Cabbage, radishes or other vegetables pickled with
garlic, chili pepper, and ginger, then fermented in huge jars buried in
the ground. No Korean meal is complete without it!
Kimchi jjigae (): Kimchi stew.
Ku-jol-pan (Nine treasures) (): Strips of egg and vegetables
are served in a compartmented dish with thin crepes in which you wrap
the other eight treasures.
Jjin Mandu (): The Korean equivalent of Chinese wonton, these
are dumplings made of minced pork or beef and vegetables wrapped
in thin pastry crescents, steamed and served with soy sauce.
Makkolli (): Rice wine, the drink traditional to farmers.
Maek-ju (): Beer.
Moo (): The large white Japanese daikon radish used in summer
Mul (): Water.
Myon (): Noodles, sometimes thin and white if made from flour.
Other myon are made with buckwheat, potatoes, or mung beans.

Sam-kyetang (): Ginseng chicken soup. A summer specialty,

the chicken is boiled with a piece of the medicinal root and jujubes, and
stuffed with glutinous rice.
Changae (Sesame) (): Kae is Korean sesame. The leaves are
added to soup, the seeds to vegetables and meat marinades, and the
oil for flavoring in cooking.
Seolleongtang (): Beef soup served with rice.
Shinselo (): A casserole once served only to royalty. Fried
eggs, fish, meat, and vegetables are cut into strips and simmered in
broth in the distinctive charcoal brazier.
Soju (): distilled beverage native to Korea and traditionally made
from rice.
Songpyon (): Chusok half-moon shaped rice cakes.
Ganjan (Soy Sauce) (): Ganjan is made by fermenting the liquid
of boiled soybeans. This is one of the most popular condiments in a
Korean kitchen.
Sushi (): Slices of raw fish dabbed with wasabi and curled over
a clump of sticky rice. This is of Japanese origin, and differs from
Gimbap/kimbap in that the rice is seasoned with rice vinegar rather
than sesame oil.
Uja Cha (): Citron tea, usually served in winter.
Yakchu (): A respectable word for liquor.

Nang Myon (): Cold noodles that are 70% buckwheat and served
in a dish of cold water to which you may add a dollop of chili paste.
This is considered a perfect complement at the end of a bulgogi meal.
Sake (): Called chonjongg in Korea, this is traditional Japanese
rice wine served in tiny cups.
Sam Gyeop Sal (): Thick slices of pork belly meat (similar to
uncured bacon) grilled and often dipped into a spicy pepper paste.

370 | Seoul, Korea: History and Culture

Seoul, Korea: History and Culture | 371


1 Replacement Company 14, 53, 54, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 76, 133, 320
121st CSH (see Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital)
19th Personnel Company 14, 53, 54, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 76, 122, 133, 315,
2nd Infantry Division (2ID) 9, 69

Accommodations 51, 52, 245, 246 (see also Dragon Hill Lodge)
Accompanied Tours 58
Acronyms 14
Adventure Crew 203
Airport Transportation 122
Ambulance 14, 147
American Citizen Services (ACS) 31, 32, 33
American Forces Network (AFN) 14, 41, 224, 230
American Forces Spouses Club (AFSC) 5, 14, 16, 25, 230, 235, 327, 331,
335, 348
American Red Cross 16, 29, 203
American Womens Club (AWC) 21, 231, 264, 326
Army Post Office (APO) 44, 59, 271, 316, 317, 318, 320
Armed Forces Emergency Service (AFES) 29
Army Community Service (ACS) 8, 14, 25, 26, 49, 54, 61, 62, 70, 71, 74, 93,
95, 96, 97, 98, 106, 138, 148, 153, 193, 230, 248
Army Emergency Relief (AER) 95, 191
Army Family Team Building (AFTB) 95
Arts and Crafts Center 63, 197
ATMs 42, 43, 51, 56, 266, 329
Australia 216, 236, 268

Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ) 75
Bachelor Officer Quarters (BOQ) 75
Banking 8, 42, 43 (see also ATMs, Credit Cards, Currency Exchange Rates)
Barber Shops 320
Baseball 220

372 | Index

Basketball 74, 202, 220

Beauty 320, 321
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) 197
Bicycling 124, 129, 236, 238, 321, 326
Birthing Resources 158
Blackhawk Village 25, 74, 131, 176
Blogs 24
Bowling 204
Boy Scouts 17, 203
Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital (BAACH) 9, 14, 29, 43, 73, 78, 143,
145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 160, 161, 165,
166, 197, 226, 320
Burke Towers 56, 73, 74, 176, 219
Bus 28, 67, 68, 105, 106, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 127,
129, 131, 174, 203, 243, 248
Busan 7, 31, 32, 124, 159, 161, 236, 262, 272, 356
Business Card 325

Cambodia 236, 270
Camp Carroll 119
Camp Casey 7, 37, 107, 119, 154, 177, 259
Camp Coiner 7, 37, 43, 132, 201, 212, 291, 294, 304, 310, 320, 321, 336
Camp Henry 31, 119
Camp Howze 7
Camp Humphreys 9, 17, 27, 31, 37, 83, 119, 143, 154, 160, 177, 189, 203
Camp Jackson 119
Camp Kim 36, 37, 39, 76, 132, 245, 287
Camp Red Cloud 37, 107, 119, 154, 177
Camp Walker 119, 143, 177
Cell Phones 39
Chaplain 147, 223, 225
Childbirth Classes 153
Child Development Center (CDC) 97, 99, 183
Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) 15, 70, 79, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100,
101, 102, 151, 153, 190
China 65, 236, 270, 277, 300, 356, 360
Chinhae 37, 188, 262, 263
City Airport Terminals 120, 122
Clothing 59, 61, 62, 319, 323, 324, 331, 345, 346, 349
Commiskeys Community Activities Center (CAC) 202

Index | 373

Commissary 8, 17, 43, 127, 131, 137, 305, 309, 322, 334, 344
Consular Reports of Birth Abroad 31
Courageous Channel 88, 89
Credit Cards 56
Crime Rates 33
Cub Scouts 203
Culture and Customs 365
Curfew 87
Currency Exchange Rates 42, 56
Customs 66, 67, 68, 77, 80, 122, 173, 175, 177, 180, 268, 328

Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) 54, 70, 71, 80, 133, 245,
Defense Switching Network (DSN) 13
Delivery Services (Food) 295
Demonstrations 87
Dental Services 165, 166
Department Stores and Malls 340
Diseases 152
Diving 216
DMZ 7, 15, 37, 152, 236, 257, 258
DoDEA 15, 151, 183, 186, 187
Dog Park 178
Dog Restrictions 175
Dragon Hill Lodge (DHL) 7, 8, 25, 40, 43, 52, 67, 78, 107, 108, 122, 123,
126, 127, 131, 133, 137, 176, 198, 200, 201, 205, 230, 243, 246, 250,
255, 287, 292, 293, 321, 323, 325, 327
Drivers License 51, 54, 70, 71, 77, 124, 125, 245, 268
Dry Cleaning 324

Eagle Grove 26, 40, 73, 74, 176
Education Center 181, 191, 192, 194
Eighth US Army 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16
Emergency Care 164
Emergency Numbers 14
Employment 18, 22, 36, 53, 96, 137, 138, 139, 140, 187
Enhanced Security Pedestrian Gates (ESPG) 133 (see also Installation

374 | Index

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) 96, 147

Express Bus Terminal 118, 235, 309, 321, 334, 343, 345

Facebook Pages and Groups 25
Family Advocacy Program (FAP) 96
Family Child Care (FCC) 97, 99
FedEx 44, 323
Ferry 124, 263, 272, 277
Festivals 27, 256
Financial Readiness 96
Fire 14, 299, 301, 302, 321
Fitness Center 201, 204, 219
Force Protection 85, 87
Foreign Embassies 30
Four Seasons 8, 205, 321
Furnishing Management Office 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 75, 79
Furniture Store 43, 204, 291, 319, 321, 323, 339

Gallery 44, 251, 274, 323, 325, 326, 331, 346
Gas Station 324
Gimpo International Airport 120, 121
Girl Scouts 18, 26, 204
Golf 205, 219
Guam 270, 271

Hannam Village 6, 8
Han River 8, 37, 130, 211, 250, 251, 334, 340, 356
Hartell House 292, 293
Helo Acres 73, 176
Holidays 357
Home-Based Businesses 137
Homeschooling 190
Hong Island 263
Hong Kong 271, 272, 277, 355
Hospital, Off Post (see Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital, BAACH)

Index | 375

Household Goods 50, 54, 58, 61, 62, 75, 318, 322, 324
Housing Office 52, 56, 58, 62, 63, 65, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 176

Identification Card 54
Immunizations 30, 56, 151
Incheon 7, 124, 227, 258, 356
Incheon International Airport 66, 68, 120, 121, 122, 123, 175, 179, 270, 285
India 272, 281, 282
In-Processing 53, 54, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 316
Installation Gates 87, 128, 131, 133, 245, 336
Insurance 35, 36, 51, 54, 55, 57, 77, 90, 146, 156, 157, 164, 165, 245, 267,
Internet 38, 40, 41, 42, 49, 64, 70, 187, 198, 317, 325
Intramural Sports 204
Itaewon Acres 8, 26, 40, 74, 176

Japan 54, 120, 204, 213, 216, 235, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 356, 359,
Jeju Island 121, 211, 236, 263, 356

K-16 9, 13, 14, 37, 119, 192, 198, 199, 201, 205, 226
KATUSA Snack Bars 294
Kids on Site 98
Kimchi Pot List 235
Korail 120, 262
Korean Language Classes 95, 193
Korean Meals 367
Korean Phrases 361
K-Performances 206
Kunsan Air Base 122

Library 8, 20, 26, 30, 44, 49, 198, 199, 200, 212, 213, 264, 278, 323
Loaner Furniture (see Furnishing Management Office)
Luggage 59, 67, 68, 121, 122, 123, 128, 174, 267, 268, 333, 338, 339

Macau 277
Malaysia 54, 216, 277, 278
Markets 25, 108, 235, 283, 333, 335, 347, 355
Marriage 33, 35, 52, 53, 90, 98
Martial Arts 219
Medical Bus Service 119
Middle School & Teen Center (MSTC) 97, 100, 202
Military Clothing Sales Store 323, 324, 349
Military Family Life Consultants 98
Military Police 66, 130
Mobilization and Deployment 95
Modeling 139, 140
Movie Theater 21, 43, 199, 207, 341, 342
Moyer Bus Terminal 119, 243
Moyer Community Activity Center (CAC) 119, 198, 202, 295, 325
Museum 6, 8, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 235, 238, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255,
258, 263, 274, 282, 284
Music Venues 208

Namsan Mountain 8
Naturalization and Immigration 33
Navy Club 198, 295, 320
Nepal 278
Newcomers Orientation Tour 95
New Parent Support 96, 148, 153
Newspaper 199, 230, 264
New Zealand 236, 278
Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) 15, 53, 70, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90,
91, 95, 180
Notarization 31, 35

Laundry 324
Legal Assistance Office 35
Lending Closet 95

376 | Index

Index | 377

Off Post Housing 75, 76
Okinawa 216, 276
One Stop Center 38, 40, 198
Optical Shop 325
Optometry Clinic 170, 325
Oriental Press 3, 4, 325
Orthodontic Treatment 166
Osan Air Base 19, 37, 66, 68, 72, 107, 119, 122, 123, 154, 177, 189, 203,
216, 242, 243, 321, 347

Palaces 252
Parent and Outreach Services 97, 98
Parking 8, 57, 73, 74, 107, 121, 125, 129, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 219,
257, 298, 304, 308, 309, 310, 336, 338, 341, 342, 345, 362
Parks 8, 21, 45, 160, 166, 167, 168, 178, 206, 207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214,
215, 216, 218, 235, 236, 237, 238, 248, 250, 254, 257, 258, 259, 260,
262, 263, 271, 272, 274, 280, 283, 285, 298, 303, 304, 310, 335, 341,
342, 347, 356
Passport 31, 32, 50, 55, 90, 187, 244
Patriot Express 19, 66, 174, 242
Performing Arts 208, 257
Pet Adoption 178
Pet Care Center 26, 176, 177
Pets 16, 26, 50, 56, 57, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 78, 91, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177,
178, 179
Pharmacy 152, 153
Playground 74, 178, 216
Police 14, 22, 87 (see also Military Police)
Pool 205
Post Exchange (PX) 8, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 59, 62, 63, 64, 131, 244, 291,
292, 303, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321, 322, 326, 327, 332
Post Office (see Army Post Office)
Post Run 119, 123
Pottery 331, 347, 348
POV (see Vehicle)
Power of Attorney (POA) 50, 53, 57, 71
Prenatal Care 153, 157
Prepaid Phone Cards 40

378 | Index

Preschool 183
Prescriptions 56, 60, 90, 152
Printing 325
Public Telephones 39
Pyeongtaek 83, 159, 189

Quarantine Inspection Agency 175

Ration Control Program 47, 54, 70, 71, 80, 315, 322
Referrals (Medical) 36, 96, 156, 166, 191
Religious Services 223, 227
Relocation Readiness 97
Rental Car 125
Repairs 326, 344
Restaurants 291, 296
Royal Asiatic Society (RAS) 231
R&R Bar & Grill 295
Running 25, 204

Saipan 270, 271
School-Age Center (SAC) 97, 100
School Bus Pass 187
School Records 53
School Registration 187
Scouting 203
Second Hand Rose Thrift Shop 26, 39, 59, 231, 320, 322, 326
Self Help 62, 64
Senior Enlisted Bachelor Quarters (SEBQ) 75
Seoul American Elementary School (SAES) 15, 26, 73, 185, 188
Seoul American High School (SAHS) 8, 15, 26, 185, 188
Seoul American Middle School (SAMS) 15, 26, 185, 188
Seoul City Bus Tour 117, 251
Seoul International Womens Association (SIWA) 231, 264
Seoul Metro Railway System 107
Seoul Station 115, 120, 121, 262, 307, 309, 336, 342, 343
Sexual Assault 14, 144, 145

Index | 379

Shoppette 67, 200, 292, 320, 327

Shopping Districts 333, 338
Singapore 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282
SKIES Unlimited 97, 99
Skiing 25, 217, 218
Smartphone Applications 28
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) 34
Social Security 31, 187
Space Available Travel 18, 123, 242, 243
Sponsor 47, 49, 52, 53, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 77, 89, 122, 176, 315
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) 32, 52, 54, 55, 66, 70, 71, 72, 97, 316
Storage 50, 58, 59, 63, 65, 66, 73, 74, 91, 119, 219, 322
Subway 24, 28, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120,
125, 127, 129, 131, 248
Suicide Prevention 14, 144
Sure Start 183
Suwon Air Base 37
Swimming 205

Taiwan 282, 283
Taxi 28, 68, 107, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 133, 362
Telephone Service 38
Television 41, 42
Temporary Post Pass 244
Tennis 8, 74, 178, 205, 219
Thailand 216, 236, 283, 284, 285, 307
Theme Parks 210, 263
Thrift Store (see Second Hand Rose Thrift Shop)
Tibet 278
T-Money Card 106, 107, 108, 109, 113, 115, 117, 125, 127
Tourism 23, 27, 106, 124, 206, 239, 248, 249, 256, 264, 271, 278, 279
Traffic 8, 68, 115, 121, 124, 129, 278, 334, 335, 338, 342, 347, 354, 359
Train 28, 105, 110, 111, 112, 120, 121, 130, 236, 262
TRICARE 20, 70, 143, 145, 150, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 163, 164, 165,

Unaccompanied Tours 58
United Services Organization (USO) 15, 20, 26, 27, 36, 37, 39, 67, 76, 106,
195, 217, 230, 244, 248, 257, 260, 287, 331, 346
Universities and colleges 192
UPS 44
Urgent Care 163, 164
USAG Daegu 31, 32, 37, 83, 143, 154, 188
USAJOBS 137, 138
US Embassy 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 88, 198, 246, 282, 294, 298, 303, 335
US Embassy Association (USEA) 27, 34, 246
US Embassy Seoul 27, 31, 33
USFK Airport Joint Reception Center 122

Vehicle 50, 54, 55, 57, 60, 68, 71, 76, 77, 79, 83, 124, 162, 244, 245, 268,
335, 346
Vehicle Processing Center (VPC) 76
Vehicle Registration Office 245
Veterans Affairs (VA) 20, 31, 36
Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF) 177
Victim Advocate 97
Video Rental 200
Vietnam 236, 285, 286
Visa 32, 55, 70, 71, 139, 244, 270
Visitor Center Gate 133, 212, 254, 298, 304, 310
Visitors 213, 244, 245, 254, 258, 261, 263, 285, 354
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) 38
Volunteer 97, 138
Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) 97
Voting Assistance 31, 373

Walker Center 8, 246
Water (Drinking) 297, 327, 370
Watkins Ridge 73, 176
Websites 16
Women, Infants, and Children Overseas (WIC) 154

Unaccompanied Baggage 50, 58, 61

Unaccompanied Personnel Housing 75

380 | Index

Index | 381

Yongsan Relocation Plan 83
Yongsan Station 120, 303, 342
Youth Sports & Fitness (YSF) 97, 101, 102

Zoo 210, 214, 235

Printed by Oriental Press

382 | Index



NCOA Korea - Dragon Hill Chapter #1507 Non Commissioned Officers Association



Welcome to the Land of the Morning Calm
The NCOA Korea Dragon Hill Chapter #1507 was chartered Feb 12, 1991.
NCOA Korea -Dragon Hill Chapter #1507 represents All Branches of
Service. We serve our Military and surrounding communities by sponsoring
or co-sponsoring Service Member Recognition Programs, Civic
Organizations, DOD Schools, Community Programs and activities. We
contribute funds and or promotional items to Unit activities, Charitable
Organizations, FMWR Programs, NCOA National and Local Scholarship
Program. We sponsor the Give Out Love Handicap Home AKA Baby Drop
Box, House Of Hope Elderly Home and Bosung Girls Middle and High
School in support of the USFK Good Neighbor Program.
Sponsor Annual Youth Fun Day

Sponsor Baby Drop Box


Sponsor SAMC / Gen Paik Award Induction

For More Information Email:

[email protected]
Visit website:



Strength In Unity

The Non Commissioned Officers Association, more commonly known as

The NCOA was established in 1960 to enhance and maintain the quality of
life for Noncommissioned and Petty Officers in all branches of the Armed
Forces, National Guard and Reserves. The NCOA offers its members a
wide range of benefits and services designed especially for enlisted service
members and their families.

COA Korea - Dragon Hill Chapter #1507 Non Commissioned Officers Association

Strength In Unity

Your Health & Beauty can be managed at

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which has a systematic cooperative system with JCI accredited
Inha University Hospital, TRICARE designated hospital

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Pancreatic Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Bladder
Cancer, Anticancer Drug Side Effects(2 kinds)
Heart_DNA Testing (10 types)
: Coronary Artery Diseases, Hypertension, Atrial Fibrillation, Type2
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You can expect ...

Gyeonggi-do in Korea


e-book (App)

Caring medical staff who understand your NEEDS

Management of your health & beauty at once
Foreigner Friendly Infrastructure without language barrier
Support by

e-book (Android)

MBC, one of the major broadcasting stations in Korea, the Yongin MBC Dramia is bustling with a lot of foreign tourists

Gyeonggi-do in Korea

since it was the location of Dae Jang Geum, The Moon That Embraces the Sun and The Great Queen Seondeok. Indeed,
Gentleman, the music video of Psy, which recorded the big global hit in 2012, was shot at the Onemount in Goyang, and

The most charming region in Korea where the past, present and
future come together. Lets navigate this fascinating place.

some episodes of Running Man of SBS that are popular in Southeast Asian Nations were shot at the Onemount and the
Petite France in Gapyeong,

Geographically, Gyeonggi-do surrounds Seoul, the capital city of the Republic of Korea and is the
center and the economic hub of the country. With two airports and two ports, it allows easy access

Best Province 31

to any city in Northeast Asia within two hours. Gyeonggi-do is where the tour in Korea begins. From

Gyeonggi-do consists of 31 cities and counties, which enclose Seoul like a doughnut. They are just like 31 varied theme

prehistoric times through Baekje, Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties, which had maintained the royal road

parks in and of themselves, attracting tourists all the year round with unique and fascinating feasts. With massive
theme parks, beautiful natural parks and diverse experiential facilities, the province oers world-class festivals as well as

through the region, Koreas leading industries like IT, auto industry and tourism have flourished here.

charming local fairs. It has the Korean tourism resources and conveniences for city tour, as well.
31 themes and fascinating tourist attractions in 31 areas! War and peace, environment and technology, nature and art all these themes are available here in Gyeonggi-do, the hub of Koreas tourism realm.

Full of Excitement; Theme Parks

Everland was ranked as one of four major theme parks by Forbes in 2006. Located in Gyeonggi-do, it is one of the most
impressive tourist attractions in Korea with nine million visitors annually. Apart from Everland there are many exciting
theme parks in the province such as Gwacheon Seoul Land, Woongjin Placydoci and Onemount. The Korean Folk Village,
which features Giwajip (mansions of Yangban, aristocrats in Joseon Dynasty) as well as Chogajip (rice straw-thatched
house), is one of world-class tourist destinations you can experience a variety of Korean traditions and cultures. For
foreign tourists, in particular, it is a must-see destination since Nongak (a rural form of Korean percussive music), Jultagi
(tight-rope walking) and Korean traditional wedding are performed all the year round. Woongjin Playdoci, opened
recently in 2009, ts out the worlds 12th indoor ski slope and oers advanced technology and services.

A Special Territory, Home to UNESCO World Cultural Heritages

One and Only Place on Earth ; DMZ

Gyeonggi means outer land of kingdoms capital and is to protect the royal palace. Since 1018 (Goryeo Dynasty)

The DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) is a natural tourist attraction. The world's only active strip of division, DMZ has recently

when the name was rst used, the province has long been specially treated as the area guarding capital of kingdom.

come to be regarded as a great ecological tourist spot with exquisite natural resources. Many people including children

It is why you can nd Suwon Hwaseong Fortress and Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty here. Suwon Hwaseong, the

and world celebrities have visited the DMZ, which has been cut o from the outside world for half a century, to discover

masterpiece of the Joseon Dynasty, is one of the nest Asian fortresses. It was scientically designed based on both

the importance of nature and to hear a true message of peace.

Asian and Western military science theories and the oriental philology of lial piety. Passing through the downtown area
of Suwon, the fortress is one of the popular tourist destinations; it works o the charm of Gyeonggi-do where tradition
and modernity are balanced. Registered recently as a World Heritage by UNESCO, the Royal Tombs of the Joseon
Dynasty is attracting worldwide attention.
Its very rare in the world that a single dynasty existed for 519 years and it's extraordinarily hard to maintain the tombs of
kings and queens in that excellent state. UNESCO, impressed with their artistic and historic value, came to designate all
of 40 tombs as the world heritages. 31 out of the 40 tombs lies in Gyeonggi-do. Based on this valuable cultural heritage,
the province has become the center of Hallyu, or the Korean Wave.

Glance at Gyeonggi-do
Population: 12.2mil. (23.8% of total S. Korean population)

- Budget: $31.4 billion

Longitude: E127 51'-126 22'

- GRDP (2010): $165.9billion [ranked 46 of 192 countries: (cf. Chile: $163.7billion /

Latitude: N36 53'-38 17'

Heart of Hallyu (Korea Drama and K-Pop)

Dae Jang Geum, an advance guard for Hallyu dramas that has been on a roll in Japan, China, Middle East and Southeast
Asian Nations, was shot at Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon and Korean Folk Village in Yongin. Invested and managed by

04 | Travel Planners Guide

Economic Indicators

Area: 10,183 (10.2% of S. Korean territory)

Pakistan: $166.6billion)]

Gross Distance: East-West: 130.0km, South-North: 155.4km (coastline: 332km)

- Trade volume: Exports : $85.7 billion / Imports : $83.8 billion

Provincial Capital : Suwon

- Potential: Economically active population: 5.45 mil. (23.4% of the national total)

* For more information, visit our website

About Gyeonggi-do | 05


Temple Stay

Temple Stay is a program for tourists to experience the Buddhist temple culture. Staying a few
days at the temple participants lead a daily life of monks or Buddhist disciplinants. There would
be typical programs for meditation and dining, etc., through which they come to learn the Asian
sentiments and spirit of Buddhism. Take a walk in a tranquil forest, have peace of mind restored
in a natural getting away from the hectic city life, perform Yeondeung (Lotus Lantern oered to
Buddha) or learn tea ceremony. Korean Temple Stay should oer a great opportunity for you to
rediscover your true self.

Temple Food With plain, unspiced Buddhist cuisine that does not use the Osinchae(ve
vegetables banned in temple; green onion, garlic, wild rocambole, wild leek and honggeo),
temple food oers a menu of ne Korean vegetables popular among vegetarians. You can learn
the Buddhist doctrines which aim to attain peace of mind by abstaining from esh and sh.

Wawoojongsa Temple

Tapdori (Circling a pagoda) Originally it was a Buddhist religious ceremony held on

Buddhas birthday, but now was developed into a folk event. Circling the pagoda whilst singing
ritual song is not only a festival event, but a way of training our mind.


The Wawoojongsa Temple, situated 48km south from Seoul (about 50 minutes drive) is not only
easy to visit, but also boasts its beautiful surrounding landscape.
The Mt. Yunwha in Yongin embracing the Temple is one of Koreas major tourist sites where
such attractions like the Everland Amusement Park, the Yongin Ski Resort, MBC Dramia and the
Korean Folk Village are located in the vicinity.
The Wawoojongsa Temple was established by Haegeun Kim, who was a refugee from North
Korea, to pray for peaceful Unication of Korea; it is sort of a mecca of the Korean peoples spirit
for patriotism.
A lot of foreigners have visited the Temple, whom His Reverend Haeduk, the head monk of the
Temple welcomes in person with warm aection.
There are many treasures in the Temple: Lying Buddha which was carved from Chinese junipers
brought in from India and is the worlds rst wooden Buddha according to the Guiness Book of
Records; Five Buddha Statues cast in brass; Reunication Bell which announced the opening of
the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. Additionally, the Temple maintains numerous Buddhas from
dierent countries including India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China and Thailand.

1. Gilt-bronze image of Sakyamuni Buddha

2. Mokbulsang Sakyamuni Wasang

Making Yeondeung You can try to make a Yeondeung, or paper lotus lantern, and make
a wish by hanging it with a note your wish is written.

3. Silleuksa

Meditation Meditation is a spiritual program, through which participants can separate their

4. Yongjusa

mind from worldly desires and nd their true self. Experience meditation in a calm Beopdang
(sermon hall) or while walking among the forest at dawn.

Making Beads Participants make the 108-beads. The number 108 stems from "108
torments of mankind." These 108-beads are used to count the number when they perform
Baekpalbae (108 bows which means repenting 108 times).

Tea Ceremony Tea is one of the six oerings to Buddha (tea, incense, ower, lantern, fruit
and rice). Tea is especially important in Buddhism because of the belief that having tea is just like
carrying out Buddhist practice. During staying in a temple, participants will experience a spiritual
awakening by taking tea and conversing with monks.

Gilt-bronze image of Sakyamuni Buddha To celebrate the 80th accession to the

throne of Monarch of Thailand, the Thai royal family had cast gilt bronze amounted to 10 ton
into Gilt-bronze image of Sakyamuni Buddha and presented it to Wawoojeongsa for praying
for world peace and reunication of South and North Koreas.
#43, Haegok-dong, Yongin
82-31-332-2472, 339-0101~3 |

34 | Travel Planners Guide

Temple Stay Temples in Gyeonggi-do



San #30-3, Yeonha-ri, Sang-myeon, Gapyeong



#203, Jichuk-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang



#307, Songneung-ri, Jingeon-eup, Namyangju



#222, Wolmun-ri, Wabu-eup, Namyangju



#625, Sinjeom-ri, Yongmun-myeon, Yangpyeong



#282, Cheonsong-ri, Yeoju



#13, Yeongjang-ri, Gwangtan-myeon, Paju



San #119, Wonjeong-ri, Poseung-myeon, Pyeongtaek



#188, Songsan-ri, Taean-eup, Hwaseong

Tourist Destinations by Theme | 35


Icheon Cerapia

Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty


Cerapia, a coined word of Ceramic and Utopia, means the utopia made up of ceramic. A
ceramic theme park in new concept, the Cerapia will be a space for visitors to see, enjoy and
learn ceramic and a complex culture space for ceramist to perform creative activity. It was built
reusing ceramists long-term defective stock, lower-grade products which are unsalable due
to defect, or debris which is to be discarded. As such, it is a unique world where everything
including bench, table, Sanjeong Lake, interior and outside of building and model is made and
formed of ceramics. Composed of 4 exhibition rooms, it keeps and exhibits 1,300 articles owned
by the Korea Ceramics Foundation. It is World Ceramic Art Museum in complex concept that has
a function of education, academy and rest, e.g., library specialized in ceramics, Mangwondang
and space for complex conference, Manhakdang.
#263, Gyeongchung-daero 2697beon-gil, Icheon


As the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty were designated as the UNESCO World Heritage
on June 27, 2009, a fresh light is being thrown on them. It is because that it is a rare case in the
world to nd one single dynasty having lasted for such a long period of 519 years.
It is also uncommon to see tombs of successive kings and queens preserved intact. UNESCO
also has acknowledged and been so deeply impressed by their historical and aesthetical value
as to designate the entire 40 Royal Tombs as UNESCO World Heritages. As many as 31 of the 40
tombs lie in Gyeonggi-do.
The Tombs are the epitomized remains of the Korean viewpoints such as Confucianism,
Buddhism, feng-shui, etc., and their value as a cultural asset is high.
Each of the Tombs is as good place as it can help visitors enjoy easy and quiet stroll away from
crowd city.
Yungneung & Geonneung Tombs in Hwaseong of Gyeonggi-do are close to another World
Heritage of Suwon Hwasung Fortress and Suwon World Cup Stadium.
Donggureung Tomb in Guri would be enjoyable to look around together with the shooting
location of Taewangsasingi (The Four Guardian Gods of the King), the famous TV series, and Guri
Tower of Guri Resource Recovery Facility.
Adult : 1,000 / Child : Free

Yeoju Dojasesang


Yeoju Ceramic World is the rst ceramic shopping tour site in South Korea. You can appreciate
and purchase diverse ceramic wares produced nationwide all year round, ranging from
household ceramic items to artistic porcelains.
It was opened as Korea Ceramic Foundation under the supervision of Gyeonggi-do
remodeled Ceramic Ware Festival Complex located at the entrance of Temple Shinleuk in
In the Ceramic World with cozy elegance surrounded by blue sky, verdure and Korean houses,
you may appreciate the artistic exhibition and performance, participate in the demonstration
and experience touching ceramic wares, and pick out what you like. Pretty ceramic wares for
daily use, cute ornament articles and artistic potteries will entice you in four shopping spaces;
art shop, living shop, gallery shop and brand shop.
#7, Silleuksa-gil, Yeoju-eup, Yeoju
82-31-887-8232 | (English) http://

36 | Travel Planners Guide

Tourist Destinations by Theme | 37

Theme Park



Anseong Farmland is a livestock theme park that aims for cultivating affluent lives through
harmony between nature and human. Founded in 1969 supported by West Germany, the
Farmland has endeavored to serve abundant milk to kids in Korea. By paving the way for
prosperity of Korean livestock industry, it has done its given share. Today, the vast meadow of
39ha became the greatest amusement ranch of livestock experience style in Korea. You can ride
a horse or tractor carriage and experience a lot of hands-on traditional cultures.
#451, Sindu-ri, Gongdo-eup, Anseong



Adult : 10,000 / Teen, Child : 8,000


This theme village consists of a French restaurant opened in 1996, Korean restaurant, Gogitjip
(steak house), Living house, herbal house, fashion center, European-style bakery and cafe. The
village is located at the intersection of the Imjin River, the Han River and the West Sea. The
antique Provencal buildings seemingly in fairy tale create a romantic mood. The Provencal
interior uses natural objets such as trees and stones while the paint colors run to greens, purples,
yellows and violets. The fabrics are based on flowers, trees and herbs. It is the Herb Festival
season from April through June.
#82-1, Seongdong-ri, Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju
82-1644-8088 | (English)

Herb Island


Inaugurated at Pocheon on the site area of about 43ha in 1998, the Herb Island is currently
operated under the slogan of Herb in Daily Life like Mediterranean, the origin of herb.
It is composed of Venezia, the city of water; Un Petit Village, the imitated French farmhouses
to experience traditional manufacturing; Herb Museum, the biggest herbal museum in Korea
with some 340 species of herbs; Outdoor Garden on 0.33ha; Aromatherapy Center; and other
facilities like Herb Restaurant, Herb Cafe, Herb Bakery and Herb Store. In the Herb Island you can
see the herb of Mediterranean Sea all year round and savour deep relaxation of body and mind
via experiences from ve senses. Why don't you try to make herbal cosmetics, soap, candle and
wine in the Herb Island?
#517-2, Samjeong-ri, Sinbuk-myeon, Pocheon
10:00 ~ 22:00
Adult : 6,000 / Teen, Child : 4,000
* The experiencing and food are charged separately.
82-31-535-6494 |

38 | Travel Planners Guide

Tourist Destinations by Theme | 39

Theme Park

Yangpyeong English Village

The Botanical Garden of BCJ


First opened in April 2008 by the Ministry of Education of Gyeonggi-do, Yangpyeong English
Village was the setting of a popular drama of KBS, Boys over Flower. It covers a 100,935 area
and has a total of 55 buildings, which are modeled on historical buildings in Virginia, United
States. The purpose of the Village is to give students the opportunity to practice their English
and leadership skills and to understand how better to work and thrive within a global context.
Surrounded by wonderful mountains, this educational English camp consists of condo-style
dormitories, an articial soccer turf, indoor gymnasium, health club, swimming pool, outdoor
concert hall, observatory facilities, and more. Also, the village is only 20 minute drive to
Yangpyeong Rail Bike.
#209, Yeonsu-ro, Yongmun-myeon, Yangpyeong



A classical botanical garden in which oriental and western garden cultures meet. Some 1,500
species including pine trees, shrubs, forest trees, wildflowers and flowering plants welcome
visitors. Located in a suburb of the Seoul Metropolitan area, it takes about an hour and a half to
get in this small garden. The photo zones, benches and beautiful cottages at every corner of the
garden will provide ample opportunities to take memorable pictures. NAMU Restaurant oers
a variety of tasty herb cuisines. In particular, the foliage tunnel in which many movies and TV
commercials were lmed is one of the most popular spots in the garden. In fall, many couples
visit to enjoy a romantic atmosphere.
#166-1, Changman-ri, Gwangtan-myeon, Paju
82-31-957-2004 | (English)










Apr. 1 - Oct. 31





Nov. 1 - Mar. 31





Namhan Sanseong Fortress


Another English village, the Gyeonggi English Village lies in Paju. A cutting-edge education
facility on the 28ha of land with 49 western-style buildings, the Village oers unique in-country
opportunities to improve the English uency and global awareness of Koreans of all ages and
socio-economic backgrounds. All facilities have been newly built to simulate a village in an
English-speaking country. Students can learn English by enjoying a cultural experience in an
exotic setting.
Though it is located near urban areas for easy access, it is a suburban English village in harmony
with its surrounding natural environment. In the Village 700 learners may live on together in
accomodations with the best educational facilities, concert hall, exhibition hall, sports center,
campsite and shopping street.
#40, Eoreumsil-ro, Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju



Paju English Village



General experience vol 10,000


Mt. Namhan has one of the best mountain hiking trails around Seoul, and is especially famous
for its beautiful autumn foliage. It takes about four hours to tour the 8km-long trail that runs
along the Sanseong, or fortress, with four gates (east, west, south and north) of Mt. Namhan.
As a strategic architecture of the Korean peninsula, the Namhan Sanseong was rst built with
mud in 672. About four hundred years ago, the current stone fortress was reconstructed. As
the second longest fortress in Asia, it has been preserved well and is historically signicant. In
addition, Haenggungji (temporary palace site), which has recently been discovered, turned out
being as large as Suwon Hwaseong. When restoration is completed, you will be able to tour up
to Haenggung, the kings temporary palace.
Around Gwangju, Seongnam, Hanam


82-31-742-7857, 743-6610


Rail Bike in Paju English Village - Take a exciting ride with your family
Hours : 09:30~17:30 (All year round except Mondays) / Pax : 4 / Mileage : About 2.2Km (round-trip) / Time :
About 20 min. / Fare : 20,000 per a bike / Use on-the-spot ticket oce; non reservation

40 | Travel Planners Guide

Tourist Destinations by Theme | 41

City Tour

Traffic Information

Northern Gyeonggi City Tour (DMZ, Third Tunnel, Dora Station)

There are many tour programs available from Seoul to Northern Gyeonggi tourist spots that are
close to the North Korea such as Imjingak and DMZ. You have your choice among half-day and
all-day tours. The fee depends on the program of your choice.

The hotel where you stay Imjingak Park The Unication Bridge ID Check DMZ theater and exhibition
hall The Third Tunnel Dora Observatory Dora Station Pass by Unication Village Amethyst Center

Contact the agencies, following:

Cosmojin - Joongang Tour - Seoul City Tour

Suwon City Bus Tour

Suwon City Tour is a cultural sightseeing merchandise designated ocially by Suwon city where
the tradition and the future coexist. By the guides and bus drivers who are fluent in foreign
languages, and by the tourist information brochures and images for foreign visitors, you can
enjoy a comfortable and safe trip. It serves a round trip to Suwon Hwaseong Fortress that is
registered in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, Suwon Galbi(beef ribs) restaurants around
the Fortress, and a unique, world-class toilet. You may experience some Korean traditional
cultures including Gukgung, or traditional archery. Luxurious interior and exterior design of tour
bus will add jolly and cosy feeling to your sightseeing.

Shuttle Bus
Shuttle Bus to
Korean Folk Village
For the convenience of visitors,
Korean Folk Village runs a free shuttle.
Bus pass is available at the booth
of Korean Folk Village in Tourist
Information Center that is 50m away
from exit 5 of Suwon station.
It takes about 30 minutes to get in. It
is needed for group visitor to call in
Service Hours
- Suwon station to Korean Folk Village
10:30 / 12:30 / 14:30
- Korean Folk Village to Suwon station
14:00 / 15:30 / 16:30

By Airport Subway Line Gyeonggi-do is a cluster of satellite cities centering around the Koreas capital
city of Seoul, and the outer ring road opens to trac connecting the province to Seoul through a single
road. Incheon Bridge allows visitors to gain easy and fast access from Incheon International Airport to
anywhere in Gyeonggi-do by various transportations, which will help visitors enjoy more comfortable
and safer trips.
05:40~23:46 (every 12 minutes)








Express Bus

Express Bus

Gapyeong Circle Tour (Petite France, The Garden of Morning Calm & Nami Island)
Gapyeong is a mountainous inland county with a continental climate. Mountains and rivers
harmonize miraculously, which display magnicent views. In Gapyeong Circle Tour, tourists can
move to main tour sites of Gapyeong and Cheongpyeong at low price. Further, it is possible to
make a free transfer with just 1 ticket on the day within the course. It is a recommendable trac
means for courses like Jara Island, Petite France, etc.
Gapyong Terminal Jara Island (Ewhawon, Camping Site) Gapyeong Station Nami Island (Zip-wire)
Geumdae-ri Hall Petite France (Chongpyong Ferries, Ryu Mi-jae Gallery House) Cheongpyeong Terminal
Cheongpyeong Station In front of Imcho Bridge The Garden of Morning Calm (Chi-Ong Art Center)

How to Use
- Within the Bus Route, Free Unlimited Bus Ride with One Day Pass
- Sightseeing after Getting on/o at each boarding place by course Entrance Fee for Each Tourist Destination

Shuttle Bus to
Suwon Station Everland
Terminal :
1st oor of Suwon Stn.
Lottteria Plaza
Interval :
30 min. (weekdays) /
30~60 min. (weekends)
First bus :
09:00 (weekdays) / 08:30 (weekends)
Last bus :
13:00 (weekdays) /14:30 (weekends)
Fare : 8,000 per a round-trip ticket

7,900 (Incheon International Airport Gimpo Airport)

Bus Route

Time (Min.)



(No. 6014)

Incheon International Airport Gimpo Airport Gangseo Driver Examination

Center Gaebong Station Cheolsan Station Gwangmyeong KTX Station

Bus Stop



05:55 / 22:50



(Ori Station)

Incheon International Airport Seohyeon Station Sunae Station Jeongja

Station Ori Station



05:55 / 22:50




Incheon International Airport Seohyeon Station Imae Station Moran Station

Yatap Station Seongnam (Sinheung-dong)



05:40 / 22:30




Incheon International Airport Hanil Town Ramada Plaza Hotel Suwon (Hotel



05:30 / 22:40




Child, Youth

The Disabled, Soldiers, The Elderly

Children under the age of 3

The First Ride





88 | Travel Planners Guide

Interval(Min.) First / Last Bus



Incheon International Airport Beomgye Station Sanbon Station



06:00 / 22:40


Namyangju (Maseok)

Incheon International Airport Gimpo Airport Guri Donong Pyeongnae

Geumgok-dong Maseok



06:40 / 21:40




Kimpo Airport Sinil Utoville Apt. Byeullae District Toegyewon Elimentary School
Naigok-ri Naigak-ri Janghyun Bando Apt. Jinjeop Gwangreung



07:30 / 19:30



Ilsan (No. 3300)

Incheon International Airport Baekseok Station Madu Station IlsanDong-gu

Oce Gangseon Maeul Daehwa Station



05:45 / 22:35



Ilsan (No.7400)

Ilsan KINTEX MVL Hotel Seungri Church M City Madu-dong Pungdong Siksa District Dongguk Univ. Hospital Jungsan District



06:10 / 22:00




Incheon International Airport Suji Bojeong Station Dongbaek Yongin

Intercity Bus Terminal



05:30 / 22:10




Incheon International Airport Gimpo Airport East Seoul Bus Terminal

Dohyechon Samgeori Icheon Intercity Bus Terminal



07:00 / 21:20




Incheon International Airport Gimpo Airport East Seoul Bus Terminal Yeoju



08:50 / 18:50




Incheon International Airport SeoSuwon Bus Terminal Suwon Station

Suwon Intercity Bus Terminal Ibis Hotel Yeongtong(Landmark Hotel)



07:30 / 22:30



Bucheon (No.7001)

Korea Gas Safety Corp., Daeya-dong Sosa Station Bucheon Terminal



06:00 / 22:10




Osan Intercity Bus Terminal Songtan Intercity Bus Terminal Pueongtaik Intercity
Bus Terminal Anseong Intercity Bus Terminal



06:40 / 22:20



Gyeonggi-do Traffic Conditions T-money Card

Gyeonggi-do has a well-designed public transportation system,
so that visitors can easily get to their destinations without doing
self-drive or renting a car. Intra-buses and shuttle buses along
with intercity buses and the subway greatly facilitate your travel.
If you are planning to tour Gyeonggi-do using public transportation, using T-money card,
or a transportation pass, instead of cash is recommended. Not only is it more convenient,
it will also help save some money.

and use fare is not included.


By Bus

Suwon Tourist Information Center Haewoojae Hwaseomun Hwaseong Haenggung Janganmun

Hwahongmun Yeonmudae, Suwon Hwaseong Museum

Throughout the year (The schedule of operation is subject to change depending on circumstances such
as weather) / Twice a day (10:00, 14:00)


From Incheon International Airport to Gyeonggi-do

eB Card






Where to buy T-money marked spot (Subway

card dispenser, Urban Railway Corporation
Center, and convenience stores like GS25, CU,
Mini-Stop and Buy the Way)
Price 3,000 (Empty card; extra money should
be saved at a prepaid charge of fare.)
How to charge Ask when buying an empty
card or use subway card dispenser.
Refund You can get refund of balance by seller
after 500 handling charge.
* T-money Card Website

* Charged amount included

Tour Information | 89

What is Korea Stay?

Traffic Information
Gyeonggi-do Koreastay Host List
Subway Fee System




Multiple Journey
Transportation Cards

SOHN Maeng
Hee Siksa-dong, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-doSingle Journey

LEE Su Kyoung

JUNG Yeon Ok

Transportation Cards
Madu-dong, Ilsandong-gu,
(T-Money)Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do


Traditional Teen

Multiple Journey

Transportation Cards

Deokyang-gu, Todang-dong,

1,050 Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 1,150

KANG Sung Shim Ilsan-dong, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

* Basic rate (10km) + additional charge: Additional fare for 10-40km ( 100 per additional 5km)
CHANG Hae Jung Haengsin 3(sam)-dong, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do


Ilsan 2(i)-dong, Ilsan-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

LEE Young Lim

Ilsanseo-gu, Deogi-dong, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Traditional Korean Folk



KIM Myung Sook

KWON Myung An


Transportation Pass




Jikhaeng Jwaseok

















LEE Jung Ae
Unjeong 3(sam)-dong, Gyoha-eup, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do

* Basic rate (10km) + additional charge: Additional fare for 10-40km ( 100 per additional 5km)


* A single
flat rateDongpae-ri,
is appliedGyoha-eup,
to Jwaseok
Jikhaeng Buses without additional charge.
Won Bok



JO Young Ran

Watching perform plays

Shuttle Bus Fare System

Basic Rate #1

Basic Rate #2


KIM Eun Hee


SEONG Seon Jae


Hyun Seob


Hyo Seon(Deluxe)
Taxi3(sam)-dong, Guri-si, Gyeonggi-do


KWON Oh Jong


HUH Jung Bong

Burim-dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
* Passenger is responsible for tolls. / If any illegal or unfair action such as refusal to take a customer or excessive charge is observed, please report it to 83-31-120.
KANG Mi Kyeong Seonbu-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do


24:00~04:00: 20% extra for late hour premium

Yeowol-dong, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

Sanbon-dong, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do


Guided Tour at attractions

Car phone service / Issuance of a receipt and simultaneous interpretation
service (mandatory)

Car phone service / Issuance of a receipt and simultaneous interpretation service (mandatory) / No extra fee for late hour premium


Hwajeong-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do


Near Subway Station
Ji Sun Attractions


KIM Ji Yun

City Tour / Hwaseong Fortress / Shuttle Bus to Korean Folk Village (Suwon Stn.)


Jong1 Sook

Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
Incheon Line
Woongjin Playdoci (Bugae Stn.)


PARK Nam Sun

#752 Seongbok-dong,
Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
Uijeongbu Line
Mt. Soyo (Mt. Soyo Stn.), Jeongok Prehistory Museum (Dongducheon Stn. or Mt. Soyo Stn.)

Culture Experience


Eun Shil

Ilsan LineGiheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
Onemount (Juyeop Stn.)
Hwajeong-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Visit a big mart, walking, camping




SONG Gi Cheol

Jowon-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do


SIM SongHark

Daehwa-dong, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Line 4
Line 7

Bundang Line

Culture Experience

Woongjin Playdoci (Samsan Gym Stn. or Sangdong Stn.); Hanok Village (Samsan Gym Stn.)

Emae-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

Jeongja-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

Jaraseom Jazz Festival (Gapyeong Stn.), Petite France (Cheongpyeong Stn.),


Everland (Jeondae_Everland Stn.)

Pangyo-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do


LEE Na Hyun


LEE Don Hyuk

Seongbok-dong, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do


LEE Mi Haeng

Geumgok-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do


LEE Mi Hyun

Todang-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do


Lee Min Sook

Gumi-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

LEE Yong Joo

Emae-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

JUNG Keong Hee


JUNG Sung Sook

Juyeop-dong, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do



Ceramic Making, Taekwondo

Suwon Hwaseong Visit, Taekwondo

Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, Folk Village in 20 min.

Ceramic Making, Taekwondo

Everland Resort [By subway] From Exit 3 of Jeondae-Everland Station, Ever Lin
bus (05:30-23:30) [By shuttle bus] From Exit 5 of City Hall Station, Subway Line 1 o
departs at 10:00 [By bus] From Exit 4 of Gangnam Station, Subway Line 2 or Sinb
take bus No. 5002 / From Exit 7 of Jamsil Station, Subway Line 2 or 8, take bus No. 5

Suwon Hwaseong Fortress Exit 5 or 6 of Suwon Station, Subway Line 1 / Take

from Exit 1 of Jamsil Station, Subway Line 2 or 8 / Take bus No. 3000 from Exit 5
Station, Subway Line 2 of Sinbundang Line.

Korean Folk Village [By subway] From Exit 3 of Sanggal Station, Bundang Line
37 (15 mintues) or taxi (5 minutes) [By bus] From Exit 10 of Gangnam Station, Sub
Sinbundang Line, take bus No. 5001-1 or 1560 / From Exit 6 of Yeouido Station, Su
9, take bus No. 7007-1 / From Exit 3 of Jonggak Station, Subway Line 1, take bus No

Skinanniversary Beauty Town [By bus] From Exit 2 of Hapjeong Station, Subw
take bus No. 200 or 2200 and get o at the Eche Mall stop (55 minutes)

Shinsegae Simon Paju Premium Outlets / Yeoju Premium Outlets <P

From Exit 5 of Daehwa Station, Subway Line 3, take bus No. 200 (60 minutes) /
Hapjeong Station, Subway Line 2 or 6, take bus No. 200 or 2200 (90 minutes)
are available on Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays. Phone reservations require
<Yeoju> [By bus] From Seoul Express Bus Terminal, take a bus to Yeoju. From the Y
cross the street and take bus No. 912 (30 minutes) or take a taxi (15 minutes)

Onemount [By subway] 10-minute walk from Exit 4 or 5-minute taxi ride from E
Station, Subway Line 3 / [By bus] From Incheon Int'l Airport of Gimpo Int'l Airpor
7300 or 7400 and get o at MVL Hotel (5-minute walk from hotel)

Woongjin Playdoci [By subway] 10-minute walk from Samsan Gymansium, Subw
bus] From Exit 2 of Bugae Station, Subway Line 1, take bus No. 579 or 79 (20 minut

Culture Experience

Taekwondo, Ceramic making

Taekwondo, Ceramic making

Haengsin-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Helpful Phone Numbers

Tourist Information Desks

Goyang-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Bugok-dong, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do

Suwon Hwaseong Visit


JO Seong Ja

Bundang-dong, Bundang-gu,
Call Seongnam-si,
Center: 031-120


CHO Hyun Bae


HONG Kye Sook

Gongse-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do

09:00-18:00. Service available in English, Japanese, Chinese,
Mabuk-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do

Mongolian and Vietnamese.


Ilsan-dong, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Travel Hotline: 1330
Bora-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
Tourist information available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. From a
JUNG Young Hoon Siksa-dong ,Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
phone dial 02-1330.
JUNG Eun Hee
Songnae-dong, Sosa-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do



Yangpyeong Rail Bike / Yangpyeong English Village (Yongmun Stn.)

ChangReyol Line


Korean Folk Village / Gyeonggi Childrens Museum / Nam June Paik Art Center (Sanggal Stn.); Jeongja-dong(Jeongja Stn.); Jukjeon Cafe Street(Jukjeon Stn.);

WON Joung Sook


Seoul Land (Seoul Grand Park Stn.)

RYU Myung Yeo


Tradition Experience

Gwangmyeong Line



Oido Line


Jungang Line


Experience Orchestra (exercise), Balloon Art




Guided Tour; Historical attractions, Making Korean

Traditional Craft, Experience Korean National Holiday

Seohyeon 2(i)-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

Van Taxi (9 people)



* The posted rates may vary depending

on transportation
Korean National
(performand bus lines.

ancestral rites), Visit Wedding ceremony

Jeongja-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do



Experience Samulnori(Korean
traditional musical
instruments), Dackjongie Art; Making doll by paper,
utes, Experience
900 Chess, and Traditional
Korean National Holiday


Basic Rate #3

Writing Korean Brush, Learning Korean Traditional


Soon Ae

Eunsung-ro, Sosa-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do


Guided tour


Choji-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si,


Single Journey
Transportation Cards

Experience ofFarming, Tour at Historical attractions


Transportation Pass

Haengsin-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Multiple Journey
Transportation Cards

Learning Korean Traditional Etiquette


Juyeop 2(i)-dong, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do


City Tour, Guest

s preference activities


City Bus Fare System


Single Journey
Transportation Cards

Basic Rate


Tourist Attractions to Get in by Public Trans

Experience Programs

Host name

Suwon Tourist
Information Center:
Culture experience

In front of the Central

Suwon Station
Guide on famous
in Seoul/Bucheon/Incheon

(guide on weekends available depending on situations)

Ceramic Makig,
Cultural Tour Center:
Korean Folk Village

On the left side of the entrance to Korean Folk Village

For more information and reservation, visit Korea Stay website of the Korea Tourist Service (Tel. 82-2-729-9460 E-mail. [email protected])

Free Translation Service BBB (Before Babel Brigade): 1588-5644

Volunteers are on standby 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Service
in 18 languages
92 | Travel Planners

Gapyeong Tourist Information Center:

On the left side of the entrance to Gapyeong Station

Petite France / The Garden of Morning Calm [By train or subway and Gapy
Bus] From Yongsan Station, take ITX Cheongchun Line (06:00-22:00trains depar
or Gyeongchun Subway Line to Cheongpyeong Station. From Exit 1 of Cheongp
take the Gapyeong Intercity Bus (08:25, 11:25, 12:25, 13:25, 15:25, 16:25, 17:25) (25 m
Seoul Land [By subway] From Exit 2 of Seoul Grand Park Station, Subway Line

Yangpyeong Rail Bike [By subway] From Exit 1 of Yongmun Station, Jungang
minutes) or take a taxi (2 minutes)

Yangpyeong English Village [By subway] From Exit 1 of Yongmun Station, Jung
a taxi (8 minutes) [By bus] From Sangbong Bus Terminal or Dongseoul Terminal
bus to Yongmun. Take a taxi (10 minutes) from Yongmun Intercity Bus Terminal

The Botanial Garden of BCJ [By train or subway and Gapyeong Intercity Bus]
Geumchon Station, Gyeongui Line, cross the street and take bus No. 67 (60 minut

U110 Balgok
U Balgok
U U110

U Tapseok











Jung-angJung-ang UijeongbuUijeongbu
City Hall City Hall
Eoryong Hyoja
Gonjae Northern
Hyoja Gyeonggi
Northern Gyeonggi
Dong-o Uijeongbu
Eoryong Gonjae
Sae-mal Sae-mal
Dong-o Uijeongbu
-do Government
-do Government
U112 Beomgol
U117 U117U115 U115 U114 U114 U113 U113U112 Beomgol
Lrt Uijeongbu
Lrt Uijeongbu


(Seoul National
Univ. of Science
& Technology)
(Seoul National
Univ. of Science
& Technology)

Gangmae K319


Euljiro Euljiro
Euljiro 1(il)ga
Euljiro 4(sa)ga
Euljiro 3(sam)ga
1(il)ga 3(sam)ga 4(sa)ga


905 Magongnaru
(Seongdong-gu Office)
(Seongdong-gu Office)

Cheongna Intl
City Station

er ra
Se de

(W eo
Ce orldSang
nte Tr m
r S ad s
eo (We eo
Ceul) orld ng
nt T

A071 City Station

Gachon Univ.

Gachon Univ.


Kangnam Univ.

Y111 Kangnam
Y112 Univ.



Y113 Y114
Dongbaek Chodang Samga
Dongbaek Chodang


City Hall Yongin Univ.


Samga City Hall Yongin Univ.



Myongji Univ. Gimnyangjang



Myongji Univ. Gimnyangjang


StadiumSongdam College


StadiumSongdam College







Bopyeong Dunjeon



Bopyeong Dunjeon



Jeondae Everland


Jeondae Everland


Metro Line 4,






























National Museum




43 13


3 70












Metro Line
Seobinggo Stn.

ha e
ac lag
Bl Vil





Metro Line 6,

5 Noksapyeong Stn.



Metro Line 6,
Noksapyeong Stn.






For specific gate information, see

page 131 in the Seoul Survivor.

Installation Gates

ATM Location

Taxi Stand

2015 Map Image by Google, Digital Global. Designed by Sara Mitchell and Carolina Rodriguez for the Yongsan
American Forces Spouses Club (AFSC) Seoul Survivor (2015-2016 edition). Satellite image acquired: March 2015






War Memorial



Post Run Bus Stop



Metro Lines 4
and Jungang
Ichon Stn.






Housing Area




Metro Lines 4 and 6,

Samgakjii Stn.



18 60

48 74 17

Metro Line 4,
Sookmyung Womens
University Stn.





76 Dog Park
77 Pet Care Center
78 Veterinary Treatment Center


64 Arts & Crafts Center

65 Bowling Yongsan Lanes
66 Commiskeys
67 Dragon Hill Lodge
68 Fitness Center, Coiner
69 Fitness Center, Collier
70 Fitness Center, Trent
71 Golf and Fun Park
72 Movie Theater
73 Outdoor Pool
74 USO, Camp Kim
75 USO, Welcome Center


52 DFAC/Honors Cafe
53 Embassy Association
54 Fast Food-Burger King, Popeyes
55 Food Court, Townhouse
56 Hartell House
57 KATUSA Snack Bar, Camp Coiner
58 KATUSA Snack Bar, Main Post
59 KATUSA Snack Bar, South Post
60 Mini-Mall, Camp Coiner
61 Mini-Mall, South Post
62 R & R Bar and Grill
63 Restaurants at Dragon Hill Lodge


39 Commissary
40 Embassy Club
41 The Exchange
42 Furniture Stores
43 Gallery
44 Mini-Mall, Camp Coiner
45 Mini-Mall, Main Post
46 Mini-Mall, South Post
47 Self-Service Office Supply
48 Shoppette, Camp Kim
49 Shops at Dragon Hill Lodge
50 Stylique Salon
51 Thrift Shop


Vehicle Registration, Visitor Pass and ID

37 POV Resale Lot

38 Vehicle Processing Center

BOSS Lounge, Bus Tickets, Car Rental

Outdoor Recreation, Travel Office







34 Car Care Center

35 Gas Station
36 Moyer Bus Terminal and CAC






26 Child Development Center

27 CYSS Central Registration
28 Middle School Teen Center
29 School-Age Center
30 Seoul American Elementary School
31 Seoul American Middle School
32 Seoul American High School
33 SKIES Center


18 BAACH (121) Hospital

19 Dental Clinic-Carius
20 Dental Clinic #2
21 Dental Clinic #3
22 Fire Station
23 MP Station
24 Optometry Clinic
25 Troop Health Clinic


19th Replacement Co., DBIDS/ID Card

2 Bank, Community Bank

3 Bank, Navy Federal Credit Union
4 Cable TV
5 Chapel, Memorial
6 Chapel, South Post
9 Finance and Accounting
10 Furnishing Management Office
11 IMO
12 KOHOM Leased Housing Office
13 Library
14 Post Office
15 Self-Help
16 Visitor Center
17 Welcome Center

ACS, Consular Services, Finance, Legal

1 Army Community Service Building B4106


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NFCU 13219 (2-15)

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