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Norco High

Veterinary Science

Ms. Lindsey

Welcome to an exciting year with the Norco Agriculture Department! The following is
the course outline, a list of rules and consequences that will be enforced in order to
maintain an orderly and productive program and my grading policy. I hope that you
have entered the Agriculture Department determined to learn and that you will
complete a course that will help you develop skills that will be valuable to you in future
Description: This course will cover anatomy and physiology of domestic animals,
nutrition, parasites and diseases. Vet Science will also provide a study of common
diseases of both small and large animals and the cause and means of prevention.
Students will participate in hands-on labs including dissections of organs, animal
behavior, and basic veterinary procedure. Guest lectures, veterinarians, vector control
officials, and animal heath technicians will also be provided to add knowledge of
current practices that are implemented in the animal heath fields. FFA and Supervised
Agricultural Experience Programs are required components of this class.
Course Outline:
I. Introduction to Veterinary Science
II. Cells of the Animal Body
III. Tissues of the Animals Body
IV. Organs ands and System of the Animal
V. Skin Membranes and Intestinal

VI. Attitude and Behavior

VII. Body Temperature, Pulse and
VIII. Introduction to Careers in Veterinary
IX. Introduction to Disease
X. Bacteria and Disease
XI. Viral Diseases
XII. External Parasites
XIII. Internal Parasites
XIV. Nutrition and Disease
XV. Poison and Disease
XVI. Stress and Disease
XVII. Heredity and Disease
XVII. Agriculture Issues in Veterinary

Classroom Rules:
1 All school and district rules and dress codes will be enforced.
2 Be in your assigned seat and ready to learn before the tardy bell.
3 Show respect and courtesy to the teacher and fellow students.
Discipline Policy:
1 Verbal warning
2 30 minute detention in the agriculture department doing homework,
cleaning, etc.
3 60 minute detention in the agriculture department doing homework,
cleaning, etc. Call home.
4 Referral to vice principal, ACP, or behavioral contract depending upon
*Instructors reserve the right to expedite the discipline policy depending
on the severity of the problem.
1. Comprehension of class content will be assessed with classwork, quizzes,
tests, labs, and homework. All assignments are to be turned in on time and
completed in black or blue ink or pencil. Typing is always appreciated. Work
turned in late will be subject to loss of points. (80% of overall grade)
1. Other factors that can affect grades include attitude, participation
(both in and outside of class) and ability depending upon the student
and the assignment.
2. Students who have an excused absence will have one day, for each
excused day to complete and submit makeup work. It is the students
responsibility to ask for makeup work after being absent.
3. Students will carry out laboratory exercises with livestock, plants, or
mechanics that are related to the course.
This could dirty the
students clothes.
Please plan accordingly, coveralls are
2. Students will be expected to carry on some type of ownership, nonownership, research, or community service program (SAE) dealing with
agriculture or some related field, and an FFA record book will be maintained
for that SAE. (10% of overall grade)
3. FFA is an integral part of the Norco Ag Department. Students will be required
to earn at least 8 FFA activity points per semester. Failure to obtain at least
eight activities will result in a reduced grade for all agriculture classes.
Please see the FFA calendar on the school website for activity dates and
times. (10% of overall grade)

Grades for assignments will be determined using the scale below.

Please note that some categories of assignments will be weighted
more than others.

100% earns the grade

80% earns the grade
60% earns the grade
40% earns the grade
20% and below earns the grade F

Please acknowledge your receipt of the syllabus as well as provide

contact information by using the Google Form at the following web
address -
I request that this be
completed by August 17, 2015.

Thank you for your cooperation and I look forward to meeting you in the future! I
can be reached via email at [email protected] or phone at (951) 736-3241
ext 25423.
The Norco FFA calendar of activities can be found at .

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