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Lagos, Nigeria.
September, 2011.

Lagos, Nigeria.
September, 2011.

The synopsis is presented under the following subtitles:




Pre-initiation Divination


Post-Initiation Divination


Brief History


Readings of the message


Affiliated Irunmole/Orisa


Possible Names


Possible Profession





The information you are about to receive from this reading of your
Odu, which was revealed during Itenifa ( Ifa initiation) is the workings
of the dynamic forces within you, which were formed by your
emanation and at the point of your existence on this terrestrial plane.
Also, it bothers on the cosmic forces that are spiritual and beyond
your control.
The dynamic forces are your potentials, natural qualities and strength
of your character to be controlled in order to strengthen your public
image and boost your popularity. Whereas, the cosmic forces or
components are from Ayanmo, Akunleyan and Akunlegba, these
three components are loosely described as Destiny or Heavenly
The Ayanmo is interplay to forces, which are usually divine, and in
consonant with the inventive precepts of Olodumare (The Almighty
God of creation). Ayanmo of your life cannot be changed. Once you
are created with it, it remains so till the expiration of your life on this
planet earth. Ayanmo includes sex of an individual, race, family,
parent, growth, and other natural rules of which an individual must
tow and obey.
Akunleyan are the virtues and values chosen in heaven consequent
upon your actions/activities in your previous evolution or existence.
They are actually things chosen by you and most of the time form
your likes and dislikes or taboo.
Akunlegba are the gifts or virtues added by various Irunmole at the
presence of Onibode (celestial sentinel) in heaven or just before you
emanate into the world. They are like spices, additives, preservatives,

and vehicles of propagation of Ayanmo and Akunleyan or things that

complement the Akunleyan in order to fulfill your destiny on earth.
The reading of your Odu helps to determine or reveal your talent
limitations, assets, shortcomings, possibilities and probabilities. You
should use the appropriate ebo (sacrifice) which has same polarity
and magnetism to your Odu in order to discover love, fortune health,
hope, happiness, fulfilment in life and longevity.
You should also avoid such things, which may hinder your talents, or
discoveries by observing your taboos as explained to you during your
Itenifa (Ifa initiation)

Pre-initiation Divination (dwgbd)

Pre-initiation divination (Adawogbodu) is usually done before a
would-be initiate enters the Ifa grove. The essence of this divination is
to reveal the present situation of things about the person. It states
further and justifies the need or necessity for the initiation.
Sometimes, a clue or hint is revealed about any unforeseen problems
that may arise in the course/process of initiation. Sometimes too it
gives a guide or direction to be followed or observed during the
The appropriate ebo (sacrifice) is done immediately, so that a hitch
free initiation is achieved, and to correct or amend any sad or ugly
occurrences that might have beset the would-be initiate.

Post Initiation Divination (ta)

Ita, in simple translation means the post initiation divination usually
done on the third day of Itenifa (Ifa Initiation). The significance of Ita is
to reveal the situation of things surrounding the initiate which may
likely happen in the near future. It acts as a support to the Odu
revealed at initiation. Through this divination, a babalawo is told by Ifa
if all the rituals and rites of initiation had been divinely endorsed by
the Irunmole and ultimately by God.
Ita, also re-emphasises and re-validates certain messages that are
sacrosanct in the main Odu reveal at initiation.
Sacrifices (ebo) are made immediately in order to engender good
tidings and possibly prevent any unhealthy occurrence that may arise
in the near future.



Ifa says that you have chosen as part of your destiny in

heaven, the blessing of wealth and success. Ifa says
that any tough situation will soon give way to comfort
and achievement. You are also going to be endowed
with honour and respect. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with two pigeons, two roosters, two guinea
fowls, two hens, one long staff and money.
There is also the need to propitiate Sekere with one
white pigeon and ekuru. On these, Ifa says:

Iran adebiti ni jo ijo igbe

A de papa a bara funfun
Diedie nijo ebiti fii wora
Dia fun Sekere
Ti won ti nfopa lu nigba lailai
Won ni ko rubo
O gbebo, o rubo
Sekere lo ni ki won ma fi opa lu oun
Araa mi lokun
Araa mi laje ti nso
The trap setters are those who dance in the forest
But those who set trap in the plain are usually
covered with dust
Gradually, one gets accustomed to the setting of
trap in the forest
This was the Ifa cast for Sekere
The one whom people to beat with a stick
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Sekere has declared never to be beaten with a
stick anymore
My body is full of Okun beads
My body is an embodiment of treasure

Ifa says that you should always heed the advice of Ifa
and follow its tenets conscientiously. Ifa says you must
always be open to those under you; such as your
subordinates, students, followers, etc. and must not
hide anything from them in terms of study, strategies,
plans etc. This becomes necessary in order to avoid any

serious mistake that may occur during the process of

carrying out assignments. There is also the need to
offer ebo to avert protracted ailment that may render
you bed-ridden. Ifa says that you will be fortunate to
render services to important personalities in the society,
who shall in turn reward you immensely. You need to
offer ebo with three roosters, two pigeons and
money. On this, Ifa says
Ate mosun sororo
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti nloo te omo Olokun Serinade nifa
Won ni ko rubo
O gbebo, o rubo
Iru eyi lo wa te lo sun lo
Ate mosun sororo
Ifa initiation with the Osun staff fully erect
This was the Ifa cast for Orunmila
When going to initiate the child of Olokun
Serinade into Ifa
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Is this the initiation you have officiated that made
you slept off
The Ifa initiation is done with the Osun staff in a
steady position

Ifa says that you are forbidden from being a hunter, a

soldier of work in the military or para-military
establishment. If you do this, you do not stand much

chance of success or prosperity from such profession. If

this is your profession, you are advised to have a
change of profession. Farming and other types of
agriculture are other possible areas of success. You also
need to be observing Ifa worship days regularly. Ifa
also says that if you will prosper and become wealthy in
agriculture/farming; but advises you to be patient and
to persevere.
According to Ifa, the job may initially be tough but in
the end, all shall be well with you. There is the need for
you to offer ebo for victory and for wealth so as to be
able to realize your hearts desires. On these, Ifa says:
Pako mu babalawo ode
Dia fun Ode
Ode nre igbo je oun eluju je
Ojo ko i da, e ni ko to tana
Dia fun Onyagbe
Abeeni oko tiyan rere
Igba ti nsise ti ko rere je
Ebo ni won ni o se
O gbebo, o rubo
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ire aje waa ya de tuturu
Pakomu, the babalawo of Ode, hunter
He cast Ifa for Ode
When he was going on hunting expedition to the
seven forests and seven wildernesses
The rain has not stopped, yet you say is not as
much as that of yesterday

This was the awo who cast Ifa for Onyagbe, the
The one with a vast expanse of farmland
When he was working without any reward to show
for it
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
The ire of prosperity came trooping in
One day, Ode, the hunter went for Ifa consultation about his
coming hunting expendition, whether he would become
successful or not. He was told that he would be successful
but he needed to offer ebo so that his proceeds are not lost
out to another person. Ode refused, He boasted that with
his might, nobody on earth could take away his hunting
proceeds. Since Ifa, had informed him that he would be
successful, he would only offer ebo for success and there
was no need to offer the other one since he possessed
deadly charms that could kill any animal and even human
beings as well. Nobody, according to him, could overcome
him and take his proceeds away.
On the other hand, Onyagbe, the farmer also went for Ifa
consultation on how to make headway in his farming job. He
was advised to be patient and that he would surely succeed
that year. He was advised to offer ebo with one pigeon, one
hen, one guinea fowl one rooster and money. He was also
advised to be observing Ifa worship days. He complied.
Ode went on hunting expedition, he killed a lot of animals,
sold them and realized a lot of money. On his way back, Esu
made him to miss his way and he was roaming about for

seven days without having any clue as to the way home. On

the eighth day, which fell on the Ifa worship day, he was
able to kill an antelope. He removed his cloth and then hung
the antelope in readiness to roast it.
Suddenly he noticed a smoke coming out from a far
distance. He wore his cloth (not knowing that all his money
had fallen out of his pocket to the ground). Immediately, he
left the antelope and headed towards the smoke. On getting
there, he met Onyagbe while observing Ifa worship days
ceremony and breaking kola nuts for Ifa. Seeing how tired
Ode was, he gave him cold corn porridge and food to eat.
After eating, he showed Onyagbe the way to where he hung
the antelope to go and take it and use to observe his Ifa
worship day. Onyagbe on the other hand showed him the
way out of the forest.
When Onyagbe got there, he saw the antelope and the
money that fell off from Odes pouch. He took all the money
and headed home.
At night, the hunter got home. To his surprise and
disappointment, he could not find his money any longer and
could not find his way back to Onyagbes farm.
Onyagbe on the other hand took the money home, he
became wealthy and was happy thereafter. Esu then went to
Ode and started singing thus:
Oniyagbe ni yoo gbola ode o 2ce
Ode na o ba ru o

Ode na o ba la
Onyagbe ni yoo gbola ode
Onyagbe is the one that would take over Odes
wealth 2ce
If ode had offered the ebo as prescribed
He would have become wealthy
Onyagbe has taken over odes wealth
Ode was then full of regrets, that if he had known, he would
have offered all the prescribed ebo. From then henceforth, it
was decreed that whosoever has chosen hunting as a
profession where this Odu is revealed would never prosper
from it, unless he complements it with other jobs.

Ifa warns you never to eat tortoise for any reason in

order for you to have victory over adversaries. It is a
serious taboo for you. You need to offer ebo for victory
with three roosters and money and to do akose (Ifa
preparation) with two kola nuts with five lobes, Ipe
oore, porcupine spikes, and ewe eko (leaves used for
wrapping corn meal). All these will be pounded and
mixed with soap and put in a tortoise shell. N.B: each
of the fifth lobe of the kola nuts (ofua) are what is
needed to be used: while the remaining four pieces are
discarded. On this, Ifa says:
Agbara eje nii kun elede losun
Dia fun Gbinrin Ahun
Ti n raye ilai nii ku
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo

A pool of blood is it that paints a pig red

This was the message of Ifa to Gbinrin ahun
Who was going to the world of eternity (to live
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
In this Odu, Gbinrin ahun went for Ifa consultation about
how to live long, and how he would not die untimely death.
He was advised to offer ebo and make special Ifa
preparation. He complied, Thereafter, he survived all evil
machinations of witches, wizards, herbalists, etc. Instead,
they were all assisting him favourably. He then became
happy and was praising Ifa.
O ni keni ma ma ba Gbinrin ahun ja
Gbinrin ahun
Enikan kii je ahun ko je igba
Gbirin ahun
Keni ma ma ba Gbinrin ahun ja
Gbinrin ahun
Enikan kii je oore ko je ipe
Gbinrin ahun
Bi iku ba pa obi yoo yo oofa sile
Gbinrin ahun
Ba a ba jeko, a dari jewe
Gbinrin ahun.

He declared that nobody should quarrel with

Gbinrin ahun
Gbinrin ahun
Nobody dare eat the tortoise with its shell
Gbinrin ahun
Nobody should fight with Gbinrin ahun
Gbinrin ahun
Nobody dare eat porcupine with its spikes
Gbinrin ahun
Nobody should fight with Gbinrin ahun
Gbinrin ahun
If death kills the kolanut, it will leave out oofa (the
fifth lobe)
Gbinrin ahun
Nobody should fight with Gbinrin ahun
After eating eko meal, the leaves are forgiven
Gbinrin ahun
Nobody should fight with Gbinrin ahun


Ifa says that you should not use adin, palm-kernel oil,
in order to avoid childbearing problem and
unconsummated fortune. You need to offer ebo with
four rats, four fish, four hens and money. You should
always add camwood to your body cream and be using
it to rub your body at all times. On this Ifa says:
Ate ninu Irosun
O ba buubuu labe e holo
Dia fun Ponpola
Akosun ma kadin nitori omo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo, o rubo
Ko pe ko jinna
E waa ba ni ni jebutu omo
Ate ninu Irosun
O ba buubuu labe e holo
Cast Ifa Ponpola (a riverine tree)
The one that rubbed camwood and not palmkernel oil on her body for the sake of child bearing
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of many children
In this odu, Ponpola used to cherish palm kernel oil for use
as lotion, not knowing that her Ori abhored such type of oil.
For a long time, she was lamenting for being childless. She
however went for Ifa consultation and was advised to offer
ebo and to desist from using palm-kernel oil to rub on her
body; instead she should be using camwood. She complied.
Later, she became blessed with happy children.

Ifa says that you shall perform wonders in life. You

shall not be put to shame and shall receive honour and
fame. You need to offer ebo with four pigeons, four
guinea fowls, four rosters, four hens and money. With
these, things shall be well with you.
A te nnu Irosun
O yori gagaaga ninu u holo

Dia fun Eesu gudugbu (Ileke)

Tii yoo gbenu omokun dara
Won ni ko rubo
O gbebo, o rubo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni bola
E wa wore
A te nnu Irosun
O yori gagaaga ninu holo(alias)
Cast Ifa for Eesu gudugbu ( a type of bead)
The one who would perform wonders in the midst
of other okun beads
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Not too long, not too far
Come and meet us in abundant wealth.


ifa warns that you must never house a stranger or have

a tenant living in the same house with you if you are
blessed with a house of your own. This is a taboo for
the child of Irete Irosun. Ifa says you must not let out
part of your house where you live to a tenant in order
not to lose your own Ire to another person and to avoid
being punished for an offence that you did not commit.
Ifa also says that the stranger/tenant will betray your
trust and in the end you will also be disgraced publicly.
You need to offer ebo with one he-goat. On this Ifa
Ise lomo aje kunnu

Iya lomo aje kagbon

Ka jiya ka je kotunnkoho pelu
Dia fun Oniloko omo arelu
Omo ateko lele bemo lori
Won ni ko rubo nitori alejo ile re
For one to be distressed is sad
And for one to be suffering is even worse
To suffer seriously with indignation is the worst
thing that could ever happen to one
These were Ifas messages for Oniloko, the
offspring of Arelu
The one who tied knots of herbs for victory over
He was advised to offer ebo because of the
stranger he admitted into his house.
Oniloko admitted Onisekere as a tenant into his house. After
sometime, Onisekere started having an affair with the wife
of Oniloko. This secret affair went for a long time without
the knowledge of Oniloko. There and then he decided to
seduce finally the wife of Oniloko. He did and later packed
out of the house. One day, Oniloko went to a restaurant to
drink palm-wine. While he was there, Onisekere was passing
by and saw Oniloko there. He then began to sing a
humiliating song as follows:
Oniloko o ma ku iya ajele o
O ma ku iya
O fun mi nile
Mo gba o lobinrin
O ma ku iya ajele o

Oniloko, you have really suffered in shame
It was a shameful suffering
You gave me a house to live in
And I snatched away your wife
It was a shameful suffering you suffered

Ifa says that you should offer ebo on behalf of your

spouse in order to avert untimely death. Ifa says that
the person has seduced a spouse who belongs to
another powerful and influential person. You need to
ofer ebo with one he-goat and a doll image of the
woman. If the woman has a tribal mark on her face,
the awo should mark the face of the doll accordingly. If
the woman does not have any mark, the Awo should
leave the doll face unmarked. Put the doll in the ebo,
slaughter the he-goat and put the head in the ebo. On
this, Ifa says:
Ate nnu irosun
O yori daradara ninu holo
Bi eekan ba nmu ni
Ka gba pe o nmu ni
Bi o si mu ni
Ka gba pe ko mu ni
Dia fun Mojokun
Tii sobinrin Iku
Dia fun Orunmila
Tii nlo gba Mojokun
Tii se obinrin Iku
Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gbebo, o rubo
Nje eleyii jo Mojokun
Jijo lo jo tire ko
O fi pele jo Mojokun
Jijo lo jo tire ko
O fi abaja jo Mojokun
Jijo lo jo ti e ko
Kee pe, ona o jin
E wa ba ni laruse ogun
Ate nnu irosun
O yori daradara ninu holo
If one is being bitten by insect
Let us admit it
And if one is not bitten
Let us admit it too
Ifas message for Mojokun
The wife of Iku, Death
The same message was given to Orunmila
When planning to take over Mojokun
Who was the wife of Iku
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
This woman resembles Mojokun
She only has her likeness, she is not yours
Her pele tribal marks resemble those of Mojokun
She only has her likeness, she is not yours
Her abaja marks resemble those of Mojokun
She only has her likeness, she is not yours
Before long, not too far
Join us where we enjoy victory over advrsary


Ifa says that you will prosper in the field of Ifa practice.
The profession that you are practicing presently is not
as fulfilling as Ifa practice. Ifa will give you peace of
mind and contentment. In addition, you need to offer
ebo with two roosters, two hens, four rats, four
fish and money. You also need to propitiate Ifa as
appropriate. On this, Ifa says:
Erin su bi elu
Ko se e gunyan
Ajanaku su bi ewa
Ko yaa bu je o
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti ko sowo
Ti yoo maa gbina
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba ni ba jebutu ire gbogbo

The elephant s feces is like indigo
It cannot be pounded as yam
The elephants feces is like peas
But it cannot be consumed
Ifas message for Orunmila
Who never engaged in any trade
And he would be blessed with a lot of money
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far

Join us in the midst of all ire of life

10. Ifa

advises you to offer ebo in order to overcome an

impending battle. A time is coming in your life that you
will find yourself in a position where you will take over
another persons possession or something precious to
the other person. Ifa says that you will successfully
take possession of the thing. But battle shall come from
various fronts; thus the need to offer the ebo to
overcome the crisis. The ebo materials are one hegoat, three bottles of palm-oil and money. On this
Ifa says:
A te ninu irosun
O ba buruburu labe e holo
Dia fun Orunmila
O n loo gba Adese obinrin Iku
Yoo gba obirin Arun lagbagbe
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo, o rubo
Agbagbe nifa o gba won nihun rere lo o
Orunmila o jii re lonii
Okaka tii fowo ti iku
Alo iku lowo gba omo re lowo arun
Orunmila o jii re o

A te ninu irosun
O ba buruburu labe e holo
Ifas message for Orunmila

When going to snatch away Adese, the wife of

Iku, Death
And would take over the wife of Arun, Affliction
without any negative repercussion
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
With any negative repercussion will we take over
their valuable possessions
Orunmila, good day today
He who uses his hands to push Death away
And twist the hands of Affliction to rescue his child
Orunmila, good day today

11. Ifa

says that there is the need for you to feed your Ori in
order for you to be able to achieve all the great things
that you have come into this world to achieve. Ifa says
that anytime that you put your head on the ground to
pray, the spirit of your Ori will just sleep off. And for that
reason, all what you are asking Ifa and Olodumare
were not given to you. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with
either one rooster or one he-goat and money. The hegoat or rooster will be slaughtered and the blood
drained on your head on top of Esu. The awo will mix
Ojiji leave and Ojiji fish (electric fish) together with soap
and will be given for you to wash your Ori with it. After
this, there is the need to ask Ifa what your Ori will take
and whatever Ori takes will be used to propitiate your
Ori accordingly. The moment this is done, all what you

are looking for in your life will be given unto you and
your prayers will be answered. On this, Ifa says:
Atesun lele
Dia fun Orunmila
Nijo ti Baba nfori kanle
Ti Eledaa re nsun lo o
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Ojiji de moni pere e mi o
Ifa iwo loo jimo loju oorun o
Ifa iwo lo soku ale ana dooye
Ojiji de moni peree mi o
Atesun lele
Ifas message for Orunmila
When he touched his head to the ground in supplication
And the spirit of his Ori had slept off
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Here comes my Ojiji that changes evil to good
Ifa you are the one who wakes up a child from sleep
Ifa you are the one who revive a dead person of
yesternight to a human being
Here comes Ojiji who turns evil to good

12. Ifa

advises you to offer ebo of prosperity. Ifa says that

Obatala will ensure that you succeed far beyond your
imagination. Ifa also ask you to have the icon of
Obatala with you in order to ensure that success will
always come your way. The icon of Obatala that Ifa

refers to needs to have the 16 cowries with it. Ebo

materials; 10 land snails, 10 Efun, two guinea-fowls,
two pigeons and money. You also need to feed Obatala
as specified by Ifa. On this, Ifa says:
Ate ninu Irosun
O ba buruburu labee holo
O pooyi biri-biri-biri
Dia fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
TAje o fese tele nilee re o
Kilo pe kire Aje o fese tele nilee mi
Lo pe kire Aje o fese tele nilee mi o
It was bent under Irosun grass
But it came out under Holo grasses
And it swirls round and round
Ifas message for Oosanla Oseremagbo
When Aje, Prosperity will set her feet into his
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What is it that authorizes Aje to step into my house
That was what authorizes Aje to step into my

13. Ifa

advises you to offer ebo and feed Sango in order for

you to overcome your enemies. Ifa says that you are
going to have several enemies but you are going to
overcome them all. Sango will help you to do that. Ebo
materials; three roosters, three hens, plenty of money.
You also need to feed Sango with one rooster, 200
pebbles, and bottle of palm-oil. On this, Ifa says:
Ate ninu Irosun
Irosun te mole buruburu
Dia fun Olukoso lalu
Jenrola omo arigba ota werewere segun
Igbati nbe laarin ota
To nfojoojumo kominu ogun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Talo nperi Oba o?
Too! Emi o perii re Alado
Ate ninu Irosun
Irosun te mole buruburu
Ifas message for Olukoso lalu
Jenrola who has 200 pebbles to overcome
When he was in the midst of enemies
And he was envisaging the problem of uprising on
a daily basis
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Who is speaking ill of Oba
No I speak no evil of you Alado

14. Ifa

says that there is a woman very close to you who is

praying to God for the blessing of the fruit of the womb.
Ifa assures this woman that she will be blessed with this
blessing. If this woman is your spouse, please advise
her to offer ebo with three guinea-fowls, three pigeons,
10 land snails and money. She also needs to feed
Orisa Oke with plenty of land snails. On this, Ifa says:
Erin su bi elu
Ko se gunyan
Dia fun Oke
O nmoju ekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
E bami gbomo oke bi esoro okun
E bami gbomo oke lanti-lanti
The feces of an Elephant is like and indigo
But it cannot be used as pounded yam
Ifas message for Oke
When lamenting her inability to have her own baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Come and help me carry the baby of Oke
Like the expensive Esoro Okun bead
And help carry the baby of Oke that is big and

15. Ifa

also advises a barren woman to offer ebo in order

for her to receive the blessing of the fruit of the womb.

The ebo materials here are three pigeons, three hens

and money. The woman also needs to feed Ifa with a
female duck.
Ayikiti mode olu
Agbara ona nii kun elede losun
O kun elelde losun gburugburu
Dia fun Orosun
Omo asunkun sebo omo o
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba nib a jebutu omo
Jebutu omo laa ba ni lese Obarisa
Ayikiti mode olu
The flood is it that paint the big with mud
It paint the pig from head to toe
Ifas message for Orosun
When crying while offering the ebo of childbearing
Before long not too far
Join us in the midst of many children
It is in the midst of many children that we find all
Ifa devotees
16. Ifa

says that it is a great achievement for you to have

been initiated into Ifa. In order to totally complete the
achievement in life, there is also the need for you to
ensure the initiation of two young ones close to you.
That is when success is complete in your life. On this,
Ifa says:
Ate ninu Irosun
O yo bugebuge ninu u holo

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa yoo komo meji lo te nifa nigbo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Orunmila o ku mo, Ifa de!
Ate ninu Irosun
O yo bugebuge ninu u holo
Ifas message for Orunmila
Who will take two children for Ifa initiation
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Orunmila dies no more
Ifa has totally arrived
Aboru Aboye.





Ifa for success, victory, sanctuary, elevation, progress,

achievement, contentment and general wellbeing
Ori for fulfillment of destiny, sanctuary, victory,
elevation, success, contentment, elevation, progress,
self actualization
Esu-Odara for direction, guidance, protection,
sanctuary, success, victory, overall success,
Sango for leadership, victory over enemies and
general success
Aje for financial success, elevation, success,
achievement, contentment and overall wellbeing
Orisa-oke for childbearing, childrearing, compatible
spouse and general wellbeing
Obatala for financial success, leadership, elevation,
progress, contentment, achievement and general
Egbe for comradeship, elevation, success, progress,
leadership and general wellbeing




Must never use anything made with Elephant to avoid

unconsummated fortune, failure and regret
Must never use anything made with indigo to avoid
unconsummated fortune, failure and regret
Must never snatch another mans wife or take what
belongs to another person to avoid restlessness,
anxiety, unconsummated fortune and regrets
Must never sleep while undertaking any major project
to avoid unconsummated fortune, failure and disaster



Must never use Adi, Palm Kernel oil for anything to

avoid childbearing problem
Must never allow any Sekere drummer to beat Sekere
into your house to avoid other people taking away
what rightfully belong to you
Must never maltreat your spouse to avoid the woman
running away from your life
Must never keep deaf ears to wise counseling to
avoid unconsummated fortune, regrets and failure


1. Ifa/Orisa Priest
2. Marine industry, oceanography, engineering, fishery,
and sailing
3. Administration, management, marketing, salesmanship,
general merchandised

Mogbairemu I hold firmly unto all my Ire

Mojire I wake up with Ire
Eledamasun my creator please do not sleep

Aboru Aboye.
Solagbade Popoola
Lagos, Nigeria
September, 2011.

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