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Q1 Choose the correct form of the verbs:
Teacher: Seema, (a)____ (do you do/have you done) your homework?
Seema : Ma'am, I (b) ____ (was/be) absent yesterday.
Teacher: What (c) ____ (happened/has happened) to you?
Seema : I (d) ____ (had/have) high fever.
Teacher: Did you (e) ____ (consult/consulted) some doctor?
Seema : Yes, ma'am. He (f) ___ (has prescribed/ prescribe) for five days.
Teacher: (g) ___ (have/had) you (h) ____(got/get) the medical certificate?
Q2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets:
1) She ________ not ________ (practise) yoga everyday.
2) Sushma _________ (work) on her project at the moment.
3) I _________ (write) a book by the end of the week.
4) The show ________ (already, start) when we arrived.
5) By the next year, he and his wife ________ (live) together for 30 years.
6) Nitin ________ (already, suffer) from viral for two days when he consulted a doctor.
7) She ________ (give) you a prize if you stand first.
8) The moon _____ not _____(emit) its own light.
9) ______ you ________ (notice) her new phone yesterday in the party?
10) _____ you ________ (consult) some dietician regularly?
Q3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets:
Monika's father (a) ______ (enjoy) a good health. He never (b) _______ (take) much fat. One day, after he (c)
______ (offer) his prayer, he (d) _______ (complain) of uneasiness in his chest. His wife, whose father (e)
________ (already, suffer) a heart attack, (f) _______ (come) to realize that it was a symptom related to
cardiac problem. She (g) ______ (wake) up her son to get ready. In the meantime, she (h) _______ (pack) up
some necessary items. Her son reached the hospital. The doctors (i) _______ (do) their best and saved
Monika's father.

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Q4 There is an error in each line related to tenses. Underline the incorrect word and write the correct word
in the given blanks:
a) Reading of books was always a pleasure.


b) When work tired us, we can always seek


c) the company of these pleasant companions. They gives ________

d) us something and wants nothing in return.


e) a lover of books never felt lonely. The masterpieces


f) of literature is the richest treasure of knowledge.


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