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Elizabeth Downes

1. Postcards from Pluto part 2, third grade

2. Essential Questions: What are defining characteristics of the
planets of our solar system? What are the five parts of a friendly
3. Standards: State Science Standard 5.4.4.A.4 Analyze and evaluate
evidence in the form of data tables and photographs to categorize and
relate solar system objects (e.g., planets, dwarf planets, moons,
asteroids, and comets).
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.B Develop the topic with facts, definitions,
and details.
Learning Objectives

SWBAT write about what they have

previously learned about planets

SWBAT follow the format of writing a

friendly letter

Students will write a postcard
detailing the important facts of their
specific planet. They will include
how many moons their planet has,
what the surface is made of and if it
is an inner or an outer planet.
Students will also include at least 2
fun facts about their planet.
Students postcards will include:
heading, greeting, heading, body,
closing and signature

5. Materials: Postcards from Pluto: A Tour of the Solar System by

Loreen Leedy, planet cards/pictures, postcard paper, makers/colored
pencils/crayons, letter anchor chart, anchor char labels, space folders
6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge: Students
have been exploring and discovering information about the solar
system for a week. They have been working to complete Space Log
Books with information about each planet in the Solar System.
Students were read Postcards from Pluto the previous day.
7. Lesson Beginning: Students will be called to the rug. When they
are quiet, students will be told they are about to blast off to space.

Teacher will explain that today, students will be going to show her how
much theyve learned about the solar system. Students will then be
reminded of the story they were read the day before. Teacher will
explain that today we are going to write our own postcards about our
favorite planets. Teacher will hold up a few pictures of different planets
and tell students to quietly turn and talk about what they remember
about the planet. Teacher will countdown from five to regain students
8. Instructional Plan: Teacher will ask students if theyve written a
letter or received a letter. Students will be reminded that they read a
letter every morning during morning meeting. Students will be asked if
they remember any other letters they read the previous day. Students
and teacher will read the anchor chart letter. Students will be asked
what parts of the letter they see and what they think is missing.
Teacher will use an anchor chart to explain the 5 parts of a friendly
letter. Class will label the 5 parts of a friendly letter. Teacher will
explain that students are going to write her a postcard about their
favorite planet. This postcard will include how many moons their
planet has, what the surface is made of and if it is an inner or an outer
planet. Students will also include at least 3 fun facts about their
planet. Students will be told that when they are done writing their
letters, they will decorate the front of the postcard with a picture of
their planet. Students will be given abut 10 minutes to write their
postcards. Teacher will ask if students have any questions before they
begin. Students will be told to tip toe quietly back to their seats and
take out their space folders. Director and friend of the day will be
asked to handout postcard paper and table captians will be asked to
get art supply bins. Students will be reminded that this is a quiet
activity. While students are working, teacher will walk around and
conference with students, particularly those who need help
refocusing and help getting started. Teacher will use examples
throughout worktime for students who may be struggligng to write
information. Students will be given a two minute warning to begin
cleaning up.
Differentiation: Students will be given a mini conference by teacher,
this will allow students who are struggling to help develop ideas and
students who are advanced to think deeply about information they are
using. Students who need extra assistance will be given a post-it with
what they need to include in their letter. Students will use their space
logbooks and space research books to assist them with finding
information if needed.
Transitions: Students will be given countdowns, reminders to be quiet
and students who are table captains will be utilized to gather

necessary materials.
9. Closure: Teacher will tell students that we used a book as a model
and were able to use their space logs to write their own post card.
Teacher will tell students that letters are a great way to tell other
people information about any subject. Teacher will tell students that
she saw some great examples of the five parts of the letter. Teacher
will call on 3-5 students to share their postcards.

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