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The Way of the Superior Man

A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of
Women, Work and Sexual Desire
By David Deida
Anytime someone recommends a book to me, I read it. Ive done that for close to thirty years
now. Every so often one of those books will make a big difference in my life. This is one of those
books. The Way of the Superior Man is like a slap upside the head. It is a wake up call. It is
about reclaiming the masculine while embracing the feminine. We find ourselves in a world
today where men are men and women are women. We grow numb in our relationships, running
for our lives and losing the blessings of our polarities. This book is a reminder of the duality. Of
the ying and yang. Of the black and white. Of opposing forces. Of what makes the world go
What follows are some of the quotes, wisdom, insights, reminders and strategies I gained from
this reading:
1. Most postponements are an excuse for a lack of discipline.
2. Spend at least an hour each day giving your fullest gift so that youll live a life without
3. Assume your woman is how she is today forever. Dont fight it. Embrace it. Dont try to
understand it and dont try to escape it. Find the humor in it.
4. Man who have lived significant lives are men who never waited: not for money,
security, ease, or women.
5. Live with an open heart, even if it hurts.
6. Live as if your father was dead. I know that for myself and so many others, at a deep
emotional level our challenge is to do better than our fathers. I did that the day I
graduated from college. But it did not make me a better man. We cannot live our life
constrained by the judgment of our fathers or otherswhether dead or alive.
7. If youre absolutely fearless, would you be earning a living in exactly the same way as
you are now?
8. Meditate, contemplate or pray daily so you are present and steeped in the Source.
9. If you postpone the process of submerging yourself in the Source for the sake of taking
care of business first, your life will be spent in the hours and days of business and then it
will be gone.
10. Never change your mind just to please a woman. You are open to listening to others,
but in the end, you will take the responsibility for making your own decision. There is
nobody else to blame.
11. Your mission is your priority.
12. Time you spend with your woman should be time you really want to be with her more
than anything else.
2008 Donald A. Phin

13. Give it all. No holding back. Use everything youve got.

14. Invite and enjoy your friends criticism.
15. The father force is the force of loving, challenge and guidance.
16. If you dont know your purpose, discover it, now. I would say my purpose in life is to:
teach, love, learn, play, dance, laugh, explore, give grace, feel good.
17. Be willing to change everything in your life to live a full one. I have gone down this road
myself and couldnt agree more. Not just change for changes sake. Change for
betterments sake. And dont expect the transition to be easy. Point is, the outcome is
worth it all.
18. Dont use your family as an excuseyoull only disservice them in the process.
19. For their sake, your sake and your womans sake, discover your deepest purpose,
commit yourself completely to its process, and find a way to embrace your family as you
do so.
20. It is not the amount of time but the quality of the interaction that most influences a
childs growth.
21. When you are with your family, be with them totally.
22. Dont get lost in tasks and duties. I need to keep working on this one!
23. Watch becoming a robot of duty.
24. Your success doesnt mean shit to her unless you are free and loving.
25. Your woman will test you. This will never end. This is the secret. You will never get out
of it. Finding a different woman wont get you out of it. Neither will therapy, money or
sexual mastery.
26. In the feminine reality, words in fact take a second place to emotions and the shifting
moods of the relationship.
27. The truth of the feminine is whatever she is really feeling in this present moment.
28. The masculine grows by challenge but the feminine grows by praise.
29. Praise works. Information doesnt. Praise motivates. Challenge doesnt. Try it. Deida
suggests praising five to ten things each day. Looks like I have to kick it up a notch.
30. Somehow all of this reminds me of another truism: Dont assume that they know you
care. I remind myself to tell my wife that she is beautiful, that she is a good person, that I
know that she is loving and caring. Often times we can only give people our negative
attention, whether at work or at home.
31. Tolerating her leads to resenting her. This is a real challenge. I know that in my own
marriage I tend to either tolerate unacceptable conduct or bitch about it. I dont do what
Deida suggests and that is to open her moods with skillful loving. As Deida says, both of
us will grow more by my giving than by my tolerating.
32. A superior man sees her moods not as a curse but as a challenge and an amusement. This
is an area I definitely have to work on. Especially the amusement part. Im sure Im not
alone in that.
33. Open her heart again and again and again.
34. Dont analyze your woman. Or, as my good buddy Dave Morgan said, Never try to
understand them. Its what makes the world go round. Or as I say in my own
workshops, If it doesnt make sense, dont try to make sense out of it!
35. Deida advises that the easiest approach is to assume she is not feeling loved.
36. And, oh by the way, Dont suggest a woman fix her own emotional problem.


37. Love is the feminine priority, not purpose and direction. I have to honor this in my
wife. It is so easy to fall in the trap of wanting others to be like you.
38. Dont force the feminine to make decisions. Boy, do I fight this one! Deida suggests
that we dont say, Do whatever you want or They are both nice. Say something
decisive like, I like the red shoes, but whats most important to me is that youre happy.
I tried that with my wife the other night in a situation where I was truly indifferent to the
choice and I laughed at her improved reaction to it.
39. As a practice, always help your woman make decisions by giving her your perspective
and telling her your choices, while letting her know you love her regardless of the
decisions she makes.
40. You cant have a woman who is always logically consistent, reasonable, and who also
fills your heart and flesh with energy, instantly and throughout the day
41. The thing your woman is complaining about is rarely the thing she is complaining
about. Again, if it doesnt make sense, dont try to make sense out of it!
42. She doesnt really want to be number one. As I often say to my wife, Ill be the King
and you can be the Queen.
43. A mans highest purpose is his priority, not his intimacy. Your woman knows this, deep
inside, she really wants it to be this way. I have to watch this. I often times want my wife
to be as driven and as purposeful as I am. That is not her gift. Her loving and nurturing is
her gift. That is what I must honor and constantly remember. No jamming round pegs
into square holes.
44. The feminine responds to the moment of energy, forgetting her mans history of past
behavior. Track records dont matter much, being in the present does.
45. You are always searching for freedom.
46. The dark masculine energy of the warrior, one who could face death and kill when
necessary is an essential part of you. Women want this in their men. This is discussed in
the book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette. Most
women dont want some new age metrosexual guy. They want a man.
47. Your woman knows your weakness better than anyone. And how to push your buttons
better than anyone.
48. Life itself is the feminine.whenever you are feeling isolated and weary, feel the
present moment as if it were a woman. What a great image. I tried it the other morning
at the beach. First time I gave the beach a gender.
49. A womans true radiance reveals a degree to which she is open, trusting, connected, and
loving. Isnt it the radiance we want?
50. Allow older women their magic.
51. Learn to discipline your habits of building up and releasing mental and sexual tension.
Napoleon Hill talked about this whole concept in Think and Grow Rich. About the nature
of transforming sexual energy.
52. Can you invade her body and her heart with so much love and humor that she laughs,
relaxes and brightens in spite of herself? What a challenging line!
53. It only takes a moment of praise and deep appreciation to re-evoke a womans
radiance. So try it.
54. Give her what you want from her. Or as the Buddha would say, What comes to you
comes from you.


55. Ejaculation should be converted or consciously chosen. Deida makes the point that
without discipline, the release of our sexual energy is depleting rather than invigorating.
Theres a reason why boxers dont get to have sex before bouts. Boxers, track athletes,
and others requiring bursts of energy will typically store up their sexual energy and use it
to create a kinetic explosion. In the same way, were encouraged to hold on to that sexual
energy throughout our day in our lives and only give it up intentionally and in a manner
which is empowering. Of course, this sounds like extra work. But then again, so is going
to the gym or eating right, constant learning and everything else that tends to improve our
life. Deida actually goes through a physical technique to help men learn how to redirect
their sexual release. This includes being very well aware of your breath and being in
control of your pelvic muscles. Ill leave it to you to read the details.
56. Feel your partner more than you feel yourself. Its always been my experience that the
best sex comes when I lose myself in my partner.
57. Because the mans priority is his mission, he will always gravitate to a woman whom he
feels will most support his mission. Fortunately this how I feel about my wife. I didnt
always feel this way about the women in my life and it made a big difference.
58. The desire for intimate loving is essential to your womans life as the mission towards
freedomfinancial, psychological, and spiritualis to yours.
59. It is natural not be as into the relationship as your woman.
60. Your woman could be a corporate executive and you could be a house husband. Thats
fine, as long as youre living your highest purpose and her life is devoted to love.
61. Your masculine gift is to know where you are, where you want to be, and what you need
to do to get there.
62. A superior man will not settle for the less than the fullest incarnation of love of which he
and his woman are capable of. No room for ordinary relations here.
63. You are entirely responsible for cutting through your own laziness, addictions and
unclarity. Theres nothing to wait for and nobody to blame. Amen. As I learned a long
time ago in Money and You, play above the line and take responsibility.
64. Take away anything that dulls your edge. No newspapers or magazines. No TV. No
candies, cookies or sweets. No sex. No cuddling. No reading of anything at all while you
eat or sit on the toilet. Reduce working time to a necessary minimum. No movies. No
conversation that isnt about truth, love, or the divine. Perhaps this hit me as much as
anything in this book. We can get so caught up in our day-to-day duties, roles and
responsibilities that we can literally disappear. Because I am aware of this, Ive read a
few books on simplicity so that I can keep my life simpler. Deida just reminded me that I
can do better still. While he doesnt suggest that we do this on a never-ending basis we
should at least experiment with it for a while until were clear about who the heck we
really are. Has part of you disappeared too? What can you strip away to find yourself
65. Spend time at least once a week with a group of men. As he states, Cut through the
bullshit and talk with each other straight. I realize that despite the fact I do so many
workshops for so many men, I dont have a mastermind group of my own where I can cut
through the bullshit and talk straight. I will work on creating such a group.
Like I said, this is an awesome book. At the end of it I wrote the following notes to myself:


Live a no-bullshit life.

Strip it all away.
Be a man.
Give the gift.
Be present.
Be One.
Restore the sexual energy.

And this mantra

Everyday of my life is a gift. A miracle. I wont settle for less than having it all. To experience
everything possible life can offer. To live a life with meaning. To smile and laugh often. Until the
day I leave this amazing journey.
You can learn more about Deida by going to his website ( To purchase the
book please click here.
Let me conclude by saying Benthanks for turning me on to this book!


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