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The Wichita Slip

The Wichita Slip is technique to forcing bottom card (bottom deal).

Do this fast, smooth and slightly.

1. Rife the cards.

2. When spectator say stop, you

push the top card with your thumb.

Both card clipped

3. And secretly three other nger
buckle and push the bottom card.

4. Two nger comes to clip both.

5. Left thumb push back the

top card and pick up the
bottom card simultaneously.

Stirring Silver
You can learn the basic of bending metal and ring penetrating the spoon in here.
Bending Spoon in your hand
This is very basic version of metal bending. The grip of the spoon is like this.
The thumb pushing
head of spoon forward

The last nger hold the

spoon tightly
Bending Spoon in to handkerchief

Bend the spoon

Close the corner of
1. Put the spoon on the handkerchief.
2. As you close the handkerchief, the left hand
start to bend the spoon.

Say the magic word of Jay Sankey.


Spoon Penetrating the Ring

Just following the step of this secret, and youll know the effect.

The ring

2. Start to get the ring

(behind the view)
Hand start to
take the ring
1. You perform like this.

3. Grab the spoon, spectator think you grab the ring.

6. Start to insert head of

spoon to the fake ring.

4. Allow the ring down.

5. Pretend to take up the


7. Drop the ring.

Ring Penetrating the Spoon

Youll add the effect if You doing this trick after Spoon Penetrating the Ring.

The ring

Spoons head

1. Starting to perform, push

the ring back near the thumb.

2. Cover the ring and start to move the ring forward.

3. The ring touch by thumb. (dont

show this to the spectator)

4. Push the ring back.

5. Move the ring forward, then youll

hear click sound.

Back in Time
This is about to change the false card to the choosen card and the slop shufe
to the triumph.
Choosen card





Middle Finger

Card dropped


So the choosen card moved on top




Face up and fan the card. Grab about

4-10 cards then turn it over. Secretly
your left pinkie break the last 2 cards.



Grab the next card about 4-9 card

BELOW the turn over cards.

Then turn it over. Do it again.

Spectator see you mix the cards.
(face up and face down)

Face to Face
Put the last 2 card beneath the mixed card. Show to
the spectator that the cards is mixed by cut the deck
and showed to the spectator in several times. In that
moment you nd the card that face to face.
And nish with TWO cards. Beneath the
another card (6H) is the chosen card.


Thumb kick over half

of card
Half of card closed
Then kick the half card with your thumb. Or just turn it over.
Then 2 card face up and all others card is face down.


Ask to the spectator to see the unmixed deck rst. Then

you ask the spectator to open the card. And say we
back in time before you give your card to me



You ask to the spectator are the top card is

your card ? of course they say no.
Double lift the cards and give a top card to
the spectator.

Top Card and Rubber Rise

is 2 ambitious card technique that used by street gambler to fooling someone.
Top card is how to change unchosen signed card to be chosen card.
Top Card


Double lift
the card.


Say this is
your card.


Double lift



Double lift
the card.

Say Your card no longer on

top. Double lift again.



The card closed. Take a top card and stick

to the middle of deck. You say I stick your
card to the middle of the deck

Ask to the spectator

to sign the top card.


Double lift again.

Pretend to blow the ink with

showing the different card.



The thumb
start to push


This is top card not

middle card
Touch the spectator card
with your middle nger.

Push down the

top card

When you start to showing the middle card. Insert the

middle card and pull out the top card with your thumb.

Your thumb break the deck

about half, the spectator
Rife and break think you backing the card
in the middle of the deck.
the deck

Rubber Rise
This technique used when the deck tied with rubber band and the top card change.
You ask spectator to put his card on the middle of the deck.

Chosen card on
top of this deck

1. Chosen card put on in the

middle of deck, then the deck
clipped with your nger.

2. Roll the deck, then half face

down and half face up. Do this
when you dropping other deck.

3. Ask the spectator to open

only the top card. And they
said no that is not my card.
4. When you say bla..bla..bla..
In quick motion roll the card.

5. Ask spectator to see the top card

again. And they seen his card.

Instaa---Spread is technique to spreading the card automatically
to every directions. Likes Jay though the illusion is very strong.

Deck dropped
on the table

Visually spread
to any direction
he likes

The Secret is :
There is cheat stuff under the table that tilt forward. Look at this picture.
He just do a little tap to the wood and of course the deck spread to any
direction he likes.

Bound to Fool
This is a sandwich trick. The chosen card appear between 2 card.

1. You need two

pair of card and
showed to the top
of the deck.

2. Beneath that two card,

you push 1 card and your
pinkie break it.

3. Bring it together and

take 3 cards as one.

4. Slide up the top

card and put it under
the two card.

5. In fact you get one

closed card between
two card.

6. Tie that 3 cards

with rubber band.

7. Pull back the top

card and the most
beneath card.

8. Rife down the


9. Pull one card from

the middle of deck.

10. Like the trick before, you

insert the middle card and
pull out the second top card.

11. Show it to the


12. Rife down the card

when you insert it again,
like the trick before.

13. Push back the two card, and

show to the spectator that the
middle card magically move in
between the two secured card.

Collect Me Not....Again
You can nd this trick done by other magician and Jay Sankey advance this trick and
add the name with again word. The effect of this trick is 7 cards to be 3 cards and
the others appear in spectator hand. And you get just 3 selection cards.

1. Spectator asked
to select 3 cards.

Transfered to right hand

2. Put the chosen card
3. This is what happen under the
on the middle and trans- hand. The chosen card pull to the
fered to right hand.
right hand and the deck back to the
left. Then the chosen card controlled
to the bottom.

4. Use double cut technique or

other technique to cut the deck
without changing the position.
This just for fooling the spectator.

7. You take all/jog cards

together (including 3
selection cards). People
think you just take 4

5. Show 4 pair card

that different with the
6. Secretly the left pinkie
chosen cards. Dont
break the 3 selection card
let spectator see the
that controlled to the
chosen cards.
bottom before.

8. Keep the break and allow the 4 card back to the deck.
Then there is just 3 selection cards in your hand.

9. And put the deck on the table, spectator ask to keep that deck.

Then you do this revolution count. Youll not get this detail explaination
in the video format. Because Jay Sankey explain it too fast.

Take one card

Put back to the bottom

10. At rst, you say to the spectator that in your card is 4 different cards. You start
to take rst card then as you take the second card, back the one card to the bottom
and start your next count.

11. Secretly move top card little up then roll 2 cards beneath the top card.

12. Take a
SINGLE card.

13. Back to the


14. Take the

DOUBLE cards.

15. Back to the


16. Take a DOUBLE


17. Roll the 2 card

that in your right

18. Back to the


19. Take a
SINGLE card.

20. Back to the


21. Take a SINGLE

card and back it to
the bottom.

22. Take the

DOUBLE card.

23. Take the last one,

and you ask the spectator to open the deck.

Leaving Home
The effect of this trick is key penetrating the string and back to the string again.
Take The Key Off from The String

Duplicate key
1. You hide the duplicate key in
your left hand. Then you showing to take the hanging key.

The key

2. Grab the key with your left

rst nger and thumb.

Grab the key

with the right

Grab nothing

3. Pretend to pull the string. In that

moment your grab the key.

Stolen key

5. The key stolen by right hand.

The Key back in The String

Advancing David Williams Striking Vanish

1. Swing the string/rope up-down

in 3 times.

2. Before 3 action, throw the key to the right

hand. In same time throw the stolen key.

Usually this trick done with ambitious card routine to add the effect.
Rising Card

1. Your pinkie touch

the card.

2. And you just lift up the card.

Floating The Deck

1. Use double lift or any ambitious card routines.

2. Rub your hand with your

nger several times.

4. Put it down and move your

pinkie back.

3. Push your pinkie beneath

the deck and lift it up.

5. Open the top card.

The Hop Spread

Its very lovely uorish, a lot of magician ask to Jay about this trick.
Theyll believe that youre sleight of hand artist.
The Basic of The Hop Spread

You bend the deck and shot it / re.

The Depth
The bend is not vertical

But diagonal

1. You bend the card with just one hand.

3. Try to shot it.

2. Left nger little bit to the deck surface.

4. Grab like this tightly.

Start to prop up
4. Spread the card and the right
other nger start to prop up.

5. Spread it perfect and smooth.

Gianni Mattiolo Illogical Shufe

Its very illogical shufe. Jay Sankey advance it than the shufe
unchange the deck.

1.Grab the deck.

2. Cut about half of the

deck with your rst nger.

3. Cut about half again with

your middle nger.

4. Cut about half of the

bottom deck with thumb.

5. Rotate the middle deck.

6. Grab with left hand.

7. Separate it from anothers deck.

8. Put one deck on under

half deck.

9. And other deck on upper

half deck.

10. Grab the beneath and

top deck.

11. Pull out both.

12. Put on the top of deck.

Flying Shuttle Pass

Its look like throwing coin from hand to hand but all of it is cheat.
Pretend to transfer it to
right hand.

Secret coin

Coin Showed


Coin still in
left hand
Flip other coin


4. Palming the coin in right hand and

pretend to throw it back to left hand.
Actually you just ip the coin.

The coin still in here


Flying Shuttle-Coin Production

Its look like throwing coin from hand to hand but all of it is cheat.
The left thumb push the
upper most coin

1. You have one coin in right 2. Close your left hand.

hand and three secret coin
in left hand.

3. Pretend to throw it, palming and ip one secret coin.

4. The one coin still in right


5. This is what happen when 6. Put it on the table.

spectator see it.

7. You push your left thumb

on top secret coin.

8. At the same time, you

pretend to put something
from the air.

9. And show it to the spectator. Do this routine till all

coin put on the table.

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