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Cancer Act, 1939.

2 & 3 GEO. 6.




1. Duty


of local authorities.
Financial provisions.
Loans to National Radium Trust.
Prohibition of certain advertisements.

Application to London.
Application to Scotland.
Short title, citation and extent.

2 & 3 GEO. 6.

Cancer Act, 1939.



An Act to make further provision for the treatment
of cancer, to authorise the Minister of Health
to lend money to the National Radium Trust,
to prohibit certain advertisements relating to
cancer, and for purposes connected with the
matters aforesaid.
[29th March 1939.]
E it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty,

by and with the advice and consent of the Lords

Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present

Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same,

as follows


1.-(1) It shall be the duty of the council of every Duty of

county and county borough in England and Wales to local
make arrangements to secure that the facilities for the authorities,
treatment of persons suffering from cancer are adequate
for the needs of the county or borough, and to' submit its
arrangements for the approval of the Minister within one
year from the commencement of this Act or such longer
period as the Minister may in any case allow.
(2) The arrangements so submitted by any such
council shall include arrangements(a) for facilitating the diagnosis of cancer;
(b) for the treatment of cancer either in hospitals
maintained by the council or in hospitals
maintained by other councils or local authorities
or in voluntary hospitals ;



2 & 3 GEO. 6.

for the payment, in such cases as the council

considers necessary, of all or any travelling
expenses (including the travelling expenses of
a companion) reasonably incurred by persons
for the purpose of availing themselves of the
services provided under the arrangements ;
(d) for such other matters as appear incidental to
or consequential on the arrangements for the
treatment of cancer.
(3) Before submitting arrangements to the Minister
under this section a council shall consult(a) such committees or other bodies as the council
considers to represent both the governing bodies
and the medical and surgical staffs of the
voluntary hospitals providing services in or for
the benefit of its area ; and
(b) such local organisations of registered medical
practitioners as the council considers to
represent the opinions of such practitioners
practising in its area on the questions to
be considered in making the arrangements.
(4) The Minister may approve, either with or without modifications, any arrangements submitted to him
by a council under this section, and it shall be the duty
of the council to carry its arrangements as approved by
the Minister into effect.
(5) A council may from time to time, and shall
when required by the Minister, make and submit to the
Minister alterations or extensions of the arrangements
made by the council under this section, and subsections (3)
and (4) of this section shall apply to any such alterations
or extensions as they apply to the original arrangements.
(6) Nothing in this section shall authorise the
establishment by any council of a general domiciliary
service by medical practitioners.
(7) The Public Health Act, 1936, shall have effect
as if this section, except in so far as it relates to the
London County Council, were included in Part V of
that Act.
(8) Without prejudice to the provisions of any
enactment enabling councils of counties and county
boroughs to co-operate or combine, the Minister may

26 Geo. 5. &
1 Edw. 8.
c. 49.

Cancer Act, 1939.

2 & 3



Cancer Act, 1939.



require two or more" such councils to combine, to such

extent and on such terms as he may, in default of agreement between the councils concerned, direct, for the
purpose of making arrangements under this section.
(9) Any order or agreement constituting under
any enactment a joint board or joint committee to discharge the functions of two or more councils under this
section may provide for the co-option of such number of
members of the board or committee as may be specified
in the order or agreement :
Provided that the number so specified shall' not
exceed one-third of the total number of the members of
the board or committee.

2.--(1) The following provisions of this section shall Financial

have effect with a view to fulfilling the intentions of the Provisions.
Local Government Act, 1929, as declared by section one 19 & 20
hundred and thirty-five thereof, namely, that in the Geo. 5. e. 17.
event of material additional expenditure being imposed
on any class of local authorities by reason of the institution of a new service after the commencement of that
Act, provision should be made for increased contributions
out of moneys provided by Parliament.
(2) In respect of the year ending on the thirty-first
day of March nineteen hundred and forty and of each
subsequent year in the third and fourth fixed grant
periods, there shall be paid out of moneys provided by
Parliament, to the council of every county and county
borough in England and Wales (hereafter in this section
referred to as a " council ") on which additional
expenditure is imposed by this Act in respect of that
year, a grant calculated to the nearest pound by(a) multiplying by the weighting factor one-half the
amount of the additional expenditure so imposed on the council, and
(b) dividing the product by the average weighting
factor :

Provided that the amount of the grant payable

under this subsection to any council shall not exceed
seventeen-twentieths of the additional expenditure so
imposed on that council.

Cx. 13.

Cancer Act, 1939.

2 & 3 GEO. 6.

(3) For the fifth and every subsequent fixed grant

period, the General Exchequer Contribution shall include
such increased contribution by reason of the additional

Edw. 8. &

I Geo.
c. 22.


expenditure imposed on any council by this Act as

Parliament may hereafter determine.
(4) Grants payable under this section shall be
payable at such times and in such manner as the Treasury
may direct and subject to such conditions as to records,
certificates, audit or otherwise as the Minister may,
with the approval of the Treasury, determine.
(5) For the purpose of section one hundred and four
of the Local Government Act, 1929 (which authorises
the reduction of grants payable under Part VI of
that Act to a council which fails to maintain an
efficient service), grants payable under this section shall
be deemed to be payable under the said Part VT.
(6) In determining for the purpose of section one
of the Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act,
1937, the amount of the rate and grant borne expenditure
in the year ending on the thirty-first day of March
nineteen hundred and forty-one, no account shall be
taken of the additional expenditure imposed on any
council in respect of that year by this Act.
(7) For the purpose of this section, expenditure
incurred by a council in respect of any year in the provision of treatment for persons suffering from cancer
shall be deemed to be additional expenditure imposed by
this Act on that council in respect of that year if, and to
the extent that, it is estimated to exceed the expenditure
so incurred by that council in respect of the year ended
on the thirty-first day of March nineteen hundred and

(8) Any such estimate as aforesaid made for the
purpose of subsection (2) or subsection (6) of this section
shall be made to the satisfaction of the Minister in accordance with directions given by him after consultation with
such associations of local authorities as appear to him-to be
concerned and with any council with which consultation
appears to him to be desirable, and any such directions(a) may provide that expenditure incurred by any
council in the provision of treatment for persons
suffering from cancer shall for the purposes
of this section require the approval of the
Minister ; and

& 3 GEo. 6.

Cancer Act, 1939.



may also provide that the amount of any expenditure so incurred in respect of any particular
services by a council, or by a council of any
class specified in the directions, shall be estimated
by reference to the estimated average net annual
expenditure incurred in respect of those services
by all councils or by councils of that class.
(9) In this section the following expressions have the
meanings hereby respectively assigned to them
Average weighting factor " means the quotient
obtained by dividing the aggregate weighted
population of all the counties and county
boroughs in England and Wales by their
aggregate estimated population ;
"Weighting factor ", -in relation to a county or
county borough, means the quotient obtained
by dividing the weighted population thereof by
the estimated population thereof ;
" Estimated population ", " weighted population ",
" fixed grant period " and " General Exchequer
Contribution " have the same meanings as in
the Local Government Act, 1929, as amended
by any subsequent enactment.


3.-(1) The Minister may lend money to the National Loans to

Radium Trust, on such conditions as the Treasury may National
determine, for the purpose of enabling that Trust to Radium
purchase radium and other radio-active substances and
apparatus and appliances required for radio-therapeutic
treatment :
Provided that(a) the sums lent under this section shall not
in the aggregate exceed five hundred thousand
pounds; and
(b) no money shall be lent under this section after
the expiration of ten years from the commencement of this Act.
(2) Any sums required by the Minister for the
purpose of loans under this section shall be paid out of
moneys provided by Parliament.
(3) The principal of and the interest on any sums
lent under this section shall by virtue of this Act be



Cancer Act, 1939.

2 & 3 GEo. 6.

charged on the undertaking and all the revenues of

the said Trust.
(4) Any sums received by the Minister by way of
repayment of a loan under this section or by way of
interest thereon shall be paid into the Exchequer.


4.-(1) No person shall take any part in the

publication of any advertisement(a) containing an offer to treat any- person for
cancer, or to prescribe any remedy therefor,

or to give any advice in connection with the

treatment thereof; or

to any article, or articles of any

description, in terms which are calculated to
lead to the use of that article, or articles of
that description, in the treatment of cancer.

(b) referring

(2) If any person contravenes any of the provisions

of the foregoing subsection, he shall be liable on summary
conviction, in the case of a first conviction, to a fine not
exceeding fifty pounds, and,-in the case of a subsequent
conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months,
or to both such a fine and such imprisonment.
(3) Where, in any proceedings for a contravention
of subsection (1) of this section it is proved(a) that an advertisement was published referring to
any article, or articles of any description, in
terms calculated to lead to the use of that
article or articles of that description in the
treatment of cancer ; and

that the advertisement also referred to the

article or articles in terms calculated to indicate
that it or they were manufactured, produced,
imported, sold or offered for sale, by the person
charged ;

then, unless the contrary is proved, it shall be presumed

for the purpose of those proceedings that that person
took part in the publication of the advertisement, but
without prejudice to the liability of any other person.

2 & 3 GEo. 6.

Cancer Ace, 1939.



(4) In any proceedings for a contravention of subsection (1) of this section, it shall be a defence for the

person charged to prove(a) that the advertisement to which the proceedings

relate was published only so far as was reasonably necessary to bring it to the notice of
persons of the following classes or of one or
some of them, that is to say,(i) members of either House of Parliament
or of a local authority or of the governing
body of a voluntary hospital ;
(ii) (without prejudice to the generality of
the foregoing sub-paragraph) persons concerned in making or carrying into effect
arrangements under section one of this Act ;
(iii) registered medical practitioners;
(iv) registered nurses ;
(v) registered pharmacists and authorised
sellers of poisons;
(vi) persons undergoing training with a view
to becoming registered medical practitioners,
registered nurses or registered pharmacists;
(vii) persons carrying on a business which
includes the sale or supply of surgical
appliances ; or
(b) that the said advertisement was published only
in a publication of a technical character intended
for circulation mainly amongst persons of the
classes mentioned in the last preceding paragraph or one or some of those classes ; or
(c) that the said advertisement was published in
such circumstances that he did not know and
had no reason to believe that he was taking
part in the publication thereof.
(5) Nothing in this section shall apply in respect of
any advertisement published by a local authority or by
the governing body of a voluntary hospital or by any
person acting with the sanction of the Minister.
(6) A prosecution for an offence under this section
shall not be instituted in England or Wales without the
consent of the Attorney-General or the Solicitor-General.

Cx. 13.

Cancer Act, 1939.

& 3 GEo. 6.

(7) Subject to the provisions of the last foregoing

subsection, it shall be the duty of the council of every
county and county borough to institute proceedings
under this section.
(8) In this section the expression " advertisement "
includes any notice, circular, label, wrapper or other
document, and any announcement made orally or by
any means of producing or transmitting sounds.

5.-(1) In this Act the following expressions have

the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them,
that is to say


" Hospital "

includes a clinic, dispensary or other

institution for the reception of the sick whether


in-patients or as out-patients ;

" The Minister " means the Minister of Health ;

" The National Radium Trust " means the body

incorporated by that name by royal charter.

(2) In this Act references to persons suffering from
cancer shall be construed as including references to
persons suspected to be so suffering.

6. The Public Health (London) Act, 1936, shall
to London. have effect as
section one of this Act, in so far as it
26 Geo. 5. &
County Council, were included
I Edw. 8.


IX of that Act immediately before section two

hundred and nineteen thereof, and the following sections
of that Act shall have effect as if references to tuberculosis included references to cancer, namely(a) section two hundred and twenty (which provides
for the powers of the Minister in case of failure
by the said council to make adequate arrangements for the treatment of tuberculosis) ;
(b) section two hundred and twenty-two (which
enables the said council to enter into agreements as respects the treatment of tuberculosis
with other councils) ;
(c) section two hundred and twenty-three (which
relates to the expenses incurred by the said
council in the treatment of tuberculosis).
7. The following provisions shall have effect for the
to Scotland. purpose of the application of this Act to Scotland
(a) section one of this Act (except subsection (7)
thereof) and section two of this Act shall apply

c. 50.

in Part


Cancer Act, 1939.

2 & 3 GEO. 6.



to Scotland subject to the following modifications


any reference to England and Wales

there shall be substituted a reference to
Scotland ;
(ii) for any reference to a county borough
there shall be substituted a reference to a
large burgh within the meaning of the Local
Government (Scotland) Act, 1929, and every
other burgh shall be deemed to be included
in the county in which it is situated ;
(iii) any reference to a county or to a
county council shall, in the case of counties
combined for the purposes mentioned in
subsection (7) of section ten of the Local
Government (Scotland) Act, 1929, be construed as a reference to the combined county
or to the joint county council;
(iv) for references to the Local Government
Act, 1929, and to section one hundred and
four, section one hundred and thirty-five
and Part VI thereof, there shall be substituted
respectively references to the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1929, and to section
sixty-six, section seventy-eight and Part III
thereof ; for any reference to section one of
the Local Government (Financial Provisions)
Act, 1937, there shall be substituted a reference
to section one of the Local Government
(Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act, 1937;
and for any reference to the thirty-first day
of March there shall be substituted a reference
to the fifteenth day of May ;
(b) for any reference to the Minister of Health,
except in section three of this Act, there
shall be substituted a reference to the Department of Health for Scotland ;
(c) a county or a town council may, for the purpose
of any arrangements made by it and approved
by the Department of Health for Scotland
under section one of this Act, exercise the like
powers as the council is entitled to exercise for
the purpose of provision of hospitals for persons
suffering from infectious disease ;
(i) for

19 & 20
Geo. 5.
c. 25.

Edw. 8. &
Geo. 6.
c. 29.


Cancer Act, 1939.


& 3

Gimo. 6.

(d) any expenses incurred by a county or a town

council for the purposes of this Act shall be

defrayed in like manner as expenditure incurred

by such council under the Public Health
(Scotland) Act, 1897;

60 & 61 Viet.


one hundred and forty-seven of the

Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897, shall have
effect as if section one of this Act were part of

(e) section

that Act ;


subsection (7) of section four shall not apply.

8.-(1) This Act may be cited as the Cancer Act,

Short title,
citation and 1939.
(2) Section one of this Act, in so far as it relates
to the council of a county iii England and Wales, other
than the London County Council, or to the council of a
county borough, may be cited together with the Public
Health Acts, 1936 and 1937, as the Public Health Acts,
1936 to 1939.
(3) Section one of this Act, in so far as it relates

to the London County Council, and section six of this

Act may be cited together with the Public Health
(London) Act, 1936, as the Public Health (London)
Acts, 1936 and 1939.
(4) This

Act shall not extend to Northern Ireland.

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