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Basic Marginal Cost

QUESTION 1:- A company has an opening stock of 6,000 units of output. The production planned for
the current period is 24,000 units and expected sales for the current period amount to 28,000 units. The selling
price per unit of output is Rs.10. Variable cost per unit is expected to be Rs. 6 per unit while it was only Rs. 5
per unit during the previous period. What is the Break Even volume for the current period if the total fixed
costs for the current period is Rs. 86,000? Assume that the first In first out system is followed. Assume that the
Last in first out system is followed.
Statement of Break Even Point (FIFO)
Nature Quantity contribution per unit Total contribution
Opening stock 6000 5/- 30,000
Current 14,000 4/- 56.000 (B.f.)
∴ Break event 20,000 unit fixed cost 86.000

Hence, Under FIFO System is covered by selling of 20000 units. There fore. The sale of 20.000 units is the
break even point.

Statement of break event point (LIFO)

Nature Quantity Contribution per unit Total contribution
Current 21,500 4/- 4/-
Opening stock - 5/- -
21.500 86.000
∴ Break Even Point = 21,500 units
QUESTION 2:- Lucy & Co. has given the following data;
Selling price per unit Rs. 20
Direct material cost per unit Rs. 8
Direct labour cost per unit Rs. 2
Variable overhead per unit Rs. 2
Fixed overhead (Total) Rs. 20,000
Find out :
(a) P/V ratio. (b) Break-even sales.
(c) Margin of safety at a sale level of Rs. 1,00,000.
(d) Profit, if sales are 20% above the break-even sales.
(e) Sales to make a profit of Rs. 5,000
(f) P/V ratio if the selling price is increased by 10%.
(g) Break-even sales, if the selling price is increased by 10%.
(h) Break-even sales, if the fixed overhead is increased by 20%.
(a) P.V. Ratio =  Contribution x 100  %
 Sales 
 20-12 
=  x 100  %
 20 
 8 
=  x 100  %
 20 
= 40%
Fixed cost
(b) Break Even Sales =
P.V. cost
= Rs. 50.000

(c) Margin of safety = Total sale – Break even sale

= Rs. (1.00.000 – 50.000)
= Rs. 50.000

(d) Sale x P.V. Ratio – Fixed cost = Profit

50.000 x 120% x 40% - 20.000 = Profit
∴ Profit = 4000
Sales x P.V. Ratio – fixed cost = Profit
Sales x 40% - 20.000 = 5000
Sales x 40% = 5000 + 20.000
∴ Sales = 25.000 %
= 62,500 Ans

(f) P.V. Ratio =
20 x 110% - 12
20 x 110%
22 x 12
= = 10
22 22
∴ P.V. Ratio =  10 x 100  %
 22 
= 45.45%

Fixed cost
(g) Break Even Sales (At increase S.P.) =
P.V. cost
= %
∴ Required sales = 40.004

Fixed cost (Increased)

(h) Break Even Sales =
P.V. Ration
20.000 x 20%
= = 60.000
∴ Required Sales = 60.000 Ans
QUESTION3:- The following data are obtained form the records of company :
First Second year
Sales (Rs.) 80,000 90,000
Profit (Rs.) 10,000 14,000
Calculate :
(a) P/V ratio,
(b) Break-even point .
(c) Profit or loss at Sales of Rs. 50,000.
(d) Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 19,000
(e) Margin of safety, if sale is Rs. 60,000.

Change in profit
(a) P.V. Ratio =
Change in sales
14.000 - 10.000
= = 4000
90.000 - 80.000 10.000
 4 
∴ P.V. Ratio =  x 100  % = 40%
 10 
(b) Calculation of Break Even Point
Sales x P.V. Ratio – Fixed cost = Profit
80.000 x 40%n – Fixed cost = 10.000
∴ Fixed cost = 80.000 x 40% - 10.000 = Rs. 22.000
Break Even Sale = Fixed cost
P.V. Ratio
= = 55.000

(c) Sales x P.V. Ratio – Fixed cost = Profit (loss)

50.000 x 40% - 22.000 = Profit (loss)
∴ Profit = 20.000 – 22000
∴ (loss) = 2000
There fore when sales is 50.000 then loss of Rs. 2000 is incurred.

(d) Sales x P.V. Ratio – Fixed cost = Profit

Sales x 40% - 22,000 = 19000
Sales x 40% = 19000 + 22000
∴ Sales = 41.000 = 102500
Required Sales = 102500 Ans

(e) Margin of Safety = Total sale – Break even

= 60.000 – 55.000
= Rs. 5000 Ans.
QUESTION 4:- A newspaper presently sells 1,00,000 copies of its morning daily. It wants to publish
evening daily. Particulars are:
Actual for morning Estimates for Evening
Sales price Rs.2 per paper Rs.0.50 per paper
Variable cost Rs. 1.20 per paper Rs.0. 22 per paper
Fixed cost Rs. 2.4 lack per week Rs.10, 000 per week
Sale of morning daily will fall @ 1 copy for every 10 copies sold of evening daily.
Calculate Break-even sales for evening daily per week.
Fixed cost for evening ness paper = Rs. 10,00
Variable cost: Rs.
Cost to be incurred 0.22
Benefit lost due to 10
= Contribution from 1 morning paper i.e. Rs. 0.80
Rs. 0.80
∴ Contribution lost in 1 evening newspaper = = 0.80
Relevant Variable cost 0.30
Fixed cost
Break Even Point =
= = 10.000
0.50 - 0.30 0.20
= 50.000 copies
Hence, Required Break Even Point = 50.000 copies.
QUESTION 5:- PV Ratio of a business is 30 per cent. BER is 40 per cent of the capacity. Capital
turnover is 2.5 and profit is 15 per cent on capital employed. At what level (per cent of the capacity) the
business is operating ? ( Turnover = sales / C.E)
Let sales = Rs. 100
Contribution = 30% of sales
= 30
Turnover (Sales)
Capital Turn over Ratio =
Capital Employed
2.5 =
Capital Employed
∴Capital Employed = 100 = Rs. 40
We have,
∴ Profit = 15% of capital Employed
= 15 x 40 = Rs. 6
= Rs. 6
Contribution – Fixed Cost = Profit
Rs. 30 – fixed cost = Rs. 6
∴ Fixed cost = Rs. 30 – Rs. 6
= Rs. 24
Fixed cost
Break Even Ratio =
P.V. Ratio
40% of capacity = 24
24 x 100 x 100
∴ Capacity =
30 x 40
= Rs. 200
Hence, It indicates we are operating at 50% of capacity.
QUESTION 6:- If M.S. Ratio is changed from 30 per cent to 60 per cent how will the profitability be
affected taking 20 per cent PV Ratio?
Let Total Sale = Rs. 100
Margin of Safety Sale = 100 x 30%
= Rs. 30
∴ Profit = 20% of Rs. 30
= Rs. 6
Margin of Safety Sale = 60% of 100
=Rs. 60
∴ Profit = Rs. 60 x 20% = Rs. 12
Hence, As the margin of safety sale increase from 30% to 60% then profit is increased with double
1year II year
Sales Rs. 2,00,000 Decrease in sales Price and
Decrease in Fxed cost, no change in variable
cost.Slab value reamin same.
M/s Ratio 25% 40%
P/V Ratio 33.50% 30%
Find sales, Profit, Fixed cost and BEP in II year
Contribution in Ist year = Sales x P.V. Ratio
= Rs. 2.00.000 x 33.50%
∴ Contribution = 67,000
Sales – Variable cost = Contribution
∴ Variable cost = Sales – Contribution
= 2,00.000 – 67.000
= 1,33,000
It is given in the question that
Variable cost of I year = Variable cost of II year
∴ Variable cost of IInd year = Rs. 1.33.000
P.V. Ratio = 30% (In II Year)
∴Variable cost = 70% of sales
1.33.000 = 70% x sales
∴ Sales = 1,33.000
70 %
∴ Sales = 1,90,000
I year II Year
Margin of safety ratio 25% 40%
∴ Margin sale (Total sale x m/s 2.00.000 x 25% 1.90.000 x 40%
50.000 76.000
∴ Profit (= Margin Sale x P.V. 50.000 x 33.50% 76,000 X 30%
Ratio) =16,750 = 22,820
∴ Break Even Sale (Total Sale – 1,50.000 114000
Margin Sale)
Fixed cost (Sale Variable cost – 2,00,000 – 1,33,000 1.90,000 –
Profit) -16,750 133,000 –22800
= 50.250 34,200
QUESTION 8:- In 1991. The turnover of a company, which operated at a margin of safety of 25%
amounted to Rs. 9,00,000 and its profit volume ratio was 33-1/3% During 1992 the company estimated that
although the same volume of sales as in 1991 would be maintained, the sales value would go down due to
decrease in selling price. There will be no change in variable costs. The company proposes to reduce its fixed
costs through an intensive cost reduction programme. These changes will alter the profit volume ratio and
margin of safety to 30% and 40% respectively in 1992.
Even if the company closed down its operations in 1992, it would incur a minimum fixed cost of Rs.
Statement of comparative profit and loss
Year — 1991 Year — 1992
Rs. Rs.
Sales Revenue 9,00.000 Sales (W.N. 3) 8,57,143
(-) Variable cost 6,00.000 (-) Variable cost 6.00.000
Contribution (S.V x 3.00.000 Contribution 2,57,143
P.V. Ratio)
(-) Fixed cost (B.f.) 2,25,000 (-) fixed cost 1,54,286
Profit (W.N. 2) 75.000 Profit (W.N. 4) 102857

(2) Calculation of minimum sale

Sales x P.V Ratio = 164286 (154286 – 50.000)
Sales x 30% = 104256
∴ Sales = 104289 = 347620
30 %
Required Minimum Sales = ?Rs. 3.47.620
W.N-1 Calculation of contribution in 1991
Contribution = Sales x P.V. Ratio
= 900000 x 100/3%
= 3,00.000
Calculation of profit in 1991.
Margin of Safety Sale x P.V. Ratio = Profit
∴ Profit = (9,00.000 x 25%) x 30/3%
∴ Profit = 75,000
Calculation of Sale in 1992
P.V. Ratio = 30%
∴ Variable cost Ratio = 70%
i.e. 70% of Sale = 6,00.000
∴ Sale = 857143
Calculation of profit in 1992
M/S/S x P.V. Ratio = Profit
∴ Profit = (857143 x 40%) x 30%
= 102857
QUESTION 9:- Find cost Break even points between each pair of plants whose cost functions area Plant
A: Rs. 600,000 + Rs. 12 X; Plant; B: Rs. 900,000 + Rs. 10 x; Plant C: Rs. 1500,000 + Rs. 8 x; (Where X is the
number of units sold)? Which plant should be purchased?
Calculation of cost break even point between A & B.
T.C.A = T.C.B
6.00.000 x 12x = 9.00.000 + 10x
12x – 10x = m9.00.000 – 6.00.000
∴x= = 1,50,000 unit.
Hence cost break even’ point between A and B = 1,50.000 units
Calculation of break even’ point between A and C.
T.C.A = T.C.C
6.00.000 + 12x = 15.00.000 + 8x
12x – 8x = 15,00.000 – 6.00.000
∴ x = 9.00.000 = 2.25.000 units
Hence, cost break even point between A and C = 2,25.000 units.
Calculation of break even point between ‘B and C’
T.C.B = T.C.C
9.00.000 + 10x = 15,00.000 + 8x
10x – 8x = 15,00.000 – 9,00.000
∴ x = 6.00.000 = 3,00.000
Hence, Cost break even point between B and C is 3,00.000 units.
Statement of Range
Level (unit) Preference
0-14.9999 A
1,50.000 A or B
150,001 to 2,99,999 B
More than 3,00.000 C
QUESTION 10:- The product of a company is as under:
Units 36,000 12,000
Selling Price Rs. 5 10
Variable cost Rs. 4 3
Fixed Costs Rs. 30,000
You are required to calculate the break-even point in units.
Find the shift in the break-even point in units, if the company discontinues product A and substitutes
products C in its place. The quantity of products C is 6000 units and its selling price and variable costs
respectively are Rs. 12.00 and 6.00.
Statement of Break Even Point (Unit) [between A and B]
Product Quantity Selling Variable Contribution Contribution Break Even
price cost per unit (Rs.) Point
A 36.000 5 4 1 36.000 9000
B 12,000 10 3 7 84,000 3000
48,000 Contribution 1,20.000 12000

Fixed cost
Group Break Even Sale (Unit) =
Group contribution per unit*

Total contribution
* Group contribution per unit =
Total Qty gold
= 2.5
∴Group Break Even Point = = 12.000 units

Statement of Break Even Point [between C and B]

Product Quantity Selling Price Variable Total Break Even
cost Contribution Point
C 6000 12 6 36,000 1500
12000 10 3 84.000 3000
18.000 1.20.000 4500

Total contribution
Group contribution per unit =
Total Quantity
= 6.66
Fixed cost
Group Break Even Point =
Group contribution per unit
= 4500 units
QUESTION11:- From the following data, calculate composite P/V ratio, composite contribution per
unit of mix and break –even point by using P/V ratio and contribution per unit:
Fixed cost: Products Units Selling price Variable cost per Rs. 50,000.
Answer. per unit Rs. unit Rs.
Sales A 2,000 10 6 of A: Rs. 12,500
Sales of B 4,000 15 12 A: 1,250 units
Sales C 6,000 20 10 of B: Rs. 37,500
B: 2,500 units
Sales of C: Rs. 75,000 C: 3,750 units
Rs. 1,25,000 7,500 units
QUESTION 12:-The budgeted results of A Ltd. are as under:
Product Sales P/V Sales
Values Ratio Mix
(Rs.) (% (%)
X 2,50,000 2050
Y 4,00,000 3240
Z 6,00,000 4830
12,50,000 100
Fixed overheads for the period Rs. 5,02,200.
The management is worried about the results.
You are required to prepare
(a) A statement showing the amount of loss, if any, being incurred at present and recommend a change
in the sale value of each product as well as in the total sales value maintaining same sales-
mix, which will eliminate the said loss.
(b) Recommend the additional sales of any individual product to recover the loss.
Statement showing profit and loss
Product Sales P.V. Ratio Contribution Break Even Additional
Sale (Rs.) Sale
X 2,50,000 50E% 1,25,000 2,70,000 20.000
Y 4,00.000 40% 1,60,000 4,32,000 32,000
Z 6.00.000 30% 1,80,000 6,48,000 48,000
Total 12,50.000 4,65,000 13,50,000 1,00,000
(-) Fixed cost 502200
profit (37,200)

Total contribution
Group P.V. Ratio =
Total sales
 465.000 
=  x 100  %
 12,50,000 
= 37.2%
Break Even Sales (Rs.) =
Existing Sale = 12,50,000
∴Addition at Sale = 1,00.000
(b) Individual sale to be increased.
Additional contribution 37.200
For x = =
P.V. Ratio 50%
= Rs. 74.400
Additional contribution 37.200
For Y = =
P.V. Ratio 40%
= Rs. 93.000
Additional contribution 37.200
For Z = =
P.V. Ratio 30%
= 1,24,000
QUESTION 13:- Hewtax manufactures two products- tape recorder and electronic calculators- and sell
them nationally. The Hewtax management is very pleased with the company’s performance for the current
fiscal year. Projected sales through January 1,1987, indicate that 70,000 tape recorders and 1,40,000 electronics
calculators will be sold this year. The projected earning statement, which appears below shows that Hewtax,
will exceed its earning goal of 9 per cent on sales after taxes.
Hewtax Electronics Projected Earnings Statement for the year ended December 31, 1987.
Tape recorder Electronic
Total Per Unit Total Rs. Per Total
Amount(000) Amount unit amount
(000) (000)
Sales Rs. 1050 Rs.15.00 Rs. 3150 22.50 Rs. 4200.00
Production Cost
Material 280 4.00 630 4.50 910.00
Direct labour 140 2.00 420 3.00 560.00
Variable 140 2.00 280 2.00 420.00
Fixed Overheads 70 1.00 210 1.50 280.00
Total production 630 9.00 1540 11.00 2170.00
Gross margin 420 Rs.6.00 Rs.1610 Rs. 11.50 Rs. 2030
Fixed selling and 1040.00
Net income before 990.00
Income taxes
Income Taxes 544.50
Net Income Rs. 445.50
The tape recorder business has been fairly stable the last few years and the company does not intend to
change the tape recorder price. However the competition among manufactures of electronic calculators has been
increasing. Hewtax’s calculators have been popular with consumers. In order to
sustain the interest in their calculators and to meet the price reductions expected from competitions
management has decided to reduce the wholesale price of its calculator from 22.50 to 20.00 per unit effective
January 1,1988. At the same time the company plans to spend an additional Rs. 57,000 on advertising during
fiscal year 1988. As a consequence of this action, management estimates that 80 per cent of its total revenue
will be derived from Calculators sales as compared to 75 per cent in 1987.
The total fixed production overhead costs will not change in 1988 nor will the variable overhead cost rates
(applied on a direct labour hour base). However, the cost of material and direct labour is expected to change.
The cost of solid state electronic components will be cheaper in 1988. Hewtax estimated that material costs will
drop by 10 per cent for the tape recorders and 20 per cent for the calculators in 1988. However direct labour
costs for both products will increase by 10 per cent in the coming year.
Required A. How many tape recorder and electronic calculator units did Hewtax Electronic have to sell in
1987 to break even?
Required B. What value of sales i.e. required if Hewtax Electronics is to earn a profit in 1988 equal to 9 per
cent on sales after taxes?

Tutorial Notes: -
B.E.P. of a multiple product firm:
1. If break Even Point is to be calculate in units, find weighted average contribution
per unit. Weights being ratio between units sold.
2. If break Even point is to be calculate in amount, find weighted average of P.V.
Ratio: Weights being ratio between amount of sales.
(A) Statement of Break Even in 1987.
Product Quantity Contribution Total Contribution Break Even Sale
Tape Recorder 70.000 7 4,90,000 40,000
Electronic calculator 1,40,000 13 18,20,000 80.000
2,10,000 23,10,000 1,20,000

Total contribution
Group contribution per unit =
Total quantity
= = Rs. 11

Fixed cost
Group Break Even Pint (unit) =
Group contribution per unit
2,80.000 + 10.40.000
= = 13.20.000
11 11
= 1.20.000 unit
(B) Let X be required Sales
Fixed cost + Profit
Sales =
P.V. Ratio (W.N- 2)
13,77,000 + 20% of x
54% x X = 13,77,000 + 20% of X
54% X – 20% x X = 13,77,000
∴ X =40,50.000
Hence Required Group Sales = Rs. 40,50,000/-
Calculation of profit before Tax. Rate
PBT – Tax Ant. = PAT
PBT – PBT x Rate = PAT
1 - Rate
= = 9%
1 - 0.55% 45
= 20%
W.N – 2
Calculation of Group P.V. Ratio
Product Selling price Variable cost Contribution P/V Sales value Ratio
Tape Recorder 15 7.80 7.2 48% 20%
Electronic 20 8.90 11.1 55.5% 80%

20% x 48% + 80% x 55.5%

∴ Group P.V. Ratio =
20 % + 80%
= 54%
QUESTION 14:- The Columbus Hospital operates a general hospital but rents space and beds to
separate entities for specialized areas such a skin, pediatrics, maternity, psychiatric, and so on. Columbus
charges each separate entity for common services to its patients such as meals and laundry and for
administrative services such as billing, collections and so. Space and bed rentals are fixed for the year.
For the entire year ended June 30,1983, the Skin Department at Columbus Hospital charged each patient an
average of Rs. 65 per day, had a capacity of 60 beds, operated 24 hours per day for 365 days and revenue of Rs.
Expenses charged by the hospital to the Skin Department for the year ended June 30, 1983 are in Table A.
The only personnel directly employed by the Skin Department are supervising nurses, nurses and
assistant. The hospital has minimum personnel requirements based on total annual patient days. Hospital
requirements of personal are given in Table B.
[Table A : Expenses (Skin Department)]

Basis of allocation
Patient days Bed Capacity
Rs. Rs.
Dietary 42952
Janitorial 12800
Laundry 28000
Laboratory 47800
Pharmacy 33800
Repairs 5200
General services 131760
Rent 275320
Billing & collections 87000
Other expenses 18048 80,120
262800 5,00,000

[Table B: Expected Level of operation Data]

Annual patient days Assistants Nurses Supervising Nurses
10,000-14,000 21 11 4
14001- 17,000 22 12 4
17001- 23725 30 16 10
23726- 25550 35 18 15
25,551-27,375 40 18 15
27,376-29,200 40 20 15
Annual salaries for each class of employee follow: -
Supervising nurses—Rs. 20,000 nurse---Rs. 10,000 and Assistants—Rs. 5,000
Calculate: BEP in terms of patient’s days)
Statement of Break Even Point (SKIN)
Range Fixed cost S.F.C. Total contribution Break Even point
per patient
10,000- 14,000 5,00,000 2,95,000 7,95,000 50 15900 (1083)
14001 – 17,000 5,00,000 3,10,000 8,10.000 50 16,200 B.E. Pt.
17001 – 23725 5,00,000 5,10,000 10,10,000 50 20,000 B.E. Pt.
23726 – 25550 5,00,000 6,55.000 11.55.000 50 23,100 (profit)
25557- 27375 5,00,000 6.80,000 11,80,000 50 23,600 (profit)
27376 - 29,200 5.00,000 7,00.000 12.00.000 50 24,000 (profit)

For the first range the management of Skin department always suffer loss because the maximum contribution
form the first range
= 14000 x 50
= 7,00.000
and the cost for range = 7,95,000

For the second range,

B.E. pt = 16,200
Such break event point is restricted to 17,000 patient days.

For third range,

The break even point comes to 20,200 unit. Such break even point is restricted upto 29,200 due to profit
exist in the subsequent range.

Calculation of per patient per day contribution
Here, Revenue = Rs. 11,38,800/65 = 17520 per day
Patient days =
Total variable cost = 262800
Patient days = 17,520
Variable cost/patient per day = = Rs. 15/-
∴ contribution/patient per day = 65 – 15 = 50/-
Question 15: -Navbharat Commerce College, Bombay has six sections of B.Com and two sections of
M.Com with 40 and 30 students per section respectively. The college plans one day pleasant trip around the city
for the students once in an academic session during winter break to visit park, Zoo. Planetarium and aquarium.
A Transporter used to provide the required number of buses at a flat rate of Rs. 700 per bus for the
aforesaid purpose. In addition a special permit fee of Rs. 50 per bus is required to be deposited with city
Municipal Corporation. Each bus is 52 seater. Two seats are reserved for teachers who accompany in each bus.
Each teacher is paid daily allowance of Rs. 100 for the day, No other costs in respect of teachers are relevant to
the trip.
The approved caterers of the college supply breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea respectively at Rs. 7, Rs.
30 and Rs. 3 per student.
No entrance fee is charged at the park. Entrance fees come to Rs.5 per student both for the Zoo and the
aquarium. As regards planetarium the authorities charge block entrance fee as under for group of students of
educational institutions depending upon the number of students in group:
Number of Students in a Group Block Entrance Fee Rs.
Upto 100 200
101-200 300
201 & above 450
Cost of prizes to be awarded to the winners in different games being arranged in the park depend upon
the strength of students in a trip. Cost of prizes to be distributed are:
Number of Students in a Trip Cost of Prizes
Upto 50 900
51-125 1,050
126-150 1,200
151-200 1,300
201-250 1,400
251 & above 1,500

To meet the above costs the college collects Rs. 65 from each student who wish to join the trip. The college
release subsidy of Rs. 10 per student the trip towards it.

You are required to: -

(a) Prepare tabulated statement total costs at the levels of 60,120,180,240 and 300 students
indicating each item of cost.
(b) Compute average cost per student at each of the above levels.
© Calculate the number of students to break even for the trip as the college suffered loss during the
previous year despite 72% of the students having joined the trip.
(a) Statement showing total costs indicating each item of cost
No.of students 60 120 180 240 300
R.s R.s R.s R.s R.s
Variable costs :
Breakfast 420 840 1,260 1,680 2,100
Lunch 1,800 3,600 5,400 7,200 9,000
Tea 180 360 540 720 900
Entrance fee for

Zoo & Aquarium 300 600 900 1,200 1,500

Total (A) 2,700 5,400 8,100 10,800 13,500
Semi variable costs
Rent of buses
(Refer to working note 1) 1,400 2,100 2,800 3,500 4,200
Special permit fee
(Refer to working note 2) 100 150 200 250 300
Dally allowance paid to
(Refer to working note 3) 400 600 800 1,000 1,200
Block intrence fee
(Refer to given table ) 200 300 300 450 450
Cost of prizes
(Refer to given table ) 1,050 1,050 1,300 1,400 1,500
Total :( B )
Grand Total (A )+(B) 3,150 4,200 5,400 6,600 7,650
5,850 9,600 13,500 17,400 21,150

(B) Average cost per student at each of the above levels

No. of student (a) 60 120 180 240 300
Total Costs (R.s ): (B) 5,850 9,600 13,500 17,400 21,150
[Refer to (a) part ]
Average cost (R.s):(B)-(A) 97.50 80 75 72,50 70.50

(C) Statement Showing number of student to break even

No.of students 51-100 101-125 126-150 151-200 201-250 251-300
In the trip:
No. of buses 2 3 3 4 5 6
Bus rent (R.s) 1,400 2,100 2,100 2,800 3,500 4,200
Permit fee (R.s) 100 150 150 200 250 300
Block entrance 200 300 300 300 450 450
Daily allowance
Paid to teacher 400 600 600 800 1,000 1,200
Cost of prizes 1,050 1,050 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500
Total cost (R.s) 3,150 4,200 4,350 5,400 6,600 7,650
No. of student to
Break even : 105 140 145 180 220 255

(Total semi- (R.s (R.s. (R.s.4,350/ (R.s5,400/ (R.s (R.s

variable cost / 3,150/ 4,200/ R.s 30 ) R.s 30) 6,600/ 7,650/R.s
contribution per R.s30) R.s30) R.s 30) 30)
student )
• please refer to note 5.
It is clear form the table given above that figure of 105 and 140 students fall outside the limit . i.e.,
number of student in the trip . Therefore ,it is a situation where there are four break-even points i.e., 145
,180,220, and 225 students. The collage authorities should bear this in mind whle hiring 3,4,5and 6
buses respectively to above losses .
The collage incurred loss during previous year as they hired 5 buses and 72% of he total student
(i.e.,216 out of 300 students) joined the trip .the break-even point. When collage authorities hire 5 buses
.in 220 students.
Working Notes :
(1) Number of buses required and rent of buses @ Rs. 700 per bus .
Number of students
Number of buses
Rent of buses @
Rs. 7,00 per bus
(2) Special permit fee
(N0 of buses × Rs. 50)
(3) All0wance paid to teachers
No of buses × Rs. 200
(4) Contribution per student towards semi – variable Overheads
Collection form each student Rs. 65
Subsidy form collage 10
Total 75
Less: Variable cost per student (form the table ) 45
Contribution per student 30
(5) Readers should note that in part (a) and (b) ,total cost and average cost on particular levels have been asked .
For answering facts are to be remembered :
(a) Student (not teachers ) rang form 60 to 300.
(b) Bus requirement based on no of student in a trip (given in the last table in question ) is calculate as
fallow :
Number of students in a trip Bus requirement
Up to 50 (full) 2*
51 – 100 (Break—even number may range between 51 and 100 only)
101 -- 125 (Break ---even number may range between 101 and 125 in third bus
only because first two buses will be full ) 3
126 – 150 3
151 – 200 4
201 – 250 5
251 – 300 6
* Because there are 60 students.
Question16:-A hospital operates a separate department for private patients. The department has 60 beds
and the hospital charges a fee of Rs. 170 per day per patient. The patients will however make their own
arrangement for payments of physician’s fees. During 1998 the hospital collected total revenue by way of fees
of Rs. 28,12,650. The actual expenses incurred were as under:
Allocation basis
Patient days Variable Bed Capacity Fixed
Rs. Rs.
Food 4,40,000 ----
Staff other than nurses --- 24,000
Laundry 2,40,000 ----
Laboratory & Pharmacy 5,20,000 ----
Maintenance 74,000 ----
General Admn. ---- 4,74,000
Others 49,600 ----
Total 13,23,600 4,98,000
Besides, rent of premises in which the department is Rs. 8,00,000 per annum. During next year it is
expected that the aforesaid fixed and variable expenses will go up by 10%. The rent will increase to Rs.
The requirement of nursing staff is as under:
Annual patient days No. of nurses
Less than 8000 3
8000-10000 4
10000-12000 5
Over 12000 8
The average salary of nursing staff, which was Rs. 13,000 per nurse per annum in 1998, will increase to
Rs. 14,000 per nurse per annum in 1999.
Because of the insufficient demand, the hospital is contemplating to close the department.
1. Present a statement of
(a) Actual profitability for 1998.
(b) Projected profitability or 1999.
2:- Calculate the break-even patient days of occupancy for 1999.
3. What increase in fees is required to break-even at 1998 patient days of occupancy in 1999?
Question17:- The Woodland General Hospital operates a separate department specifically for private
health patients. In 1990 the patients paid a fixed fee of Rs. 85 per day for the use of hospital facilities and this
fee is expected to remain unchanged for 1991. In addition, the patient pays an extra fee to the physicians for
their services. This is a private arrangement between the patient and the physician and has no effect on the
finances of the hospital. For the year ending 31st December, 1990 the department received revenue of Rs.
13,96,125 for private health care. Actual expenditure charged to the department for 1990 was a s follows:-
Basis of Allocation
Patient days Bed capacity
Rs. Rs.
Meals 2,20,000 -----
Porter’s Salaries --- 12,000
Laundry 1,20,000 ---
Laboratory 2,60,000
Maintenance 37,000 ---
General Adm. Services ---- 2,37,000
Other Expenses 20,000 ----
6,57,000 2,49,000
It is estimated that all the costs will increase by 10 per cent in 1991. In addition, rent of Rs. 4,00,000 was
charged directly to the department, as it is the sole occupier of a building within the hospital grounds. This
figure is expected to increase to Rs. 5,00,000 for 1991. The salaries of the nursing staff are charged to the
department at the end of the year accounting to the following schedule;
Annual patient days Nurses required to be
On duty (assumed)
Less than 7,000 3
7,000- 10,000 4
10,000- 13,000 5
Over 13,000 8
The average salary of the nursing staff for 1991 is estimated at Rs, 7,000 per annum (actual for 1990 Rs.
6,500 p.a.). The department has a maximum capacity Of 60 beds but in 1990 a number of beds were unoccupied
because of insufficient demand and there have been demand from a number of parties that the department is
losing money and should be closed down. BEP for 1991?
Answer:- Basic Calculations
(i) Maximum patient days = Rs.21,900(i.e. 365X 60 maximum patients)
(ii) Number of Patients days for 1990= 16,425(i.e. Rs/ 13,*96125/ Rs, 85 per day)
(iii) Unit variable cost per patient day for 1990 =Rs. 40(i.e. Rs. 6,57,000/16,425)
(iv) Unit variable cost per patient day for 1991- Rs. 44(i.e. 40/10% of 40)
Computation of Rpofit for 1990
Contribution from patients
16,425 patinet-days @Rs. 45 (i.e. Rs. 85 – Rs.40) 7,39,125
Less: Fixed Costs
Porter’s Salary and General Administration Services 2,49,000
Nurshing Staff(6,500 X 8) 52,000
Rent and Rates 4,00,000 7,01,000
Profit 38,125
Computation of Estimated Profit
For 1991 Assuming 1990 Demand
Contribution from patients
16,425 patinet-days @Rs. 41 (i.e. Rs. 85 – Rs.44) 6,73,425
Less: Fixed Costs
Porter’s Salary and General Administration Services 2,73,900
(2,49,000+10% of 2,49,000)
Rentand Rates 5,00,000
Nurshing Staff(7,000 X8) 56,000 8,29,000
Loss (1,56,475)
Computation of Break-even point to cover all fixed costs based on a fee of Rs. 85 per day:
Minimum Fixed Costs: (2,73,900 + 5,00,000 + 21,000 for three nurses) = Rs. 7,94,900
Hence BEP = 7,94,900/ Rs. 41 = 19,388 patient days
This exceeds 13,000 patients days. Hence 8 nurses must be employed to breakeven.
Recvised Fixed Costs: 2,73,900 + 5,00,000 + ( 8 nurses X 7,000) = 8,29,900.
BEP – 8,29,900/41 = 20,241 patient days or 55,46(i.e.20,241/365) Patients daily on an average throughout the
Break-even point to cover fixed costs specified to private department.Relevant fixed Costs are Rs.
5,00,000(assuming other fixed costs to continue).The BEP to cover specific fixed costs will be 5,00,000/41=
12,195 patient days or an average 33 patients (i.e. 12,195/365) per dya throughout the year.
Required fee per day to breakevenin 1991(assuming 1990 demands). A contribution of Rs.50353 (i.e.
8,29,900/16,425) per patient day will ve requiredto break-even. In order to obtain this contribution of Rs.
50353, it is necessary to add the variable cost of Rs. 44. This given a fee per patient day of Rs. 94.53.
The following information must be presented to management:
(a) in order that there is sufficient revenue to cover a fair share of fixed costs. On an average of 55 patients
are required daily throughout the year for 1991 as compared to average 45 patientsin 1990.
(b) In order to cover the short-term relevant costs, the department requires on an average only 33 patients
daily presuming that other costs will continue even if the department is closed.
(c) The department provided an estimated contribution of Rs. 6,76,425 towards meeting the fixed costs of
the hospital. In case the department’s facilities cannot provide any alternative revenue if the department
is closed down, keeping the department open will be greatly beneficial since it will provide a
contribution of Rs. 6,73,425 which would not otherwise be available.
Question18:- S. P. Rs. 245 per unit
Production cost per unit
Material 70
Labour (10 Hrs @ Rs. 8) 80
Variable production overhead 50
Fixed Production overhead 10
Rs. 210
Installed capacity 20,000 units. Normal capacity 10,000 units. Selling overhead (fixed) Rs. 1,00,000.
Under an agreement with union. Labour has to be paid for minimum 1,00,000 hours. For labour hours in excess
of 1,50,000 hours, labour has to be paid at the rate of Rs. 12 per hour .
1. Find BEP,
2. Find BEP if fixed selling overhead to Rs. 3.95,000
3. Find BEP if fixed selling overhead increases to Rs. 6,00,000.
(i) Statement of Break Event Point (for firs 10.000 unit)
Qty Contribution per unit (W.N 1) Total Fixed Cost
8000 125 10.00.000
Total Fixed cost (W.N 2) 10,00.000

(ii) Statement of break even point (for next 5000 unit)

Qty contribution per unit (W.N –1) Total fixed cost
10,000 125 12,50,000
1000 45 45.000

(iii) Statement of Break Even Point

Qty Contribution Per Unit Total Fixed cost
10,000 125 12,50.000
5000 45 2,25.000
5000 5 25,000
Fixed cost (W.N – 2) 15.00.000

Calculation of contribution per unit
For first 10,000 For Next 5000 For Next 5000
Selling price 245 245 245
Less: Material cost 70 70 70
Labour cost - 80 120
Variable cost 50 50
Contribution 125 45 5

W.N 2
Calculation of fixed cost
I case II case III case
Production over Selling 1,00.000 1,00.000 1,00.000
Selling over head 1,.00.000 3,95.000 6,00.000
Labour cost 8,00.000 8,00.000 8,00.000
Total fixed cost 10,00.000 12,95.000 15,00.000
Question No: 19
(i) Break Even Point (only including fixed cost) = Fixed cost
= 2000 = 2000
50 - 25 25
= 80 Unit

(ii) Semi variable cost for 80 units = x 50
= 200

Fixed cost + Semi variable cost

Again, Break Even Pint (Including S.V.C) =
2000 + 200
= 88 units
At the level of 88 units
Semi variable cost to be incurred
= 50 (Approx.)
= 5 x 50
= Rs. 250
Question 19:- From the following data, calculate the Break-Even point:
Fixed cost Rs. 2,000
Semi-variable cost for every 20 units Rs. 50
Variable cost per unit Rs. 25
Revenue per unit Rs. 50
Question20:- SP = 50, VC = Rs. 40, FC = 2,000
SVC For Every 20 Unit Rs. 50.
Question21:- FC = Rs.108000, SP = 200, VC = 120, SVC = Rs. 400 for each 50 Units.
Fixed cost
(1) Break Even Point (only including fixed cost) =
Contribution per unit
= 108000
= 1350 units
(2) Semi-variable cost at that point (i.e. 1350 units)
= x 400
= 27 x 400
= 10,800
(3) Again,
108000 + 10.800 F.C. + S.V.C
Break Even Point (Including S.V.C) = = = 1485 units
80 Contribution/Unit
At the level of 1485 units
Semi-variable cost to be incurred = = 30 (approx.)
= 30 x 400
= 12,000
Semi – variable cost covered = 10.800
Statement of Break Even point
Range 1401-1450 1451-1500 1501-1550
Fixed cost 1,08,000 1,08,000 1,08,000
Semi-Variable cost 29 x 400 30 x 400 31 x 400
=11,600 =12,000 = 12,400
Cost 1,19,600 1,20,000 1,20,400
Contribution/unit 80 80 80
Break Even Point 1495 1500 1505
Remark loss profit

In the first range management will suffer loss.

For the second range 1500 units can’t be termed as final break even point because semi variable cost of
the next rage will not over from surplus contribution in the range along with one unit of next range.[i.e. Rs. 80
does not cover the S.V.C. of Rs. 400 due to one surplus unit]
For third range,
1505 to be termed as final break and point, because semi variable cost of the forth range to be covered
from surplus contribution of third range.
Question22:- An institution conducts an entrance examinations for admission to a course. Each candidate
is charged a fee of Rs. 50. The relevant costs of the entrance examination are: F.C. Rs. 20,000, V.C. Rs. 30 per
candidate. Besides these costs, one more cot is there and that is supervision cost @ Rs. 200 for every 100
candidates. Find B.E.P.
Question23:- Vivek School has a total of 150 students. The school plans a picnic to places such as Zoo.
Planetarium etc. A private bus operates has come forward to lease out the buse(es) for taking the student. Each
bus will have 50 seats for the students (besides 2 seats reserved for the teachers). The School will employ two
teachers for each bus, paying them an allowance of Rs. 50 per teacher. The following are cost estimates;
Cost per Student
Break Fast Rs. 5
Lunch Rs. 10
Tea Rs. 3
Entrance at Zoo Rs. 2
Rent per bus Rs. 650. Special permit fee Rs. 50 per bus ( to be paid by the school) Block entrance fees at
planetarium Rs. 250. Prizes to students for games Rs. 250. No costs are incurred in respect of the accompanying
teachers (except the allowance of Rs. 50 per teacher). Find B.E.P. (in terms of no. of students). The school
charges Rs. 45 per students.
Fixed cost
Break Even point (only for fixed cost) =
Contribution per student
= 20 Students

Semi variable cost for x student = For of I bus

= Teacher Allowance + Rent (bus) + permit fee
= 100+ 650 + 50
= Rs. 800

Fixed cost + Semi-variable cost

Break Even point (Including S.V.C) =
Contribution per student
500 + 800
= 52 Students

At the level of 52 Students,

Contribution = 52 x 25 = 1300

Which cover 500 fixed and semi variable cost of bus.

But at the level of 52 Student we will incurred

Fixed Cost = Rs. 500

Semi-variable cost (2 bus fare) = Rs. 1600
= Rs. 2100

Statement of break even point

Range 0-5 51-100 101-150 Range 0-5
Fixed cost 500 5000 500
Semi-variable cost 800 1600 2400
Cost 1300 2100 2900
Contribution 25 25 25
Break Even point 52 84 116

For the first range the maximum contribution comes to 50 student

= 50 Student x 25
= Rs. 1250
But the cost for the range comes to Rs. 1300
Hence, contribution is not sufficient to cover the cost. There fore this range is always provide the loss.
For the second range (i.e. 57-100)
The break even point comes to 84 student 84 Student may be the final break even when
upper limit of the range
Break Even point x contribution per student
1 Unit of next range

is greater than fore of 1 Bus

i.e. [(100 – 84) + 1)] x 25 7800

425 > 800 (not satisfy)

Hence, It indicates at the level of 10% the management suffer loss. (101 x 25 = 2900)

Hence, 84 Students cann’t be termed as final break even point

For third range

[(150-116) + 1] x 25 > 800
It indicates this range provide the surplus contribution to cover semi-variable cost of next range. (157-200)

We can say 116 students to be termed as final break even point.

Question24:- Satish Enterprises are leading exporters of Kid’s toys J Ltd. of U.S.A. have approached
Satish Enterprises for Exporting a special toy named “Jumping Monkey”. The order will be valid for next three
years at 3,000 toys per month. The export price of the toy will be $4. Cost data per toy is as follows:
Materials 60
Labour 25
Variable overheads 20
Primary packing of the toy 15
The toys will be packed in lots of 50 each. For this purpose a special box, which will contain the 50 toys
will have to be purchased cost being Rs. 400 per box.
Satish Enterprises will also have to import a special machine for making the toys. The cost of the machine is Rs.
24,00,000 and duty thereon will be at 12%. The machine will have an effective life of 3 years and depreciation
is to be charged on straight-line method. Apart from depreciation, annual fixed overheads is estimated at Rs.
4,00,000 for the first year with 6% increase in the second year. Fixed overheads are incurred uniformly over the
Assuming the average conversion rate to be Rs. 50 per $.
You are required to:
1. Prepare monthly and yearly profitability statements for the first year and second year
assuming the production at 3,000 toys per month.
2. Compute monthly and yearly break-even units in respect of the first year.
3. In what contingency can there be a second break-even point for the month and for the year as a
4: Have you any comments to offer on the above?
Profit Statement of M/s Satish Enterprises for first and second year on monthly and yearly basis
First year Second year
Monthly Yearly Monthly Yearly
Sales Revenue(A) Rs. 6,00,000 Rs.72,00,000 Rs. 6,00,000 Rs. 72,00,000
Material Cost 1,80,000 21,60,000 1,80,000 21,60,000
Labour cost 75,000 9,00,000 75,000 9,00,000
Variable cost 60,000 7,20,000 60,000 7,20,000
Primary packing 45,000 5,40,000 45,000 5,40,000
Boxes cost 24,000 2,88,000 24,000 2,88,000
Fixed 1,08000 12,96,000 1,10,000 13,20,000
overhead(Note 1 )
Total cost (B) 4,92,000 59,04,000 4,94,000 59,28,000
Profit ( A) – ( B) 1,08,000 12,96,000 1,06,000
Workings: Sales revenue = 3,000 X Rs. 200; Materials cost= 3,000 X Rs. 60; Labour cost = 3,000 X Rs. 25;
Variable cost = 3,000 X Rs. 20; Primary packing = 3,000 X Rs. 15; Boxes = (3,000 / 50 ) X Rs. 400.
Statement of monthly break-even point in units for the first year
Fixed cost for the month Rs. 1,08,000
For recovery of this fixed cost 1,350 units(i.e. Rs. 1,08,000 / 80) are required. For 1,350 units 27 boxes are
required and the cost of boxes will also have to be recovered.
Total cost to be recovered = ( Rs. 1,08,000 / 10,800) / Rs. 80 = 1,485 units
1,485 units require 29.7 boxes or 30 boxes
Total monthly fixed cost to be recovered to break even
Fixed Cost (given) = Rs. 1,08,000
Cost of 30 boxes (30X Rs. 400) = 12,000
Contribution per unit = Rs. 200 – 120 = Rs. 80
Monthly break-even point = Rs. 1,20,000/ Rs. 80 = 1,500 units.
It will fall in range of 1,450 to 1,500 units
27 boxes X Rs. 400

Statement of yearly BEP for the First year

Fixed cost for the year = Rs. 1,08,000 X 12 = Rs. 12,96,000
For recovery of this cost alone, 16,200 units are required.For 16,200 untis, 324 boxes are required and the cost
of boxes will also have to be required.
Total cost to be recovered = Rs. 12,96,000 + ( 324 X Rs . 400) = Rs. 14,25,600
For this 17,820 units (i.e. Rs. 14,25,600) requiring 356.4 or 357 boxes are required.
Total cost to be recovered = Rs. 12,96,000 + 357 x Rs. 400 (i.e. Cost of boxes) = Rs. 14,38,000
For fixed cost recovery of Rs. 14,38,800, BEP be:
= RS. 14,38,800 / 80 = 17,985 units or 359.7 boxes(i.e. 17,985 / 50 ) or 360 boxes
Therefore, yearly BEP
Fixed cost Rs. 12,96,000
Cost of 360 boxes 1,44,000
Contribution required to break-even 14,40,000
Yearly BEP = Rs. 14,40,000 / 80 = 18,000 untis or 360 boxes and this point will fall between the range of
17,951 to 18,000.
For the month:
(iii) If the number of toys is more than 1,500 then one more box will be required and additionally cost of Rs.
400 for one more box will have to be recovered to break-even. New BEP will be 1,505 units i.e. (Rs. 1,08,000 +
(3) X Rs. 400) / 80} . Thus 1,505 untis can be another break even point if one more unti is produced during the
For the year: If number of toys goes beyond 18,000 one more box will be required and additional cost of box of
Rs. 400 will also have to be recovered to break-even . Now new break –even point will be 18,005 untis for the
year. i.e. (Rs. 12,96,000 + (361 Boxes X RS. 400)} / Rs. 80. Thus 18,005 untis can be another break-even point
for the year, if one more unit is produced during the year.
(iv) For the month BEP is 1,500 units and for the year. It is 18,000 untis i.e. just 12 times because monthly and
yearly break-even points fell within upper limit of respective range.
In the second case, it is not so because of change of respective range.
Working Notes:
Fixed Overehad First year(rs.) Second Year (Rs.)
Depreciation 8,96,000 8,96,000
Other overhead 4,00,000 4,24,000
Total fixed overhead 12,96,000 13,20,000
( Rs. 24,00,000 + 2,88,000) / 3
2:- Monthly break-even point:
Fixed overhead for first year = Rs. 12,96,000
Monthly fixed overhead = RS. 12,96,000 / 12 = Rs. 1,08,000
Contribution per unit = Rs. 200 – 120 = Rs. 80
Break-even (units) Rs. 1,08,000 / 80 = 1,350 units.
But at 1,350 units, cost of boxes is not recovered and 27 boxes are required for just 1,350 units.Therefore one
more box at least is required to cover the cost of boxes. Therefore, 28 boxes will be required at least and cost of
one box will be added.

Question25:- A Company manufactures two products namely product A and product B. The Price and
cost data are as under for 1991 :
A (Rs.) B (Rs)
Selling Price 200 100
Variable Costs 120 40
Total fixed costs are Rs. 23,00,000 per annum.
The company sells the two products in the sales value ratio of 7 : 3 and is operating at a margin of safety
of 20%, during the next year, 1992 the company anticipates that the variable costs of product A and B will go
up 5% and 2 ½% respectively. The fixed expenses will also go up by 5%.
( 1) Find the quantity of products A and B sold in 1991.
( ii) Evaluate the following proposals which are under consideration for implementation in 1992
(a) If the company desires to sell the same quantity of product A as in 1991, how many Units of product
B should be sold to earn the same profit as in 1991 ?
(b) If the selling price of product A is reduced by 5% as compared to 1991, and the Quantity sold is
increased to 24,000 units, how many units of product B should be sold to earn the same profit as in 1991.
(c ) If product A is discontinued, how many units of product B should be sold to earn the same profit as
in 1991.
(d) If product A is discontinued and the quantity of product B is to be restricted to 37,375 units what
percentage increase in selling price of product B is necessary to earn the same profit as in 1991.
SOLUTION:- Computation of Sales for the Year 1901
Product A Product B
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Selling Price 200 100
Less: Varaible Costs 120 40
Contribution 80 60
P/V Ratio 40% 60%
Sales volumeRatio 70% 30%
40X70 60X30
Weighted Profit Volume Ratio ------- = 28% ------- = 18%
100 100
Composite Profit Volume Ratio 46%
Fixed Expenses Rs. 23,00,000 per annum.
Fixed expenses 23,00,000
BEP= ---------------------- = ------------- X 100 = Rs. 50,00,000 (Sales Value)
Composite P/Vratio 46
Margin of Safety is 20%
Hence Break-even Salesare quivalentto 80% of toal Sales
Bep Sales of Rs. 50 Lakhs = 80%
Hence Total Sales = ------------- X 100 = Rs.62,50,000
Sales of A : 70% of 62,50,000 =Rs. 43,74,000/ Sp 200=21,875units
Sales of B: 30% of 62,50,000 = Rs.18,75,000/ Sp100=18,750 units.
Computation of Contribution and Profit in 1901
Product A (21,875 X 80) 17,50,000
Product B (18,750 X 60) 11,25,000

Total Contribution 28,75,000

Less: Fixed Cost 23,00,000
Profit 5,75,000

Evaluation of Different Proposals

Statement of ProjectedCost Data for1902
Product A Product B
Rs. Rs.
Selling Price 200 100
Varaible Cost:
A: 120 + 5% increase 126
B: 40 + 2 ½% Increase 41
Contribution 74 59
Fixed Expenses 23,00,000 + 5% increase = Rs. 24,15,000.
(b) Computation of Qty to be sold of B to keep same profit
Product A = Sales 21,875units
Comntribution From A = 21,875 X 74
= Rs. 16,18,750
Contribution required to earn same profits in 1901 = Fixed Cost+ Profits
= 24,15,000 + 5,75,000
= Rs. 29,90,000
Balance Contribution = 29,90,000 – 16,18,750
= Rs. 13,71,250
Contribution per unit of B = Rs. 59
Hence, number of untisof B to be sold = 13,71,250/59
= 23,242 untis.
( c) Compuitation of Quanitity of B to sold as per Proposal B
Selling Price of A is reduced by 5%
Revised Selling Price of A = 200X95/100
= Rs. 190
Variable Cost = Rs. 126
Contibution per unit = Rs. 74
Units Sold = 24,000
Contribution earned from A (24,000 X64) = Rs. 15,36,000
Balance contribution required from B = Rs. 29,90,000 – Rs. 15.36.000
= Rs. 14,54,000
Number of units of B to be sold = Rs. 14,54,000/59 = 24,645 units
Computation of Units of B to be sold to earn the same profits under Proposals C
Contribution required = Rs. 29,90,000
Number of units of B to be sold = 37,375
Contribution per unit required = 29,90,000/37,375
= Rs. 80 per unit
Selling Price = Varaible Cost per unit + Contribution
= 41 +80 = Rs.121.
Hence percentage increase in contribution = ----- X 100 = 21%
Question26:- (P/V Ratio – Sales required to meet the target profit.) Titan Engineering is operating at 70%
per cent capacity and presents the following information:
Break –even Rs. 200 Crores
P/V Ratio 40 per cent
Margin of safety Rs. 50 Crores
Titan’s management has decided to increase production to 95 per cent capacity level with the following
1) The selling price will be reduced by 8 per cent.
ii) The variable cost will be reduced by 5 per cent on sales.
iii) The fixed cost will increase by Rs. 20 Crores, including depreciation on additions, but excluding
interest on additional capital.
iv) Additional capital of Rs. 50 Crores will be needed for capital expenditure and working capital.
a) Indicate the sales figures, with the working, that will be needed to earn Rs.10 Crores over and above
the present profit and also meet 20 per cent interest on the additional capital.
b) What will be the revised?
i) Break –even point
ii) P/V Ratio
iii) Margin of safety
Basic Calculations

Computation of Present Sales and Profit

Total Sales = Break –even Sales + Margin Of Safety
= Rs.200Crores + Rs. 50 Crores
P/V ratio = 40% ,
Variable cost = 60% of Sales
= Rs. 250 Crores X 60%
= RS. 150 Crores,
Fixed Cost = Break – even Sales X P/V Ratio
= Rs. 200 Crores X40%
= 80 Crores,
Total cost = Variable Cost + Fixed Cost
= Rs. 150 Crores + Rs. 80 Crores
= Rs. 230 Crores,
= Total Sales – Total Cost
= Rs. 250Crores – Rs. 230 Crores
= Rs. 20 Crores,
(a) Computation of Revised Sales for Profit of Rs. 30 Crores (i.e. 20 +10)
(Rs. In Crores)
(i) Revised Fixed cost
Present Fixed Cost 80
Add: Increase in Fixed Cost 20
Interest at 20% on additional capital (Rs. 50 Crores X 20%) 10
Total Revised Fixed Cost 110
(ii) Revised Contribution
(iii) Presuming that the present selling prices Rs.100 Rs. P.V.
Revised selling price will be (100 – 8) 92.00
New Variable Cost (60 – 5 = 55%of Sales) = 92 X55% = 55.00
(iii) Contribution per unit(i)-(ii) 37.00
(iv) New P/V Ratio ------X 100= 40.21%
Revised Fixed Cost + Desired Profit
Revised Sales for Desired Profit = --------------------------------------------
P/V Ratio
= Rs. 110 Crores + Rs. 30 Crores
------------------------------------ = Rs. 348 Crore
Fixed Cost
(b)(i) Revised Break-even Point = ----------------
P/V ratio
Rs. 110 Crores
= -------------------= Rs. 273.56 Crore
(ii) P/V Ratio = 40.21%
(i) Revised Margin of Safety = Revised Sales – revised Break – even Sales
= Rs. 348 Crores – Rs. 273.56 Crores
= Rs. 74.43 Crores
Question27:- A company manufactures two types of herbal. Product. A and B. Its budget shows profit
figures after apportioning the fixed joint cost of Rs. 15 lacs in the proportion of the number of units sold. The
budget for 2002, indicates:
Profit (Rs.) 1,50,000 30,000
Selling Price/unit (Rs.) 200 120
P/V Ratio (%) 40 50
You are required to advise on the option among the following if the company expects that the
number of units to be sold would be equal:-
1. Due to change in a manufacturing process, the joint fixed cost would be
reduced by 15% and the variable would be increased by 7 –1/2%
2. Price of A could be increased by 20% as it is expected that the price
elasticity of demand would be unity over the range of price;
3. Simultaneous introduction of both the option, viz, (i) and (ii) above
Answer: -
Number of units to be sold:
Total Contribution – Fixed cost = Profit
Let X be the number of untis of each product sold, therefore
(80X +60X) - Rs. 15,00,000 = Rs. 1,50,000 + Rs. 30,000
X = 12,000 untis
Option (i) Increase in Profit when due to change in a manufacturing process there is reduction in joint fixed cost and increased
in variable costs:
Revised contribution from 12,000 untis of A due to 7.5% increase
In variable Cost (12,000 untis X (Rs. 200 – Rs. 129)) 8,52,000
Revised Contribution from 12,000 untis of B due to 7.5%increase
In variable Cost (12,000 untis X (Rs. 120 – Rs. 64.50) 6,66,000
Total Revised Contribution 15,18,000
Less: Fixed Cost (Rs. 15,00,000 – ( 15% X Rs. 15,00,000) 12,75,000
Revised Profit 2,43,000
Less: Existing Profit 1,80,000
Increase in Profit 63,000
Option (ii) increase in Profit when the price of Product A is increased by 20% and the price elasticity of its demand would be
unity over the range of Price:
Budgeted Revenue from Product A (12,000 units X Rs. 200) 24,00,000
Revised Demand (in units) (Rs. 24,00,000/ Rs. 240) 10,000
Revised Contribution (in Rs..) (10,000 units X (Rs. 240 – Rs. 120) 12,00,000
Less: Existing Contribution (12,000 units X Rs. 80) 9,60,000
Increase in Profit ( Contribution) 2,40,000
Note: Since Price elasticity of demand is 1, therefore the revenue in respect of products will remain same.
Option (iii) Increase in Profit on the simulation introduction of above two options:
Revised Contribution from Product A
(10,000 units X ( Rs. 240 – Rs. 129) 11,10,000
RevisedContribution from Product B
(12,000 untis X (Rs. 120 – Rs. 64.50) 6,66,000
Total Revised Contribution 17,76,000
Less: Revised Fixed Cost 12,75,000
Revised Profit 5,01,000
Less: Existing Profit 1,80,000
Increase in Profit 3,21,000
Advice: A Comparative study of increase in profit figures under above three options clearly indicates that the option (iii) is
the best since it increase the profit of the concern byRs. 3,21,000 being the maximum.
Note: The budgeted profit (loss)for 2002 in respect of products A and B should be 2,10,000 AND (Rs. 30,000) respectively
instead of Rs. 1,50,000 and Rs.30,000.

Question28:- You have been approached by a friend who is seeking your advice as to whether he should
give up his job as an engineer, with a current salary of Rs. 14,800 per month and go into business on his own,
assembling and selling a component which he has invented. He can procure the parts required to manufacture
the component from a supplier.
It is very difficult to forecast the sales potential of the component, but after some research, your friend has
estimated the sales as follows:
Between 600 to 900 components per month at a selling price of Rs. 250 per components.
Between 901 to 1,250 components per month at a selling price of Rs. 220 per. Component for the entire lot.
The costs of the parts required would be Rs. 140 for each completed component . However if more than 1,000
components are produced in each month, a discount of 5% would be received from the supplier of parts on all
Assembly costs would be Rs. 60,000 per month upto 750 components .Beyond this level of activity assembly
costs would increase to Rs.70,000 per month.
Your friend has already spent Rs. 30,000 on development ,which he would write-off over the first five years of
the venture.
Required: Calculate for each of the possible sales levels at which your Friend could expect to benefit by going
into the venture on his own.
Calculate the break-even point of the venture for each of the selling price.
Advise your Friend as to the viability of the venture.

Statement of Break Even Point
Range 600-750 757-900 901-1000 1001-1250
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Cost 60.000 70.000 70.000 701.000
Opportunity cost 14.800 14.500 14.800 14.800
Relevant cost 74.800 84.800 84.800 84.800
Selling price 250 250 220 220
Variable cost (140) (140) 140) (133)
Contribution 110 110 80 87
Break Even Point 680 771 1060 975

(1) It you are interested to incur assembly cost (fixed cost) upto Rs. 60.000 with selling price Rs. 250 then your
forget output should be atleast 680 units.

(ii) It you are interested to incur assembly cost upto Rs. 70.000 then your forget out put should be atleast 771
unity (Along with selling price Rs. 250)

(iii) For third and fourth range the above break even does not provide the correct result because at the level of
1060 units, we are eligible to avail the benefit for discount but we have not consider the benefit of discount
invariable cost.

(iv) At the level of 975 units we are not eligible to avail the benefit of discount but we have consider variable
cost with discount

Now we can say for the third range the maximum contribution would be Rs. 80.000, but the cost for the range
comes to 84,,800.

Hence, the third range always provide the loss.

At fourth range At the level of 1001 unit he will be in a position to active the benefit due to benefit of discount.

Level 1001
= 1001 x 220 – 1001 x 133 – 84.800<
Profit 2287

Level 1000
= 100 x 220 – 100 x 140 – 84.800
= loss — 4800
Hence, we can say the target output should be 1001 unit (i.e. the level availing discount.

Decision Making
Question1:- Paramount Food Products is a new entrant in the market for chocolates. It has
introduced a new product-Sweetee. This is a small rectangular chocolate bar. The bars are wrapping
aluminum foil and packed in attractive cartons, containing 50 bars. A carton is therefore, considered the basic
sales unit. Although management had made detailed estimates of costs and volumes prior to undertaking
this venture, new projections based on actual cost experience are now required. Income Statements for the
last two quarter are each thought to be representing of the costs and productive efficiency we can expect in
the next few quarter. There were virtually no inventories on hand at the end of each quarters. The income
statements reveal the following:
First Second
Quarter Quarter
Rs. Rs.
50,000 * Rs. 24 12,00,000 -
70,000 * Rs. 24 — 16,80,000
Cost of Goods Sold 7,00,000 8,80,000

Gross Margin 5,00,000 8,00,000

Selling and Administration 6,50,000 6,90,000
Net Income(Loss) before taxes (1,50,000) 1,10,000
Tax ( negative)

(60,000) 44,000
Net Income (Loss) (90,000) 66,000

The firm’s overall marginal and average income-tax rate is 40% figure has been used to estimate
the tax liability arising from the chocolate operations.
(a) Management would like to know the breakeven point in terms of quarterly carton sales for
the chocolates.
(b) Management estimates that there is an investment of Rs. 30,00,000 in this product line. What
quarterly carton sales and total revenue are required in each quarter to earn an after-tax
return of 20% per annum on investment?
(c ) The firm’s marketing people predict that if the selling price is reduced by Rs. 1.50 per
carton (Re. 0.03 off per chocolate bar) and a Rs. 1,50,000 advertising campaign among
school children is mounted, sales will increase by 20% over the second quarter sales.
Should the plan be implemented?
(a) We need to estimate the fixed & variable cost. The variable manufacturing cost per carton:-
Change in costs/Change in Activity = Rs. (88000 – 7,00,000)/(70,000 – 50,000) cartoons
Rs. 1,80,000/20,000 Cartoons Rs. 9 per cartoon

Fixed manufacturing costs:

Cost of Goods Sold = Fixed manufacturing cost + Variable manufacturing cost
Rs. 7,00,000 = Fixed manufacturing + (50,000 Cartoons X Rs. 9)
Fixed manufacturing cost = Rs. 7,00,000 – Rs. 4,50,000
= 2,50,000

Variable Selling and Administration cost per carton:

= Rs. 6,90,000 – Rs. 6,50,000/70,000 cartoons – 50,000 cartoons
= Rs. 40,000/20,000 cartoons
= Rs. 2 per cartoon.
Fixed Selling & administration Costs
Total Selling & administration costs
Total Selling & administration costs =Fixed selling & administration cost + Variable Selling & admn. Cost
Rs. 6,50,000 =Fixed selling & admn. Cost + (50,000 cartoons X Rs. 2)
Fixed selling & admn. Cost =Rs. 6,50,000 – Rs. 1,00,000
=Rs. 5,50,000.

So the total variable costs per cartoon is Rs. (9 + 2) = Rs. 11 per cartoon.
Total Fixed costs are Rs. (2,50,000 + 5,50,000) or Rs. 8,00,000 per quarter.
Given sale price of Rs. 24 per carton and variable costs of Rs. 11 per carton, the contributionper cartoon is Rs.
13 (Rs. 24 – Rs. 11)

Break even terms of carton units:

Fixed costs per quarter/Contribution per cartoon = Rs. 8,00,000/Rs. 13
= 61,539 cartons.
(b) If we want to earn an after tax return of 20% on Rs. 30,00,000 the desired annual after taxnet income is Rs.
30,00,000 X 20/100 = Rs. 6,00,000. The quarterly after tax net income will be Rs. 1,50,000. Given the tax rate
of 40% the pre-tax return will be Rs. 1,50,000 X 100/60 = Rs. 2,50,000.
The quarterly sales units required:-
Fixed Cost + Desired return/Contribution per carton = Rs. (8,00,000 + 2,50,000)/Rs. 13
= Rs. 10,50,000/Rs. 13
Quarterly sales revenue = 80,769 cartons Rs. 24
= 19,38,456.
 The proposal involves reducing selling price from Rs. 24 to Rs. 22.50 Hence the contribution per cartoon will
Rs. (22.50 – 11.00) = Rs. 11.50

The increase in advertising costs will push fixed costs up by Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. A 20% increase over second
quarter’s sales would increase sales from 70,000, 84,000 cartoons.
The expected earnings before taxes will be:
= Contribution – Fixed cost
= 184000 x Rs 11.51 = 950,000
= Rs. (966000 – 950,000) = 16,000
After deduction tax at 40% the net Income will be Rs. 9600 (16000 - 6000).
Since we earned Rs. 66000 before the change this plan should not be implemented.
Question2:- The management of Kabra Limited is alarmed at the high under utilization of installed
capacity. The workers of Kabra Ltd. have a very strong union. Any attempt by management to increase
production is opposed by the union on the ground that the workers are working as per normal standards and that
extra unit produced does not fetch any rewards to workers. The management having realized that there is
capacity puts forth incentive scheme, which rewards the workers, staff as well as management.
As per the proposed scheme, the after –tax incremental profit will be shared by all as follows:
30% to be ploughed back.
40% to be shared by workers, and
30% to be shared by staff.
In case there is a loss, no reward will be given to anyone. The changes in capacity due to off. Loading, make or
buy decision, replacement of conventional machines by highly productive machine etc. will be adjusted for
calculating excess production during the currency of the scheme.
Presently the company is producing 1 lakh units. The current cost structure is as follows:
Rs. Per 1,000 units
Prime Cost 15,003
Works Overheads 7,490
Administrative overhead 2,650
Selling overheads 99
Sale value 25,150
The above figures include fixed cost to the extent of 20% works overheads. 30% administration
overheads and 100% selling expenses.
The Company pays 50% tax. However the reward under the scheme given to workers (not staff) is tax
You are required to calculate the annual share in absolute amounts for each of the beneficence at various levels
at an interval of 1% from 1% to 8% increase in production over present target.

Statement of allocation of profit
Level PBT Tax Worker Management Staff
(W.N 2) (W.N 3)
37.5% 25% 18.75% 18.75%
1,05,000 2300 862.5 575 431.25 431.25
106000 4600 1725 1150 862.5 862.5
10700 6900 2300 1725 1093.75 1383.75
10800 9200 3450 2300 1725 1815

Working notes:
Breakeven point = Fixed cost/Contribution P.V
Statement of cost
Per 1000
Total Variable Fixed
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Prime cost 15003 15003 --
Works overhead 7490 5992 1498
Administration 2650 1855 795
Selling overhead 99 -- 99
22850 2392
Fixed cost per unit = Rs. 2392/1000 = Rs. 2.392 P.U
Total fixed cost = Rs. 2.392 x 1,00,000
= 2,39,200
Variable cost = Rs. 22850/1000 = Rs. 22.85 Per Unit
BEPT (Unit) = (FC)/Contribution P. V
= 239200/25.15 – 22.83 = 1,04,000 units

(2) For PBT

Contribution – Fixed cost = PBT
2.3 x 105000 unit – 239200 = 2300 Rs.
2.3 x 1000 = Rs. 2300
(105000 - 104000)

Income tax Act Company Act

PBT 2300 PBT 2300
- Worker 0.4 x Income tax PAT (2300 – 0.4X) x 5/X
Taxable profit 2300 – 0.4x Worker 40%
-Tax 50% ½ (2300 – 0.4x) Staff 30%
PAT XXX Management 30%
PBT – tax = PAT
Or 2300 – (2300 – 0.4x) X 1/2 = x
∴ x = 1437.5
As per Co. Act.
PBT 2300
- Tax amount 2300 – (0.4 x 1437.5)1/2
= 862.5
PAT = 1437.5
Worker 40% 575
Management 30% 431.25
Staff 30% 431.25
Tax = (PBT - Worker)50% — (I)
Worker = (PBT - tax) x 40% — (II)
Putting the value of ean (I) in (II)
Worker = [ 2300 - (PBT - Worker) 50%] 40%
∴ Worker = 575.
Question3:- A manufacturing company produces a chemical product which passes through two
processes factory and finishing. It has the capacity to process an input of 1,00,000 kgs. Of raw material.
Normal scrap will be 10% and 5% input in factory and finishing processes respectively. The 33ackson33ti
value of such scrap is Rs.4 and 8 per kg. Respectively for factory and finishing processes to be credited against
the cost of respective process.
Relevant cost data for the coming year are:

Factory Process Finishing Process

Direct Wages Rs. 6,00,000 Rs. 5,50,000
Overheads 2,28,000 4,22,900
There are three possible sources of purchase of raw materials:

Supplier Purchase price per kg. Maximum quantity

X Rs. 5.00 60,000 kgs.
Y Rs. 5.60 80,000 kgs.
Z Rs. 5.30 Provide the entire quantity of 1,00,000 kgs. Is ordered,
otherwise at Rs. 5.80 per kg.
In each case the company is required to collect the raw materials from the Godown of
supplier. Variable transport cost depends upon the distance involved. The same as under:

Supplier X Y Z
Transport cost (per kg.) 30 paise 25 paise 25 paise
Fixed transport cost would be Rs. 1,00,000 per annum irrespective of the supplier to be contracted. The
output of the finishing process can be sold to there prospective customers, their offer being as follows:
Customer Price per kg. Of Trade discount Conditions
output (%)
A Rs. 32.50 2 Maximum quantity 40,000 kgs.
B Rs. 32.00 2 Maximum quantity 80,000 kgs.
C Rs. 30.90 - Provide for entire output is sold to him.
In case of supplies to Customer A and B, the fixed delivery costs will be Rs. 1,500 per month and the
variable delivery costs will be 65 paise and 36 paise per kg. Respectively.
Customer C will collect the entire output from the warehouse of the company.
You are required: to indicate with reasoning:
1. Choice of supplier with comparative cost tables.
2. Choice of customer with comparative tables of net 33ackson33tion.
Also prepare the statement showing prices costs and overall results.
Solution . Choice of suppliers :
Comparative Cost Table of Suppliers
Particulars X Y Z
Quantities to be supplied Up to 60,000 Kg. Up to 80,000kg. Less than 1,00,000 1,00,000kg
Purchase (price) kg.
Variable transport cost (per kg) Rs. 5.00 Rs. 5.60 Rs. 5.80 Rs. 5.30
0.30 0.25 0.25 0.25
5.30 5.85 6.05 5.55

Alternative available
First – To purchase 6,000 kg . form X and balance 40,000 kgs form Y
Second – To purchase 1,00,000 kg form Z.
Cost of purchase for above alternatives:
Supplier Quantity (kg.) Rate First alternative Second alternative
X 60,000 Rs. 5.30 Rs. 3,18,000 ---
Y 40,000 0.85 2,34,000 ---
1,00,000 5.55 - 5,55,000
5,52,000 5,55,000
Recommendation : First alternative should be opted i.e., purchase 60,000 kg form X and 40,000 kgs. Form
Y , as the cost of purchase of first alternative is less then the cost of purchase of second alternative .
Note: Fixed transportation cost of Rs. 1,00,000 as to be ignored because it is not influenced by any alternative
(ii) Choice of Customer
Output to be sold:
Input in factory process 1,00,000 kg.
Less normal scrap 10% of input 10,000 kg.
Output of factory process 90,000 kg.
Less normal scrap in finishing process 4,500 kg.
85,500 kg.
Relevant Cost Data of selling price
Customers A B C
Quantities Up to 40,000 kg. Up to 80,000 kg. Up to 85,500 kg.
Selling price per kg. 32.50 32.00 30.90
Less trade discount (2%) 0.65 0.64 -----
Net price 31.85 31.36 30.90
Less: variable cost of delivery per kg. 0.65 0.36 -----
Net realisation except fixed cost of A and B 31.20 31.00 30.90
Alternative available : Rates of A and B are favourable when compared to C , but selling to A and B will
result in fixed cost . Therefore , following two alternative are available :
First:-- 40,000 kg. to A and 45.000 kg to B
Second :-- 85,000 kg to C
Net realisaton based on above prices.
First alternative
Customer Quantity kg. Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rest.)
A 40,000 31.20 Rs. 12,48,000
B 45,500 31.00 14,10,500
Less fixed delivery cost(Rs. 1,500 × 12) 18,000
Net realesition 26,40,500
Second alternative
Customer Quantity kg. Rate (Rs. ) Amount (Rs.)
C 85,500 30.90 26,41,950
Recommendation :-- Entire output should be should to C as the net relestion as per second alternative is
batter than that under the first alternative .
(iii) Statement showing the process cost
Factory process:
Quantity (Kg.) Rate Amount (Rs.)
1,00,000 5,52,000
Raw material 6,00,000
Direct wages 2,28,000
Overheads 1,00,000
Fixed overheads . 14,80,000
1,00,000 40,000
Less wastage 10%@ Rs. 4 per kg. 10,000 14,40,000
Cost of factory process transferred to finishing 90,000 16.00 **
*As per decision ; ** Rs. 14,40,000 ÷ 90,000 = Rs.
Finishing process :
Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
Transfer form factory process 90,000 16.00 14,40,000
Direct wages 5,50,000
Overheads . . 4,22,000
90,000 16.00 24,12,900
Less wages 5% @ Rs. 4 per kg. 4,500 -- 36,000
Cost of output 85,500 27,80* 23,76,000
*Rs. 2376,990÷85,500 kg. = Rs. 27.80

(iv) Statement showing overall result for 85,500 kgs

Rate (Rs.) Amount
Sale to customer C (as per decision) 30.90 (Rs.)
Less cost of output 27.80 26,41,950
Net result (profit) 3.10 23,76,900
Author ’ Comments – Reader should note that in this question identification of alternatives and determination
of impact of best decision is the main point .
[Answer: (i) Total = 5,52,000, 5,55,000; (ii) Net Realisation= Rs. 26,40,500
Net Results (profit) = Rate (Rs.)= 3.10, Amount (Rs.) = 2,65,050)
Question4:- A paint manufactures 2,00,000 per annum medium-sized tins of “Spray Lac Paints”
when working at normal capacity. It incurs the following costs of manufacturing per unit:

Direct Material 7.80
Direct Labour 2.10
Variable Overhead 2.50
Fixed Overhead 4.00
Product cost(per unit) 16.40
Each unit(tin) of the product is sold for Rs.21 with variable selling and administration expenses
of 60 paise per tin.
During the next quarter only 10,000 units can be produced and sold. Management plans to shut down the plant
estimating that the fixed manufacturing cost can be reduced to Rs. 74,000 for the quarter.
When the plant is operating, the fixed overheads are incurred at a uniform rate throughout the
year. Additional costs of plant shut-down for the quarter are estimated at Rs. 14,000.
You are required:
To express your opinion, along with the calculations as to whether the plant should be shut down
during the quarter, and
To calculate the shut-down point for quarter in units of products (i.e., in terms of number of tins).
Statement of Comparative Result
I: Contribution Rs. II. Shut Down Rs.
Contribution 80,000 Contribution --
( 8 X 10,000)
Fixed 1,26,000 - Fixed Cost Extra 14,000
Loss 46,000 Loss 14,000

Decision: It is better to discontinue of business for next quarter.

Let x be the level of out put where total loss in both are same.
Shut down point = Total costI = Total costII
or 8x – 12600 = o – 14000
or 8x = 126000 – 14000
∴ x = 14,000 units

Working notes:
Total Fixed cost = 4 x 2,00,000
= 8,00,000 P.A
Fixed per quarter = 800,000/12 x 3
= 2,00,000
Un Avoidable = 74000
Avoidable = 126000
Extra = 14000.
Question5:- A company owns a large number of hardware stores located throughout the country. In one
provincial town, there are 2 stores; the accounts of one show a modest profit, but the other Reports a loss as
shown by the accounts for the year 1971:
Sales 4,00,000
Opening Stock 65,000
Purchases 3,32,000
Closing Stock 69,000 3,28,000
Gross profit 72,000
Assistant’s Salary 55,000
Drivers wages 3,000
Manager’s Wages 8,000
Staff Bonus 4,000
Rent 13,000
Heating & Lighting 2,000
Postage 1,300
Wrapping Material 2,000
National Advertising 4,000
Motor running expenses 1,600
Depreciation on Motor van 1,600
Regional office charge 3,000 98,500
Net Loss -26,500
Additional information :
1: There are two motor vans and drivers for the delivery of goods to customers of the two stores and the
total costs of this service are apportioned between the stores on the basis of turnover.
2: one manager is responsible for the both the stores and this salary Rs. 16,000 is apportioned equally.
3: The staff bonus is calculated for each store as a percentage on its turnover.
4: The charge for national advertising is allotted to the stores by the H.O.
Give the recommendation either to Discountinue the shop forever or not.
Ans. Net saving in shut down Rs. 6,900 (sales foregone 4,06,900 avoidable cost )
Question6:- Fitwell Ltd. manufacturing company has three factories namely factory “A”, factory”B”,
factory “C” . All the three factories produce the same product which is sold at RS. 375 per unit. The
factory wise estimates of operating results for 1998 are as under:
(Rs. In lacs)
A B C Total
Sales 300 1,200 600 2100
Raw materials 75 350 145 570
Direct Labour 75 280 140 495

Factory overheads
Variable 20 110 55 185
Fixed 40 120 60 220

Selling & distribution overheads

Variable 23 70 40 133
Fixed 15 50 30 95
Adm. O.head 20 90 40 150
Head office exp 12 50 30 92
Total 280 1,120 540 1,940
Profit 20 80 60 160
When the above estimates were under finalisation the company’s legal department advised that the lease
of factory’A’ was due to expire on 31st December, 1997 and that it could be renewed by enhancing the lease
rent by Rs. 12 lacs per annum. Since this enhancement will have a heavy impact on the profitability of the
company, the management is constrained to examine the proposals, which are as under:
1:- Renew the lease and bear the impact.
2:-Close down factory ‘A’ sell off the plant, machinery and stocks and liquidate all liabilities including the
staff and workers retrenchment compensation from the sale proceeds which are sufficient for this
purpose.In order to maintain the customer relations the total planned output of the factory ‘A’ will be
transferred to either factory ‘B’ or factory ‘C’. Plant capacity is available at both the factories to take over
the manufacture. The additional cost involved in the manufacture of the extra output so transferred in
factories ‘B’ and ‘C’ are estimated as under:
Factory Factory
(a) Additional fixed ohead due to
Increased capacity 37ackson37tio
(per annum) Rs. 50 lacs Rs. 40 lacs
(b) Additional freight, selling and
Other overheads to produce and
Distribute the output to the
Present customers of factory
“A” Rs. 25 per unit Rs. 35 per unit
You are required to prepare comparative statement of profitability in the aforesaid alternative courses of
action and give your recommendations.
(i) Impact on Profit of Continuance of Production by renwing the lease.
(Rs. Lacs)
A B C Total
Sales(A) 300 1200 600 2100
Raw Material 75 350 145 570
Direct Labour 75 280 140 495
Factory Overheads(Variable) 20 110 55 185
Selling & Distribution 23 70 40 133
Overheads (Variable)

Total Variable Costs (B) 193 810 380 1,383

Contribution (C ) (A) – (B) 107 390 220 717
Factory Overheads (Fixed) 40 120 60 220
Selling & Distribution 15 50 30 95
Overheads (Fixed)
Administrative Overheads 20 90 40 150
Head Office Expenses 12 50 30 92
Additional Lease Rent 12 -- -- 12
Total Fixed Overheads(D) 99 310 160 569
Profit © - (D) 8 80 60 148
The above statement shows that transfer of Production of factory A to Factory C yields higher profit i.e. Rs.
Lacs. Hence this cource may beadopted.
(ii) Comparative Statement of Profitability:
Rs. Lacs
When production of Factory A When production of Factory A is
is Transferred to Factory B Transferred to Factory C
B C Total B C Total
Variable 1,032.50 380 1,412.50 810 598 1,400
Contribution 467.50 220 687.50 390 302 692
Fixed Costs 360.00 260 520.00 310 200 510
Profits 107.50 60 167.50 80 102 182

The above statement shows that as a result of renewal of lease of factory A the total profit getsreduced from Rs.
160 lacs to Rs. 148 lacs. However factory A is still contributing towards meeting the head Office Expenses.
Hence is may not be advisable to discontinue the lease.

Working Notes:
(a) Fixed and variable costs when the production of Factory A is transferred to Factory B:
(Rs. Lacs)
Sales Variable Costs Fixed Costs
B 1,200 810,00 310
A 300 810 X Rs. 300 202.50 --
(80,000 X Rs.
Additional 25) 20.00 50
costs 1,500 1,030.50 360

Rs. 3,00,00,000/Rs. 375 = 80,000 units.

(b) Fixed and Variable Costs When the Production of Factory A is Transferred To Factory C:
Transferred To Factory B
Rs. Lacs
Sales Variable Fixed
Costs Costs
C 600 380.00 160
A (380/600 X Rs. 190.00 --
Additional (80,000 X Rs. 35) 28.0 40
Total 900 598 200
Statement showing the contribution and the profit for Danida, Danima and for the company C when
Danima’s production is cut by 25,000 litres. Danida’s production is increased by 25,000 litres.
Danida Danima Total
Production (litres) 1,25,000 50,000 1,75,000
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Production (liters) 1,25,000 50,000 1,75,000
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Contribution per litre 4.02 3.25 --
Total contribution 5,02,500 1,62,500 6,65,000
Less: Group incentive 10,000 ---- 10,000
4,92,500 1,62,500 6,65,000
Less: Fixed Costs 1,53,500 91,000 2,44,500
3,39,000 71,500 4,10,500
Less: Transport Cost 10,000 --- 10,000
Profit 3,29,000 71,500 4,00,500
Budgeted Profit 2,48,500 1,52,750 4,01,250

Comment: The proposal if implement if implemented will result in a drop in overall profit by 750 (Rs.
4,01,250 – Rs. 4,00,500).

(a) (ii) Proposal 2:- Statement showing the contribution and the profit for Danida Danima and for the
company as a whole when Danima’s production is cut by 50,000 litres and Danida’s production is
increased by 50,000 litres.

Danida Danima Total

Production (litres) 1,50,000 25,000 1,75,000
Rs. Rs. Rs
Contribution per 4.02 3.25 --
Total Contribution 6,03,000 81,250 6,84,250
Less: Group 20,000 20,000 20,000
incentive payable
5,83,000 81,250 6,64250
4,29,500 (9,750) 4,19,750
Less: Transport 10,000 ---- 10,000
Profit 4,19,500 (9,750) 4,09,750
Budgeted Profit 2,48,500 1,52,750 4,01,250

Comments: The implementation of the proposal will increase profits for the company as a whole by Rs. 8.500
(ie Rs. 409,750 – Rs. 4,01,250) though Danima will be reporting loss.

(b) (i) Contribution per litre for Danima Rs. 3.25

Total Fixed costs of Danima Rs. 91,000
Break even production for Danima
Fixed costs/Contribution per litre = Rs. 91,000/Rs. 3.25
= 28,000 litres
The Production that could be transferred from Danima to Danida, retaining break-even production in Danima is
47,000 litres (i.e. 75,000 litres – 28,000 litres)

(i) Statement showing the contribution and the profit for Danida, Danima and the company as a whole
when break-even production is retained and the balance is transferred Danida.

Danida Danima Total

Production (litres) 1,47,000 28,000 1,75,000
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Contribution per litre 4.02 3.25 --
Total contribution 5,90,940 91,000 6,81,940
Less: Group incentive 18,800 --- 18,800
5,72,140 91,000 6,63,140
Less: Fixed Costs 1,53,500 91,000 2,44,500
4,18,640 --- 4,18,640
Less: Transport Cost 10,000 --- 10,000
Profit 4,08,640 --- 4,08,640
Budgeted Profit 2,48,500 1,52,750 4,01,200

The overall profit will increase by Rs. 7,390 (i.e. Rs. 4,08,640 – Rs. 4,01,250) transferring 47,000 litres of
production of Danida.
Working note:
Danida Danima
Rs. Rs.
Sales price computation per litre. Rs. 7,00,000 Rs. 5,25,00
1,00,000 litres 7.00 75000 litres 7.00
Less: Variable costs Rs. 298000
1,00,000 litre 2.98 Rs. 281250
75000 litres 3.75
Contribution per litre 4.02 3.25
Question7:- Dinesh Dairies Ltd. Has two processing and bottling plants, Danida and Danima, in adjoining
districts. The comparative cost and revenue data budgeted per month are as below:
Danida Danima
Production (Litres) 1,00,000 75,000
Rs. Rs.
Variable Costs:
Bottles 1,00,000 79,000
Closures 90,000 71,500
Crates 14,000 12,500
Milk Loss 30,000 47,000
Electricity 14,000 14,000
Fuel 40,000 46,000
Water 10,000 11,250
2,98,000 2,81,250
Fixed Costs:
Electricity 13,500 11,000
Salaries and Wages 90,000 60,000
Depreciation 50,000 20,000
1,53,500 91,000
Total Costs 4,51,500 3,72,250
Sales Realisation 7,00,000 5,25,000
Profit 2,48,500 1,52,750
Danima’s high cost, low margin status draws management’s attention. It is also observed that Danida
can increase its production by 50 percent with the existing plant capacity and without additional manpower.
Two proposals are under consideration:
(1) Cut down Danima’s production by 25,000 litres and increase Danida’s production by 25,000 litres.
(2) Cut down Danima’s production by 50,000 liters and increase Danida’s production by 50,000 litres.
For the additional quantity produced in excess of 1,00,000 liters, Danida will incur Rs. 0.40 per liter
towards group incentive. Transporting the additional output from Danida to Danima’s region for sale will cost
Rs. 10,000 in both cases.
Prepare a statement to show the contribution and the profit for Danida, Danima and for the company as a whole,
for each proposal. Comment on the results.
(B) The management is keen that the cut in Danima’s production should not result in its reporting loss, as that
would 41ackson41ti its employees. If break-even production is to be retained in Danima and the balance alone
is to be transferred to Danida. Show the contribution and the profit for Danida Danima and the company as a
Answer:- Statement showing the contribution and the profit forDanida, Danima and for the company A/C when
Danima’s production is cut by 25,000 litres.Danida’s production is increased by 25,000 litres.
Danida Danima Total
Production (litres) 1,25,000 50,000 1,75,000
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Contribution per litre 4.02 3.25 --
Total Contribution 5,02,500 1,62,500 6,65,000
Less: Group incentive payable 10,000 --- 10,000
4,92,500 1,62,500 6,55,000
Less: Fixed Costs 1,53,500 91,000 2,44,500
3,39,000 71,500 4,10,500
Less: Transport cost 10,000 --- 10,000
Profit 3,29,000 71,500 4,00,500
Budgeted Profit 2,48,500 1,52,750 4,01,250
Comment:The proposal if implement if implemented will result in a deop in overall profit by 750 (Rs. 4,01,250
– Rs. 4,00,500).
(a) (ii) Proposal2:- Statement showing the contribution andtheprofit for DanidaDanima and for the company
as a whole when Danima’s production is cut by 50,000 litres and Danida’s production is increased by 50,000
Danida Danima Total
Production (litres) 1,50,000 25,000 1,75,000
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Contribution per litre 4.02 3.25 --
Total Contribution 6,03,000 81,250 6,84,250
Les: Gropu incentive 20,000 -- 20,000
5,83,000 81,250 6,64,250
Less: Fixed costs 1,53,500 91,000 2,44,500
4,29,500 (9,750) 4,19,750
Less: Transport cost 10,000 ---- 10,000
Profit 4,19,500 (9,750) 4,09,750
Budgeted profit 2,48,500 1,52,750 4,01,250
Comments : The implementation of the proposal will increase profits for the company asawholeby Rs.8,500(ie
Rs. 409,750 – Rs. 4,01,250) though Danima will be reportingloss.
(b) (i)Contribution per litre for Danima Rs. 3.25
Total Fixed costs of Danima Rs. 91,000
Break even production for Danima
Fixed costs Rs. 91,000
--------------- = --------------
Contribution per litre Rs. 3.25
= 28,000 litres
The Production that could be transferred from Danima to Danida, retaining break-even production in Danima is
47,000 litres(i.e. 75,000litres - 28,000 litres)
(i) Statement showing the contribution and the profit for danida, Danima and the company as a whole
when break-even production is retained and the balance is transferred Danida.
Danida Danima Total
Production (litres) 1,47,000 28,000 1,75,000
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Contribution per litre 4.02 3.25 --
Total Contribution 5,90,940 91,000 6,81,940
Les: Gropu incentive 18,800 -- 18,800
5,72,140 91,000 6,63,140
Less: Fixed costs 1,53,500 91,000 2,44,500
4,18,640 ---- 4,18,640
Less: Transport cost 10,000 ---- 10,000
Profit 4,08,640 ---- 4,08,640
Budgeted profit 2,48,500 1,52,750 4,01,200
The overall profit will increase by Rs. 7,390(i.e. Rs. 4,08,640 – Rs. 4,01,250) transferring 47,000 litres of
production toDanida.
Working note: Danida Danima
Rs. Rs.
Rs.7,00,000 Rs. 5,25,00
Sales price computation per litre: ------------- 7.00 -------------- 7.00
1,00,000 litres 75,000 litres
Rs. 2,98,000 Rs.2,81,250
Less: variable costs -------------- 2.98 --------------- 3.75
1,00,000 litres ----- 75,000 litres -----
Contributioin per litre 4.02 3.25

Question8:- (Differential Methods of Pricing). An Organisation manufactures a product, particulars of

which are detailed below:
Annual Production 20,000 units
Material cost Rs. 60,000
Other variable costs 1,20,000
Fixed cost 40,000
Total Cost 2,20,000
Apportioned Investment 2,00,000
Determine the unit selling price under each of the following strategies. Assume that the Organisation’s
tax rate is 52%.
(i) 20% return on investment;
(ii) 30% mark – up based on total cost;
(ii) 20% profit on net sales price;
(iii) 15% profit on list sales when trade discount is 35%;
(iv) 40% of Markup on incremental cost.
(v) 50% mark – up based on value added by manufacturer.
(1) Let the sales value be Rs. x.
or, (Sales – Total cost) (1 – tax rate) = PAT
or (x – 220,000) (1 – 0.52) = 200,000 x 20%
or (x – 220,000) (0.48) = 40,000
or, x = 40,000/0.4x + 220,000
x = Rs. 3,03,333.3
Sales value = 3,03,333.3
Selling Price = 3,03,333.33/20,000 = Rs. 15.16

(II) Statement of selling price

Total cost = 220,000
Add: markup 30% (220,000 x 30%) 66000
Sale (a) 2,86000
Qty (b) 20,000
Selling Price (a ÷ b) = 14.30

(III) Statement of Selling price

or (Sales – Total cost) (1 – tax rate) = PAT
or (Sales – 220,000) (1 – 0.52) = 20% of ‘Sales’
or (Sales – 220,000) (1 – 0.52) = 20% of ‘Sales’
or Sales – 220,000 = 0.41666 ‘Sales’
or Sales – 0.41666 Sales = 220,000
∴Sales = 220,000/(1 – 0.41666)
= 220,000/0.58334
= Rs. 3,77,138.5469

(IV) Statement of Selling price

Let sale = x
Gross selling price = 100
Trade discount = 35
List sale = 65
[(Sale – 0.35 Sale) – 220,000] [1 – 0.52] = 15% 060.65 ‘Sale’
or, [(Sx – 0.35x) – 220000] 0.48 = 15% of 0.6x
or, 0.48x – 0.168x – 105600 = 0.0975x
or 0.2145x = 105600
x = 105600/0.2145 = Rs. 492307.6923
Total cost 2,20,000
Markup 40% of (180,000) 72000
Sales 2,92,000

(VI) Statement of price

Material 60,000
Other variable cost 120,000
+ Fixed cost 40,000
Total cost 220,000
+ Markup 50% of 160,000 80,000
Sale value 3,00,000
Quantity 20,000 units
Selling price P.V Rs. 15 per unit.
Question9:- A company manufactures Product M in addition to other products by using the same
machines in Departments A and B. The cost data are as under:
Direct Material P 4 kg @ Rs. 6/- per kg used in Dept. A
Q 8 kg @ Rs. 2/50 per kg added in Dept. B.
Director Labour 2 Hours @ Rs. 4/- per hour in Dept. A.
3 Hours @ Rs. 3/- per hour in Dept. B.
Basis of overheads recovery Dept. A/ per rupee of Dept. B/per
Direct material P. labour hour.
Rs. Rs.
Recovery rates
Variable 0.80 2.00
Fixed 2.20 3.00
Depreciation component of Fixed
Overhead rate 0.80 0.10
Other relevant data:
Net plant and equipment value 70,00,000 1 ,20,000
Total depreciation per month 80,000 1,000
The working capital requirement of Product M based on a target volume of output of 1,000
units per month is estimated at R. 1,24,000 per annum.
(A) Indicate the bottom line selling price of Product M assuming that:
(i)Price is adequate to ensure contribution equivalent to 30% on investment made.
(ii) The product is a new product about to be introduced in the market.
(B) Calculate the selling price in a situation where Product is well established in the market so as to
yield return of 18% on investment.
Calculation of Relevant Investment
Department A
M& M Other
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Total value of plant & 70,00,000 16,80,000 53,20,000
Depreciation 9,60,000 2,30,400 7,20,600
(0.80 X 24
X 12000)

Department B
M& M Other
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Plant & Machinery 1,20,000 36,000 84,000
Depreciation 12,000 3,600 8,400
(0.1 X 3 X

Total attributable value of plant & Machinery production Department A & Department B.
168000 + 36000
F.A = 17,16,000
+ Working capital = 1,24,000
Total Investment = 18,40,000
∴Total relevant capital employed = 18,40,000
Statement of Cost
Material Rs. per unit
A 4kg X Rs. 6 24
B 8 Kg X 2.5 20
A 2 hr. X 4 8
B 3 hr. X 3 9
Variable Overhead
A 0.80 X 24 19.2
B 2X3 6
Variable Cost 86.20
+ Fixed Cost
A 2.2 X 24 52.80
B 3.00 X 3 9
Total Cost 148.00

Statement of price
Variable cost 86.20
+ Contribution (182400 x 30%/12000) 46.00
Minimum price 132.20
Statement of price
Variable cost 86.20
This is to be applied only when we have new products
B. Statement of price.
Variable cost 86.20
+ Fixed cost 61.80
Total cost 148.00
+ Return 1840000 x 18%/12000 27.6
Minimum price 175.60
Question10:-Look Ahead Ltd. want to fix proper selling price for their products ‘A’ and ‘B’ which they
are newly introducing in the market. Both these products will be manufactured in Department D, which is
considered as a Profit Centre.
The estimated data are as under: A B
Annual Production(Units) 1,00,000 2,00,000
Rs. Rs.
Direct Materials per unit 15.00 14.00
Direct Labour per unit
(Direct Labour Hour Rate Rs. 3) 9.00 6.00
The proportion of Overheads other than interest, chargeable to the two products areas under: Factory Overheads
(50%Fixed) 100% of Direct Wages. Administration Over-heads(100% Fixed) 10% of Factory Cost. Selling
and Distribution Overheads (50% variable) Rs. 3 and Rs.4 respectively per unit of products A and
B.The fixed capital investment in the Department is Rs.50 lakhs. The working capital requirement is
equivalent to 6 months stocks of cost of sales of both the products. For this project a term loan
amounting to Rs. 40 lakhs has been obtained from Financial Institutions at an interest rate of 14%
per annum.
Bank Borrowing carrying interest at 18% per annum meets 50% of the working capital needs. The Department
is expected to give a return of 20% on its capital employed. You are required to: (a) Fix the selling prices
of products A and B such that the contribution per direct labour hours is the same for both the products;
(b) Prepare a statement showing in detail the over-all profit that would be made by the Department.
Question11:- Prompt Printers Ltd. uses a scheme of pricing based on cost plus. All the overheads
are charged based on direct labour and based on the total cost arrival at the selling price is fixed: The
following figures are from the annual budget for 1984 prepared by the company:
Sales Rs.10,00,000
Direct Material 1,80,000
Direct Labour 3,20,000
Factory Superintendent’s Salary 30,000
Commission Paid On Sales 50,000
Foremen’s Salaries 60,000
Insurance 10,000
Advertisement 20,000
Depreciation On Assets 30,000
Administration Expenses 90,000
Variable Factory Costs:
Repairs and Maintenance 60,000
Tools Consumed 40,000
Miscellaneous Supplies 10,000
The company has submitted a tender quotation Rs.10,000 on a large order with cost of Rs.1,800 direct
material and Rs. 3,200 direct labour. The customer strikes the business at Rs. 8,900 on a ‘take it or leave
it’ basis. If the company accepts the order, the total sales for 1984 would be Rs.10,08,900. The company is
reluctant to accept the order, as it would be against its policy of accepting an order below cost:
As a Cost Accountant of the company, you are required to give your recommendation with supporting
figures to explain that the price offered would not be below cost and a sizable profit also could be
[Answer:- Profit = 1,00,000 Rs., Price to be quoted =10,000 Rs., Surplus = 2,355 Rs.

Question12:- SM Ltd. is engaged in the manufacture of a range of consumer products. The sales are made
through its own 47ackson47ti agents who are paid a commission of 20 per cent on the selling price of the
product. The company has prepared the following budget for 1990.

Rs. Lakhs
Sales 225.00
Production Costs:
Prime cost and variable overheads 78.75
Fixed overheads 36.25
Selling Cost:
Agents Commission( 20%) 45.00
Sales office expenses (Fixed) 2.00
Administration costs (Fixed) 30.00
Total Costs 192.00
Profit 33.00
The company after the finalisation of the above budget is faced with a demand .From its agents for an
increase in their commission to 22 per cent of selling price. The company is therefore contemplating to dispense
with the services of agents and instead employ its own sales force in that event the company expects to incur the
following costs:-

Rs. Lakhs
Sales Manager’s Salary and Expenses 7.50
Salesman expenses, including traveling expenses 2.00
Sales office costs (in addition to the present costs) 5.00
Interest & dep. On sales dept. Vehicles 3.50
Total 18.00
In addition to the above it will be necessary to hire 40 salesman at a salary of Rs. 40,000 per annum each
plus a commission of 5 per cent on sales plus car allowance of Rs. 1 per kilometer to cover vehicle costs except
interest and depreciation which has already been considered above.
Assuming that the company decides in favour of employing its own sales force, you are required to answer the
following questions.
(1) For the same volume of sales as envisaged in the budget what is the maximum average kilometer per
annum that the salesman could travel if the company is to achieve the same budgeted profit as it who
have obtained by retaining the agents and granting them the increased commission which they had
(2) At what level of sales would the original budgeted profit be achieved if each salesman were to travel
an average of 14,000 Km per annum. Assume all assumption inherent in the budget are maintained.
What is maximum level of commission on sales that the company could afford to pay if it wished to achieve a
16 per cent increase in its original budgeted profit and expected a 16 per cent increase in sales at the budgeted
selling prices and an average of 16000 km per annum of travel by each salesman.
Question13:- Texomat Private Limited has been manufacturing track suits for athletes. Currently its
output is around 70 per cent of its rated capacity of 19,000 units per annum. One exporter has approved the
sample and has offered to buy 5,000 units at a special price of Rs.150 per suit. At present, the Company has
been selling the tracksuit @ Rs. 210 the standard cost per unit is as under:
I:- Cloth and other material Rs. 82
ii:- Labour 25
iii:- Fixed cost 42
iv:- Administration, variable cost 11
Total cost 160
Should the Company accept the offer?
What would be your advice if the exporter offers to buy 10,000 units instead of 5,000 units?
What is the minimum quotation for accepting the order?
If order is offer by Local Market Consumer at Rs. 118 for 5,700 units could the order be accepted.
Solution:- Statement of lost benefit. (5000)
Incremental Revenue (5000 x 150) 75,0000
- Cost 5000 x 118 5,90,000
Net benefit 160,000
Statement of cost benefit (10,000)
Incremental Revenue (10,000 x 150) 15,00,000
- Incremental cost:
Cost to be incurred 5700 x 118 6,72,600
Cost to be incurred 4700 x 118 5,07,400
- Benefit loss 4300 x 92 (W.N 1) 3,95,600
Net benefit (75,600)
It is better to accept the offer.

Statement of minimum price.

Minimum price = Relevant cost/Quantity
= Rs. 1575600/75600
= Rs. 20.84
It is not possible for the company to charge two different prices of the same commodities from the same market
Question14:- Perfect piston Ltd., produces 60,000 pistons per annum for its parent company. Perfect
Motors Ltd. The pistons are sold to perfect Motors at Rs. 200 per unit. The variable cost per piston is Rs. 180.
The annual fixed cost of perfect pistons Ltd. Is Rs. 15 lakhs and it is currently operating at 60% capacity.
The company desires to respond to an export enquiry for 30,000 pistons of the type of it are currently
manufacturing. The Company’s aim is to improve capacity organisation and avoid loss. You have to take note
of the following benefits that will accrue to the export transactions, while determining the F.O.B. price to be
Export incentive by way of cash assistance at 10% of F.O.B. value of exports.
Reimbursement of excise duty on manufacturing inputs by way of 5% drawback of duty on F.O.B. value of
Entitlement of import license to the extent of 10% on F.O.B. value of exports. The import License can either be
sold at a premium of 100% or it can be utilized to import certain critical auto components that will yield a 30%
profit on cost.
Recommend the bare minimum price that the company should quote in order to break-even, assuming:
1:- It sells the import license in the market.
2:- It imports components against the license and sells them for profit.
Solution:- Total capacity = 60000/60% = 1,00,000 unit
Spare capacity:- 40,000
Statement of profit
[Rs. in loss] 6000 unit
Revenue 60,000 x 200 120
- Variable cost (60,000 x 180) 108
Contribution 12
- Fixed cost 15
loss 3
If sells import license in the market.

Statement of min price 30,000 unit

Rs. per unit
Cost to be incurred 180
+ Loss (3,00,000 ÷ 30,000) 10
Total amount to be received 190
Less: Benefit to be achieved
(i) Cash assistance 10% of FoB.
(ii) Duty draw back 5% of FoB.
(iii) Profit on sale 10% of FoB.
ie (10 + 5 + 10) = 25% of FoB 38
FoB 152
Total amount = FoB benefit + FOB
190 = 0.25x + x [Let FoB = x]
∴ x = 152
If imports component against the license
Statement of profit
Amount to be received 190
- FOB benefit (govt.)
(i) 10% Cash assistance
(ii) 5% Duty drew bank.
(iii) 3% of FoB.
ie 18% of FoB 28.98
Amount to be received from Customer FoB 161.02

Let FoB = x

Amount received = 18% of x + x

190 = 0.18x + x
x = 161.02

Working notes
Import utilization
100 x 10% = Rs. 10
Cost = 10
+ Duty –
T.C 10
Profit 30% 3
S.P 13 - Benefit = 3
∴ Benefit as % of FoB = 3/100 x 100 = 3%
Question15:- Profitability arising out of discontinuance of product, export total production and replacing
existing machinery). Shiplon Products ltd. Manufactures 3 different products. The relevant data of these
products are as under:
Name of the Product Cream Pomade Jelly
Production capacity (units) 5,000 7,000 8,100
Machine hours per unit 1 3 4
Variable cost per unit Rs. 3.00 2.50 3.50
Selling price –Rs. / Unit 4.00 5.50 6.00
The total fixed overheads at current capacity level are Rs. 40,000 per annuam.
The company has various alternatives for improving profitability as given below:
To stop the production of Jelly and use the released capacity for producing Pomade. The machine for both the
products are common. However cream is produced on a special purpose machine.
To export the total production of Jelly at current price. On export the following additional revenue is
expected:8% Duty Drawback on export price.
12% Cash Compensatory Support against an export scheme of government.
5% Replenishment License which can be sold in market at a premium of 80%.
To replace the conventional machine used for Jelly by a special purpose machine, which will reduce the
production time from 4 hours to 3 hours per unit. Due to this change Rs. 0.50 per unit will reduce the variable
cost of Jelly. The released machine will be used for producing Pomade. This proposal will entail an additional
burden of fixed cost to the tune of Rs. 32,000 per annum.
Please advise the management about the right choice of an
Alternative so as to maximize profits.
Profitability under the existing production schedule
Details Cream Pomade Jelly Total
No. of Units 5,000 7,000 8,100
Selling Price (Rs./units) 4,00 5.50 6.00
Variable Cost (Rs./units) 3.00 2.50 3.50
Contribution per unit 1.00 3.00 2.50
P/V Ratio 25% 54.55% 41.67%
Total Contribution 5,000 21,000 20,250 46,250
Less: Fixed Cost 40,000
Net Profit 6,250
No. of machine hours per 1 3 4
Contribution per machine 1.00 1.00 0.625
Total machine hours 5,000 21,000 32,400
Note: Cream is produced on a special purpose machine. However Pomade and Jelly are produced on a common
machine. Under the present scheme Jelly is yielding lower P/V Ration than Pomade. The contribution per
machine of Jelly is even lower than that of Cream. Therefore production of Jelly should be completely stopped
and that of 32,400 machine hours are diverted to manufacture of pomade. The revised production of pomade
will be as under:

Existing Production 7,000 units

Additional production of Pomade by utilizing additional 32,400 machine hours (3 hours are needed to produce
one unit of pomade) 10,800 units
17,800 units
Profitability under the revised production schedule
(Production of Jelly to be discontinued)
Details Cream Pomade Total
Production (units) 5.000 17,800
Contribution per unit 1.00 3.00
Total Contribution 5,000 53,400 Rs. 58,400
Less: Fixed Cost 40,000
Net profit 18,400

Profitability when total production of Jelly is exported

Export Rs. 6.00
Add: (i) Duty drawback on exports Rs. 0.48
(8% of Rs. 6.00)
(ii) Cash Compensatory (12% of Rs. 0.72
(iii) Replenishment benefit (80% 0.24 1.44
X5% of Rs. 6.00)
Revised revenue on exports 7.44
Less: Variable Cost 3.50
Contribution 3.94
Details Cream Pomade Jelly Total
Production in units 5,000 7,000 8,100
Contribution per unit Rs. Rs. 3.00 Rs. 3.94
Total Contribution 5,000 21,000 31,914 57,914
Fixed Costs 40,000
Net Profit Rs. 17,914
A special purpose machine will now be used for production of Jelly. The production time will be thus be
reduced from 4 hours to 3 hours per units. Thus, there will be a savings of 1 hour per unit and total hours saved
will be 8,100 X 1 = 8,100 hours.
Additional units of Jelly = 8,100/3 hours 2,700 units
Existing production 8,100
Revised production of jelly 10,800

It should be noted the released machine will be used for producing Pomade. So the production of Pomade in the
multi purpose machine will be 17,800 units.

Profitability when a special purpose machine is used for production of Jelly.

Details Cream Pomade Jelly Total
Production of units 5,000 17,800 10,800
Contribution per unit Rs. Rs. 3.00 Rs.
1.00 3.00
Total Contribution 5,000 53,4000 32,400 90,800
Less: Fixed cost (40,000 + 72,000
Net profit 18,800
The net profit under various alternatives
1:- Under existing production schedule. Rs. 6,200
2:- Production of Jelly to be stoppedand available time is spent on production of Pomade 18,400
3:- Total Production of Jelly is exported 17,914
4:- Jelly to be producedina special purpose machine 18,800
Fourth proposal i.e. when Jelly is produced on a special purpose machine is most profitable proposition. But
second proposal is a los quite attractive. Therefore before taking a final decision, other non-cost factors should
be considered.
Question16:- (Selling as it is Vs Further processing). A company is able to obtain 2,00,000 Kgs. of
A and 4,00,000 kgs. of B from the input of 6,00,000 Kgs. of raw material F, The Selling prices of these outputs
are A = Rs. 6 per kg. B – Rs. 4.50per kg.The processing costs are:
Raw materials (6,00,000 X 2) 12,00,000
Variable processing costs 6,00,000
Fixed processing costs 2,00,000
Total 20,00,000
The company has three strategy for consideration:
(a) Product A can be further processed by mixing it with other purchased materials. The entire quanity of
the resultant product P can be sold at Rs. 13 per Kg. Each Kg. of “P” requires one Kg. of A and the
processing costs amount to Rs. 16,00,000.
(b) There is an offer to purchase an additional quanity of 40,000 Kgs. of product “B”
at a price of Rs. 3.50 per kg. The existing market for “B” will not be affected by this proposal.All production of
product A can be sold at a uniform price.
© A new raw materials has just become available.The processing costs will remain the same but the process
will now yield 2 Kgs. Of A for every 3Kgs of product B. The total quanity of the new raw material available is
limited to 6,00,000 Kgs.
(i) Find the original profit on saleofAand B
(ii) Evaluate the proposal for further processing of “A” into “P”
(iii) In the case of proposals(b) the increased quantum of “A” will reduce its selling price.Find the
minimum average price of”A” that will sustain the Profit dueto increased quantum of sales of A & B;
(ii) Evaluate proposal ( c ) and find the maximum price the company can afford to pay for the new raw
material by retaining the existing profit.
Answer:- (i) Profit 10,00,000/- (ii) Loss on Further Processing = Rs. 14,00,000 – Rs. 16,00,000 =(
Rs.2,00,000), (iii)Selling Price of product A =Rs. 5.6363, (iv) 2.10)
Solution:- (i) Statement of profit
A B Total
Rs. Rs.
Sale 12,00,000 (6 x 18,00,000 (4,00,000 30,00,000
200,000) x 4.5)
Less: joint cost 7,20,000 10,80,000 18,00,000
Contribution 12,00,000
- Less Fixed Cost 2,00,000
Profit 10,00,000
(ii) Statement of cost benefit.
Incremental Revenue [2,00,000 x (13-6) 14,00,000
- Incremental cost 16,00,000
Net benefit 2,00,000
It is not better to produce (further processing) ‘P’ Let x be selling price of product ‘A’
(iii) Statement of selling price
A B Total
Sales 12,40,000 19,40,000 [4,00,000 x 3180,000
4.5 + 40,000 x 3.5]
Less: processing cost 19,80,000
Contribution 12,00,000
- Fixed Cost 2,00,000
Profit 10,00,000
∴ Average price of A = 1040,000/220000
= 5.63
* If B is produced extra 40,000 Kg then A is also produced by being of by product in the ratio of 2:4 i.e 2/4 x
40000 = 20,000 Kg
So A = 2 lacs + 20,000 = 2.2 lacs Kg.
* Variable cost of 6,00,000 Kg input = 18,00,000
Then variable cost for 6,60,000 input = 18/6 x 6.6
(600000 + 20,000 A + 40,000 B) = 1980,000
(iv) Statement of Incremental benefit
Level 6,00,000 Kg 6,660,000 Kg
Rs. Rs.
Revenue 30,00,000 30,60,000
Less: processing cost 18,00,000 18,00,000
Contribution 12,00,000 12,60,000
Extra Contribution = 60,000
∴ Maximum price to be paid = Normal + extra price + Contribution
= 2 + 60,000/6,00,000
= 2 + 0.1
= Rs. 2.1/Kg
Question17:- A company producing a single product in its plant, sells it Rs.25 per unit. The plant
is currently operating at full capacity of 8 lakh units in single shift and the standard cost per unit
produced is as under:
Raw materials 4 Kgs @ Rs. 2 8
Direct labour 2 hrs @ Rs. 2.50 5
Variable overheads 2
Fixed Overheads 5
The Sales Manager has estimated that the company will lose sale of 4 lakh units next year if
something is not done about the capacity constraint. Plant capacity could be doubled by running a
second shift. This would require additional fixed costs as under:
Rs. In Lakhs
Salaries per annum 7.50
Expenses towards Security Staff 2.50
Depreciation 10.35
Repairs and Maintenance 6.15
General Administration 7.00
Total 33.5
Also a night shift allowance of 10% on Direct Labour would become payable. Further, if
annual production volume is 12 lakhs units or more, but not less, the company can enjoy a bulk
discount of 5% on purchases of all the raw materials.
Discuss the profitability of working a second shift in order to obtain the additional Sales volume of 4
lakhs units per year.
What should be the minimum annual increase in production volume over the present 8 lakh units
necessary to justify a second shift working ?
SOLUTION:- Statement of cost benefit
Rs. in lakhs
Incremental Revenue (4,00,000 x 25) 100.00
Incremental benefit (8,00,000 x 0.40) 3.20
Less: Incremental cost
Material 4,00,000 x 7.6
Labour cost 4,00,000 x 5.50
Variable over head 4,00,000 x 2
Fixed cost 3350,000 93.90
Net benefit 9.3

It is better to introduce second shift working without subjecting the benefit of discounting policy.
Let x be the addition units over & above 8,00,000 where introduction of second shift is justified (we can say the
required level of out put should be less than 4,00,000).
Hence we can say the benefit of discount would not be available on addition units. i.e over & above.
Incremental Revenue = Incremental cost
X x 25 = 8X + 5.50X + 2X + 3350,000
25X – 15.50X + 3350,000.
X = 3350,000/9.5
= 352 632 unit
This is minimum quantity to satisfy the demand.
Question18:- Makeshift Manufactures produce a single product. The company’s annual normal
production is 5 lakhs units of input on a single shift eight hour a day basis in terms of a standard
input of 1 lakh direct labour hours. Last year’s income statement is given below:
Sales ( 7 Lakh of units @ Rs. 2.50) 17,50,000
Variable Expenses
Direct Material 2,80,000
Direct Labour 4,90,000
(1,40,000 hrs. @ Rs. 3.50)
Factory Overhead:
Overtime Premium 1,40,000
Miscellaneous 2,10,000
Contribution Margin 6,30,000
Fixed Expenses 5,30,000
Net income 1,00,000
Management is concerned about the Overtime working done last year (Overtime is paid at
double the normal rate) and wants to investigate the possibility of working a second shift. The Cost
Accountant of the Company estimates that a second shift would increase costs as follows: an additional
factory supervisor at Rs. 30,000 per annum, a night shift allowance of 60 paise per direct labour hour and
an increase in security and administrative costs of Rs. 40,500 a year. Management required you as their
consultant to answer these questions with supporting figures:
(a) If instead of working overtime, a second shift had been introduced at the beginning of last
year itself, would profits have been better? If so by how much?
At what capacity levels it would be advantageous to the company to change from overtime working to
a second shift ?
This year it is estimated that there will be, on last year’s figures 20% increase in units sold, 10%
increase in selling price, 5% increase in direct material cost per unit and a direct labour rate increase
of Re. 0.30 per hour. Assuming that the overtime working would be continued prepare an income
statement for the year based on the current estimates;
If a second shift working were to be introduced, with an increase in night shift allowance of 6
paise per direct labour hour, what would have been the saving in cost?
Question19:- A company operates its plant on single shift basis. It can produce upto 8,000 units of output
per month without overtime. The fixed costs on single shift basis of operation amount to Rs. 30,000 per month.
The average variable cost per unit is Rs.10.
The output can be increased upto 15,000 units per month by working overtime. This entails no increase
in fixed costs, but the variable costs per unit during overtime will be Rs. 12 in excess of 8,000 units upto the
capacity of 15,000 units. If a second shift is worked, the maximum capacity of the second shift is 8,000 units
per month. The variable cost on second shift operation is Rs. 10.50 per unit and the incremental fixed cost
involved in the second shift is Rs. 6,000 per month. Required:
1: If the company’s demand for the product is 10,000 units, should the company work overtime or second
2: At what level of output will the company consider working second shift instead
of working overtime? State the range of output for overtime working and second shift operation.
3: During a particular month, the company predicted its demand to be 14,000 units and worked second
shift. At the end of the month it was discovered that the company’s demand was only 11,000 units and
the company accordingly Produced only 11,000 units. Calculate the cost of prediction error.
Solution:- Statement of Comparative cost
Second step Overtime working
Night shift 1000 Overtime 4,000
allowance 0.5 premium
X 2000 2 X 2000
Extra Fixed 6,000
Total Cost 7,000 Total Cost 4,000

Decision: It is better to introduce overtime working instead of second shift working further we can say that
basis variable cost Rs. 10 on additional 2000 unit to be termed as irrelevant cost and existing fixed cost Rs.
30,000 to be termed as Sunk cost
(2) At what level of
Let x be Addition units
Total cost = Total cost
Second shift Over time
or, 0.5x + 6000 = 2x + nil
6000 – nil/2 – 0.5 = x
x = 4000 units
Statement of Range.
Additional level Preference
0 – 3999 Overtime
4000 Overtime/Second shift
4001 to 8000 second shift

Second shift = 3000 units produced.

Statement of Comparative cost 3000 unit.
Second Shift Rs. Overtime Rs.
Variable Cost 1500 Variable 6000
0.5 X 3000 Cost
2 X 3000
Fixed Cost 6000
7,500 6,000
The extra demand of 3000 units produced in second shift with cost Rs. 7500. due to existence of additional demand 6000 units But
due to Actual additional 3000 units would have been produced in over time working of additional cost of Rs. 6000.
Hence, we can say extra burden of Rs. 1500 is cost of prediction error.

Budgetary control & performance measurement &

Decision making
Question 2
(i) Statement of production budget (annually)
Particulars Quantity (Kg)
Sale (30,00 + 3700 + 41250 + 4500 153750
+ Closing Stock (to be maintained) 16250
- Opening stock 10,000
Quantity produced 160,000

(ii) Statement of production budged (quarter)

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
80 % of current 24000 30,000 33000 36000
quarter sale
20% of next quarter 7500 8250 (41250 x 20%) 9000 (45000 x 20%) 12250 (B.f.)
production 31500 38250 42000 48250

(iii) Statement of Raw material Consumption

Production Raw material required P.U. Consumption
Quarter 1 31500 2 63000
Quarter 2 38250 2 76500
Quarter 3 42000 2 84000
Quarter 4 48250 2 96500
Annual consumption [160000 x 2) 320,000
- Opening Stock 10,000
+ Closing Stock 5000
Purchase 3,15,000

(v) Statement of purchase budget (quantity & value)

Quantity Rate Value
(kg) Rs. Rs.
Q1 94500 (315000 x 30%) 2 1,89,000
Q2 157500 (315000 x 50%) 2 472500
Q3 63000 (315000 x 20%) 2 252000
Q4 — — —

Store ledger (F I F O)
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Qty Rate Amount Qty Rate Amount Qty Rate Rate Amount Rs. Qty Rate Am
Rs. Rs. Rs
Opening 10,000 2 20,000 41500 2 83000 122500 3 367500 38500 3 11
+ 94500 2 189000 15700 3 472500 63000 4 252000 63000 4 25
- Issue to (a) 2 20,000 (a) 2 83000 84000 3 252000 (a) 3 11
production 10,000 41500 38500
(b) 2 106000
(b) 35000 3 105000 - -
(b) 58000 4 232000
53000 126000 76500 188000 84000 252000 96500 347500
Closing (a) - (a) - (a) 3 115500 (a) – O
stock 38500 st
(b) 2 83000 (b) 122500 3 367500 (b) 252000 (b) 4 20,000
41500 63000

Question 3
Statement of Contribution per unit
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Selling price 520 500 350
B. Board 60 (1 x 60) 60 (1 x 60) 60 (1 x 60)
ICO 8 160 (8 x 20) 40 (2 x 20) 40 (2 x 20)
IC 12 48 (4 x 12) 120 (10 x 120) 48 (4 x 12)
IC 26 16 (2 x 8) 48 (6 x 8) 64 (8 x 8)
A 40 (8 x 5) 30 (6 x 5) 20 (4 x 5)
B 64 (16 x 4) 48 (12 x 4) 32 (8 x 4)
Variable 36 24 24
Contribution 96 130 62

Let the total quantity be x unit.

ABC = 3 x
MCB = x
OP = x
Total contribution = 96 ( 3 x) + 130 ( 4 x) + 62 ( 2 x)
9 9 9
Desire Contribution = 19,57,200 (757200 + 12,00,000)
3 4 2
= 96 x x + 130 x x + 62 x x = 1957,200
9 9 9
or x (  96 x 7 + 130 x 4 + 62 x 2  = 1957200
 9 9 9
or x = 18,900 Unit

(i) Statement of sale budget

Product Quantity Selling price Sale Value
Unit Rs. Rs.
ACB 6300 (18900 x 3
) 520 3,27,6000
MCB 8400 (18900 x 4
) 500 42,00,000
DP 4200 (18900 x 2
) 350 14,70,000

iii) Statement of raw material consumption & purchase budget.

Components Consumption
B. Board 1 x 6220 + 1 x 8280 + 1 x 3920 = 18420
ICO 8 8 x 6220 + 2 x 8280 + 2 x 3920 = 74160
IC 12 4 x 6220 + 10 x 8280 + 4 x 3920 = 123360
IC 26 2 x 6220 + 6 x 8280 + 8 x 3920 = 93480

(i) Statement of purchase

Components Consumed - Opening stock + Stock = Purchase
B. Board 18420 1600 1440 18260
ICO 8 74160 1200 1080 74040
IC 12 123360 6000 5400 122780
IC 26 93480 4000 3600 93080

(v) Statement of labour Hours required

Grade A Grade B
ACB 49760 (6220 x 8) 99520 (6220 x 16)
MCB 49680 (8280 x 6) 99360 (8280 x 12)
DP 15680 (3920 x 4) 31360 (3920 x 8)
Labour Hrs 1,15,120 2,30,240

Total labour hrs

No. of worker required for Grade A =
Labour hr per labour month
= 115120 = 576 (Apps.)
No. of worker for Grade B =
= 1152 (Approx.)

Statement showing wage payable

Labour hrs Rate wage payable
Grade-A 115120 5 575600
Grade-B 230240 4 920960

Question 4
Statement of flexible budget
Level 5500 6000 6500
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material list:
A 66000 (5500 x 12) 72000 (6000 x 12) 78000 (6500 x 12)
B 60500 (5500 x 11) 66000 (6000 x 11) 71500 (6500 x 11)
Variable 111375 (20.25 x 5500) 121500 (20.25 x 6000) 131625 (20.25 x 6500)
Fixed 57915 57915 57915
Premium - 5062.5 (10.125 x 500) 10125 (10.125 x 1000)
Factory overhead:
Variable 16500 (3 x 5500) 1800 (3 x 6000) 19500 (3 x 6500)
Fixed 83400 (69500 x 1.2) 83400 (69500 x 1.2) 69500 x 1.2)
Selling & Distribution
Variable 110000 (20 x 5500) 120,000 (20 x 6000) 130,000 (20 x 6500)
Fixed 96250 96250 96250
Total cost 601940 940127.5 668190
Sales 522500 570000 617500
Profit (79440) (70127.5) (50690)

II. Statement of lowest price 12000 Additional

Cost to be incurred
A 12 x 2000 24000
B 11 x 2000 22000
2000 x 30.375 60750
factory over head.
Variable 2000 x 3 6000
Selling’s Distribution
Variable 2000 x 20 40,000
Return 29095
Price 18145

Selling price – = Rs. 90.9 P.V.
Working Notes:-
Capital employed
Return = 20% C.E.
= 20% (F A + Working Capital)
= 20% (nil + 80% of sale)
= 20% (181845 x 80%)
= 29095

(2) Computation of wage rate

Qtr 1 = = 28.5
Qtr 2 = = 30.67

Change in lab. cost

∴ Variable P.U. =
Change in unit
156750 - 138000
5500 - 4500
= 18.75

Qty 4500 5500

Variable cost @ 18.75 84375 103125
Fixed cost 53625 (B.f.) 53625 (B.f.)
Total 138000 156750

(3) Raw material price

A = 66000 = 12
B= = 10
New rate for Q3
A = 12
B = 10 +10 – 1 = 11
Question 5
Statement of flexible budget
Level 75% 90%
Quantity 15000 18000
Direct material @ 10.5 (W.N 1) 15700 189000
Labour @ 17.18 (W.N 2) 257500 309000
Production overhead
Variable @ 27.6042 (W.N 3) 414063 496875.6
Fixed 395000 427000
Selling expense
Variable @ 11 165,000 198000
Fixed 216000 216000
Total cost 1733063 1973875.6
+ Profit 433265.75
Sale 2166328.75
Cost per unit 11.5.54 1096

II. Statement of cost benefit

Incremental Revenue 92 x 3000 276000
– Cost
Qty 15000 18000
Cost 1733063 1973875.6
Net Benefit 35187.4
Decision: It is better to accept the offer being Revenue amount is sufficient to cover the cost

Working notes:-
(1) Raw material cost = 10,000
= 10
Increment = 5%
∴new price = 10.5
(2) Labour = 1.92 lacs = 16
Increment = 3%
New Labour rate = 16 + 3% = 16.48
Efficiency = 4 % decrease = 16.48 x 100 = 17.16
(3) Over head
650000 - 600000
Variable over head = = 25 P. Hr
12000 - 10,000
Inflation = 6%
New rat = 25 + 6% = 26.5
Efficiency effect = 25.5 x 100 = 27.6042
Out of total production over head = 600,000
VC 25 x 10,000 F.C
= 250,000 350000
+ 10% inflation upto 80%
Question No:- 6
(Working Notes)
1. Direct Material Cost
A. Rs. 60,000 ÷ 10,000 = Rs. 6 per units
B. Rs. 50.000 ÷ 10,000 = Rs. 6 per units
2. Fixed and variable cost of production labour cost: (in both the Quarter Production in less than 19,000 units
and overtime is not relevant)
Quarter I Quarter II Quarter III
Production (Units) 10,000 15,000 5,000
Production labour (Rs.) 1,80,000 2,30,000 50,000

Variable cost (per units) = Charge in production labour cost/change in production units
= Rs. 50,000/5,000 = 10 per units

Fixed labour cost for quarter = Rs. 1,80,000 – (10,000 units x Rs. 10) = Rs. 80,000
For quarter III. (production 20,000 units and hence overtime is relevant).
Variable cost 20,000 unit @ Rs. 10 Rs. 2,00,000
Fixed cost 80,000
Overtime premium 1,000 x Rs. 5* 5,000
Total production labour cost 2,85,000

*Labour cost become 50% higher for activity in excess of 19,000 unit for quarter IV (18,000 unit)
Material production labour cost of 18,000 unit: Rs. 1,62,200
18,000 unit x {Rs. 10 x 0.80 x 1.125}* 90,000
Fixed production labour cost
* Due to 80% learning curve, labour rate rises by 12 1/2%. This factor of rise in rate applies both to variable and
fixed labour.
3. Fixed and variable cost components of manufacture overhead.
Quarter I Quarter II Change
Production (unit) 10,000 20,000 10,000
Overhead excluding 90,000 1,20,000 30,000
Variable cost component of manufacturing overhead
= Change in Manufacturing Cost ÷ Change in Production
Unit = Rs. 30,000 ÷ 10,000 units = Rs. 3 per unit.
Hence fixed cost component of manufacturing overhead
= Rs. 90,000 – (10,000 unit x Rs. 3) = Rs. 60,000
For quarter IV
Fixed costs components Rs. 60,000
Add – 20% increase of Rs. 12,000
Total fixed cost 72,000

4. Fixed and variable costs component of selling and distribution expanses

Quarter I Quarter II Change
Sales (unit) 9,000 8,000
Selling and Distribution Rs. 38,000 17,000
Expenses Rs. 54,000

Variable cost component of selling and Distribution Expenses = Change in selling and Distribution
Expenses/Change in sales units
= Rs. 16,000 ÷ 8,000 units = Rs. 2 per unit
Hence, fixed cost components of selling and distribution expenses
= Rs. 54,000 – (17,000 units x Rs. 2) = Rs. 20,000
Fixed cost component for IVth quarter = Rs. 20,000 x 1.20 = Rs. 24,000
Statement showing variable cost per unit and fixed cost under each cost classification effective
for quarter IV
Particulars Reference of For Quarter IV
working Note
Total fixed cost for the Variable cost per
quarter unit
Direct materials:
A 1 – Rs. 6.00
B 1 – 5.00
Production labour 2 90,000 9.00
Manufacturing overhead 3 72,000 3.00
Depreciation of production – 20,000 –
machinery – 25,000 –
Administrative expenses 4 24,000 2.00
Selling and distribution

Flexible Budget of Production Cost For the Quarter IV

Production and Sales
15,000 Units 18,000 units 21,000 units
Direct material:
A 15,000 x 6 Rs. 18,000 x 6 = Rs. 21,000 x 6 Rs.
B 90,000 1,08,000 1,26,000
Production labour: 15,000 x = 18,000 x 5 = 21,000 x 5 =
– Variable 75,000 90,000 1,05,000
– Fixed Cost – – 9,000
Total production cost 15,000 x 3 = 45,000 18,000 x 3 = 54,000 21,000 x 3 = 63,000
72,000 72,000 72,000
20,000 20,000
5,27,000 5,96,000 6,74,000

Question 7
Statement of profit for 1986 (20,000 unit)
Revenue 125 x 20,000 25,00,000
Less: Variable cost 68 x 20,000 1360,000
Contribution 1140000
– Fixed cost 675000
Profit 465000

Let Selling price be x

Sale – variable cost – F C = Profit
or 20,000 x – Variable cost – Fixed cost = profit
Revised Variable cost P.U. = 66.35 (W.N 1)
or, 2000 x – (66.35 x 20,000) – 800,000 = 4,65000
465000 + 8,00,000 + 13,27,000
X = 129.6
129.6 - 125
Percentage increase in selling price = = 3.68%
(iii) Statement of Comparative cost benefit.
Level 2000 4000 6000 8000
Selling price @ 125 250000 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000
– Variable cost 1,32,700 265400 398100 530800
@ 66.35 — — — —
Contribution 117300 234600 351900 469200
-Extra fixed cost 80,000 194000 320,000 460,000
Net benefit 37300 40600 31900 9200

It is better to select 4000 quantity.
Working notes
(1) Statement of Revised Variable cost
Material = 16 + 10% = 17.6
Wages = (40 + 5%) x 100/112 = 37.5
Variable overhead = (12 + 5%) x 100/112 = 11.25
Total 66.35
Question 8
Capacity = 20,000 unit
Utilized = 15000 unit
Sport = 5000 unit
Old Rate New Rate
Direct material Rs. 30 Rs. 33
Direct labour Rs. 20 Rs. 25
Variable overhead Rs. 20 Rs. 20
Fixed cost Rs 15 (B. f)
Profit Rs. 15
Selling price 100

∴ F C = 15 x 15000 = 2,25,000
Statement of Comparative Result
Extra 5000 unit (By utilising Extra 10,000 unit (By new
spare) machine)
Revenue 5,00,000 (5000 x 100) 9,00,000 (90 x 10,000)
– Variable cost 390,000 (78 x 5000) 7,80,000 (78 x 10000)
Fixed selling Exp. 50,000 —
Fixed cost Sunk — —
Depreciation — 1,00,000
Fixed administration — 80,000
Profit 60,000 (30,000)

It is better to accept extra 5000 units & reject the alternative due to loss of Rs 30,000.
Question 9
First Option
Incremental revenue:
Gift shop [(Rs. 48,000/80) x 10] Rs. 6,000
Restaurant [Rs. 64,000/80 x 10] 8,000
Lodge [(1,80,000/90) x 10] 20,000
Total (A) 34,000
Differential costs:
Items of cost Gift shop Restaurant Lodge Total
Cost of sales (26,400/80) x 10 x (35,200/80) x 10 = — 7,700
Supplies Rs. 3,300 Rs. 4,400 (14,400/90) x 10 = 1,600 2,700
Electricity (2,400/80) x 10 = (6,400/80) x 10 = (13,500-9,900)(10/90) 600
300 (960-640) 800 (3,200- = 400 11,000
(10/80) = 40 Total 1,20)(10/80) = 40

Excess of incremental revenue over differential cost (A-B) 23,000

Less: additional advertisement cost 12,000
Additional net income (Option 1) 11,000
Second option
Incremental revenue: (during off—season)
(No incremental revenue)
Gift shop: [(48000 ÷ 80) x 30] x (8 month ÷ 4 months) x 0.95 Rs. 34,000
Restaurant: [64,000 ÷ 80) x 30] x (8 month ÷ 4 months) x 0.95 45,000
Lodge: [(1,80,000 ÷ 90) x 30] x (8 months ÷ 4 months) x 0.50 80,000
Total (A) 1,59,800
Differential Costs (during off—season only)

Items of costs Gift of shop Restaurant Lodge Total

Cost of sales (26,400/80) x 30 x (35,200/80) x 30 x — Rs. 46,200
2 = Rs. 19,800 2 = Rs. 26,400
Supplies (2,400/80) x30 x 2 (6,400/80) 30 x 2 (14,400/90) x 40 x 19,400
= Rs. 1,800 = Rs. 4,800 2 = Rs. 12,800
Salaries 4.800 x 2 = Rs. 4,800 x 2 = Rs. (25,200 – 4,800) x 60,000
9,600 9,600 2 = Rs. 40,800
Electricity (Fixed) Rs. 640 x 2 = Rs. Rs. 1,920 x 2 Rs. 6,900 x 2 = Rs. 18,920
1,280 3,840 13,800
Electricity (960-640) (30/80) (3,200-1920) x 13,500-9,900 x 4,400
(variable) x 2 = Rs. 240 (30/80) x 2 Rs. (40/90) x 2 = Rs.
960 3,200
Total (B) 1,48,920
Excess of incremental revenue over differential cost (A-B) 10,880
1. A company of the first and second option makes it clear, that it is in the interest of Mr. Philips to fallow first
option, because it will yield him an additional revenue of Rs. 120 i.e., Rs. 11,000 – Rs. 10,880.
2. Best course will be that Mr. Philips should go for advertisement insertion. He should also continue his
operations during off – seasons period also. This will boost his earning as fallow:
Due to advertisement Rs. 11,000
Off – seasons 10,800

Activity Based Costing

Question 1
Statement of Cost pool (ABC)
Overhead Amount (Rs.) Basis No of activity Cost per
Set-up cost 4250 no of set-up 17 [1+6+6+2+8] 250/-
Ordering cost 1920 no of order 10 [1+4+1+4+] 192/-
Handling cost 7560 no of times 27 [2+10+3+12] 57.77/-
Administration for 8400 no of spare ports 12[2+5+1+4] 700/-
spar ports
Factory overhead 37749 machine hours 12475 3.0259/-
Statement of cost sheet
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Direct material 2500 25000 9600 1,19,000
Direct Labour 1500 15000 7200 15300
Overhead cost:
Set up @ 250 250 1500 500 2,000
Material ordering cost @ 192 192 768 192 768
Material handle cost @ 57.77 115 578 173 694
Spare parts @ 700 1400 3500 700 2800
Factory over head @ 3.0259 378 3782 1816 31773
Total over head cost 2335 9228 3381 38035
(a) Overhead/Unit (ABC) 4.67 1.8456 5.635 5.43357
(b) Overhead/Unit (Traditional) 1.2 1.2 4.8 7.2
(a-b) difference 3.47 0.6456 0.835 (1.76)

Question 2
Statement of cost pool (Absorption)
Department cost (Rs.) Basis No. of Activity Cost per Activity
I 1,100,000 Labour hours 1,83,333 6
II 15,00,000 machine hours 5,00,000 3

Statement of cost (Absorption)

A B C Total
Material Rs. 5,00,000 Rs. 8,00,000 Rs. 9,00,000 Rs. 22,00,000
Labour Rs. 3,00,000 Rs. 8,00,000 Rs. 15,00,000 Rs. 26,00,000
Department – I Rs. 180,000 Rs. 480,000 (6 x Rs. 9,00,000 (6 x Rs. 1560,000
(30,000 x 6) 80,000) 150,000)
Department – Rs. 120,000 Rs. 240,000 (3 x Rs. 630,000 (210000 Rs. 990,000
II (40,000 x 3) 80,000) x 3)
Total Cost 11,00,000 2320,000 3930,000 7,350,00

Statement of comparative Cost

Actual Budgeted effect
Department-I 11,00,000 15,60,000 460,000 (over)
Department-II 15,00,000 990,000 510,000 (under)

Statement of cost pool [ABC]

Overhead Amount Rs. Basis No. of Activity Cost per Activity
Receiving & Inspection 14,00,000 Requisition 5000 280/-
Setup 12,00,000 Set up 800 [240+260+300] 1500/-

Statement of cost sheet as per ABC

A B C Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 5,00,000 8,00,000 9,00,000 22,00,000
Labour 3,00,000 8,00,000 15,00,000 26,00,00
Receiving 336,000 (1200 x 280) 504,000 (1800 x 280) 560,000 (2000 x 280) 14,00,000
Set up cost 360,000 (240 x 1500) 390,000 (260 x 1500) 450,000 (260 x 1500) 12,00,000
Total cost 14,96,000 24,94,000 3410,000 74,00,000

Statement of Comparative
Cost under 14,96,000 24,94,000 34,10,000
Cost under traditional 11,00,000 2320,000 3930,000
Difference 39,6,000 1,74,000 (5,20,000)
Question 3
1 (a) Statement of cost pool [Absorption]
Over head cost = Rs. 184,8000
Direct Labour hours = 88000 hrs (40000+40,000+8000]
Overhead cost per labour hours = 21 per hours

Statement of cost (Absorption)

Product X Y Z Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 750,000 4,00,000 8,8000 12,38000
Labour 240,000 240,000 48000 528,000
Over head 840,000 (21 x 40,000) 840,000 (21 x 40,000) 168000 (21 x 800) 18,48,000
Total 18,30,000 148,0000 30,4000 361,4000

1 (b.) Statement of cost pool (Absorption]

Overhead Amount Basis Quantity Cost/Qty.
Receipts 435,000 no of Receipt 270 (15+35+220] 16.11.11
Others 1413000 machine hours 76000 (140,000 + 18.59
20,000 + 16000)

Statement of cost (Absorption)

X Y Z Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 750,000 4,00,000 88000 1238,000
Labour 240,000 240,000 48000 52,8000
Receipts 24167 56389 354444 435000
Others 743600 731800 297440 1413000
Cost 1757767 1068189 787884 3613840
Statement of cost pool (ABC)
Overhead Amount (Rs.) Basis No. of Activity Cost per Activity
Setup 30,000 no. of set up 30 (3+7+20) 1000/-
Machine 760,000 machine hour 76000 (40,000+20,000+1600) 10/-
Receiving 435000 no. of Receipt 270 (15+35+220) 1611.11
Packing 435000 no. of Receipt 32 (9+3+20) 7812.5
Engineering 373000 no. of order 50 (15+10+25) 7460

Statement of cost (ABC)

X Y Z Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 750,000 4,00,000 88000 12,38,000
Labour 240,000 240,000 48000 528000
Set-up @ 1000 3000 7000 20,000 30,000
Machine @ 10 4,00,000 2,00,000 16,00,000 760,000
Receiving @ 1111.11 24167 56389 354444 435000
Engineering @ 7460 111900 74600 186500 37000
1599380 1001426 1013194 3614000
Question 4
Statement of cost pool
Overhead Amount Basis no. of activity cost per Activity
Machine 20860 Machine hours 5200 4.01/-
Set-up cost 10500 no. of set-up 42 (12+10+8+12) 250/-
Store 7200 no. of requisition 80 (20+20+20+20) 90/-
Inspection 4200 no. of purchase order 42 (12+10+8+12) 100/-
Output handling & 9240 no. of order 84 (24+20+16+24) 110/

Statement of cost (ABC)

Cost A B C D Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 19200 (80 x 240) 20,000 (200 x 100) 9600 (160 x 60) 28800 (240 x 120) 77600
Labour 13440 (240 x 56) 8400 (200 x 42) 4480 (160 x 28) 10080 (240 x 42) 36,400
Set up 3000 (12 x 250) 2500 (10 x 250) 2000 (8 x 250) 3000 (12 x 250) 10,500
Store 1800 1800 1800 1800 7200
Inspection 1200 1000 800 1200 4200
Out put 2640 2200 1760 2640 9240
hard lings &
Machine 7699 4812 2566 5783 20860
(1920 x 4.01) (1200 x 4.01) (640 x 4.01) (1440 x 4.01)
Total 48979 40712 23006 53303 166000
Statement of cost pool (Absorption)
Overhead = Rs 52000
Machine hours = 5200 (1920 + 1200 + 640 + 1440)
Cost per machine hour = 10/-

Statement of cost
A B C D Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 19200 20,000 9600 28800 77600
Labour 13440 8400 4480 10080 36400
Overhead @ 10 19200 12000 6400 14400 5200
(1920 x 10) (1200 x 10 ) (640 x 10) 1440 x 10)
Cost 51840 40400 20480 53200 166000

Statement of Re conciliation
A B C D Total
ABC (Rs.) 48979 40712 23006 53303 166000
Absorption 51840 40400 20480 53280 166000
Difference (2861) 312 2526 23 nil

The difference of distribution of the overhead occurred due to the following reasons.
(i) The ratio of difference activity bet the product are different from the ratio of single recovery rate basis.

(ii) The product which consumes high volume of activity as compare to machine working hours. That product
or products co ill absorb high volume of overhead. (The total value of overhead remain same).
Question 5
Solution:- 1
Statement of cost pool (Absorption)
Cost Amount Basis No. of Activity Cost per
(Rs.) Labour hour
labour cost
Partner 3,00,000 professional Hr 9000
Associates 2,40,000 professional Hr (25+40+-------) 60/-
Design 7,00,000 professional 9000 [250+ 40 + --] 120/-
Staff 380,000 Labour hours

Statement of cost (Absorption)

Host Restaurant Pizza Hut
Hours 25 (5 + 20) 40 (30 + 10)
Cost: Professional 1500 (60 x 25) 2400 (60 x 40)
Overhead 3000 (120 x 25) 4800 (120 x 40)
Cost 4500 7200

2. Statement of cost pool (ABC)

Cost Amount Basis no. of Activities Cost per
(Rs.) Activity
Professional 3,00,000 professional Labor 3000 100/-
labour cost hrs
Associates 240,000 Associate hours 6000 40/-
Design 7,00,000 profession cost 540000 (1300 + 3400 1.296/ per
+ --) professional cost
Staff 3,80,000 professional Labour 9000 (25 + 40 + --) 42.22

Statement of cost (ABC)

Host Restaurant Pizza Hut Total
Rs. Rs.
Profession Labour cost 500 (5 x 100) 3000 (30 x 100) 3500
Associates labour cost 800 (20 x 40) 400 (10 x 40) 1200
1300 3400 4700
Design 1685.18 (1.296 x 1300) 4407.4 (1.296 x 3400) 6092.58
Staff 1055.55 (44.22 x 25) 1688.88 (40 x 42.22) 2744.43
Total cost 4040.73 9496.28 13537.01

3. Statement of difference in cost under ABC & traditional costing.

Host Restaurant Pizza Hut
Absorption 4500 7200
ABC 4040.73 9496.28
Difference 459.27 (2296.28)

Question 7
Statement of cost pool (Basis budget)
Cost Amount (Rs.) Basis No. of Activity Cost per Activity
Packing material 1950,000 Composite Ratio 1950 (30:90:75 10,000
Other 940,000 Quantity 1,00,000 (30,000 + 9.4
45000 + 25000)

Statement of cost
Iohn Ltd. George Ltd. Raul Ltd.
Quantity 30,000 45000 25000
Packing material Rs. 3,00,000 Rs. 9,00,000 Rs. 750000
Other cost Rs. 282000 (9.4 x 30000) Rs. 423000 9.4 x 45000) Rs. 235000 (9.4 x 25000)
Cost Rs. 5,82,000 Rs. 1323000 Rs. 98,5000

2. Departmention of over head

Inspection Storage packing
Labour 52500 35000 363500
Over time 15000 4500 10500
Occupancy 1,00,000 3,00,000 1,00,000
Administration & management 24000 6000 30,000
Total 1,91,500 345500 40,3000

Statement of cost pool (ABC)

Activities Amt. (Rs.) Base
Inspection 191500 9.3 lacks
(150000 + 405000 + 375000)
(5 x 30000) 4500 x 9 2500 x 15
Storage 345500 27500 (9000 + 13500 + 5000)]
Packing 403000 4605000 (108000 + 2025000 + 150,0000)

Statement of cost (Additional production)

Iohn George Paul
Rs. Rs.
Packing 3,00,000 9,00,000 750,000
Receiving & Inspection 30887 83395 77218
Storage 113073 169609 62818
Packing 94515 177215 131270
Total 538475 1330219 1021306
Cost Unit 17.95 29.56 40.85
 538475   1330219   1021306 
     
 30,000   29.56   25000 

Working notes:
Iohn George Paul

1 1 cm 1 cm 1 cm
1 2 3
Qty 30,000 45,000 25,000
Relative composite 30,000 90,000 75,000
Ratio: 30: 90: 75

Question 8
Statement of cost pool
Overhead Amount Rs. Basis No. of Activities Cost per Activity
Stores 278250 + 262500 no. of receipt 1960 (48 + 52 + --) 275.89
Setup 255000 + 11,13,000 Inspection 1280 (30+10+--) 149.41

Statement of cost for the product P & Q

Rs. Rs.
Material 6000 4000
Labour 5760 (960 x 6) 600 (100 x 6)
Production 24138 (670.5 x 36) 16092 (670.5 x 24)
Stores 13242.72 (275.89 x 48) 14346.28 (275.89 x 52)
Inspection 4482.3 (149.41 x 300 1494.10 (149.41 x 10)
Total cost 53623.02 36532.38

Statement of cost pool (Absorption)

Overhead = Rs. 21,00,000
Labour hours = 40,000 (960 + 100 + --)
Overhead/hour = 52.50

(iii) Statement of cost & selling price per Quarter (ABC)

Qty: 3000
Material 12000
Labour 300 x 6 1800
Avoidable overhead
= 7500
Desige  x3000 
 24 
Store 275.89 x 20
Prod. 670.5 x 6
Quality inspection 149.41 x 24 13128
Total cost 34428
profit (25%) 8607
Sale value 43035
Selling Price 14.345

Working notes
1 30% mm 40% set-up 30% Q-9
Salary of technical stuff 1914250 255000 191250

Machine maintenance. & operation 191250

+ 1012500
Total 139125
It can be distributed in to store & production in the ration of 20%: 80%
i.e. store = 278250
production = 11,13,000
Question 10
Statement of profit (Absorption)
A B C D Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 10,000 6400 9000 7500 32900
Direct Labour 3000 1600 3000 1000 8600
Factory overhead 12000+3 6400 +2 12000 +3 4000 +2 34400 +10
Selling expenses 2200 1920 2400 1400 7920
Total cost 27203 16322 26403 13902 83830
Selling price 27500 24000 30,000 17500 99000
Profit 297 7678 3597 3598 15170

Note: Under recovery and over recovery exist only when actual base are different from budgeted base.

2. Statement of profit (Machine hour Base)

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 10,000 6400 9000 7500
Labour 3000 1600 3000 1000
Overhead 10095 (500 x 20.19) 8076 (400 x 20.19) 10820 (500 x 21.648) 5410 (250 x 21.648)
Set-up 2200 1920 2400 1400
Total cost 25295 17996 25220 15310
Selling price 27500 24000 30000 17500
Profit 2205 6004 4780 2190

Statement of machine Hours.

X Y Total
Set-up 470 900 1370
Supervision 1200 1200 2400
Machines 10800 9000 19800
Ware house 1691 1409 3100
Purchasing 2213 2227 4440
Power plant 1800 1500 3300
Total 18174 16236 34410
Machine hr 900 780 1650
Rate 20.19 21.64 20.85
3. Statement of cost pool
Overhead Amount Basis no. of Activity Cost per Act
Set up 13750 Set-up 137 (15+32+10+80) 10/-
Supervision 2400 Supervision Hr 240 (75+40+75+50) 10/-
Machine 19800 Machine hour 1650 (500+400+500+250) 10/-
Ordering price 440 order 110 (10+20+20+60) 4/-
Material handling 4000 Raw mat. Input 10,000 (200+4000+2000+2000) 0.4/-
Finished Goods 1600 Av. Holding 400 (0+100+100+200) 4/-
Dispatch 1500 delivery 400 (10+40+50+200) 3.75
Poser 3300 machine hrs 1650 (500+400+500+250) 2/-
Selling exp. 7920 Sale Staff 790 (30+160+200+400) 10.0253/-
3. Statement of profit (ABC)
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material 10,000 6400 9000 7500
Labour 3000 1600 3000 1000
Setup 150 (15 x 10) 320 (32 x 10) 100 (10 x 10) 800 (80 x 10)
Suppression 750 (750 x 10) 400 (40 x 10) 750 (75 x 10) 500 (50 x 10)
Machine 6000 (500 x 12) 4800 (400 x 12) 6000 (500 + 12) 3000 (250 x 12)
Ordering price 40 (4 x 10) 80 (4 x 20) 80 (4 x 20) 240 (4 x 60)
Material 800 (2000 x .4) 1600 (4000 x .4) 800 (2000 x 0.4) 800 (2000 x 0.4)
Finished – (0 x 4) 400 (4 x 100) 400 (4 x 100) 800 (4 x 200)
Dispatch 37.5 (3.75 x 10) 150 (3.75 x 40) 187.5 (3.75 x 50) 750 (3.75 x 200)
Power 1000 800 1000 500
Selling 300.76 (30 x 1604 (10.0253 x 160) 2005 (10.0253 x 200) 4010.24(10.0253 x 400)
Total cost 22078.26 18154 23322.5 19900.24
Sale value profit 27500 245000 30,000  17500 
5421.74 5846 6677.5  
 6677.5 
5421.74 5846 6677.5 (2400.24)
Question 11
Statement of cost pool
Conversion $ Basis no. of Basic Cost per Activity
Making Variable 350000 Time minute 42000 (5.25 + 8.33
5000 +5.25 x
Avoid: fixed cost 84000 Time 42000 2/-
Unavoidable 126000 Time 42000 3/-
Variable 28000 Time 42000 6.66
Fixed unavoidable 84000 Time 42000 2
Fixed avoidable 56000 Time 42000 1.33
Statement of cost & Revenue
V4 V2 Total
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Material cost 150,000 90,000 24,0000
Conversion cost:
(i) Making;
Variable cost 218750 (8.3 x 5000 x 131250 (8.3 x 15750) 3,50,000
Avoidable fixed cost 52500 (2 x 26250) 80,000 (6.60 x 12000) 280000
Fixed cost 40,000 (30,000 x 1.3) 16000 (12000 x 1.3) 56000
Relevant cost 661250 348750 1010,000
Sale 750,000 540000 12,90,000
Benefit 88750 191250 280000
Unavoidable fixed cost:-

Packing 78750 (26250x 3) 47250 (3 x 15750) 126000

Making (2 x 30,000) 6,00,00 (2 x 12000) 24000 84000
Profit 50,000 120,000 70,000

Decision: It’s not better to discontinue the product V4 because unavoidable fixed cost 78750 + 60,000 i.e.
138750 remain constant.
Hence we can say such fixed cost to be termed as fixed cost

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