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Kalasarpa Dosha

Sri Narayana Bhatt, autor of renowned astrological text Chamatkara

Chintamani, renowned Hindu astrologer of 5th century (A.C) of Ujjaini, examined the
various aspects of Kala-sarpa dosha. We explain Kalasarpa dosha based on his
writings and on our observation of various horoscopes during the past 48 years.
If in any native's chart, Rahu and Ketu and all the 7 planets stay in the 7 houses,
between Rahu and Ketu it is called Kalasarpa dosha.. Agre Rahau. anthye
Kethu, sarve Madhya-gathe grahau;KAA.LA SARPA akyaam yogam
naupakaasya vinakanaami !Example :
Pisces Aries Ketu




Rahu Moon Lagna

Saturn Virgo
Rahu and Ketu are the vedic names for the ascending and descending nodes of the
Moon respectively. The Sanskrit word kaala has several meanings, one of which is
time. Sarpa can be translated loosely as snake / serpent. Kalasarpa dosha is a
phenomenon in which the serpentine energy associated with Rahu and Ketu
entwines itself around the other 7 planets, thus constricting and disrupting the
planetary rays.
Kalasarpa dosha can bring challenges to ones finances, health and property. In
addition, Kalasarpa dosha causes delays and obstructions in the persons daily life,
making it difficult for him to accomplish anything. No matter how hard one may try,
it is almost impossible to complete ones work and succeed in life.

Savya Kala Sarpa Dosham: All the houses are occupied with the 7 planets from Rahu
to Ketu , it is known as Savya Kalasarpa Dosham
Apasavya Kala Sarpa Dosham : All the houses are filled with the 7 planets from Ketu
to Rahu, it is called Apasavya Kala Sarpa Dosham.
In Astrological science, Rahu is termed as the head and Ketu is termed as tail of

Sarpa. The Vedic pundits terms that the Kalasarpa dosham / yogam is most
dangerous one in any persons life span. It ruins his life career, health and wealth and
In the natal chart from birth-lagna (ascendant) to seventh house if this yoga is there,
the first half is more miserable and from seventh house to twelfth house, the second
half of the life is harmful. In the natal chart if other beneficial yogas are not there, the
native will be jobless; addicted to bad habits, and leads miserable life, unmarried,
etc. Note : Good and very strong raja-yogams benefit the person, even if he has Sarpa
dosham in his chart. Even if one planet is outside of Rahu Ketu Axis, there is no Kal
Sarpa Yoga. Before you do any remedies for the Kal Sarpa Yoga, make sure that all
planets are between Rahu and Ketu. Even if there is one planet outside the Rahu
Ketu axis the Kal Sarpa Yoga does not exist. Here is an Example :

Mesha Saturn Mithuna

Raasi chakra Jupiter
of an


This is the birth chart of an astrologer. Though he has Sarpa dosham, he lived a
comfortable life by astrology-practice. There are some rules: (1) If Jupiter or Mercury
stay in birth-birth-lagna (ascendant) (ascendant)m or aarudha birth-birth-lagna
(ascendant) (ascendant)m, favourably disposed; or (2) If Jupiter or Mercury stay in
10th house from birth-birth-lagna (ascendant) (ascendant)m or aarudha birth-birthlagna (ascendant) (ascendant)m favourably disposed; or (3) If the lord of 10th house
from laganam or aarudha laganam is beneficial planet and is together with Jupiter or
Mercury or in between Jupiter or Mercury; or (4) If Guru and Mercury aspect birthbirth-lagna (ascendant) (ascendant)m or lord of birth-birth-lagna (ascendant)
(ascendant)m or aarudha birth-birth-lagna (ascendant) (ascendant)m or the lord of
aarudha birth-birth-lagna (ascendant) (ascendant)m, then the person will be an
expert astrologer and earns his living by practice of astrology. Let us examine the
horoscope of this astrologer in the light of the above rules. (1) Jupiter is exalted and
aspects (7th house) the birth birth-birth-lagna (ascendant) (ascendant) (2) Mercury is
exulted and is in aarudha birth-birth-lagna (ascendant) (ascendant). (3)The lord of
10th house (Virgo) is Venus and is positioned between Jupiter and Mercury. & (4)
Jupiter and Mercury are givers of success in the profession of astrology; both are
exalted. So he had success as professional astrologer. Mar--312010

Example : Now let me explain the horoscope of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the
first Prime Minister of India (1947--64).


Nov-14-1889 Moon
at 11-36 night;
Allahabad Leo



This is the horoscope of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru; first Prime Minister of

India. Moon is in his own house in birth lagna (ascendant); Cancer; he is royal & has
strong personality& diplomacy; he has lot of receptivity, compassion, flexibility or
adjustability and has ability to understand other's problems and feelings. He is a
visionary and loved India; he is, in fact, the architect of modern India. Saturn in
2nd house and Jupiter in 6thhouse made him a great Orator. Jupiter is in his own
house, in 6th house; he conquered his enemies and carved out his career and achieved
greatness by his self-effort only. Venus is in his own house (Kendram; 4th ) and is
conjunct with Mercury. This gave him high level of education and qualities of a great
genius and writer of renowned books, which prove his profound knowledge &
scholarship and true perspective of history and culture of India (Pandit).
Kaal Sarp Yoga : Nehru is deemed to have Kaal Sarp Dosha in his birth-chart, This
Yoga is formed when all planets are between Rahu and Ketu. Later, we also found
details of Ardh Kaal Sarp Yoga, Partial Kaal Sarp Yoga and so on, which as per
our view is of no use. some astrologers believe that if this Yoga is formed between
Rahu and Ketu it is Kaal Sarpa Dosha (malefic) and if it is formed between Ketu and
Rahu, it is 'Kala Sarp Yoga' (beneficial). Controversies apart, here we offer a simple
explanation to this. Kaal Sarp Yoga is formed when all planets are between Rahu and
Ketu. Rahu is a 'Chhaya Graha' or 'Tamas' has negative effect over the chart, if this
Yoga is formed. Rahu is mouth and Ketu is tail. In Jawaharlal Nehru's birth chart,
Jupiter is conjunct with Ketu; Jupiter is at 15 degrees in Sagittarius and Ketu is at 12
degree in the same house. so as it is, Ketu will move backward and will not cross
Jupiter's degree. More over Rahu does not cross any planet in his chart thus Kaal
Sarpa dosham is not formed, as per the view of some astrologers. So Nehru did not
have any dosham (malefic effect) which retarded his glory or great yogams in his life,
they say.

But in my opinion he did not enjoy his prime years of life.His wife was ill for years
and she finally died. His daughter Indira loved a Muslim. Nehru could not tolerate
this. He was a Brahmin by birth and took pride in his birth and ancestors. Mahatma
Gandhi interfered and adopted Firoz as his son and called him Feroz Gandhi; he
performed the marriage of Indira with Firoz against the wishes of Nehru; he was
helpless. Firoz and Nehru never had any cordial relations all their life. Mrs.S Indira
Gandhi moved to her fathers home after Firoz died.
For about 3 decades, Nehru dedicated his life for independence struggle; he was one
of the key-persons in that freedom-fight. He spent several years in various prisons in
India. He underwent severe troubles; later his tenure as prime minister of India was
not a carpet of roses; he always had mental tensions due to Pakistans aggressions,
and Chineses aggression on India and international unrest due to cold-war
problems. He suffered mental agony due to Chinese betrayal and cruel
aggression. India was defeated in that war (during 1962). Nehruji finally had brain
hemorrhage in Simla and died. All this, in my opinion, is due to Kala-sarpa doshams
malefic effect.

The great astrologer Sri B.V. Raman said about Kala-sarpa yoga: "Kala-sarpa
Yoga has its bright shades. It [is said to] makes one industrious, hardworking,
aware of one's own ability- despite mental restlessness. It raises the natives
to top positions in their respective fields provided of course other Raja Yogas
are present. Rahu-Ketu axis favors rise in mundane life while Ketu-Rahu axis
indicates elevation in spiritual matters. It is also found that Kala-sarpa Yoga
natives get betrayed by trusted friends and even relatives. Suffering due to
developments in life strengthens the mind and mellows one's outlook. This is
a blessing of Kala-sarpa Yoga." I agree with his opinion that a person
seasoned with challenges in life can acquire the grit and effort and strive to
overcome the obstacles and attain success and high achievements, as in the
case of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Ordinary persons may be crushed down by
the malefic effects of Kala-sarpa-dosha; I saw such persons in my life. (1) A
clerk in a college in Visakhapatnam; he was my neighbour; I saw his life
during 19782002 period and how Kala-sarpa-dosha impeded his progress in
all aspects of his life. (2) A distant relative ; I watched his life during the
period 19672003 and how the kala-sarpa-dosha spoiled his life; his school
carrer ended with 5th class (he was 15 years of age when he completed his
5th class); he spent the life of a vagabond and parasite; he always depended
on his brothers and uncles and cousins for his livelihood. His wife left him 3
months after marriage; he had no family life; no progeny.

Example: This is the horoscope chart prepared based on Indu-lagna (Moons

rasi) position. It belongs to famous film-star and founder-President of Prajarajyam
political party.
(6) Aries




Sri.ChiranjeeviCineActorRASI Chart22- Sun

(4) 8-1955Narasapuram




This horoscope may be another example where the Kala-sarpa dosham may not
impede his rise to fame, prosperity and power in future. He could not get the success
he expected during the elections of 2009. He is not at all happy with his family
conditions during the year 2008--09. Previously, his elder daughter loved a person
ardently. He promised to perform their marriage.He managed cunningly to get her
married to a person of his choice, disregarding her love affair. She was very unhappy
and wept for several months; but she could not do anything because her marriage
was already performed legally and relgiously. His second daughter believed her elder
sister was cheated by their father. So during June 2008, she eloped with her lover
and got married secretly and ran away to New Delhi; stayed there for a few days
under police protection and legal cover. It was a blow to Sri Chirnajeevi between his
eyes.He was overwhelmed with dismay and but did not hasten to act. His reputation
was damaged; he was hurt.After a few weeks, she returned to Hyderabad and settled
with her husband and his family under police protection and legal cover. Her father
or other family members did not visit her. He did not reconcile and visit her even
after she was blessed with a child during Dec--2008. So thus Kaala sarpa yoga
effected his political career and family life and he had no personal happiness within
the family. (All this information I got only from Newspapers while I was in U.S.A.; I
do not know how far it was correct). I (astrologer-author) dont know what actually
If in the natal chart of a person :
1. If Rahu or Ketu is in 8th house from Ravi (Sun), it is termed as Sarpa Dosha.
2. If Rahu or Ketu is in 8th house from Chandra (m00n), it is termed as Sarpa Dosha
3. If Rahu is in the 6th, 7th or 8th house from birth hose, birth-birth-lagna (ascendant)

(ascendant)m (ASD), in the natal chart of a person, it is Sarpa Dosha.

4. If either Rahu or Ketu is placed in Trikona,(1,5 or 9thhouses) from birth-lagna (ascendant)
of a person, it is Sarpa dosha.


1.If all the planets are (Ravi,Chandra,Kuja,Budha,Guru,Sukra and Sani) are placed between
Rahu and Ketu, from birth-lagna (ascendant) it is known as Ananta Kala Sarpa Dosham.
EFFECTS: Troubles in family life, and chronic health problems.
2. If all the planets are placed from the 2nd house to 8thhouse from birth-lagna (ascendant), it
is known as GULIKA KALASARPA DOSHAM EFFECTS: Financial and domestic troubles.
3. If all the planets occupy from third house to ninth house, from birth-birth-lagna
(ascendant) (ascendant)m, it is known as VASUKI KALA SARPA DOSHAM.EFFECTS:
Problems with brothers and sisters
4.If all the planets stay from fourth house to tenth house, from birth-lagna (ascendant), it is
known as SANKAPALA KALA SARPA DOSHAM. EFFECTS; Problems with mother, vehicles
and at residence and properties.
5. If all the planets occupy from fifth house to eleventh house, from birth-lagna (ascendant),
it is known as PADMAKALA SARPA YOGAM. EFFECTS: Problems with spouse/husband
and with children.
6.If all the planets stay in sixth house to twelfth house from birth-lagna (ascendant), it is
known as MAHA PADMA KALA SARPA DOSHAM. EFFECTS: Health problems, debts,
problems due to enemies.
7. If all the planets stay in seventh house to birth-lagna (ascendant), it is known as
TAKSHAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM. EFFECTS: Loss in business and problems / ruining of
matrimonial life.
8. If all the planets stay in eight house to second house from birth-lagna (ascendant), it is
known as KARKOTAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM. EFFECTS: Problems with wife and injuries
or loss of limbs in accidents.
9. If all the planets stay in ninth house to third house, from birth-lagna (ascendant), it is
known as SANKACHOODA KALA SARPA YOGAM. EFFECTS: Problems with father, heavy
bad luck etc.,
10. From tenth house to fourth house, it is known as GHATAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM.
EFFECTS: Problem in business and job fonts.
11. From eleventh house to fifth house, it is known as VISHADHARA KALA SARPA
YOGAM. EFFECTS:: Problems in financial business terms.

12. From twelfth house to sixth house, it is known as SESHANAGA KALA SARPA
YOGAM. EFFECTS: Mounting expenditure, debts and severe problems with enemies.

Assessing the effects of Kala Sarpa Yoga :

This yoga is not always malefic; the astrologer must carefully analyse the natal chart
of the person and find out the degree of malefic effect, the yoga can cause; this
requires great depth of knowledge and decades of experience for the astrologer. Just
finding one of the 12 combinations described above does not mean that the native
will undergo the experience of malefic results described above. The entire chart
needs to be analyzed carefully in order to come to a conclusion. In my experience of
over 4 decades, the following factors are to be considered.
1. The overall strength of the natal chart is to be assessed by looking at birth-lagna
(ascendant) and the lord of birth-lagna, Moon and Sun. If the chart is strong as a
whole, this will not allow the kaal sarpa yoga to do any major harm to the
native. A weak chart can cause the person heavy harm and loss..
2. Based on the Rahu/Ketu position, determine to which side of the axis all planets
lie. All the houses of the side which is totally empty will show the effects of this
yoga. The houses in which Rahu/Ketu stay will particularly determine the area of
life which will be effected badly.
3. However if the lords of the houses arranged on the empty side of the Rahu/Ketu
are very well disposed (exalted, in friends house, in own house, seeing (aspecting)
their own house), then these houses will not cause that much damage and the malefic
effect will be reduced due to the factors attributed to these houses.
4. Vasuki, Padam, Mahapadam, Shankachood and Vishdhar Kaalsarpa generally do
not give malefic effects if the overall chart is in a really weak and is in bad
shape. This is due to their association with 3rd, 6th and 11th house in which
Rahu/Ketu are deemed to be beneficial.
5. If in Nava-amsa chart Rahu/Ketu fall in 3rd, 6th or 11th house, then the malefic
effects are much reduced.
6. Find out the houses (constellations) of Rahu/Ketu as well. If they stay in benefic
houses (if the lords are natural benefic planets) then they become more malefic.
7. Its malefic effect will be more prominent during dasha and antardasha periods of
Rahu and Ketu. This is very important point to be noted. If this yoga is very
strong and malefic in a persons chart, but the dasha does not occur till very late
in his life, then it really does not harm the native that severely..

8. It causes serious damage and hardships when related with Sun and Saturn or the
related with the lords of the houses occupied by Sun or Saturn.
Cancellation of Kaala-sarpa Dosha
Some astrologers believe if a plant joins either Rahu or Ketu in any house then this
yoga gets cancelled. This is true irrespective of the degrees of the joining planet in the
house of Rahu or Ketu. Example: lets assume all the planets are between Rahu and
Ketu, but Rahu is conjunct with Venus. Let us further assume that the Rahu is at 12
degress and Venus is at 23, degrees. Now from astronomy perspective, Venus still lies
between Rahu and Ketu, but from Vedic astrology perspective the yoga gets
cancelled. Some astrologer believe that the presence of a benefic planet like Jupiter,
Venus, Full Moon or Mercury in birth-lagna (ascendant) or a quadrant (Kendra) and
also the house is exalted, own or moola-trikona to tht palent in Bhava Chart can
mitigate the malefic effect of Sarpa dosha.

Example :





Mercury Sun

In this chart, Venus and Mercury are in birth-lagna (ascendant) (both Kendra &
kona); also Moon is at 98* and Ketu is at 112* in cancer; Moon is outside Rahu-Ketu
axis which passes through 112* to 192*. So this horoscope has no Kala-sarpa dosha at
all. But 95% self-styled astrolgers with no depth of knowledge insist this chart shows
Kala-sarpa dosha.


1. Japam has to be performed separately for Kuja, Rahu and Ketu regularly, all the
2. If you are in Tamilnadu, visit Rahu Temple situated in Tamilnadu Tirunageswram
and perform milk abishekam in Rahukalam; after performing this, visit

Vaideeswaran koyal (Kuja Temple) and then Ketu temple in Peroambare and
perform pooja. If you are in Andhra, perform these santhi abhishekams at Kalahsathi
Siva temple.
3. If you are in Andhra Pradesh, it is advisable to visit Srikalahasti temple and
perform pooja for Kala-sarpa Dosha Nivarana and perform Pooja to Goddess Gyana
Prasunamba with kumkum.
4. Those who are not financially sound may perform pooja to Lord Subramaneswara
at nearest Swami temple for at least 7 Tuesdays, once every year.
5. A ring is made of silver in the form of Sarpa and wear the ring to the pointing
6 You may contact the purohits (priests) in any one of the 12 jyothir-linga temples or
the pancha-bhoota linga temples for performing remedies (santhis) inside the
temple-precincts. If the person is not financially rich to go to any of these temples,
he/ she can do the santhis with devotion and faith in the precincts of local / nearest
temple of Lord Siva / Subrahmanya Swami.
7. Wear Gomedika or Vaiduryam (cats eye) in a ring made of silver and wear the ring
to middle finger.
8. Naga padaga (hood of serpent) is made of silver and donate (daanama) it to a
Brahmin in Lord Sivas temple after performing Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam to reduce
negative effects due to Kalasarpa dosham.
The great astrologer Sri B.V. Raman said about Kala-sarpa yoga: "Kala-sarpa Yoga
has its bright shades. It [is said to] makes one industrious, hardworking, aware of
one's own ability- despite mental restlessness. It raises the natives to top positions in
their respective fields provided of course other Raja Yogas are present. Rahu-Ketu
axis favors rise in mundane life while Ketu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in spiritual
matters. It is also found that Kala-sarpa Yoga natives get betrayed by trusted friends
and even relatives. Suffering due to developments in life strengthens the mind and
mellows one's outlook. This is a blessing of Kala-sarpa Yoga." I agree with his
opinion that a person seasoned with challenges in life can acquire the grit and effort
and strive to overcome the obstacles and attain success and high achievements, as in
the case of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Ordinary persons are generally crushed down
by the malefic effects of Kala-sarpa-dosha; I saw many such ordinary persons in my


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