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October 2015
Dear Parent/Caregiver,
The measures to ensure the cyber-safety of every school are based on our core values. To assist us to enhance
learning through the safe use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), we are now asking you to
read this document and sign the attached Use Agreement Form.
Rigorous cyber-safety practices are in place, which include cyber-safety Use Agreements for staff and learners,
who have been involved in the development of the agreement. Child protection education, such as the Keeping
Safe child protection curriculum, includes information about remaining safe when using new technologies and is
provided to all learners.
The computer network, Internet access facilities, computers and other ICT equipment/devices bring great benefits
to the teaching and learning programs at P.E.P.S and to the effective operation of P.E.P.S. The ICT equipment is
for educational purposes appropriate to this environment, whether it is owned or leased either partially or wholly
by P.E.P.S. and used on or off the site.
The overall goal of P.E.P.S. is to create and maintain a cyber-safety culture that is in keeping with our values and
legislative and professional obligations. The Use Agreement includes information about your obligations,
responsibilities, and the nature of possible consequences associated with cyber-safety breaches that undermine
the safety of P.E.P.S.environment.
All learners will be issued with a Use Agreement and once signed consent has been returned to school learners
will be able to use the school ICT equipment.
Material sent and received using the network may be monitored, and filtering and/or monitoring software may be
used to restrict access to certain sites and data, including e-mail.
While every reasonable effort is made by schools, preschools and DECS administrators to prevent childrens
exposure to inappropriate content when using the departments online services, it is not possible to completely
eliminate the risk of such exposure. In particular, DECS cannot filter Internet content accessed by your child from
home, from other locations away from school or on mobile devices owned by your child. DECS recommends the
use of appropriate Internet filtering software.
More information about Internet filtering can be found on the websites of the Australian Communications and
Authority at, NetAlert at, the Kids Helpline at and Bullying No Way at
Please contact the principal, if you have any concerns about your childs safety in using the Internet and ICT
Sample Cyber-safety Use Agreement for Preschool to Year 4 Children

Important terms:
Cyber-safety refers to the safe use of the Internet and ICT equipment/devices, including mobile phones.
Cyber bullying is bullying which uses e-technology as a means of victimising others. It is the use of an Internet
service or mobile technologies - such as e-mail, chat room discussion groups, instant messaging, webpages or
SMS (text messaging) - with the intention of harming another person.
School and preschool ICT refers to the schools or preschools computer network, Internet access facilities,

computers, and other ICT equipment/devices as outlined below.

ICT equipment/devices includes computers (such as desktops, laptops, PDAs), storage devices (such as USB
and flash memory devices, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, iPods, MP3 players), cameras (such as video and digital
cameras and webcams), all types of mobile phones, gaming consoles, video and audio players/receivers (such as
portable CD and DVD players), and any other, similar, technologies.
Inappropriate material means material that deals with matters such as sex, cruelty or violence in a manner that
is likely to be injurious to children or incompatible with a school or preschool environment.
E-crime occurs when computers or other electronic communication equipment/devices (eg Internet, mobile
phones) are used to commit an offence, are targeted in an offence, or act as storage devices in an offence.

Strategies to help keep P.E.P.S. Cyber-safe

Parents/caregivers play a critical role in developing knowledge, understanding and ethics around their childs
safety and safe practices regardless of the time of day. Being cyber-safe is no exception and we invite you to
discuss with your child the following strategies to help us stay safe when using ICT at school [or preschool] and
after formal school [or preschool] hours.
1. I will use school ICT equipment only when my parents/caregivers have signed my Use Agreement form and the
completed form has been returned to school [or preschool].
2. I will use the computers and other ICT equipment only for my learning and only with my teachers permission.
3. I will go online or use the Internet at school only when a teacher gives permission and an adult is present.
4. If there is something Im not sure about, I will ask my teacher.
5. I will use the Internet, e-mail, mobile phones and any other ICT equipment only for positive purposes.
Therefore, I will not be mean, rude or unkind to or about other people.
6. I will keep my password private.
7. If I find anything that upsets me, is mean or rude, or that I know is not acceptable at our school [or preschool], I
not show others
turn off the screen
get a teacher straight away.
8. Only with written permission from home and the school will I bring any ICT equipment/devices to school. This
includes things like mobile phones, iPods, games, cameras, and USB/portable drives.
9. I will ask my teachers permission before I put any personal information online. Personal identifying information
includes any of the following:
my full name
my address
my e-mail address
my phone numbers
photos of me and/or people close to me.
10. I will be careful and will look after all our school lCT equipment by:
not being silly and playing around with it
following our school cyber-safety strategies
telling a teacher about anything wrong or damaged.

Cyber-safety Use Agreement Form

To the parent/caregiver/legal guardian:

Please read this page carefully to check that you understand your responsibilities under this agreement.
Return the signed Use Agreement to the school .
I understand that Port Elliot Primary School will:
do its best to enhance learning through the safe use of ICTs. This includes working to restrict access to
inappropriate, illegal or harmful material on the Internet or on ICT equipment/devices at school or at school
related activities
work with children and their families to encourage and develop an understanding of the importance of
through education designed to complement and support the Use Agreement initiative. This includes
providing children with strategies to keep themselves safe in a connected online world
respond to any breaches in an appropriate manner
welcome enquiries at any time from parents/caregivers/legal guardians or children about cyber-safety issues.
My responsibilities include:
discussing the information about cyber-safety with my child and explaining why it is important
supporting the schools cyber-safety program by emphasising to my child the need to follow the cyber-safety
contacting the principal or nominee to discuss any questions I may have about cyber-safety and/or this Use
I have read and understood this Cyber-safety Use Agreement and I am aware of the schools initiatives to
maintain a cybersafe learning environment.
Name of child.................................................................................................Student
Name of parent/caregiver/legal
Signature of parent/caregiver/legal
Please note: This agreement will remain in force as long as your child is enrolled at this school.
If it becomes necessary to add/amend any information or rule, you will be advised in writing.

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