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(Affiliated to Osmania University)
King Koti,Hyderabad-29.






2009 – 2010

This is to certify that the project titled “SALES AND

ENTERPRISES” is an original work of master SYED ZUBAIR
bearing roll no. 332-08-01835 in partial fulfillment for the award
of the degree of bachelor of commerce(honors) , submitted to
osmania university.
This report is an authentic work done by him under my
guidance. This project work has not been submitted to any other
university or institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Date: (internal guide)

This is to certify that the project work entitled “SALES AND

ON MASS ENTERPRISES” which is being submitted by SYED
ZUBAIR roll no. 332-08-01835 in partial fulfillment for the award of
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in ST. JOSEPH’S DEGREE AND P.G
COLLEGE to the Osmania University is a record of the bonafide work
carried out by him under the guidance and supervision at Samdani plastics .

This project work has not been submitted to any other university or
institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Principal HOD

Guide internal External Examiner


With a grateful heart, I want to thank almighty god and all those who
have helped me in making this project a success.
I take great pleasure in acknowledging with gratitude the constant
guidance and wholehearted support that I received at MASS ENTERPRISES
In particular I would like to thank Mr. SHUKOOR SHAKER the
owner of MASS ENTERPRISES and his brother Mr. MABOOD NASER
for their wholesome support through out the project.
My sincere thanks to MRS. NISHA MATHUR and MRS.
RENUBALA MADAM both from the (Department of Commerce) for
guiding me and giving me some useful tips through out the project.
I also thank all the workers in MASS ENTERPRISES for their whole
hearted cooperation.
I also would like to thank all the librarians, the computer lab faculties
for providing the required facilities for completing my project.
I am grateful to my family members for their kind support which kept my
confidence and enthusiasm high during the execution of the project.



I here by declare that the project titled “SALES AND

Masabtank , Hyderabad , submitted by me to Osmania University ,in partial
fulfillment for the award of Bachelor Of Commerce (Honours) is a bonafide
carried on by me .

It has not been submitted anywhere in full (or) part to any other
university / institutions for award of any degree, diploma fellowship or
similar titles or prizes otherwise.

Chapter I: Introduction 1-12
 Concept of Sales and Service
 CRM Implementation
 Objective
 Scope of the Study
 Research Methodology
 Limitation of the Study

Chapter II: Company Profile 13-24

 Profile of Hewlett Packard
 Profile of Mass Enterprise

Chapter III: Review of the Study 25-33

 HP Corporate Marketing Strategy
 HP Strategy Related to Sales
 HP Strategy Related to Service
 Customer Service
 Customer Relation Management
 HP’s Effect on Communities

Chapter IV: Data Analysis 34-43

Chapter V: Findings and Conclusions 44-47

Chapter -


Meaning of sales: A contract involving transfer of possession

and ownership of goods or property, or the entitlement to a
service, in exchange for money or value is termed as sales.
A sale is the pinnacle activity involved in selling products or
services in return for money or other compensation. It is an
act of completion of a commercial activity.
A sale is completed by the seller or the owner of the goods.
It starts with consent (or agreement) to an acquisition or
appropriation or request followed by the passing of title
(property or ownership) in the item and the application and
due settlement of a price, the douche of or any claim upon
the item. The purchaser, though a party to the sale does not
execute the sale, only the seller does that. To be precise the
sale completes prior to the payment and gives rise to the
obligation of payment. If the seller completes the first two
above stages (consent and passing ownership) of the sale
prior to settlement of the price, the sale is still valid and
gives rise to an obligation to pay.

Academically, selling is thought of as a part of marketing,

however, the two disciplines are completely different. A sale
often forms a separate grouping n a corporate structure,
employing separate specialist operatives known as
salespeople. Selling is considered by many to be a sort of
persuading "art". Contrary to popular belief, the
methodological approach of selling refers to a systematic
process of repetitive and measurable milestones, by which a
salesperson relates his or her offering of a product or service
in return enabling the buyer to achieve their goal in an
economic way.

While the sales process refers to a systematic process

of repetitive and measurable milestones, the definition of the
selling is somewhat ambiguous due to the close nature of
advertising, promotion, public relations, and direct

Sales departments often form a separate grouping in a

corporate structure, employing individuals who specialize in
sale specific roles.
Selling involves sales which are the pinnacle act of
completed of a purchasing activity. Selling also involves
salespeople who are the primary agents of facilitating sales.

Selling is the profession-wide term, much like

marketing defines a profession. Recently, attempts have
been made to clearly understand who is in the sales
profession, and who is not. There are many articles looking
at marketing, advertising, promotions, and even public
relations as ways to create a unique transaction.

Many believe that the focus of selling is on the human agents involved in the
exchange between buyer and seller. Effective selling also requires a systems
approach, at minimum involving roles that sell, enable selling, and develop
sales capabilities. Selling also involves salespeople who possess specific set
of sales skills and knowledge are required to facilitate the exchange of value
between buyers and sellers that is unique from marketing, advertising ,etc.
From the company point of view, there are three main objectives of sales
management: sales volume, contribution to profit, and continuing growth.
Top management has the final responsibility, because it is accountable for
success or failure of the entire enterprise.
In the process, objectives are translated into more specific goals
– they are broken down and restarted as definite goals that a company has a
reasonable chance of reaching. Once these goals are finalized, it is up to
sales force that play critical role in implementing the selling plans.

Essential elements in a valid sale:

(1) Competence of both the buyer and seller to enter into a contract
(2) Mutual agreement on the terms of exchange
(3) A thing capable of being transferred
(4) A consideration in money (or its equivalent) paid or promised.

When both the seller and the buyer perform their respective duties by
abiding the above 4 elements of a valid sale, one can say that sale is
Who is a seller?
One who sells or initiates contracts to sell goods; the one who transfers
property as a result of a sales contract.
Who is a buyer?
One who buys or agrees to make a purchase or one who has the capacity to
finance his demand and receives property in exchange for money or valuable
Meaning of service: Customer service also known as Client Service, it is a
provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.
Customer service is an organization's ability to supply their customers' wants
and needs. Excellent customer service is the ability of an organization to
constantly and consistently exceed the customer's expectations. Improving
customer service involves making a commitment to learning what our
customer’s needs and wants are and developing action plans that implement
customer friendly processes during and after a purchase. The service
provided should be upto the customer’s satisfaction as this would lead to a
better image of the company in the market, thus enhancing the sales.

There are five characteristics to a service which are discussed below:

1. Lack of ownership: one cannot own and store a service like you can a
product. Services are used or hired for a specific period of time.

2. Intangibility: one cannot hold or touch a service unlike a product. In

saying that although services are intangible, the satisfaction consumers
obtain have a direct impact on the sales of the company.

3. Inseparability: Services cannot be separated from the person who is

rendering a service.

4. Perishability: Services lasts for a specific period of time and cannot be

stored like a product for later use.

5. Heterogeneity: It is very difficult to make each service experience


Service Marketing Mix

Marketing is an organizational function and a set of process for
creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for
managing customer relationship in a way that benefits the organization
and its stakeholders. It is a social process wherein individuals and
groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and
exchanging goods and values with others. But customers do not consume
whatever the industry produce, hence the producer must find the needs and
preferences of the customer and then satisfy their needs. A producer can
deliver better service to its customers by striking a proper balance by using
the concept of service marketing mix.

The service marketing mix comprises off the 7’p’s. These include:
• Product
• Price
• Place
• Promotion
• People
• Process
• Physical evidence
→ Product
A tangible object or an intangible service that is mass produced or
manufactured on a large scale for the purpose of sale. A producer should
provide better product quality, design, features, packing and service to its
customers in order to have a niche in the market.
→ Price
The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined by
a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs,
product identity and the customer's perceived value of the product. The
business may increase or decrease the price of product if other stores have
the same product.
→ Place
Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often
referred to as the distribution channel. It can include any physical store as
well as virtual stores on the Internet.

→ Promotion
Promotion represents all the communications that a marketer may use in
order to promote a product. Promotion has four distinct elements viz.
advertising , public relations, word of mouth and point of sale.
Advertising covers any communication that is paid for, from television
commercials, radio, Internet adverts, through print media and billboards.
One of the most notable means of promotion today is the Public relations
where the communication is not directly paid for and includes press
releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs
and events. Word of mouth is an apparently informal communication about
the product by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people
specifically engaged to create word of mouth momentum. Sales staff often
plays an important role in word of mouth and point of sale.

→ People
Recruiting the right staff and training them appropriately in the delivery of
their service is essential if the organization wants to obtain a form of
competitive advantage. Consumers make judgments and deliver perceptions
of the service based on the employees they interact with. Staff should have
the appropriate interpersonal skills, aptititude, and service knowledge to
provide the service that consumers are paying for.
→ Process
Refers to the systems used to assist the customers in delivering the service
and the time spent for the delivery of the product and it is a procedure,
mechanism and flow of activities which lead to an exchange of value.

→ Physical Evidence
Physical Evidence is the element of the service marketing mix which allows
the consumer to make judgments on the organization based on the service
Physical evidence is an essential ingredient of the service mix, consumers
will make perceptions based on their sight of the service provided which will
have a direct impact on the organizations perceptual plan of the service. To a
certain extent managing services are more complicated than managing
products, products can be standardized, and to standardize a service is far
more difficult.

A Successful CRM Implementation Project in a Service

Customer relationship management - CRM implementations increased
rapidly in Slovenia in the last few years, following the trends elsewhere.
Studies reporting how the implementation project goes on before, between
and after the implementation are scarce. Case study demonstrates that CRM
implementation is a holistic and complex concept, which means that it is not
merely an integration of new information technology, but everything that
happens around the business processes changes. Study showed the need for
efficient leadership, acquirement of resources and CRM strategy
implementation control; trust to the software solution shouldn’t be self-
understood. Through implemented analytical CRM company can improve
the relationship with customers, achieve larger information sharing between
employees and accept better strategic decisions. Key words: customer
relationship management implementation, customer focus, process approach,
quality, customer information, communication, marketing, Service

Organizations nowadays compete on a global market. It is impossible to

avoid free transfer of goods with the help of protection laws and different
obstacles in modern times; customers have a wide choice, that’s why they
became more sensitive, demanding, and they are looking for new and better
products. In saturated markets organizations cannot freely decide, with
which customers they would like to establish a business relationship. The
effectiveness of business is very dependent of the culture (interests, values,
and motives), organizational health (team work, loyalty, learning,
knowledge management) and way of dealing with customers. Establishing
healthy culture and achieving values is connected with the degree of order
and with the ways how organization treats the customer. As a consequence,
CRM has risen to the agenda of many organizational strategies.
Fundamentally however, CRM systems can be viewed as information
systems aimed at enabling organizations to realize a customer focus.
Organizations have to deal with this kind of problems for years now.

Experiences confirm that it is very difficult to enter the area of relationship

management without well organized data base, in which all data concerning
businesses of organization with its consumers are contained. Data base
serves as a lever for integration of applications and data, from which
information are summarized for different types of CRM solutions. Solutions
for analytical CRM draw information from data base for the use of analyzing
the demographic information about customers, history, profitability and
behavior of singular customer. Solutions for the operational CRM benefit
the relationship with customers through every possible communication
channel. Basic question of the paper is concerning the strategies of CRM
implementation that have to be decided before, between, and after the CRM
implementation. Secondly, does the CRM implementation represent the
basis for improvement of relationship with customers, better information
deployment of employees and better strategic decisions making.

Objectives of the Study
• To study the effectiveness of sales and services of Hewlett Packard.
• To know the reason why people prefer (HP Hewlett Packard) brand.
• To comprehensively understand the company’s business, analyse its
performance by systematically studying its market shares.
• To find out the present Performance of Hewlett Packard in

Scope of the Study

 The scope of the study is confronted to the sales and services
delivered by Hewlett Packard.
 The source of information for this study is based on the information
provided by the Regional Managers of Hewlett Packard for both Sales
& service (A.P.State).

Research Methodology
The information is collected from the employees of Hewlett Packard and its
valuable customers, questionnaires were used to collect the primary data
from the customers.

Sample Size
The sample size of the study undertaken is 50 customers from the city.
Data Collection

There are various methods available for data collection, for the study the
method used are Primary data and Secondary data:

1. Primary data: primary data is original data gathered from the employees
of Hewlett Packard and its esteemed customers specifically on the project.

2. Secondary data: secondary data refers to data which is already available

i.e. from journals, news papers and periodicals.
In this study one to one method of survey was done to collect the primary
data and it is found to be the best to collect the data.

Statistical Techniques

Bar charts & Pie charts are used to analyze the data and to arrive at

Limitations of the Study

Every effort and care has been taken to overcome the limitations and to
make the study useful.
Following are the limitation listed below:

1. Human behavior is too complex to determine. So the information

disclosed by them may not be very accurate.

2. The study does not include much of financial aspects of Hewlett

Packard as it would lead to higher volume of study.

3. The size of sample survey was 50 customers.

4. It might be possible that the answers given by the respondents are full
of biasness.

5. The sales and service coordinator of the company could not give
much of his time and refuse to provide sufficient data.
Chapter - 2
Company profile
Mass enterprises
With headquarters in Hyderabad, Mass enterprises was establish on1-9-

2008,provides superior sales and service for HP “HEWLETT PACKARD”

Mass Enterprises are authorized RSR,DBP & DPSP partner for sales of HP

printers & Inks, authorized service provider for HP, serving both the

domestic and interstate sectors. Mass enterprises bring a fresh and

innovative approach to consulting services, acting as liaison between the end

user and manufacturer. Mass Enterprises goal is to exceed the expectations

of every client by offering outstanding customer service, increased

flexibility, and greater value, thus optimizing system functionality and

improving operation efficiency. The company’s associates are distinguish by

their functional and technical expertise combined with their hands-on

experience, thereby ensuring that our clients receive the most effective and

professional service.

MASS Enterprises also offers total solution to CAD, GIS and in Graphics

Arts. In a very short period of time the company has established itself as a

professional Enterprises unit that provides services to the utmost satisfaction

of its clients. This fact is recognized both by the competitors and its

clientele. Vision to reach number one position is striving company further

to improve the skills, professionalism and commitment. The company offer

perfect product meeting consumer needs and budget.

As experts in sales and services, Mass Enterprises are involved in every

stage upon client selection of HP Products from implementation to

completion offering continual functional and technical support. Company’s

extensive skills encompass all aspects of implementation and operation,

including business requirements definition, development of functional

specifications for client approval, system design. Typically, the employees

of the company are on-site at retailer’s locations handling clients contact,

providing functional and technical training and support, and resolving any

and all troubleshooting issues that arise when the client initiates printer

usage in a live setting.

Sales and Supplies of high-end graphical peripherals and Digital
Copiers. Mass Enterprises are dealers in India for the following companies.
Mass Enterprises is DBP (Design Jet Business Partner), DPSP (Design Jet
plotter service Provider) and RSR’s (Registered Supplies Resellers) for HP
Large format Inks Supplies Cartel the graphical art industry of whole
Andhra Pradesh.

Mass Enterprises is Authorised Business Partners for XEROX India Ltd.
covering the sales of complete range of color and digital copiers in XEROX

The ultimate goal of MASS ENTERPRISES is to have its own
identity in the Printing industry as a most trusted sale &service provider in
all aspects and a one stop solution for high quality, time bound and cost
Mass Enterprises is committed to maintain100% client’s satisfaction by
certain values:

 Deep Integrity & Ensuring code of conduct

 Precious timekeeping & Highest level of Accuracy

 Potential leadership with an Energetic Team

 Sufficient Infrastructure for anytime Expansion

 Continuous Growth & 100% success

Integrity & code of conduct:

Flexibility process to meet client’s style and to built trust based
It is the company’s policy not to disclose any
information about our clients to any other person or organization. The
information we received will be used only for which our client provided to

Time keeping and accuracy:

Company strongly believes the speed & accuracy have to
be balanced in track. The young team of Mass Enterprises trained well to
improve their speed day by day with 100% accuracy & flexibility enough to
work extra time even in non working days to complete the project in
stipulated time.
Setting benchmark continuously with integrated process &
interaction between committed team members to ensure that quality levels
are high from the initial stage of a project to its final outcome.

Leadership &Team:
Mass Enterprises is the company with diverse talent &skills.
Company’s leadership structure offers a dynamic atmosphere in which
talented, creative &motivated people thrive. Company doesn’t’ just
acknowledge hard work & achievements, but also reward it & groom it.
Mass Enterprises have an experienced team of ambitious,
vibrant, young professional having ability to update with latest trends &
requirements of the clients.
For more details company’s website @

Hewlett-Packard Company
The Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE: HPQ, NASDAQ:
HPQ), commonly known as HP, is one of the world's largest
information technology corporations. Headquartered in Palo Alto,
California, United States, it has a global presence in the fields of
computing, printing, and digital imaging, and also provides
software and services.

Company history
HP was founded on January 1, 1939 as a manufacturer of test and
measurement instruments, by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, with
a US$538 investment. They had both graduated from Stanford
University in 1934. The company originated in a garage there
while they were still fellows at Stanford. (So their story was more
"academic gowns to riches" than rags to riches).

Their first product was a precision audio oscillator, the Model

200A. Their innovation was the use of a small night-light bulb as
a temperature dependent resistor in a critical portion of the circuit.
This allowed them to sell the Model 200A for $54.40 when
competitors were selling less stable oscillators for over $200. The
Model 200 series of generators continued until at least 1972 as the
200AB, still tube-based but improved in design through the years.
At 33 years, it was perhaps the longest-selling basic electronic
design of all time.

HP is the world's largest technology company and operates in nearly every

country. HP specializes in developing and manufacturing computing,
storage, and networking hardware, software and services. Major product
lines include personal computing devices, enterprise servers, related storage
devices, as well as a diverse range of printers and other imaging products.
HP markets its products to households, small to medium size businesses and
enterprises both directly, via online distribution, consumer-electronics and
office-supply retailers, software partners and major technology vendors.
HP posted US $91.7 billion in annual revenue in 2006, compared to
US$91.4 billion for IBM, making HP the world's largest technology vendor
in terms of sales. In 2007 the revenue was $104 billion, making HP the first
IT Company in history to report revenues exceeding $100 billion. HP is the
largest worldwide seller of personal computers, surpassing rival Dell,
according to market research firms Gartner and IDC reported in January 2010
the gap between HP and Dell widened substantially at the end of 2009, with
HP taking a near 8.3% market share lead. HP is also the 6th largest software
company in the world. In 2008 HP retained its global leadership position in
inkjet, laser, large format and multi-function printers market. Also HP
became #2 globally in IT services as reported by IDC & Gartner. It is one of
the only American PC-focused computer companies publicly traded under
the NYSE.
Major company changes include a spin-off of part of its business as Agilent
Technologies in 1999, its merger with Compaq in 2002, and the acquisition
of EDS in 2008, which led to combined revenues of US$ 118.4 Billion in
2008 and a Fortune 500 ranking of 9 in 2009. Moreover in November 2009,
HP announced the acquisition of 3Com.

William (Bill) Hewlett and David (Dave) Packard both graduated in
electrical engineering from Stanford in 1935. The company originated in
a garage in nearby Palo Alto during a fellowship they had with a past
professor, Frederick Terman at Stanford during the Great Depression.
Terman was considered a mentor to them in forming Hewlett-Packard. In
1939, Packard and Hewlett established Hewlett-Packard (HP) in Packard's
garage with an initial capital investment of US$538.Hewlett and Packard
tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called
Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett. Packard won the coin toss but named
their electronics manufacturing enterprise the "Hewlett-Packard Company".
HP incorporated on August 18, 1947, and went public on November 6, 1957.

Of the many projects they worked on, their very first financially successful
product was a precision audio oscillator, the Model HP200A. Their innovation
was the use of a small light bulb as a temperature dependent resistor in a
critical portion of the circuit. This allowed them to sell the Model 200A for
$54.40 when competitors were selling less stable oscillators for over $200.
The Model 200 series of generators continued until at least 1972 as the
200AB, still tube-based but improved in design through the years. At 33
years, it was perhaps the longest-selling basic electronic design of all time.

One of the company's earliest customers was The Walt Disney Company, which
bought eight Model 200B oscillators (at $71.50 each) for use in certifying
the Fantasound surround sound systems installed in theaters for the
movie Fantasia.

Early Years
The company was originally rather unfocused, working on a wide range of
electronic products for industry and even agriculture. Eventually they
elected to focus on high-quality electronic test and measurement equipment.
Throughout the 1940s to well into the 1990s the company focused on
making signal generators, voltmeters, oscilloscopes, counters, and other test
equipment. Their distinguishing feature was pushing the limits of
measurement range and accuracy. For instance, almost every HP voltmeter
or signal generator has one or more extra clicks of its knobs than its
competitors. HP volt- or ammeters would measure down and up an extra 10
to 100 times the units of other meters. Although there were good reasons
why competing meters stopped at 1 volt full scale, HP engineers figured out
ways of extending the range of their equipment by a considerable amount.
They also focused on extreme accuracy and stability, leading to a wide range
of very accurate, precise, and stable frequency counters, voltmeters,
thermometers, and time standards.

The sixties and seventies

HP is recognized as the symbolic founder of Silicon Valley, although it did not
actively investigate semiconductor devices until a few years after the
"Traitorous Eight" had abandoned William Shockley to create Fairchild
Semiconductor in 1957. Hewlett-Packard's HP Associates division, established
around 1960, developed semiconductor devices primarily for internal use.
Instruments and calculators were some of the products using these devices.

HP is acknowledged by Wired magazine as the producer of the world's first

personal computer, in 1968, the Hewlett-Packard 9100A. HP called it a desktop
calculator because, as Bill Hewlett said, "If we had called it a computer, it
would have been rejected by our customers' computer gurus because it didn't
look like an IBM. Therefore the company decided to call it a calculator, and
all such nonsense disappeared." An engineering triumph at the time, the
logic circuit was produced without any integrated circuits; the assembly of the
CPU having been entirely executed in discrete components. With CRT
readout, magnetic card storage, and printer the price was around $5000.

The company earned global respect for a variety of products. They

introduced the world's first handheld scientific electronic calculator in 1972
(the HP-35), the first handheld programmable in 1974 (the HP-65), the first
alphanumeric, programmable, expandable in 1979 (the HP-41C), and the first
symbolic and graphing calculator HP-28C. Like their scientific and business
calculators, their oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, and other measurement
instruments have a reputation for sturdiness and usability (the latter products
are now part of spin-off Agilent's product line). The company's design
philosophy in this period was summarized as "design for the guy at the next

The eighties and nineties

In 1984, HP introduced both inkjet and laser printers for the desktop. Along
with its scanner product line, these have later been developed into successful
multifunction products, the most significant being single-unit
printer/scanner/copier/fax machines. The print mechanisms in HP's
tremendously popular LaserJet line of laser printers depend almost entirely
on Canon's components (print engines), which in turn use technology
developed by Xerox. HP develops the hardware, firmware, and software that
convert data into dots for the mechanism to print.

In the 1990s, HP expanded their computer product line, which initially had
been targeted at university, research, and business customers, to reach
consumers. Later in the decade HP opened as an
independent subsidiary to sell online, direct to consumers; the store was
rebranded "HP Home & Home Office Store" in 2005. HP also grew through
acquisitions, buying Apollo Computer in 1989, Convex Computer in 1995, and
Compaq in 2002. Compaq itself had bought Tandem Computers in 1997 (which
had been started by ex-HP employees), and Digital Equipment Corporation in
1998. Following this strategy HP became a major player in desktops,
laptops, and servers for many different markets.

In 1987, the Palo Alto garage where Hewlett and Packard started their business
was designated as a California State historical landmark. In July of 1999, HP
appointed Carly Fiorina as CEO.

Two Thousand and beyond …

HP merged with Compaq in 2002. HP became a major player
in desktops, laptops, and servers for many different markets. After the merger
with Compaq, the new ticker symbol became "HPQ", a combination of the
two previous symbols, "HWP" and "CPQ", to show the significance of the
alliance and also key letters from the two companies Hewlett-Packard and
Compaq (Compaq logo was famous for its "Q" on the logo and in May 2006,
HP began its campaign, The Computer is Personal Again. The campaign
was designed to bring back the fact that the PC is a personal product. The
campaign utilized viral marketing, sophisticated visuals, and its own web
site ( on products).
On May 13, 2008, HP and Electronic Data Systems announced that they had
signed a definitive agreement under which HP would purchase EDS. On
June 30, HP announced that the waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 had expired. "The transaction still
requires EDS stockholder approval and regulatory clearance from the
European Commission and other non U.S. jurisdictions and is subject to the
satisfaction or waiver of the other closing conditions specified in the merger
agreement." The agreement was finalized on August 26, 2008 and it was
publicly announced that EDS would be re-branded "EDS an HP company."
As of September 23, 2009 EDS is known as HP Enterprise Services.
On November 11, 2009, 3Com and Hewlett-Packard announced that
Hewlett-Packard will be acquiring 3Com for $2.7 billion in cash. The
acquisition is the one of the biggest in size among a series of takeovers and
acquisitions by technology giants to push their way to become one-stop
shops. Since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2007, tech giants have
constantly felt the pressure to expand beyond their current market
niches. Dell purchased Perot Systems recently to invade into the technology
consulting business area previously dominated by IBM. Hewlett-Packard's
latest move marked its incursion into enterprise networking gear market
dominated by Cisco.

On January 18, 2001, HP acquired Bluestone Software, Inc., a leading provider
of B2B, B2C, and wireless open platform solutions.

On March 22, 2002, HP acquired Indigo N.V., a leader in digital offset color
printing systems.

On May 3, 2002, Hewlett-Packard merged with Compaq Computer Corporation, a
controversial move intended to make the company the personal computing
leader. The merger opposition was led by Walter Hewlett, son of HP founder
William Hewlett.

On April 15, 2005, HP acquired Snapfish, a leading online photo service based
in San Francisco, California, USA.

In October of 2005, Hewlett-Packard acquired the private company AppIQ
(short for "Application IQ"). The company was founded in 2001 by Ash
Ashutosh and David Chang, and offered several digital storage solutions.
The company had employed up to 235 people by June 2005.

On February 7, 2006, HP agreed to acquire OuterBay, a leading provider of
archiving software for enterprise applications and databases. OuterBay is
headquartered in Cupertino, California, USA, with offices in the US, UK, and

On June 6, 2006, HP announced it was acquiring Silverwire Holding AG, a
commercial digital photography solutions and software provider with a
strong presence in the retail photo market. Silverwire is headquartered in
Zug, Switzerland.

Mercury interactive
On July 25, 2006, HP announced plans to acquire Mercury Interactive
(MERQ.PK), a company that provides Business Technology Optimization
software (i.e. software that helps a company govern, develop and maintain
its technology stack). This acquisition is expected to occur in Q4 2006 and
will result in an HP software business of around $2 billion.


On September 28, 2006, HP announced it will expand its presence in the

gaming market by acquiring VoodooPC, a maker of high-performance
gaming, luxury, and entertainment PCs based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
This acquisition is expected to close by November 2006.

Major competitors of HP in the computer business include Apple Computer,
Dell, Gateway, Lenovo (Purchased IBM's Non-server Personal Computer
Business), Sony and Toshiba. Major competitors of HP in the server business
include Sun Microsystems, IBM and Dell. Major competitors of HP in the
printer business include Brother, Canon, Epson, Lexmark and Dell (who rebrands
and repackages Lexmark products)
Chapter – 3
Review Of the study

HP Corporate marketing strategy

HP is a company unlike any other. They serve everyone from consumers to
small and mid-sized businesses to enterprises to public sector customers
with an extensive portfolio of market leading solutions specifically designed
to meet the needs of each customer segment. They focus on helping people
apply technology in meaningful ways to their businesses, personal lives and
communities. Their annual R&D investment of nearly $4 billion fuels the
invention of products, solutions and new technologies, to serve customers
better and enter new markets. They produce an average of 11 patents a day
worldwide. In addition to the R&D and innovation in their product and
services groups, HP labs provides a central research function for the
company focused on inventing new technologies to improve the customer’s
lives, change markets and create business opportunities.

Source: Technology Business Research, Inc., Oct. 26, 2004 Millions of

people around the world use HP technology every day. They are largest
consumer IT company, the world’s largest SMB IT company and leading
enterprise IT company. For more than 100 million cell phone subscribers, it
is HP software that identifies them when they turn on their on phones and
allows them to place calls. HP powers 100 of the world’s stock and
commidity exchanges, including the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE
and 14 of the world’s largest trading markets. In response to customer needs
and the changing market conditions, they have built a portfolio unequaled in
the industry. HP technoloogy now ranges from consumer handled devices all
the way to some of the world’s largest and most powerful supercomputer
installations. Their strategy is to offer products, services and solutions that
are high tech, low cost and deliver the best customer experience. They have
dynamic, powerful team of 150,000 employees for the fiscal year that ended
Oct 31, 2005 HP has corporate headquarters in Palo Alto, California.

Hewlett-Packard 'Pragmatic' strategy Related to

"For a company that chose its name via a coin toss, Hewlett-Packard takes a

deliberate approach to dealing with trouble; its founders designed their first

factory so it could be turned into a grocery store if the technology business

failed to grow.

"That pragmatic culture has in many ways persisted, leaving H-P better

positioned than most when the recession hit. H-P finds safety in


"While controlling the biggest slice of the global personal-computer (PC)

market, H-P also ranks second in computer servers designed for large

businesses and is gaining share.

"None of H-P's six business segments accounts for more than a third of

sales. H-P Services (29% of 12-month sales) provides a variety of

technology and outsourcing services.

"The $13.9 billion acquisition of Electronic Data Systems in August 2008

nearly doubled the segment's sales. The EDS business features annuity-like

revenue streams, and the acquisition reduced H-P's reliance on more-cyclical

"Rising demand for affordable notebook computers accounts for much of the

growth in personal systems (31% of sales). However, this market is plagued

by falling prices, in part because of stiff competition.

"In the July quarter, H-P sold 19% more notebook computers than it did in

the year-earlier period, yet revenue from notebooks fell 10%. Growth in

China and stabilization in the U.S. helped limit revenue declines in the


"More than 60% of revenue comes from outside the U.S., yet no foreign

country accounts for more than 10% of sales. H-P holds the top spot in India

with a 17.8% share of the PC market, including a 30.9% share for

notebooks. Performance in China and other emerging markets was strong in

the July quarter, offsetting weakness in Europe.

Hewlett Packard Customer Service
Silicon Valley giant Hewlett-Packard [] has decided

recently to design and implement a major CRM project to build

customer loyalty. The project is an excellent indicator of the value

placed by industry leaders on increasing their responsiveness to

customer needs. Evidently customer loyalty is beginning to matter for

even the largest players.

Hewlett-Packard wanted to provide the timely, high-quality service usually

associated with hungry upstarts. To that end, Hewlett Packard's Product

Support Division recently developed a system in conjunction with

Cambridge Technology Partners [] to deploy 3,000

Product Support Division service agents around the world, each with a

comprehensive view of customers and products, and all the information they

need resolve complex customer issues.

Specific problems with current customer interaction led to the changes. In

recent years, as Hewlett-Packard has had explosive worldwide growth in

sales of its personal computing products and printers, it has realized one of

its biggest challenges is not in gaining new customers, but keeping old ones.

Yet as sales have mushroomed, technical support lines have found

themselves overwhelmed and not able to provide the quality, accuracy and

consistency of response to callers that many have come to expect.

Hewlett-Packard based its CRM strategy on minimizing the instances where

service agents would support a caller without capturing, tracking, or

maintaining critical customer and product information. Valuable customer

feedback and problem resolutions are lost this way, along with countless

opportunities to strengthen customer relationships and build customer

loyalty. Kelley Wood, worldwide application development manager for

product support at Hewlett-Packard, said one major reason they decided to

work with Cambridge was the speed Cambridge promised: "The project was

started three days after the contract was awarded."

HP has a significant in all market they serve:

Consumer - “HP consumer business has leadership in handhelds,

notebooks, printers and cameras – focused on delivering simple,
rewarding experience to millions of customers”.

Small and Medium Business – Working with local reseller

partners, HP serves business customers worldwide to provide
specialized expertise, a complete portfolio of products, solutions
and services. They have market- leading positions in datacenter
and office computing, and the imaging and printing market.

Enterprise – The enterprise segment draws from Hip’s full

portfolio of products, services and solutions. Company
collaborates with large customers to build an Adaptive Enterprise
helping them achieve more simplicity, agility and value across
their organization. HP is No. 1 or No. 2 in all three server based
operating environments, and it holds top positions in enterprise
storage and IT services management.

Public sector, health & education – With more than 60 years of

experience serving the technology needs of the public sector, HP
brings the full breadth of its portfolio and alliances to help
governments, educators, healthcare providers and others working
in the public interest to lower their costs, increase efficiencies
and serve their citizens, businesses and government agencies
Their Key Words “Doing well by doing good”

As proud as they are of their capabilities, they are equally proud

of their people, standards and values, and deep commitment to
global citizenship. Since our first year in business in 1939, HP
has given back to communities through philanthropic donations
of money, equipment and time. While the scale and reach of
business have changed in 66 years. The challenge is to continue
to shape the impact of corporations as a constructive force, using
our heritage and our actions as tool for doing so.

HP Ranked Top U.S. Company for Online Customer


HP is ranked first among the top 100 U.S. companies in online customer
respect and online customer experience, according to The Customer Respect
Group, an independent global consulting and research firm that focuses on
how corporations treat their customers online.

Outranking leaders of multiple industries, including its competitors Dell and

IBM in the technology arena, HP earned the highest score among the top
100 U.S. companies by receiving a 9.7 out of a possible 10.This is the
second time that The Customer Respect Group has recognized HP. In a
separate survey HP was ranked the No. 1 high-tech firm for online customer

"HP is a customer-driven organization. With the company striving to

create an online environment that is the most satisfying and rewarding for
visitors, especially in the areas that mean the most to consumers -- online
privacy, data collection policies, customer-focus and engagement,
simplicity, and responsiveness," "One year after merging two of the
technology industry's largest and most complex Web sites, the company is
providing its customers with the best online experience available from any
U.S company. The resulting Customer Respect Index is a qualitative and
quantitative in-depth analysis and independent measure of a customer's
online experience when interacting with companies via the internet.
HP’s Effect on People’s Life

HP and the environment

HP has been criticized by Greenpeace, among others. Greenpeace and other
environmental groups have alleged HP of poor environmental standards,
specifically in relation to the elimination of hazardous substances from products
as specified by the European Union's guidelines for bromine flame retardants .

Greenpeace is also alleging HP of not doing enough to recycle computers

and other technology equipment.Greenpeace's criticism of the technology
industry is not limited exclusively to HP, as competitors such as Dell and
Apple have also come under fire for alleged similar practices.

Around the world, schools, community colleges and universities are striving
to increase the quality and efficiency of education to make it a highly
personalized and relevant experience for students. That’s why HP is working
with schools and colleges to help transform education-providing better
access to information and resources for students, teachers, faculty, parents
and community at large.
In London, homework time affects family time as a parent watches a child
struggle, clearly in need of more personal in a crowded math class.
With online access to lesson plans, test result and attendance records.
Working with student after school, the teacher fills the learning gap, sends
both student and parent training materials to reinforce the lesson.
Part of HP managed learning solution portfolio, HP MANAGED
LEARNING gateway solutions include learning porters, collaborators
porters, virtual laming environment and virtual classrooms that helped to
raise the standard of education for students and parents
Chapter – 4
Data Analysis
1. Which brand does the consumer prefer? Grade according to
the preference?
1. HP [Hewlett Packard]
2. Xerox
3. Dell

The survey reveals the customer prefer Hewlett Packard brand
rather the other two brands. The preference for HP goes upto 52%.
Xerox hold the second position by receiving 28% and Dell holds
the third position by receiving the share of 20%.
2. When does the company comes out with offers/ Discounts?
1. Ageing stock liquidation
2. Leverage their sales
3. Downfall of sales

Company comes out with offers and discounts for several
beneficial reasons for both customers and the company itself. two
important reasons for which company introduces offers and
discounts is Ageing stock liquidation and Leverage sales which is
upto 40% simultaneously whereas, the third reason is downfall of
sales which is upto 20% only.
3. Rate the quality of service provided by different companies?
1. HP (Hewlett Packard)
2. Xerox
3. Samsung

Hp provides the best service on its customer’s words. The quality
of service provided by HP is 60% in comparison with the other two
brands. Xerox holds upto 25% and Samsung holds upto just 15%
of share in total.
4. Under what circumstances the company does increases or
decreases the price?
1. Dollar appreciation/Deprecation
2. Customers protection
3. Leverage sales

The price fluctuation in a company occurs due to many
circumstances. Increase in price of a company’s product is due to
dollar appreciation and vice versa. Dollar app/dip is the most
important circumstances in fluctuation of price and takes upto
65%. Price also increase to leverage the sales of company which is
upto 25%.whereas, price are mainly decrease with a sole intension
of customers protection which goes to 10% .
5. What are the high quality services provided by the
1. Comprehensive warranty ( Labour , Parts , Onsite)
2. Translating Principles into practice
3. Operational excellency

The company provides high quality services on its customers
demand. The best service provided by company is comprehensive
warranty (Labour,Parts,Onsite) which is in demand upto 60%
among customers, 30%is translating principles into practice while
only 10% of quality service is in operational excellence .

6. What are the product support service divisions?

1. Laptops
2. Printers
3. Plotters

It is due to product support service divisions that company’s have
explosive world wide growth is sales. 45% of PSSD goes to
laptops and 40%of it goes to printers due to its realization that
challenge is not gaining new customers, but keeping old ones.
Whereas, plotters contribute upto 15% of PSSD only.

7. What are the offers offered by the company to maintain

customer’s loyalty?
1. Gift on Purchases
2. E- support packs
3. MVC (Most valuable customer’s)

Interpretation: 40% of company’s would give up with gifts and

hampers on purchase by customers to maintain customer’s locality.
35%contributes to E-support pack to assist customers in
functioning of products smoothly whereas, only 25%of share goes
to MVC, where MV customers would be protected by price hike
and other issues dealing in customer loyalty.

8. What are the segments do HP caters and fulfill customer’s

1. Large Format Printing Solutions
2. Home & Office Printing Solutions

HP cater’s and fulfill customers needs on two main segments. The
first one is Large Format Printing Solutions which takes 68% of
share whereas, customer need for Home and Office Printing
Solutions takes the share upto 32%

9. What is the Technical support line & How doses it benefit

1. Online Service Solution
2. Onsite Service Solution
3. On carry Service Solution

Technical support line is to provide quality, accuracy and
consistency and response to caller/customers. online service
solutions assist customers upto 10%, on carry service solutions
provide upto 55% of customer benefits whereas, on site service
solution provides 35% on needed benefit to customers.
10. According To you does the brand HP (Hewlett Packard)
influence you?
1. Agree
2. Disagree

Hp largely influence me and takes the share upto 82% of agree while, only
18% of disagree is to be noticed.
Chapter -5
 Customer’s first choice is Hewlett Packard which they
consider as the best of the products to be chosen among the
choices. Therefore, the performance goes upto 52% which is
more then half than the other options mentioned. Xerox and
Dell are the followers by 28% & 20% respectively.

 The company comes out with various offers and discounts on

its entire range of products. The company has its own reasons
and motives to introduce offers and discounts on its products.
Leverage of sales ad ageing stock liquidation are the two
main reason of the company to come up with offers and
discounts which takes equal share of 40% each. Downfall of
sales when the company faces ti dooms period is also the
reason to come out with offer and discount. Such offers and
discounts are of 20%.
 Service is among one of the reasons, holds up the customers
of the company. HP provides the best service to its
customers. Therefore, it takes up 60% of share in comparison
with the other two brands, i.e. Xerox 25% and Samsung 15%.

 The company has to face many unforeseen circumstances for

which, price variation/fluctuations is common thing to be
noticed. 65% of price fluctuations is due to Dollar
appreciation or deprecations. Decreasing price is an
important strategy to be noticed by a company to increase or
leverage its sales

 The company has to provide its customers high quality

service in order to retain its goodwill and to hold up
customers. Comprehensive warranty on labour/parts/onsite is
of 60% which the company provides. Translating principles
into practice30% and operational excellence 10% are in

Every product has its support service division HP has its own
set of product support service division. It has laptops which
is upto 45% of total share, Printers also goes upto
40%,whereas, plotters mark upto 15% only. On a whole
product support service division completes the total range of
a company.
 Customer loyalty is very important, for a company to run
successfully to maintain customer’s loyalty, the company has
to introduce various offers like rewards/Gifts on purchase E
-coupons which are upto 40%.

 When there is need from a customer, it is then that a

company comes into existence. HP fulfills the needs of
printing as demanded by customers. It assists the customers
in large formatting printing solutions by 68%, whereas home
and office printing solutions is upto 32% only.

 Once the company sells its product to customers they need

technical support line which is beneficial for customers in
usage of the products on carry service solution is beneficial
to customers upto 55%, whereas online service solutions has
a minimum share of only 10% to the customers.

 HP totally influences customers and they agre to it by 80%.

Hp serves its customers on domestic, interstate and
international sectors and on the other way it exceeds the
expectations of every client by offering outstanding
customers’ service and improving operational efficiency. It
has the best integrity and code of conduct giving rise to trust
based relationship .whereas, only 18% customers disagree
with the product.

Hewlett Packard (HP) The world’s largest company which operates

nearly in every country. A company with a very high growth potential
in market. Hp is the sixth largest software company in the world by
taking a near 3.9% market share lead in comparison with Dell.
The study aimed at finding out the market shares of HP plotters,
imaging products and several other computing devices for personal and
professional use. It was found that mostly organization prefer the Hp
plotters and printers because the service, facilities of MFD (Multi
functioning device), power saving and finest quality. Thus because of its
optimized system functionality and improved operational efficiency HP
stands at No.1 position.
The project analysis of sales & service of Mass Enterprises shows a very
clear picture that they are reaching upto expertistation in sales &
service of HP products. The analysis also shows that Mass Enterprises is
providing continual functioning & technical support to its customers.
So, if Mass Enterprises wants to show their strong preference in
Hyderabad through HP they should have better creditability system,
more better service, best financial transaction, high margin growth.
These are some major factors which will help Mass Enterprise in
making leader of Hp dealership in Hyderabad.

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