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Anthony Rossetti


ECU 301- Assignment 2

Unit Overview


Geography/Integrated Unit of
Year 2
My Neighbourhood/Community
5 weeks
This unit of work involves the investigation of the local community by year two students. The purpose of this unit is to help students recognise
and identify the history of their neighbourhood/community and what the community consists of at present. Students are required to design their
own community, ensuring it contains all of the components they consider to be important and necessary for a community to function. Students
will be encouraged to include all aspects important to their culture, beliefs, everyday routines and lifestyle.
In this unit students will:
Identify what defines a community
Observe and analyse their local community
Investigate the purpose of the local community and gain an understanding of who uses it and why
Observe the history of their local community and how it may have been used by Indigenous Australians
Explore the features of the community including manmade and natural features e.g. parks, houses, retail centres etc.
Plan and design their own neighbourhood/community
Use ICT to construct a 3D map of their own community using the computer program My Neighbourhood
Year level description
People are connected to many places further develops students understanding of place, as they learn that places may be defined differently by
diverse groups of people. Students are introduced to the concept of scale as they learn about the hierarchy of scale by which places are defined
- from smaller rural villages to larger cities. Students understanding of the concept of interconnection is developed by investigating their links
with places locally and globally and the connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples maintain with Country/Place. The concept of
space is developed through an investigation of the influence of distance and accessibility on the frequency of visits to places (ACARA, 2015).
Geographical Knowledge and Understanding
The ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples maintain special connections to particular Country/Place (ACHGK011)
Lesson 1,2
The influence of purpose, distance and accessibility on the frequency with which people visit places (ACHGK013)
Lesson 1-5
Geographical Inquiry and Skills
Observing, questioning and planning

Anthony Rossetti
Pose geographical questions about familiar and unfamiliar places (ACHGS013)
Lesson 1,2
Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing
Collect and record geographical data and information, for example, by observing, by interviewing, or from sources such as, photographs, plans,
satellite images, story books and films (ACHGS014)
Lesson 2
Represent data and the location of places and their features by constructing tables, plans and labelled maps (ACHGS015)
Lesson 3
Historical Knowledge and Understanding
The past and the present
The history of a significant person, building, site or part of the natural environment in the local community and what it reveals about the past
Lesson 1,2
The importance today of an historical site of cultural or spiritual significance; for example, a community building, a landmark, a war
memorial (ACHHK045)
Lesson 1, 2
Historical Skills
Historical questions and research
Pose questions about the past using sources provided (ACHHS049)
Lesson 1,2
Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding
Identify how people design and produce familiar products, services and environments and consider sustainability to meet personal and local
community needs (ACTDEK001)
Lesson 1,2
Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills
Visualise, generate, develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing and modelling (ACTDEP006)
Lesson 3

Anthony Rossetti
Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of design ideas, processes and solutions including their care for environment(ACTDEP008)
Lesson 3,4,5
Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding
Identify, use and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)
Lesson 4,5
Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills
Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003)
Lesson 1,4,5
Measurement and Geometry
Location and transformation
Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features(ACMMG044)
Lesson 2-5
Science Inquiry Skills
Questioning and predicting
Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events(ACSIS037)
Lesson 1-5
At the

completion of this unit students should:

Have a better understanding of what their local neighbourhood/community involves
Be able to identify local features of their neighbourhood/community including manmade and natural features and describe their purpose
Identify land use and significant landmarks of the local Indigenous Australians
Identify important/ significant historical landmarks around their community
Understand the concept of maps and how to read them effectively
Use creativity and imagination to design and construct plans and models of their own created neighbourhood/community
Use computers to design 3D images and maps of their created community using the My Neighbourhood computer program

Anthony Rossetti
Lesson 1
Introduction to topic. Discuss the upcoming unit of work. Identify Indigenous perspectives. Present short videos to students to help identify preexisting knowledge of topic
(Video 1 & 2)
Assessment task
Formative: students assessed on participation in class and contribution made to discussions
Lesson 2
Excursion around their local community. Identifying landmarks, buildings, historical significance
Assessment task
Formative: students assessed on participation in excursion, how many notes they have taken and general interest
Lesson 3
First design stage. Students will design a 2D model of a fictional community
Assessment task
Formative: students assessed on their 2D designs (drafts)
Lesson 4
Students will be completing their 2D designs and begin preparations for final 3D construct. Identifying computer software to use and how to use
it effectively
Assessment task
Summative: students will be assessed on their final 3D designs
Students will finalise their projects and submit their work
Assessment task
Summative: Students will be assessed on their final 3D designs
To teach this unit of work effectively, a variety of teaching pedagogies must be adapted and the following principles will be applied:
The unit of work will contain a variety of curriculum components and the use of varied learning modes and technology
Links will be established between cultural and social contexts so learning is supported
Students will be provided with a variety of opportunities to learn and broaden their skills. The contexts in which these opportunities occur
will be varied
The learning environments will be diverse, but will always be supported and encouraging

Anthony Rossetti

Assessment components, both formative and summative, will assist and encourage learning whilst providing an effective measure of
student achievement
(Reynolds, 2012)
Videos will be presented in the first lesson and a smart board/television will be needed
Teacher to take camera and photograph significant landmarks identified by students whilst on excursion
Map of the local neighbourhood for excursion
Basic design equipment needed for 2D model E.g. Paper, pencils, textas etc
Access to computers and internet for final 3D task and research E.g. Google maps

Students will identify the Indigenous people of the Adelaide plains around South Australia-Kaurna people. Discussions in the first two lessons
will involve identifying how these people used the lands and the sites which they consider sacred around the local area. Question posed maybe:
Are there landmarks still there today? How were they considered sacred/significant and for what reasons?
Whilst on the excursion students will be reminded of the appropriate behaviour to display whilst representing the school. Students will team up
with a buddy and remain with them for duration. Permission slips will be necessary for the students to participate in the excursion. Appropriate
supervision from adults will also be required. Parent volunteers will be welcomed.

ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2015). Retrieved from
Video 1

Anthony Rossetti
Beyond Notebooks (2013, October). Places in the Community [Online video]. Retrieved from
Video 2
ceippintorpedrocano el palmar (2014, March). Whats in my neighbourhood places and actions Macmillan [Online video]. Retrieved from
Google. (2014). Google Maps. Retrieved from,138.5953116,13z
Landcom. (2014). My Neighbourhood. Retrieved from
Reynolds, R. (2012). Teaching History, Geography and SOSE in the Primary School. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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