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CGP Biology notes

ATP adenine, ribose, 3 phosphates

Chemical energy in phosphate bond
ATP synthase/ATPase
Coenzymes aid the functioning of an enzyme by transferring a chemical group from
one molecule to another
Chloroplast envelope
Grana are joined by lamellae bits of thylakoid membrane
Photosynthetic pigments e.g. carotene and chlorophyll a/b, coloured substances
attached to proteins to form photosystems. PSI 700 nm PSII 680 nm
Stroma enzymes, sugars, organic acids and oil droplets
Starch grain
Non-cyclic and cyclic photophosphorylation
Excited electrons move to different electron carriers, energy is transferred moving H+
across thylakoid membrane from the stroma to the thylakoid space. H+ ions move
down the proton gradient via stalked particles containing ATP synthase. Chemiosmosis
movement of protons across a membrane generates ATP.
Calvin cycle carbon fixation
GALP triose phosphate
CO2 enters leaf through stomata and diffuses into stroma
Regeneration of RuBP cycle to keep going, so RuBP always available to combine with
1) Chloroplast envelope keeps reactants close to reaction site, speeding up
reactions via increased collisions
2) Thylakoid membranes have large surface for maximum light absorption
Ecosystems all the organisms living in an area and abiotic factors.
Light hits bark
Respiratory loss
Net productivity amount of energy available for the next trophic level
% efficiency with net productivity
Abundance/population size the number of individuals of the same species living in
the same area
Temperature is far from optimum more energy is used to control temperature, less
energy is available for growth and reproduction so population size decreases
Carrying capacity of a species is the maximum stable population size that an
ecosystem can support
Niche role of species in habitat
Prey decreases because not enough food for the prey, accelerated by increased
Percentage cover amount of area covered by a particular species, measure
Random sampling avoid bias. More than half, count 1.

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