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Gonzales vs Sabacahan

An administrative case filed by Nicanor Gonzales and Salud B. Pantanosas against Atty.
Miguel Sabacajan. The complainants alleges the following:
1. That the Register of Deeds gave the duplicate copy of Transfer Certificate of Tiles of
complainant to respondents secretary and who in turn gave such duplicates to the
2. That despite demand from the petitioners, respondent refused without just cause to
deliver the duplicate TCT and even challenged them to file a case in any court.
3. That such challenged is a manifestation of arrogance, taking due advantage of his
professional capacity.
4. That despite repeated demands to deliver the TCT, respondent still failed to deliver to the
prejudice of the complainants.

Whether or not respondent is guilty of violating the Code of Professional Responsibility?

Apparently, respondent has disregarded Canon 15, Rule 15.07 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility which provides that a lawyer shall impress upon his client the need for compliance
with the laws and principles of fairness. Instead, he unjustly refused to give to complainants their
certificates of titles supposedly to enforce payment of their alleged financial obligations to his
client and presumably to impress the latter of his power to do so.
Canon 19, Rule 19.01 ordains that a lawyer shall employ only fair and honest means to
attain the lawful objectives of his client and shall not present, participate in presenting, or
threaten to present unfounded charges to obtain an improper advantage in any case or
proceeding. Respondent has closely skirted this proscription, if he has not in fact transgressed
the same.
WHEREFORE, Atty. Miguel Sabacajan is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law until
he can duly show to this Court that the disputed certificates of title have been returned to and
the receipt thereof duly acknowledged by complainants, or can present a judicial order or
appropriate legal authority justifying the possession by him or his client of said certificates

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