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Fill in the gaps with since or for.

a) ___________ many years.

Form : has / have + Past Participle
b) ___________ eight oclock.
ce, already, just, always, recently, ever, never, yet, notc)
how long,I was
a child.
d) ___________ five hours.
e) ___________ ages.
f) ___________ ten month.
g) ___________ breakfast.
Write sentences using the above phrases.
E.g.: I havent seen Mary for ages.
a) ______________________________________
b) ______________________________________
c) ______________________________________
d) ______________________________________
Put the verbs in the Present Perfect
e) ______________________________________
a) I ______________ (be) here since 8 pm.
f) ______________________________________
b) _________you _________(find) your glasses.
c) ________Tim _________ (read) the book?
d) My dog ____________(not drink) any water lately.

Order the words and form sentences.

Fill in the blanks. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present

a) have / never/ that / I about / thought.
a) __________ ( not arrive) yet.
b) She __________(make) all her clothes.
b) sent / they / at / have/ Christmas / messages / many.
c) _______ Mary ever __________ (be) abroad?
d) why __________you__________(feel) that way?
c) already / concert / begun / the / has.
e) Susan and Mark __________(not come) to the party.

Ask the questions for these answers. The answer is No. use the Present Perfect.
a) ________________________________________________________________________?
No, they are still at school.
b) ________________________________________________________________________?
No, They are still living here.

Fill in the gaps with since or for.

a) ___________ many years.
Form : has / have + Past Participle
b) ___________ eight oclock.
nce, already, just, always, recently, ever, never, yet, notc)
how long,I was
a child.
d) ___________ five hours.
e) ___________ ages.
f) ___________ ten month.
g) ___________ breakfast.
Write sentences using the above phrases.
E.g.: I havent seen Mary for ages.
a) ______________________________________
b) ______________________________________
c) ______________________________________
d) ______________________________________
Put the verbs in the Present Perfect
e) ______________________________________
a) I ______________ (be) here since 8 pm.
f) ______________________________________
b) _________you _________(find) your glasses.
c) ________Tim _________ (read) the book?
d) My dog ____________(not drink) any water lately.

Order the words and form sentences.

Fill in the blanks. Put the verbs in brackets in the Presen

a) have / never/ that / I about / thought.
a) __________ ( not arrive) yet.
b) She __________(make) all her clothes.
b) sent / they / at / have/ Christmas / messages / many.
c) _______ Mary ever __________ (be) abroad?
d) why __________you__________(feel) that way?
c) already / concert / begun / the / has.
e) Susan and Mark __________(not come) to the party.

Ask the questions for these answers. The answer is No. use the Present Perfect.
a) ________________________________________________________________________?
No, they are still at school.
b) ________________________________________________________________________?
No, They are still living here.

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