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TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

Observation Report
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Name of Observer __Boyoung Kang____


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Observation # _3_


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01/28/2015 IEP Room 143
500 Level
John Kuntz
Focus on relevant areas from the What Can Be Observed handout. Notice how the
teacher handles these areas during the class.
Notes while observing:
Warm-up (3 min)
Before starting the class, T explains how to break the paragraphs (components of a
paragraph), and asks Ss how the Ss think about using Google. Using Google search will
be showed later during the class.
Review (7 min)
T asks Ss, "What is narrative essay?" Ss says, "The story". T goes to the white board and
writes some key words to explain the purpose of narrative essay. T explains, "The
purpose of narrative essay is to convey and teach a lesson for readers. Therefore, It has to
have a point."
Presentation1 (25 min)
T distributes the handout, which includes the examples of narrative essay and templates
which are the ways Ss can follow to compose the essay. Specifically, it is about the
structure of a personal narrative essay and outlining Ss' own essays. After giving Ss
handout, T finds more templates on the computer by using Google. T let Ss knows
Google is a good way to search the format of essays or other kinds of writing materials
such as resume.

Last Updated: 7/24/2015 12:37 AM

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
Going back to the handout, T points one student to read a paragraph. While the student is
reading the paragraph, T corrects the pronunciation for some difficult vocabulary that the
students cannot pronounce well. (This class is an integration of reading and writing.) T
explains the 'Hook', which is an attention grabber of an essay. Then, T keeps making Ss
read the paragraphs, and after each paragraph T adds detailed explanations with examples
about T's real experience. After reading the paragraphs, T finds vocabulary on the
internet also using Google that Ss cannot pronounce well during reading. T shows some
pictures of that vocabulary to help Ss' understanding. For example, T finds the word
'paddle', and some Ss do not know what it is. Thus, T finds the picture of kayak (kind of
boat), and explains "A paddle is a short pole used to move a boat." Also, T adds the
explanation of 'dog paddle'. It is a kind of extension of learning vocabulary. T lets Ss read
the example paragraphs on the handout and answer the questions.
Presentation2 (13 min)
With the example of narrative essay on handout, T present what the thesis statement is. T
gives a definition of thesis statement. T explains, "Main idea plus controlling idea is the
thesis statement." [Thesis Statement = Main Idea + Controlling Idea] And then, T
writes one sentence on the board and gets Ss separate it in to two parts. For instance, T
writes "Preparing for IELTS exam can require patience, determination, and creativity." T
separates it [preparing for IELTS exam] and [can require patience, determination, and
creativity], and explains the former is the main idea and the latter is the controlling idea.
Based on this definition, Ss find the main idea of a paragraph on the handout.
Wrap-up (2 min)
T gives homework on the handout due tomorrow, and distributes another handout which
includes questions to review the previous chapter due next week.

(continue on back)

Last Updated: 7/24/2015 12:37 AM

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

The first artifact is the structure of a personal narrative essay. Since it is wellorganized, Ss can recognize the structure at a glance. T used this artifact to explain the
components of a narrative essay. In this class, T explained a part of the structure, which is
an introduction. T focused what the hook is and what the meaning of thesis statement.
When T read the definition of each topic, Ss followed with their eyes. Then, T added
detailed explication by giving examples.
The second page is an example of a narrative essay. This was used in the practice
phase during the lesson. After T explained concepts of each component (hook, thesis
statement), Ss practiced to find them in these example paragraphs. Before beginning the
practice, T gave the meanings of unknown words to Ss. It was helpful for Ss to focus on
the structure rather than the meaning of vocabulary when they read the paragraphs.

Last Updated: 7/24/2015 12:37 AM

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson? Discuss your
observation focus, and the theory you have studied in your TESOL classes. Consider
the three levels of teacher reflection (surface, pedagogical, critical). (100-200 words)
At the beginning of the class, T throws a question about using Google. Overall, T
wants Ss to use internet to find writing templates. I think it is really helpful for Ss to
utilize the internet and get some useful information such as definitions of difficult words.
T shows that using internet media can be a good visual realia and help Ss understand well
by giving practical materials. Presenting pictures is memorable and stay longer in Ss'
minds. Teaching how to utilize search engine can help Ss find information about what
they need by themselves. It means Ss' autonomy can be grown through it; as a result,
when there is no teacher's help, they still can learn. It is shows an effective use of
technology. Moreover, T let Ss know another vocabulary related to certain word. (e.g.
'dog paddle' teaching paddle) Teaching related words when picking up a word is an
effective way at learning vocabulary because Ss can adopt related words naturally and
those words are quite obtainable in relating situations. The method of this class is related
to Multiple Intelligences, especially visual/spatial and verbal/linguistic intelligences.
Showing images can stimulate Ss' visual intelligence and making lexical chains in
vocabulary is for their linguistic intelligence.
What activities/techniques from this class do you want to remember for your own
teaching practice? Discuss specific ways in which you could apply the techniques and
methods you saw. Discuss your future teaching environment and your students needs
and goals. (100-200 words)
At first, when I saw the subjects of this class, I wonder how T can teach both
reading and writing at the same time. However, my worry had disappeared since the class
started. Since T started the class with the writing topic, I thought this class gave more
weight to writing than reading. It did not, though. T required Ss read the paragraphs, and
T pointed the problems when Ss were reading like pronunciation and confusing words.
Also, T interpreted the meaning of ambiguous sentences. Not till then did I realize
reading and writing can be integrated, and I thought maybe integration of reading and
writing is a matter of course. I can use this integrated teaching (handling more than two
skills at once) in real classrooms for all levels of Ss who do not need to learn each skill
deeply in separated ways.

Last Updated: 7/24/2015 12:37 AM

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