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ALUAD, and CONNIE ALUAD, Petitioners,

ZENAIDA ALUAD, Respondent.
G.R. No. 176943, October 17, 2008

Petitioners mother, Maria Aluad (Maria), and respondent Zenaido
Aluad were raised by the childless spouses Matilde Aluad (Matilde) and
Crispin Aluad (Crispin).Crispin was the owner of six lots identified as Lot
Nos. 674, 675, 676, 677, 680, and 682 of the Pilar Cadastre, Capiz. After
Crispin died, his wife Matilde adjudicated the lots to herself.

On November 14, 1981, Matilde executed a document entitled Deed

of Donation of Real Property Inter Vivos (Deed of Donation) in favor of
petitioners mother Maria covering all the six lots which Matilde inherited
from her husband Crispin.

On September 30, 1986, Original Certificates of Title over Lot Nos.

674 and 676 were issued in Matildes name. On August 26, 1991, Matilde
sold Lot No. 676 to respondent by a Deed of Absolute Sale of Real Property.
Subsequently or on January 14, 1992, Matilde executed a last will and
testament,devising Lot Nos. 675, 677, 682, and 680 to Maria, and her
remaining properties including Lot No. 674 to respondent. Matilde died
on January 25, 1994, while Maria died on September 24 of the same year.
On August 21, 1995, Marias heirs-herein petitioners filed before the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Roxas City a Complaint, for declaration and
recovery of ownership and possession of Lot Nos. 674 and 676, and
damages against respondent.

The trial court, by Decision of September 20, 1996, held that Matilde
could not have transmitted any right over Lot Nos. 674 and 676 to

respondent, she having previously alienated them to Maria via the Deed of

By Decision of August 10, 2006, the Court of Appeals reversed the

trial courts decision, it holding that the Deed of Donation was actually a
donation mortis causa, not inter vivos, and as such it had to, but did not,
comply with the formalities of a will. Thus, it found that the Deed of
Donation was witnessed by only two witnesses and had no attestation clause
which is not in accordance with Article 805 of the Civil Code.

Whether or not the Deed of Donation is a donation mortis causa and
have complied with the formalities of a will.

The Deed of Donation which is one of mortis causa. The donation
being then mortis causa, the formalities of a will should have been
observedbut they were not, as it was witnessed by only two, not three or
more witnesses following Article 805 of the Civil Code.Further, the
witnesses did not even sign the attestation clausethe execution of which
clause is a requirement separate from the subscription of the will and the
affixing of signatures on the left-hand margins of the pages of the will.

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