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NytnoMa Lineace SuPPLICATION Essence of all the buddhas of the three times, sovereign of oceans of the families and mandalas, lord of incomparable kindness and compassion, dharma king of the three realms, we bow our heads deeply at your stainless feet. With our three gates, we prostrate and take refuge with great respect. Please grant your blessings to all sentient beings, ourselves and others. Accept us with great love, now and through all our lives. We can never get enough of seeing your glorious face: the radiance of your smile, like the pistil ofa lotus, and the splendor of your major and minor marks, like its brilliant anthers, are amrita for the eyes of all beings. The petals of your compassion extend everywhere, pervading the three worlds. Lord of Sages, White Lotus, protect the lake of our mind today. In the lake of Uddiyana, on the tip of a lotus stalk self-existing, spontaneously present emanation of the Victorious One, you are endowed with the good qualities of all the major and minor marks: Padmakara, protect the lotus lake of our mind. Complete mandala of compassion and wisdom that sees everything just as itis friend of the night-blooming kunda flower, moon of intellect, you dispel the dark night of all beings. Your unobscured kayas and wisdoms ornament the sky of dharmadathu: Youthful Mafijushri with your lotus, we continually offer you our best, the crown of our head. Your smiling face is a ravishing white lotus. Your excellent speech is endowed with a net ofa thousand light rays. Bestower of supreme intellect, you dispel the darkness of our heart. Sarasvati, glorious lady of speech, bestow excellent virtue. Protector Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Asanga, Vasubandhu, Dignaga, Dharmakirti, Dharma protectors Gunaprabha and Shakyaprabha and other warriors: ornaments and supreme ones of Jambudvipa, protect us. Samantabhadra, Vajrasattva, Prahevajra, Shri Simha, Padmakara, the twenty five - King and subjects, So, Sur, Nup, Nyak, the one hundred terténs, and so on: gurus of the kama and terma lineages, we supplicate you. With the fire mind of a lion's roar, you burned up all the thickets of falsehood in this world and attained the glorious and gentle amrita body: Rongsom Chakyi Sangpo, may you be victorious. Heart jewel on the neck of Upper White Snow Mountain, in Pleasure Grove, the source of good qualities, secret yogin, you accomplished the essential meaning: Longchen Rabjam, we supplicate at your feet. Outwardly you are the son of the victorious ones, Shantideva, inwardly you are the lord of siddhas, Shavari, secretly you are the supremely noble Self-Liberated Suffering in person: Jigme Chakyi Wangpo, we supplicate you. Through the blessings of youthful Maijushri, awarenessemptiness, the eight treasures of confidence were released from the expanse of wisdom and you mastered the ocean of the dharma treasuries of scripture and realization: Mipham Maajughosha, we supplicate you. You bestow on us the trainings in arts and sciences, and in the sutras, tantras, shastras, oral instructions, their commentaries, and so forth and grant the blessings of abhisheka: present and lineage gurus, we supplicate you. Lord whose good qualities are equal to those of any buddha, but whose kindness is even greater than all the buddhas: root guru, we supplicate at your feet. Turn the minds of beings, ourselves and others, to dharma. Translated by the Nalanda Translation Committee. © 2007 by the Nalanda Translation Commitee. All rights reserved.

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