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Unit Scope & Sequence

Differentiated Instruction,

Lesson Titles & Details

Accommodations and/or

40 min

Lesson 1. Brainstorming and peer discussions about

Canadian Heritage

40 min

Lesson 2. Discussion on Canadian heritage

40 min

Students share their knowledge/interpretation of Canadian

Pictures/graphics shown

Lessons 3 and 4. Shared Reading

40 min.

Invite students to share aspects of their culture

Students discuss in groups then draw pictures or tell
stories from countries of their background

Book by Knaan is read

Discussions on reason why the book was written

Lesson 5. Canadian Heritage and the world

Show short video clip from YouTube which shows the very
different cultures that make up Canadian heritage. For
example Pakistanis, West Indians and Asians.
As a group, students brainstorm the difference between
cultures in terms of geographic location, traditions, religion,
lifestyle etc. The focus will be on the diversity of cultures in

Small or large groups to be

determined by teacher based on

Visual aids
Chart Paper

Pictures displayed and discussed

Chart/Graphic organizers
Use of multi-media and charts for
visual learners.


Students work in groups to prepare a

comprehensive graphic organizer
presentation summarizing peoples
depicted in the video.

40 min.

Lesson 6. Cultural Contributions to Canadas Image

Discussion on how different communities have contributed

to the development of Canadian identity.
For this lesson, students will be provided with activity
sheets (cultural contribution) and magazines to cut out
pictures of cultural influences and glue them on the Cultural
Contributions sheet (e.g., food, clothing, music, sports, and

Magazines, crayons, drawing


Students could also print pictures

from the internet or look through
books and draw pictures themselves.

For students who struggle with

speaking up during class, or have
difficulty understanding concepts,
they can write down their questions;
for further explanation
40 min

Lesson 7: Experiences that shaped different communities in


In this lesson, students will use the inquiry process to

investigate and gather information on different perspectives
on the historical and/or contemporary experience of 4
distinct communities in Canada.
After being introduced to the lesson, students will be given
a list of criteria for conducting the investigation. n
After deciding on the types of communities, students write
a list of communities they will research to carry out the
investigation for analysis in the next lesson.

Extra time research and complete

the list of communities

Provide examples of stories and or

cultural experiences that shaped
Canadian community identities.


Students can use computers, iPad to

conduct research

graphic organizers for brainstorm

40 min

Lesson 8: Experiences of different community groups in


In this lesson, students analyze the results of the

investigation they conducted in lesson 3.
They begin by looking for similarities and differences
between cultures
Next, they work in small groups to share and record their
investigation responses on similarities and difference
cards. Each group sorts their cards into sets of related
similarities and difference and records a title for each of
these themes.

Group activities

Analyses and key components of

the investigation will be written on
the board/chart using colored
markers for emphasis


Evaluation is the process of judging the quality of student learning based on the evidence of student achievement
throughout, and at the end, of the unit.
Using the success criteria and curriculum expectations listed in this unit; develop a rubric to evaluate student
Refer to:
Ontario Curriculum Documents
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario

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