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Beej Mantra Mala.

This is another effective method for pacifying the

malefic planets. In this method, one should daily recite one mala of beejmantra of their pratikul planets.
The beej-mantra of the nine planets are given below:Sun. If sun is ill placed i.e pratikul then one should recite one mala of suns
beej-mantra Om hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah daily in the
morning (6000 times in 40 days).

Moon. If moon is ill place i.e pratikul then one should recite one mala of
moons beej mantra , Om sram srim sraum sah chandraya namah daily
in the evening time 10000 times in 40 days.

Mars. If mars is ill place i.e pratikul then one should recite one mala of
marss beej mantra , Om kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah daily
in the evening 7000 times in 40 days.

Mercury.If mercury is ill place i.e pratikul then one should recite one
mala of mercurys beej mantra , Om bram brim braum sah budhaya
namah daily in day time 17000 times in 40 days.

Jupiter. If Jupiter is ill placed i.e pratikul then one should recite one mala
of jupiters beej mantra , Om gram grim graum sah gurave namah daily
in the morning 16000 times in 40 days.

Venus.If venus is ill placed i.e pratikul then one should recite one mala
of venuss beej mantra , Om dram drim draum sah shukraya namah
daily in the morning 20000 times in 40 days.

Saturn.If Saturn is ill placed i.e pratikul then one should recite one mala
of saturns beej mantra , Om pram prim praum sah shanaisharaya
namah daily in the evening 19000 times in 40 days.

Ketu. If ketu is ill placed i.e pratikul then one should recite one mala of
ketus beej mantra , Om sram srim sraum sah ketave namah daily in the
morning 7000 times in 40 days.

Rahu. If Rahu is ill placed i.e pratikul then one should recite one mala of
rahus beej mantra , Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah daily
in the evening 18000 times in 40 days.

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