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Personal Charter Statement and Scorecard de One trademark of a person's identity is his core values. Following are samples of personal core values, EXCEPT: > None of the choices © Faith ° Love © Integrity One trademark of a person's identity is his/her mission in life. Following are examples of mission in life, EXCEPT: = 522032, sa tulong at grasya ng Panginoon, ang aking kambal ay makapagtapos na sa Kolehiyo sa kurso na gusto nila. © Tobe an instrument of GOD in promoting social and environmental responsibility, © Toserve wholeheartedly my laved ones/family, inspire and guide my children to where they should go and provide all their needs based an my ‘capacity. re ai? the PNP become a truly responsive, effective and efficient police organization. effectiveness and sustainability ofa transformation program are secured atthe level. > Individual © Strategic © Operational © None of the Choices Following are the definition or description of a person's mission in life, EXCEPT: “7 Adream we intend to realize within a given timeframe. © Itisa purpose in life, © Its the reason for existence. Following are the description of a person's core values, EXCEPT. > Goals in life © Life-giving ideals and principles © Moral compass © Bedrock of one’s character In pursuing our visions in life, we are confronted by the ‘multi-faceted demands of life, Following are some of the facets of life: > Allof the choices © Professional © Financial © Social dat cates to ourselves is to take care out bodies and ensure that tis physically. This duty is reflected what perspective/facet of life? > Physical © Cultural © Professional © Sociat + One of our duties to ourselves isto acquire professional skills in order to perform competently. This duty is reflected what Perspective/facet of life? => Professional © Physical 2 Cultural © Social 9. Ourduty towards others is to interact with and develop sensitivity to others. This duty is reflected what perspective/facet of life? = Social Physical Cultural © Professional 10, Our duty to our God Isto carry out the rest of our duties through a supernatural inspiration and outlook. This duty is reflected what perspective/facet of life? > Spiritual ‘0 Physical Cultural © Professional 111, Following are the steps in developing Personal Charter Statement, EXCEPT: = None of the choices ‘0 Identify your vision ‘© Know your mission In life and personal values ‘0 Identify your perspectives or facets in life 12, Following are the components of a Personal Charter Statement: wz Allof the choices Vision o Core values Strategy map 13. Its a statement of ones mission in life, core values, vision and sets of objectives to attain the vision. it isa personal approach to non-work and work performance founded on self- examination. we Personal Charter Statement ‘© Professional Charter Statement ‘0 Practical Charter Statement co Unit Charter Statement 14, in order for a strategy to be executed, it must be translated into a/n = Individual Scorecard o Team Scorecard © Balanced Scorecard © Regular Scorecard 415, What perspective (facet of life) of a roadmap in a personal charter statement is directly aligned with ones Individual Scorecard? -& Professional 0 Physical © Social Financial 16. Asa Motor Poo! PNCO, one of the activity indicated in my Individual Scorecard is to ensure that ‘our office vehicles are maintained and in good running condition. If | performed my role effectively and efficiently, what perspective in the Agency Scorecard will my performance contribute? Resource Management Community © Process Excellence © Learning and Growth 17. Asan Investigator in a far-flung Municipal Police Station, one of the activities indicated in my Individual Scorecard is to prepare a concise investigation report to cases | will handle for referral to the Duty Fiscal/Prosecutor, What objective in the ‘Agency Scorecard am | contributing? @ Improve crime solution 0 Improve crime prevention © Develop competent, motivated, disciplined and values-oriented PNP personnel © Develop a responsive and highly professional police organization 18. As an Administrative Staffin our office, one of the activities indicated in my Individual Scorecard is to ensure that applications for leaves are processed on time. If performed my role effectively and efficiently, what objective in the Agency Scorecard am ‘contributing to? & Develop competent, motivated, disciplined and values-oriented PNP personnel © Improve crime prevention 0 Improve crime solution 5 Develop a responsive and highly professional police organization 19, Following are the independent variables in the transformation equation, EXCEPT: > Identity 0 Vision o Strategy o Discretion 20, The final test of a transformation program is & Personal governance 0 Professional governance © Political governance 0 Proactive governance 2nyg TH CPSMY?SMU, and NAGPTOYACIn the Implementation othe PNPP.ATALOA Pan 2030 1. This group developed the PNP ‘Charter Statement and formulated the PNP Agency/Enterprise Scorecard together with the PNP Command Group and external ‘Stakeholders under the guidance of Institute for Solidarity in Asia {isa). ” P.A.T.R.O.L Plan 2030 Techni. ical Working Group © Center for Police Strategy Management ‘© National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © None on the choices 2. Its function isto close the gap betwee: a Center for Police Strategy Mai © P.AT.R.O.L Plan 2030 Tex © National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © None on the choices 3. Composed of sectoral leaders or individuals known for their integrity, probity and leadership who support the Philippine National Police in the successful implementation and Monitoring of its strategic transformation roadmap. = National Advisory Group for Police ‘Transformation and Development © Center for Police Strategy Management © P.A.T.R.O.L Plan 2030 Technical Working Group © None on the choices 4. This body recommends to the Chief, PNP new deemed imperative in the effective and effi 2030. ~@ PATR.O.L Plan 2030 Technical Working Group © Center for Police Strategy Management © National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © None on the choices 5. Its mandate is to integrate all strategy management Processes, sustain strategy execution & management, and instill a culture of strategic focus, > Center for Police Strategy Management © P.A.T.R.O.L Plan 2030 Technical ‘Working Group © National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © None on the choices 6. It provides insights in aligning the PNP's. Policies, plans and programs with the political, Socioeconomic, cultural and moral development needs of the organization = National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © Center for Police Strategy Management © P.A.T.R.O.L Plan 2030 Technical Working Group © None on the choices 'n strategy formulation and strategy execution, agement chnical Working Group Strategies, measures, targets or initiatives icient implementation of the PNP P.AT.R.O.L. Plan 7. Assists on possible ways to generate additional enabling resources in order to support and ‘Sustain the PNP's present and future plans and programs. <= National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © Center for Police Strategy Management © P.AT.R.O.L Plan 2030 Technical Working Group © None on the choices > Center for Police Strategy Management © PATROL Plan 2030 Technical Working Group ¢._ National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © None on the choices 9 Tels primarily responsible in Cascading the PNP Charter Statement and Scorecard to 17 PROs) > P-AT.R.OL Plan 2030 Technical Working Group © Center for Police Strategy Management © National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © None on the choices 10. itis composed of the heads of all PNP offices and units, © None on the choices © National Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development © Center for Police ‘Strategy Management © P-A.T.R.OLL Plan 2030 Technical Working Group ‘1. Mandate of the Center for Police Strategy Management; except © Decides on the PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030 Strategy on its own © Oversee the implementation of the PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030: "Peace & order, Agenda for Transformation and upholding of the Rule-Of-Law? © Integrate all strategy management processes, sustaining strategy execution & © identity & recommend key priorities and strategic issues to the C.PNP 412. Characteristics of Police Strategy Management Units (PSMUS); except, ~& The PSMU is responsible for the development of the Unit’s Charter Statement/Roadmap and Governance Scorecard. © PSMU acts as Secretariat in the formulation of Charter Statement and Scorecard © PSMU, on its own cannot decide On strategy ©. PSMU reports to the Head of office/unit on performance 13. The Chief of the Regional Police Strategy Management Unit =” Deputy Regional Director for Administration © Regional Director © Deputy Regional Director ‘for Operation © _ Regional Chief of the Directorial Staff 14. These are functions ofthe Police Strategy Management Units (PSMUs); except “~The PSMU is primarily responsible fr the conduct of Strategy and Operations Reviews © The PSMLU is responsibe in ensuring alignment of dashboards and individual scorece ts to the Unit Scorecard © The PSMU ensures management of scorecards and dashboards © PSMU collects accomplishments of personnel as inputs to the preparation ‘of Report for Certification Process, 15. Major roles of CPSM and PSMUs <= Architect, Process Owner and integrator © Engineer, Process Owner and Integrator © Architect, Process Owner and Facilitator © Architect, Processor and Integrator 16. To effectively align and execute the PNP strategy, the P.AT.R.O.. Plan 2030 TW, with cPsm, Conducts this quarterly to all Directorates, NSUs, and PROs. Strategy Review Strategy Refresh Operations Review All of the choices 17. Role of the local PNP office/unit TWG: 2 With the head of office/unit, itis responsible for the development of the Unit's Charter ‘Statement/Roadmap and Governance Scorecard ‘©. Responsible in collecting the submission of dashboards and individual scorecards ‘© Provides inputs as external stakeholders in the form of recommendation/s subject to approval of the Head of office/unit for implementation © Allof the choices 18, The National Advisory Group on Police Transformation and Development and their counterpart Advisory Councils in the PROs, PPOs, CPOs, CPS and MPS exercise administrative and operational control over specific PNP decisions. > False o Tre 19, Membership of the Advisory Group shall be drawn from the different sectors reflective of the stakeholder composition in the locality. ~~ Tue ©. Fale 20. Together with the Office/Unit TWG, the advisory council evaluates and amends the strategies for the implementation of the PGS in accordance with the PNP unit's thrusts, programs, projects and activities. = True ©. False ‘Scorecard and Dashboard Formulation 1. What are the four strategic elements of a scorecard? > Objectives, Measures, Target, Initiatives © Objectives, Mandate, Target, Information © Operation, Community Relations, Intelligence, Investigation © Initiation, Compliance, Proficiency, Institutionalization 2. This refers to a statement of what strategy must be achieved and what is critical to its success. © Objectives © Measures co Targets 0. Initiatives 3. To ensure strategic focus, objectives should contain only a number of priorities. At the PNP level, it should not be more than___ objectives. 4. This refers to the quantification of a performance against an objective. It is also called ‘outcome indicator. 7 Measures © Objectives o Targets © Initiatives 5. One reason why measure matters is because what get's measured, get's : = done o improved o managed © supervised 6. This refers to the level of performance or rate of improvement needed. a= Targets © Objectives © Measures © Initiatives 7. Common forms of measures used by the PNP are the following. 2 Absolute numbers, indices and percentages © Absolute numbers, percentages and ratio © Absolute numbers, ratio and rankings © Percentages, ratio and rankings 8. This refers to key action programs required to reach the target. ve Initiatives © Objectives o Measures o Targets 9. The following are the two types of measures: 7 Lead and Lag o Primary and Secondary © Absolute numbers and percentage ©. Programs and Projects 10. The following are examples of lag measures, except: ~ Number of pulong-pulong conducted © Percentage reduction of Index crime © Increase in crime clearance efficiency © Increase in crime solution efficiency 11. Lag measure assess performance results at the end of the activity while quantifies intermediate process, activities and behavior. 27 Lead measure © Success measure © Performance measure © Ontcome measure 12, The following are the guidelines for selecting measures: .2 Allof the choices © No more than 25 measure (or 1.5 measure per objective) © Contains a mix of both lead and lag measure © One lag measure for each strategic objective 13. It is a point in setting target where the target is stretched but still considered realistic. It is also a point in setting target where the stretched target still drives motivation to the 14, The following are the guides and principles in managing strategic initiatives: Allof the choices © Wemanage the strategy by managing the initiatives. No business as usual © No bean counting 15. When we compare targets with a performance standard, it allows us to: a Allof the choices © Assess or manage performance co Evaluate and measure strategic progress o Make better decisions 16. Itis one of the strategic elements of a scorecard that closes the performance gap between the current and desired performance. 2 Initiatives o Targets © Measures © Objectives 17. In order for an Initiatives to reach the performance target, the following requirements must be met: 2 Allof the choices © Clearly defined deliverables © Accountability at the leadership team level © Clear start & stop dates and progress milestones 18, Scorecard is for strategic level while dashboard is for level. 2 Operational and Tactical 19. Scorecard focuses on four perspectives (Community, Process Excellence, Learning and Growth and Resource Management) while the dashboard focuses on perspective. 2 Process Excellence © Community © Leaming and Growth © Resource Management 20. Strategic objectives, if viewed in relation to the delivery of police service (front line units), will always fall under the two PNP core functions. What are these two core functions? = Crime prevention and crime solution © Crime prevention and law enforcement © Crime solution and internal security operation © Law enforcement and public order and safety 21. What is the underlying reason why we want to enhance community safety awareness? 2 Improve crime prevention © Improve crime solution © Enhance law enforcement o Ensure maintenance of peace and order 22. What is the underlying reason why we want to adopt case management system? ~2 Improve crime solution © Improve crime prevention o Enhance law enforcement Ensure maintenance of peace and order 23. We use "Measure" in the scorecard while we use__in the dashboard. Both are the same. -e- Performance indicator © Process improvement © Performance enhancer © Critical action 24, We use, “Initiatives” as one of the component of the scorecard while we use for the dashboard. © Programs and Projects 25. These are specific workable tasks in the dashboard that moves the Performance Indicator. -& Activities 0 Projects © Critical Action © Programs 26. In the analogy of a traveller using vebicle as mode of transportation to the elements of a dashboard, the desired destination is 2 Goal or objective co Primary driver © Critical action © Performance Indicator 27. It is a way of measuring performance that directly contributes to the success of the objective. In the analogy of the car, we call this the dials or metrics. @ Performance indicator © Performance improvement © Process indicator © Process improvement 28. These are primary drivers broken down into specific operational or tactical activities that are directly measurable. © Process improvement 30. These are the two performance indicators commonly used in the PNP, especially at the ‘operational and tactical level. er Absolute numbers and percentage ‘© Absolute numbers and rankings o Absolute numbers and index. 9 Absolute numbers and ratio 31. Performance indicator makes an operational driver visible because. er Allof the choices 0. It measures improvement © It cam be tracked frequently o Targets can be set yearly 32. The following are examples of performance indicators used at the PPO/CPO/CPS/MPS. 2” Allof the choices © Number of Police Station using COMPSTAT o Number of Police Stations utilizing PIPS Percentage of accounted loose firearms 33, These are examples of consistency in the use performance indicator (PI) with that of the data in the target (T). wa P= Number of arrested criminals; T = Y1 -20; Y2 - 30; 3 ~ 35 and Pl= Percentage reduction of crime; T = Y1-90%; ¥2-50%, Y3 -40% © P= Number of arrested criminals; T = Y1 -20; ¥2 - 30; Y3 - 35 o Pix Percentage reduction of crime; T = Y1-90%; ¥2-50%, ¥3 -40% © PlePercentage of ICT-compliant PS; T = Y1-65; Y2-89; Y3-123, 34. The following are examples of activities in the dashboard of PPO/CPO/CPS/MPS. “e Allof the choices ‘© Establishment of Tourist Assistance Desks Implementation of PIPS Implementation of Kontra Boga 35. These are examples of process improvement shifts. Allof the choices © From a limited access to police related information to broader access to police related information From unilateral approach in decision-making to consultative approach From partial implementation to full implementation. 36. These are objectives in the PPO/CPO/CPS/MPS Dashboard. “a Improve crime prevention and Improve crime solution © Improve crime prevention © Improve crime solution © Modernize crime reporting and analysis 37. These are primary drivers that leads to the attainment of the crime prevention objective. ‘0 Intensify police operation o Enhance community engagement Intensify legal offensive. 38. The upgrading of updating of processes in order to attain the desired state is known as “a> Process improvement shift ‘© Performance improvement Performance indicator co Process indicator 30, These are secondary drivers under the primary driver, "Intensify police operations” of the crime prevention objective. x Allof the choices ‘© Enhance the safety and security of tourists © Use of COMPSTAT by police stations co Intensify legal offensive 40. When we set targets, we should observe the following: = Allof the choices © Aclearly definable targets © Targets should be continually trackable, © Seta baseline year 41. These are secondary drivers under the primary diver, "Maintain & Investigative Personnel" ofthe crime solution objective. > Allof the choices ©. Fill up investigative position with rained and certified personnel © Timely deployment of investigators Designate qualified investigative personnel to specific crime incidents ° 42, How many primary drivers do we ~4 ° 5 ° 14 o 15 43. How many primary drivers do we have for the Crime Solution objective? aos o 4 o 14 o 15 Deploy Competent have for the Crime Prevention objective?

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