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Destin Middle

School Band
Welcome to the Destin Middle School Band program. We are excited to have you as a part
of our program this year!
Please take some time to read over the Band Handbook . This will prepare you for your work and
responsibilities as a member of the Band. If a problem should arise, consult the handbook first. If you still
cannot find the answer please do not hesitate to contact me.
The mission of the Destin Middle School Bands is to team with parents, students, and the school to provide
an atmosphere where students progress musically and academically as an ensemble while maintaining a
commitment to excellence within each student. We strongly believe that music is a part of a students
comprehensive education.
A positive experience must begin with an understanding of the expectations for those who participate in the
DMS Band Program. This handbook will help explain those expectations.
If you follow the guidelines as laid out in this handbook, your reward will be like nothing you have
experienced before. You will feel pride, a sense of accomplishment, self-satisfaction, and have FUN!!!! You
will be impressed to see how much you can accomplish! I cant wait to work and grow with you. Lets have a
fantastic year!

Courtney Murie, Band Director

Phone: 850-833-7655 ext 268
Email: [email protected]

ALL students are required to be on time to class with a three ring binder, pencil, their instrument,
individualized materials (shown below) and their music to receive full points for their participation grade.
If a students instrument is being repaired, a note from home or receipt from the music store will be
necessary to excuse them. Otherwise, points will be lost. Playground Music has a list of our materials on file
to help you pick out the right materials when shopping with them. You can also order materials online.
Individualized Materials:
Beginning Bands: Traditions of Excellence Book 1 Comprehensive Band Method Book for their specific
instrument and Excellence in Theory Book 1
Concert Band: Traditions of Excellence Book 2 for their specific instrument. Also need a flip folder, lyre,
and extra pages for marching season.
Symphonic Band: Foundations for Superior Performance for their specific instrument. Also need a flip
folder, lyre, and extra pages for marching season.
Clarinets: Must have at least 4 reeds at all times. Recommended: Vandoren 2 -3 strength
Saxophones: Must have at least 4 reeds at all times. Recommended: Vandoren 2 strength
Oboes and Bassoons: These instruments are available for rent from DMS. Must have at least 2 reeds at all
times. I recommend you purchase these from a dealer who makes them by hand rather than manufactures
them. They last longer and have a much better sound.
Trumpet: Recommended mouthpiece size 11B4 and valve oil
Trombones: Recommended mouthpiece size 6 AL and slide oil
French Horns: Recommended mouthpiece size 32C4, rotary valve oil
Euphoniums: Recommended mouthpiece size 6 AL, valve oil, and tuning slide grease
Tuba: Recommended mouthpiece size Bach 18, Yamaha 66, Conn or Schilke, tuning slide grease, and
valve oil
Percussion: Standard beginning band bell set. (can be rented/purchased from Playground) and 5B Regal
Tip drumsticks plastic or plain wooden tip in any brand.

Destin Middle School Band Schedules

5th and 6th Grade Beginning Band Schedule:

The Beginning Band is where students start from learning to open their instrument
cases to performing as an ensemble. All students will be taught to read music and
rhythms and are expected to play them correctly on their new instrument. Beginning
Band does not require any prior musical experience. It is amazing to see how much
these students will accomplish by the Spring Concert.

After School Responsibilities:

Fall Concert in the evening

Spring Concert in the evening
Optional: Solo and Ensemble Festival for 6th grade/ Solo Recital for 5th Grade

Concert Band Schedule:

This is the intermediate group at Destin Middle School. We begin to progress into
higher level music but still focus our efforts on improving the basics of our playing
skills. This band is meant to challenge and strengthen playing abilities while
preparing them for a place in the Symphonic Band in the following year. Placement in
this band and Symphonic Band is determined by the band director. This band joins
with Symphonic Band to perform at football games. (see calendar for football

After School Responsibilities

2 Before school Rehearsals for Marching band in the Fall
Football Games Thursdays after school in the Fall
Fall Concert
Spring Concert
Optional: ALL COUNTY

Symphonic Band Schedule:

This band is the top band at Destin Middle School and is our competing ensemble.
This group is held to very high standards and is expected to practice individually,
rehearse together, and perform at a high level. Placement in this ensemble is
determined by the band director. This band requires more after school involvement
than any of the other ensembles. Students who cannot make the time commitment
should notify the band director so they can be placed in Concert Band to avoid
scheduling conflicts. This band joins with Concert Band to perform at football games.
(see calendar for football schedule)

After School Responsibilities:

2 Before school Rehearsals for Marching band in the Fall

Football Games Thursdays after school in the Fall

Fall Concert

Spring Sectionals

After School until 5:00

Sectionals: Dates in which Symphonic Band students of separate sections
meet to prepare their music in a concentrated group in order to prepare for
the Music Performance Assessment. Sectionals begin the first week of
February after school and end the second week of March. Sectionals
will be every week on their designated day unless otherwise noted.
Occasionally a sectional will be cancelled for holidays or early release days.
Students will be notified in advance for any cancellations. Sectionals are

Tuesday- Trumpets

Wednesday- Low Brass/Low Woodwinds

Thursday- Clarinets, Flutes, Oboe
Friday- Saxophones and French Horns
Pre-Festival Concert
The Pre-Festival Concert is our last performance before the Music Performance
Assessment. Not all parents are able to attend our MPA since it is usually during
school hours each year. This concert gives us the opportunity to get out last minute
nerves and put on a performance that encompasses all we have been learning for a
good portion of the year. Parents are encouraged to attend and see the final product
of several months of hard work.

***MPA Competition in March***

The Music Performance Assessment is the biggest day of the year! Some say it is the
FCAT of the band world, though a lot more exciting. Middle and High Schools from all
over Florida participate in this event. The students perform for adjudicators who
judge on musicality, presentation, and preparation. This is a MANDATORY date for
Symphonic Band members.

Spring Concert

Optional: ALL COUNTY Band


Band Fees
Band fees are collected to help pay for the various events and instruments we need to continue growing and
learning. Band fees are used to purchase music, instruments, travel, clinicians and pay for students to
attend All County, All State and other optional opportunities. Payments can be fundraised throughout the
year or paid directly to DMS Band. All remaining balances that have not been fundraised are due by Dec
1st. The fees are as follows:
Beginning Band Students: $50
Concert and Symphonic Students: $100
Percussion Students: Additional $100
School-Owned Instrument Usage: Additional $100
Uniform Cost for Concert/Symphonic: $70
Band Tshirts: $12
Optional Opportunity fees:
Accompanied Solo for Solo and Ensemble Festival: $40
Unaccompanied Solo or Ensemble Fee: $5

Grading Policy
Grades for the Band classes are based on a point system per nine weeks:
Class Participation= 5 points per week
Students are allotted 5 points at the beginning of each week. Students can lose a point for
being tardy, missing materials, or not participating in class activities. Occasional binder

checks may occur to make sure students have their materials. STUDENTS WHO
back after completing an optional assignment.
Performance, Sectionals and Full Band Rehearsal Participation = 100 points
Students are expected to attend all scheduled performances, sectionals, and rehearsals.
Without a PRIOR excuse for absence, students will lose 100 points in their grading for
each event missed
Missing these events will drop the student a full letter grade or more
Performances are used to assess the students abilities and therefore take the place of
major tests or exams in band.
These activities are crucial to helping the student improve musically in band.

Pass Offs, Quizzes, and Homework

Individual playing quizzes and pass offs are given so the director has a chance to hear
every student and monitor progression 20 points
Students are expected to practice at home and be prepared to play an excerpt in class to
be graded on preparedness and musicality.
Students in beginning band and concert band will have regular pass off days for their
instrument every week. Passing off one line per week will keep a 100/A for pass off
Students who are absent on the day of pass offs will make it up the next day they come
to class

Football Games
Concert and Symphonic Band Students perform at every home football game and select away games. On football
Thursdays, band students stay after school before the game. Our football band uniform is our teal Destin Band shirts
tucked in to khaki shorts or pants with a belt and tennis shoes. I recommend wearing it to school on game days. There
will be time allotted for homework, dinner, and rehearsal. Football games start at 6:30.

Attendance Policy
The DMS Band functions as a team and cannot create the desired product if all members are not present. We are
highly dependent on every student in the band. Missing one French Horn or one Saxophone can have the impact of
missing the quarterback in a football game. With this in mind, students are required to attend the scheduled dates for
each band.

Excused Absences
Since participation in band activities correlates with the grading policy, students will receive a 0/F for every unexcused
absence in band events. THIS WILL LARGELY AFFECT YOUR STUDENTS GRADE. Whenever possible, you must
notify Ms. Murie in writing or email to give prior notice of absence. If prior notice is not given, it is your responsibility to
bring a note from your parent or guardian stating the reason or excuse for being absent from a rehearsal or event. All
absences are assumed unexcused unless there is proper notification to the band director. Ms. Murie understands that
emergencies happen and excused absences are very rare but sometimes necessary. The student is responsible for
bringing a note from a parent or guardian explaining the absence and it is up to the discretion of the band director to
determine whether the excuse constitutes a sufficient cause for absence. We take great care in scheduling band
events very well in advance. Please be sure to schedule vacations and other events around the band dates provided.
Failure to prepare a means of transportation will not be excused. Carpools can easily be arranged far in advance.

Since there are many students in the band, parents often work out a system with other parents to arrange carpools. Of
course in matters of personal illness, religious holidays, or a death in the family, absences are immediately excused.

School Owned Instrument Usage

The Destin Middle School band program owns limited instruments for student use. There is a $100 per year
fee for all instruments that are checked out that serve as a students PRIMARY instrument. Saxophones and
clarinets who double on school instruments will not pay this rental fee since they are expected to retain their
regular instruments. This rental covers routine maintenance. If there is a problem with the instrument, it
should be reported to Ms. Murie IMMEDIATELY so that is can be repaired and returned to the student in a
timely fashion. Please note that mouthpieces and reeds are NOT provided and will need to be purchased
separately. Those renting instruments must fill out a Usage Form.

End of Course Exams and Band Placement Auditions

EOC: At the end of the second semester all 6-8th grade students will take an End of Course Exam. The EOC
for beginning students consists of playing major scales, the chromatic scale and taking a written portion
consisting of music theory. For concert and symphonic band students, they are only required to play
selected major scales and their chromatic scale.
Audition: All students will be graded on the 7 middle school scales plus the chromatic scale on their
instruments. The seven scales should be played in this order: G C F Bb Eb Ab Db.
Additional octaves may be learned to better your chances of getting into a higher band or earning a higher
chair placement. Not all students who complete the scale requirement will be admitted into the Symphonic
Band. The highest performing students (based on accuracy, tempo, tone, memorization, octaves and
articulation) will be admitted into Symphonic Band in order of audition until all available spots are filled. Ms.
Murie will also take into consideration behavior, attitude, leadership, and responsibility when selecting
students to represent the DMS Symphonic Band. Please be advised that passing the scale test will NOT
guarantee band placement. All non-beginning band students will be tested on these requirements each year.
Beginning students will be tested on these scale requirements at the end of their beginning band year.

Band Awards
Beginning Band Awards:
High Achievement Award. This award is given to beginning band members who have shown great
motivation to push themselves the extra mile to exceed expectations in band. They have set high standards
for themselves and others as well as challenged themselves to become better musicians. Recipients of this
award demonstrate these qualities by Participating in Solo and Ensemble (or performing a solo for the class
for 5th graders), Maintaining an A average in band all year, playing all 7 middle school scales with additional
octaves, earning a minimum of 40 chair points for the year and maintaining perfect attendance.
Scale Master award is given to the beginning band student who first plays all of his or her middle school
scales in the All State Pattern which is under two minutes with additional octaves.
Concert/Symphonic Band Awards:
Students receive these marlin awards for challenging themselves outside of the band class and
demonstrating personal motivation to achieve excellence in music. They will receive a chart with how to earn

points for these awards by performing on their instrument.

Bronze Marlin Award: These students are recognized for Performing at Solo and Ensemble, earning 60
chair points, maintaining an A average in their band classes and participating in all band events.
Silver Marlin Award: These students are recognized for practicing and auditioning for the All County Band,
playing a solo at Solo and Ensemble Festival, earning a minimum of 80 chair points, maintaining an A
average in their band classes and participating in all band events.
Gold Marlin Award: These students are recognized for an Audition for All-State Band, Audition for AllCounty Band, make All-County Band, play a solo at Solo & Ensemble Festival, earn a minimum of 120 chair
points, maintaining an A average in their band classes and participating in all band events.
Grand Slam Tournament Award: Student who acquires the most chair points for the year
Second Place Tournament Award: Student who acquires the second most chair points for the year
(in the event of an end of the year tie, students will compete in a sight reading tie breaker)

Classroom Management Plan

Discipline is the cornerstone of an exceptional band program. Students who insist on interrupting both their own and others
learning will be subject to the following plan. Severe breaches of the OCSD Code of Conduct may necessitate the skipping of some
of the early steps of this plan. Repeated offenses in the early steps may also place the student higher on the plan (in other words,
students year long behavior is taken into considerationnot just that days behavior).
The Rules of the Band are clearly displayed in the band room. All rules are expected to be followed every day. The consequences
are as follows for students who break one or more of the rules.

First Offense: Student will be issued a warning. This warning can be to an individual (John Doe, please
stop talking) OR to a section or group (Trumpets, pay attention please). Names of first offense students will
be written on the board for a visual reminder.
Second Offense: Students will receive a check mark by their name to remind them that this is their last
warning. If the offense is repeated again throughout the class or regularly throughout the year, they will
move directly to the third step.
Third Offense: Students will be assigned lunch detention for their first offense and be directed to
administration after repeated offenses to receive their consequences. (detention, ISS, OSS, etc)
Band Students are expected to display exceptional behavior in ALL of their classes. Students who receive 3
or more office referrals will not be permitted to attend our annual band trip in the Spring. Furthermore, band
students who receive a grade lower than a C average for their first semester grade in ANY class will not
qualify to attend our band trip.

Optional Opportunities
All County Band: Audition Required to earn the Silver Marlin Award and Gold Marlin Award Students from
the 6-8th grade band are allowed to audition for All County Band which is an ensemble formed of the top
middle school musicians in all of Okaloosa County. Auditions are held in November and the dates for
rehearsal and performances of those selected members will be scheduled at the beginning of each school
year. Those interested in auditioning should see Ms. Murie for more information and music.
All State Band: Audition Required to earn the Gold Marlin Award Students from the 7-8th grade bands are
allowed to audition for the All State Band which is an ensemble formed of the top middle school musicians in
the entire state of Florida. Auditions are held in September and the rehearsals/performance for those
selected members will be the second week of January in Tampa, Florida. This audition will require practicing
over the summer and those interested may want to sign up for summer lessons. Those interested in
auditioning please see Ms. Murie for more information. Students who make the band will have their hotel

room and registration covered by the band boosters.

Solo and Ensemble Festival: Perfomance required to win ALL Awards
Students from the 6-8th grade bands are allowed to participate in the Solo and Ensemble Festival. This is an
excellent opportunity for individual students to practice a solo and perform for a judges ratings and critiques.
I encourage ALL students to participate. Not only do they receive a solo experience but the judges they will
perform for are experts in their particular instrument. The judge will give them a rating (and a medal if they
receive a superior!) and offer feedback, extended instruction and tips on how to improve as an individual on
their particular instrument. The Solo and Ensemble festival will be held on a Saturday in February at Gulf
Breeze High School. The cost is $40 for a piano accompanied solo or $5 for an unaccompanied solo,
ensemble or percussionist.

Charms Office Assistant
The DMS band uses Charms to communicate, keep track of forms, financial statements, fundraising,
handouts, volunteers, submit pass offs, and view the band calendar. Parents and students are to update
their information as necessary in the Charms system so that Ms. Murie and the BPO chairs can keep in
contact with you throughout the year. It makes life easier for everyone. It allows Ms. Murie to select the
ensemble you participate in and give you information specifically for your group rather than sending out
large amounts of paper to every member with risks of losing it or information overload. To enter your
personal charms page you will need your student ID (which is first initial of first name plus last name ex:
Courtney Muries code is cmurie) and our School Code which is DestinMSBand.

Students Who Participate in Sports

Band students ARE permitted to participate in sports from all seasons. Every year Ms. Murie will work out a
compromise with your coaches to make sure you do not miss any important rehearsals for band or practices
for sports during the seasons when band and sports may collide. This only becomes an issue for the
Symphonic Band members who have after school rehearsals. The beginning and Concert bands do not
have any after school obligations besides the Fall and Spring Concerts which are required for class
participation grades and rarely compete with sports activities.

Jazz Band
DMS Concert and Symphonic Band members are invited to join the jazz band at DMS. The jazz band meets
Tuesdays from 7:45-8:45 am. Instrumentation is very limited as it is a small ensemble. Auditions may be
required depending on the amount of interest. The jazz band performs in the fall and spring concerts with
the other ensembles as well as performing at Jazz in the Park at Playground music (held on a Saturday in
May). Please see Ms. Murie if you are interested in joining. Jazz students must be able to regularly attend
Tuesday rehearsals since our time is limited as a once a week ensemble. Students are allowed 2 absences
per semester for emergencies. Tardiness counts as one half of an absence. Membership will be
discontinued if a jazz student has more than two absences or 4 tardies for the good of the ensemble.

Private Lessons
There are many coaches in the area that specialize in every instrument. Students are encouraged to take
advantage of these services and take private lessons. Ms. Murie has a list of recommended teachers for
those interested. Students can also take private lessons at Playground Music Center in Fort Walton Beach. I
will guarantee that with private instruction, they will improve above their grade level in class. There is only so
much in class that we can teach in a group setting but in private lessons, the individual student is assessed
and progressed to their specific needs. Playground has a wonderful and highly beneficial program and I
encourage every student to be a part of it. Especially if they intend to play competitively as an individual in
the band world.

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