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Century Lesson Cycle Template

Grade: 6-7 Subject: math
Unit: Fractions

Driving Question:
How would a pizza explain how people divide it up and eat it?
Curriculum Outcomes:
Demonstrate an understanding of and use fractions up to 1/12.

Model fractions up to 1/12

Compare and order fractions with the same denominator.
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.

Expected Time:
3-4x60 min classes: #1 for instruction and practice, #2 for review Fraction Stories, #3-4 to work
on and share Digital Story projects.

- Egg carton, pizza model, fraction pieces, fraction rods, instructional video.
- iPads with apps: Book Creator, imovie, Adobe Voice, Explain Everything and others.
- Online practice here
Lesson Procedure
21st century skills

Teacher does (I Do):
find, validate

remember, understand
1) Lead introduction/review of modeling various
collaborate, communicate
fractions: to 1/12. (See step #1 in You Do section).
analyze, synthesize

critical thinking
2) Tell real life stories where one would need to add
evaluate, leverage
fractions while students do #2 below with partners.
create, publish
(See step #2 in You Do section).

3) Show my instructional video. (Followed by step #3 in
You Do section).
Individual student work (You Do):
find, validate

remember, understand
1) Ask the students to demonstrate/model and 1/12
collaborate, communicate
using a pizza and specific pie and rod fraction pieces.
analyze, synthesize
(See step #1 in I Do section).
critical thinking

2) Students create the models while I give real life stories. evaluate, leverage
create, publish
(See step #2 in I Do section).

3) Practice time using online activity sheet with review.

(See step #3 in I Do section).

Group work (We Do):
find, validate

remember, understand
1) Students (in partners) write their own Fraction Stories collaborate, communicate
to show adding fractions. These stories will
analyze, synthesize
demonstrate student knowledge about putting together
critical thinking
smaller pieces shared with 2 people from a whole.
evaluate, leverage

2) Students (in partners) write their own Fraction Stories create, publish
to show subtracting fractions. These stories will
demonstrate student knowledge about putting taking
wholes apart to share with 2 people from a whole.

3) With partner, create their own 1-2 minute video that
tells a story about pieces of a pizza, an egg carton, a
dozen cookies, etc who is/are shared with 2 people.
Must demonstrate and model their knowledge of
denominator, numerator, and simple addition and

Class share (We Share):
find, validate

remember, understand
1) Share examples of their Digital Stories or real world
collaborate, communicate
fraction stories.
analyze, synthesize

critical thinking

evaluate, leverage

create, publish


Lesson Wrap Up:

Students have demonstrated how fractions are important in everyday life. Each student will write
an Exit Pass that explains which of the Digital Stories or Fraction Stories they connected with and


Students can use the fraction pieces they are most comfortable with (rods, pie, pizza, etc).
Students can access the instructional video for adding fractions at any time.
Students can also demonstrate subtraction with common denominators.
Selection of video tools are at the students discretion and comfort levels.
Online activity sheet can be created by easy, moderate and hard

Assessment: Digital Story Rubric and Exit Passes


Write or draw a description of the 3 things you learned in class today.


Digital Story Rubric

Digital story
knowledge of the
vocabulary related
to adding fractions

Digital story
explains how to
add fractions.
Digital story
knowledge of the
vocabulary related
to subtracting
Digital story
knowledge of the
vocabulary related
to subtracting
Use of technology
is appropriate and
makes the
concepts clear.




Includes strong
Includes an
Definition of
definition of
average definition related vocabulary
related vocabulary
of related
(numerator and
(numerator and
denominator) in
denominator) in
(numerator and
words or pictures
words or pictures.
denominator) in
is poorly
words or pictures.

Story clearly
Story somewhat
Story does not
explains how to
explains how to
explain how to add
add fractions.
add fractions.
Includes strong
Includes an
Definition of
definition of
average definition related vocabulary
related vocabulary
of related
(numerator and
(numerator and
denominator) in
denominator) in
(numerator and
words or pictures
words or pictures.
denominator) in
is poorly
words or pictures.

Includes strong
Includes an
Definition of
definition of
average definition related vocabulary
related vocabulary
of related
(numerator and
(numerator and
denominator) in
denominator) in
(numerator and
words or pictures
words or pictures.
denominator) in
is poorly
words or pictures.

App and/or
App and/or
App and/or
program is well
program is
program is not well
suited to content of somewhat suited suited to content of
the presentation.
to content of the
the presentation.


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