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Observation/ Participation Portfolio

Navia Walden
Mrs. Boone
EDU 201-01

Table of Contents

Observation Summary
Documents of Observation
Philosophy of Education
Examples of Work


Observation Summary
Renaissance Academy is an alternative school for students grades 6-12. It is located in the
Virginia Beach school district. During the spring semester at Norfolk State University, I had
the pleasure of observing Mr. Carrolls 6th grade Algebra I class.
My first day as I pulled up to the newly remodeled school, I noticed a two story
contemporary learning space for middle and high school students. Based off my research,
Renaissance Academy created a new way of looking at alternative schools. It includes an
open auditorium, weight room, greenhouse and other amenities for the students to have to
enrich their student life and learning. Also, Renaissance Academy makes the school effective
by providing a safe and orderly climate. After you sign in, you have to walk through a metal
detector. This technique is needed to remind the students of monitored behavior in the school.
Mr. Carrolls class is not your ordinary class. He is able to relate to his students using
hidden curriculum. I have observed them talk about more than mathematics. Sometimes their
conversations would gear off to real life situations and currents events that are happening in
the world. The classroom was a small size of no more than ten students. It wasnt a lot of
creativity in the class; I noticed a word wall, number line, and a few graphs. The students
wore uniforms and they have security on each floor. During my observation experience, I
took notes on the days that impacted me the most:
On March 7, 2013 I walked into the classroom. As Mr. Carroll welcomed me, one student
said welcome to the nut house! At that moment I grabbed a seat beside her and engaged in
a small conversation. I looked around the class and I saw some students off tasks while others
were trying to learn. I then, peeped over the students shoulder to see what they were working

with and asked if she understood it and needed any help. At the end of class, Mr. Carroll
would revisit the days lesson and announce any homework that was assigned.
On April 24, 2013 Mr. Carroll introduced the students to transformations of quadratic
functions. This class only consisted of five students today. One student was sleeping the
whole class. Mr. Carroll went over the guided practice in the book and the determined how
the lines would graph as a class. One student did not understand the content; however, Mr.
Carroll turned on the projector to visually show the student how to solve the problem. This
was an example of instructional technology.
Lastly, on April 29, 2013 the students did an assignment on intercept forms and finding
the slope of a line in first block. I aided some students on the assignment. I remember one
student telling me as I helped him that he just got back in school so he doesnt remember a
lot of the information. However, I gave him positive feedback because anyone can forget a
formula or anything, we are all human, but he coming back to school to receive his high
school diploma shows much more. The students seemed to be appreciative and eager to learn
as they seen me helping them.
To conclude, doing observations at Renaissance Academy showed me a different aspect
of teaching. I saw that the students had a relationship with their teacher. They were able to
joke with him but at the same time he was able to be a role model teaching them different
keys in life through his lesson. Furthermore, when I become a teacher I would like to build a
bond with my students and teach them based on interest, needs, and how they learn. This
relates to progressivism philosophy. I believe students learn best through social interaction
and apply experiences to new ways. Despite any issues the students have, I loved the fact
they fed off of my energy and was willing and ready to learn! That is what I liked the most

because it made me feel successful. I was doing something I love and the students came back
for more support and discussion.

Philosophy of Education
I believe the goal of education is to help students learn all the knowledge that is needed
for them to succeed in the many changes of life. I relate more to the progressivism theory. This
educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active experimentation. I
believe children learn better by doing than seeing. Using normal methods such as the textbook
and workbooks are acceptable to start off teaching a subject; nonetheless, more hands-on
methods should take place. Getting children involved in what you teach them keep them more
interested. Thus, effective teachers provide experiences so that students can learn by doing.
The role of the teacher is to keep the children interested and to make sure that the main
idea is understood. I plan to create a safe, secure and caring environment where students know
that their ideas, opinions, and suggestions will be respected by me and the class. I will create an
environment where students are constantly challenged and asked to see the bigger picture.
Teachers are the main persons who students learn the information from. Therefore, teachers
have a weight on their shoulders as to how they should go about giving out the information. I
dont believe it is effective for teachers to stand up the whole class period and give out notes and
lecture. More creative ways such as projects, games, and extra activities should be drawn up by
teachers so children wont become bored. What the teacher is, is more important than what she
teaches. As an upcoming educator, I will encourage my students to achieve at their highest
potential, giving them nothing but motivation. I want to be the change in them. After a student
has been in my class, I want them to remember me and the lessons I taught them to carry on in
life. Additionally, I want to be that role model they never had. We as teachers help nurture these
students who become doctors, lawyers, teachers, dentist, etc. So believe in them, they are our

Furthermore, the students role is to focus on learning and taking what they learn and do
something positive with it. Engaged learning should be fostered from the early years of a
student's academic career and should continue as he moves forward into the later years. Going to
school is like a chore to most children. However, I want my students to do more than just get by.
Students should be able to do more than memorize the information they are taught for the time
they need it. They should be able to remember it so that later on in life they know more than the
average person on any subject. Also, students should be excited to learn and want to know more
than the minimum.
I believe the role of the parents and community should be to make sure that the students
know the material they are being taught. As parents, they should encourage more learning at
home. Also, the community should do more productive and creative activities keeping the
children occupied so they will not get in trouble. Parents need to become more involved in what
their children are learning so that they can help them get ahead in life.
To conclude, knowledge is the key to succeeding in life. In choosing to become a future
educator, I have made the commitment to myself and my future students to be the best academic
and positive role model I can be. It is my goal to have a mutually enriching teaching career by
keeping an open mind and continually communicating with my parents, students, and
administrators. I am prepared to rise to the challenges of teaching, and I hope to provide an
honest, creative, and well-rounded education to every student I encounter leaving them with
something to remember and take on in life as they achieve their goals.

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