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Catherine E. White*

Junk sciences, such as bitemark analysis, fire science, shaken baby

syndrome, and handwriting analysis, have been deceiving juries for years. Courts
and the scientific community once regarded these forensic sciences as reliable
evidence, but they have since been proven unreliable. Almost fifty percent of the
cases overturned by DNA testing involve junk sciences. This Comment focuses
on a subset of those wrongful convictions: cases in which the junk science
deceived not only the jury but the defendant as well.
When the police discuss forensic evidence with a suspect during an
interrogation, the suspect sometimes confesses to committing the crime in a
manner consistent with the forensic evidence. If the court convicts the suspect and
the scientific community later determines that the forensic evidence is unreliable,
retrial is necessary. The unreliability of the junk science undermines confidence in
the confession. This Comment surveys the empirical studies on false confessions
and argues that junk science is a type of false evidence that multiple studies have
demonstrated increases the risk of a false confession. In fact, junk science may be
even more likely than other types of false evidence to spur a false confession.
Because a defendant convicted by junk science and an unreliable
confession may be factually innocent, this Comment argues that these cases
should be given a new, fair trial. This Comment suggests a number of pragmatic
methods for courts to overturn the questionable conviction and provide the
defendant with a fair trial, suppressing the confession as evidence. Rather than
viewing a defendants confession as independent evidence of his or her guilt,
courts should recognize that the unreliability of the junk science introduced
during the interrogation renders the defendants confession unreliable as well.

J.D. Candidate, May 2016, University of Wisconsin Law School. Many thanks to Keith Findley,
Carrie Sperling, Larry White, and Mike Cicchini.

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INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 3
WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS .............................................................................. 7
A. Junk Science: Forensic Evidence Now Known to Be Unreliable ................... 8
1. The National Academy of Sciences Report on Unreliable Forensic
Sciences............................................................................................................... 9
2. Another Unreliable Forensic Science: Shaken Baby Syndrome............... 11
B. False Confessions Cause Wrongful Convictions Independently and in
Conjunction with Junk Science ............................................................................. 15
(RE)TRIAL ........................................................................................................... 18
A. When Does Junk Science Induce a False Confession? ................................. 19
B. Retrial is Appropriate for Convictions Based on Confessions Induced by
Junk Science.......................................................................................................... 21
1. Newly Discovered Evidence Statutes ....................................................... 23
2. Junk Science Bills ..................................................................................... 26
C. Getting the Confession Excluded on Retrial ................................................. 29
1. Excluding Confessions Based on Due Process Violations ....................... 30
2. Confession Suppression Statutes .............................................................. 33
3. The Corroboration Rule: Corpus Delicti .................................................. 35
4. Federal Rule of Evidence 403 ................................................................... 38
CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................... 40

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I know you did something in there. . . .
I dont think you did. I know you did. . . .
This happened okay. And the doctor has said it happened. . . .
The doctor has told us that theres only thing that caused this boys
injuries. Somebody shook him. . . .
This is not a situation where we say, oh, maybe shes telling the
truth, maybe shes not. We know youre not telling the truth. The
evidence proves it. . . .
Weve got years of medical science to prove that it happened and a
bevy of doctors to testify that it happened and what caused it. . . .1
In 2004, two detectives interrogated Beverly Moore.

They were

completely confident that she had shaken her boyfriends two-year-old son, Avery,
to death. 3 The detectives had no doubt of Beverlys culpability because the
paramedics and doctors treating Avery immediately knew that he had suffered
abusive shaking just before Beverly found him unconscious and called 911.4 As the
detectives reminded Beverly, there [were] only two people in the house. You and

OF INJUSTICE 51 (2014) (quoting Transcription of Interrogation of Beverly Moore at 19, 21, 22, 241

25 (Jan. 13, 2004) (on file with author)).


Id. at 50-51.



Electronic copy available at:

Avery.5 The conclusion was obvious: Beverly had shaken Avery to death. Yet
throughout the interrogation, Beverly maintained that she had not shaken the boy.6
Because the detectives believed that they had scientific proof that Beverly was
guilty, they refused to accept Beverlys lies.7
Finally, upon realizing that Ill be in jail no matter what I tell you, Beverly
said the words the detectives wanted to hear: I shook him.8 At trial, the jury saw
Beverlys videotaped confession and the testimony of three medical experts that
Avery died of shaken baby syndrome.9 As a result, the jury convicted Beverly of

Id. (quoting Transcription of Interrogation of Beverly Moore at 19, 21, 22, 24-25 (Jan. 13, 2004)
(on file with author)).


MOORE: I did not hurt him.

DETECTIVE 2: Yes, you did.
DETECTIVE 1: You did hurt him.
MOORE: I did not hurt him.
DETECTIVE 1: You did hurt him.
DETECTIVE 2: Yes, you did.
MOORE: I did not.
DETECTIVE 1: If you didnt hurt him, he wouldnt be up there.
MOORE: I did not hurt him. . . . This is a nightmare.
Id. at 52 (quoting Transcription of Interrogation of Beverly Moore at 23 (Jan. 13, 2004) (on file with

Id. (quoting Transcription of Interrogation of Beverly Moore at 28, 31-33 (Jan. 13, 2004) (on file
with author)).

Id. at 55 (citing Transcript of Trial Proceedings, State v. Moore, No. CF-2004-351 at 17, 20-21
(Okla. Dist. Ct. Oct. 20, 2005)); Moore v. Newton-Embry, No. CIV-09-985-C, 2011 WL 5143080,
at *1 (W.D. Okla. Sept. 7, 2011).

murder and the court sentenced her to life in prison without the possibility of
Almost ten years later, the shaken baby syndrome diagnosis is widely
considered to be a myth 11 and a federal court has recognized the substantial
newfound evidence . . . regarding [Beverlys] actual innocence.12 Yet she is still
in prison, fighting to regain her freedom. 13 Beverly is not alone: [s]erious
deficiencies . . . in the forensic evidence used in criminal trials14 have caused the
arrest, charging, and conviction of an unknown number of innocent people.
Although the problem of putatively accurate scientific evidence later proven to be
unreliable or false (i.e., junk science15) used to secure convictions has been widely


Moore v. Newton-Embry, No. CIV-09-985-C, 2012 WL 1158658, at *1 (W.D. Okla. Apr. 6,


See infra, Part I.A.2.

Newton-Embry, 2012 WL 1158658, at *1. Medical evidence, including a prior diagnosis of

failure to thrive; the existence of significant developmental delays; . . . a fall into a cast iron tub
roughly a week before; . . . observations of lethargy in the week preceding Averys collapse . . .
[and] the undisputed presence of optic disc swelling . . . which appears only after a week of increased
intracranial pressure and generally indicates a chronic process, now indicates that Averys death
was probably caused by events weeks before his collapse, contrary to the prosecutions SBS theory.
TUERKHEIMER, supra note 1, at 186.

30&doc_num=518614&offender_book_id=306091 (last visited Jan. 8, 2015).


Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts, 557 U.S. 305, 319 (2009) (Scalia, J.).

This Comment uses the term junk science to refer to any type of forensic science that has been
proven unreliable. The Term emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s and was popularized by
Peter Huber[, who] describe[d] junk science as the mirror image of real science with much of the
same form but none of the same substance. Sabra Thomas, Comment, Addressing Wrongful
Convictions, An Examination of Texas New Junk Science Writ and Other Measures for Protecting
the Innocent, 52 HOUS. L. REV. 1037, 1039 (2015) (quoting PETER HUBER, GALILEOS REVENGE:

acknowledged and discussed,16 the related problem of false confessions extracted

through use of junk science in interrogationssuch as Beverlys confessionhas
been overlooked.
This Comment argues that courts should allow retrial of convictions based
entirely on junk science and a confession obtained through the introduction of that
junk science. Retrial is necessary because the unreliability of the scientific evidence
undermines all of the evidence supporting the conviction. The confession, in
addition to the junk science, should be suppressed upon retrial in order to guarantee
a fair trial. Part I reviews the empirical studies and scientific literature concerning
forensic sciences and false confessions and suggests that junk science may be
considered a kind of false evidence comparable to the fabricated evidence known
to cause false confessions.
Part II presents a host of techniques to remedy the improper administration
of justice in cases where a confession based on junk science led to a conviction.

JUNK SCIENCE IN THE COURTROOM 12 (1991)). Currently, this category includes fire science,
forensic odontology, shaken baby syndrome, serology, and the analyses of fingerprints, hairs, shoe
prints, tool marks, handwriting, bloodstain patterns, and bullet lead. See infra, note 31 &
accompanying text. Other types of forensic evidence may come to be considered junk science in the
future, after scientific advancements reveal their unreliability. See Thomas, supra 1039.

[hereinafter NAS REPORT]; see also, e.g., Erica Beecher-Monas, Reality Bites: The Illusion of
Science in Bite-Mark Evidence, 30 CARDOZO L. REV. 1369 (2009); Sarah Lucy Cooper, The
Collision of Law and Science: American Court Responses to Developments in Forensic Science, 33
PACE L. REV. 234 (2013); Mark Donohoe, Evidence-Based Medicine and Shaken Baby Syndrome:
Part I: Literature Review, 1966-1998, 24 AM. J. FORENSIC MED. & PATHOLOGY 239 (2003).

Because the unreliable nature of the forensic evidence is often not discovered until
long after the defendant has been convicted, this Part discusses procedural
mechanisms to grant retrial in these cases and to analyze the admissibility of the
confession upon retrial. This Comment concludes that to ensure the proper and fair
administration of justice, courts must acknowledge the involuntary and unreliable
nature of confessions based on junk science. Courts and legislatures have
recognized the inherent unreliability of convictions based on junk science.17 It is
time for them to recognize that confessions based on junk science are just as
unreliable as the junk science itself.
The advent of DNA testing, and the exonerations that came with it,
demonstrated that junk science and false confessions are two of the leading causes
of wrongful convictions.18 Federal, state, and local governments have taken note:
The National Academy of Sciences recently called for judicial systems to
implement new measures ensuring the reliability of forensic sciences used at trial.19
Two states have passed junk science bills allowing retrial of criminal convictions


See infra Part II.A.

Unvalidated or [i]mproper [f]orensic [s]cience played a role in [forty-nine] percent of wrongful

convictions later overturned by DNA testing, while false confessions and incriminating statements
[led] to wrongful convictions in approximately [twenty-seven] percent of cases. DNA Exonerations
PROJECT, (last visited Jan. 9,


See infra Part I.A.1.

based on forensic methods now proven to be unreliable. 20 And over 850

jurisdictions now regularly record police interrogations, helping to reduce the rate
of wrongful convictions based on false confessions.21 Although these two causes
of wrongful convictionsjunk science and false confessionsare often studied
individually, 22 relatively little has been said about how they work together to
produce wrongful convictions that may seem airtight.23
A. Junk Science: Forensic Evidence Now Known to Be Unreliable


See infra Part II.A.2.


False Confessions & Mandatory Recording of Interrogations, INNOCENCE PROJECT, (last visited Jan. 9, 2015).

See infra Part I.A & I.B.

EXONERATIONS, (last visited
Feb. 18, 2015) (discussing the exoneration of Brown, who was convicted of sexual assault based on
serological evidence and Browns false confession); Eric Esse, NATL REGISTRY EXONERATIONS, (last visited
Feb. 18, 2015) (discussing the exoneration of Esse, who was convicted of murder based on tool
mark analysis and Esses false confession); George Allen, Jr., NATL REGISTRY EXONERATIONS, (last visited
Feb. 18, 2015) (discussing the exoneration of Allen, who was convicted of murder based on
serological evidence and Allens false confession); Harold Hill, NATL REGISTRY EXONERATIONS, (last visited
Feb. 18, 2015) (discussing the exoneration of Hill, who was convicted of murder based on forensic
odontology evidence and Hills false confession); Luis Galacia, NATL REGISTRY EXONERATIONS, (last visited
Feb. 18, 2015) (discussing the exoneration of Galicia, who was convicted of child sex abuse based
on unreliable medical evidence and Galicias false confession); Sabrina Butler, NATL REGISTRY
EXONERATIONS, (last visited
Feb. 18, 2015) (discussing the exoneration of Butler, who was convicted of murder based on
misleading medical evidence and Butlers false confession).

The public often views forensic science as highly captivating and real.24
Yet in many instances this view is not only false, it is also dangerous. Some forensic
sciences, such as fingerprint identification, firearms identification, bite mark
identification, and arson investigation, lack a foundation in the scientific method
and are governed by inadequate standards, leading to unknown error rates and
overstated conclusions.25 The same is true of shaken baby syndrome, a oncepopular medical diagnosis of murder that also lacks a foundation in the scientific
method.26 These forms of junk science have real consequences: as of October 2014,
courts have convicted 316 people of crimes based on junk science, only to
exonerate them later.27 Only recently have the scientific and legal communities
begun to address these serious deficiencies with junk science.28



In 2005, because of the absence of data 29 regarding forensic sciences,

Congress called upon the National Academy of Sciences [NAS] to conduct a study


TUERKHEIMER, supra note 1, at 48.


Cooper, supra note 16, at 254; see also infra, Part I.A.1.


See infra, Part I.A.2.

(last visited Oct. 21, 2014).


See, e.g., NAS REPORT, supra note 16; Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts, 557 U.S. 305, 319

S. REP. NO. 109-88, at 46 (2005).

on forensic science.30 Four years later, the NAS reported the results of its study in
Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward.31 This report
was widely received as a landmark report that highlighted the inadequacies of
the forensic sciences and the dangers of its current use in court.32
The NAS report did not mince words; it declared that [w]ith the exception
of nuclear DNA analysis . . . no forensic method has been rigorously shown to have
the capacity to consistently, and with a high degree of certainty, demonstrate a
connection between evidence and a specific individual or source."33 The report left
few stones unturned, challenging generally accepted truths about many of the
forensic sciences commonly used in criminal investigations and trials: fire science,
forensic odontology, and the analyses of fingerprints, hairs, shoe prints, tool marks,
handwriting, bloodstain patterns, and bullet lead, to name a few. 34 The report noted


H.R. REP. NO. 109-272, at 121 (2005) (Conf. Rep.).


NAS REPORT, supra note 16.


Rachel Dioso-Villa, Scientific and Legal Developments in Fire and Arson Investigation Expertise
in Texas v. Willingham, 14 MINN. J.L. SCI. & TECH. 817, 818-19 (2013) (citing NAS REPORT, supra
note 16).

NAS REPORT, supra note 16, at 7.


TUERKHEIMER, supra note 1, at 49; see also NAS REPORT, supra note 16, at 127. The unreliability
of fire science is particularly dangerous, as many of the rules of thumb that are typically assumed
to indicate that an accelerant was usedi.e., that a crime was committedhave been shown not
to be true. NAS REPORT, supra note 16, at 173 (footnotes omitted). This junk fire science resulted
in the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham, who is now widely regarded as an innocent man.
See Dioso-Villa, supra note 32, at 829.


that these forensic sciences were of questionable reliability, creating cause for
concern in court.35
The NAS report concluded that there is a serious problem with the current
state of forensic sciences: the interpretation of forensic evidence is not always
based on scientific studies to determine its validity.36 The report also underscored
the need for the judicial system to address this problem and noted that we all will
benefit from increased reliability of forensic science because in addition to
protecting innocent persons from being convicted of crimes that they did not
commit, we are also seeking to protect society from persons who have committed
criminal acts.37 Although many of the reports recommendations have not been
adopted, courts and legislatures throughout the country are recognizing the
important and damaging role junk science has played in wrongful convictions and
are taking action.38





The NAS report did not address the junk science used to convict Beverly
Moore: shaken baby syndrome (SBS).39 SBS is said to occur when a baby suffers


NAS REPORT, supra note 16, at 127.


Id. at 8.




See infra Part II.A.


NAS REPORT, supra note 16.


shaking sufficient to tear the bridging veins connecting the brain to the sagittal sinus
(one of the large veins that drains the brain) as well as axons within the brain itself,
causing immediate brain swelling[,] permanent brain damage[,] and often death.40
Once used to convict parents and caregivers based on the testimony of medical
experts alone, 41 SBS has now fallen into disrepute along with the other forensic
sciences described above.42
For decades, doctors based SBS diagnoses on a triad of symptoms: retinal
hemorrhaging (bleeding inside the surface of the back of the eye), subdural or
subarachnoid hematoma (bleeding between the membranes that surround the
brain), and cerebral edema (brain swelling). 43 This triad of symptoms was


Rachel Burg, Un-Convicting the Innocent: The Case for Shaken Baby Syndrome Review Panels,
45 U. MICH. J.L. REFORM 657, 66-64 (2012).

TUERKHEIMER, supra note 1 at xi, xiv; see also Emily Bazelon, Shaken, N.Y. TIMES MAG., Feb.
6, 2011, at 32 (In an estimated 50 percent to 75 percent of [SBS prosecutions], the only medical
evidence of shaken-baby syndrome is the triad of internal symptoms. . . .).

See supra part I.A.1; see, e.g., Cavazos v. Smith, 132 S. Ct. 2, 10 (2011) (Ginsburg, J., dissenting)
(quoting State v. Edmunds, 2008 WI App 33, 15, 308 Wis. 2d 374, 385, 746 N.W.2d 590, 596)
(Doubt has increased in the medical community over whether infants can be fatally injured
through shaking alone.); Keith A. Findley et al., Shaken Baby Syndrome, Abusive Head Trauma,
and Actual Innocence: Getting it Right, 12 HOUS. J. HEALTH L. & POLY 209, 213-14 (2012)
([T]here is now widespread, if not universal, agreement that the presence of the triad aloneor its
individual componentsis not enough to diagnose abuse.); Genie Lyons, Comment & Note,
Shaken Baby Syndrome: A Questionable Scientific Syndrome and a Dangerous Legal Concept, 2003
UTAH L. REV. 1109, 1109 (Shaken baby syndrome in its most extreme formassuming abuse
when a child has two specific brain injuries but no other signs of traumaquite possibly does not
exist.); Debbie Cenziper, A Disputed Diagnosis Imprisons Parents: Prosecutors Build Murder
Cases on Disputed Shaken Baby Syndrome Diagnosis, WASHINGTON POST (Mar. 20, 2015),
available at

Burg, supra note 40, at 663 (citing David L. Chadwick et al., Shaken Baby SyndromeA Forensic
Pediatric Response, 101 PEDIATRICS 321, 321 (1998)).


considered conclusive proof of SBS.44 Because the doctors theorized that the only
way of causing these symptoms was to violently shake the child, a diagnosis of SBS
not only identified the perpetrator45 but also provided scientific proof of the mens
rea required for a conviction. 46 SBS cases were prosecuted because law
enforcement officers genuinely believe[d] in the validity of the diagnostic triad.47
It has now come to light that the SBS diagnosis is an instance of junk
science, just like the forensic sciences discussed in the NAS Report. 48 The
diagnosis originated from circular logic: [R]esearchers [chose] subjects for study
based on the presence of subdural hematomas and retinal hemorrhages and, with
little or no investigation into other possible causes of these symptoms, simply
concluded that the infants were shaken. Scientists accordingly inferred that
subdural hematomas and retinal hemorrhages must necessarily result from


Id. at 664 (citing Chadwick et al., supra note 43, at 321).

TUERKHEIMER, supra note 1, at xi ([SBS] science could even identify a perpetratorthe

caregiver last with the lucid babysince the infants loss of consciousness would necessarily have
been immediate.).

Id. (The relationship between . . . the triad [of symptoms] and shaking was described as
pathognomic, meaning that shaking was the only causal explanation possible. The science could
also rule out an accidental jostle, given how forceful the shaking must have been to generate these


Deborah Tuerkheimer, The Next Innocence Project: Shaken Baby Syndrome and the Criminal
Courts, 97 WASH. U.L. REV. 1, 26 (2009) [hereinafter Tuerkheimer, The Next Innocence Project].

NAS REPORT, supra note 16.


shaking. 49 While the weak scientific basis for SBS has led some to question
whether shaking is the only way to cause the triad of symptoms, recent experiments
cast doubt on whether shaking may ever cause the triad of symptoms alone.50 As
scientists discovered that SBS lacked scientifically-conducted validation and
forensic rigor,51 they began repudiating the diagnosis.52 Yet innocent people like
Beverly Moore continue to sit in prison, convicted based on an unreliable SBS
diagnosis53and the false confession that it created.


Tuerkheimer, The Next Innocence Project, supra note 47, at 13 (citing Patrick D. Barnes, Imaging
of the Central Nervous System in Suspected or Alleged Nonaccidental Injury, Including the Mimics,

See letter from L. Bache Wrennall et al., Open Letter on Shaken Baby Syndrome and Courts: A
(Biomechanical evidence has shown that shaking without contact would only produce the triad of
injuries in association with other injuries to the neck and spinal column that are typically not found
in alleged SBS cases.).

Wrennal et al., supra note 50; see also Donohoe, supra note 16, at 239; TUERKHEIMER, supra note
1, at 18.

See Findley et al., supra note 42, at 213-14 (quoting Carole Jenny, Professor of Pediatrics, Warren
Alpert Medical School at Brown University, Presentation on the Mechanics: Distinguishing
AHT/SBS from Accidents and Other Medical Conditions, slide 33, 2011 New York City Abusive
Head Trauma/Shaken Baby Syndrome Training Conference (Sept. 23, 2011) ([T]he diagnostic
specificity of the triad was recently described as a myth by a leading proponent of the SBS. . .
hypothesis.); Tuerkheimer, The Next Innocence Project, supra note 49, at 1, 11-12. In fact, even
Dr. A. Norman Guthkelch, the British pediatric neurosurgeon who wrote the 1971 paper giving birth
to the idea of SBS, recently said that the SBS science is greatly premature and sufficiently invalid
and lamented the fact that innocent . . . people are in jail on the basis of what they claim is my
paper, when in fact it is nothing like it. Anna Bisaro, Monkey Business, Medill Justice Project
(December 12, 2013) available at (quoting A. Norman Guthkelch).
See Tuerkheimer, The Next Innocence Project, supra note 47, at 22 ([G]iven the scientific
developments described, we may surmise that a sizeable portion of the universe of defendants
convicted of SBS-based crimes is, in all likelihood, factually innocent.);; Burg, supra note 40, at
600 (There are innocent people currently in prison, convicted of seriously injuring a child that they
loved, based on a medical diagnosis that has become scientifically questionable. . . . [and]
individuals continue to be convicted of SBS-related crimes on the basis of evidence that is . . . likely


B. False Confessions Cause Wrongful Convictions Independently and in

Conjunction with Junk Science
False confessions are another leading cause of wrongful convictions. 54
While it is impossible to know the exact rate of false confessions in police
interrogations, studies have documented almost 300 cases of interrogationinduced false-confession since the late 1980s.55 As false confessions have entered
the popular consciousness, social scientists empirical studies have pinpointed three
causes of false confessions: the misclassification error, the coercion error, and the
contamination error.56 These errors57 occur in order:

unsound.); Cenziper, supra note 42 (Despite the uncertainty, prosecutors are still using the
diagnosis to help prove criminal cases beyond a reasonable doubt against hundreds of parents and

Richard A. Leo et al., Bringing Reliability Back In: False Confessions and Legal Safeguards in
the Twenty-First Century, 2006 WIS. L. REV. 479, 515 [hereinafter Leo et al., Reliability].

Id. This number barely begins to represent the full extent of the false confession problem: It does
not include false confessions that were dismissed or disproved before trial, [or] those given for
crimes that were not subject to post-conviction review. . . . Richard A. Leo, False Confessions:
Causes, Consequences, and Implications, 37 J. AM. ACAD. PSYCHIATRY & L. 332, 332 (2009)
[hereinafter Leo, False Confessions]. Nor does it include false confessions occurring in cases before
the 1980s. Yet [d]ocumented cases of interrogation-induced false confession in the United States
date back at least to the Salem witch trials of 1692, in which some 50 women confessed falsely to
witchcraft. Deborah David Davis & Richard A. Leo, The Problem of Interrogation-Induced False
Confessions: Sources of Failure in Prevention and Detection, in HANDBOOK OF FORENSIC
SOCIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 47, 48 (S.J. Morewitz & M. L. Goldstein eds., 2014).

Leo, False Confessions, supra note 55, at 333.

Although the scientific literature uses the error label, the interrogation methods used to produce
false confessions are no mistake. Rather, they are the very methods taught as part of the popular
Reid Technique, which is known to produce a high number of confessions, regardless of their
[T]he object of the Reid Technique is to convince suspects that confession is in
their best interest. . . . [T]he suspect's actual guilt or innocence has little bearing
on whether he confesses; rather, he will confess whenever the costs of confession
as he perceives them are outweighed by the benefits of confession, regardless of
his culpability. . . . When a suspect is confronted with seemingly incontrovertible


Investigators first misclassify an innocent person as guilty; they next

subject him to a guilt-presumptive, accusatory interrogation that
invariably involves lies about evidence and often the repeated use of
implicit and explicit promises and threats as well. Once they have
elicited a false admission, they pressure the suspect to provide a
postadmission narrative that they jointly shape, often supplying the
innocent suspect with the (public and nonpublic) facts of the
The introduction of false evidence in an interrogation is known to cause
false confessions.59 Empirical studies show that false evidence solicits compliant
false confessions, in which the suspect admits guilt with the knowledge that he is
innocent and that what he says is false. 60 False evidence also solicits internalized

evidence of his guilt, he is likely to conclude that he is certain to be convicted

even though he is innocent.
Miriam S. Gohara, A Lie for a Lie: False Confessions and the Case for Reconsidering the Legality
of Deceptive Interrogation Techniques, 33 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 791, 818-19 (2006).

Leo, False Confessions, supra note 55, at 333.


Gohara, supra note 57, at 794 ("[I]interrogation practices in which police misrepresent evidence
against suspects can and do lead to false confessions and wrongful convictions. Examination of
actual wrongful convictions and additional empirical data demonstrate[e] the correlation between
deceptive interrogation practices and false confessions. . . .); see also Danielle E. Chojnacki et al.,
An Empirical Basis for the Admission of Expert Testimony on False Confessions, 40 ARIZ. ST. L.J.
1, 18 (2008) (Controlled studies have found that the presentation of manufactured evidence
dramatically increases the likelihood that an individual will falsely confess and, at times, even
internalize blame for the act.); Davis & Leo, supra note 55, at 59 ("The practice of lying about
evidence has been strongly implicated as a cause of real life false confessions and the conviction of
the innocent.); Deborah Young, Unnecessary Evil: Police Lying in Interrogations, 28 CONN. L.
REV. 425, 457 (1996).

Leo, False Confessions, supra note 55, at 339. In one study, subjects were falsely accused of
hitting the alt key during a fast typing exercise. The accuser alleged there was a witness to the
crime. 100% of subjects signed a confession stating they hit the forbidden key, 65% internalized
guilt, reporting to a bystander that they hit the wrong key, and 35% created false details describing
how and when they hit the keydespite the fact that they had not, in fact, hit it. Saul M. Kassin &
Katherine L. Kiechel, The Social Psychology of False Confessions: Compliance, Internalization,
and Confabulation, 7 PSYCHOL. SCI. 125, 126-27 (1996). A follow-up study in the Netherlands
showed even higher rates of false confessions to hitting a prohibited key despite the fact that the
subjects believed confessing would lead to financial consequences. See Saul M. Kassin & Gisli H.
Gudjonsson, Psychology of Confessions, 5 PSYCHOL. SCI. IN THE PUB. INT. no. 2, 2004, at 54. In a
more recent study, an interviewer well trained in police interview tactics used strategies similar


false confessions, in which the suspect cannot reconcile the obvious contradiction
between his knowledge that he is innocent and his belief that the police are
truthfully reporting unmistakable evidence of his guilt. 61 Faced with evidence
proving his involvement in the crime, the suspect . . . offers up the remaining basis
for his belief in his innocence: that he has no memory of committing the crime.62
False scientific evidencei.e., junk scienceworks best at producing false
confessions because both the guilty and the innocent have a harder time explaining
away evidence that is allegedly derived from scientific technologies.63 A suspect










incomprehensibility of modern science.64 A suspect is especially likely to falsely

confess when the scientific evidence is plausible65which is often the case when

to Reid-model interrogation tactics, including the presentation of incontrovertible false

evidence to induce 70% of participants to provide a detailed account of a false memory of
committing theft or assault. Julia Shaw & Stephen Porter, Constructing Rich False Memories of
Committing Crime, PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, January 2015, at 1, 4, 6, 9. The authors noted that
this finding supports the notion that false confessions and gross confabulations can take place
within interview settings. . . . Th[is] kind of research . . . is essential in the quest to help prevent
memory-related miscarriages of justice. Id. at 9.

Leo, False Confessions, supra note 55, at 339.


Leo, False Confessions, supra note 55, at 339.


Richard J. Ofshe & Richard A. Leo, The Decision to Confess Falsely: Rational Choice and
Irrational Action, 74 DENV. U.L. REV. 979, 1023 (1997); See also Gohara, supra note 57, at 822
(Confessions are more likely to occur when the fictitious evidence is presented as strong, perhaps
overwhelming. Suspects tend to believe that 'scientific' evidence--such as DNA, fingerprints, and
even lie detector tests--are generally accepted by juries as infallible proof of guilt.").

Ofshe & Leo, supra note 63, at 1023.


In a study replicating the alt key study, see supra note 60, participants were instructed to hit the
Z key during a fast typing exercise. Jessica R. Klaver, et al., Effects of Personality, Interrogation
Techniques and Plausibility in an Experimental False Confession Paradigm, 12 LEGAL &


the scientific evidence at issue is junk science that all parties (the suspect, the
interrogators, and eventually the prosecutor, defense attorney, judge, and jury)
believe is true. 66 For example, a suspect may maintain his innocence when the
police show him a doctored videotape indicating that he robbed a bank when he
knows that he was at work twenty miles from the bank on the day in question. But
it is not so easy for a mother to deny the detectives insistence that the medical
evidence proves she shook her child to death when she was indeed alone with the
child throughout the day. The fact that junk science is often plausible and carries
the prestige of science only increases the likelihood that it will produce a false
Courts should overturn convictions based on a confession induced by junk
science. When scientific advancements reveal that the forensic science introduced
during the interrogation is unreliable, the reliability of the defendants confession
is undermined as well.67 Retrial is suitable when the prosecutions main evidence

CRIMINOLOGICAL PSYCHOL. 71, 77 (2008). The participants were divided into two groups: one was
forbidden to touch the alt key, while the other was forbidden to touch the escape key. Id. Fifty-nine
percent of the participants in the first group falsely confessed to hitting the forbidden alt key (a
plausible scenario, as the alt key is close to the Z key), while only thirteen percent of participants in
the second group falsely confessed to hitting the forbidden escape key (an unlikely scenario, as the
escape key is far away from the Z key). Id. at 79. No member of the second group internalized guilt.

In the cases at issue in this Comment, the scientific evidence introduced during the interrogation
is thought to be reliable at the time of interrogation and trial, and therefore constitutes plausible
evidence of guilt. It is only later, long after the defendants conviction, that scientific advancements
reveal that the evidence used in the interrogation and conviction is unreliable junk science.

See infra, Part II.A.


forensic science and a confessionis no longer a reliable indicator of guilt.68 To

ensure a fair retrial, courts should consider excluding the confession, as well as the
junk science, from evidence.69
A. When Does Junk Science Induce a False Confession?
Junk science induces false confessions when (1) the police introduce the
forensic evidence to the suspect during the interrogation, (2) the suspect confesses
to committing the crime in the manner that the forensic evidence suggests only after
the evidence is introduced, and (3) the forensic evidence is later proven to be
unreliable. As Judge Posner recognized, such confessions are worthless as
evidence and as a premise for an arrest because they were induced by forensic
evidence now known to be unreliable or false. 70 Courts should view such
confessions as unreliable indicators of guilt, especially when other factors known
to produce false confession71 were present in the interrogations.


See infra, Part II.B.


See infra, Part II.C.

Aleman v. Village of Hanover Park, 662 F.3d 897, 907 (7th Cir. 2011). Beverly Moores
interrogation and eventual false confession provides another example. See supra, notes 1-8 and
accompanying text.


Other factors include prolonged periods of isolation, the length of the interrogation, implied
promises of leniency, and the suspects youth, intellectual impairment, poor memory, mental illness,
sleep deprivation, suggestibility, and compliance. Chojnacki et al., supra note 59, at 16-18; Saul M.
Kassin et al., Police-Induced Confessions: Risk Factors and Recommendations, 34 L. & HUMAN
BEHAVIOR 3, 16, 18, 19, 21 (2010). An expert in false confessions can help the court understand[]
general findings and social-scientific research regarding the interrogation processes, and how such
processes can lead to false confessions. Joshua E. Kastenberg, A Three-Dimensional Model for the
Use of Expert Psychiatric and Psychological Evidence in False Confession Defenses Before the
Trier of Fact, 26 SEATTLE U. L. REV. 783, 812 (2003) (discussing the views of Dr. Richard A. Leo).


For example, when the police told Rick Aleman of the medical evidence
proving that Aleman shook the baby in his care, Aleman said the doctors must be
right: [I]f the only way to cause the injuries is to shake that baby, then . . . I admit
it. I did shake the baby too hard.72 Based on this admission, the police arrested
Aleman and eventually charged him with first-degree homicide.73 Over a year later,
the state dismissed the charges against Aleman because doctors eventually decided
that [the babys] collapse . . . could have been the delayed effect of . . . earlier
trauma rather than of anything Aleman had done. 74 Years later, Judge Posner
refused to dismiss Alemans civil claim of unlawful interrogation against the police,
finding that Alemans confession was induced by false evidence.75
When evaluating confessions, junk science should be considered a type of
false evidence, which is known to produce false confessions. 76 There is no


Aleman, 662 F.3d at 902.




Id. at 903.

Id. at 907-08. Judge Posner described the process by which the polices false medical evidence of
SBS induced Alemans false confession:
They told him the only possible cause of Joshuas injuries was that hed been
shaken right before he collapsed; not being an expert in shaken-baby syndrome,
Aleman could not deny the officers false representation of medical opinion. And
since he was the only person to have shaken Joshua immediately before Joshuas
collapse, it was a logical necessity that he had been responsible for the childs

See supra notes 59-66 and accompanying text; see also Gohara, supra note 57, at 818-19 (When
a suspect is confronted with seemingly incontrovertible evidence of his guilt, he is likely to conclude
that he is certain to be convicted even though he is innocent. The suspect may believe that he has
been framed somehow, that there was a mistake in the analysis of the evidence, or that he is just


difference between a confession obtained through the use of fabricated scientific

evidence and one obtained through the use of putatively accurate scientific evidence
proven to be unreliable or false years laterwhat this Comment terms junk
science. The coercive nature of the false evidence remains the same, regardless of
whether it was fabricated or not. A confession induced by junk science is unreliable
evidence that no longer supports a guilty verdict.
When the prosecutions case rests mainly on a confession induced by junk
science and the junk science itself, the fair administration of justice requires retrial
in order to correct a potential wrongful conviction.77 Once a court orders retrial, it
must carefully consider excluding the confession from evidence.78 Courts should
acknowledge that the junk science taints the resulting confession. Thus, a fair retrial
may require the court to exclude the confession from evidence.
B. Retrial is Appropriate for Convictions Based on Confessions Induced
by Junk Science.
Once a court identifies a confession induced by junk science, it should view
both the junk science and the confession as unreliable indicators of the defendants
guilt. Rather than viewing a confession as separate evidence inculpating the

very unlucky in that all the evidence points to him, an innocent person. . . . When faced with
overwhelming evidence against him, the innocent suspect may rationally conclude that the costs of
his confession are relatively low because he is likely to be convicted regardless of whether he
confesses. . . . [T]he presence . . . of overwhelming evidence flips the cost-benefit calculation such
that one has some reason to confess and may believe that he has little reason to remain silent.).

See infra, Part II.B.


See infra, Part II.C.


defendant,79 courts should see a confession based on junk science as another piece
of unreliable evidence that no longer points to the defendants guilt. By recognizing
that confessions based on junk science are unreliable evidence, courts can grant
retrial and thus ensure the proper administration of justice.
Courts grant motions for a new trial based on junk science, albeit rarely.80
The real difficulty comes when the junk science did not appear at trial. This usually
occurs when the defendant, faced with seemingly irrefutable scientific evidence and
a confession, accepted a plea deal, or when the prosecution introduced a junkscience-induced confession as evidence at trial, but not the junk science itself.
When the junk science greatly influenced the conviction but was not relied upon by
the prosecution at trial, obtaining a new trial is more difficult. Yet all courts have
at least one,81 and sometimes two,82 tools at their disposal to order new trials when


Some courts recognize that when scientific evidence used to secure a guilty verdict at trial is later
proven unreliable, retrial is appropriate. Although new evidence claims . . . generally meet
skepticism and demanding standards in state courts, they are a pathway that can work for an
innocent defendant trapped by shifted [i.e., junk] science, as long as states interpret their new
evidence pathways as broad enough to allow relief based on shifted science. Caitlin Plummer &
Imran Syed, Shifted Science and Post-Conviction Relief, 8 STAN. J. CIV. RTS. & CIV. LIBERTIES
259, 287 (2012). For example, in State v. Edmunds, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ordered retrial
based on newly discovered evidence of a shift in SBS since Edmunds original trial. State v.
Edmunds, 2008 WI App 33, 308 Wis. 2d 374, 746 N.W.2d 590. Yet when the conviction is based
on a confession, courts overwhelmingly uphold the conviction. Davis & Leo, supra note 55, at

See infra text accompanying note 93. All states have some form of newly discovered evidence
statute allowing for retrial, and a few states have even fashioned junk science bills allowing for
retrial when there is a change in science. See infra Part II.A.1-2.

See infra Part II.B.1.


See infra Part II.B.2.


junk science, and the confession it induced, are no longer reliable indicators of the
defendants guilt.


When scientific advancements prove that the forensic evidence originally

used to induce a confession and secure a conviction is unreliable junk science,
courts can view the scientific advancements as new evidence of the defendants
innocence. Every American jurisdiction provides some form of post-trial relief on
the basis of newly discovered evidence. 83 Thus, every court can use newly
discovered evidence claims to overturn questionable convictions based on junk
science and a junk-science-induced confession.
Some convictions have already been overturned based on newly discovered
scientific evidence disproving older scientific evidence. 84 Most notable is the
Audrey Edmunds case, in which Ms. Edmunds conviction of first-degree reckless


Daniel S. Medwed, Up the River Without a Procedure: Innocent Prisoners and Newly Discovered
Non-DNA Evidence in State Courts, 47 ARIZ. L. REV. 655, 658 (2005). Courts today usually apply
the Berry test, taken from Berry v. State, 10 Ga. 511 (Ga. 1851), ordering a new trial when the
petitioner presents evidence that is (1) newly discovered and unknown to the defendant at the time
of trial, (2) material, (3) has a reasonable probability of producing a different outcome at trial, and
(4) was not discovered at the time of trial due to no lack of diligence on the part of the defendant.
3 Charles Alan Wright, Nancy J. King & Susan R. Klein, FEDERAL PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE:
CRIMINAL 557 (3d ed. 2004). There are numerous variations on the Berry test, but most courts
have a general proclivity . . . to read post-conviction relief rules in as militantly narrow a fashion
as possible, such that no state supreme court has yet found new science to be new evidence giving
the defendant a right to a new trial. Plummer & Syed, supra note 79Error! Bookmark not defined.,
at 287.

See Edmunds, 2008 WI App 33, 308 Wis. 2d 374, 746 N.W.2d 590. The Mississippi Supreme
Court recently ordered an evidentiary hearing on newly discovered evidence in another SBS case.
Havard v. Mississippi, No. 2013-DR-01995-SCT (Miss. Mar. 27, 2015).


homicide was overturned when the Wisconsin Court of Appeals found that a shift
in the mainstream medical opinion since the time of Edmunds trial regarding SBS
constituted newly discovered evidence.85 The court found that the medical evidence
was newly discovered, 86 material, 87 and created a reasonable probability of
acquittal,88 and that Edmunds was not negligent in failing to obtain the evidence
prior to trial.89
When reviewing a case involving a confession induced by junk science,
courts should follow an analysis similar to the Edmunds court because this analysis
recognizes the likelihood that the defendant is actually innocent of the crime and
thus ensures the fair and proper administration of justice. Courts should not view
the confession as an impediment to proving the probability of a different outcome
on retrial. Instead, courts should view the confession as one more piece of the


Id. at 23, 308 Wis. 2d at 391-92, 746 N.W.2d at 598-99.

Id. at 15, 308 Wis. 2d at 386-87, 746 N.W.2d at 596 ([A] significant and legitimate debate in
the medical community has developed in the past ten years over whether infants can be fatally
injured through shaking alone.).

Id. ([T]he main issue at trial was the cause of [the babys] injuries, and the new medical testimony
presents an alternate theory for the source of those injuries.).

Id. ([A] jury would be faced with competing credible medical opinions in determining whether
there is a reasonable doubt as to Edmunds guilt.).

Id. ([T]he record demonstrates that the bulk of the medical research and literature supporting the
defense position, and the emergence of the defense theory as a legitimate position in the medical
community, only emerged in the ten years following her trial.).


prosecutions case undermined by the new scientific evidence because empirical

studies have shown that such confessions may be false.90
There is precedent to support this view: after Martin Tankleff was convicted
of murdering his parents, he filed a motion for new trial based on newly discovered
(non-scientific) evidence. 91 Tankleffs confession was the most compelling
evidence elicited by the prosecution at the original trial.92 Yet the appellate court
overturned Tankleffs conviction, finding that
when the evidence presented at the [evidentiary] hearing is
evaluated against the backdrop of the trial evidence, including the
defendants confession, how the confession was obtained, and the
fact that the defendant almost immediately recanted the confession,
the newly-discovered evidence is of such character as to create a
probability that had such evidence been received at the trial the
verdict would have been more favorable to the defendant.93
A claim of newly discovered evidence may also provide relief to defendants
who pled guiltynot an uncommon occurrence in cases where the defendant has
confessed and believes there is strong scientific evidence supporting the
prosecutions case. Some jurisdictions recognize that a guilty plea can be
withdrawn based on newly discovered evidence.94 Courts should allow new trials


See supra notes 59-66.


Margaret A. Berger, False ConfessionsThree Tales from New York, 37 SW. L. REV. 1065, 1072
(2008) (describing People v. Tankleff, 848 N.Y.S.2d 286 (N.Y. App. Div. 2007)).

Tankleff, 848 N.Y.S.2d at 302-03.




See, e.g., People v. Schneider, 25 P.3d 755 (Colo. 2001). But see Wilson v. Lawrence County, 260
F.3d 946, 955 (8th Cir. 2001); Norris v. State, 896 N.E.2d 1149, 1153 (Ind. 2008).


based on new scientific evidence because the new evidence calls into question the
reliability of the original forensic science and creates a reasonable probability that
the defendant would have pled differently or the jury would have reached a different


While all states allow post-conviction relief on claims of newly discovered

evidence, a couple have gone even further, adopting junk science post-conviction
relief statutes.95 These statutes allow courts to order retrial of convictions based on
junk science and junk-science-induced confessions. 96 State legislatures should
adopt similar laws in order to provide courts with an additional tool to overturn
these questionable convictions and ensure the fair administration of justice.
Texas adopted the first junk science statute in 2013.97 This law allows
habeas relief when
relevant [and admissible] scientific evidence is currently available
and was not available at the time of the convicted persons trial
because the evidence was not ascertainable through the exercise of
reasonable diligence by the convicted person before the date of or
during the convicted persons trial. . . and the court . . . finds that,
had the scientific evidence been presented at trial, on the
preponderance of the evidence the person would not have been

TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. ANN. Art. 11.073(b) (2013); CAL. PENAL CODE 1473 (West 2015).


CRIM. PROC. Art. 11.073(b); PENAL 1473.


Linda Rodriguez McRobbie, In Texas, A New Law Lets Defendants Fight Bad Science, THE
ATLANTIC (Feb. 28, 2014); see also Thomas, supra note 15, at 1040. This statute was [t]he first of
its kind in the nation. McRobbie, supra.

CRIM. PROC. Art. 11.073(b).


California recently enacted a similar bill.99 Although a newly discovered evidence

claim arguably provides the same relief, these junk science laws provide a more
definite rule that clearly describes when and how you can challenge a
conviction based on evidence we now know to be wrong.100
Texas junk science statute has already been used to stay the execution of
Rigoberto Avila, who was convicted of killing a nineteen-month-old boy.101 A
jury convicted Avila after the prosecution introduced Avilas confession102 and
claimed that there was no . . . possible explanation for the childs death other
than Avila stomping on the babys stomach.103 Now, new breakthroughs in
biomechanics show that the victims older brother, who said he was roughhousing
with the victim when he stopped breathing, could have inflicted the injuries by

2014 Cal. Legis. Serv. 623 (West). This bill allows a judge to determine that a wrongful
conviction has occurred if expert testimony provided during a trial serves as the primary basis for
an incarcerated persons conviction and has subsequently been retracted or disproven by scientific
or technological advances. Press Release, Governor Signs Leno Bill Helping to Prevent Wrongful
Convictions (Sept. 29, 2014) available at


McRobbie, supra note 97 (quoting Mike Snedeker, president of the National Center for Reason
and Justice).


I saw him laying [sic] on the floor. I dont know what came over me, but I walked over to him
and stamped on him with my right foot. McRobbie, supra note 97100 (quoting a police statement
signed by Avila). According to Avila, this confession was not only false but fabricated by the
detective who interrogated Avila. [T]he detective who took both statements made up the second
[incriminating statement], and [Avila] only signed it because the detective told him it was a
clarification of the first. Id.




jumping directly on the victims abdomen.104 Unfortunately, few scientists at the

time were capable of understanding the biomechanics involved in [the victims]
death, in part because little research had been done on these kinds of injuries.105
Avilas case demonstrates how Texas junk science law could be used in
other states to allow fair retrials of cases based on unreliable scientific evidence
and false confessions elicited through the introduction of that scientific evidence.
Some journalists posit that the junk science law also prohibits the court from
denying relief based on the fact that a defendant either confessed to the crime or
took a plea deal.106 Although there is no clear legislative intent to apply the
Texas junk science bill to convictions resulting from guilty pleas, the bill will
only accomplish its goal of overturning wrongful convictions if it is interpreted as
applying to guilty pleas.107 Legislators in other jurisdictions writing laws similar
to Texas junk science law should make it clear that relief is available to
defendants whenever the prosecutions case rested mainly on junk science or a
confession based on junk science, even if the junk science was not presented to a
jury. Only then will these laws truly allow innocent people who have been






Jordan Smith, Junking Junk Science? Will Bill Reduce Wrongful Convictions?, THE AUSTIN
CHRONICLE (May 17, 2013) available at; see also McRobbie, supra note 97100 (The statute keeps the court from
denying relief even if the defendant had previously confessed or accepted a plea.).

See supra text accompanying note 94.


wrongly convicted because of someone elses error . . . a chance to clear their

name and regain their freedom.108
C. Getting the Confession Excluded on Retrial
In order to ensure a fair trial and avoid a wrongful conviction, courts should
exclude unreliable confessions from evidence.109 Exclusion is necessary because a
significant proportion of jurors . . . generally assume that suspects who confess to
crimes are guilty. 110 Furthermore, admitting an unreliable confession into
evidence may not only expose the jury to a false confession, but allow the junk
science (evidence already excluded by the court) to reach the jury through the
backdoor of the interrogation video or transcript. Courts should focus on the


Press Release, Governor Signs Leno Bill, supra note 99.

See, e.g., Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984, c. 60, 76(2) (Eng. & Wales) (If . . . the
confession was or may have been obtained . . . in consequence of anything said or done which was
likely, in the circumstances existing at the time, to render unreliable any confession which might be
made by [an accused person] . . . the court shall not allow the confession to be given in evidence
against him. . . .); Jonathan Clough, The Exclusion of Voluntary Confessions: A Question of
Fairness, 20 U. NEW S. WALES L.J. 25, 41 (1997); Kent Roach, Unreliable Evidence and Wrongful
Convictions: The Case for Excluding Tainted Identification Evidence and Jailhouse and Coerced
Confessions, 52 CRIM. L. Q. 210 (2007); Eugene R. Milhizer, Confessions After Connelly: An
Evidentiary Solution for Excluding Unreliable Confessions, 81 TEMP. L. REV. 1 (2008). Within the
past two decades, American courts have begun to exclude unreliable forensic evidence, such as
fingerprint identification, firearms identification, bite mark identification, and arson investigation,
under the new Daubert standard. Cooper, supra note 16, at 300. In Daubert v. Merrell Dow
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the Court ruled that under Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, a trial
judge must ensure that any and all scientific testimony or evidence admitted is not only relevant, but
reliable. 509 U.S. 579, 589 (1993). This requirement established a standard of evidentiary
reliability. NAS REPORT, supra note 16. Not all states have adopted the Daubert standard, however.
Some states continue to use the more stringent standard of Frye v. United States, 293 F. 1013 (D.C.
Cir. 1923), while others have adopted even more liberal standards. . . leaving the reliability of the
evidence as a matter of weight, rather than admissibility. Chojnacki et al., supra note 59, at 20.


Chojnacki et al., supra note 59, at 40.


coercive nature of junk science used in police interrogations111 and the unreliability
of the confessions it produces in order to ensure a fair retrial that protects the


Courts should consider excluding confessions induced by junk science

because the introduction of junk science has a coercive effect on the suspect,
rendering the resulting confession involuntary. The due process doctrine of the
Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments requires the exclusion of these involuntary
confessions.112 Although critics have noted that as a means of protecting against
unreliable or false confessions, the due process standard actually does very
little,113 a broader understanding of coercion is possible and would allow for the
exclusion of many unreliable confessions induced by junk science.
Within the past century, the Supreme Courts interpretation of due process
has evolved into a totality of the circumstances voluntariness test.114 This test


Such junk science is essentially false evidence, which has been shown in empirical studies to
increase the likelihood of a false confession during interrogation. See supra, notes 56-63 and
accompanying text and Part II.A.

Brown v. Mississippi, 297 U.S. 278, 286 (1936); accord Rogers v. Richmond, 365 U.S. 534,
540 (1961).

Stacy Du Clos, Note, Lessons from State v. Lawson: The Reliability Framework Applied to
Confessions and Admissions, 19 LEWIS & CLARK L. REV. 227, 248 (2014).

The Court first articulated a voluntariness test under the due process doctrine in Brown, 297 U.S.
278. Twenty-five years later in Rogers, the Court explained that the doctrine excludes involuntary
confessions not because such confessions are unlikely to be true but because the methods used to
extract them offend an underlying principle in the enforcement of our criminal law: that ours is . . .
a system in which the State . . . may not by coercion prove its charge against an accused out of his
own mouth. Rogers, 365 U.S. at 540-41. After another twenty-five years, the Court narrowed the


assesses whether police conduct was such as to overbear [the suspects] will to
resist and bring about confessions not freely self-determineda question to be
answered with complete disregard of whether or not petitioner in fact spoke the
truth. 115 The voluntariness test does not easily allow for the exclusion of false
confessions elicited through use of junk science in the interrogation because it
focuses on police coercion.116 When the police believe they are discussing reliable
forensic evidence with a suspect, courts usually do not consider their actions
coercive117even when the forensic evidence is later proven unreliable.
But a broader understanding of coercion is possible. Courts have begun to
recognize that police misrepresentations, including fabricated evidence, during

definition of coercion to coercive police activity, noting that [t]he purpose of excluding
evidence seized in violation of the Constitution is to substantially deter future violations of the
Constitution. Colorado v. Connelly, 479 U.S. 157, 166-67 (1986).

Rogers, 365 U.S. at 544.


Du Clos, Note, supra note 113, at 248-49. The due process doctrine is often viewed as a poor
gatekeeper of unreliable confessions because [a] confession can be involuntary, even beaten out of
the suspect, and yet still be true. On the other hand, it can be completely false, yet given entirely
voluntarily. Davis & Leo, supra note 55, at 67.
Courts generally agree that false statements by the police are insufficient to invalidate an
otherwise voluntary confession. Young, supra note 59, at 452 (discussing courts reliance on
Frazier v. Cupp, 394 U.S. 731 (1960)); see also Melanie D. Wilson, An Exclusionary Rule for Police
Lies, 47 AM. CRIM. L. REV. 1, 29 n.176 (2010) (noting that Frazier indicated that
misrepresentations by police during an interrogation, while relevant, did not make confession
involuntary). In fact, no trial court has ever suppressed [a] suspects confession as involuntary
prior to trial because police contaminated [i.e., supplied necessary details of the crime], rather than
coerced, it. Richard A. Leo et al., Promoting Accuracy in the Use of Confession Evidence: An
Argument for Pretrial Reliability Assessments to Prevent Wrongful Convictions, 85 TEMP. L. REV.
759, 786 (2013) [hereinafter Leo et al., Promoting Accuracy]. The Supreme Court itself has noted
that [t]he aim of the requirement of due process is not to exclude presumptively false evidence, but
to prevent fundamental unfairness in the use of evidence, whether true or false. Lisenba v.
California, 314 U.S. 219, 236 (1941).


interrogation may render the resulting confession involuntary. For example, the
highest court in New York recently suppressed a defendants confession when the
police threatened to arrest his wife and misrepresented that his child would die if
he didnt tell the truth during the interrogation, finding that [i]t is well
established that not all deception of a suspect is coercive, but in extreme forms it
may be.118 Federal courts have acknowledged that [u]nconstitutional coercion
can be mental as well as physical.119 Most importantly, some courts have
recognized that confessions obtained through use of fabricated evidence violate
the Due Process Clause.120


People v. Thomas, 8 N.E.3d 308, 313 (N.Y. 2014). The court made a point to note that although
confessions cruelly extorted may be and have been, to an unascertained extent, found to be
untrustworthy. . . . the constitutional principle of excluding confessions that are not voluntary does
not rest on this consideration. Id. at 315 (quoting Rogers, 365 U.S. at 540-41). The police induced
Thomas to confess to throwing his infant son onto a mattress multiple times. Id. at 309. The
admissibility of the States medical evidence (radiologic and postmortem findings of subdural fluid
collections, brain swelling and retinal hemorrhaging, the classic SBS triad) was not at issue on
appeal. Id. at 309-10.

Washington v. Buraker, 322 F. Supp. 2d 692, 297 (W.D. Va. 2004) (quoting Blackburn v.
Alabama, 361 U.S. 199, 206 (1960)); see also Robinson v. Smith, 451 F. Supp. 1278, 1291-92
(W.D.N.Y. 1978).

See Robinson, 451 F. Supp. at 1291-92 (finding a confession, obtained after police presented
fabricated evidence, involuntary); State v. Patton, 826 A.2d 783, 802 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div.
2003) (finding a confession, obtained after police presented fabricated evidence, per se involuntary).
Most analogous to the introduction of scientific evidence later shown to be unreliable in an
interrogation is Aleman v. Village of Hanover Park, in which Judge Posner wrote:
[Officer] Micci induced Alemans confession by lying to him about the medical
reports. The lies convinced Aleman that he must have been the cause of Joshuas
shaken-baby syndrome because, according to Micci, the doctors had excluded any
other possibility. (They had not.) The key statement in Alemans confession
was that if the only way to cause [the injuries] is to shaken that baby, then, when
I shook that baby, I hurt that baby. The crucial word is if. By lying about the
medical reports, Micci changed if to because and thereby forced on Aleman
a premise that led inexorably to the conclusion that he must have been responsible
for Joshuas death; the lie if believed foreclosed any other conclusion.


Courts should adopt this broader view of coercion and take it one step
further to suppress unreliable confessions elicited through the introduction of
unreliable scientific evidence, thus helping to ensure a fair retrial that protects
innocent defendants. Courts should acknowledge that scientific evidence later
discovered to be unreliable is no different from evidence fabricated by the police
when it comes to the coercive effect on the suspect: both persuade a suspect that
his situation is hopeless121 and that he should, therefore, confess.122 Courts should
adopt similar reasoning to suppress involuntary confessions coerced through police
introduction of junk science.


Legislators wishing to improve the reliability of trials should consider

adopting evidentiary statutes providing additional protection against the

662. F.3d 897, 906 (7th Cir. 2011) (finding that a confession, obtained after police lied about the
medical evidence supporting a SBS diagnosis, should have been excluded).

Steven A. Drizin & Richard A. Leo, The Problem of False Confessions in the Post-DNA World,
82 N.C.L. REV. 891, 916 (2004).

The difference, of course, between false and fabricated evidence is the bad faith of the police.
Although current case law on the voluntariness standard requires state action, it does not require
a showing of bad faith. Colorado v. Connelly, 479 U.S. 157, 165 (1986). Police presentation of
scientific evidence to a suspect during interrogation is coercive police action regardless of whether
the police know the evidence is false because they fabricated it or believe the evidence is true at the
time and only later, after scientific advancements, learn that it is unreliable. Thus, the current
voluntariness standard allows courts to find that a confession elicited through the introduction of
unreliable scientific evidence is involuntary. For example, Douglas Warney falsely confessed to and
was convicted of second-degree murder. Warney v. State, 947 N.E.2d 639, 641-42 (N.Y. 2011).
When DNA proved that Warney was innocent ten years later, New Yorks court found that
although [his false] statement was admissible at the criminal trial, . . . the question of coercion must
now be viewed in light of Warneys innocence. Id. at 644 n.4.


admission of false confessions. Only a few jurisdictions have enacted this type of
statute.123 One such statute requires the exclusion of confessions
induced . . . by threats or promises concerning action to be taken
by a public official with reference to the crime, likely to cause the
accused to make such a statement falsely, and made by a person
whom the accused reasonably believed to have the power or
authority to execute the same.124
This statute provides broader protection against the introduction of false
confessions because it makes clear that [t]he apparent falsity of a statement is a
relevant consideration favoring statutory exclusion.125 In fact, the Kansas Court
of Appeals recently used this statute to exclude inculpatory statements [that]
were likely false.126
Courts should read these evidentiary statutes as not requiring police
intentor, in fact, any sort of police actionto exclude the confession. Rather,
courts should recognize that the statutes analysis focuses on what the suspect


See, e.g., KAN. STAT. ANN. 60-560(f) (2011); N.Y. CRIM. PROC. LAW 60.45(2)(b)(i)
(McKinney 2014).
KAN. STAT. ANN. 60-560(f)(2); cf. N.Y. CRIM. PROC. LAW 60.45(2)(b)(i) (A confession is
involuntarily made by a defendant when it is obtained from him . . . by a public servant engaged in
law enforcement activity . . . by means of any promise or statement of fact, which . . . creates a
substantial risk that the defendant might falsely incriminate himself.).


State v. Fernandez-Torres, 337 P.3d 691, 697 (Kan. Ct. App. 2012). The due process
voluntariness test, on the other hand, has complete disregard [for] whether or not petitioner in fact
spoke the truth. Rogers v. Richmond, 365 U.S. 534, 544 (1961).
Fernandez-Torres, 337 P.3d at 699 (ruling that a suspects admissions that he may have
inadvertently touched his stepchilds pubic area were inadmissible under the Due Process Clause
and 60-460(f) when the police presented false evidence that the suspects skin cells were found
on the child and the suspect could have reasonably believed, based on the officers language, that
the police would negotiate some arrangement . . . if he admitted touching [the child]).


reasonably believed and the effect of that belief on the reliability of the suspects
statement. That is, if the suspect reasonably believed that the forensic evidence
introduced during the interrogation was real and confessed to committing the
crime in the manner that the forensic evidence suggests, but the forensic evidence
is later proven to be unreliable, courts may find that the suspects statement is no
longer reliable and thus should be suppressed under this statute.
It is easy to imagine how a confession suppression statute could be used to
suppress a confession on retrial that had been properly admitted during the
original trial. Police often use threats and promises in order to secure confessions
during interrogations.127 A threat that forensic evidence will be used to prove the
suspects guilt may be viewed as unlikely to produce a false confession when the
evidence does, in fact, prove the suspects guilt. But when that forensic evidence
is later shown to be junk science, a court may find that a threat to use the forensic
evidence to prove the suspects guilt is likely to cause the accused to make128 a
false confession. If these evidentiary statutes are adopted in more states, courts
can use them to exclude unreliable confessions induced by junk science.


Courts may also use the common law corroboration rule to exclude
confessions when the States only other evidence against the defendant is junk


See supra notes 56, 57, 58 and accompanying text.


KAN. STAT. ANN. 60-560(f)(2)(B).


sciencethat is, forensic evidence that the court has already excluded as
unreliable. The corroboration rule generally requires that additional evidence,
other than the confession, exists to support the crime.129 This common law
doctrine originally aimed to protect against convictions based solely on false
confessions130 and explicitly tests the reliability of a confession, as opposed to
its voluntariness.131 Every state has adopted a version of the corroboration rule,132
the most common versions being the corpus delicti rule (requiring independent
evidence that a crime has been committed)133 and the trustworthiness standard
(requiring independent evidence that the confession is trustworthy).134 Thus,
every court may exclude unreliable confessions induced by junk science


Leo et al., Reliability, supra note 54, at 501.




Corey J. Ayling, Comment, Corroborating Confessions: An Empirical Analysis of Legal

Safeguards Against False Confessions, 1984 Wis. L. Rev. 1121, 1127.

Leo et al., Promoting Accuracy, supra note 117, at 790.

The orthodox corpus delicti rule bars admission in evidence of a criminal defendants
extrajudicial confession unless the prosecution shows, by evidence independent of the confession,
that the crime charged was committed by someone that is, unless there is independent evidence
that a crime actually occurred. Thomas A. Mullen, Rule Without Reason: Requiring Independent
Proof of the Corpus Delicti as a Condition of Admitting an Extrajudicial Confession, 27 U.S.F.L.
Rev. 385, 385 (1993).

In 1954, the Supreme Court outlined a new corroboration rule, the trustworthiness standard,
which requires that the prosecution provide substantial independent evidence which would tend to
establish the trustworthiness of the [confession]. Opper v. United States, 348 U.S. 84, 93 (1954).
A number of state courts and the federal courts have adopted this standard. Leo et al., Reliability,
supra note 54, at 501; see also David A. Moran, In Defense of the Corpus Delicti Rule, 64 OHIO ST.
L.J. 817, 832 (2003).


immediately using its jurisdictional variation of the corroboration rule

eliminating the need for legislative action.
Both corpus delicti and the trustworthiness standard have been criticized
as too weak to protect against the introduction of false confessions into evidence
at trial.135 Yet they are still successfully suppressing unreliable confessions in
certain circumstances. For example, the Michigan Court of Appeals overturned a
mentally ill womans conviction of second-degree murder when the only evidence
that she killed her infant son was her own confession, obtained through a police
interrogation after the woman had been hospitalized for hallucinations.136 Since
the prosecution could not establish the corpus delicti of homicide independent of
[the defendants] statements, the Court of Appeals ordered that a directed verdict
of not guilty be entered.137
These rules may also be useful when reviewing the admissibility of
confessions based on junk science. When the forensic evidence originally used to

See, e.g., Boaz Sangero, Miranda is Not Enough: A New Justification for Demanding Strong
Corroboration to a Confession, 28 CARDOZO L. REV. 2791, 2805 (2007); Moran, supra note 134,
at 818 (describing the trustworthiness standard as a weaker . . . rule that requires the prosecution to
merely bolster the confession by some independent evidence, even if that independent evidence does
not establish that any crime has occurred); Mullen, supra note 133, at 407 (complaining that courts
. . . have created numerous exceptions to the [corpus delicti] rule and have reduced the quantum of
evidence necessary to satisfy it).


Moran, supra note 134Error! Bookmark not defined., at 820-25 (recounting People v.
McAllister, No. 155392 (Mich. Ct. App. July 27, 1994), in which Moran represented the defendant
on appeal). Physicians later attributed the babys death to SIDS. Id.

Id. at 825.


convict the defendant no longer supports the conviction, the independent

evidence establishing the trustworthiness of the [confession]138 disappears as
well. In some cases, the forensic evidence is the only evidence that a crime was
committed at all, such as some arson139 and SBS cases.140 When that science is
later proven to be unreliable, there is no independent evidence that a crime
occurred. Thus, the corpus delicti rule mandates the exclusion of the confession.


In jurisdictions that have adopted a rule similar to Federal Rule of Evidence

403, courts can exclude confessions based on junk science. Rule 403 allows the
court to exclude relevant evidence if its probative value is substantially
outweighed by a danger of . . . unfair prejudice.141 Rule 403 is easily applied to
unreliable confessionsas the Supreme Court has indicated should be done.142
Unreliable confessions in general may be excluded under Rule 403 because
they are likely to have very little probative value and have a high danger of


Opper, 348 U.S. at 93.


See supra note 34.


See supra Part I.A.2; see also Lauren Quint, Note, Bridging the Gap: An Application of Social
Frameworks Evidence to Shaken Baby Syndrome, 62 HASTINGS L.J. 1839, 1845 (2011).
Fed. R. Evd. 403 (2011). Unfair prejudice is defined as an undue tendency to suggest decision
on an improper basis, commonly, though not necessarily, an emotional one. Fed. R. Evd. 403
advisory committee notes.

A statement rendered by one in the condition of respondent might be proved to be quite

unreliable, but this is a matter to be governed by the evidentiary laws of the forum, and not by the
Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Colorado v. Connelly, 479 U.S. 157, 167


creating unfair prejudice if placed before a jury.143 The introduction of fabricated

forensic evidence in an interrogation only increases the likelihood of a false
confession, such that its probative value is outweighed by the likelihood of unfair
prejudice. 144 Judge Posner recently confirmed the unreliability of confessions
elicited through the introduction of false forensic evidence in interrogation:
[A] trick that is as likely to induce a false as a true confession renders
a confession inadmissible because of its unreliability. . . . [The
police] told [Aleman] the only possible cause of Joshuas injuries
was that hed been shaken right before he collapsed; not being an
expert in shaken baby syndrome, Aleman could not deny the
officers false representation of medical opinion. And since he was
the only person to have shaken Joshua immediately before Joshuas
collapse, it was a logical necessity that he had been responsible for
the childs death. . . . A confession so induced is worthless as
evidence. . . .145
Because junk science is similar to fabricated evidence, confessions elicited
through the introduction of junk science likewise contain little to no
probative value and a high risk of unfair prejudice.
In fact, the risk of unfair prejudice is amplified in the case of a
confession based on junk science. If the jury is allowed to consider the
confession, it will be exposed to the junk sciencethe very same evidence
that the court has presumably suppressed because it has been shown to be


Leo et al., Promoting Accuracy, supra note 117, at 793.


Irina Khasin, Honesty is the Best Policy: A Case for the Limitation of Deceptive Police
Interrogation Practices in the United States, 42 VAND. J. TRANSNATL L. 1029, 1043 (2009) (The
deceptive technique of presenting false evidence . . . jeopardizes the reliability of the resulting

Aleman v. Vill. of Hanover Park, 662 F.3d 897, 906-07 (2011).


unreliable. To admit such a confession into evidence would nullify the

courts decision to suppress the junk science. As a result, such confessions
should be suppressed under Rule 403.
During the police interrogation of Beverly Moore, the detectives, refusing
to accept Moores statements that she did nothing wrong, commanded her to
please tell us the truth. For everybodys sake.146 But in fact, the police, court, and
jury did not want to hear the truth: they wanted to hear a story that matched the
forensic evidence. They wanted to hear that Moore shook two-year-old Avery to
death. And so Moore, worn down by the detectives constant denials and convinced
that she and Averys father would be released if she only told the police what they
wanted to hear, finally said I shook him. 147 Even though the SBS medical
evidence originally used by the police in Moores interrogation and by the
prosecution in Moores trial is now considered by many to be junk science, 148
Moore continues to serve a life sentence.149


TUERKHEIMER, supra note 1, at 52 (quoting Transcription of Interrogation of Beverly Moore at

28, 31-33) (Jan. 13, 2004) (on file with author)).

Id. (quoting Transcription of Interrogation of Beverly Moore at 31-33) (Jan. 13, 2004) (on file
with author) (citing Transcript of Trial Proceedings, State v. Moore, No. CF-2004-351 at 156 (Okla.
Dist. Ct. Oct. 20, 2005)).
[E]vidence uncovered after the trial established that Moores admission to shaking Avery, een
if believed, could not support a finding of guilt. Id. (citing Moore v. Newton-Embry, No. CIV-09985-C, 2012 WL 1158658, at *1 (W.D. Okla. Apr. 6. 2012)).


Id. at 58, 185-86.


Far too often, junk science causes innocent people like Beverly Moore to
confess to something that they did not do because science says they must have
done it.150 Rather than protecting these innocent people, the courts have sent them
to prison for a crime they did not commit. Although it may be impossible for courts
to recognize that the confession based on forensic science is unreliable before trial
or a plea, it is possible for courts to recognize the unreliability of the confession
when scientific advancements show that the forensic evidence is, in fact, junk
This is not to say that science has no place in the courtroom. Many forensic
sciences are useful tool in the criminal justice system that should continue to be
used in the courtroom as long as they are reliable. 151 But when the scientific
community has raised doubts about a particular type of forensic science, 152 the
justice system has a duty to retry cases in which the prosecution relied on that junk
scienceeven if a confession also pointed to the defendants guilt. When junk


Although it may be difficult to imagine a situation in which one would confess to a crime one
did not commit, there were at least 136 documented false confessions by 2003. See Richard Leo &
Steven Drizin, Proven False Confession Cases, in RECORDING OF CUSTODIAL INTERROGATIONS: A
RESOURCE GUIDE, 1-3 (Innocence Project, New York, N.Y. June 6, 2003). Irina Khasin describes
the process in which police-fabricated evidence causes an innocent suspect to confess: Faced with
seemingly definitive proof of guilt, an innocent suspect may begin to doubt his own sanity. In a
desperate situation, a person may weigh the prudence of maintaining innocence when it seems that
everything is stacked against him. This type of deception seems most likely to induce a false
confessionwhere a defeated and distraught suspect decides to surrender to escape an impossible
situation. Khasin, supra note 144, at 1043.

See supra note 109 for a discussion of the Daubert standard.


See supra Parts I.A.1 and I.A.2. These are the unreliable and discredited forensic sciences
referred to as junk science throughout this Note. See supra, note 15.


science induced the confession, the confession is no longer a reliable indicator of

guilt.153 As a result, confidence in the defendants conviction is undermined and a
new trial is necessary to determine whether there is still proof of the defendants
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
When a conviction is based entirely on forensic science later proven to be
unreliable and a confession induced by that junk science, courts have a
responsibility to retry the case without the unreliable confession and junk science
in order to assure the proper administration of justice and to correct wrongful
convictions. Although this may result in a wave of retrials whenever a particular
type of forensic science is discredited, concerns for judicial economy and finality
cannot trump the American citizens constitutional and natural right to liberty. The
justice system was unable to stop Beverlys nightmarish interrogation before it
began, but it does have the power to end the nightmare now.


See supra Part II.A.


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