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Name: Rawand alshanfari Bader

Teacher name:Sonia

As we are moving in the digital world of the
technology, everything is growing in the fast
means. As of the reading of the given article
it can be seen that in the present time usage
of the printed media is going much lower as
we are moving in the technological age.

The main reason of the drop of the printed media is
because of the electronic, if we look in the past

years we can see that there were more newspapers

publications in all over the world, which were
giving the new to the readers in the printed shape.

Redirecting the News Media

The readers of the printed newspapers are
going to be less every coming days, as there
is much more innovations in the technology,
most of the popular newspapers are focused
on the online newspaper reading services to
give the audiences a good attention .

Innovation is the Key

If we take innovation in the means of news
media, taking the new approaches for the
forms and practices while keep the
maintenance of ethical standards and
quality commitments is can be known as the
innovation of news media.

Four Principles for Successful

Innovation in News Media

intelligence is allowing the reporter to make the

reports on the base of real evidences for the news story. They are
preparing the news story with the digital designs and methods.
Freedom of

the speech is much more important for the any of

the news publication organization. In these means they can

publish any types of the news against anyone person or the
organization with taking any pressure on them.

Four Principles for Successful

Innovation in News Media

based reporting with accuracy is the third principles

which can play a good role in the innovation of the news

media, as the reporters are reporting about any news story
without adding anything by themselves or from the hearing of
the peoples without having an evidence.
A fourth

principle is ethics. Ethical decision-making

insures the long-term viability of digital strategy, as well as

promotes the social responsibility of that strategy.


the conclusion it is been found that as

there is world is going in the modern age,
many of the traditional thing are going to
be disappeared. As of the articles about
the journalism as of traditional methods vs
digital journalism, it can be seen that
usage ratio of the printed media is going
much down as there are new innovation in
the technology.


Journalism Publication details,

including instructions for authors and
subscription information:
JOURNALISM John V. Pavlik a a
Associate Dean for Research,
Northwestern University in Qatar ,
Published online: 15 Jan 2013

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