Management Plan

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Hamms Classroom Rules

1. Treat others how you want to be treated by

being respectful to others around you and their
2. Always actively listen while in and out of the
3. Be punctual at all times when arriving to class,
turning in homework, and responding to daily
4. Demonstrate truthfulness and trustworthiness
at all times.
5. Always put forth your best effort.

Discipline Plan
Individual: Owl Behavior System Levels
In our classroom we have an Owl Behavior System. Each
student begins the day with his or her owl on Ready to Learn.
Throughout the day, students will move their owls up or down,
depending on whether their action was positive or negative. The
student board allows students to reflect on their actions as they are
responsible for moving their own owls up and down, physically
identifying their behavior. The goal is for students to make wise
choices, displaying positive behaviors throughout their daily
Outstanding Owl

Very Wise Owl

Wise Owl
Ready to Learn
Think About It
Teachers Choice

Parent Contact

Individual reward given (Prize,

extra computer time, homework
pass, etc.)

5 minutes lost at recess

10 minutes lost at recess,
written note, or consequence
related to unwise choice
Whole recess lost, Direct
contact with parent, Possible
meeting with principal

Whole Class: Butterflies

The whole class will also have an opportunity to earn a
class reward. Each time the class is caught doing something well, they
will earn a class butterfly. Once ten butterflies are earned, a class
reward will be given. Rewards include extra recess time, computer
time, treats, videos, popcorn, and more. It is very much a reward
system for all students. The class will benefit from the wise choices
of its members.
***Please remember that all behavior issues are always addressed first with a verbal warning.

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