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(TED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE "Unoex SECRET” OF CONERGE FoR INTELECTUAL PROPERTY AND DDecroR oF re UTED STATES PATENT no TRADEMARK OFFICE JUNE 2, 2015 PIAS 22540 DRER CREEK DRIVE ADD. 103 503330030 NORTH ROYALTON, off 44133 UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE NOTICE OF RECORDATION OF ASSIGNMENT DOCUMENT THE ENCLOSED DOCUMENT HAS BEEN RECORDED BY THE ASSIGNMENT RECORDATION BRANCH OF THE U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE. A COMPLETE COPY IS AVAILABLE AT THE ASSIGNMENT SEARCH ROOM ON THE REEL AND FRAME NUMBER REFERENCED BELOW PLEASE REVIEW ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS NOTICE. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS RECORDATION NOTICE REFLECTS THE DATA PRESENT IN THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK ASSIGNMENT SYSTEM. TF YOU SHOULD FIND ANY ERRORS OR HAVE QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS NOTICE, YOU MAY CONTACT THE ASSIGNMENT RECORDATION BRANCH AT 571-272-3350. PLEASE SEND REQUEST FOR CORRECTION TO: U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, MAIL STOP: ASSIGNMENT RECORDATION BRANCH, P.O. BOX 1450, ALEXANDRIA, VA’ 22313. RECORDATION DATE: 06/01/2015 REEL/FRAME: 035756/0198 NUMBER OF PAGES: 2 BRIEF: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS) . ASSIGNOR: BICKELMBYER, MICHAEL DOC DATE: 06/01/2015 ASSIGNEE: BUGGER & HUND INC. 12540 DEER CREEK DRIVE APT. 103 NORTH ROYALTON, OHIO 44133 APPLICATION NUMBER: 14726657 FILING DATE: PATENT NUMBER: ISSUE DATE: TITLE: A GIFT FOR CHILDREN ASSIGNMENT RECORDATION BRANCH PUBLIC RECORDS DIVISION PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, Viginia 22813-1450 - WHWLUSPTO.GOV Promo (00-12) Approved for use trough OVSI2014. OMB 851-082 Us. Patan an Tresor moe S DEPAPTHENT OF CONMERCE ner Popervr Reuse At 505, no partons are required repens ow coc otha lett aly ak CUE Como TPS DECLARATION (37 CFR 1.63) FOR UTILITY OR DESIGN APPLICATION USING AN APPLICATION DATA SHEET (37 CFR 1.76) A GIFT FOR CHILDREN L ‘As the below named inventor, hereby declare that Toi cetraon Tresesaraton [Y/ te atachataptcaton [umes states apicatn of PCT iteration apcaon umber fled on “The above-idenified application was made or authorized to be made by me. | believe that am the original inventor or an original joint inventor ofa claimed invention in the application. I hereby aoknowedge that any wilful else statemant made inthis declaration is punishable under 18 U.S.C. 1001 by ine oF imprieonment of not more then five (5) yeers, or both. WARNING: Pettonerfapplcant is cautioned to avoid submiting personal information in documents fied in a patent application that nay ctor SP Ncauly tet. 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Checks and credit card authorization Orne ees cubtntied for payment purposes are not retained inthe application fle and therefore are not publicly avaliable, | L LEGAL NAME OF INVENTOR tevertor | vate (optonan 0G/O1/22 1.5 Signature =) Noe: An application datasheet (PTO/SBL4 or equvelend, including naming the entire inventive entity, | Nate eres fled Une an additonal PTOIAIAT form for each adctonel invertor. LSS TEN W GUST USE Tsang ONION aga ama ora bens eR eninge TE SREES cRinng ar upteson Cotaray gormedty 26S Taner? En tt wed 144 Teens eons Se Dy the USETO we poco ee sang cormeepenton fom te USPTO, ira a) pe tt tn ee Saver ane, eee om dr supe ear ib en, Se a a TO carrion ea ny cen cf erearn FO. box 1b Atma, VA 2126 DO NOt SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO rae ADDRESS SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O, Box 1480, Alexandre, VA 22819-1450. ify ness estance conse the fam cal -22B°TO-OO0 on eae tes 2 Promnne(r-4 apmrve owe ire 04902017, OMB BS-0032 Us. Patt a Tames Ge U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE nr Paperost Rain eo 1805, m0 patos aged atpondioa cect ifemaon le onal OMB ed AZEE "Attorney Docket Number Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76 ! Aaa, | | tueatmenon [A GIPT FOR CHELDREN “Ta ppc data seat spr ofthe provsoal or orprovsonal pacaion fa which Wig beng submited The axon om conta he aoe ee urenged a forma penis bythe Unted States Patent and Tradema Olen ax otind in 7 CER £78 Diblogep hc dae are secroncaly and submited tothe Ofice in electronic fomat ung the Elecronc: Fig Syeem (EFS) or Oe ocumer may be printed and Induded in a paper led apoio. Secrecy Order 37 CFR 5.2 [7 Patong era ote appicaton asso wah is Ropication Date ‘Sheet may fall under @ Secrecy Order pursuant to 87 CER 5.2 (Paper flers only. Applications that fll under Secrecy Order may not be fled electronical.) Inventor Information: Inventor_1 [eno] | toga Nae Fy B ke heey Prefix) Given Name Family Name Suffix Michae]} Bickelmeyer ema bth ce stack Ona) © US Rescerey Cy Non US Restdeney_C)_Acive BS mit Serie ay [North Royalton | sateProvince [CH] | Country otResisoned | U7 S America ey [North Reyaltan —Exmsaome’ US [America Mailing Address of Inventor: “| Cdl 1asyo Deer Cveek Drive Apt. JO 3 Aaaress 2 cw [North Reyaltan surerovince | Ohio Postal Code Tyg 123 [Goureyi [Vaited States Of America | TAT Inventors Must Be Listed ~ Addlional Inventor Information blocks may be a] ‘enerated within ti for by selecting the Add button, Correspondence Information: ("Enter either Customer Number or complete the Correspondence Information section below. For further information see 37 GFR 1.33(8). TW An Address is being provided forthe correspondence information of this ‘application. ‘Customer Number Name 4 Michae] Bickelmeyel Name? ‘Address 4 1asyo Deev Creek Drive. Apt. 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Petort ons Testor Cte US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE LUndertnePaperr Redon Act 100, opr reared respond clacton tifa nes conan al OWE cers ‘Attorney Docket Nu | | Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76 Se ‘Application Number ect ienton | A\ eLh?Y FoR CHILDREW Pref Given Name Widale Name Family Name Safix Mi I = lichae Bicke}meyerd Registration Number Pret civen naraoaeaeae | ule Ne Family Nemo Sai Fesisaion Narer | Fdditional Representative Information blocks may be generated within this form by selecting the Add button Domestic Benefit/National Stage Information: FAcasstarallowsTorthe applicant ether Gaim benefit under 35 US.C 1151), 120,121, 36510, o# 386(0) or indicate Rational age entry ftom @ PCT apatcaton. 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Pte nd asomark Ofer, U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. nw ta ace euuon i 85 nopeers reqs repr ledon omar weet ete ASME eS NTS Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76 [Aone oe pplication °78 | pplication Number | [raeatmonen | A GEFT FOR CHELDRENM Statement under 37 CFR 1.85 or 1.78 for AIA (First Inventor to File) Transition Applications Tis application (iy Gas priory Toor te Bevel of an application fed before March 19,2042 ‘anid (2) also | This SP aon ee a anytime, a claim toa claimed invention that has an elecve fling date on or afer March CO 18,2013, NOTE: By providing tis statement under 37 CFR 1.85 or 1.78 this application, wit 2 fling date on or after March 16, 2013, vl be exarrined under the frst inventor to fle provisions ofthe AIA. | Authorization to Permit Access: (5) Authonzation to Permit Access tothe Instant Application by the Participating OES checked ie wderigned hereby gare he USPTO au proud he European Patent Oe (EPO), Tho pete tent Offes (IPO), the Korean rietual Property Ole (KPO), the Wr inact! 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Paar an Tremor Ges; U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under in Papansore Reduction At 65 no eae eledtoexpondio a cole tien ies conta vas OME cnc rember ‘Attorney Docket Number | ‘Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76 -Aamey 23S ares ‘Application Number Tie otiventon | AY GIFT FOR CHE LDREM Applicant Iie pcan the iverior (orth remaining jl inventor or iventore under 37 CFR 7.46) thie secon should not be compete Fo escarole mowded n tis section i te name and address ofthe legal representative whois the applicant under 37 CFR rare riys and adress ofthe assignee, person fo nom the Inventar is under an obligation to assign the invention, or Person \ine cthonrise shows sufficient proprietary interest inthe matter who is the applicant under 37 CFR 1.46. the applicants on der 37 GFR 1-46 (assignee, person to wm the inventors obligated to assign, or person who there shows suet Peercatary mre) togetier wih ane or more jin mventor, then the ont ventor or inventors who are also the applcnt souls Be dented inthis section. rel I ngree © Legal Reprecennive under 35US.C.117 |. det Inventor 1 Person to whom the inventors obligated to assign. 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OMB A6-0032 ater and Tatomar Oe, U.S.CEDARTMENT OF COMMERCE under ne Papert Reducn Aco 1605, opr re rerio espa cect ifeneon ne catia OMS a Um “Attorney Docket Number ‘Application Number A GLFT FOR CHELDREN Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76 Title of invention Assignee 4 \Gampiele THs declon assignee Information, Inducing rermanplcanteesgnee infomation, ia desved tobe induded on the pam Sooreeyss nabicaton An eesignee applicant ented inte "Appleant information” section wil appear onthe patent sppicaion rehcaton oe an appican, Foran assignee-appican, compe is section only ienticaion as an assignee is aleo desired one jpatent application publication. if the Assignee or Non-Applicant Assignee is an Organization check here. oO Organization Name | rex Given Name ‘Middle Name. Family Name Suffix IMiailing Address Information For Assignee including Non-Applicant Assignee: ‘Address 1 ‘Address 2 city State/Province [ country! 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Any corsments on te amount of ne 1 Tegees 2 Shoe > am alr auggesore fo reducng tisburden, oul be sett the Chief Infomation Ofcar 1. Fate and Sam I on re apartment of Commerce, P.O. Bax 1460, Alexandra, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND TEES Om Tet ee Wig TO THis ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, .0. Box ‘480, Aloxandis, VA 22542-4450, erswo22t2 rosa 0213) sggrove or trough 01/31/2018. OM O53 0082 patent ont eda fc US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE a — Complete if known FEE TRANSMITTAL — |e: [ [poco iy a Su 7 RT Fit Named veto Pears Tens [Rare fon a ea as Sst _oren suamitted previously. 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BASIC FLING, SEARCH, AND EXAMINATION FEES (U = uniscountd fe; $= smal ety fees M = micro ent f=) ING FEES SEARCH FEES EXAMINATION FEES peokentonte | iS) sis) MS ws) sh} SL Usity “he yo wo] Design oS] DH] 8S Phat jo] 10 958890 18S Reksue zo 0 wo] 0]S]D_ 608A Proviso oS ° ° 0 ° ° Provo gaya ig ee fray spin father eucd a $70'ora sly a oper whofe he plein ENR 2, EXCESS CLAIM FEES Fos Descraion Vodicounted Fee S) SmallEnttvEse{S) Mico nthe Fes) Fach clam over 20 (ncluding Reissues) 0 “0 20 Fach independant claim ver 3 inctusng Reissue) 20 no 105 Muiple dependent aims 730 300 385 Teal Buzcains Eset) Fos Paid) paae ie ee eee ‘Mulhinle Dependent lame ‘Ps raghest number of total aims pid for, aester than 20 feel) ress ia) pence iceGaime Foe serait) [ie cages number of independent els aldo greater than 3. 5 APPUCATION SIZE FEE Wee spectnton and drevngseceed 10 sees paper oun ectraialy fled sequence or computer fstings unt 3 FR 71 er ae duc $40 (200 or smal ent) (S100 fr micro ny fr each adions 50 sheet or raion tera. See 35S ‘hteltye) and 37 oF8 3.168 Total sheets farashests _-‘umberof exchaddiionaLSOeriradlonthersot Eee $1 Foe Paid 8) 1002 __/50* found uptoe whole number) : 4, OTHER FEES) Non-nglsh specication, $1209 (no small or mire entity seus) Nemcelecrnie ling fee under 37 CF 2.46) fra ult application, $400 fee (5200 smal or micro ety) ther oat ling surchara: Lamar seme Wedel ta wome rin (Michae) Rickelua ox 06/os/a018 J rove Mic hae] Bic Ke it 6 2 ana camer mpiccnnntetesn nso cin een ae eho ecieanoemee see are rope ory ah asco cents a Sica ee ean an eb aen e Sooner Sonata sea coMnaTO NTS HN Fae sn a asin ny ssotrosi ower? Ragisraion No ‘Teles Doe Cove: MES.GIB Becarsont Desorption: Certification of Micro En Status (Gross Income Basis) provseiisa 07-14) CERTIFICATION OF MIGRO ENTITY STATUS (GROSS INCOME BASIS) “Topica Nariber oF Corral Nuriber (iF EppICOEE) Patent Number [rapoteabie) Fiat Narped Iveta rh ichael Bickel br ‘The applicant hereby certifies the following— Tile of vention: A_GIET FOR CHELDREW (1) SMALL ENTITY REQUIREMENT - The applicant qualifies as a small entity as defined in 37 CFR 1.27. (2) APPLICATION FILING LIMIT — Neither the applicant nor the inventor nora joint inventor has been named as the inventor or a joint inventor on more than four previously filed U.S. patent applications, excluding provisional applications and international applications under the Patent Gooperation Treaty (PCT) for which the basic national fee under 37 CFR 1 402(a) was not pala soeege excluding patent applications for which the applicant has assigned all ownership rights, ris obligated to assign all ownership rights, as a result of the applicants previous employment. (@) GROSS INCOME LIMIT ON APPLICANTS AND INVENTORS - Neither the applicafl for the {Reentor nor a joint inventor, in the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the applicable fee is being paid, had a gross income, as defined in section 61a) of the Interna! PeeiGaro Code of 1986 (28 U.S.C. 61(a)), exceeding the “Maximum Qualifying Gross Income! Feported on the USPTO Web site at hitov/iww.uspto aov/patents/law/microentity.sp whichis qual to three times the median household income for that preceding calendar year, as most recently reported by the Bureau of the Census. (4) GROSS INCOME LIMIT ON PARTIES WITH AN “OWNERSHIP INTEREST” — Neither the spolicant nor the inventor nora joint inventor has assigned, granted, or conveyed, no" is under an Shiigation by contract or law to assign, grant, or convey, a license or other ownership interest in the application concerned to an entity that, in the calendar year preceding the calendar year in voridh the applicable fee is being paid, had a gross income, as defined in section 61(a) of te Thermal Revenue Code of 1986, exceeding the “Maximum Qualifying Gross Income’ reported on IRS USPTO Web site at hitov/iwow.usoto.qovipatents/iaw/micro_entity.isp which is equal to three eee he median nousehold income for that preceding calendar year, as most recontly reported by the Bureau of the Census. sas Tleaul Deihobeneges ine Michael Biekelmeyer Date oc Toifgos | Teenie [yp 076-3672 [ReseeatenNe T]_] Thar ore tan one invent and am one he venir io joinly identified as the applicant. The required cesitonal cerfeation form(s) signed by the other joint inventor(s) ere included with this form. A GIFT FOR CHILDREN ‘TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION ‘The present invention is a weapon system. More specifically, the present invention is an aid to the United States of America with the war on terrorism and drugs. The invention endeavors satellite control systems. Through the use of magnified sunrays directed internally to the apparatus lens chamber, targeting systems direct magnified sunrays towards the earth can eliminate a single combatant with the variable to eliminate entire countries. Through the use of reflective relays the weapon system is operational during both day and night. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ‘This invention is created to protect watch, and guard the free world. It is designed for development and use by the United States of America for the primary protection of those that prefer the confidence of safety and security, The function is to aid with the war on terrorism and drugs. This innovation is a defense system. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION “This invention, the substance and idea is an innovation designed specifically to ensure for the children of today a safe, and secure tomorrow. A device designed to keep families together ‘without separation. This invention is designed for pest control elimination. This device when used can ensure a clean pollution free environment, without any radioactive nuclear fallout, It can be remote activated from any location. This invention is created to protect watch, and guard the free world. It is designed for development and use the United States of America for the primary protection of those that prefer the confidence of safety and security. The function is 9 id with the war on terrorism and drugs. This innovation is a defense system. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS “The structure operation, and advantages of the present invention will become further apparent upon consideration of the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying figures (FIGs.). The figures are intended to be illustrative, not limiting. Certain elements in some of the figures may be omitted, or ilustrated not-to-scale, for illustrative clarity. The cross-sectional views may be viewed in the form of "slices", or “nearsighted” cross-sectional views, omitting certain background lines which would otherwise be visible in “true” cross- sectional view, for illustrative clarity. In the drawings accompanying the description that follows, both reference numerals and Legends (labels, text descriptions) may be used to identify elements. If egends are provided, they intended merely as an aid tothe reader, and should not in any way be interpreted as limiting. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS ‘This is a description of drawing FIG. 1/12. Blement 1 is a sighting system. There are four sighting systems shown. They are exactly 90° to each other from the center of element 6 protective shroud system. Element 2 is the extemal shell ofthe main long apparatus system. Element 3 is the main long apparatus system mechanisms functions chamber. It runs throughout the entire length of the main long apparatus system, and each ofall for sighting systems are alike the main long apparatus system. Element 4 is a shroud motor. There are three ‘motors for each shroud plate on all for sighting systems. Each motor has in itself enough torque to raise and lower the shroud plate, Element 5 is a shroud plate hinge. Each shroud plate has three hinges. Each hinge on every shroud plate is capable of the total motion individually. All four sighting systems have the exact hinge configuration as the main long cylinder apparatus. Flement 6 is a protective shroud section plate, All four targeting site systems have protective shroud sections. ‘This is a description of drawing FIG. 2/12. Element 7 isa sight alignment system. There are four sight alignment systems on the outside perimeter of the main long cylinder apparatus system, Each of all for sight alignment systems are in alignment with the main long cylinder crosshair system as a center. Element 8 is a mechanical system for which the lens and sight system travel. There are four travel mechanisms forthe main long apparatus system. The four travel mechanisms are each individually spaced at 90° to each other from the center crosshair of the main long cylinder apparatus system. The four individual sight systems are identical (o this configuration. Element 9 is the main long cylinder apparatus targeting sight system. ‘This isa description of drawing FIG. 3/12. Element 10 is a motor system. There are series of cight motor systems visible on FIG. drawing 3/12. There area series of motor systems on either side of all four targeting systems. These targeting systems are defined in FIG. drawing 1/12, clement 1 and FIG. drawing 2/12, element 7. These motor systems operate the functions of the rain long cylinder apparatus lens systems and targeting sight systems. They are present in drawing FIG. 3/12, element 10 and each of all four targeting sight systems. Element 11 is @ ‘mount for the motor and motors for the mechanical operations of the main long cylinder apparatus and targeting systems. ‘This is a description of drawing FIG. 4/12. Drawing FIG. 4/12 i a split view of the main long cylinder apparatus and targeting sighting alignment systems. Element 12 are fixed extensions of the lens sight alignment systems. Element 13 is a sight alignment system. This split view shows three of the total of the four. Element 14 is a nonvisible mount for the sight alignment targeting system, Element 15 isa visible mount for fastening the targeting sighting alignment system to the frame of the main long cylinder apparatus system. ‘This is a description of drawing FIG. 5/12. Element 16 is a maintenance hatch system on the ‘main long cylinder apparatus. They are also on each ofall four targeting sighting alignment systems. ‘This is a description of drawing FIG. 6/12. Element 17 is a lens. There is lens series at the forward and aft of the lens chamber of the main long cylinder apparatus. Element 18 is the lens chamber, Element 19 is a motorized rail for the lens systems to travel on. ‘This a description of drawing FIG. 7/12. Element 20 is a mount on the refleetive transfer located on the aft or farthest from the Earth’s end long ways of the main long cylinder apparatus. Element 21 is the round configuration of the reflective transfer. 4 This is a description of drawing FIG. 8/12. Drawing FIG. 8/12 shows a split view of the aft intake farthest from the earth end long ways of the main long cylinder apparatus. Element 22 is a rotational mounting system for one of four adjustable arms which control the round reflective transfer relay element. Element 23 is one of four arms used to move the round reflective transfer relay. ‘This is a description of drawing FIG. 9/12. Element 24 is a round reflective relay transfer. It is fastened to the main long cylinder apparatus by four movable arms wiich are fastened to the aft or farthest from the earth end long ways of the main long cylinder apparatus. This is a description of drawing FIG. 10/12. Drawing FIG. 10/12 is a square reflective transfer. Element 25 is a square shaped reflective transfer. Element 26 is a movable arm which controls both the reflective transfer panels and radio receptive element. Element 27 is a radio receptive clement stem. Element 28 is radio receptive element. Element 29 is a reflective adjustable relay transfer panel. This is a description of drawing FIG. 11/12. Element 30 is a round reflective transfer relay. Element 31 as an oval transfer reflective relay panel. Element 32 is a movable arm connecting the oval transfer reflective relay panel to the radio receptive element. Element 33 is a variable position point for the movable arm connecting the oval transfer reflective relay panel to ‘the radio receptive element. Element 34 is a stem position arm fastening the oval transfer reflective relay panel to the radio receptive element. ‘Element 35 is an angled movable arm. Element 36 is a radio receptive element. This is a description of drawing FIG. 12/12. Element 37 are sun positions. Element 38 is an orbit for the main long cylinder apparatus and reflective relay transfer systems. Element 39 is in orbit for the main long cylinder apparatus and reflective relay transfer systems. Element 40 is an orbit for the main long cylinder apparatus and reflective relay transfer systems. Element 41 is the earth. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION ‘This invention, the substance and idea is an innovation designed specifically to ensure for the children of today a safe and secure tomorrow. A device designed to keep families together ‘without separation. This invention is designed for pest-control illumination. This device when ‘used, can ensure a clean pollution free environment without any radioactive nuclear fallout. It can be remote activated from any location. This invention is created to protect watch, and guard the free world. It is designed for development and use by the United States of America for the primary protection of those that prefer the confidence of safety and security. The function is to aid with the war on terrorism and drugs. This innovation is a defense system. An evolutionary device designed to guard, and protect children by day and night. A device designed to let allow, and permit children to enjoy a spring breeze, play with the leaves of fall, and feel the bite of ‘winter upon their faces, in a carefree manner without concerns. This invention is designed to ‘erase ftom the world, the spirits of dread and nightmare. The using of this invention is the ‘magnification of sunrays from 2 point extemal from the earth, to erase from the world the spirits of dread nightmare, and utilize pest-control, Sunrays are directed to the aft, farthest from Earth by a reflective transfer and combination of reflective transfer combination relays, from a series of locations around the earth. These transfers of rays are from the sun. This invention is a technological advance in warfare defense systems. “The application is intended for use by the United States of America to assist with the war on terrorism and drugs. This device is designed to keep families together without separation. This device is designed to eliminate targets without any radioactive nuclear fallout. This device is designed to eliminate the loss of American lives. This device saves time and labors. This device is costeffective. Control and manipulation of this apparatus and reflective relays can be from remote location and locations such as Earth, space, and outer spheres. These magnified sunrays ‘when exited through its forward or closest to the earth end side long ways from the apparatus be strategically placed to its targeted spirits of dread and nightmare, and utilized for pest- control, to totally eliminate them. This device is designed to keep families together without separation, This invention is created for pest-control elimination. The process of making this invention is through mold configuration process. These sunrays can be directed to its target and targets, through a series of four magnified external sights fastened to the exterior of the cylinder shaped apparatus, parallel to it. These sights are exactly 90° to each other, from the center crosshair alignment of the main long cylinder apparatus. All four sight systems are exactly similar in construction elements as the main apparatus long cylinder. This apparatus and its functions can be performed in addition from the main apparatus cylinder earth space outer spheres, and also from all reflective relays by remote wave, and satellite control systems. These reflectors are manipulated position capable, and are controllable from Earth space, and outer spheres. The main long eylinder apparatus and all reflective relays are also manual control capable, at their location and locations. Implementation of the weapon system is cost-effective to America and will save American lives. This defense system is not labor intensive. The ‘weapon system is designed to magnify sunrays from Earth's outer atmosphere. The operation of this weapon system is designed to be functional by both day and night. Through the use of reflective panels and Earth’s outer atmosphere sunrays are directed to the weapon system. The sunrays pass through a chamber which contains a series magnification lens systems. The targeting system is designed to eliminate a single combatant with a variable expanding to eliminate entire countries. Because there is no use of nuclear technology this eliminates any radioactive nuclear fallout. 3/12 FIG. 3 4/12 FIG. 4 5/12 FIG. 5 6/12 FIG. 6 20 7/12 FIG. 7 FIG. 10 In the claims: 1 2. 5. ‘A weapon system utilizing a main long cylinder with a lens magnification chamber. ‘A weapon system utilizing a main long cylinder which magnified ultraviolet sun rays pass ‘through. ‘A weapon system utilizing maintenance hatch systems. ‘A weapon system utilizing a motorized protective shroud systems. ‘A weapon system utilizing a main long cylinder with an oval adjustable reflective transfer. ‘A weapon system utilizing square shaped reflective transfer relays. ‘A weapon system utilizing oval shaped reflective transfer relays. ABSTRACT ‘This invention a weapon system is created to protect watch, and guard the free world. It is designed for development and use by the United States of America for the primary protection of those that prefer the confidence of safety and security. The function is to aid with the war on terrorism and drugs. This innovation is a defense system. The weapon system is designed to magnify sunrays from Earth’s outer atmosphere. The operation of the weapon system is designed to be functional by both day and night. Through the use of reflective relay panels and Barth's outer atmosphere sunrays are directed to the weapon system. The sunrays pass through ‘a chamber which contains a series magnification lens systems. The targeting system is designed to climinate a single combatant with a variable expanding to eliminate entire countries. The ‘weapon system is an apparatus which deals with satellite control systems. Implementation of the weapon system will be cost-effective to America and save American lives. This weapon system is not labor intensive. Because there is no use of nuclear technology this eliminates any radioactive nuclear fallout, Application No.: 14/726,657 Filing Date: 06/01/2015 ASSIGNMENT WHEREAS, |, Michael Bickelmeyer of, North Royalton, Ohio 44133, USA, (hereinafter referred to as“Assignor”) is the owner of U.S. Patent Application Serial No, 14/726,657, filed June 1, 2015 and titled A GIFT FOR CHILDREN, and being owner of all right, title and interest in and to said application and in and to any invention described therein and having full right to convey the entire interest both legal and equitable herein assigned; and WHEREAS, Bugger & Hund Inc. of North Royalton, Ohio 44133, USA (hereinafter referred to as “Assignee”) is desirous of acquiring the entire righ, title and interest in and to said application and said invention described therein and any and all patents to be obtained therefor, all as hereinafter set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of good and valuable consideration received by the ‘Assignor, the Assignor does hereby sell, assign transfer and set over unto said Assignee, its successors ‘and assigns, the entire right, title and interest in and to said Invention or Inventions, as described in the aforesaid application, in any form or embodiment thereof, and in and to the aforesaid application; and in ‘and to any application filed in any foreign country based thereon, including the right to file said foreign “applications under the provisions of the International Convention; also the entire right, ttle and interest in ‘and to any and all patents or reissues or extensions thereof to be obtained in this or any foreign country upon said invention or inventions and any divisional, continuation, continuation-in-part or substitute applications which may be filed upon said invention or inventions in this or any foreign country; and the “Assignor hereby authorizes and requests the issuing authority to issue any and all patents on said application or applications to said Assignee or its successors and assigns. ‘The Assignor further agrees to have executed all divisional, continuing, substitute, improvement, extension, reissue and other patent applications in this or any foreign country relating to said application or invention and to have signed all other lawful papers and to perform all other lawful acts without further consideration, but without expense to the Assignor, which the Assignee may deem necessary or desirable to make this Assignment fully effective including by way of example, but not of limitation, the following, acts: 1. Prompt execution of all lawful oaths, affidavits and/or supplemental oaths required or deemed advisable by the assignee to further the prosecution of any application or application for letters patent relating to the subject matter ofthis Assignment; 2, ‘To cooperate to the best of my ability in the execution of all lawful documents, the production of cevidence, and the giving of testimony in interference, opposition, nullification or infringement proceedings involving the said invention ot improvement, applications or patents or any of them. By 7 : June 01, 2015 Michael Bickelmeyer Date enans USPTO. EPAS. Recoit United States Patent and Trademark Office Home | Site Index | Search | Guides | Contacts | eBusiness | eBiz alerts | News | Help Electronic Patent Assignment System Confirmation Receipt Your assignment has been received by the USPTO. The coversheet of the assignment is displayed below: PATENT ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET. Electronic Version v1.1 Stylesheet Version v1.2 SUBMISSION TYPE: NEW ASSIGNMENT NATURE OF CONVEYANCE: |} ASSIGNMENT CONVEYING PARTY DATA _ Nanaeeane = Execution Date ] [MICHAEL BICKELMEYER _ 16/01/2015 | RECEIVING PARTY DATA Name: [BUGGER & HUND INC. ] [Street Address: _ [12540 DEER CREEK DRIVE APT. 103 : _| [City: [NORTH ROYALTON _ te/Country: [OHIO _ _ _| Postal Code: [44133 _ PROPERTY NUMBERS Total: 1 Property Type Number | |Application Number: |[14726657 (CORRESPONDENCE DATA. htp:epes upto govleomecsiptepname=CMSCWRRLWHEW-4409 USPTO. EPAS. Receipt 4808763672 Email: [email protected] Correspondence wil be sent tothe e-mail address frst if that is unsuccessful, it wil be sent using a fax ‘number, if provided; if that is unsuccessful, i willbe sent via US Mail. Correspondent Name: MICHAEL BICKELMEYER ‘Address Line 12540 DEER CREEK DRIVE APT. 103 ‘Address Line 4: NORTH ROYALTON, OHIO. 44133 NAME OF SUBMITTER: MICHAEL BICKELMEYER ‘/Michael Bickelmeyer/ Date: 06/01/2015 ‘This document serves as an Oath/Declaration (37 CFR 1.63). Total Attachments: 1 source=Application14726657PDF#pagel tif RECEIPT INFORMATION PAT3376648 osio1/2015 Return to home page | HOME | INDEX| SEARCH | eBUSINESS | CONTACT US | PRIVACY STATEMENT iipslepas usp gvlconvreceiptjspIname=CMSGWRRLWHEW4409)

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