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Ld Caleta dus Horimatona hs etn feats oe tt ave of Signa’ atack ino the Mert Rees Van's glen wr alm i eons wth the image of Gal Ma, Siprars fated rarer Thelin ba ae ammer sibs Gal Maar na Sirarabus, he comet thet honed Sina bith ‘he ath ealed CGaonaxis Vans tod ‘ana thes a Wis tnd land seven toe Stomho 12 WHITE OWARE THE STORMCAST ETERNALS on nals are Sigmar’s immortal warriors, loosed from the Celestial Realm on bolts of lightning to wage the God-King's war on the forces of Chaos. They are the storm made flesh, reforged by Sigmar’s indomitable will, armed with the greatest weapons and girded with the finest armour the smiths in the Celestial Realm of Azyr can muster. In the Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter set there are 18 plastic Stormcast Etemal miniatures: 10 Liberators who bear tower shields forged from pure sigmarite; three Retributors, giant warriors armed with ‘two-handed lightning hammers; three skyborne Prosecutors; the Lord-Relictor onus Cryptborn; and their commander, Lord-Celestant Vandus Hammerhand, The Stormcast Eternals are heroes all, clad from head to toe in gleaming plate armour Their visage is that of an immortal champion, a golden mask concealing the features cf the warrior that fights beneath. In their hands they clasp weapons forged with godly power, hammers cast in honour of their mighty patron, imbued with the same magic that guards their armour. Each Stormcast Eternal is more than human, his body changed by their reforging until they tower over mortal men. ] saTteenbuers are he ] 7a wah ae | feat beara tembodinet of Soma’ fay Wah rahe they smh ho enemies cf tha Gat rg, every Bow cola tacos hurts of ky mage [ea ee ereteat ae ee See ee eS 9 ThoLasAectarcares . a gluse 0 Faseigh above the Stores fatal fem Gath or ea the aay of tee esse 0 The Somes ren in parcnots irsibed wth systrous SB WHITE DWARF — 13 bert ae the fat soins! Sires hast, ia at bya ‘etuan Loe: Pina (6 Fach teats ein Somat, metal neve fromthe wad Bate, ‘he Learns vasamme bth ‘Syl of Srarabls 1 The sae seine nfs mato he Stameast Conve WHITE DWARF 15 Vek the Royer isthe Givens locale 3 ciel and sate wari vita gos Krae's falowes ina evr more violent and dered ares His curent carge Isthe khoguratn Stl wh he tlas ‘eat coat tarting 2. The Bood Wor re "ape nate, fvng oy ‘estugharin Kratre's rama. Ths come bean blessed ith Bibone ax ad afesy, mola stomach, oad i ary (reas and gets, uke shes oti des that asm lia weapon an tection 4 hy od Warns ated wih Kere’s ‘une Moet wear ton ha ei ut thi watir ala wales ‘ahs beast, Bod Wares wast the sumcur Kaine, ney suits of bate gt ned vith rss ans cnsecaein bln, 6 Diven toactsot ioral viene and esuion by Koee's inert, the Boca ‘Wario chga ta bate wth ahs ahondon, har wescons breast nthe oat th remy 18 WHITE DWARF 20 Watanin Aga of Sigrar pls oxting texte ent on top Berens of theo ar Ui inclu a page fing ate of the ge of Siar a ossy ‘ard sos meting a fo thug, an 2esontly ue show eu howto ula the rinses, 12dee, two rmesutng sks anda fat oftansie sets for the Starmeast anal, The brite isa slocus place ano ‘uring Lae Cesta Vans Haran a Koxghs hu, WHITE DARE ‘ALSO IN THE ADE OF SIOMIAR BONED SE... the stunning collection of Citadel miniatures presented in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter set, there's a host of other goodies to savour. Perhaps the most exciting thing in the box, alter the jaw-dropping miniatures, is the 96-page book detailing the opening battles of the Age of Sigmar. Its unlike any book we have ever published, so hold on tight because there's a lot to say about it. Right from the outset you're plunged into the Age of Sigmar. The Mortal Realms are in turmoil, devastated by the forces of Chaos, and only Azyr, the Realm of Heavens, remains unsullied, Its gates locked to the forces of Chaos. Behind its walls, the God-King Sigmar has striven to forge a weapon to fight back the darkness His work is now complete. Sigmar's Storm, Jong in the making, has finally broken, The Stormcast Eternals have arrived Quite a lot to take in, we think you'll agree {As you read through the book yout discover more of the age we now live in, of the time of Chaos and the Age of Myth, the world-that-was and the Mortal Realms, The prologue is nothing short of monumental In its magnitude, a suitably mind-blowing Introduciion to Warhammer Age of Sigmar that sets the scene for the epic story that follows. Sigmar’s Stormhosts have been unleashed and Chaos will feel their wrath. Warhammer: Age of Sigmar puts you in command of a force of mighty warriors, monsters and war engines. This rules sheet contains everything you need to know in order to do battle amid strange and sorcerous realms, to unleash powerful magic, darken the skies. THE ARMIES Before the conflict begins, rival ‘warlords gather their most powerful Inorder to play you must first muster your army from the miniature in your collection. ‘Armies can be as big as you like, and you can tse as many models fom your collection as you wish. The more units you decide to use, the longer the game will last and the more exciting it will be! Typically, game with round a hundred miniatures pe side wll last for about an evening. WARSCROLLS & UNITS All models are described by warscrolls, ‘which provide all ofthe rules for using them in the game. You wil need warscrlls for the models you want to use ‘Models fight n unis. A unit can have one ‘or more models, but cannot include models that use different warscrolls. A unit must bbe set up and finish any sort of move as ‘single group of models, with all models within I" oft least one other model from their unit, [Fanything causes a unit to become split up during abate, it must reform the next time that it moves, TOOLS OF WAR Inorder to fight abatle you will equire a tape measure and some dice. Distances in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar are measured in inches (), between the closest points of the modes or units you're measuring o and fom. You can measure distances whenever you wish. A models base isnt considered part ofthe model - its just thereto help the model stand up - so dont include it when measuring distances. Warhammer: Age of Semar uses six-sided dice (sometimes abbreviated to D6).IFa rule requires you to roll a D3, rolla dice and halve the total, rounding fractions up. Some rules allow you to re-rolla dice ral ‘which means you get o roll some or all of the dice again, You can never re-olla dice ‘more than once, and r-rols happen before ‘modifiers othe roll (ifany) are applied arrows, and crush your enemies in bloody combat! THE BATTLEFIELD Be they pillars of flame, altars of. brass or haunted ruins, the realms are filled with strange sights and deadly obstacles. Battles in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar are fought across an infinite variety of exciting landscapes in the Mortal Realms, from desolate voleanie plains and treacherous sky temples, to lush jungles and cyelopean ruins. The dominion of Chaos ial pervading, and no lands left untouched by the blight of war. These wildly fantastical landscapes are recreated whenever you play game of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. ‘The table and scenery you use constitute your batlefield A battlefield can be any fat surface upon which the models can stand - for example a dining table or the foor ~ and can be any size or shape provided is bigger than 3 feet square First you should decide in which ofthe seven Mortal Realms the bate will take place For example, you might decide that your battle wil fake place inthe Realm of Fire, Sometimes you'll need to know this in onder to use certain abilities. Ifyou cant agree on the realm, rll a dice, and whoever rolls highest decides. ‘The est battles are fought over lavishly designed and constructed landscapes, but ‘whether you have alot of scenery or only 8 small numberof features doesnt matter! A {good guide sa least 1 feature for every 2 foot square, but less is okay and more can ‘make fora realy intresting bate. To help you decide the placement of your scenery, you can choose to roll two dice and add them together for each 2 foot square area of your battlefield and consult the following table Roll 23 45 68 910 1-2 ‘Terrain Features No terrain features 2 verain features. 1 terrain feature 2 terrain features, ‘Choose from 0 to3 terrain features. MYSTERIOUS LANDSCAPES “The landscapes of the Mortal Realms can both aid and hinder your warriors, Unless stated otherwise, a model can be moved across scenery but not through it (so you cant move through a solid wall, or pass ‘through a tree, but can choose to have a ‘model climb up or over them). In addition, ‘once you have setup all your scenery, either ralla dice on the fllowing table or pick 2 rule from it foreach terrain feature: THE SCENERY TABLE Roll Scenery 1 Damned: If any of your units are within 3” ofthis terrain Feature in your hero phase, you can declare ‘that one is making a sacrifice. Ifyou do so, the unit sufers D3 ‘mortal wounds, bt you can add 1 toall hit rolls for the unit until ‘your next hero phase 2 Arcane: Add 1 tothe result of any casting or unbinding rolls rade fora wizard within 3" ofthis, terrain feature. 3 Inspiring: Add 1 tothe Bravery ‘ofall units within 3” ofthis terrain feature. 4 Deadly: Rolla dice for any model ‘that makes a run or charge move across or finishing on, this terrain feature, Ona roll ofthe model isshin 5) Mystical: Rolla dice in your hero phase foreach of your units ‘within 3" ofthis terrain feature. Ona roll of| the units befuddled ‘and cant be selected to cast spells, move o attack until your next hero phase. On a roll of 2-6 the units ensorcelled, and you can eral failed wound rolls forthe unit until your next hero phase 6 Sinister: Any of your units that are within 3° ofthis terrain feature in your hero phase cause fear until Your next hero phase, Subtract 1 from the Bravery of any enemy. ‘units that are within 3" of one or ‘more units that cause feat. THE BATTLE BEGINS Thunder rumbles high above as the armies take to the battlefield. ‘You are now ready for the bate to begin, but before it does you must set up your acmies for the coming confit. SET-UP Before setting up their armies, both players roll a dice rolling again in the case of ate, ‘The player that rolls higher must divide the battlefield into two equal-szed halves their opponent then picks one half to be ther teritory, Some examples ofthis are shown below. “The players then alternate setting up unit, fone ata time, starting with the player that ‘won the earlier dice roll. Models must be set up in their own territory, more than 12" from enemy territory. ‘You can continue setting up units until you Ihave setup all the units you want to fightin this battle or have run out of space. This is your army: Count the number of models in your army ~ this may come in useful later ‘Any remaining units ate held in reserve, playing no part unles fate lends a hand. ‘The opposing player can continue to set up units. When they have finished, set-up is complete. The player that finishes setting up first always chooses who takes the fist turn inthe first batle round. THE GENERAL ‘Once you have finshed setting up all of your units, nominate one ofthe madels you setup as your general. Your general has ‘command ability, as described inthe rules forthe hero phase opposite GLORIOUS VICTORY Inthe Mortal Realms bats are brutal and uncompromising ~ they ae fought to the bitter end, with one side able to claim victory because ithas destroyed its foe ‘or thee ae no enemy models et om the field of bate, The victor can immediately claim a major victory and the honours and triumphs that are due to them, while the defeated must repair to their lai to lick their wounds and bear the shame of failure. Iithas not been possible to fight a battle tolts conclusion othe outcome is not obvious, then a result of sorts can be calculated by comparing the number of models removed from play with the number ‘of models originally set up forthe battle for cach army. Expressing these as percentages provides a simple way to determine the ‘winner, Such a victory can only be claimed asa minor victory For example, fone player lost 75% of their starting models, and the other player lost 50%, then the player that only lost 50% of their models could

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