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International Kabaddi games,International Kabaddi

rules,International Kabaddi awards,International Kabaddi

Game Rules
1 - Ground
Ground shall be level, covered by standardized playing mat.

2 - Play Field Measurements

Men 13 X 10 Meters
MEN (Weight Limit) Below 85 Kg

3 - Play

Field The play field means that portion of the ground, which measures 13 meter by 8 meter
(ABCD) for Men before struggle.

4 - Sitting Block
The sitting block shall be as positioned and provided by the league.

5 - Boundary
The lines on the four sides of the play field are known as the boundaries (AB, BC, CD and DA). All lines shall be of
3 to 5 cm width and form the part of the play field.

6 - Lobbies
The strips on both the sides of the playfield measuring one meter in width are known as the Lobbies. When the
lobbies, as per rule 4 under Rules of Play are included in the playfield, the boundaries of the play-field are
extended up to the four lines, which enclose the play-field including the lobbies.

7 - Mid Line
The line that divides the play field into two halves is known as the mid-line.

8 - Court
Each half of the play field divided by the mid line is known as the Court.

9 - Baulk Line
Each of the lines in court parallel to the midline is known as baulk line. The distance of the baulk line from the mid
line shall be 3.75 meter in case of Men.

10 - Bonus Line
The line parallel to Baulk line towards end line is known as Bonus line. The distance between Bonus line and
Baulk line shall be 1 meter.

Note: Raider is said to have crossed the Bonus line when he comes into contact with the ground between the End
line and Bonus line. At the same time any part of his body should not have contact with the ground between the
mid line and Bonus line.

11 - Cant

The repeated, without break; at a stretch and clear aloud sounding of the approved word KABADDI within the
course of one respiration shall be called Cant.
12 - Raider
One who enters into the court of the opponent with the cant is known as a RAIDER. The raider must begin his
cant before he touches the opponents court.
13 - Anti or Anti-Raider
Every player in whose court the raid is being made shall be called Anti or Anti Raider.

14 - Losing the cant

To stop the repeated and clear aloud sounding of the word KABADDI or take in a breath during cant by the raider
is known as losing the cant. A cant must be continued within one and the same respiration.

15 - To put out an Anti

If a raider touches an anti without the breach of rules of play, or if any part of the body of an anti touches any part
of the body of the raider, and then the raider touches his court with the cant, the anti is said to be put out.

16 - To hold a Raider
If the anti or antis hold the raider without breach of rules of play and keep the raider in their court and do not allow
him to reach his court until he loses his cant or the Referee/Umpire blows the whistle, it is known as holding the

17 - To reach court safely

If the raider touches his court with any part of the body through the midline without breach of rules with cant, he is
said to have reached his court safely and turn of raid is over.

18 - Touch
If the raider touches the anti or antis by any part of his body or even the clothing / shoes, it is called a touch.

19 - Struggle
When the anti or antis come into contact with the raider, it is called struggle. After touch or struggle, the play field
immediately includes the lobbies.

20 - Raid
a) When the raider enters the court of opponent with cant, it is known as Raid.
b) Each raid is restricted to 30 seconds (in both the halves) by the Stadium / TV clock (both Stadium / TV clocks to

be synchronized with each other). The clocks will be set / reset as raider crosses the center line/when the raid is
over. The clocks will be stopped when:
(i) Raider crosses center line on returning to his court
(ii) Raider exits the arena after being declared 'OUT', or goes out of bounds and is declared out.

21 - Completed Raid
When the raider crosses the Baulk line of the defending team at least once during the course of a raid and returns
to his court with cant, it is known as a Completed Raid.

22 - Pursuit
When an anti rushes into the opponents court with cant, and without breach of rules, chasing the returning raider
with a view to touch, it is called pursuit.

23 - Unproductive Raid
If a raider does not score any point or lose any point during the raid, the raid will be treated as unproductive raid of
his team.

24 - Super catch
If the raider is caught when there are only 3 defenders or less, the defending team gets 1 additional point which is
called Super Catch point. This is in addition to the normal point scored for putting the raider out (total points for
defending team will be 2).

01 - The team that wins the toss shall have the choice of the court, or the raid, and the team that loses the toss
shall have the remaining choice. In the second half, the court shall be changed and the team, which did not opt for
raid shall send their raider first. The game in the second half shall continue with the same number of players as it
was at the end of the first half.

02 - A player shall be out if any part of his body touches the ground outside the boundary but during the struggle a
player shall not be out if any part of his body touches the ground outside the boundary by keeping contact of the

The portion of contact must be inside the boundary.

03 - (a) If any player goes out of the boundary during the course of play, he shall be out. The Umpire or Referee
shall try to take out such players at once. The Umpire or Referee shall declare such players out by calling out the
numbers. No whistle shall be blown as the raid may continue.

(b) If an anti or antis who have gone out of bounds (as per rule 03), hold a raider, the raider shall be declared NOT
OUT. Only the anti or antis who have gone out of bounds will be declared out.

04 - When the struggle begins, the play field includes the lobbies. During the struggle and after the struggle in the
same raid, the players involved in the struggle can use the lobbies to enter their respective courts. This rule will
only be applicable in the antis court.

05 - A raider shall continue to chant KABADDI as the approved cant. If he is not keeping the proper approved
cant in the opponents court, he shall be ordered back and the opponent will be given one technical point and
chance to raid. Under such circumstances, he shall not be pursued.

06 - A raider must start his cant before he touches the opponents court. If he starts the cant late, he shall be
ordered back by the Umpire or Referee and the opponent will be given one technical point & a chance to raid.

07 - If a raider goes out of turn, the Umpire or Referee shall order him to go back and a technical point will be
given to opponent team.

08 - Not more than one raider shall enter the opponents court at a time, if more than one raider enters the
opponents court at a time, the Umpire or Referee shall order all to go back to their court and a technical point will
be awarded to the opponent and chance to raid.

09 - (a) After a raider has reached his court, the opponents shall send their raider within 5 seconds. Each side
shall continue to send their raider until the end of the game in this fashion. In case the raider fails to start his raid
within 5 seconds the team loses its chance to raid and the opponent team gets a technical point.

(b) When a struggle takes place in a raid, on completion of such raid rule 09 (a) will not be applicable. The next
raid will start on the blow of the whistle of the referee after the player/s put out is /are seated in the Out Bench/Box.

10 - If a raider, who is caught by the anti or antis, escapes from their attempt to hold and reaches his court safely
he shall not be pursued.

Note: But if a raider touches the anti or antis and reaches his court safely, he may be pursued.

11 - If a raider, while in the opponents court looses his cant,he shall be out.

12 - When a raider is held, the antis shall not try deliberately to stifle his cant by shutting his mouth, using violent

tackling leading to injuries, any type of scissoring or use of any unfair means. If such incident happens, the Umpire
or Referee shall declare the raider NOT OUT.

13 - No anti shall willfully push the raider out of the boundary by any part of his (Antis) body, nor shall any raider
willfully push or pull an anti or antis out of the boundary. If the raider is pushed outside the boundary or the anti is
pushed or pulled outside the boundary, the Umpire or Referee shall declare the raider or the anti, as the case may
be, as NOT OUT, and the anti or the raider who pushes or pulls the opponents outside the boundary shall be
declared out.

14 - During the course of raid none of the antis shall touch the raiders court until completion of the raid. In case
any anti or antis touches the raiders court before completion of the raid they will be declared out and the opponent
team will be given that many points.

15 - If an anti or antis who are out, having violated Rule No. 14, holds a raider or violates the said rule while
holding or helping to hold the raider, the raider shall be declared NOT OUT and the anti or antis who touches the
raiders court shall be declared OUT.

16 - When a team manages to put out the entire opponent team and none of the opponents are entitled to be
revived, then that team scores a LONA and two extra points for LONA shall be awarded in addition to the points
scored by the team putting out all the players of the opponent. The play continues and all the players who are out
shall enter in their court within Ten Seconds. Otherwise the referee or umpire shall award one technical point to
the opponent. If the team fails to enter within one minute, the team shall be scratched from the match and the
match shall be awarded to the opponent.

17 - If a raider is warned or in any way instructed by one of his own side, the Umpire or Referee shall award one
technical point to the opponent.

18 - A raider or an anti is not to be held by any part of his body deliberately other than his limb or trunk. The one
who violates the rule shall be declared OUT. If the raider is held deliberately other than his limb or trunk, the
Umpire or Referee shall declare such raider NOT OUT.

Note: If a raider is caught by his clothes or hair the raider shall be declared NOT OUT and the anti or antis who
have violated the Rule shall be declared OUT.

19 - When one or two players of a team are left during the game and the Captain of the team declares them out in
order to bring in the full team, the opponent shall score as many points as the players that existed in the court at
the time of declaration as well as Two Extra Points for LONA.

20 - A Player or players who are out shall be revived in the same order as they were out.

21 - If a raider does not score any point or lose any point during the raid, the raid will be treated as unproductive
raid of his team. In case a team makes three such consecutive unproductive raids, the raider of the third
unproductive raid shall be declared out and the opponent team shall be awarded a point and gets chance for

22 - TV Referral System: Will be dependent on logistics of Broadcaster. Each team will be given 2 unsuccessful
referrals per game during the Semi-Final, 3rd /4th place playoff & Final matches. (The number of referrals can be
reduced or increased as per logistics and will be declared before each session of the league) Referrals can be
called to challenge line decisions as well as touches / tags. Based on replays available for the incident, the TV
umpires decision in this case will be final.

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