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Cosmos Club

Fair Lawn
By Laws
Revised 2014






Active Members
Past Active I (Gold Card)
Past Active II (Gold Card II)
Social Members
Honorary Membership
Membership Retention
Womans Auxiliary
Special Meetings
Annual Meeting
Order of Business
Closed Ballot
Sergeant at Arms
Club Chairman
Assistant Club Chairman
Judicial Officer
VFW Liaison
Regular Meetings






Special Meetings
Vote Required
Time of Appointment
Special Committees
Ad Book
Columbus Day Celebration
Columbus Day/Installation Dinner
House Committee
Laws and Rituals
Real Estate
Special Affairs
Rules of Order




The name of the organization shall be Cosmos Club of Fair Lawn, Inc. the term Cosmos Club
or Club shall mean both for each category in all subsequent articles of these By-Laws.


The motto of the club shall be Order Out of Chaos.


The objectives and purposes for which the Cosmos Club will constantly strive for are:
Section 1

To Promote good citizenship and an active civic interest in the municipal affairs of Fair
Lawn and the State of New Jersey.

Section 2

To encourage male residents of Fair Lawn, Bergen County and the State of New Jersey,
being of Italian extraction, to take an active part in the civic, cultural, social and
charitable activities in the community.

Section 3

To foster good fellowship among its members and among all individuals regardless of
class, race, and religious beliefs.

Section 4

To perpetuate itself by maintaining in a strong creditable organization.


Section 5

To establish and undertake the operation and management of a headquarters or Club

building as a fraternal, charitable, civic, social and cultural center for the accomplishment
of all other objectives and purposes.

Section 6

To put the golden rule into practice at all times.

Section 1

Membership shall consist of (2) two categories:

A. The Cosmos Club, the parent organization composed of male members, meeting
member qualifications for membership. In each category there shall be three (3)
classes, Active members,
Past Active Members (I and II) , Social Members and
Honorary Members.

A. The Ladies Auxiliary, the subsidiary organization composed of female members

meeting the qualifications of the Auxiliary.
Section 2

Active Members: Qualifications and Privileges - The following qualifications, privileges

and obligations shall pertain in order to be considered an active member of the Cosmos
A. Males who have attained the age of 21 years old, of good moral character, and
of Italian Paternal or Maternal descent or extraction.
B. They shall be elected to the membership following two readings of their
application and a vote by the membership. Applicants receiving five or more
negative votes by the membership will be rejected.
C. They shall have paid all induction fees, dues and assessments and shall have
been initiated as members in accordance with the requirements and rituals of
the organization.
D. They shall be entitled to vote at all meetings on any matter presented by
motion or resolution.
E. They may serve on all committees by appointment.
F. They may hold elected office in the Club.
G. They may attend all Club functions and affairs sponsored by the Club.

H. They shall be permitted use of all facilities of the Club headquarters or Club
I. They must meet all financial obligations authorized by Club action and shall
not be in arrears after March 31st of that calendar year.
J. They shall abide by all the rules of the Club and any other duly approved
actions, regulations, procedures or traditions as determined by the Executive
Board at any time.
Section 3

Past Active Members I: (Gold Card) Prior to (6/22/2004)

Definition: Any member of the organization who has attained the age of sixty five years
and who has been a member in good standing for fifteen consecutive years may become a
past active member upon the procedure established by the club.
Dispensations: A Past Active member shall enjoy all of the privileges of an active
member but shall not be subject to the financial obligations pertaining to an active
member except for assessment fees.

Section 4

Past Active Members II: (Gold Card 2 after June, 22, 2004 and prior to September 13,
Definition: Any member of the organization who has attained the age of sixty five years
and who has been a member in good standing for fifteen consecutive years may become a
Past Active Member II upon the procedure established by the club.
Dispensations: A Past Active Member II shall enjoy all of the privileges of an active
member but shall not be subject to the financial obligations pertaining to an active
member except for assessment fees.

Section 5

Social Members:
Definition: Any member whose is not of Italian decent, but his wife is of Italian parental
extraction will be classified as a social member.
Restrictions: The social member shall be subject to all other qualifications and
requirements of an active member and shall enjoy all the privileges pertaining thereto
except the right to hold office of President or Vice President.

Section 6

Honorary Member A member of the Club with ten (10) or more years of consecutive
membership who becomes physically disabled or developmentally challenged and cannot
attend the Club may be assigned by the Executive Board the status of Honorary Member.
An Honorary member will be exempt from paying all annual dues and assessments for
the time the member is deemed an Honorary Member. An Honorary Member will have
no voting rights, may not hold office and can not apply for scholarship funds. If the
Honorary Member is able to attend a Club activity or affair, he will be charged the full
fee for the event. A member of the local Clergy may be an Honorary Member of the Club

if nominated by an active Club member and receives a majority affirmative vote of the
membership. The Executive Board will review the status of all Honorary Members
(Added 10/28/14)
Section 7

Reinstatement - Any member expelled from the Club roster for non-payment of dues or a
former member seeking re-instatement shall be treated exactly as a new applicant without
exception. All previous membership privileges will be forfeited and reinstatement will be
as a new member. If the member held a past active member status (Gold Card I or II) that
privilege would no longer apply in his reinstatement.

Section 8

Membership Retention
A. Any active, past active or social member who has been a member and has
moved out of New Jersey may retain active membership.
B. Any active, past active or social member who moves 250 miles or more away
from the Cosmos Club may retain membership by continuing to pay the yearly
assessment fee, if applicable.
C. Any active, past active or social member may retain membership for up to two
calendar years for a leave of absence by paying the yearly assessment fee, if
applicable. This leave of absence shall be used for military service, sickness/
illness in the immediate family, temporary relocation or other just cause.
Following the leave of absence the member must return to active membership
or be removed from the roster.

Section 9

Womans Auxiliary

A. Females who have attained the age of twenty-one (21) years, of good moral
character and of Italian parental or maternal extraction or decent.
B. Females married to a male member of the Cosmos Club.
C. Members of the Womans Auxiliary shall be subject to all other qualifications of a
male member and shall enjoy all the privileges pertaining thereto except for the
right to vote or hold office in other than the Womans Auxiliary.
D. The Womans Auxiliary shall have their own duly elected Executive Board which
shall consist of eleven (11) members of which one shall hold office of: President,
Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms,
Progress Director, Club Director, Information Director, Civic Director and
Financial Director.

E. The Womans Auxiliary shall follow the procedures in the Club By-Laws, with the
exception of the following:
1. They shall have their own separate bank account to conduct business.
2. They will have the right to set the fees for dues and collect the same from their
3. All monies attained from a charitable affair may be distributed at the
discretion of their members.
4. They shall pay a monthly rental fee for building use to the Cosmos Club
Executive Board at a rate established by said Executive Board, unless the fee
is waived by the Executive Board.



Section 1

Regular meetings shall be held once each month on the fourth (4th) Tuesday at a regular
place and time as decided by the Executive Board at the September meeting.

Section 2

Special meetings may be called by the President or by a request in writing by four (4)
members of the Executive Board or 10 active members, excluding officers, addressed to
the President at least five (5) days prior to the date of requited meeting.

Section 3

Twenty (20) members, or one-fifth (1/5) of the active membership, whichever is larger,
shall constitute a quorum at any meeting and at least three (3) must be elected officers.

Section 4

The regular meeting in the month of June shall be the Annual Meeting of the year. All
affairs and reports shall be terminated for the year at the end of the June meeting.

Section 5

Any business of the Club in order to be transacted shall be presented by proper motion
for approval of the organization. A majority vote of members in attendance shall be
required for the disposition of any business presented at any legally constituted meeting.
Any actions taken regarding the By Laws will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
members in attendance.

Section 6

Every active and past active member in attendance in good standing shall be counted as
one vote. No proxy or absentee votes will be permitted.

Section 7

If a meeting falls on a holiday, a substitute day shall be announced by the Executive

Board at the preceding meeting.

Section 8

The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows:


A. Call to order.
B. Salute to the flag.
C. Reading of the names of the deceased members of that passed in the month of said
D. Reading of the Objectives and Purposes (Article III).
E. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
F. Treasurers report.
G. Reading of the minutes of the previous Executive Board minutes.
H. Correspondence.
I. Committee reports.
J. Old business.
K. New business.
L. Application for membership first and second readings, voting on new members
and swearing in of new members.
M. Adjournment.
N. Refreshments.
Section 9

Section 1

A closed ballot on any matter to be voted upon by membership at large, will be granted to
any member who requests such a vote.

The officers of the Club shall be as follows:
A. President
B. Vice President

C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Judicial
F. Sergeant at Arms
G. Club Chairman
H. Assistant Club Chairman
I. VFW Liaison (non-voting)

Section 1

A. He shall preside at all meetings of the club at which he can be present.
B. He shall act as an ex-officio member of each standing or special committee.
C. He shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board at which he is in
D. He shall appoint chairman of all committees except those of which are chairman,
as provided for in these By Laws.
E. He shall keep a complete file of the activities and turn same over to his successor.
F. Including the aforementioned provisions he shall have all the other powers and
duties generally pertaining to this office.

Section 2

Vice President
A. The Vice president shall act as president and preside at any meeting at which the
president is not in attendance.
B. He shall act as an ex-officio member of each standing or special committee.

Section 3

C. He shall keep a complete file of the activities and turn same over to his successor.


A. The recording secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings at each regular or
special meeting of the Club and the Executive Board.
B. He shall report at each meeting of the general membership the minutes of the
preceding meetings of both the Club and the Executive Board.
C. He shall keep a complete file of activities while in office and turn same over to his
D. He shall keep an accurate copy of the By Laws, rituals, procedures and rules with
every amendment made thereto.
E. He shall attend to all correspondence of the Club and shall furnish copies of all
outgoing data to the President.
F. He shall notify the membership of all special meetings and any changes in regular
G. He shall be in charge of the Bulletin/Information Committee.
Section 4

A. The treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds collected from the members for
membership obligations.
B. He shall receive all funds realized by the club through any of its committees from
functions and affairs sponsored by the club.
C. He shall deposit all funds in an account or accounts in financial institutions
designated by the Executive Board.
D. He shall keep an accurate system of books and records in forms and manner
approved by the Executive Board.
E. He shall report in detail all receipts and expenditures handled by him to the
Executive Board and at monthly club meetings.
F. He shall sign all checks for obligations incurred by the Club and approved by the
Executive Board.
G. He shall present to the Executive Board a practical budget for the operation of the
H. He shall present the books and records to the Executive Board for audit by the
July meeting if requested.

I. He shall forward annual bills after January 1st of the new year to each member for
annual dues and assessment,
J. He shall report to the Executive Board at the March meeting any delinquencies of
members whose dues and assessments have not been paid by that date.
K. He shall notify each member in arrears after March 31st. All dues will be collected
during January, February and March. Members who are in arrears after March
31st will receive notifications by letter in April. Names of the members in arrears
will be read at the April and May general membership meetings and posted in the
Club. Any member who is still in arrears after the June general membership
meeting will be deleted from the membership roster.
L. He shall keep a complete file of his activities while in office and turn same over to
his successor.
Section 5

A. He shall maintain order at all meetings and shall eject any member from the
meeting place if ordered to do so by the presiding officer.
B. He shall see that the meeting place is properly arranged for the conduct of a
C. He shall keep attendance records for all general meetings.
D. He shall be the custodian of all paraphernalia of the Club and shall be responsible
for its safe keeping and use.
E. He shall keep a complete file of his activities while in office and turn same over to
his successor.

Section 6

Club Chairman
A. He shall be responsible for recommendation and reviewing any matters pertaining
to the physical operation of the Club to the Executive Board including the upkeep
of the building and property.
B. He shall be responsible for obtaining quotes from vendors for major projects and
upgrades being considered, and bringing the quotes to the Executive Board. In the
event an emergency repair must be completed, the Executive Board may waive the
quote mandate upon the request of the Club Chairman.


C. He shall seek annual quotes and contracts for landscape maintenance and snow
D. He shall be the chairman of the Real Estate/Construction Committee.
E. He shall recommend to the Executive Board any purchases to be made in
furniture, maintenance equipment and supplies, outdoor landscaping.
Section 7

Assistant Club Chairman

A. The Assistant Club Chairman shall act as Club Chairman and preside at any
meeting at which the Club Chairperson is not in attendance.
B. He shall assist the Club Chairman in all aspects of the position.

Section 8

Judicial Officer
A. He shall be the recognized Parliamentarian of the Club and will settle any
controversy arising over the interpretation of the By Laws and rules of order.
B. He shall have jurisdiction over the Laws and Rituals Committee, Grievance
Committee and the Ethics Committee.
C. He shall keep a complete file of the activities and turn same over to his successor

Section 9

VFW Liaison
A. He shall attend meetings held by the VFW and the Club, bringing information and
concerns to both parties.
B. He shall report to the Executive Board at each Executive Board meeting in regard
to information, problems or concerns between the Club and VFW.



Section 1

No member may be nominated for President without having served previously as an

officer for at least one (1) year and has been a member in good standing for at least three
(3) consecutive years.

Section 2

No member shall be nominated for the Presidency of the Club if he has served in that
position for the preceding two (2) full consecutive two (2) year terms.


Section 3

Nominations for officers shall be submitted by the Nomination Committee in April of

each year. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the general meeting in
April or at the election meeting in May.

Section 4

An election will take place at the regular meeting in May from all nominations made by
the Nomination Committee or from the floor of the general meetings.

Section 5

Installation of officers shall take place at the June meeting each year, in accordance with
the procedures and rituals of the Club, or at a special affair authorized by the Executive
Board and approved by the membership.


Section 1


The Executive Board shall consist of nine (9) elected officers who shall serve a two year
term, and a representative from the Womans Auxiliary who shall be the President.


Section 1

The Executive Board will act on all the business of the Club and will be the
administrative body of the organization.

Section 2

It will receive reports from all the officers and committee chairpersons and propose
whatever action is deemed necessary for the best interest of the Club.

Section 3

It may, at its discretion, or as required by other sections of these By-Laws refer matters to
the membership at an assembled meeting.

Section 4

It will discharge any of the obligations required in any of the procedures or rituals of the

Section 5

It shall report and refer to the membership any recommendations for change in the
financial obligations of the members such as dues, initiation fees or assessment fee at the
October meeting of each year for such changes to become effective in January.

Section 6

It shall refer to any officer or committee chairperson any matter requiring study before
official action is taken at a subsequent meeting.

Section 7

It shall review all bills requiring payment and approve same for payment after receiving
reports from the Treasurer on the validity, availability of funds and allocation of such
funds in the budget.


Section 8

It shall have the power to transfer funds from budget accounts in order to meet valid
obligations and shall have the power to make purchases of $1,000.00 or less without the
consent of the membership at large.

Section 9

It shall receive the report of the Treasurer at the March meeting regarding members
delinquent in the payment of dues for the current calendar year and shall take action in
accordance with the procedure established for such case.

Section 10

It shall receive the request of any officer regarding the removal of any committee
chairperson and shall take action in accordance with the procedure established for such

Section 11

It may appoint another active member to act in a temporary capacity: to fill a vacancy
caused by the resignation or disqualification of an officer; to carry on the duties of any
officer who is incapacitated; to act for an officer while under charges for removal from
office, until a successor is elected or until charges or incapacitations are removed.

Section 12

It may accept the resignation of any officer and take action to fill the vacancy with the
procedure established for such case.

Section 13

It may receive recommendations for the removal of an officer and shall take the
necessary action to dispose of the matter in accordance with the procedure established for
such case.

Section 14

It may receive formal requests for the expulsion of any member from the Ethics
Committee and shall proceed to dispose of the matter according to the procedure
established for such action.

Section 15

It shall, upon the recommendation of a committee, approve the cooperation with any
organization in sponsoring or conducting a program beneficial to the town youth.

Section 16

It shall, upon the recommendation of a committee, approve the cooperation with any
other organization in sponsoring or conducting a program beneficial to the needy and

Section 17

It shall, at the September meeting, announce its policy on procedure to be followed as to

the recipients of flowers, gifts, and cards with amounts to be allotted for any such

Section 18

It shall review the rejection of an application for membership, if requested by the sponsor
of the applicant, in accordance with the procedure established for this case.

Section 19

It shall upon the resignation or automatic removal of any officer announce at the next
regular meeting that such vacancy exists. It shall make a nomination for such office or,

receive additional nominations from the floor and direct the Nominating Committee to
conduct a special election to fill the vacant post.
Section 20


Including the aforementioned provisions, the Executive Board shall have all the powers
and duties which shall be required by this administrative body to act in the best interest of
the Club.


Section 1

The President shall be the Chairman of the Executive Board and shall preside at all
meetings of the Board at which he is present.

Section 2

The Club Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings at each regular or special
meeting of the Executive Board.

Section 3

Regular monthly meetings of the board must be held prior to the membership meeting to
deliberate on any matters requiring its attention, and to be proposed to the Club.

Section 4

Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or by any three
(3) other Board members, if deemed advisable, provided al members of the board are
notified by phone or in writing before the stipulated time for such special meeting and
provided such time and date are reasonable.

Section 5

Five (5) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum in order to transact
the business of the Board.

Section 6

A two-third (2/3) vote of the Board members present at any special or regular Executive
Board meeting shall constitute the will of the entire Board.

Section 7

Any member of the Board who shall have been absent for three (3) consecutive meetings
of the Executive Board or regular membership meetings, except if excused by the
President, shall automatically be disqualified and the office held by him will be declared



Section 1

The Secretary shall make a report of proposed actions of the Executive Board at the next
regular meeting of the Club.

Section 2

Approval of every proposed action of the Executive Board is not required of the
membership of the Club, any action which is not contested will be considered as
approved and confirmed.

Section 3

If the membership desires to contest or discuss any proposed action of the Board,
however, it may, by proper motion from the floor, be discussed by the membership at

Section 4

The proposed action of the Board may be sustained or reversed if a proper motion
receives two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present at any meeting.



Section 1

All committee chairmen will be appointed by the President.

Section 2

At the June meeting, the President shall announce the appointments of committees for the
calendar year from July 1st to June 30 of the following year after his election or start of
the second year of his term. The President may also announce the appointment of any
other committee chairman whenever he deems it necessary for the general welfare of the

Section 3

Each committee shall be composed of as many men which the chairman feels is required,
and those committee members will be appointed by the chairman with the advice and
consent of the President.

Section 4

Special Committees shall only be appointed in extremely special cases to serve under the
jurisdiction of the President.

Section 5

Any matter to be undertaken should be placed in the custody of one on the standing
committees under an officer if at all possible.

Section 6

All committee chairmen shall keep a complete file of the committees activities while in
office and turn over to his successor.

Section 7

All committees which handle money shall keep records and forms as required by the
Executive Board and shall make all financial records available to the Treasurer within ten
(10) days after the conclusion said affair for audit and review,

Section 8

All committees shall be primarily responsible to the Vice-President or under the officer
said committee appears in the organizational chart for standing committees.

Section 1

The standing committees of the Club and the officer under whose jurisdiction it had been
placed is as follows:
Reports to Officer
Ad Book
Club Secretary

Sergeant at Arms
Club Treasurer
Club Secretary
Columbus Day Celebration Club Vice-President
Columbus Day Dinner
Club Vice-President
Judicial Officer
Grievance Committee
Judicial Officer
House Committee
Sergeant at Arms
Laws and Rituals
Judicial Officer
Club Vice-President
Club Assistant Chairman
Real Estate/Construction
Club Chairman
Special Affairs
Club Vice-President

Section 1


Ad Book Committee - The Ad Book Committee shall be composed of a chairman
appointed by the President. The chairman will appoint as many committee men deemed
necessary, with the advice and consent of the President and Club Treasurer. The Ad Book
Committee shall have the following specific duties:
A. It shall solicit ads, compile all articles for the journal and supervise its
publication to a successful conclusion.
B. It shall collect funds derived from the advertisements, recommend payment of
disbursements and handle all money matters to insure its success financially.
C. It shall submit a complete financial report to the Treasurer for review before
its formal submission to the Executive Board.

Section 2

Attendance Committee The Attendance Committee Chairperson will be the Sergeant at

Arms. He will appoint as many committeemen deemed necessary, with the advice and
consent of the President. The Attendance Committee shall keep an accurate attendance
record of each member at regular or special meeting of the Club on forms instituted for
this use.

Section 3

Budget Committee - The Budget Committee Chairman will be the Club Treasurer. He
will appoint as many committeemen deemed necessary with the advice and consent of the
President. The Budget Committee shall have the following specific duties:
A. It shall prepare a budget based on the experience of previous years and the
requirements of programs which the club will be engaged.


B. It shall present this budget to the Executive Board at its session before the
September meeting of general membership.
C. It shall advise the Treasurer of allocation of funds to be made so that the
Treasurer may formulate his bookkeeping records accordingly.
D. It shall with, the Treasurer, review the financial accounts of any committee
handling money before submission of the final report to the Executive Board.
Section 4

Bulletin/Publicity Committee The Bulletin/Publicity Committee shall be composed of a

chairman appointed by the President. The chairman will appoint as many committeemen
as deemed necessary with the advice and consent of the President and Club Secretary.
The Bulletin Committee will compile all data, prepare and edit all articles and supervise
the publication of a periodic newsletter for the interest and edification of the members.

Section 5

Columbus Day Celebration Committee This committee shall be composed of a

chairman appointed by the President at the June meeting. The chairman will appoint as
many committeemen deemed necessary with the advice and consent of the President.
The Columbus Day Celebration Committee shall have the following specific duties:
A. It shall have complete jurisdiction over the public demonstration and affair
selected by the Committee and approved by the Executive Board. To Honor
Christopher Columbus Day each year.
B. It shall have full power to conduct the function in a manner which will bring
credit to the Club and the municipality.
C. It shall have full authority to prepare programs, solicit the support of other
organizations, the governing body and the Club to insure its success from a
civic, financial, Club and municipal standpoint.
D. It shall keep a complete record of financial matters pertaining to any activity
sponsored by it on forms instituted for this use.
E. It shall submit a complete financial report to the Treasurer for review before
its formal submission to the Executive Board.
F. It shall make data available to the Publicity Committee and Bulletin
Committee for complete coverage of the articles in newspapers or other
advertising medium and the Clubs newsletter.

Section 6

Columbus Day/Installation Dinner Committee This committee shall be composed of a

chairman appointed by the President at the October meeting. The chairman will appoint
as many committeemen ad deemed necessary with the advice and consent of the

President. The Columbus Day/Installation Dinner Committee shall have the following
specific duties:
A. It shall have absolute jurisdiction over the annual dinner sponsored by the
Club and held on the Saturday of Columbus Day weekend.
B. It shall have full power to select the location, establish the cost, print,
distribute and sell tickets as well as arrange the program, select the master of
ceremonies and entertainment and control seating arrangements in addition to
any other duties in order to conduct the function in a manner which will bring
credit to the Club.
C. It shall keep a complete record of financial matters pertaining to this activity
on forms instituted for its use.
D. It shall submit a complete financial report to the Treasurer for review before
its formal submission to the Executive Board.
E. It shall cooperate with the Ad Book Committee in preparing a journal as an
adjunct of this dinner.
F. It shall make data available to the Bulletin/ Publicity Committee for complete
coverage of articles in newspapers or other advertising media and the Club
Section 7

Ethics Committee The committee chairman will be the Judicial Officer. The chairman
will appoint as any committeemen deemed necessary with advice and consent of the
President. The Ethics Committee shall have the following specific duties:
A. It shall investigate, review and hear any matters pertaining to the removal
officers and directors and the expulsion of members or any other grievance
voiced by any member.
B. It shall make recommendations in such matters to the Executive Board after
having heard all evidence in the case.
C. It shall act on all matters in accordance with procedures established for each

Section 8

Grievance Committee The Grievance Committee chairman will be the Judicial Officer.
The chairman will appoint as any committeemen deemed necessary with advice and
consent of the President. The Grievance Committee shall have the following specific


A. Shall investigate, review and hear any matters referred to it on he removal of

officers and directors, expulsion of members, or replacement of Committee
Chairmen or any other grievance voiced by any Club member which has been
reviewed by the Ethics Committee and the Executive Board and remains
contested or unresolved.
B. The Grievance Committee shall recommend action to the Executive Board on
any of the above matters and, if approved, the action of the Executive Board is
final and conclusive.
Section 9

House Committee The House Committee chairman will be the Sergeant at Arms.
Ordinary members will be chosen from the membership and appointed to this committee
by the chairman with the advice of the President. The House Committee shall have the
following specific duties.
A. It shall be charged with the responsibility of recommending and reviewing any
matters pertaining to the operation of the Club to the Executive Committee.
B. It shall establish and enforce all rules and regulations and recommend
revisions for the conduct of members in the Clubs quarters.
C. It shall be charged with the full responsibility of purchasing and disposing of
food supplies and liquid refreshments for sale to the members or lessees of the
Clubs quarters.
D. It shall arrange for the help of the Club members or the engaging of proper
employees for the efficient sale of merchandise required at the Club rooms or
for the proper cleaning or care and maintenance of furniture, fixtures or
E. It shall recommend the leasing or renting of the quarters to other organizations
or persons with the full responsibility for the care, remuneration, charges and
conditions under which such action takes place.

Section 10

Laws and Rituals Committee - The committee shall be composed of a chairman

appointed by the President. The chairman will appoint as any committeemen deemed
necessary with advice and consent of the President. The Laws and Rituals Committee
shall have the following specific duties;
A. It shall constantly review the By-Laws and Rituals of the Club and make any
recommendations for the revisions which seem advisable.
B. It shall study and prepare the amendment requested or recommend in its final
form for presentation to the Executive Board and the membership in
accordance with the procedures established for this action.

C. It shall cooperate with the Publicity/Bulletin Committee in notifying the

members of proposed changes and other data to justify its acceptance or
D. It shall conduct all rituals of the organization and shall solicit the aid of
personnel required to execute them properly.
Section 11

Membership Committee The Membership Committee chairperson will be the Club

Vice-President. He will appoint as many committeemen deemed necessary with the
advice and consent of the president. The Membership Committee shall have the
following specific duties:
A. It shall conduct membership drives by proposing methods to attract possible
members to affiliate themselves with the Club.
B. It shall investigate all applications for membership by personally interviewing
the applicant, his sponsor or any other person to assist the committee in
making the proper recommendation for approval or rejection of his
application. It will also acquaint the prospect with his obligations to the Club.
C. It shall regulate its activities in accordance with the procedure and by use of
the forms instituted for this use.
D. It shall cooperate with the Treasurer in requiring that each applicant meet the
financial requirements before induction.
E. It shall make data available to the Bulletin/Publicity Committee for complete
coverage of articles in newspapers or other advertising media and the Club

Section 12

Nominating Committee The chairman of this committee will be the Club Assistant
Chairman. This committee shall have the following members and specific duties:
A. The Nominating Committee shall be constituted of three (3) members as
1. Chairman - Club Assistant Chairman
2. Two (2) members appointed by the president, none of whom hold
elected office, provided they have been members in good standing at
least two (2) years.
B. Specific Duties of the Nominating Committee.
1. It shall review the requirements of each office and shall review the
qualifications or each member to be proposed for each office.

2. It shall submit a complete slate of nine (9) officers each election year
to the general membership at the April meeting.
3. It shall accept nominations made from the floor at the April meeting
and shall, at the point of the meeting designated for election of officers
in the Order of Business at the May general membership meeting
present the complete slate, as finally amended, to the President for
proceeding with the election.
4. It shall, with the Sergeant at Arms, conduct the election in an efficient
orderly manner and shall have complete charge if issuing ballots,
collecting ballots and acting as tellers.
5. It shall, through its chairman, announce the results of the balloting for
each office and make the necessary motion or announcement to
complete the election for each position.
6. It shall make data available to the Bulletin/Publicity Committee for
complete coverage of articles in newspapers or other advertising media
and the Club newsletter.
C. Any member serving on this committee who is designated as a nominee will
continue to serve and is not barred from further activity on this committee. He
shall, however, be excused from the meeting while his name is under
deliberation for any nomination in which his name is included.
Section 13

Real Estate /Construction Committee The chairman of this committee will be the Club
Chairman. He will appoint as many committeemen deemed necessary with the advice
and consent of the president. This committee shall have the following specific duties.
A. It shall be charged with the responsibility of recommending and reviewing any
matters pertaining to the holding of real property of the Club.
B. It shall recommend actions for the buying or selling property.
C. It shall recommend engaging any professional or special services required on
lands and buildings owned by the Club for the proper construction,
maintenance, disposition, addition or repair of the same.

Section 14

Special Affairs Committee One or more committees shall be composed of a chairman

appointed by the President for each affair designated. Each chairman will appoint as
many committeemen as deemed necessary with the advice and consent of the President.
Each committee shall have the following specific duties:
A. It shall have absolute jurisdiction over the affair delegated to it to be sponsored
by the Club, or recommended by it and approved by the Executive Board.
B. It shall have full power to select the location, establish the cost, print,
distribute and sell tickets as well as arrange the program, select the master of

ceremonies and entertainment and control seating arrangements in addition to

any other duties in order to conduct the function in a manner which will bring
credit to the club.
C. It shall keep a complete record of financial matters pertaining to this activity
on forms instituted for its use.
D. It shall submit a complete financial report to the Treasurer for review before
its formal submission to the Executive Board.
E. It shall make data available to the Bulletin/Publicity Committee for complete
coverage of articles in newspapers or other advertising media and the Club

Section 1

These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization with the
following procedure:
A. Presentation of proposal by any member or group of members by proper
motion at a regular meeting which would require a two-third (2/3) affirmative
vote of the membership.
B. Referral to the Laws and Rituals Committee for study and drafting of final
proposed amendment.
C. Reading of proposed amendment at the next regular meeting and include any
changes or revisions requested and supported by the membership to the Laws
and Rituals Committee.
D. Publication and distribution of the final proposed amendment to each member
by the Club bulletin, electronic mail or by mail.
E. Passage by two third (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present at the next
regular meeting.

At least three (3) meetings must elapse for an amendment to be accomplished:
1. Introduction by proper motion.
2. Presentation of Proposed Draft by Laws and Rituals Committee.
3. Final passage by two thirds (2/3) affirmative vote after proper publication.
Section 2

No section of these By-Laws may be suspended for any purpose except for the Order of
Business which may be suspended and restored by proper motion in order to permit

special action, or presentation of any item deemed necessary by the membership or

Section 3

Roberts Rules of Order, Revised Edition shall be the authority for matters of procedure
not covered by these By-Laws or not given a clear interpretation by the Judicial Officer..


Section 1

It is hereby specifically established that the Club will not engage in political activities as
an organization.

Section 2

No other organization shall be permitted to use the name of Cosmos Club without the
express permission of this organization and without proper agreements of affiliation
drawn between them.



The following steps and information will be required for the election to any class of membership in the
Cosmos Club.
Section 1
An active member secures an application form from a member of the Executive Board
and, as sponsor, has it filled out and returned to him properly signed by the applicant.
Section 2

The sponsor presents the executed application form, along with the application fee (not a
portion of dues), to any member of the Executive Board for formal reading by the Club
Secretary at the next regular meeting of the Club.

Section 3

At any time between the meeting at which the application is read for the first time and the
next regular meeting, the membership committee will review the application and will
investigate the prospective member at least on the following points: Qualifications for
membership; Character and reputation; Fitness as a prospective member; Ability to
attend meetings; Attitude toward affiliation; Willingness to serve the Club.

Section 4

On the basis of its investigations the committee will, at the proper point in the Order of
Business, make its recommendation, only on applications which it approves, to the
membership and recommends acceptance.
A. The membership Committee will not discuss any application which it rejects.
It will return the rejected application to the sponsor and give its reason to the
sponsor only.

B. If the sponsor contests the decision of the Membership Committee he may,

through the President, request that it be reviewed by the Board.
C. After review of the facts the Executive Board will decide whether this
application should be presented to the membership for a vote. The decision of
this Board shall be final.
D. The proceedings of the Executive Board shall not record in detail any facts of
the review by the Board which are not censored or approved by the Judicial
Officer (Counselor) for announcement to the membership.
Section 5

At the proper point in the Order of Business the President will conduct the balloting for
acceptance of each individual applicant for membership.
A. All balloting on approved applicants will always be by closed ballot on
individual forms prepared, distributed, collected and counted by the
Membership Committee for each applicant under consideration.
B. Each applicant cannot receive more than five (5) negative votes in order to be
approved for membership.
C. The Sergeant at Arms will tabulate the results and turn same over to the
President for announcement.
D. The applicant shall never be present at the meeting at which he is voted on.

Section 6

After the approval, each applicant will be notified of his acceptance by their sponsor to
present himself for pledge of membership at the next regular meeting an to have available
the following items:
A. Annual or pro-rated dues for the calendar year to be turned over to the
B. Information for the Club Roster to the Club Secretary.

Section 7

When summoned by the presiding officer and after making available all items requested
by the Club Secretary, to the officers designated, the prospective member will take the
membership pledge administered by the presiding officer as follows:
I accept membership into the Cosmos Club of Fair lawn and promise without
reservation to obey its laws, rules, rituals and procedures. I promise to accept
any responsibility which will help to accomplish the aims and objectives of
the Club and I further promise to conduct myself at all times in a manner
which will be a credit to myself the Club, - and our town and country.

The date of taking this pledge will be reckoned as the date of his formal affiliation and all
obligations of membership will commence.
Section 9

At the Columbus Day/Installation Dinner all prior year new member will present
themselves upon notification by the Club Secretary for formal induction in accordance
with the Rituals of the Club.

At least three (3) meetings must elapse for the acceptance and pledging of a new member
as follows:
1. Reading and presentation of application.
2. Report of the investigation and balloting.
3. Attendance and taking of pledge by prospective member. (Applicant must be present.)
Section 10

Section 1

New members must be inducted into the Club prior to January of the voting year to be
eligible to vote for officers in the succeeding election that calendar year.

Automatic - Any member who is guilty of the following charges:
A. Any member being in arrears in the payment of dues for three (3) months,
shall have a notice of his indebtedness sent to him by the Treasurer. All dues
will be collected during January, February and March. Members who are in
arrears after March 31st will receive notifications by letter in April.
B. Names of the members in arrears will be read at the April and May general
membership meetings and posted in the Club.
C. If after the June general membership meeting, he still shall have failed to pay
his indebtedness, he shall, unless the Executive Board orders to the contrary,
be removed from the Club roster and cease to be a member. The member shall
return his Club key and remain liable for his Club indebtedness.

Section 2

Controversial Any member charged with disloyalty to the Club, the United States of
America or conduct unbecoming a member of the Cosmos Club by word, deed or action
may be suspended from the organization by the following procedures:
A. A charge to the effect may be made by a single member, or a group of
members, in writing to the Executive Board
B. The Executive Board will refer the problem or question to the Ethics
Committee for study, review and report.

C. The Ethics Committee, after hearing both sides of the problem by all parties
involved, in private hearing, individually or jointly, at its discretion, shall
make one of the following recommendations to the Executive Board.
1. That the matter is dropped, or
2. That the case be referred to the Grievance Committee for further action
and final disposition.
D. I f either party contests the decision of the Ethics Committee, sustained by the
Executive Board, then the entire matter shall be handed to the Grievance
Committee and shall be deemed a matter of extreme urgency.
Section 3

The Grievance Committee shall immediately take the following steps to dispense with the
A. It shall confer with the person charged as well as the member making the
charge for a satisfactory date at which the evidence may be heard.
B. It shall summon the person charged as well as the member making the charge
by electronic mail, regular mail or certified mail to appear before it on the date
set for such hearing.
C. It shall hear all evidence submitted by both parties, weigh all evidence and
make a final decision on the matter.
D. It shall advise al parties concerned, in writing, by electronic mail, regular mail
or certified mail, regarding its final disposition. Its decision shall be final,
conclusive and without recourse.

Section 1


Any officer may request the removal of any committee chairman by the Executive Board
for insubordination, neglect of duty or action unbecoming an appointed official of the
Cosmos Club. The Executive Board may, upon the evidence presented, take the
following actions:
A. Acquiesce to the request of the officer and direct the President to make another
B. Direct the Club Secretary to notify the committee of his dismissal.
Decide to hear the condemned chairman, if he will be heard, and make its
decision on the basis of all evidence presented.


C. The decision of the Executive Board shall be considered final, conclusive and
without recourse.



Section 1

Any vacancy created in an office by resignation shall be filled by a special election at the
regular meeting at which such vacancy is announced.

Section 2

The Executive Board may, at the regular meeting at which the announcement is made,
make a nomination for the vacant seat, accept additional nominations from the floor and
conduct a special election under the supervision of the Nominating Committee in
accordance with the procedure outlined for regular election.



Section 1

The Executive Board may announce the automatic vacancy of any office if that officer
has been absent for three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Board or regular
membership meetings without the consent of the President.

Section 2

The Executive Board may, at the regular meeting at which the announcement is made,
make a nomination for the vacant seat, accept additional nominations from the floor and
conduct a special election under the supervision of the Nominating Committee in
accordance with the procedure outlined for regular election.

Section 1


The Executive Board may, by majority vote, prefer charges against an officer for
disloyalty to the Club or the United States of America or for conduct unbecoming of an
officer of the Cosmos Club by word, deed, or action or for neglect of duty and
recommend his removal or expulsion by the following procedure.
A. It shall notify the Grievance Committee that a specific matter of extreme
importance and urgency exists.

Section 2

The Grievance Committee shall immediately take the following steps to dispense with the
A. It shall confer with the person charged as well as the member making the
charge for a satisfactory date at which the evidence may be heard.
B. It shall summon the person charged as well as the member making the charge,
by electronic mail, regular mail, or certified mail, to appear before it on the date
set for such hearing.

C. It shall hear all evidence submitted by both parties, weigh all evidence and
make a final decision on the matter.
D. It shall advise al parties concerned, in writing, by registered or certified mail,
regarding its final disposition. Its decision shall be final, conclusive and
without recourse.

Section 1


In the event a motion shall be made for the dissolution of the Cosmos Club, the following
rules shall take force and effect:
A. Every member is to receive a voting ballot which may be voted in person or as
a proxy vote by mail.
B. Abstentions shall not be considered in the voting.
C. All votes by mail must be received prior to the start of the meeting at which
the vote is taken.
D. Only pre-printed voting ballots will be accepted.
E. All ballots are to be mailed by certified or registered mail at least thirty (30)
days prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.
F. It will be the duty of the Executive Board to notify all members of a motion to
dissolve within fourteen (14) days of a motion for dissolution. Such notice
shall be by certified or registered mail.
G. Only members in good standing may vote for or against dissolution.
H. A motion for dissolution will carry upon the affirmative vote of seventy-five
percent (75%) of the members casting ballots.
I. In the event of a vote in favor of dissolution, it will not take place until 180
days after the vote is taken or until the affairs of the Club are completely
wound up.
J. In the event that the Cosmos Club shall be dissolved as provided herein, all
records, monies, and real property and holdings shall be turned over to the
Cosmos Club Foundation. The Foundation, composed of members of the
Italian/American Community will be responsible for the distribution of monies
and interests accrued by the Foundation for scholarships, charitable

organizations or any other causes deemed worthy by a vote of the majority

members of the Foundation Board.


Section 1

Any members wishing to use the Club Hall for a non-paying function, must personally
appear before the Executive Board requesting permission for use on a definite date and
defined time.

Section 2

Any member whishing to use the Club Hall for a funeral repast, may do so, providing
they vacate same three hours before any scheduled event that same day.


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