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Salem Lesson Plan Format

Cathie Greve
GRADE/CLASS: 11th grade/English 3 Standard
UNIT TOPIC: The Womans Voice in American Literature
Desired learning outcome(s): Students will be able identify clauses (independent & dependent),
sentence type (simple, compound, etc), & sentence purpose (exclamatory, etc.) in a sentence.
Students will continue to read Heading West by Miriam Davis Colt and complete a reading
guide. Students will learn how to write a constructed response paragraph.
Essential question(s) from learning objective(s):
How can I use clauses to vary my sentence composition?
How can I understand Heading West?
How can I improve my writing by learning how to write a constructed response?
Common Core/NC Essential Standard(s):
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.11-10.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-10.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in
detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
Learner prior knowledge/learner background experiences:
Prior classroom discussions
Basic Grammar knowledge
Materials and resources needed:
Computer with internet
smart board
Reading Guide handouts
Teaching strategies:
Differentiation strategies should be infused throughout. Differentiate for content,
product, and process.
Introductory strategies
Review of previous days reading.
Main instructional strategies
1. Instructor will begin the class with Daily Grammar Practice. Students will view a
sentence on the smart board and identify clauses (independent & dependent), sentence
type (simple, compound, etc), & sentence purpose (exclamatory, etc) - a student is
selected to write the correct answers on the smart board. Note: this is a daily activity.
(10 min)

2. Students will be divided into groups of 3 to read Heading West and complete the
reading guide.
3. After students complete the reading guide, we will review as a class. Reading guides
will be turned in for a class participation grade.
4. Students were required to complete a constructive response paragraph on their last
unit test. Most students struggled with this assignment so Instructor will review the
correct way to write a constructive response and model how to write one. Students
will then practice writing their own using a prompt from Head West.
5. If time allows, we will begin the background for our next work which is Kate
Chopins The Story of an Hour by showing a brief biography video of Kate
Concluding strategies
Students will be given vocabulary homework. They are to write 10 sentences using their
vocab words. They are also required to identify the parts of speech for each word.

Assessment (utilize a blend of traditional and performance assessments):

Instructor will informally assess students by circulating the room during their group work
activity. Students will turn in their reading guides for a class participation grade. Students will be
given vocabulary homework and will be assessed on their usage and understanding of the words.
EC Accommodations/modifications to strategies or assessments:
There is only one EC student in this class. He typically likes to work on his own, but for the
group assignment has been placed in a group that can help him if needed. No accommodations
are needed for vocabulary homework.

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